DEMG :: Volume #1

#22: Urged school beauty skillfully

Apology ruthlessly?” “狠狠的道歉?” Tang Meng stared the eye of doubts to stare at tranquil Ling Yun to look for ten seconds, he has not pondered over to understand, apology ruthlessly was an apology? 唐猛瞪着疑惑的眼睛盯着平静的凌云足足看了十秒钟,他也没琢磨明白,狠狠的道歉是怎么个道歉呢? Had heard teaches the person ruthlessly, has heard the sincere apology, but what is called apology ruthlessly? 听说过狠狠的教训人,也听说过诚恳的道歉,可什么叫做狠狠的道歉? However Tang Meng saw that Ling Yun has taken up the chopsticks, could not attend to has thought that 67 main dishes had been eaten by Ling Yun a moment ago most probably, he has not used the chopsticks. 不过唐猛看到凌云又拿起了筷子,就顾不得多想了,67个大菜刚才被凌云吃掉了大半,他还没怎么动筷子呢。 After ten minutes. 十分钟后。 Ning Lingyu puts down the chopsticks gently, on paper napkin careful cleaning with table clean small mouth, then has drunk one water, this to/clashes Ling Yun sweet to smile. 宁灵雨轻轻搁下筷子,用桌上的餐巾纸细心擦拭干净了小嘴儿,然后喝了一杯水,这才冲凌云甜甜一笑. Big Brother, I ate to the full.” 哥哥,我吃饱了。” Ling Yun has also put down the chopsticks immediately, he not only ate to the full, ate to support. 凌云也立即放下了筷子,他不但吃饱了,都吃撑了。 Ate to the full? Good, we walk.” Ling Yun has scratched the mouth with the paper napkin carelessly, stands up directly. “吃饱了?那好,那我们走。”凌云拿餐巾纸胡乱擦了擦嘴巴,直接站起身。 Since the younger sister knows that Li Lei this person, he does not need to circle the tongue with Tang Meng again, directly asked that Ning Lingyu was OK. 既然妹妹知道李磊这个人,他就没必要再跟唐猛绕舌头,直接问宁灵雨就可以了。 Tang Meng that had not finished eating sees two people to walk, hurries to raise the head: Ling Yun, why do you go in the afternoon? I ask you to have the matter.” 还没有吃完的唐猛两人要走,赶忙抬头:“凌云,你下午干嘛去?我找你有事。” Ling Yun with looking at the fool same looks at Tang Meng: I go certainly to the classroom to attend class in the afternoon, but why can also go?” 凌云跟看傻瓜一样看着唐猛:“我下午当然去教室上课,还能干嘛去?” On...... Attends class?” Tang Meng also was really by the attitude of Ling Yun this powerful and unconstrained style making silly, the heart said that you also know which the classroom gate toward did open? “上……上课?”唐猛还真是被凌云这天马行空的作风给弄傻了,心说你还知道教室门朝哪开么? What do you attend class to understand teacher now to speak? 你现在去上课能听懂老师讲什么吗? Big Brother, do you attend class in the afternoon really?” Ning Lingyu listened is actually the great happiness, no matter what, Big Brother finally started to go to the classroom to attend class, this for her naturally was the big celebration. 哥哥,你下午真的去上课呀?”宁灵雨听了却是大喜,不管怎么说,哥哥终于开始去教室上课了,这对她来说自然是大喜事。 Ling Yun lifted the hand to blow the Ning Lingyu lovable Yao nose gently, teased: Big Brother naturally must attend class, strives for falling the schoolwork makes up.” 凌云抬手轻轻地刮了一下宁灵雨可爱的瑶鼻,调侃道:“哥哥当然要去上课,争取把落下的功课补上。” Then turns head to say to Tang Meng: You must have the words of matter, in the afternoon after being on vacation from school, goes to the classroom to look for me, I walked first.” 然后扭头冲唐猛道:“你要真有事的话,下午放学以后去教室找我,我先走了。” Coming out that Ling Yun looks, presents concerned about younger sister, some Tang Meng words had not said. 凌云看的出来,碍于妹妹在场,唐猛有些话并没有说。 Then, does not wait for Tang Meng to speak again, is embracing younger sister's shoulder gently, does not return walks toward out of the door. 说完,也不等唐猛再说话,轻轻揽着妹妹的肩膀,头也不回的往门外走去。 Cafeteria second floor does not give up the students who departs throughout, saw that the Ling Yun air/Qi walks Cao Shanshan, now embraces Ning Lingyu to leave, the envying envy of that in the heart hates, showed on the face. 食堂二楼始终不舍得离去的学生们,眼看着凌云气走曹珊珊,现在又揽着宁灵雨离开,那心中的羡慕嫉妒恨,都展现在脸上了。 Tang Meng looks that the brother and sister go out go downstairs, vanished until the two people form, he fiercely pats the forehead, stands to shout greatly: Dead fatty, you comes back to me, but also my 1000 dollars!” 唐猛看着兄妹二人出门下楼,直到两人身影消失了,他才猛地一拍脑门,站起来大喊道:“死胖子,你给我回来,还我那1000块钱!” Let alone what a pity, Ling Yun could not hear, even if hears, he will not come back, to his hand in money, the truth that has not taken again. 可惜,别说凌云听不到了,就算是听到,他也不会回来,到了他手里的钱,没有再拿出去的道理。 Whatever Ning Lingyu Big Brother is embracing her shoulder, felt that the nature and warmth, do not have slight dodging and taboo, she is enjoying Big Brother now to that steadfast security sense that she brings. 宁灵雨任由哥哥揽着她的肩膀,感觉自然而温馨,没有丝毫的闪躲和避讳,她现在正在享受哥哥给她带来的那种踏实的安全感。 Big Brother, Tang Meng admitted defeat in your hand a moment ago, do not visit him tall and sturdy, is actually a very astute person, a point owes does not eat.” 哥哥,唐猛刚才在你手上吃瘪了呢,你别看他长得人高马大,其实是个很精明的人,一点亏都不吃的。” He will not suffer a loss.” Ling Yun nodded, lightly saying. “他不会吃亏的。”凌云点了点头,淡淡道 „Do you also take that 1000 dollars? To be mad Cao Shanshan?” Although Ning Lingyu a moment ago has not spoken, but her ghost fine clever essence, looks is understanding. “那你还拿那1000块钱?是不是为了气曹珊珊?”宁灵雨刚才虽然没说话,可她鬼精鬼精的,看的明白着呢。 Ling Yun hehe smiled, lifts hand to rub the head of Ning Lingyu, said earnestly: Big Brother takes is I thinks that should take.” 凌云呵呵一笑,抬手揉了揉宁灵雨的脑袋,认真道:“哥哥拿的都是我认为应该拿的。” Ning Lingyu curled the lip, has selected the attractive woman's beautiful eyebrows, the whole face happy expression to Ling Yun made faces. 宁灵雨撇了撇嘴,挑了挑好看的远山眉,满脸笑意的冲凌云做了个鬼脸。 Arrives at the Ling Yun Dormitory Building entrance, Ning Lingyu stops the footsteps, both hands shoves open Ling Yun: Goes quickly, takes the dirty clothes that you must wash, I wait for you here.” 来到凌云宿舍楼门口,宁灵雨停下脚步,双手推开凌云:“快去,把你要洗的脏衣服都拿出来,我在这里等你。” The Ling Yun forced smile said: I looked that didn't have this to will? I have the hand.” 凌云苦笑道:“我看就没有这个必要了吧?我又不是没有手。” Ning Lingyu did not speak, but the expression on face showed all, you did not take, I did not walk. 宁灵雨不说话,可脸上的表情说明了一切,你不拿,我就不走。 Ling Yun does not have the means that has to go upstairs the clothes that today jogs to wear has twisted twisting carelessly, put in the basin to give her the end to downstairs. 凌云没办法,只好上楼把今天跑步穿的衣服胡乱拧了拧,放盆里端到楼下给了她。 Big Brother, you, if plans to study, I can give you to counsel!” 哥哥,你要是真打算学习的话,我可以给你辅导哦!” Ning Lingyu does not care about the Ling Yun background to be thin, does not care about Ling Yun to be admitted to a university through two months of study, in her opinion, so long as Big Brother wants to study, then she helps Big Brother, is the natural matter. 宁灵雨不在乎凌云底子有多么薄,也不在乎凌云通过两个月的学习能不能考上大学,在她看来,只要哥哥想学习,那么她帮助哥哥,就是理所当然的事情。 Ling Yun kind nod, said with a smile: So long as does not delay you to study then the line.” 凌云亲切的点了点头,笑道:“只要不耽误你学习就行。” Looks at the Ning Lingyu attractive slim and graceful back, the Ling Yun mysterious smile, he finally started to have a sense of belonging to this world. 看着宁灵雨灵秀袅娜的背影,凌云神秘微笑,他终于开始对这个世界有了一丝归属感。 Returns to return to dormitory. 返身回宿舍 .................. ……………… Third year class 6 classroom. 高三六班教室。 Starves to death......” Zhang Ling as if also to rock the spicy fish that at present that basin was braving the steam, almost flowed the saliva to cover the shrivelled belly to cry out there. “饿死了……”张灵眼前似乎还晃动着那一盆冒着热气的水煮鱼,几乎流着口水捂着瘪瘪的肚皮在那里叫唤。 Was good, left howlingly, was tired of!” Cao Shanshan by being burning with anger of Ling Yun air/Qi, was been just confused, really cannot bear Zhang Ling here devastation repeatedly. “行了,别嚎了,烦死了!”曹珊珊凌云气的怒火中烧,正心烦意乱,实在是受不了张灵在这里一遍遍的摧残。 „Really hungry...... Is that dead fatty, the miss who smelly Ling Yun, harms starves!” Zhang Ling is feel wronged, is the angry curse. “真的很饿嘛……都是那个死胖子,臭凌云,害的本姑娘挨饿!”张灵又是委屈,又是愤怒的诅咒。 „In I wrap have in A the cake, wants to eat then own takes!” Cao Shanshan white own best friend, knows to eat! “我包里有A里蛋糕,想吃就自己拿!”曹珊珊白了自己闺蜜一眼,就知道吃! Real?” Zhang Ling both eyes shines, one takes the Cao Shanshan package immediately, discovers a packing very fine small cake from inside. “真的呀?”张灵立即两眼放光,一把就拿过曹珊珊的包,从里面找出一个包装很精美的小蛋糕来。 Zhang Ling, I thought you, although on the mouth scolded Ling Yun, but you like hating the Ling Yun's appearance?” Cao Shanshan discontented looks not to have Zhang Ling of virtuous young woman table manners, asking of doubts. 张灵,我看你虽然嘴上骂凌云,可你一点都不像恨凌云的样子呀?”曹珊珊不满的看着毫无淑女吃相的张灵,疑惑的问道。 Hates Ling Yun? I violate I?” Zhang Ling made an effort to swallow a big cake, nearly choked straight rolled the eyes, hurries to take up the canteen to drink water, replied. “恨凌云?我犯的着吗我?”张灵使劲咽下了一大口蛋糕,差点儿噎的直翻白眼,赶忙拿起水壶喝了一口水,才回答道。 Hey! Am I your good friend am good? Ling Yun bullies me, are you unexpectedly aloof?” Putting out a hand of Cao Shanshan air/Qi must seize the cake in Zhang Ling hand. “喂!我是你的好朋友好不好?凌云那么欺负我,你竟然无动于衷?”曹珊珊气的伸手就要去夺张灵手中的蛋糕。 a gentleman uses his mouth and not his fist......” 君子动口不动手……” Zhang Ling hurries, careful looks at Cao Shanshan that distantly the right hand moves saying: Shanshan, I thought that you do not suit greatly......” 张灵赶紧把右手挪的远远的,小心的看着曹珊珊道:“珊珊,我觉得你不大对劲……” What?! Don't I suit greatly? Which my doesn't suit?” Cao Shanshan one dull, the doubts asked. “什么?!我不大对劲?我哪儿不对劲了?”曹珊珊一呆,疑惑问道。 About Zhang Ling looked at one, sees to keep several Classmates in class earnestly to study assiduously, therefore lowered the sound saying: Shanshan, said depending on the conscience, you did not think your today disposition was too big?” 张灵左右看了一眼,见留在班里的几个同学都在埋头苦读,于是压低了声音道:“珊珊,凭良心说,你不觉得你今天的气性太大了么?” Cao Shanshan is one dull! 曹珊珊又是一呆! Right, my today this was, so to be how easy then the ignition? 对呀,我今天这是怎么了,怎么这么容易就发火呢? Zhang Ling continues to break off the finger saying: We one after another said that others Ling Yun well, is you who eats there goes to Ling Yun that table on own initiative?” 张灵继续掰着手指头道:“咱们就一条一条的说吧,人家凌云在那里吃的好好的,是不是你主动去凌云那一桌的?” Cao Shanshan vacant nod. 曹珊珊茫然点头。 You, since spent that 1000 dollars to Tang Meng, although Ling Yun took away from the table, was actually the Tang Meng money of taking, were you angry?” “你既然拿出那1000块钱给唐猛了,凌云虽然从桌上拿走,其实是拿的唐猛的钱,你生什么气呢?” Yes, am I angry? 是啊,我生什么气啊? Third, others Ling Yun has not incurred you to annoy you from beginning to end, you actually accuse others, asked that what meaning others Ling Yun is, my young lady yeah, others from you had not said that in the past a few words are good? What air/Qi did you say your fresh?” “第三,人家凌云从头到尾就没招你惹你,你却指责人家,问人家凌云到底是什么意思,我的大小姐哎,人家从你过去就没说一句话好不好?你说你生的哪门子的气?” Cao Shanshan has recalled the then scene diligently, but also is really, Ling Yun has not looked at own one from beginning to end, has not spoken a few words, he except for putting out a hand to take away that 1000 dollars, eats meal there. 曹珊珊努力回想了一下当时的情景,还真是,凌云从头到尾就没看过自己一眼,也没说过一句话,他除了伸手拿走那1000块钱,都在那里吃饭。 But, but why does he take away that 1000 dollars? I to Tang Meng, did not give him......” Cao Shanshan more saying that the sound was lower, more said that more did not have the energy. “可是,可是他凭什么拿走那1000块钱?我是给唐猛的,又不是给他的……”曹珊珊越说声音越低,越说越没有底气。 Zhang Ling actually magnanimous nod, whole face sympathy looks at Cao Shanshan: I acknowledged, the Ling Yun's procedure is somewhat shameless, but, these 1000 dollars that for you take, you violate is mad that big?” 张灵倒是大度的点头,满脸同情的看着曹珊珊:“我承认,凌云的做法是有些无耻,不过,为了你拿出来的这1000块钱,你犯的着生那么大的气么?” Let alone others Ling Yun has also given the explanation, naturally, that explanation is also very shameless, may be the explanation was clear, Tang Meng did not have the words saying that what vigor you did call with him?” “何况人家凌云也做出了解释,当然,那个解释也很无耻,可总归是解释清楚了,就连唐猛都没话说,你跟他叫什么劲?” Cao Shanshan by being dumbfounded that Zhang Ling said. Yes, does own compete with Ling Yun? 曹珊珊张灵说的哑口无言。是啊,自己到底跟凌云较什么劲呢? But...... But......” “可是……可是……” Cao Shanshan wants to say very much, but I passed was so long, wasn't Ling Yun seeing why my one eyes? 曹珊珊很想说,可是我过去了那么久,凌云凭什么都不正眼看我一眼? The Zhang Ling grinning finishing eating last cake, looks at the expression change of Cao Shanshan, she probes was saying: Shanshan, you before never like this, was today? You are not...... Moved to that dead fatty?” 张灵笑嘻嘻的吃完最后一口蛋糕,看着曹珊珊的表情变化,她试探着说道:“珊珊,你以前从来不会这样的,今天到底是怎么了?你不会是……对那个死胖子动心了吧?” The Cao Shanshan complexion explodes red! She put out a hand to cover the mouth of Zhang Ling, simultaneously looked at all around in a fluster, saw nobody to hear, this relaxed. 曹珊珊脸色爆红!她伸出手就捂住了张灵的嘴,同时神色慌张的看了看四周,见没有人听到,这才松了一口气。 How that cake had not choked a moment ago you! Will I have a liking for him? You put 10,000 hearts, I have a liking for a pig, I will not have a liking for him!” “刚才那蛋糕怎么就没噎死你!我会看上他?你放10000个心,我就是看上一头猪,我也不会看上他!” good good good, cannot have a liking for cannot have a liking, everybody is chats, as for silencing a witness of crime!” Zhang Ling works loose the hand of Cao Shanshan furiously, breathes heavily to say. 好好好,看不上就看不上呗,大家就是聊聊天嘛,至于杀人灭口嘛!”张灵奋力挣脱曹珊珊的手,喘着粗气说道。 But......” Cao Shanshan remembers that Ling Yun said big, is quite high, good very not to hit one then the air/Qi, wished one could to tear into shreds him, but those words heard besides own probably, others have not heard. “可是……”曹珊珊想起凌云说的那句“好大,好高,好挺”就气不打一处来,恨不得撕碎了他,可那句话好像除了自己听到之外,别人都没听到。 But he said that he doesn't know you?” Zhang Ling is good best friend. “可是他说他不认识你是吧?”张灵是个好闺蜜 She explained tirelessly: This is actually very easy to understand, Ling Yun likes you, this is well-known? But you said that even if likes a pig not liking him, he had certainly self-knowledge, since definitely could not obtain your heart, does not dare to vindicate with you, therefore installed not to know you directly, was good to conceal the own pain, defended the own self-respect, this was the means that many boys can use, won't you know?” 她不厌其烦的解释道:“这其实很容易理解,凌云喜欢你,这是众所周知的吧?可是就连你都说,就算喜欢一头猪也不会喜欢他,他当然有自知之明,既然肯定得不到你的芳心,又不敢跟你表白,所以直接就装不认识你,好掩饰自己的痛苦,维护自己的自尊,这是很多男孩子都会用的办法,你不会不知道吧?” Cao Shanshan thorough was ignorant, right, such simple truth, this usually own said to the Zhang Ling hear, how she was used to educate me? 曹珊珊彻底懵了,对呀,这么简单的道理,这都是平时自己说给张灵听的呀,怎么她用来教育我了? However she indignantly said: But, including you also said that he is using the rumor, brings to my attention with the means of winning favor by ostentation......” 不过她还是愤愤不平道:“可是,连你也说他在用谣言,用哗众取宠的办法引起我的注意……” Zhang Ling tittered says with a smile: My young lady, that is I helps you speak, wins the face to be good to you? How otherwise do you back down?” 张灵噗嗤一笑道:“我的大小姐,那是我帮你说话,给你挣面子好不好?不然你怎么下台阶?” Cao Shanshan was all of a sudden discouraged. 曹珊珊一下子泄了气。 Long time she gently said: You meant, today I was am creating a scene, look for trouble?” 半晌她才轻轻道:“那你的意思是说,今天我就是在无理取闹,没事找事了呗?” Zhang Ling has not visited her, but looked up to the ceiling of classroom, in the mouth was still saying that anything „the today weather was good, very bright sun and a gentle breeze and so on words. 张灵没有看她,而是抬头望向了教室的天花板,口中还在说什么“今天天气不错,挺风和日丽的”之类的话。 Was my this? Does today bewilderedly send that big fire? Cao Shanshan hanging down powder neck, engages in introspection, somewhat is slightly annoying. 我这是怎么了?今天怎么莫名其妙发那么大的火?曹珊珊低垂粉颈,扪心自问,微微有些懊恼。 Shanshan, has a matter you not to know.” Zhang Ling lowered the head suddenly, is attached to near mouth the ear of Cao Shanshan, said in a low voice: today, not only you, are Tang Meng are also stepped on by Ling Yun, I told you......” 珊珊,有件事你不知道。”张灵忽然低下头来,把嘴巴附在曹珊珊的耳边,低声道:“今天不只是你,就是唐猛也一直被凌云踩着,我跟你说……” Before Zhang Ling starts Cao Shanshan has not gone to cafeteria, Ling Yun how acts bashful the Little Gambling God process 1510 to say. 张灵开始把曹珊珊没去食堂之前,凌云怎么拿捏小赌神的过程1510的说了出来。 What? Makes Tang Meng admit defeat unexpectedly again and again?” “什么?竟然让唐猛连连吃瘪?” Right, Ling Yun's is strange, not only today that crazy jogging, his look, his expression, his bearing, his conversation, compared with in the morning, simply was a space underground!” “对,凌云的怪异不只是今天上午那么疯狂的跑步,他的眼神,他的表情,他的气度,他的言谈,跟以前相比,简直就是一个天上一个地下!” You think, before Ning Lingyu to Ling Yun what manner? What manner today is Ning Lingyu to Ling Yun?” “你想想,以前宁灵雨凌云什么态度?今天宁灵雨又是对凌云什么态度?” Shanshan, Ling Yun that pig appearance, I suspected be honest with you he radically was not original that Ling Yun!” 珊珊,不瞒你说,要不是凌云还是那个猪头样子,我都怀疑他根本就不是原来那个凌云了!”
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