DEMG :: Volume #1

#27: heavens frightening discovered

In the afternoon after being on vacation from school, the Ling Yun tactful rejection Zhang Dong must hit the invitation of basketball with him, sits there as before reads his geography textbook earnestly. 下午放学以后,凌云委婉的拒绝了张东要和他一起去打篮球的邀请,依旧坐在那里认真看他的地理课本。 The history can help Ling Yun understand that this world developing process, but the geography can make Ling Yun understand this world the structure, the layout, natural style and local conditions and social customs. 历史能够帮助凌云了解这个世界的发展过程,而地理则能够让凌云了解这个世界的结构,布局,自然风貌和风土人情。 The geography understood eagerly this world Ling Yun, its function has gone far beyond the history without a doubt. 地理对于急于了解这个世界的凌云来说,它的作用毫无疑问远远超过了历史。 Also comes it, then settles it. 既来之,则安之。 He must survive on this planet, must practice, getting stronger, naturally probably understand this world here as far as possible all. 他要在这个星球上生存,要在这里修炼,变强,当然要尽可能的了解这个世界的一切。 This planet water may be really many.” “这个星球的水可真多。” Ling Yun looks is very earnest, is very detailed, complete immersion in. 凌云看的很认真,很详细,完全沉浸其中。 Two geographies, spoke anything as for the geography teacher, he has not listened, has sat there studies the geography. 两节地理课,至于地理老师讲了什么,他根本就没有听,一直坐在那里研究地理。 House sparrow, although is small, is fully equipped!” “麻雀虽小,五脏俱全啊!” This planet compared with Cultivation Big World does not know that wanted slightly many times, but on Earth broad sea, the big mountains, the boundless desert, the rushing rivers, have caused the Ling Yun intense exploration desire. 这个星球修真大世界不知道要小了多少倍,可地球上广阔的海洋,高大的山川,无边的沙漠,奔涌的河流,都引起了凌云强烈的探索欲望。 And, Ling Yun the China Kunlun Mountain lineage/vein, pyramid in Egypt, tropical rain forest of Brazil, Sahara of Africa, even the Bermuda Triangle, Somalia, including North and South Poles, with emphasis has made labelling on the map of textbook, he thought secret that these places are hiding not know. 其中,凌云华夏昆仑山脉,埃及的金字塔,巴西的热带雨林,非洲的撒哈拉,甚至百慕大三角,索马里,包括南北极,都在课本的地图上重点做了标注,他觉得这些地方都隐藏着很多不被人知的秘密。 However, the key point of Ling Yun attention, is China, after all he is the China person, now lives on this lands. 不过,凌云关注的重点,还是华夏,毕竟他就是华夏人,现在就生活在这片土地上。 He discovered more and more this is having the state of ancient splendid civilization, is not very ordinary. 他越来越发现这个拥有着古老灿烂文明的国度,很不一般。 Looks at the history time, he knew the Great Wall, at that time he thought, the people in this country can construct the Great Wall before 2000 above the high mountain ridge, really made one shock. 看历史的时候,他知道了万里长城,当时他就觉得,这个国家的人民在2000年前就能够在崇山峻岭之上建造了万里长城,实在令人震撼。 When he sees on the map winds the winding Great Wall, his mind ruthlessly shakes! 而当他在地图上看到蜿蜒曲折的万里长城的时候,他心神狠狠的一震! How more to look more looks like a Dragon? Ten thousand li (0.5 km) big dragon that momentarily can soar? 怎么越看越像一条龙?一条随时都会腾空而起的万里巨龙? dragon Shou looks at East China Sea, Dragon's Tail suspends Kunlun. 龙首望东海,龙尾摆昆仑 This at least is Dragon Arteries!” “这起码是一条龙脉!” If Ling Yun can governing spatial flight, he fly a kilometer upper air to look now without hesitation, he believes his judgment cannot have the mistake. 如果凌云现在可以御空飞行,他会毫不犹豫飞到千米高空看一看,他相信他的判断不会有错。 The descendants of Yan &\; Yellow Emperors, the descendants of the dragon, in the broken memory of Ling Yun receive, have the general image of dragon indistinctly, has seen in Cultivation Big World with him, the golden big dragon that has truly not the slightest difference. 炎黄子孙,龙的传人,凌云接收的残破记忆中,隐隐约约有龙的大概影像,跟他在修真大世界见过的,真正存在的金色巨龙毫无二致。 Ling Yun deeply shocks, is almost unable to extricate oneself, is this what kind of world? 凌云深深震撼,几乎无法自拔,这到底是一个怎样的世界? Arouses the Ling Yun similar interest, posts with the Great Wall for of Qin Shihuang Tomb burial figures of warriors and horses world eight big miracles. 引起凌云同样关注的,是和万里长城并列为世界八大奇迹之一的秦始皇陵兵马俑。 Any burial figures of warriors and horses, radically are demon soldiers! Some people are repairing the say/way of immortal!” “什么兵马俑,根本就是阴兵!有人在修长生之道!” Others cannot look, but Ling Yun is actually the clearness that looks, knows all of a sudden what's the matter. 别人看不出来,可凌云却是看的明明白白,一下子就知道是怎么回事。 The Great Wall, the burial figures of warriors and horses, is a Qin Dynasty time, remembered father's Dao Scripture again, Ling Yun took the hand of geography textbook somewhat to tremble, the complexion also slightly turned white. 万里长城,兵马俑,都是秦朝一个时期的,再想起了老子的道德经,凌云拿着地理课本的手有些发抖,脸色也微微发白。 United in the broken memory again the China antiquity legend, Fuxi Nu Wa, Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, the Gong Gong anger touches Buzhou Mountain wait/etc....... 再联合残破记忆里华夏的上古神话传说,伏羲女娲,三皇五帝,共工怒触不周山等等…… Without a doubt, this world definitely has cultivating true cultivator, even if no now, in the past definitely had also appeared!” “毫无疑问,这个世界肯定有修真者,就算现在没有,过去也肯定出现过!” This is the conclusion that Ling Yun draws! 这是凌云得出的结论! Regarding others, these myths perhaps are only the legends, may to Ling Yun this once practice to Transcends Tribulation Stage cultivation genius, he simply believe that is only the legend? 对于别人来说,那些神话也许只是传说,可对凌云这个曾经修炼渡劫期修真天才来说,他会简单的相信那只是传说吗? A foot kicks to go a mountain, such matter Ling Yun also has to do. 一脚把一座大山踢飞到海里去,这样的事凌云又不是没干过。 Ling Yun look dignified draws a circle labelling in the geography textbook with, Kunlun Mountain, East China Sea, the Taoism sacred place Wudang Mountains, Dragon Tiger Mountain, Maoshan...... Even Songshan Shaolin Temple by his 11. 凌云神色凝重的用笔在地理课本上画圈标注,昆仑山,东海,道教圣地武当山,龙虎山,茅山……甚至嵩山少林寺都被他11圈了出来。 And other opportunities arrived, must go to these places to inquire about, perhaps will harvest also perhaps.” “等时机到了,一定要去这些地方探寻一番,也许会有所收获也说不定。” His present Body Refining 1-layer has not arrived, including protecting own is a problem, naturally the impossible present to go. 他现在炼体一层都没到,连保护自己都成问题,当然不可能现在就去。 Unexpectedly earnest in classroom on a afternoon class, the Ling Yun this semester first time!” “竟然认认真真的在教室里上了一下午课,凌云这个学期还是第一次呢!” The classroom front, weird Zhang Ling after a few minutes must turn head to look at time Ling Yun in after school, inconceivable of whole face. 教室前排,古灵精怪张灵放学后每隔几分钟就要回头看一次凌云,满脸的不可思议。 Student attended class is perfectly justified, this has anything to make a fuss about nothing!” Cao Shanshan looks at restless Zhang Ling, cannot bear despise to say. “学生上课本来就是天经地义,这有什么值得大惊小怪的!”曹珊珊看着如坐针毡的张灵,忍不住鄙视道。 I know that to us is perfectly justified is not false, may to Ling Yun, that be different!” Zhang Ling turned head, said to Cao Shanshan. “我知道啊,对我们来说是天经地义不假,可对凌云,那就太不一样了!”张灵回过头来,对曹珊珊说道。 Shanshan, you said, Ling Yun should unable to really be return of the prodigal son?” Zhang Ling blinks there eight trigrams/gossip. 珊珊,你说,凌云该不会真是浪子回头了吧?”张灵眨着眼睛在那里八卦 Zhang Ling, I thought that you were send starry-eyed? You must want to know really, goes to Ling Yun there to ask directly, asked I to do what?” Cao Shanshan now is hungry the belly cluck to call, to the best friend anything good complexion, not to have satirized intentionally. 张灵,我看你是发花痴了吧?你要真想知道,直接去凌云那里问啊,问我干什么?”曹珊珊现在饿得肚子咕咕直叫,没给闺蜜什么好脸色,故意讽刺道。 Has not thought that Zhang Ling has stood unexpectedly, leaves the seat to walk toward the classroom rear Ling Yun's school desk. 没想到张灵竟真的站了起来,离开座位朝教室最后面凌云的课桌走去。 starry-eyed! He was not now heavenly power wind several times, unexpectedly for he didn't want the good friends?” Saw that Zhang Ling looked for Ling Yun, Cao Shanshan does not know why was, in any case thinks not to be feeling well, was not feeling well very much, she had one type to fall the impulsion of thing. 花痴!他不就是今天威风了几次么,竟然为了他连好朋友都不要了?”看到张灵真去找凌云了,曹珊珊也不知道到底是为什么,反正就是觉得不爽,很不爽,她有一种想摔东西的冲动。 Hey, Ling Yun......” “喂,凌云……” In the Zhang Ling brain as if no difference of what men and women concepts, sat on the Zhang Dong seat, greeted with Ling Yun on own initiative. 张灵脑子里似乎没有什么男女之别的概念,一屁股就坐在了张东的座位上,主动跟凌云打招呼。 Ling Yun is looking that the geography textbook is thinking the extremely important matter, was disturbed for no reason, immediately some frowned, he looks slightly crookedly excessively, the discovery unexpectedly is Zhang Ling. 凌云正在看着地理课本想着至关紧要的事,无端被人打扰,顿时有些微微皱眉,他歪过头来一看,发现竟然是张灵 What matter?” “什么事?” Zhang Ling is glancing the geography textbook on Ling Yun with, wants to have a look at Ling Yun to write anything in the textbook, had actually been closed the books by Ling Yun. 张灵拿眼瞟着凌云手上的地理课本,想看看凌云到底在课本上写了些什么,却被凌云啪的一声合上了书本。 Her some interest is wanings, but actually thinks little, blinked to say with a smile to Ling Yun: All right, comes to tell you, tonight you must ask me to eat meal.” 她有些意兴阑珊,不过却不以为意,冲凌云眨了眨眼睛笑道:“没什么事,过来只是告诉你,今晚你要请我吃饭。” This, was this too also direct? Ling Yun immediately speechless. At noon just butchered Little Overlord Tang Meng, now immediately then retribution to own on. 这,这也太直接了吧?凌云顿时一阵无语。中午刚宰了小霸王唐猛一顿,现在立时就报应到了自己头上。 Why?” Ling Yun by Zhang Ling simply directly does some not to adapt, frowned asked. “为什么?”凌云张灵的干脆直接搞得有些不适应,皱眉问道。 Not why, but, you should not forget, this miss Zhang Ling is the history lesson representative of our class.” Zhang Ling grinning saying. “没有为什么,只是,你应该没忘吧,本姑娘张灵就是咱们班的历史课代表。”张灵笑嘻嘻的说道。 Ling Yun wonders very much, the heart said that you are the history lesson representative of our class, what nonsense relations with me asked you to eat meal to have? 凌云很是纳闷,心说你是咱们班的历史课代表,跟我请你吃饭有什么狗屁关系? „After the afternoon the second class, Old Wu said that lets me in the following day, tutors your historical schoolwork as far as possible, you said that you should ask this miss to have feast?” “下午第二节课以后,老乌说让我在后面的日子里,尽量辅导你的历史功课,你说你应该不应该请本姑娘吃一顿大餐呢?” Old Wu, naturally is history teacher Wu Gaolang. 老乌,自然就是历史老师乌高朗 Then Ling Yun thought that Wu Gaolang really had also said made the history lesson representative tutor his schoolwork, own has also nodded assent, has not thought that unexpectedly was she. 这下凌云想起来了,乌高朗还真说过让历史课代表辅导他的功课,自己也点头同意了,没想到竟然是她。 Probably should be, but you must tell me first, what can you help my?” Ling Yun may never make business that loses money. “好像是应该的,可是你得先告诉我,你能帮助我什么?”凌云可从来不做亏本的买卖。 Zhang Ling proud raises the chin, curls the lip saying: „The historical result of this miss is always first three of grade, is your entire grade first treasure younger sister Ning Lingyu does not test me, you said that what I can help your?” 张灵骄傲的一扬下巴,撇嘴道:“本姑娘的历史成绩从来都是年级的前三名,就是你那个全年级第一的宝贝妹妹宁灵雨都考不过我,你说我能帮你什么?” Ling Yun full forehead black line, heart said immediately my younger sister is the science subjects, you are the liberal arts , compared with you. 凌云顿时满脑门黑线,心说我妹妹是理科,你是文科,跟你比的着嘛。 However he thinks, the nod complies: Good!” 不过他想了想,还是点头答应:“好!” A Zhang Ling eyeball revolution , to continue to strive: I must lead our class leaders.” 张灵眼珠一转,继续争取:“我要带着我们班长。” Ling Yun knows at this time the class leader was Cao Shanshan, he wants not to reject decisively: „It is not good.” 凌云此时已经知道班长就是曹珊珊了,他想都不想果断拒绝:“不行。” Hey, she is our school and your younger sister's compound big school beauty yeah, what incorrect has?” “喂,她可是我们学校和你妹妹并列的大校花哎,有什么不行的?” Ling Yun shakes the head firmly. 凌云坚决摇头。 „Is man demeanor a little good?” “有点儿男人风度好不好?” Ling Yun continues to shake the head. 凌云继续摇头。 Wants the demeanor, but if the demeanor price wastes money much, that Ling Yun is not absolutely dry! 要风度可以,但是如果风度的代价是多花冤枉钱,那凌云绝对不干! Cao Shanshan went to many amusing places, you in that several places that in the textbook writes, she has gone......” 曹珊珊可是去过许多好玩的地方,你在课本上写的那几个地方,她都去过……” Zhang Ling is sharp-eyed, quick that although Ling Yun gathers about textbook, but several geographic names of writing down were seen by her. 张灵眼尖,虽然凌云合课本合的很快,但几个写下来的地名还是被她看到了。 Ling Yun really moves, the heart said that pretends to travel, the covering sheath Cao Shanshan words are also good. 凌云果然动心,心说装作想去旅游,套套曹珊珊的话也不错。 Ok, but there is a premise.” Ling Yun nods to comply finally. “可以,不过有个前提。”凌云终于点头答应。 Makes her receive her young lady temperament, oneself do not eat that set of.” Ling Yun lightly saying, the tone is actually unquestionable. “让她收起她的大小姐脾气,本人不吃那一套。”凌云淡淡道,语气却是不容置疑。 So long as Zhang Ling the Ling Yun nod complied to be good, where manages anything the premise, she feared Ling Yun reneged on a promise rushed saying: Good, school opposite Champions' Building, you telephone to reserve the room now.” 张灵只要凌云点头答应就行了,哪里管什么前提不前提,她怕凌云反悔似的抢着说道:“好,学校对面的状元楼,你现在打电话订房间吧。” However she looked at Ling Yun that extremely not good-fitting school uniform, remembers Ling Yun unable to afford the cell phone, therefore neat saying: “Umm, ok, you do not know that their telephones, I hit. ” 不过她看了看凌云那身极不合身的校服,想起凌云根本买不起手机,于是干脆利落的说道:“额,算了,你不知道他们的电话,我打吧。” Saying, her was setting out to leave the Zhang Dong seat, returned to side Cao Shanshan. 说着,她起身离开了张东的座位,回到了曹珊珊身边。 Cao Shanshan opposed nonchalantly, sitting of righteous qi stamped the feet there! 曹珊珊横眉冷对,正气的坐在那里跺脚呢! Yo, finally gave up?” Cao Shanshan white her eyes, taunting angrily. “哟,终于舍得回来了?”曹珊珊白了她一眼,气鼓鼓的挖苦道。 Was good, Shanshan, others for you, you who you violated...... Zhang Ling were changing like this a moment ago with overbearing that Ling Yun spoke, said to Cao Shanshan pitiful. “好了,珊珊,人家为了你都这样了,你犯的着么你……”张灵一改刚才跟凌云说话的霸道,可怜兮兮对曹珊珊说道。 Cao Shanshan stares: What? For me?” 曹珊珊一愣:“什么?为了我?” Zhang Ling happily smiles to Cao Shanshan: Told you, Old Wu made me tutor the Ling Yun's history schoolwork, finding the way to make him display the own memory special skill, helping him test the high score, I seized the chance to blackmail a Ling Yun food.” 张灵曹珊珊得意一笑:“告诉你吧,老乌让我辅导凌云的历史功课,想办法让他发挥自己的记忆力特长,帮他考高分,我就趁机敲诈了凌云一顿饭。” Cao Shanshan was more astonished: Zhang Ling, you were also too black, in the Ling Yun family/home was difficult you are not does not know, among Classmates helped you also want others to treat mutually to eat meal?” 曹珊珊更加惊愕了:“张灵,你也太黑了吧,凌云家里多么困难你又不是不知道,同学之间互相帮助你还要人家请客吃饭?” Zhang Ling listened not to know that was happy is sad, an inconceivable say/way of her face: I said that my young lady, haven't we who he harms eaten the spicy fish you to forget at noon? Have you who he harms hungry one you forgotten in the afternoon? Now is you are helping him speak is I am helping him speak?” 张灵听了也不知道是喜是悲,她一脸的不可思议道:“我说我的大小姐,他害的咱们中午没吃上水煮鱼你忘了?他害的你饿了一下午你忘了?现在到底是你在帮他说话还是我在帮他说话?” Said again, did Ling Yun just take your 1000 dollars to be good at noon? We are make an effort to eat, cannot eat, gives you taking advantage of this food an opportunity of being reconciled, I wasted several million brain cells to think two classes I was easy I!” “再说了,凌云中午刚拿了你1000块钱好不好?咱们就是使劲吃,也吃不回来,借着这顿饭给你俩一个言归于好的机会,我浪费了几百万的脑细胞想了两节课我容易么我!” The mouth of Zhang Ling is really quick, Cao Shanshan is listening to her continuous artillery general spitting trough, immediately did not have the temperament, immediately raises hand to surrender saying: good good good, greed greedy, why must pull me.” 张灵的嘴是真快,曹珊珊听着她连珠炮一般的吐槽,顿时没了脾气,立刻举手投降道:“好好好,嘴馋就嘴馋了呗,干嘛非要扯上我。” As if detected a moment ago what all of a sudden own was subconscious is Ling Yun speaks, the Cao Shanshan beautiful oval face was all of a sudden red. 似乎一下子发觉自己刚才下意识的为凌云说话,曹珊珊绝美的鹅蛋脸一下子红了。 She cannot bear the unexpected happening looked at behind classroom Ling Yun one secretly. 她忍不住鬼使神差的偷偷瞄了教室后面的凌云一眼。
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