DEMG :: Volume #1

#29: Also body

Ling Yun is calm , to continue to proceed, he also has even turned head to show a faint smile to Zhang Ling that he cheers/cheering cheers. 凌云淡定悠然,继续往前走,他甚至还扭过头冲着给他加油助威的张灵微微一笑。 Ling Yun walks up, to Pi Hezhi that behind Gou Junfa tumbles looked that did not look, a foot stepped in the chest of Gou Junfa. 凌云走上前去,对勾俊发后面连滚带爬的皮和志连看都不看,一脚就踩在了勾俊发的胸口上。 His multiple body, on foot big strength? By him such is stepped in Gou Junfa that the pain must unable to move, the strength that with enough time a throat, has only struggled did not have. 他多重的身体,脚上多大的力道?本来就痛得动弹不得的勾俊发被他这么一踩,只来得及嗷了一嗓子,就连挣扎的力气都没有了。 His dead dog lies down on the ground generally, looks to the Ling Yun's eye, except for frightened frightened, in the vision had a desire. 他死狗一般躺在地上,看向凌云的眼睛里,除了恐惧还是恐惧,目光中都带了一丝乞求。 Ling Yun lowers the head, on the face as before is that human and animals harmless smiling face, very kind looks that Gou Junfa that pain results in the distortion the death face to say with a smile: Gou Junfa, yes?” 凌云低头,脸上依旧是那副人畜无害的笑容,很亲切的看着勾俊发那张痛得扭曲的死人脸笑道:“勾俊发,是吧?” I said Lil' Gou Zi, now, can you say several human language well?” “我说小勾子,现在,你可以好好的说几句人话了吧?” „!” What? Lil' Gou Zi? “嘎!”什么?小勾子 In the classroom enclosed to come to see lively Classmates to listen unable to bear happily, campus playboy young tyrant Gou Junfa, unexpectedly has become to the Ling Yun mouth Lil' Gou Zi. 教室里围上来看热闹的同学听了忍不住乐了,校园纨绔恶少勾俊发,到凌云嘴里竟然成了小勾子了。 At this time, the student who on the third year class 6 classroom outside corridor passed through also heard inside sound, flushed to watch in abundance exactly what happened. 这时候,高三六班教室外面走廊上经过的学生也听到了里面的动静,纷纷冲进来观看到底发生了什么事。 Ling Yun asked half-day/long time has not actually heard the reply, his frowned looked that discovered to the face of Gou Junfa, originally Gou Junfa has shown the whites of the eyes at this time, which can also the opens the mouth speech that he stepped on? 凌云问了半天却没听到回答,他皱眉看向勾俊发的脸才发现,原来勾俊发此时已经被他踩的直翻白眼了,哪儿还能张口说话? Ling Yun sighed, the heart said that your this physique could not compare Wei Tiangan, therefore has moved out of the way the foot slowly. 凌云叹了一口气,心说你这体格连韦天干都比不了呢,于是缓缓挪开了脚。 Gou Junfa is withstanding the pain of five main internal organs (entrails) hit shifting, opened the big mouth to breathe fiercely several tones, this opened the mouth saying: Ling Yun, I have made a mistake, I later do not dare......” 勾俊发忍着五脏六腑被打的移位的痛苦,张开大口剧烈喘了几口气,这才开口说道:“凌云,我错了,我以后再也不敢了……” Slow, admitting mistakes, we do not have the words to say anxiously well.” “慢着,不要急着认错,咱们有话好好说。” Ling Yun smiles looks down Gou Junfa, lightly saying: I remember that you said how much money a moment ago in the three years altogether took my?” 凌云笑眯眯的低头看着勾俊发,淡淡道:“我记得刚才你说这三年一共拿了我多少钱?” Three...... 3,000-4,000......” Gou Junfa endures severe pain to reply. “三……三四千……”勾俊发忍着剧痛回答道。 3000 add 4000, altogether is 7000, Zhang Ling, how many interest do 7000 dollars save the bank three years altogether are?” “3000加4000,一共是7000,张灵,7000块钱存银行三年一共是多少利息?” Surrounding Classmates sees Ling Yun such to understand 3,000-4,000, could not bear loud laughing. 周围同学凌云这么理解三四千,忍不住哄堂大笑了起来。 Regarding the badness of Gou Junfa, the entire Qingshui High School who does not know that which doesn't understand? Mentioned him and Lu Chengtian two people, who was not hates the root to be itchy, actually felt indignant but not daring to speak out? 对于勾俊发的坏,整个清水一中谁人不知哪个不晓?提起他和鲁成天两个人,谁不是恨得牙根痒痒,却又敢怒不敢言? Let alone they also know how Gou Junfa bullies Ling Yun's in the three years, therefore simply does not have the person to feel pitiful for him, on the contrary everybody thought that is very carefree! 何况他们也都知道勾俊发这三年是怎么欺负凌云的,因此根本没有人为他感到可怜,相反大家都觉得很是畅快! Ling Yun was really left foul odor for them! 凌云真是为他们出了一口恶气啊! Zhang Ling tittered smiles, pretending to be serious first looked at Cao Shanshan, said to Ling Yun: Saves three years of time of death words, should have 0% several, made concrete me also to forget!” 张灵噗嗤一笑,煞有介事的先看了一眼曹珊珊,才对凌云说道:“存三年死期的话,应该有0十几吧,具体我也忘了呢!” Cao Shanshan listened unable to bear white Zhang Ling one, she was also too ruthless, the interest rate of three years of time of death also 5%, Zhang Ling unexpectedly lion big opens the mouth, casualness then in addition at least two times. 曹珊珊听了忍不住白了张灵一眼,她也太狠了,三年死期的利率也不过5,张灵竟然狮子大开口,随随便便就加了至少两倍。 The Ling Yun nod expressed gratitude, then flushed Gou Junfa to say earnestly: You look, if 7000 dollars 15% interest, should be 1050, the odd change I do not want, I take carry back eight thousand, is not excessive?” 凌云点头表示感谢,然后冲勾俊发认真说道:“你看,7000块钱如果15利息的话,应该是1050,零头我就不要了,我拿回来八千,不算过分吧?” Which Gou Junfa also cares about Ling Yun how to calculate at this time, he wishes one could to hurry to escape from the third year class 6, therefore the violent nod of chicken pecking meter/rice said: Right, a little right, eight thousand, is eight thousand......” 勾俊发此时哪儿还在乎凌云怎么算,他恨不得赶紧逃出高三六班,因此鸡啄米似的猛烈点头道:“对,一点儿都没错,八千,就是八千……” Ling Yun frowns to ask: Lil' Gou Zi, you may think, haven't I miscalculated really?” 凌云皱着眉头问道:“小勾子,你可想好了,我真没有算错?” Has not miscalculated, has not miscalculated absolutely!” Gou Junfa pledged to the day then the difference at this time. “没算错,绝对没算错!”勾俊发这时候就差对天发誓了。 Ling Yun cold snort/hum a sound said: That is good, draws cash......” 凌云冷哼了一声道:“那就好,拿钱吧……” Gou Junfa is a fierce nod, he tried hard to struggle to sit from the ground, from getting up the pocket pulled out the own thick wallet, took the money in wallet came out to give Ling Yun, was shivering the say/way: This is 10,000, gave you......” 勾俊发又是一阵猛的点头,他努力挣扎着从地上坐了起来,从上衣兜里掏出自己厚厚的钱包,把钱包里的钱都拿了出来递给凌云,颤抖着道:“这是10000块,都给你了……” Ling Yun received money, shua~ shua~ shua~ several 20, flung on the face of Gou Junfa conveniently, cold snort/hum a sound said: You think that I am you? I bring back my own money, many one point does not want.” 凌云接过钱,刷刷刷数出20张,随手甩到了勾俊发的脸上,冷哼了一声道:“你以为我是你啊?我只是拿回我自己的钱而已,多一分都不要。” Cao Shanshan listened unable to bear show the whites of the eyes, despised Ling Yun's to be shameless ruthlessly! 曹珊珊听了忍不住翻了个白眼,狠狠鄙视了一下凌云的无耻! You extorted your money to want one time compared with others also many, but also had a face saying that what many one points didn't want? 你比人家勒索你的钱多要了一倍还多,还有脸说什么多一分都不要? Did she remember Ling Yun with the appearance of her 1000 dollar, the heart said this person also to be able at noon again shameless a little? 她不禁又想起了凌云中午拿她那1000块钱的样子,心说这人还能再无耻一点儿吗? The answer is the energy. 答案是能。 Only listens to Ling Yun also lightly saying: But, can't I hit you white/in vain one? Looked in share that in I offer such big strength, did you think that should give me to select the physical strength fee/spent?” 只听凌云又淡淡说道:“不过,我不能白打你一顿吧?看在我出这么大力气的份上,你觉不觉得应该给我点儿体力费?” The face of Gou Junfa sore distortion, was nearly green, because these words were always he to others said that has not thought that today Ling Yun actually said to him. 勾俊发疼的扭曲的脸,差点儿就绿了,因为这句话从来都是他对别人说的,没想到今天凌云竟然对他说了出来。 But he is stepped on now under the foot, where has the opportunity of rebuttal, therefore hurried scattering to pick in the own surrounding money completely, both hands were lifting respectfully handed in Ling Yun. 可他现在被人踩在脚底下,哪儿有反驳的机会,于是赶忙又把散落在自己周围的钱全部都捡了起来,双手举着恭恭敬敬的递到凌云手里。 Who knows Ling Yun to get angry such as flips through book, layer on layer/heavily snort/hum a sound said: Were too many, hits these much money that you are also unworthy, so long as half suffice!” 谁知凌云翻脸如翻书,重重哼了一声道:“太多了,打你还不值的这么多钱,只要一半就够!” The heart that Gou Junfa continually dies now had, the heart said that Ling Yun your this does not toss about the person, but he does not dare to display, has honest several 1000, obedient hands in Ling Yun. 勾俊发现在连死的心都有了,心说凌云你这不是折腾人嘛,不过他可不敢表现出来,只好老老实实数出1000,乖乖的递到凌云手里。 This Ling Yun accepts joyfully, has not felt embarrassed him again. 这次凌云欣然收下,并没有再为难他。 Suffers a loss is not the Ling Yun's style, his principle is, even if suffered a loss for a while, in the future must double asks, how to write as for the shameless two characters, in the Ling Yun's dictionary did not have. 吃亏不是凌云的风格,他的原则是,就算一时吃了亏,将来也要加倍的讨回来,至于无耻两个字怎么写,凌云的词典里还真没有。 Ling Yun collects the good money, half-day/long time not to speak. 凌云收好钱,半天没有说话。 At this time Gou Junfa as if started to get strength back, he looks at Ling Yun cautiously, asking that flattered: Ling Yun, can we walk now?” 这时候勾俊发似乎开始缓过劲来了,他小心翼翼的看着凌云,讨好的问道:“凌云,现在我们可以走了吧?” Gou Junfa pledged to the day secretly, the shame that today suffers takes ten times of hundred times of asking to come back, Ling Yun today does not know that which muscle built mistakenly, dares such to shame him unexpectedly, did not recover this gathering place, after his Gou Junfa, do not mix in Clear Water City! 勾俊发暗暗对天发誓,今天遭受的耻辱一定要十倍百倍的讨回来,凌云今天不知道哪根筋搭错了,竟然敢这么羞辱他,不找回这个场子,他勾俊发以后就别在清水市混了! Ling Yun hehe said with a smile: Not anxiously walking, I still remember that you had said a moment ago, so long as your hand itchy must practice acquiring a skill with me, is right?” 凌云嘿嘿一笑道:“不急着走,我还记得你刚才说过,只要你的手痒痒了就要拿我练练手,对不对?” Gou Junfa listened to immediately the complexion to change, what he really did not clarify in the Ling Yun bottle gourd to sell was any medicine. 勾俊发听了顿时脸色一变,他实在搞不清凌云葫芦里卖的是什么药。 Sees only Ling Yun suddenly cold -ly snorted and said: Then I tell you now, recently my hand was itchy, so long as my hand itchy will ask you to practice acquiring a skill, from now henceforth you should better not to appear before me, otherwise sees one time to hit one time, heard?!” 只见凌云突然冷哼道:“那么现在我告诉你,最近我手痒得很,只要我手痒痒了就会找你练手,从今以后你最好不要在我面前出现,否则见一次打一次,听到了没有?!” A muscle twitch on Gou Junfa face, in the heart regretted fiercely secretly own so is why negligent, if according to the plan of Lu Chengtian, called rooftop to come up Ling Yun, their 56 people hit Ling Yun one, hasn't wanted to punch punches? 勾俊发脸上的肌肉猛地一阵抽动,心中暗暗后悔自己为什么这么大意,要是按照鲁成天的计划,把凌云叫到天台上去,他们56个人打凌云一个,还不是想怎么揍就怎么揍? Qingshui High School will not have in any case your Ling Yun this person from now on, the father thoroughly instigates simply one time, first left here to say again. 反正今后清水一中就没你凌云这一号人了,老子索性就彻底怂一次,先离开这里再说。 Therefore he nods such as mashes up garlic, is too busy to reply: Heard, heard, I later certainly will not appear before you.” 于是他点头如捣蒜,忙不迭答道:“听到了,听到了,我以后一定不会在你面前出现。” Although Gou Junfa on the bad ancestral grave braves the black smoke, but he is not silly. He does not want to make Ling Yun give him to come on such foot again, came a foot to kick the entrance to go from here again, such words really lost disgraced in a big way. 勾俊发虽然坏的祖坟上冒黑烟,可他不傻。他可不想让凌云再给他来上那么一脚,从这里再来一脚就踢门口去了,那样的话丢人就真丢大了。 Gou Junfa said that wants to try hard to stand up, was actually given to step on by a Ling Yun suddenly foot. 勾俊发说完就想努力站起身来,却被凌云冷不丁一脚又给踩了回去。 I made you get up, did you get up?” “我让你起来了么,你就起来?” Ling Yun look ice-cold say/way: You have not told me, the wound on your face what's the matter?” 凌云眼神冰冷道:“你还没有告诉我,你脸上的伤是怎么回事?” Gou Junfa is about to cry! The wound on face? That by your fist hitting? 勾俊发快哭了!脸上的伤?那还不是被你一拳给打的么? He knows that own at least wiped out three teeth, but he thinks to say honestly: „The wound on my face is own does not hit the wall to knock carefully.” 他知道自己至少被打掉了三颗牙齿,可他想了想却老老实实说道:“我脸上的伤是自己不小心撞墙上磕的。” This was also he and Lu Chengtian bullies the student later case of often to question, let the hit student said that is bumping that own knocked, cannot say that was hit by them. 这也是他和鲁成天欺负完了学生之后的例常问话,让被打的学生说是自己磕的碰的,就是不能说是被他们打的。 Who does the student in entire school dare to annoy them? Was hit is bullied, is angries but not dare say anything, is only Gou Junfa today capsize in a drain, was asked on own by Ling Yun. 全学校的学生谁敢惹他们两个?被打被欺负了,也就是敢怒而不敢言罢了,只是勾俊发今天阴沟里翻船,被凌云问到了自己头上。 He knew finally anything is called is bullied, anything is called the taste that angries but not dare say anything! 他总算是知道了什么叫做被人欺负,什么叫做敢怒而不敢言的滋味儿! Ling Yun then satisfies nods, turns head to say to all around loudly: Everybody may hear, Gou Junfa said that his wound is own hits the wall to knock, does not have what relations with our class can/but.” 凌云这才满意点头,扭头冲着四周大声道:“大家可都听到了啊,勾俊发说他身上的伤是自己撞墙上磕的,跟咱们班可没有什么关系。” Then he reminder Gou Junfa of good intention: What later to walk, must be careful surely, is all right always hits to do toward the wall on?” 接着他又好心的提醒勾俊发:“以后走路什么的,千万要小心点儿,没事儿老往墙上撞干什么?” Gou Junfa looks at good intention at this moment Ling Yun, as if looks the devil who in the hell flees is common, he the tooth to meet rudeness with a smile saying: Yes, later is certainly careful.” 勾俊发此刻看着“好心”的凌云,就仿佛看着地狱里窜出来的魔鬼一般,他呲着牙赔着笑脸道:“是,以后一定小心。” Ling Yun disdains to smile, looks just to crawl, stands in the platform place does not know Pi Hezhi lightly saying that does not know what to do: „The tent/account of your lord, I have reckoned up with him, today my time is insufficient, when my which day of time has sufficed, our accounts calculate again alone!” 凌云不屑一笑,又看着刚爬起来,站在讲台处不知道如何是好的皮和志淡淡道:“你主子的帐,我已经跟他算清了,今天时间不够,等我哪天时间够了,咱俩的帐再单独算算!” Then Ling Yun looked that does not look at two people, he puts out a character from the mouth gently: Go away!” 然后凌云看也不看两人,他轻轻从嘴里吐出一个字:“滚!” mysterious......” “奥……” Gou Junfa with Pi Hezhi, in the third year class 6 all Classmates laughters, two people is supporting by the arm mutually, was clamping tail scared shitless fleeing. 勾俊发皮和志,在高三六班所有同学的哄笑声中,两人互相搀扶着,夹着尾巴屁滚尿流的逃离了。 Ling Yun does not return walks toward the own seat, to Classmates ascends to suspend on the way these books that Gou Junfa hits, then returns to the seat to sit down. 凌云头也不回的朝着自己的座位走去,顺道还把勾俊发撞掉的那些书给同学拾起来摆好,然后才回到座位上坐下。 Fierce fierce, Ling Yun was really too fierce, beat savagely playboy, Gou Junfa campus four big young tyrants stepping on!” “厉害厉害,凌云实在是太厉害了,暴打纨绔啊,把校园四大恶少之一的勾俊发给踩了!” Crisp! Really crisp! Really happy!” “爽!真爽!真痛快!” „Hasn't Gou Junfa eaten probably such greatly has owed? I felt that he must certainly find person to retaliate Ling Yun......” 勾俊发好像从来没吃过这么大亏吧?我感觉他肯定要找人报复凌云……” Ling Yun made a move too to be also ruthless, only used two fist feet, the opportunity that Gou Junfa hit back unexpectedly continually not to have, too powerful......” 凌云出手也太狠了,只用了两拳一脚,勾俊发竟然连还手的机会都没有,太强悍了……” In the classroom an exclamation praises, all people look to the Ling Yun's vision, is more indistinct a awe. 教室里一片惊叹赞扬,所有人看向凌云的目光里,都隐隐约约多了一丝敬畏。 Arrived the present, they thoroughly understood a matter, that is present Ling Yun, cannot annoy! 到现在,他们都彻底明白了一件事,那就是现在的凌云,根本不能惹! Zhang Ling is a face worship looks at Ling Yun, two eyes have not turned into the heart shape then the difference, she thought suddenly the Ling Yun's image not so was suddenly loathful, on the contrary, but also were many lovable. 张灵则是一脸崇拜的看着凌云,两只眼睛就差没变成心形了,她忽然觉得凌云的形象忽然不那么令人讨厌了,相反,还多了一丝可爱。 „The fifth time...... Probably, on his left cheeks also has a dimple...... If again thinly a little perfect......” “第五次了……好像,他的左脸颊上还有一个酒窝呢……要是再瘦一点儿就完美了……” Cao Shanshan listens to Zhang Ling to think aloud there sends starry-eyed, has been very silent, makes a move to start from Ling Yun, she besides the shock, is silent. 曹珊珊听着张灵在那里自言自语发花痴,却一直很沉默,从凌云出手开始,她除了震惊之外,就是沉默。 Coming out that only then she can look, Ling Yun's makes a move is not hitting randomly, he fist leaves the foot, agreed without consultation some type of mysterious path, wonderfully to the summit, let alone Gou Junfa, is own easily does not avoid. 只有她能看的出来,凌云的出手并非是在乱打,他无论是出拳还是出脚,都暗合了某种玄奥的轨迹,妙到毫巅,别说勾俊发了,就是自己都不容易躲开。 Ling Yun, some of your also how many secrets? 凌云,你到底还有多少秘密?
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