DEMG :: Volume #1

#25: Terrifying memory

Wu Gaolang by Ling Yun light a few words shaking seven meat eight elements, good half-day/long time slow the god to have come, he constrained the heart forcefully the excitement, the heart said how I must have a look at you dead but actually! 乌高朗凌云淡淡的一句话给震了个七荤八素,好半天才缓过神来,他强行压抑住心底的兴奋,心说我倒要看看你怎么死! Good, our today happen to must review the first volume of content, since the Ling Yun Classmates entire back crossed, we let him from first start, carries a back to us, everybody also reviews, is good?” “那好,我们今天正好要复习第一册的内容,既然凌云同学全背过了,咱们大家就让他从第一篇开始,给我们背一背,大家也跟着复习一下,好不好?” Wu Gaolang spoke these words time, sunny expression at heart, not to mention! 乌高朗说这句话的时候,心里的高兴劲儿,就别提了! Good!” Except for Ling Yun, Cao Shanshan, Chai Hanlin, the Zhang Dong four people, all people loudly applaud, Wei Tiangan was almost calls to break the throat, he as if thought that this was insufficient the vigor, took the lead to applaud unexpectedly. “好!”除了凌云,曹珊珊,柴翰林,张东四个人,所有人都大声叫好,其中韦天干几乎是叫破了喉咙,他似乎觉得这样还不够劲,竟然还带头鼓起掌来。 Cao Shanshan turned head once more, expression that on beautiful cheek completely is expecting too much, the heart said that Ling Yun then you know own is silliest? Has all carried? How I must have a look at you to carry but actually! 曹珊珊再次回过头来,绝美的脸蛋上完全是一副恨铁不成钢的表情,心说凌云这下你知道自己是最傻的了吧?全背过了?我倒要看看你怎么背! Heard the applauding sound of full classroom, Ling Yun somewhat embarrassed flexure scratching the head, the heart said that thinks low-key so were difficult? 听到满教室的叫好声,凌云有些不好意思的挠了挠头,心说想低调一些怎么就那么难呢? What's wrong, Ling Yun, does not want not to feel all right, haven't you carried? You felt relieved that the bold back, teachers and Classmates support you!” “怎么,凌云,不要不好意思,你不是都背过了么?你放心大胆的背,老师和同学们都支持你!” Wu Gaolang knows certainly that Ling Yun affirmation a few words cannot carry, he has prepared after Ling Yun loses face thoroughly made him tumble out the classroom directly. 乌高朗当然知道凌云肯定一段话都背不出来,他已经准备在凌云彻底丢脸之后直接让他滚出课堂了。 Ling Yun scratching the head embarrassed say/way: But...... But I fear time insufficiently......” 凌云挠头不好意思道:“可是……可是我怕时间不够……” Yes, Ling Yun looked at twenty pages, must learn the erectness to walk to use the tool from the yuanmou man, the back has arrived to hundred school of thought contend, 1-2 hour bases could not have carried. 是啊,凌云可是看了二十几页呢,要从元谋人学会直立行走使用工具,一直背到百家争鸣,没有一两个小时根本背不完。 Many Classmates titter to make noise, the heart said that at this time thinks finds the excuse? Was really stupid not side. 好多同学偷笑出声,心说这时候才想到找理由啊?真是蠢得没边了。 Cao Shanshan has clenched jaws then the difference, attire, making you also install, Wu Gaolang clarified to waste this class also to look at you to lose face, let alone today in the afternoon two history lessons both were linked to each other! 曹珊珊就差咬牙切齿了,装,让你还装,乌高朗摆明了就是浪费掉这节课也要看你出丑,更何况今天下午两节历史课都是连在一起的! Wei Tiangan is true clenching jaws, the whole face is virulent, on the development face that at this time he cannot bear turn head finally, despises smiling face that disdains to not cover up, last night Ling Yun worked as that many people to step on him, he naturally hated to the marrow of the bones to Ling Yun! 韦天干却是真正的咬牙切齿,满脸恶毒,此时他终于忍不住回过头来,鄙夷不屑的笑容不加掩饰的展现脸上,昨夜凌云当着那么多人踩他,他对凌云自然是恨之入骨! The happy expression on Wu Gaolang face already could not suppress, he somewhat self-satisfied bright sound said: This you do not need to be worried, when you have the content that everybody is reviewing high studying, said, the teachers and Classmates must thank you.” 乌高朗脸上的笑意早就压制不住了,他有些飘飘然的朗声道:“这个你不用担心,你就当带着大家复习一遍高一所学的内容,说起来,老师和同学们还要感谢你呢。” Ling Yun thinks, has, helpless nods, if can by relax the Classmates between like this relations, as if also good. 凌云想了想,只好无奈点头,如果能靠这样缓和一下同学们之间的关系,似乎也不错。 Good.” “好吧。” He just wants to start to recite, Wu Gaolang is suddenly dark smiles, said: Ling Yun Classmates, you recited the text there, many Classmates must turn head to listen to you saying that was inferior to this, you recited to the platform, like this everybody can see you, heard to be also more earnest.” 他刚想开始背诵,乌高朗突然阴阴一笑,道:“凌云同学,你在那里背诵课文,好多同学都得回头听你讲,不如这样,你到讲台上来背诵吧,这样大家都能看到你,听得也认真些。” „, On the platform also had the chair, teacher here has also prepared the tea for you, if you have been weighed down, can sleek/moist sleek/moist throat.” “还有,讲台上也有椅子,老师这里还为你准备了茶水,你要是背累了,可以润润嗓子。” That that he said called of pleasant to hear, that called one to sympathize, was actually feared that had Classmates to play tricks, opens the book to make Ling Yun illuminate reads, that was not the fan Ling Yun's face, but was the face of fan own. 他说的那叫一个好听,那叫一个体贴,其实是怕有同学捣鬼,打开书让凌云照着读,那就不是扇凌云的脸,而是扇自己的脸了。 He thinks is very good, so long as Ling Yun does not come out in the platform upper back, he makes Classmates shame Ling Yun well, making him lose face to escape from the classroom, when the time comes own gives him to settle one to harass the charge of classroom order again, later got it over and done. 他想的很好,只要凌云在讲台上背不出来,他就让同学们好好羞辱凌云一番,让他丢脸逃出教室,到时候自己再给他安一个扰乱课堂秩序的罪名,以后就一劳永逸了。 Ling Yun one wants also to be, he thought that the suggestion of Wu Gaolang is good, therefore shoves open Zhang Dong gently, in all people look in the monkey same vision, setting out calm trend platform. 凌云一想也是,他觉得乌高朗的建议不错,于是轻轻推开张东,在所有人看猴子一样的目光中,起身从容走向讲台。 Immediately was dying, but also such calm calm......” Zhang Dong looks that the Ling Yun air/Qi calms down the idle back, in the vision is somewhat pitiful, some sympathies, but also a little...... Admiration. “马上都要死了,还这么淡定从容……”张东看着凌云气定神闲的背影,目光中有些可怜,也有些同情,还有一点……钦佩。 Ling Yun arrives on the platform, is impolite, carried the Wu Gaolang tea drinking glass to drink a big mouth directly first, this movement made Wu Gaolang unable to bear rolls the eyes fiercely, after the heart said this cup, said that anything cannot use again. 凌云来到讲台上,也不客气,直接端过乌高朗的茶水杯先喝了一大口,这个动作让乌高朗忍不住猛翻白眼,心说这杯子以后说啥不能再用了。 Then Ling Yun moves out of the way toward the classroom entrance the teacher's desk following chair, sat, well organized. 然后凌云把讲桌后面的椅子往教室门口这边挪开,一屁股坐了上去,四平八稳。 Wu Gaolang has gotten down the platform at this time on own initiative, stands in classroom entrance not far away, waits for Ling Yun unable to carry, starts Classmates to start to carry on the satire to Ling Yun to encircle greatly. 乌高朗此时主动下了讲台,站在教室门口不远处,就等着凌云背不出来,发动同学们对凌云开始进行讽刺大围剿。 However is a teacher by worthy example, expressed that must express, he has coughed gently, said to houseful Classmates: Classmates, Ling Yun Classmates immediately started to recite, asking everybody to put out the own history textbook first volume, with the Ling Yun Classmates review.” 不过为人师表,表示还是要表示一下的,他轻轻咳嗽了一声,对满屋同学道:“同学们,凌云同学马上开始背诵了,请大家拿出自己历史课本第一册,跟着凌云同学复习。” This purely was the polite speech, because nobody believes that Ling Yun can carry, they were disinclined in the books to turn look for any history textbook. 这就纯粹是场面话了,因为没有人相信凌云真能背过,他们才懒得去书堆里翻找什么历史课本 Saw that Ling Yun has mounted the platform, Cao Shanshan only thought that the own heartbeat somewhat speeds up, she somewhat worries, is somewhat flustered. 见到凌云真走上讲台了,曹珊珊只觉得自己的心跳有些加快,她有些着急,也有些慌张。 Zhang Ling...... Zhang Ling, what to do?” Cao Shanshan has held the Zhang Ling clothes, asked anxiously. 张灵……张灵,到底怎么办啊?”曹珊珊拽了拽张灵的衣服,焦急问道。 Zhang Ling lawful and direct line of descent lower jaw, having a relish watches the Ling Yun performance, at this time sees Cao Shanshan to ask her, wonders turned head to ask: What what to do?” 张灵正支着下颌,饶有兴致的看凌云表演呢,此时见曹珊珊问她,不禁纳闷的回过头来问道:“什么怎么办啊?” What can also have, next quarter Ling Yun must make a fool of oneself, how do we find the way to prevent?” Cao Shanshan rebukes looked at Zhang Ling one, turns head to say. “还能有什么,下一刻凌云就要出洋相了,我们怎么想办法阻止?”曹珊珊嗔怪的看了张灵一眼,扭头道。 Prevents? Why can prevent? He harms you not to have the lunch, aren't you hating his root to be itchy?” Zhang Ling hee hee said with a smile. “阻止?为什么要阻止?他害你没吃午饭,你不正恨得他牙根痒痒么?”张灵嘻嘻笑道。 The Cao Shanshan complexion shames, reprimanded tenderly: Now has no free time to ramble on with you, I am the class leader of our class, Ling Yun because attended class to stand up late to stand that a while, ran on a bank in this by Teacher Wu, can I not manage?” 曹珊珊脸色一羞,娇斥道:“现在没空跟你瞎扯,我好歹是咱们班的班长,凌云就因为上课起立晚站起来那么一会儿,就被乌老师挤兑到这份儿上,我能不管吗?” Not mattering of Zhang Ling whole face, she turns the head to look that to sits Ling Yun on platform carelessly, said in a soft voice: You go to the manages, I do not have the means in any case, I must listen to the Ling Yun back text......” 张灵满脸的无所谓,她转头看向大大咧咧坐在讲台上的凌云,轻声道:“那你就去管啊,反正我没有办法,我还要听凌云背课文呢……” Cao Shanshan whole face strange looks at Zhang Ling, long time said: Listens to the Ling Yun back text? Was your brain pushed by the gate? He can carry a few words to come damn!” 曹珊珊满脸古怪的看着张灵,半晌才道:“听凌云背课文?你脑子被门挤了吧?他能背出一段话来都见鬼了!” Zhang Ling has turned head, throws to Cao Shanshan charming eyes, said with a smile in a soft voice: You felt relieved that point owes the appearance that then Ling Yun today at noon does not eat, Wu Gaolang does not grab any bargain.” 张灵扭过头,抛给曹珊珊一个媚眼儿,轻声笑道:“你就放心吧,就凌云今天中午那一点亏都不吃的样子,乌高朗讨不到任何便宜的。” You to him such confident?” Cao Shanshan pondered over airtight Zhang Ling more and more, which she was? “你对他这么有信心?”曹珊珊越来越琢磨不透张灵了,她到底是哪头的啊? Em, although I do not know how his next step counter-attacks, but I am to him confident!” Zhang Ling confidently say/way. “恩,虽然我不知道他下一步怎么反击,但是我就是对他有信心!”张灵信心满满道。 Looks at the Zhang Ling look and tone, Cao Shanshan thought suddenly own at heart flood a strange feeling, faint thinks some, em, is not quite comfortable. 看着张灵的眼神和语气,曹珊珊忽然觉得自己心里泛起一股古怪之极的感觉,隐隐的觉得有些,恩,不大舒服。 Zhang Ling, weren't you will like him?” Emitting such of Cao Shanshan unexpectedly unexpected happening. 张灵,你不会是喜欢上他了吧?”曹珊珊竟鬼使神差的冒出这么一句。 You liked him......” Zhang Ling curling the lip, dealt a head-on blow to own school beauty best friend. “你才喜欢上他了呢……”张灵撇了撇嘴,对自己校花闺蜜迎头痛击。 You! Good, calculates me to speak incorrectly, but you why to him that confident?” Cao Shanshan cannot attend to with Zhang Ling bickers. “你!好吧,算我说错,可你为什么对他那么有信心呢?”曹珊珊顾不得跟张灵斗嘴。 Intuition, the intuition of woman!” Zhang Ling weird, spoke thoughtlessly to reply. “直觉,女人的直觉!”张灵古灵精怪,随口答道。 Cao Shanshan air/Qi white Zhang Ling, is disinclined to respond her again. At this moment, she feels the vision to look suddenly together to own here, immediately fierce lowering the head. 曹珊珊气的白了张灵一眼,懒得再搭理她。就在这时,她冷不丁的感受到一道目光望向自己这里,顿时猛的低头。 How was my this?” Cao Shanshan was swept by the Ling Yun's vision, unexpectedly subconscious does not dare to look at each other, remembers own at noon to the Ling Yun bewildered vitality/angry, now for his bewildered worry, on the face sudden hot has a fever. “我这是怎么了?”曹珊珊凌云的目光一扫,竟然下意识的不敢对视,想起自己中午对凌云莫名其妙的生气,现在又为他莫名其妙的担心,脸上突然一阵火辣发烧。 The Ling Yun's vision has swept in the classroom, then rocked a next more than 200 jin (0.5 kg) obese body, looked for the most comfortable posture to sit, then flushed Wu Gaolang to smile brightly. 凌云的目光在教室里扫了一圈,然后晃动了一下200多斤的肥胖身体,找了一个最舒适的姿势坐好,然后冲乌高朗灿烂一笑。 „Did I start?” “那我就开始了?” The nod that Wu Gaolang is too busy, the heart said that you a bit faster start, early threw the person early to get the hell out, I must speak the China modern history! 乌高朗忙不迭的点头,心说你快点儿开始吧,早丢完了人早滚蛋,我还要讲华夏近代史呢! cough cough......” Ling Yun settles the throat clear, no matter also under Classmates whispers the satire of all sorts of comments to ridicule there, starts to recite directly: „The first class......” then defers to remember, starts to recite. 咳咳……”凌云清了清嗓子,也不管下面同学在那里交头接耳议论纷纷的讽刺嘲笑,直接开始背诵:“第一课……”然后按照记忆,开始背诵。 Ling Yun just started saying that below nobody listens radically, all people know that he deliberately delays time, so long as recited from the beginning, was taunted by Classmates inevitably ridiculed that one then left the fate of classroom. 凌云刚开始讲的时候,下面根本就没人听,所有人都知道他故意拖延时间,只要一开始背诵,必然就是被同学们挖苦嘲笑一番然后离开教室的下场。 However, when Ling Yun every single word or phrase starts forceful according to the original text downward recited, all had the change! 然而,当凌云一字一句开始铿锵有力的按照原文往下背诵的时候,一切发生了变化! After one minute, the discussion sound in classroom, ridiculed that the sound disappears. 一分钟之后,教室里的议论声,嘲笑声不见了。 After three minutes, in the classroom only then turns looks for the book the sound, with opening the sound of page. 三分钟之后,教室里只有翻找书的声音,和翻开书页的声音。 After five minutes, Ling Yun recited about thousand characters, the middle has not jammed, has not stopped, does not have coherently, he is deferring to the own rhythm downward to carry as before. 五分钟之后,凌云已经背诵完了近千字,中间没有卡壳,没有停顿,也没有不连贯,他依旧在按照自己的节奏往下背。 Regarding the student of liberal art, can carry is not anything, but the issue is, Ling Yun recited no error! 对于文科生来说,能背不算什么,可问题是,凌云背诵的一字不差! If personally does not see, but by listening, where is reciting, according to the text read out radically! 如果不是亲眼看见,只是靠听的话,那哪里是在背诵,根本就是照本宣读! Zhang Dong face look changes! 张东色变了! Chai Hanlin face look changes! 柴翰林色变了! On the Wei Tiangan face virulent, the smiling face of taunt solidifies directly, as if an ugly sculpture, sits there is dumb as a wooden chicken! 韦天干脸上恶毒、嘲讽的笑容直接凝固,仿佛一个丑恶的雕塑,坐在那里呆若木鸡! Zhang Ling face look changes! 张灵色变了! Cao Shanshan does not know when already raised the head, is supine the face to look that on the platform sits there well organized Ling Yun, the beautiful eye stared big, sexy sandalwood mouth the O shape, inconceivable of whole face! 曹珊珊不知何时早已抬起头来,仰着脸看着讲台上坐在那里四平八稳的凌云,美丽的眼睛瞪得大大,性感的檀口张成了O形,满脸的不可思议! As for history teacher Wu Gaolang, then exaggerates, he is the both arms held the chest to stand there, is slanting the eye to have the smiling face to wait for Ling Yun to lose face. 至于历史老师乌高朗,则是最夸张,他本来是双臂抱胸站在那里,斜着眼睛带着笑容等着凌云出丑。 Now his both arms hold the chest to stand there as before, is only being no longer slanting the eye, moreover his mouth is also sufficiently fills the next duck egg that opens, taunt and disdaining in eye, first transfers the doubts, then does not believe that is shocking, to the present, in his gold thread glasses following both eyes, already completely excitedly and replaces wild with joy! 现在他依旧双臂抱胸站在那里,只是不再斜着眼睛,而且他的嘴巴也是张的足以塞下一个鸭蛋,眼中的嘲讽和不屑,先是转为疑惑,接着是不信,然后是震惊,到了现在,他金丝眼镜后面的双眼中,已经全部被兴奋和狂喜代替! Ling Yun sits there as before, at a moderate pace recitation, his rhythm as before grasps is very good, this quick rapidness, this slow slow, every single word or phrase is similar to drumbeats, has struck the eardrum of all people. 凌云依旧坐在那里,依旧不紧不慢的背诵,他节奏感掌握的很好,该快的快,该慢的慢,一字一句如同鼓点儿,敲进了所有人的耳膜。 The first class carried, continued the back second class. 第一课背完了,继续背第二课。 Wu Gaolang held the both arms of chest unable to bear vibrate, he excited both legs trembles now! 乌高朗抱胸的双臂忍不住抖动了起来,他现在兴奋的双腿打颤! In classroom complete silence, only then Ling Yun recited the sound of text to reverberate, Wu Gaolang cautiously depended on the past toward the Chai Hanlin school desk by, for fear that disturbed Ling Yun's to recite. 教室里鸦雀无声,只有凌云背诵课文的声音在回荡,乌高朗小心翼翼的往柴翰林的课桌旁靠过去,生怕打扰了凌云的背诵。 He from had already shocked the Chai Hanlin desk takes up his history textbook conveniently, turned the second class. 他随手从早就惊呆了的柴翰林的书桌上拿起他的历史课本,翻到了第二课。 Yes! Yes! No error! 是的!是的!一字不差! Picked the treasure! 捡到宝了! This is how terrifying memory, this is what kind of talent! 这是多么恐怖的记忆力啊,这是怎样的天才啊!
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