DEMG :: Volume #1

#23: Roll out!

Achoo--” was hitting sneeze/ burb to lie down in Ling Yun that on the bed picked the teeth has sneezed suddenly fiercely, his hand pulled out quickly, that toothpick must grip on the tongue. “阿嚏——”正打着饱嗝躺在床上剔牙的凌云突然猛地打了一个喷嚏,要不是他手抽得快,那牙签就得扎舌头上了。 Who this was in the back said that I......” Ling Yun was staring at the toothpick in hand, the whole face doubts...... “这是谁在背后说我呢……”凌云盯着手中的牙签,满脸疑惑…… The final conclusion that if Zhang Ling draws was heard by Ling Yun, that toothpick must grip on the tongue! 如果张灵得出的最后结论被凌云听到,那牙签非扎到舌头上不可! Meanwhile, Cao Shanshan lifted slender element to stroke the Zhang Ling forehead: I said that you did pass through the novel to look? Also has changed individual, coming out that thanks to you thinks!” 与此同时,曹珊珊抬起纤纤素手抚摸了一下张灵的额头:“我说你穿越小说看多了吧?还换了个人,亏你想的出来!” Regarding the Ling Yun's change, Zhang Ling, although does not make clear, but Cao Shanshan clear very! 对于凌云的变化,张灵虽然搞不清楚,可曹珊珊清楚的很! A person no matter trains or the chance coincidence desirably, so long as broke through the own body limit under the special condition, will become with before different. 一个人不管是刻意训练还是机缘巧合,只要在特定条件下突破了自己的身体极限,都会跟以前变得大不一样。 But most obvious manifestation, is the promotion of various body aspect physical abilities, as for other, that must look at the root bone and perception of everyone. 而最明显的体现,则是身体各方面体能的提升,至于其他的,那就要看每个人的根骨和悟性了。 Cao Shanshan Ling Yun's all changes thinks that is he breaks through the body limit to create, as everyone knows, Zhang Ling truly accidentally was saying the truth of matter! 曹珊珊凌云的所有变化都认为是他突破身体极限造成的,殊不知,张灵才真正在无意中说出了事情的真相! Shanshan, I told you again a matter.” 珊珊,我再告诉你一件事。” best friend of Cao Shanshan to own glowers: You had the words to say one time, left such startled for the first time good?” 曹珊珊自己闺蜜怒目而视:“你有话能不能一次性说完,别这么一惊一乍的好不好?” “Umm, if you do not want to listen, I can choose did not say that...... ” Zhang Ling does not matter, not caring at all of face. “额,如果你不想听,我可以选择不说……”张灵无所谓,一脸的满不在乎。 Good Zhang Ling, to say quickly!” Cao Shanshan looks at Zhang Ling that so long as you did not ask, kills appearance that I did not say, knows that stubborn she, has the soft and gentle words to beg. “好张灵,快说吧!”曹珊珊看着张灵那副只要你不问,打死我也不说的样子,知道拗不过她,只好软语央求。 My young lady, I can tell you responsiblily, today you spoke incorrectly a few words. You should not say that makes Ling Yun to come out.” “我的大小姐,我可以负责任的告诉你,今天你说错了一句话。你不该说约凌云出来。” Snort! He works as that many people to bully me, but can also not allow I teach him one?” Cao Shanshan panting in indignation saying. “哼!他当着那么多人欺负我,还不许我教训他一顿了?”曹珊珊气呼呼的说道。 I refer to is not this, I meant that your words spoke incorrectly.” Zhang Ling whole face sympathy is looking at Cao Shanshan. “我指的不是这个,我是说你话说错了。”张灵满脸同情的望着曹珊珊 Which sentence?” Cao Shanshan looks at Zhang Ling like teasing her appearance, the expression becomes somewhat disturbed, cannot bear ask. “哪句?”曹珊珊张灵不像逗她的样子,表情变得有些忐忑,忍不住问道。 „After you said that that surroundings Classmates laughs, the words that anything has planting, alone come out with me......” “你说完之后,周围同学哄笑的那一句,什么什么有种的话,就单独跟我出来……” That how...... Ah?! “那又怎么了……啊?! Cao Shanshan understood suddenly what Zhang Ling refers to is anything, immediately in great surprise. 曹珊珊突然明白了张灵到底指的是什么,顿时大惊。 These words, if were eaten to the full by these all day has been all right to do, the fellow of anxious to stir up trouble passes on, cough cough......” Zhang Ling knows when should shut up, speaks of here to stop suddenly. “这句话要是被那些整天吃饱了没事干,唯恐天下不乱的家伙传出去,咳咳……”张灵知道应该什么时候闭嘴,说到这里戛然而止。 Irritated me! Irritated me! Irritated me!” Before the mood that Cao Shanshan just returned to normal turns into erupted the volcano immediately, bites the tooth to make a determined effort there! “气死我了!气死我了!气死我了!”曹珊珊刚刚平复下来的心情顿时又变成了爆发前的火山,咬着牙齿在那里发狠! Is the Ling Yun evils! 都是凌云害的! Zhang Ling looks is similar to violent anger small lion Cao Shanshan, corners of the mouth selects, looking pensive, a mysticalness of face. 张灵看着如同暴怒的小狮子般的曹珊珊,嘴角儿微挑,若有所思,一脸的神秘。 Has not hated the love of which coming...... 没有恨哪儿来的爱啊…… 30 five dormitory. 30五宿舍 Chai Hanlin sat from the bed, puts on shortsighted glasses, then a face worship looks to Ling Yun, asked with a smile: Ling Yun, 20 minutes has attended class, your to go or not?” 柴翰林从床上坐了起来,戴上近视眼镜,然后一脸崇拜的看向凌云,笑着问道:“凌云,还有20分钟就上课了,你去不去?” „? Can attend class? Goes, naturally must go.” Ling Yun stand up/turning over sits up, puts on shoes to get out of bed. “哦?要上课了吗?去,当然要去。”凌云翻身坐起,穿鞋下床。 Afternoon is the history and geography, these two teachers to your some views, if attended class they said anything, toward do not go at heart......” “下午是历史和地理,这两个老师都对你有些看法,如果上课的时候他们说些什么,你不要往心里去……” Arrived this time, high three writing coherence had already divided into classes, the third year class 6 is the article regular professional training, therefore except for must beyond the language number, they only study history land administration now, is writing Zong. 到这个时候,高三早已文理分班了,高三六班是文科班,因此除了必须的语数外,他们现在只学习史地政,也就是文综。 Sees the Chai Hanlin good intention reminder own, Ling Yun smiles lightly, the nod said: All right, walks......” 柴翰林好心的提醒自己,凌云淡淡一笑,点头道:“没事,走吧……” Two stature different roommates smile, closes the dormitory gate, accompanies walks toward the classroom. 两个身材迥异的舍友相视一笑,关好宿舍门,结伴往教室走去。 Ling Yun, Wei Tiangan encouraged them to close outside dormitory you last night, I alone cannot block them......” 凌云,昨晚韦天干鼓动他们把你关到宿舍外面,我一个人拦不住他们……” Chai Hanlin finally the apology that suppressing a morning has wanted to express saying. 柴翰林终于把憋了一上午一直想表达的歉意给说了出来。 Does not blame you, is all right......” “不怪你,没事……” The people regardless of when where, must depend on own, this truth, Ling Yun compared with profound that who understands. 人无论何时何地,都一定要靠自己,这个道理,凌云比谁理解的都深刻。 After Chai Hanlin the innermost thoughts said that immediately is relaxed much, he saw Ling Yun not to care this matter, therefore asked curiously: Ling Yun, you always did not revolt before, this time how?” 柴翰林把心里话说出来之后,心情立即轻松不少,他见凌云真的没把这件事放在心上,于是好奇问道:“凌云,你以前从来都不反抗的,这次怎么?” Ling Yun has postponed the footsteps, he stares at the eye of Chai Hanlin to say earnestly: Person hits my fist, I draw back one step, the person hits my fist again, I draw back again one step, I behind was the wall, drew back motionless, others must hit me, what to do did you say me?” 凌云放缓了脚步,他盯着柴翰林的眼睛认真道:“人打我一拳,我退一步,人再打我一拳,我再退一步,我身后是墙了,退不动了,别人还要打我,你说我怎么办?” Punches his him ruthlessly! 狠狠揍他丫的! „Before originally you , is exercising forbearance they, you may have the tolerance, can endure that situation, I said that you one meter eight height, 200 cattys in weight, was the pressure runs over them, how to fear them!” “原来你以前都是在忍让他们而已,你可真有肚量,都能忍到那种地步,我就说嘛,你一米八的身高,体重200斤,就是压都压死他们了,怎么会怕他们!” Chai Hanlin as if remembered last night Ling Yun's power and prestige to be aggressive, the excitement and excitement of whole face. 柴翰林似乎想起了昨晚凌云的威风霸气,满脸的兴奋和激动。 Do I have the tolerance? Ling Yun hehe smiles, the heart said that I must have the words of tolerance, in that this world can pole a boat then everybody belly in! 我有肚量?凌云嘿嘿直笑,心说我要有肚量的话,那这个世界上就人人肚子里能撑船了! Male student Dormitory Building arrives at the classroom building to be very near, then 200 meters distance, two people speaks unknowingly came to the classroom. 男生宿舍楼到教学楼很近,也就200米的路程,两个人说着话不知不觉就来到了教室。 Raised the head looked at one third year class 6 the classroom sign, a Ling Yun foot stepped into the classroom. 抬头看了一眼“高三六班”的教室牌,凌云一脚就踏进了教室。 Ling Yun came!” In the classroom does not know that who shouted one, therefore, all people raised the head, is salute to Ling Yun. 凌云来了!”教室里不知道谁喊了一声,于是,所有人都抬起头来,对凌云行注目礼。 The Ling Yun's vision has swept the classroom slowly, he saw to Cao Shanshan that he glowers, saw to Zhang Ling that his face curious and inquires, saw Gu Yuanlong that Wei Tiangan that pretends unemotionally desirably, as well as a face flattered, dozens male and female Classmates that could not name the character to come. 凌云的目光缓缓扫过教室,他看到了对他怒目而视的曹珊珊,看到了对他一脸好奇和探询的张灵,看到了刻意装作面无表情的韦天干,以及一脸谄媚的谷元龙,还有几十个叫不上名字来的男女同学 Has attended class unexpectedly......” “竟然来上课了……” Also uses to ask, in the morning eye-catching / flashy, showed off to the classroom in!” “还用问,上午那么拉风,到教室里炫耀来了呗!” Afternoon is the history and geography, waits to lose face......” “下午是历史和地理课,等着出丑吧……” Hehe, you heard did not have, today Cao Shanshan was mad by him at noon has not eaten meal......” “嘿嘿,你听说了没,今天中午曹珊珊被他气得没吃饭呢……” A piece talked in whispers, although satirized and sound of ridicule is in the majority as before, may be is awed by Ling Yun obviously last night the invincible might in dormitory as well as in the morning the miracle on Sports Field, nobody has dared the unscrupulous loudness to ridicule Ling Yun. 一片窃窃私语,虽然讽刺和嘲笑的声音依旧居多,可显然是慑于凌云昨晚在宿舍里的神威以及上午在操场上的神迹,已经没有人敢肆无忌惮的大声嘲笑凌云了。 At least Classmates of third year class 6 after seeing Jia Meng has truly been short of two teeth, nobody dared. 至少高三六班的同学在看到贾猛确实少了两颗牙齿之后,没有人敢了。 This fully explained, in this world did not fear sore person, is truly few. 这充分说明,这个世界上不怕疼的人,确实很少。 The person mouth two skins, in different opinions regarding classroom, Ling Yun do not care muddily, his vision sloppy has swept classroom, had found rear own, the seat in most corner/horn, walked directly. 人嘴两张皮,对于教室里的众说纷纭,凌云浑不在意,他目光散漫的扫了教室一圈,找到了自己最后面,最角上的座位,直接走了过去。 Thin with bamboo pole, the stature also wants 56 cms in height compared with Ling Yun, wears black frame glasses male Classmates to set out to leave the seat on own initiative, making Ling Yun go to sit. 一个瘦的跟竹竿似的,个子比凌云还要高56公分,戴着黑框眼镜的男同学主动起身离开座位,让凌云进去坐好。 He called Zhang Dong, was Ling Yun's shares a table, academic record in class on, this result, if displayed normally, tested the second-class university issue not to be big. 他叫张东,是凌云的同桌,学习成绩在班里中上,他这个成绩如果发挥正常的话,考个二流大学问题不大。 Waits for Ling Yun to sit, Zhang Dong also hurried to sit, then the left shoulder depended toward the Ling Yun shoulder on, collects said excessively in a low voice: Buddy, is really fierce!” 凌云坐好,张东也赶紧坐了下来,然后右肩往凌云肩上一靠,凑过头来低声道:“哥们儿,真猛!” Ling Yun does not know that Zhang Dong said his anything is really fierce, but he had not felt that Zhang Dong has any evil intention, therefore self-ridicules smiles, said in a soft voice: Careless.” 凌云也不知道张东说他什么真猛,不过他没有感觉到张东有什么恶意,于是自嘲一笑,轻声道:“马马虎虎吧。” He looked at Zhang Dong to use the clear plastic ornamental pathches in the table middle class schedule, history?” 他看了一眼张东用透明胶布贴在桌子中间的课程表,“历史?” Em, two both are, you may are more careful, Wu Gaolang will not do well will look for your trouble.” “恩,两节都是,你可要小心些,乌高朗弄不好会找你的麻烦。” Wu Gaolang, is the name of their history teacher. 乌高朗,就是他们历史老师的名字。 Ling Yun nodded, the table high arrived at high three all history textbook to pull out on, hey, that history textbook was brand-new, is different from the textbook that sent newly! 凌云点了点头,把桌子上高一到高三所有的历史课本都抽了出来,嘿,那历史课本崭新,跟新发的课本没什么两样! He just arrived at this world, will study the historical civilization of this world, therefore does not have the history lesson, he definitely if also wants the means to go through some history book materials. 他刚来到这个世界,正要研究一下这个世界的历史文明,因此就算没有历史课,他肯定也要想办法查阅一些史书资料的。 In this textbook, although not entire, or some are not the truth of history, the better than nothing. 这课本上的虽然不全,或者有些并非是历史的真相,聊胜于无吧。 „Do you also really study?” Zhang Dong sees Ling Yun to put out all history textbook all of a sudden, then starts to read from high one that immediately thinks somewhat inconceivable. “你还真学啊?”张东凌云一下子拿出所有的历史课本,然后从高一的那本开始读,顿时觉得有些不可思议。 Do not crack a joke, the college entrance examination considering everything two months, you 24 hours have not slept now, how many result can also promote? 别开玩笑了,高考满打满算还有两个月,你现在就算24小时不睡觉,又能提升多少成绩? Studies.” “真学。” Looks that Ling Yun does not lift, calmly read there the appearance that Zhang Dong flexure scratching the head, the mouth is reading broken, almost piled in two chi (0.33 m) high books to put out a history from the school desk conveniently. 看着凌云头也不抬,在那里静静看书的模样,张东挠了挠头,嘴里碎碎念着,随手从课桌上堆得几乎有两尺高的书里面拿出一本历史。 Mumble, studies really looks at my this, above delimited the key point, has made labelling, should be useful to you.” “哝,真学就看我这本,上边都划出了重点,也做出了标注,应该对你有用。” In his look are somewhat many a respect, return of the prodigal son has not been exchanged for gold, the late start is not late. 他眼神里多多少少多了一丝尊重,浪子回头金不换,再晚的开始也不晚。 So-called toward hears say/way, the evening dies to be possible. 所谓朝闻道,夕死可矣。 Ling Yun raised the head finally, the vision falls in Zhang Dong that was almost flipped through rottenly the historical book first, then puts aside, the limpid vision is looking straight ahead Zhang Dong, said sincerely thanks. 凌云终于抬起头来,目光先是落在张东手里那本几乎被翻烂了的历史书上,然后移开,清澈的目光直视着张东,真诚的说了一句谢谢。 Does not use.” Ling Yun smiled, starts to read the own book. “不用。”凌云笑了笑,又开始看自己的书。 The unhappiness that he looks is not slow, looked that one page turns one page, in class, twenty pages looked. 他看的不快也不慢,看完一页就翻一页,等到上课的时候,二十几页已经看完了。 Zhang Dong has taken to glance Ling Yun to flip through the book there, the heart said that you such read, let alone remembered any content, was in the brain makes an impression not possible. 张东一直拿眼瞟着凌云在那里翻书呢,心说你这么看书,别说记住什么内容了,就是连脑子里留下一点印象都不可能。 Reads? Looks at the picture...... 看书?看画的吧…… Originally sets the example......” Zhang Dong to sigh, piled on the own historical book the high books. “原来只是做做样子……”张东叹了口气,把自己的历史书又摞到了高高的书堆上。 Wu Gaolang is stepping on the attending class bell, he stepped the lively step to come to the classroom, mounted the platform quickly, has stood firm the body, the dignified vision has swept entire classroom one, when his vision saw the Ling Yun's time in corner, in the eye flashed through a loathing and being inwardly angry. 乌高朗是踩着上课铃来的,他迈着轻快的步子来到了教室,快步走上讲台,站定了身体,威严的目光扫了整个教室一眼,当他的目光看到角落里的凌云的时候,眼中闪过一丝厌恶和愠怒。 Attends class!” Wu Gaolang that dignified sound sound. “上课!”乌高朗那略带威严的声音响了起来。 Stands up!” Cao Shanshan shouted one clearly resoundingly. “起立!”曹珊珊清脆响亮的喊了一声。 Originally she is the class leader of third year class 6. 原来她是高三六班的班长。 All Classmates brush has stood, because Ling Yun was seeing antiquity pre-Qin all of various schools of thought that phase of history, on the face the look, in the brain does not know dignifiedly was thinking anything, has not heard. 所有同学都刷的站了起来,而凌云因为正看到上古先秦诸子百家那一段历史,脸上神色凝重至极,脑子里也不知道在想些什么,根本就没有听到。 ...... Naturally has not stood. ……自然也就没有站起来。 Wu Gaolang has been staring at Ling Yun, sees Ling Yun not to pay attention to own, immediately numerous snort/hum. 乌高朗本来就一直盯着凌云,见凌云根本没把自己放在眼里,顿时重重的哼了一声。 All Classmates follows the Wu Gaolang vision to look to Ling Yun here. 全班同学都顺着乌高朗的目光望向凌云这里。 Zhang Dong hurried to bump Ling Yun with the back of the hand. 张东赶紧用手背碰了碰凌云 Ling Yun raised the head at a loss, looked Classmates that stump stands in great numbers, understood immediately what's the matter, hurried to stand up. 凌云茫然抬头,一看树桩子般林立的同学,顿时明白了咋回事,赶紧跟着站起。 In his brain as before is actually thinking China Taoist School of Thought (Taoism) founder Li Er( father) elaboration. 他脑子里却依旧在想着华夏道家学派创始人李耳(老子)的论述。 Tao creates one, one creates two, two creates three, three creates myriad things...... Man follows Earth, Earth follows Heaven, Heaven follows Tao, Tao follows it's nature......” 道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物……人法地,地法天,天法道,道法自然……” This, this radically is the cultivating true unsurpassed method! 这,这根本就是修真的无上法门啊! His head is similar to by the big iron hammer is attacked fiercely, humming sound only remained a sound, is Tao creates one, one creates two......” other Classmates has sat down, he also alone stands there. 他脑袋如同遭到大铁锤猛击,嗡嗡的只剩了一个声音,就是“道生一,一生二……”以至于别的同学都坐下了,他还孤零零的站在那里。 Wu Gaolang sees that is the air/Qi results in whole face to be pale: Ling Yun, my class you want in, does not want on to leave here disgracefully, get lost!” 乌高朗见状更是气得满脸铁青:“凌云,我的课你愿意上就上,不愿意上就别在这里丢人现眼,滚出去!”
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