DEMG :: Volume #1

#28: Beats savagely playboy

When Zhang Ling telephones to reserve the room to Champions' Building, in the classroom rushes suddenly two people. 就在张灵状元楼打着电话订房间的时候,教室里突然闯进来两个人。 Pushes to the front that rushes, wears not a poor name brand, same is having the rampant long hair with Little Gambling God Tang Meng, complexion deathly white, the look is rampant and overbearing, is having a superiority feeling of inborn keeping aloof, on the left ear also sews an ear nail, on the left hand middle finger is wearing the shining dazzling ring. 一马当先闯进来的这一个,身穿一身不菲的名牌,跟小赌神唐猛一样留着嚣张的长发,脸色煞白,眼神嚣张而又霸道,带着一种天生的高高在上的优越感,左耳朵上还钉着一颗耳钉,左手中指上戴着明晃晃耀眼的戒指。 After he comes , the evil different vision looks in front of classroom Cao Shanshan one first greedily, in the look has the hope of not covering up. 他进来以后,略带邪异的目光先是贪婪的看了教室前面的曹珊珊一眼,眼神里有着不加掩饰的渴望。 Behind that puts on is quite ordinary, is only the figure big tall and strong, he does not enter the classroom, is only in a classroom entrance station, classroom entrance dying of suffocation. 后面那个,穿着却比较普通,只是身形高大魁梧,他也不进教室,只是在教室门口一站,就把教室门口给堵死了。 Zhang Ling is lowering the head grinningly telephones to Champions' Building, had not discovered that these two people come, Cao Shanshan actually all of a sudden noted. 张灵正低着头笑嘻嘻的给状元楼打电话,根本就没发现这两个人进来,曹珊珊却一下子就注意到了。 As soon as she looks like a person, immediately complexion changes, brushes sets out to stand up to reprimand tenderly: Gou Junfa, do you arrive in our class to do? Exits to me!” 她一看来人,立即脸色一变,刷的起身站起娇斥道:“勾俊发,你又到我们班里来干什么?给我出去!” The gaudy student of front appearance, is one of the Qingshui High School Four Big Playboys, Gou Junfa. 前面打扮的花里胡哨的学生,正是清水一中四大纨绔之一,勾俊发 Gou Junfa pair of shifty eyes are winking are staring at Cao Shanshan that does not wink, sees her to make own exit unrestrained/no trace of politeness, immediately flatters smiles: „Hasn't Shanshan, gone to eat meal? When I handle a matter, gets through the matter I to ask you to go to Champions' Building to be what kind of?” 勾俊发的一双贼眼正眨也不眨的盯着曹珊珊呢,见她毫不客气的让自己出去,顿时讨好的一笑:“珊珊,还没去吃饭呢?等我办点儿事,办完事儿我请你去状元楼怎么样?” At this time Zhang Ling also made the call, she looked up the person is Gou Junfa, immediately complexion also some slightly turned white, opened mouth have not spoken. 此时张灵也打完电话了,她抬头一看来人是勾俊发,顿时脸色也有些微微发白,张了张嘴却没有说话。 Qingshui High School has Four Big Playboys: Xie Junyan, Tang Meng, Gou Junfa, Lu Chengtian. 清水一中四大纨绔:谢俊彦,唐猛,勾俊发,鲁成天 Xie Junyan naturally is the God's favored one in teacher eyes, the family background, the look, the academic record has not resulted in selects, the nature misses with four big young tyrants \; 谢俊彦自然是老师眼中的天之骄子,无论是家世,相貌,学习成绩都没得挑,自然跟四大恶少无缘\; Little Gambling God Tang Meng becomes famous by the gambling, although has included one of the four big young tyrants, rampant overbearing sticks to one's own way of doing things, is not persistently unreasonable, on the contrary is also loyal, never depends upon bullies Classmates \; 小赌神唐猛则是以赌出名,虽然列入了四大恶少之一,也嚣张霸道我行我素,却非蛮不讲理,相反还很讲义气,从不仗势欺负同学\; But Gou Junfa and Lu Chengtian these two playboy were not that a matter, they were not only playboy are the young tyrants, two people had neither learning nor skill, all day the with one another mixed up, takes bullying Classmates entice the girl to happily. 勾俊发鲁成天这两个纨绔就不是那么回事了,他们既是纨绔又是恶少,两个人不学无术,整天厮混在一起,以欺负同学勾引女孩子为乐。 Smokes to drink to fight in the school to collect the protection money, in any case is the matter that in the school explicitly bans, their two always enjoy, but this Gou Junfa is the Clear Water City maximum property developer Gou Liancheng only son, but the Lu Chengtian father is the chief of Clear Water City Bureau of Education, the family background is one by one hard, the school does not have the means with them. 在学校里抽烟喝酒打架收保护费,反正是学校里明令禁止的事,他们两个是乐此不疲,只是这勾俊发清水市最大的房地产开发商勾连城的独子,而鲁成天的父亲是清水市教育局的局长,家庭背景一个比一个硬,学校拿他们根本没办法。 As for gaining admission to university? Puts together father's time in this, they to testing university such bored the matter snort contemptuously radically. 至于考大学?在这个拼爹的时代,他们对考大学这么无聊的事根本就嗤之以鼻。 Although Zhang Ling is courageous, who that must look at the opposite party is, she dares to be in sharp opposition that with Tang Meng is because she knows that the Tang Meng natural disposition does not go bad, is only somewhat rampant. 张灵虽然胆子很大,那也得看对方是谁,她敢跟唐猛针锋相对那是因为她知道唐猛本性不坏,只是有些嚣张而已。 May at present this Gou Junfa with Lu Chengtian that and he is always together not only bad, but also is the misdemeanor does completely! 可眼前这个勾俊发跟那个和他形影不离的鲁成天不但坏,而且是坏事做尽! Has heard then Zhang Ling, in school does not know that had several appearance good school girls spoiling by these two people. 张灵听到过的,学校里不知道有几个长相不错的女学生被这两个人给糟蹋了。 Gou Junfa likes Cao Shanshan, this is the matter that the entire school teachers and students know, is good because of him knows that the Cao Shanshan background deeply cannot stir up very much, otherwise his where will wait till the present, already the overlord hardly braced the bow. 勾俊发喜欢曹珊珊,这是全学校师生都知道的事情,好在他知道曹珊珊的背景很深惹不起,不然的话他哪里会等到现在,早就霸王硬上弓了。 Zhang Ling has thought of anything, she could not bear turning head that a face worried about look at Ling Yun, actually discovered that Ling Yun static sitting there, did not lift as before, does not know quite the same as Gou Junfa came to the classroom. 张灵似是想到了什么,她忍不住一脸担忧的回头看了看凌云,却发现凌云依旧静静的坐在那里,头都不抬,浑然不知道勾俊发来到了教室里似的。 „Do you handle matters to our class in?!” Cao Shanshan simply has not paid attention to Gou Junfa saying that asks the matter that she eats meal, coldly to ask. “你到我们班里来办什么事?!”曹珊珊根本没有理睬勾俊发说请她吃饭的事,冷冷问道。 She thought faintly, Gou Junfa definitely comes to Ling Yun, In the heart cannot bear secretly anxious. 她隐隐觉得,勾俊发肯定是冲着凌云来的,心中忍不住暗暗焦急 This is in the classroom, Cao Shanshan definitely cannot expose martial arts, she thinks all of a sudden before Gou Junfa, bullies the Ling Yun's appearance, knows that today Ling Yun must certainly suffer a loss. 这是在教室里,曹珊珊肯定不能展露武功,她一下子想到勾俊发以前欺负凌云的样子,知道今天凌云肯定要吃大亏。 Really, Gou Junfa no longer looks at Cao Shanshan, but is a corners of the mouth check, has given her an indifferent smiling face, then walks toward Ling Yun directly. 果然,勾俊发不再看着曹珊珊,而是嘴角儿一勾,给了她一个无所谓的笑容,然后径直向凌云走去。 „Does stupid pig, hear eye-catching / flashy of your today very in the school?? a toad lusting after a swan's flesh? What morality also doesn't have a look at own is?” “蠢猪,听说你今天在学校里很拉风啊?啊?癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉?也不看看自己是什么德性?” Gou Junfa has arrived by the Ling Yun's desk crassly, disdaining of whole face. 勾俊发骂骂咧咧的走到了凌云的书桌旁边,满脸的不屑。 Ling Yun is disinclined to lift continually, did not say motionless, disregarded to Gou Junfa directly. 凌云连头都懒得抬,不言不动,对勾俊发直接无视。 Damn, the father and you spoke, dares to pretend ignorance with me? The stupid pig, lifts your pig to make father have a look, did swelling on face disappear? Haven't several days punched your skin itchy itchy are?” 我擦,老子和你说话呢,敢跟我装聋作哑了?蠢猪,抬起你的猪头来让老子看看,脸上的肿消了没?几天没揍你皮痒痒了是不是?” Ling Yun really raised the head, on the fat face is bringing smiling, smiles is very clean, is very kind. 凌云果然抬起头来,胖脸上带着笑,笑的很干净,很亲切。 „Did you call Gou Junfa? I have an issue to ask you.” “你叫勾俊发?我有个问题想问问你。” The Gou Junfa eye stares, pretends to say with a smile with amazement: Yo, it seems like it was the really long skill, may I ask the father issue, you asked, asked freely.” 勾俊发眼睛一瞪,装作惊讶笑道:“哟呵,看来是真长本事了,都敢问老子问题了,你问,尽管问。” He just wants to perform one to step on the style of person in front of Cao Shanshan, sees Ling Yun such to be ignorant of the proper action to take, the heart said that did not need to call on you rooftop, the father here ruthlessly punched your, quite made Cao Shanshan experience our elegant demeanor. 他正想在曹珊珊面前表演一番踩人的风范呢,见凌云这么不知进退,心说也不用叫你上天台了,老子就在这里狠狠揍你一顿,也好让曹珊珊见识见识咱的风采。 Ling Yun was still a face human and animals harmless smiling face, smiled saying: I want to ask you, in the three years, how many times you have hit my, how much money altogether wanted here? Do you also want to select again?” 凌云仍旧是一脸人畜无害的笑容,笑眯眯道:“我想问问你,这三年里,你打过我多少次,在我这里一共要了多少钱?你还想不想再多要点儿?” Gou Junfa saw Ling Yun to show weakness, listened to a self-satisfaction, but could also not bear turn head to look at Cao Shanshan one, then turned head to the Ling Yun rampant say/way: Hit your many fathers already not to remember that so long as in any case my hand itchy took you to practice acquiring a skill, as for wanting your how much money, about 3,000-4,000, then your family that poor type, are probably many you unable to take.” 勾俊发凌云示弱,听了不由一阵得意,还忍不住回头看了曹珊珊一眼,然后回过头来对凌云嚣张道:“打你多少次老子早就不记得了,反正只要我手痒痒了就拿你练练手,至于要了你多少钱嘛,大概有三四千块左右,就你家那个穷样,多了你也拿不出来。” today I heard that your younger sister has won Little Overlord 10,000, you also took Shanshan 1000, although in this money father looks does not come into sight, but you must spit to me!” “不过今天我听说你妹妹赢了小霸王10000块,你又拿了珊珊的1000块,这点儿钱老子虽然看不到眼里,但是你都必须给我吐出来!” Gou Junfa more said is more self-satisfied, is grinning fiendishly wicked saying. 勾俊发越说越得意,狞笑着恶狠狠的说道。 Cao Shanshan listened to being angry, she gets angry the sound to shout: Gou Junfa you little here bully person, what do you have to distinguish with the robber like this?” 曹珊珊听了大怒,她怒声喊道:“勾俊发你少在这里欺负人,你这样跟强盗有什么区别?” Ling Yun sees Cao Shanshan to be willing to be unexpectedly own speaks out from a sense of justice, surprise looked at Cao Shanshan one, the heart said that calculates your also a little conscience, a while asked you to eat meal is also acceptable. 凌云曹珊珊竟然肯为自己仗义执言,不禁诧异的望了曹珊珊一眼,心说算你还有点儿良心,一会儿请你吃顿饭也是可以接受的。 Others of air/Qi have not eaten this matter as for his today including the food at noon, he already forgot. 至于他今天中午气的人家连饭都没吃这件事,他早就忘了。 Ling Yun transfers to the vision the face of Gou Junfa again, smiles lightly, nodded saying: I also want to ask that your, do my these 11,000 dollars, why feel nauseated?” 凌云重新把目光移到勾俊发的脸上,淡淡一笑,点了点头道:“我还想问您一句,我这11000块钱,为什么要吐出来?” Gou Junfa sees Ling Yun today to be so wordy, cannot bear some not be impatient, Cao Shanshan in the classroom, he already began to Ling Yun, will wait till the present? 勾俊发凌云今天这么罗嗦,忍不住有些不耐烦,要不是曹珊珊在教室里,他早就对凌云动手了,又怎么会等到现在? Gou Junfa feels suffocated snort/hum a sound said: Father wants with you, you must give me, which that many idle talk?” 勾俊发憋着气哼了一声道:“老子跟你要,你就得给我,哪儿那么多废话?” Ling Yun continues to nod to indicate to understand, then he as before bright asked with a smile: I want to ask your last question.” 凌云继续点头表示明白,然后他依旧灿烂的笑着问道:“那我想问你最后一个问题。” Gou Junfa suppressed is beating savagely a Ling Yun impulsion immediately, frowned said one: Has the fart to put quickly!” 勾俊发强忍着立即暴打凌云一顿的冲动,皱眉说了一句:“有屁快放!” Ling Yun said with a smile: I want to ask how much money you did have now?” 凌云笑道:“我想问问,你现在身上带了多少钱?” Gou Junfa is angry: I thought that your boy was really skin itchy was itchy, didn't father which day bring ten thousand son eight thousand?” 勾俊发大怒:“我看你小子真是皮痒痒了,老子身上哪天不带个万儿八千的?” Ling Yun smiles, nodded: That is good, I felt relieved!” 凌云嘿嘿一笑,点了点头:“那就好,那我就放心了!” Gou Junfa wonders very much, cannot bear ask: How much money do I have you to feel relieved what?” 勾俊发很纳闷,忍不住问道:“我带多少钱你放心什么?” Ling Yun has not replied, grows the body suddenly, simultaneously the right hand makes a fist, from the sky draws an elegant swift and fierce arc, ruthlessly hit on the left face of Gou Junfa! 凌云没有答话,突地长身而起,同时右手握拳,在空中划出一道优美凌厉的弧线,狠狠的就打在了勾俊发的左脸上! Bang!” “砰!” "Ah!" “啊!” Although this fist Ling Yun has only used 50% strengths, is rudely, was quick and ruthless, solid pounding on the face of Gou Junfa. 这一拳凌云虽然只用了五成力道,却势大力沉,又快又狠,结结实实的砸在了勾俊发的脸上。 Gou Junfa shouted fierce miserably, is drawn back by the tread tread tread that Ling Yun fought with the fists in the future two steps, the body hit school desk was thin crash-bang, the books on school desk were hit by the unexpected misfortune, fell on the ground. 勾俊发厉声惨呼,被凌云一拳打的蹬蹬蹬往后退了两步,身体撞的身后的课桌稀里哗啦,课桌上的书堆遭受了无妄之灾,掉落在了地上。 „After I am was worried about your both capital and interest also my money, remaining money insufficient medical expenses!” “我就是担心你连本带利还了我的钱之后,剩下的钱不够医药费!” Ling Yun smiles, one step has stepped forward the seat, before rushing to the body of Gou Junfa. 凌云嘿嘿一笑,一步就跨出了座位,冲到了勾俊发的身前。 The right hand changes the fist is the claw, holds the Gou Junfa front, toward the own bosom area, the left fist wields fiercely once more! 右手变拳为爪,一把抓住勾俊发的前襟,往自己怀里猛地一带,左拳再次挥出! Bang!” “砰!” This fist Ling Yun has used 70% strengths, hits is actually the lower abdomen of Gou Junfa, he simultaneously the right hand disperses, the body of Gou Junfa bent the sun-dried shelled shrimp shape directly, flew upside down more than two meters far from the school desk middle aisle, fell down. 这一拳凌云用了七成力道,打的却是勾俊发的小腹,他同时右手撒开,勾俊发的身体直接弯成了虾米状,从课桌中间的走道上倒飞出两米多远,跌倒在地。 This time he has not yelled, he pain has resulted in the basis unable to shout. 这次他没有喊叫,他已经痛得根本喊不出来了。 At this time the Gou Junfa pain results in the whole body to break into sweat, the tooth of mouth does not know that wiped out several, the mouthful is the blood, the shock in eye frightened indescribable! 此时勾俊发痛得浑身直冒冷汗,嘴里的牙齿也不知道被打掉了几颗,满嘴都是鲜血,眼睛里的震惊恐惧无法形容! What he is shocked, this is dared to punch him by Fat Pig today that own bullies casually! 他震惊的是,这个一直被自己随便欺负的胖猪今天竟敢揍他! What his fear is, the fellow of this smiling makes a move so to be unexpectedly ruthless, did not fear that will injure own to have any consequence! 他恐惧的是,这个笑眯眯的家伙出手竟然那么狠,根本不怕打伤了自己会有什么后果! At this time, Classmates that in the classroom all did not have was shocked! 此时,教室里所有还没出去的同学都惊呆了! Cao Shanshan and Zhang Ling were the surprised opening small mouth, dumbstruck is looking at present this, does not dare believe! 曹珊珊张灵更是吃惊的张大了小嘴儿,目瞪口呆的望着眼前这一幕,根本不敢相信! Last night Ling Yun sent the invincible might in dormitory greatly, the foot steps on Wei Tiangan, the palm pulls out Jia Meng, after they listened, half believing and half doubting, now they believe really! 昨晚凌云宿舍里大发神威,脚踩韦天干,掌抽贾猛,她们听了之后还将信将疑,现在她们是真的相信了! Ling Yun makes a move too quickly, was too ruthless! 只是凌云出手太快,太狠了! This is Ling Yun, said that begins to begin, is not loathsome. 这就是凌云,说动手就动手,毫不拖泥带水。 Arrived this time, stopped up just to respond in that fellow of entrance, he called Pi Hezhi, was the Gou Junfa personal servant, all day muddled along with Gou Junfa, Gou Junfa bullied Ling Yun each time, he almost presented the help to seek pleasure, at this moment saw Ling Yun to make a move to punch Gou Junfa suddenly, the brain really somewhat was dumbstruck. 到这时候,堵在门口的那个家伙才刚刚反应过来,他叫皮和志,是勾俊发的跟班,整天跟着勾俊发胡混,每次勾俊发欺负凌云,他几乎都在场帮忙找乐,此刻见凌云突然出手揍勾俊发,脑子还真有些发懵。 Pi Hezhi hurried , the aisle between school desks so was what a pity wide, Gou Junfa lay down there, he could not pass. 皮和志赶忙冲了过来,可惜课桌之间的走道就那么宽,勾俊发躺在那里,他根本过不去。 Is thrown into confusion in Pi Hezhi does not know that fought the free time who or saved others first first, Ling Yun comes! 就在皮和志手忙脚乱不知道是先打架还是先救人的工夫,凌云又来了! He one step steps to Gou Junfa side, raised Gou Junfa to leave the ground again single-handed, lifted the foot to aim at the chest of Gou Junfa to trample. 他一步跨到勾俊发身边,再次单手提起勾俊发离开地面,抬脚对准勾俊发的胸口就踹了上去。 Bang bang......” “砰砰……” Then Pi Hezhi did not use hesitant, Ling Yun this foot has almost used 90% strengths, body numerous collisions of Gou Junfa on his body, two people folded the body to fly upside down together. 这下皮和志不用犹豫了,凌云这一脚几乎用了九成力道,勾俊发的身体重重的撞在了他的身上,两个人叠着身子一块儿倒飞了出去。 very handsome! Too fierce!” 好帅哦!太猛了!” Zhang Ling sees the Ling Yun overwhelming power overbearing imposing manner, two eyes narrowed the heart shape immediately, cheered loudly. 张灵看到凌云威猛霸道的气势,两个眼睛顿时眯成了心形,大声助威。
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