DEMG :: Volume #1

#26: Miracle! Burst into thunderous applause!

Ten minutes passed by, 20 minutes passed by, a half hour passed by, except that Ling Yun when carries the fourth class to drink water, without any stop, still neither fast nor slow recitation of downward. 十分钟过去了,20分钟过去了,半小时过去了,凌云除了在背完第四课的时候喝了一口水,没有任何停顿,仍旧不疾不徐的往下背诵。 Nobody breaks, nobody gives up the interruption, what even if on the platform sits there is that dead fatty, good-for-nothing Ling Yun in all person eyes! 没有人打断,没有人舍得打断,纵然讲台上坐在那里的是那个死胖子,所有人眼中的废柴凌云 This nearly miracle, no, should say that is the miracle! 这近乎奇迹,不,更应该说是神迹! Ridicules on all faces, the expression that disdains and watch the fun vanish entirely do not see, what replaces it is various envying envy hate! 所有人脸上的嘲笑、不屑、看热闹的表情统统消失不见,取而代之的是各种的羡慕嫉妒恨! Zhang Ling covers the own growth plentiful chest with the small hand anxiously, for fear that small heart of own because will beat jumps out the mouth quickly. 张灵紧张的用小手捂住自己发育过于丰满的胸部,生怕自己的小心脏会因为跳动过快而跳出口腔。 All personnel perhaps only then she had guessed correctly Ling Yun definitely will deal a head-on blow to Wu Gaolang, but she has not thought absolutely Ling Yun will use such simply, so is effective such eye-catching / flashy way! 全班也许只有她猜到了凌云肯定会对乌高朗迎头痛击,但她绝对没有想到凌云会用这么简单,却这么有效这么拉风的方式! Cao Shanshan dumbstruck looks on the platform that fatty, accidentally two small powder fists grip tight, her stands tall and erect the tall and straight chest to fluctuate compared with Zhang Ling fiercely, actually diligently suppresses the own respite. 曹珊珊目瞪口呆的看着讲台上那个胖子,两只小粉拳无意中攥的紧紧的,她那比张灵更加高耸挺拔的胸脯剧烈起伏,却努力压制自己的喘息。 She feared that own breathed heavily, will affect Ling Yun, broke Ling Yun's to recite. 她怕自己呼吸重了,会影响凌云,打断凌云的背诵。 Wei Tiangan by Ling Yun shocking in a complete mess, he is wanted Ling Yun really to carry such 12, he thinks a means manufacture sound, breaks his memory, but he forgets now. 就连韦天干都被凌云震惊的一塌糊涂,本来他想就算凌云真能背那么12段,他就想办法制造点儿动静,打断他的记忆,可现在他忘了。 Forgot beyond the highest heavens this matter. 把这件事忘到九霄云外去了。 In the afternoon the first class finishing class ting resounds, Ling Yun recited the seventh text. 下午第一节课下课铃声响起的时候,凌云已经背诵到了第七篇课文。 Hears the bell, Ling Yun slightly frowned, catches up tightly catches up slowly, misses two texts not to carry to end unexpectedly. 听到下课铃,凌云微微皱眉,紧赶慢赶,竟然还差两篇课文没有背完。 The vision that he sought information looked to Wu Gaolang, that meaning must continue. 他征询的眼光看向乌高朗,那意思是还要不要继续。 Wu Gaolang the happy expression on face suppresses now cannot hold, his excited like hitting chicken blood, has lifted a both hands palm horizontal vertical stroke, has made a standard suspension movement. 乌高朗现在脸上的笑意憋都憋不住,他兴奋的就像打了鸡血似的,抬起双手手掌一横一竖,做出了一个标准的暂停动作。 Outside the classroom clamored quickly a piece, in the classroom was actually the silent falling needle may hear. 教室外面很快喧哗一片,教室里却是寂静的落针可闻。 After one minute, the hiding the sky and covering the earth applause resounds violently, that cordial atmosphere, as if US that black person president mounts the stage not to compare. 一分钟后,铺天盖地的掌声猛烈响起,那热烈的气氛,似乎就连米国的那位黑人总统上台都比不上。 The applause continued for a long time very much for a long time to stop very much. 掌声持续了很久很久才停了下来。 Wu Gaolang pats soon is patting the red palm half step to mount the platform, arrives at side Ling Yun, he has patted the Ling Yun's shoulder kindly, with temperate to being possible be called the gentle tone said: Thirsty? The teacher gets the water to you.” 乌高朗拍着快要拍红的手掌快步走上讲台,来到凌云身边,他亲切的拍了拍凌云的肩膀,用温和到堪称温柔的口气说道:“口渴了吧?老师给你拿水。” Saying, him the own drinking glass was taking personally from platform, bent over to hand in Ling Yun, he looked to the Ling Yun's vision, compared with looking in the own dream the sweethearts wanted gentle hundred times. 说着,他亲自从讲台上把自己的水杯拿起来,弯腰低头递到凌云手里,他看向凌云的目光,比看自己梦中情人都要温柔百倍。 Present Ling Yun for him, simply is the valuable rarities! 现在的凌云对他来说,简直就是稀世珍宝! When regarding just attended class he plans to Ling Yun's, he had not regretted, if not this, he can discover Ling Yun? 对于刚上课时他对凌云的算计,他一点儿都没有后悔,如果不是这样,他怎么能够发现凌云呢? He has the deep apology, hides the in the heart bottom, the show beams with joy. 他只是有着深深的歉意,藏于心底,展露脸上。 Has completed these, Wu Gaolang arrives at behind teacher's desk, the clear sound is similar to the spring breeze is generally genial, opens the mouth saying: Classmates, everybody said that good that Ling Yun recited?” 做完了这些,乌高朗走到讲桌后面,清亮的声音如同春风一般和煦,开口道:“同学们,大家说,凌云背诵的好不好?” Good!” Except for expression difference ugly Wei Tiangan, all people with one voice said good! “好!”除了表情异样难看的韦天干,所有人都异口同声的说了一声好! „Does everybody think good in this class?” Wu Gaolang is very satisfied , to continue to ask. “那大家觉得这节课上的好不好?”乌高朗很满意,继续问道。 Good!” “好!” Wu Gaolang nodded, then said with a smile: Now everybody somewhat was also tired, we finish class to rest, the next festival class everybody reviews freely, is responsible for the classroom discipline by Cao Shanshan.” 乌高朗点了点头,然后笑道:“现在大家也有些累了,我们下课休息一下,下节课大家自由复习,由曹珊珊负责课堂纪律。” Ling Yun, you come to an office with me, the teacher had the words to you say.” Wu Gaolang at this time no matter also anything finished class to stand up, he was embracing the Ling Yun's shoulder intimately, partly pushed rashly partly supports Ling Yun to leave the classroom. 凌云,你跟我来一趟办公室,老师有话要对你说。”乌高朗这时候也不管什么下课起立了,他亲热的揽着凌云的肩膀,不由分说就半推半拥着凌云出了教室。 Ling Yun before going out, turned head to look at Cao Shanshan and Zhang Ling direction, the look somewhat obscurely was slightly difficult to be bright. 凌云临出门之前,又回头看了一眼曹珊珊张灵的方向,眼神稍微有些晦涩难明。 Originally also is really the understanding. 原来还真是认识啊。 After they left the classroom, in classroom nobody moves as before, they were all tasting the Ling Yun perfect performance. 他们出了教室之后,教室里依旧没有人动,他们全都在回味着凌云刚才的完美表演。 It is estimated that this life, that sits well above the platform, self-poise, no error continuously recited the big and fat forms of seven texts unable , since they remember that cancelled! 估计这一生,那个端坐在讲台之上,镇定自若,一字不差连续背诵七篇课文的胖大身影都无法从他们记忆中抹去了! Shocked is really too big! 震撼实在是太大了! „The fourth time......” Zhang Ling muttered. “第四次了……”张灵喃喃自语。 „The what fourth time?” Is thinking silently concern Cao Shanshan by Zhang Ling bewildered a few words touching, her hurried to closely examine. “什么第四次了?”正默默想着心事的曹珊珊张灵莫名其妙的一句话给触动了,她赶忙追问。 Last night dormitory flaunted the prestige, in the morning jogged to shock the school, at noon the air/Qi walked you,...... Zhang Ling broke off the finger headage to say a moment ago: „Wasn't this four times? I said that he thoroughly changed, you have not believed......” “昨晚宿舍逞威,上午跑步震撼全校,中午气走你,刚才……”张灵掰着手指头数道:“这不是四次了么?我说他彻底变了,你还不信……” Cao Shanshan this time has not opened the mouth to refute, she was really incapable of refuting...... Ling Yun was too fierce, fiercely to exceeding her imagination, is a memory of person possibly so powerful? 曹珊珊这次没有开口反驳,她实在是无力反驳了……凌云太厉害了,厉害到超出了她的想象,一个人的记忆力怎么可能那么强悍的? Since he has such terrifying memory, how possibly to study that badly? 他既然有这么恐怖的记忆力,怎么可能学习那么差? , Muttering in a low voice, talked in whispers to start to turn into loud all sorts of comments gradually, Classmates started to shoot the breeze then the Ling Yun's heaven-defying performance. 渐渐地,低声的喃喃自语,窃窃私语开始变成了高声的议论纷纷,同学们开始就凌云的逆天表现高谈阔论起来。 This is impossible! Is absolutely impossible!” This is sound most viewpoints. “这不可能!绝对不可能!”这是声音最多的观点。 Not to be how impossible, since some people can recite π to decimal point latter more than 60000, Ling Yun can no error carry history textbook to several pages, what has not possible?” Also there is a sound to cry against. “怎么不可能,既然有人能背诵圆周率到小数点后60000多位,凌云能把历史课本一字不差背到十几页,有什么不可能的?”也有声音大声反对。 I who you said know that is the world Guinness World Record, but he is Ling Yun , all our personnel first from the bottom, was this too inconceivable?” “你说的我知道,那是世界吉尼斯纪录,可他是凌云啊,咱们全班的倒数第一,这就太不可思议了吧?” Snort, how many historical texts can recite to have what extraordinary, thinks that this can be admitted to a university? You look at that type that Wu Gaolang is haughty at first but respectful later, with discovering any treasure......” “哼,能背诵几篇历史课文有什么了不起,以为这样就能考上大学了吗?你看乌高朗前倨后恭的那个样,就跟发现什么宝贝似的……” Is, the college entrance examination is not the light tests the history...... Perhaps he in the three years then light back these texts......” “就是,高考又不是光考历史……说不定他这三年就光背这几篇课文了呢……” Prepares, definitely ahead of time prepares!” “准备好的,肯定是提前准备好的!” This is envies the envy to hate, is represented by Wei Tiangan. 这是羡慕嫉妒恨的,以韦天干为代表。 Only then Zhang Dong static sitting on the own seat, in his look has deep shocking that is hard to conceal. 只有张东静静的坐在自己的座位上,他的眼神中有着难以掩饰的深深的震骇。 Good that Classmates said that recited compared with π with that one breath the decimal point latter more than 60,000 experts, Ling Yun recited several historical texts is really not anything. 同学说的不错,跟那位一口气把圆周率背诵到小数点后60000多位的牛人相比,凌云背诵几篇历史课文真的不算什么。 But, Zhang Dong knows, Ling Yun simply has not prepared, he a moment ago sat there read a text silently. 可是,张东知道,凌云根本没有准备,他只是刚才坐在那里默默地看了一遍课文而已。 Absolutely is! 一遍,绝对是一遍! Carried many things is not anything, the key has carried many things with long time! 背了多少东西不算啥,关键是用多长时间背了多少东西! Good fierce......” Zhang Dong not to have participated in the discussion between Classmates, but looks up silently to afternoon Sports Field, as if saw that the fatty who carries the sandbag to run crazily. “好厉害……”张东没有参与同学间的议论,只是默默地抬头看向午后的操场,似乎又看到了那个扛着沙袋疯狂奔跑的胖子。 History teacher office. 历史老师办公室。 Ling Yun, sits, should not be cautious.” 凌云,坐,不要拘谨。” Wu Gaolang embraces Ling Yun to come to the office, kind greeting Ling Yun sits down, then smiles looks at Ling Yun saying: Ling Yun, has not thought that your deeply conceals does not reveal, the memory is so good, practices?” 乌高朗揽着凌云来到办公室,亲切的招呼凌云坐下,然后笑眯眯的看着凌云说道:“凌云啊,没想到你深藏不露嘛,记忆力这么好,怎么练的?” This naturally is the topic that Wu Gaolang most cares about, what if Ling Yun has to exercise the memory really super means|methods, teaches focusing on the memory history lesson teacher to this, can bring the big advantage? 这自然是乌高朗最关心的话题,如果凌云真有什么锻炼记忆力的超级方法,对他这个教以记忆为主的历史课的老师来说,得带来多大的好处? Regarding being haughty at first but respectful later of Wu Gaolang, the Ling Yun heart is understands that but this is under the entire day the universal truth, you are not good, naturally nobody can take a liking to you, you were good, others will regard with a special fondness to you, therefore he has not haggled over anything with Wu Gaolang desirably. 对于乌高朗的前倨后恭,凌云心底是明白的,不过这是全天下普遍的道理,你不行,自然没有人瞧得上你,你行了,别人就会对你另眼相看,因此他也没有跟乌高朗刻意计较些什么。 Attentively has carried several, practice makes perfect......” “就是用心多背了几遍而已,熟能生巧吧……” Ling Yun has dodged a reason casually. 凌云随便搪塞了个理由。 Wu Gaolang shows neither approval nor disapproval, the student of liberal art depends remembers, some back key paragraphs even are the key articles, believes that wants is not the brain too stupid student, can through complete diligently, but Ling Yun no error recited seven texts under glare of the public eye a moment ago! 乌高朗不置可否,文科生靠的就是记忆,背一些重点段落甚至是重点文章,相信只要不是脑子太笨的学生,都可以通过努力完成,可凌云刚才是在众目睽睽之下一字不差的背诵了七篇课文啊! If this does not have terrifying memory to add super memory means|methods, is impossible. 这要是没有恐怖的记忆力加超级的记忆方法,根本不可能。 However since Ling Yun did not plan saying that Wu Gaolang has not demanded, now, he calls the office Ling Yun alone, mainly wants to polish this good seedling well, added the color for his coaching career, this was main. 不过既然凌云不打算说,乌高朗也就没有强求,现在,他把凌云单独叫到办公室,主要还是想好好打磨这棵好苗子,为他的执教生涯增添色彩,这才是最主要的。 Ling Yun, although the teacher does not know how you achieve, but since you have such good Innate superiority, if wants the means to transform him into the score on the test.” 凌云啊,虽然老师不知道你是怎么做到的,可既然你有这么好的先天优势,就要想办法把他转变为考试成绩。” You also know, our history, memory, although is important, what may be more important is the understanding, which wants to be clear is the key point, but how also wants to be clear to reply the elaboration topic on historical examination paper.” “你也知道,咱们历史,记忆虽然重要,可更重要的是理解,要清楚哪些是重点,还要清楚怎么去回答历史试卷上的论述题。” Very obviously, Wu Gaolang was to try to find the solution now helps Ling Yun test the high score. 很显然,乌高朗现在是想办法帮着凌云考高分了。 He sees Ling Yun to hear to be very earnest, in the heart thinks satisfaction , to continue saying: This, present range college entrance examination, only then two months of time, you, looked at several history textbook, first learns the foundation, Teacher, arranges the history lesson representatives of our class to help you tutor the schoolwork first, what if you have not to understand, can directly ask me, strives for the college entrance examination to test good achievements, how?” 他见凌云听得很认真,心中更觉满意,继续道:“这样,现在距离高考只有两个月的时间了,你呢,就多看几遍历史课本,先把基础学好,老师呢,先安排咱们班的历史课代表帮你辅导功课,如果你还有什么不懂的,也可以直接来问我,争取高考考一个好成绩,如何?” Wu Gaolang takes a long-range approach, since Ling Yun has shown such terrifying memory, then history, geography, politics, even the foreign language and language, will not become any issues regarding Ling Yun, so long as these preliminary examinations were good, even if mathematical will be poor, Ling Yun will test three kinds of undergraduate courses not to have the issue. 乌高朗可谓是高瞻远瞩,既然凌云展现了这么恐怖的记忆力,那么历史,地理,政治,甚至外语和语文,对于凌云来说都不会成为什么问题,只要这几科考好了,就算数学差一点儿,凌云考一个三类本科还是没有问题的。 Therefore he has made such as on arrangement decisively. 因此他果断做出了如上的安排。 Thanks Teacher Wu, I will try hard.” Ling Yun earnest nod, has not said anything. “谢谢乌老师,我会努力的。”凌云认真的点了点头,没有多说什么。 So long as gains the cheap matter, Ling Yun will not reject. 只要是赚便宜的事,凌云才不会拒绝。 You go back first, the teacher anticipated that you simulated test will test good achievements next time.” “那你先回去吧,老师期待你下次模拟考试考出一个好成绩。” Wu Gaolang sees Ling Yun not to haggle over own to feel embarrassed his matter slightly desirably, finally has put down a final worry, and gave own to take encouragement and anticipation of teacher. 乌高朗凌云丝毫没有计较自己刻意为难他的事情,终于放下了最后的一丝担心,并给出了自己作为老师的鼓励和期待。 After Ling Yun goes out of the office, Wu Gaolang the long exhalation one breath, he held own glasses, muttered: Talent...... Too was what a pity late, is diligently also can only test three kinds of undergraduate courses.” 凌云走出办公室以后,乌高朗才长长的呼出一口气,他扶了扶自己眼镜,喃喃道:“天才啊……可惜太晚了,就是再努力也只能考个三类本科。” Ling Yun returns to the third year class 6 time, has attended class. 凌云回到高三六班的时候,已经上课了。 He enters the classroom, felt that vision of all Classmates gaze, that is his first time enters the classroom completely different vision. 他一走进教室,就感觉到了全班同学注视的目光,那是和他第一次进教室完全不同的目光。 He silently returned to the own seat to sit in the gaze of Classmates, continued to read. 他就在同学的注视中默默地回到了自己的座位坐好,继续看书。 Fierce, did Ling Yun, shaking go bad Old Wu?” “厉害啊,凌云,把老乌给震坏了吧?” Zhang Dong as before is the body one crooked, the shoulder bumps toward the Ling Yun's shoulder on, tilts the head said. 张东依旧是身子一歪,肩膀往凌云的肩膀上一碰,歪着头说道。 Ling Yun smiles lightly, shook the head saying: Not anything, study.” 凌云淡淡一笑,摇了摇头道:“没什么,学习吧。” „If not know that which is key point, you asked me, in my book had, sure.” “如果不知道哪是重点,你就问我,我书上都有,千万不要客气。” Zhang Dong referred to the own high books, the whole face said honestly. 张东指了指自己高高的书堆,满脸坦诚说道。 Does not have the issue.” Ling Yun complies joyfully. “没问题。”凌云欣然答应。 In the afternoon the latter two classes are geography, Classmates of third year class 6 want to take a look at the geography teacher to feel embarrassed time Ling Yun really again, what a pity fair of Ling Yun performance, the geography teacher is only the surprise looked at Ling Yun one, teaches. 下午后两节课是地理,高三六班的同学们真的想看看地理老师再为难一次凌云,可惜凌云一直表现的中规中矩,地理老师只是诧异的看了凌云一眼,就讲起课来。 This disappoints many Classmates at heart slightly somewhat unavoidably. 这难免让很多同学心里微微有些失望。
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