DEMG :: Volume #1

#24: Bad apples?

Wu Gaolang flies into a rage there, Ling Yun has not paid attention. 乌高朗在那里暴跳如雷,凌云根本就没有注意。 He the full brain was considering that now concerns the lives and properties very much the important matter, is that in this world has cultivating true cultivator? 他现在满脑子都在考虑一个很关乎身家性命的大事,那就是这个世界上有修真者吗? Understanding of Ling Yun two characters to cultivating true, it may be said that is nobody can, he is clearer than anyone, saying of that entraining father «Dao Scripture» that Li Er, creates radically is cultivating true Scripture. 凌云对“修真”二字的理解,可谓是无人能及,他比谁都要清楚,那个拽的自称“老子”的李耳,所创的《道德经》根本就是修真经书 As for any philosophy world outlook that in the historical book said and so on Little Bai explained, Ling Yun snorts contemptuously radically. 至于历史书上说的什么哲学世界观之类的小白解释,凌云根本嗤之以鼻。 Like this propagandizes Li Er «Dao Scripture», is not taking Spirit Mushroom Immortal Grass, when the cabbage does sell? 这样宣传李耳的《道德经》,不就是拿着灵芝仙草当大白菜卖吗? But, world spiritual energy of this damned place is so thin, thin to the situation that own is unable directly to absorb, who can cultivating true in this environment? 可是,这个鬼地方的天地灵气如此稀薄,稀薄到就连自己都无法直接吸收的地步了,又有谁能在这种环境下修真 Then, Ling Yun has thought that Seven Glorious Grass that he discovered last night. 然后,凌云就想到了他昨晚发现的那株七曜草 He thinks of Yang Qiao Arteries of own body, when was just born matter that discarded. 紧接着,他又想到自己身体的阳跷脉在刚出生的时候被人废掉的事情。 Ling Yun feels big restlessness suddenly! The crisis, he has realized the crisis! 凌云忽然感觉到大大的不安!危机,他意识到了危机! Fast practice enhances own ability unprecedentedly desire urgent! 快速修炼提升自身能力的愿望前所未有的迫切了起来! Had not discovered, is not equal to not having! Don't the mortals in cultivation world many country, know existence of cultivating true cultivator? 没有发现,可不等于没有!修真界很多国家的凡人,不也是不知道修真者的存在么? Em, low-key! Before enough self-preservation ability, do not maintain low-key! 恩,低调!在没有足够的自保能力之前,一定要保持低调 Was only a pity that on history textbook has only extracted «Dao Scripture» in several words, this makes Ling Yun have not given full expression, the heart is hard to take itchy. 只可惜历史课本上只摘录了《道德经》里面的几句话,这让凌云意犹未尽,心痒难耐。 If certainly wants the means to take to have a look! 一定要想办法弄到手看看! Ling Yun stands there, he deeply ponders these issues, all psychological changes 11 showed on the face. 凌云站在那里,他深深地思考这些问题,以至于所有的心理变化都11展现在了脸上。 All people look at the Ling Yun's expression from at a loss, to joyful, arrives to worry again, finally transform to firmly. 所有人都看着凌云的表情从茫然,到欣喜,再到担忧,最后转变为坚定。 Wu Gaolang said half-day/long time sees Ling Yun to stand there does not say motionless, immediately is angry, he thinks that this is Ling Yun to his despising! 乌高朗说了半天凌云站在那里不言不动,顿时更加生气,他认为这是凌云对他的蔑视! Almost every history teacher has some seriously mechanical, because they mostly favor believing, the history is the history, is unmodifiable. 几乎每一个历史老师都是有一些严肃刻板的,因为他们大多倾向于认为,历史就是历史,不可更改。 Wu Gaolang exactly is the serious mechanical typical representative, he to Ling Yun this type sloppy variable, at all not the student who pays attention to the school and classroom discipline, naturally loathes from the bone. 乌高朗恰好是严肃刻板的典型代表,他对凌云这种散漫无常,根本不把学校和课堂纪律放在眼里的学生,当然是从骨子里厌恶。 Let alone Ling Yun go fishing for three days and dry the nets for two, can run away to his class runs away, each time the historical examination except for depending on ignorant/veiled to several choice questions obtain pitifully several particularly, fills up with the essay question without a single exception is the blank. 更何况凌云三天打鱼两天晒网,对他的课是能逃就逃,每次历史测验除了靠蒙对几个选择题得到可怜的十几分外,填空和问答题都毫无例外是空白。 Wu Gaolang gets more mad, looks at as before silly standing there Ling Yun, the speech expression and tone starts the stern voice and appearance. 乌高朗是越想越气,看着依旧傻傻的站在那里的凌云,说话的表情和语气开始声色俱厉。 Ling Yun, do not think that I was not your class teacher cannot govern you! Immediately wanted the college entrance examination, I did not allow in my classroom to have your such bad apple to exist, please immediately exit, do not delay other Classmates precious study time.” 凌云,你不要以为我不是你的班主任就治不了你!马上就要高考了,我不允许我的课堂上有你这样的害群之马存在,请你马上出去,不要耽误了其他同学宝贵的学习时间。” These words Ling Yun heard finally, he listened to slightly frowned. 这句话凌云终于听到了,他听了不禁微微皱眉 Bad apple? Teacher Wu, when have I become bad apple?” “害群之马?乌老师,我什么时候成了害群之马了?” In the classroom erupts loud laughing suddenly. 教室里突然爆发哄堂大笑 Wu Gaolang sees Ling Yun to dare to interrogate him unexpectedly in turn, immediately layer on layer/heavily snort/hum, fierce said: Your every other day skipping classes, this despises the school discipline? Can affect the studies of other Classmates?” 乌高朗凌云竟然敢反过来质问他,顿时重重哼了一声,厉声道:“你三天两头的逃课,这算不算藐视学校纪律?会不会影响其他同学的学习?” First did not get off the subject, said today, Classmates stood time you sit, Classmates have sat down, you stood there, you said, you did disturb intentionally?” “先不说远的,就说今天吧,同学们都站起来的时候你偏偏坐着,同学们都坐下了,你又偏偏站在那里,你说,你是不是成心捣乱?” In your eyes also has my this teacher?” “你眼里还有没有我这个老师?” Wu Gaolang said that ablazing with anger looks at Ling Yun, disdaining and loathing in eye has not added slightly any conceals. 乌高朗说完,怒气冲冲的看着凌云,眼中的不屑和厌恶丝毫没有加任何掩饰。 Cao Shanshan lowers the head, pretends to look at own history textbook, in the heart cannot help is secret, making you bully me at noon, now encountered the retribution? 曹珊珊低着头,装作看着自己历史课本,心中忍不住暗暗得意,让你中午欺负我,现在遭到报应了吧? However in her subconscious is actually the Ling Yun secret worry, feared that Wu Gaolang drives out from the classroom Ling Yun. 不过她潜意识里却又为凌云暗暗担心,怕乌高朗真的把凌云从教室里赶出去。 Zhang Ling actually bold turns head to look at Ling Yun, is full to the Ling Yun's anticipation feeling. She wants to have a look at this to maintain composure very much can make Little Overlord admit defeat, several words then the fellow who air/Qi Cao Shanshan does not have the lunch, processes this trouble. 张灵却是大胆的回头看着凌云,对凌云的期待感十足。她很想看看这个不动声色就能让小霸王吃瘪,几句话就气的曹珊珊不吃午饭的家伙,怎么处理这次麻烦。 30 five dormitory sheds are long, Wei Tiangan was awed by Ling Yun last night power and influence, although did not dare the upfront to look at Ling Yun, but the split vision of corner of the eye actually glanced toward Ling Yun here. 30五宿舍的舍长,韦天干慑于凌云昨晚的威势,虽然不敢正面去看凌云,可眼角的余光却一个劲儿的往凌云这里瞟。 Wei Tiangan at heart self-satisfied all displayed on the face, your wasn't Ling Yun is suddenly rampant? Continues rampantly? Can hit to be useful, your result let alone gained admission to the university, was the classroom gate teachers does not want to make you come in! 韦天干心里的得意全都表现在了脸上,你凌云不是突然嚣张起来了么?继续嚣张啊?能打有什么用,你的成绩别说考大学了,就是连教室门老师都不想让你进来! As for Chai Hanlin, the expression on his face then two characters, worried. 至于柴翰林,他脸上的表情就俩字,担忧。 Ling Yun can come to the classroom to attend class on own initiative, Chai Hanlin is very happy, coming out that he can feel, Ling Yun does not come to the classroom to disturb to deliberately create trouble. 凌云能主动来教室上课,柴翰林是很高兴的,他能感觉的出来,凌云真的不是来教室捣乱胡闹的。 Ling Yun does not care about the surrounding unusual visions, his static standing there, patient waited for Wu Gaolang to say the words, then corners of the mouth selected slightly, brings back a very clean smiling face saying: Teacher Wu, I skip classes every other day am not fake, but I do not come the classroom, affected the studies of other Classmates?” 凌云根本不在乎周围各种异样的眼光,他静静的站在那里,耐心的等着乌高朗把话说完,然后嘴角儿微微一挑,勾起一个很干净的笑容说道:“乌老师,我三天两头逃课是不假,可我连教室都不来,怎么影响其他同学的学习了?” As for the matter, I am sorry, at that time I in earnest recitation text, therefore has not heard to shout stands up, got up late.” “至于刚才的事,我很抱歉,当时我正在认真的背诵课文,所以没有听到喊起立,就起来晚了。” On his mouth said was being sorry, meaning that on the face where has slight regret? 他嘴上说着抱歉,脸上哪有丝毫的抱歉的意思? Recited the text?” The entire classroom spreads laughter that causes a stir, complexion pale Wu Gaolang nearly by Ling Yun a few words provoking smiling. “背诵课文?”整个教室传出更加轰动的笑声,就连脸色铁青的乌高朗都差点儿被凌云一句话给逗笑了。 Ling Yun can recite the text, can the old mother pig on set up? 凌云能背诵课文,那老母猪岂不是都能上树了? Looks doubling with laughter Classmates that in the classroom smiles, the taunt on Wu Gaolang face is getting stronger and stronger, he is also suddenly light smiles, simultaneously extends both hands to press in void. 看着教室里笑的前仰后合的同学们,乌高朗脸上的嘲讽越来越浓厚,他忽然也跟着淡淡一笑,同时伸出双手在虚空中压了一压。 Waited for Classmates to stop laughter, Wu Gaolang with disdaining the look looks at Ling Yun to ask: Ling Yun, you know why Classmates did smile a moment ago?” 同学们都止住了笑声,乌高朗才用不屑的眼神看着凌云问道:“凌云,你知道同学们刚才为什么笑吗?” Ling Yun shook the head saying: Does not know.” Actually he with bright mirror. 凌云摇了摇头道:“不知道。”其实他心里跟明镜儿似的。 Ling Yun, you said that you were reciting the text a moment ago?” Wu Gaolang thought that own held the Ling Yun's seven cuns (2.5 cm), as if did not worry, he wants to notice that Ling Yun own hits the face of own, making him not have the face to come in the own class to disturb thoroughly again. 凌云,你说你刚才在背诵课文?”乌高朗觉得自己抓住了凌云的七寸,似乎不那么着急了,他想看到凌云自己自己的脸,让他彻底没脸再来自己的课上捣乱。 Yes.” Simple that very Ling Yun replied. “是的。”凌云回答的很干脆。 What back is which text? Which key point?” It looks like in Wu Gaolang, Ling Yun casually found an excuse to cover the mistake, therefore he was in hot pursuit. “背的是哪一篇课文?哪一个重点?”在乌高朗看来,凌云只是随便找了个借口来掩盖刚才的过错,因此他紧追不放。 I do not know that anything is with emphasis anything is not the key point, in the textbook has looked in any case the content all carried.” Ling Yun told the facts, the heart said that managed his with emphasis non- key point, has all remembered not then the line? “我不知道什么是重点什么不是重点,反正课本上看过的内容全背了。”凌云实话实说,心说管他重点不重点,全记住了不就行了? The classroom naturally is transmits one to laugh. Many Classmates even started to like Ling Yun's doing wickedly. 教室自然又是传来一阵爆笑。好多同学甚至已经开始喜欢凌云的恶搞了。 Takes Zhang Ling as, she suppresses the happy expression to stare at Ling Yun, the heart said that this fellow also is really boast shamelessly, had not looked that Wu Gaolang this is must drive you to commit suicide? 这其中以张灵为甚,她强忍着笑意盯着凌云,心说这家伙还真是大言不惭啊,没看出来乌高朗这是要置你于死地么? Worry of Cao Shanshan in the heart is getting more and more serious, she had a mortal hatred of Ling Yun simply, fool, this when also in attire? Wu Gaolang very obviously under is digging a pit to you wraps. 曹珊珊心中的担忧却越来越严重,她心里简直恨死凌云了,笨蛋,这都什么时候了还在装?乌高朗很明显在给你挖坑下套呢。 Cao Shanshan wants to see Ling Yun not to make a boner false, but in the subconscious actually does not hope that he works as these many people to lose face. 曹珊珊想看到凌云出丑不假,可潜意识里却又不希望他当着这么多人丢脸。 I bully you to be good, others bully you not to be good. 我欺负你就行,别人欺负你就不行。 When our arrogant haven't school beauty noted own to have this thoughts unexpectedly? 只是我们高傲的校花还没有注意到自己在何时竟出现了这种心思? Wu Gaolang sees Ling Yun stupidly really in facing set toward the wrap/sets under own, a in the heart cannot help self-satisfaction, his complexion also becomes somewhat teases with be relaxed. 乌高朗凌云真的愚蠢的往自己下的套里面钻,心中忍不住一阵得意,他的脸色也变得有些戏谑和轻松起来。 Has looked at did the content all carry? How many did you look at?” He makes the own tone very tranquil as far as possible, pretends intentionally somewhat careless, even in the look has also shipped out a unique anticipation. “看过的内容全背了?那你看了多少了?”他尽量使得自己的语气很平静,故意装作有些漫不经心,甚至眼神中还装出了一种特有的期待。 Actually he feared, feared Ling Yun suddenly discovered own was swindled to correct crossed some few words on textbook then the back. 其实他是怕,怕凌云突然发现自己上当而改口说就背过了课本上的某一段话。 Ling Yun replied honestly: I start to look that from the historical first volume of first class, looked for dozen minutes, I look is very slow, saw pre-Qin all of various schools of thought here.” 凌云老实答道:“我是从历史第一册的第一课开始看的,就看了十几分钟,我看的很慢,才看到先秦诸子百家这里。” He has not told the lie, he truly looks is very slow, if there is Spiritual Consciousness, on the school desk the contents of these books, he all looked that and remembers even/including one minute have more than enough. 他没说假话,他确实看的很慢,如果有神识的话,课桌上这些书的内容,他全看完并且记住连一分钟都用不了。 Wu Gaolang pretends very satisfied nod: Em, good, are you so intelligent, how many remember?” 乌高朗装作很满意的点点头:“恩,不错,那你这么聪明,记住多少呢?” A Ling Yun sudden brow wrinkle, is slightly puzzled, like looking at idiot looks at Wu Gaolang, the heart said that this person did ask such question of idiot? I have looked at the content all has naturally remembered, otherwise didn't look white/in vain? 凌云突然眉头微微一皱,一脸疑惑,像看白痴一样的看着乌高朗,心说这人怎么问这么白痴的问题?我看过的内容自然是全记住了,不然不白看了? Wu Gaolang sees the Ling Yun's expression immediately in the heart one tightly, the heart said that was seen through by Ling Yun? Isn't this boy so probably intelligent? 乌高朗看到凌云的表情顿时心中一紧,心说难道被凌云识破了?这小子好像没有这么聪明吧? Is more anxious than Wu Gaolang, is Cao Shanshan. 乌高朗还要紧张的,是曹珊珊 She could not bear turn head fast to look at Ling Yun one finally, saw his brow slightly wrinkle, the heart does not call wonderfully. 她终于忍不住回头飞快的看了凌云一眼,见他眉头微皱,心叫不妙。 This idiot, discovered that now Wu Gaolang does want the pit you? Late! 这个白痴,现在才发现乌高朗要坑你?晚了! The entire third year class 6 all calmed down suddenly, how as if all people want to take a look at Ling Yun to reply, that moment of also as if after waiting for Ling Yun by the pit being lost face arrives. 整个高三六班突然全静了下来,似乎所有人都想看看凌云怎么回答,又似乎是在等待凌云被坑之后丢脸的那一刻到来。 Zhang Dong careful raising the head looked at Wu Gaolang one, could not bear bump the Ling Yun's thigh with the right hand gently. 张东小心的抬头看了乌高朗一眼,忍不住用右手轻轻碰了碰凌云的大腿。 That meaning is very obvious, the eldest child you had not looked that said had not looked, have not installed again, installed really to make Teacher Wu stepping on again always can not stand up/turning over. 那意思很明显,老大你没看就说没看吧,别再装了,再装就真让乌老师给踩得永世不得翻身了。 All remembered.” “全记住了。” Ling Yun like looking at the idiot looked at Wu Gaolang half-day/long time, sluggish replied. 凌云像看白痴一样看了乌高朗半天,才慢吞吞的回答道。 Wu Gaolang listened to relax first, the eyeball that actually stared was bigger than bull's eye, if were not on the bridge of the nose that gold thread glasses is keeping off, it is estimated that can definitely stare the eye! 乌高朗听了先是松了一口气,紧接着却又瞪的眼珠子比牛眼还大,如果不是鼻梁上那副金丝眼镜挡着,估计肯定能把眼睛瞪出来! What?!” “什么?!” This all people have not smiled, all was shocked! 这次所有人都没有笑,全都惊呆了! They have all thought of Ling Yun all possible replies, actually nobody thinks of Ling Yun to be able so boast shamelessly! 他们把凌云所有可能的回答全想到了,却没有人想到凌云会如此大言不惭 Has seen boasting, has not seen such boasting, what this is blows is the fight in awesome compels! 见过吹牛逼的,没见过这么吹牛逼的,这是吹的是牛逼中的战斗逼啊! After shock, all Classmates are taking pleasure in others' misfortunes of face, looked to the Ling Yun's vision what has, ridiculed, disdains, despises, disgusting, with looking at fool same visits him. 震惊过后,所有同学都是一脸的幸灾乐祸,看向凌云的目光什么样的都有,嘲笑,不屑,鄙夷,恶心,都跟看傻子一样的看着他。 Cao Shanshan at heart that air/Qi! Stupid becomes this appearance, dies dies! Who don't you lose face to lose face? Snort, from now henceforth, who must say that I knew this idiot idiot, I am anxious with him! 曹珊珊心里那个气呀!蠢成这个样子,死就死吧!你不丢人谁丢人?哼,从今以后,谁要说我认识这个蠢货白痴,我就跟他急! Zhang Ling actually with great interest looks at Ling Yun, although she does not know why Ling Yun will say, but she acts according to all performance judgments of Ling Yun today own sees, Ling Yun dares such to reply, thought the countermeasure inevitably! 张灵却津津有味的看着凌云,她虽然不知道凌云为何会这么说,但她根据自己看到的凌云今天的所有的表现判断,凌云敢这么回答,必然想好了应对之策! Although she does not believe Ling Yun to be able to carry, but she anticipated as before very how Ling Yun launches the counter-attack! 虽然她也根本不信凌云能全背过,可她依旧十分期待,凌云到底怎么展开反击!
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