DEMG :: Volume #1

#30: Deep waters explode!

School worst most awesome playboy Gou Junfa by Ling Yun hitting the kneeling place begs for mercy!” “学校最坏最牛纨绔勾俊发凌云给打的跪地求饶!” This news looks like Deep waters explode! to explode generally in the Qingshui High School campus, resounding and shock have gone far beyond today all eight trigrams/gossip news. 这个消息像一颗深水炸弹一般在清水一中校园里爆炸开来,轰动性和震撼性远远超过了今天所有的八卦消息。 Last night Ling Yun flaunted the prestige in dormitory, stepped on shed long Wei Tiangan, slapped roommate Jia Meng \; 昨晚凌云宿舍逞威,踩了舍长韦天干,掌掴舍友贾猛\; In the morning Ling Yun jogs in Sports Field, carries the sandbag to run continually 4400 meters, the shock entire campus \; 上午凌云操场跑步,扛着沙袋连跑4400米,震惊整个校园\; At noon Ling Yun eats in the cafeteria, pain butchers Little Gambling God Tang Meng, but also was air/Qi ran school beauty Cao Shanshan \; 中午凌云在食堂吃饭,痛宰小赌神唐猛,还气跑了校花曹珊珊\; In the afternoon Ling Yun attended class in the classroom, one breath back history text seven, no error \; 下午凌云在教室上课,一口气背历史课文七篇,一字不差\; Ling Yun! Ling Yun! Ling Yun! Ling Yun! time Ling Yun has covered all in Qingshui High School trend of events, all of a sudden became the Qingshui High School most intensely bright name. 凌云凌云凌云!还是凌云!一时间凌云清水一中风头盖过了一切,一下子成为了清水一中最为耀眼夺目的名字。 But the above all these news add, cannot compare afternoon after school this shocked super news! 可上面所有这些消息加起来,都比不上下午放学后这个震撼性的超级新闻! Who is Gou Junfa? 勾俊发是谁? Gou Junfa father Gou Liancheng is the local tyrant who Clear Water City fled in recent years, the industry of Gou Liancheng related to many domains, including real estate, hotel entertainment and shipping industry, the real estate is his pillar industry-- in the two years, rises dramatically along with the national house price, Gou Liancheng seizes the opportunity, marches the real estate full power, all of a sudden then sudden wealth. 勾俊发的父亲勾连城清水市近年窜起的土豪,勾连城旗下的产业涉及多个领域,包括房地产、酒店娱乐、运输业,其中房地产是他的支柱产业——这两年,随着全国房价飙升,勾连城把握住机会,全力进军房地产,一下子就暴富了。 Far did not say that two teaching and administrative staff Dormitory Building that is Qingshui High School at present constructed, that is the real estate project of Gou Liancheng investment operation. 远的不说了,就是清水一中目前正在建设的两座教职工宿舍楼,那都是勾连城投资运作的地产项目。 For this reason, Gou Junfa dares in Qingshui High School run amuck, rampant overbearing, to look that who is not feeling well to punch punches, looks at which school girl a little beauty, said that round has turned, that is genuine second generation of rich playboy adds the young tyrant! 正因如此,勾俊发才敢在清水一中横行无忌,嚣张霸道,看着谁不爽想揍就揍,看着哪个女学生有点儿姿色,说轮就轮了,那是真正的富二代纨绔加恶少! But Ling Yun has punched him, not only has punched, but also with stepping on stepping on dead dog on the ground, making him kneel begs for mercy! 凌云偏偏就把他揍了,不但揍了,还跟踩死狗似的踩在了地上,令他跪地求饶! Qingshui High School just in the afternoon was on vacation from school, today caught up with last Friday, now the school canteen, the basketball court, in the football field is the person, Ling Yun beats savagely the Gou Junfa news to pass on ten everywhere, ten passed on hundred, has almost spread over each corner of campus instantaneously! 清水一中刚刚下午放学,今天又赶上周五,现在学校食堂,篮球场,足球场上到处都是人,凌云暴打勾俊发的消息一传十,十传百,几乎是瞬间就传遍了校园的每一个角落! Zhang Dong is playing basketball in the basketball court at this time, he hears this news time first stares, then shook the head hehe says with a smile: This is impossible, the biography was how odder, Ling Yun not that young tiger......” 张东这时候正在篮球场上打篮球,他听到这个消息的时候先是一愣,然后摇了摇头呵呵笑道:“这不可能吧,怎么越传越离谱了,凌云没有那么彪……” But hears vivid that dissemination news Classmates said that just like the appearance that sees, Zhang Dong also starts halfly believing and half doubting, he throws the basketball simply, starts to walk two long legs, runs directly toward the classroom. 可是听到传播消息的同学说的绘声绘色,犹如亲见的样子,张东也开始将信将疑,他索性把篮球一扔,迈开两条长腿,直接往教室跑去。 If Ling Yun really Gou Junfa hitting, that may be big troublesome! 要是凌云真把勾俊发给打了,那麻烦可就大了! Chai Hanlin is bringing something from the kitchen to the table in the cafeteria at this time, when he heard just came to the cafeteria to bring something from the kitchen to the table Classmates that mentions this matter, the lunch box in hand dang falls the ground, pounded the foot of own not to realize. 柴翰林此时正在食堂打饭,当他听到刚来食堂打饭的同学说起这件事的时候,手中的饭盒“咣当”一声就掉到了地上,砸着自己的脚了都没察觉。 Sent a while to be dull, Chai Hanlin bends the waist to pick up the ground fiercely the lunch box, the food does not hit, did not return ran toward the classroom. 发了一会儿呆,柴翰林猛地弯腰拾起地上的饭盒,饭也不打了,头也不回的往教室跑去。 30 five dormitory Wei Tiangan have not actually brought something from the kitchen to the table, yesterday evening was stepped on by Ling Yun on the ground, the body moistened completely the spate, he has not dared to wash to the present, has not come back while Ling Yun, he was preparing to go to the waterhouse to take a bath, actually heard out of the door to hear such one to call out in alarm! 30五宿舍韦天干却没有打饭,昨天晚上被凌云踩在地上,身上沾满了泥水,到现在他还没敢洗呢,趁着凌云没有回来,他正准备去水房洗个澡,却听到门外传来了这样一声惊呼! Flash news, flash news! Do you know, our class Ling Yun playboy young tyrant Gou Junfa hitting!” “大新闻,大新闻啊!你们知不知道,咱们班凌云纨绔恶少勾俊发给打了!” What?!” Only escapes remains Wei Tiangan one hear of shorts, staggers fiercely, he hurried to stand the body to clash from dormitory. “什么?!”脱得只剩一条短裤的韦天干一听,猛地一个趔趄,他赶紧站直了身体从宿舍里冲了出来。 Wang Yong, what did you say? Did you say Ling Yun hitting Gou Junfa? Are you talking in a dream?” Some Wei Tiangan complexion slightly blanches, unbelievable looks Classmates that discloses asked. 王勇,你说什么?你说凌云勾俊发给打了?你在说梦话吧?”韦天干脸色微微有些发白,难以置信的看着那个爆料的同学问道。 Wei Tiangan, do I need to deceive you?” Some Wang Yong sympathies of disclosing looks at Wei Tiangan, the heart said that Ling Yun stepped on is not injust, now others Gou Junfa that last night you step on stepped on, you in others eyes is a ball! 韦天干,我有必要骗你吗?”爆料的王勇有些同情的看着韦天干,心说凌云昨晚踩你踩的不冤,现在人家就连勾俊发都踩了,你在人家眼里算个球! Hits? Where hits? When matter?” Wei Tiangan thought that Wang Yong is not deceives him likely, hurries to ask. “怎么打的?在哪儿打的?什么时候的事?”韦天干觉得王勇不像是骗他,赶忙问道。 Just fired off, in our classroom, Gou Junfa after school goes to our class to look for Ling Yun's to be troublesome, only said several words by Ling Yun punching, two fist feet, the opportunity of continually hitting back did not have, by Ling Yun stepping on the ground!” Wang Yong is also hears, but actually and fact does not have the big difference. “刚打完,就在咱们教室,勾俊发放学后去咱们班找凌云的麻烦,只说了几句话就被凌云给揍了,两拳一脚,连还手的机会都没有,就被凌云给踩地上了!”王勇也是听到的,不过倒是和事实没多大出入。 Heard the Wang Yong mouth to say stepping on this character, in the Wei Tiangan eye flashes through wipes not the easy detection the shame and awkwardness, the heart said that Ling Yun so much did like stepping on the person? 听到王勇嘴里说出“踩”这个字,韦天干的眼里闪过一抹不易察觉的羞辱和尴尬,心说凌云怎么这么喜欢踩人? However he thinks that the Gou Junfa status, in the heart wild with joy, in the eye also presented wiping the excited color that immediately is hard to cover. 不过他一想到勾俊发的身份,心中立即一阵狂喜,眼中也出现了一抹难以掩盖的兴奋之色。 Although Wei Tiangan cannot see that Ling Yun presses by Gou Junfa and Lu Chengtian in the ground tyrannical suddenly/violently Chui scene, but somewhat is slightly disappointed. 虽然韦天干没能看到凌云勾俊发鲁成天摁在地上狂虐暴捶的场面,而微微有些失望。 But Ling Yun has hit Gou Junfa this news, can actually stimulate Wei Tiangan to be shamed the later nerve by Ling Yun ruthlessly. 凌云打了勾俊发这个消息,却更能刺激韦天干凌云狠狠羞辱之后的神经。 Snort! Make you rampant! Let you be insufferably arrogant! Let you like stepping on the person! Then finally kicked on the sheet iron, has hit Gou Junfa, how I had a look at you dead!” “哼!让你嚣张得意!让你不可一世!让你喜欢踩人!这下总算踢到铁板上了,打了勾俊发,我看看你怎么死!” Wei Tiangan thinks of here, the color of excitement and hatred in eye is getting more and more obvious, he anticipated really very much a Gou Junfa belt/bring troop person looks for the scene that Ling Yun revenges, Gou Junfa will think the means to make the school dismiss Ling Yun absolutely! 韦天干想到这里,眼中的兴奋和怨毒之色越来越明显,他真的很期待勾俊发带一大群人找凌云报仇的场面,并且,勾俊发绝对会想办法让学校把凌云开除! Wei Tiangan more is more self-satisfied, wears the underpants to dance the bird uncle's riding a horse dance then the difference in the dormitory aisle, sings Sister Ying today was an auspicious day! 韦天干越想越得意,就差穿着内裤在宿舍走道里跳着鸟叔的骑马舞,大唱英姐的“今天是个好日子”了! Little Gambling God Tang Meng at this time just and Zhao Lei was discussing how to go to ask for money with Xie Junyan, simultaneously is pondering over a while to look for Ling Yun to remind his, lets his careful Gou Junfa and Lu Chengtian looks for his trouble. 小赌神唐猛此时正和赵磊商量着怎么去跟谢俊彦要钱,同时正琢磨着一会儿去找凌云提醒他一下,让他小心勾俊发鲁成天找他的麻烦。 At noon is in front of Ning Lingyu, Tang Meng was fearing that the own in the heart goddess was worried, does not dare to mention this matter with Ling Yun. 中午当着宁灵雨的面,唐猛自己心中的女神担心,就没敢跟凌云提这事。 suddenly Classmates there that passes through from the side heard this news, he jumps directly three chi (0.33 m) high: What?! Damn, then left the important matter!” 猛不丁的就从身旁走过的同学那里听到了这个消息,他直接一蹦三尺高:“什么?!我草,这下出大事了!” Tang Meng wants not to run toward the third year class 6, the heart said Ling Yun, my Big Brother-in-law yeah! This is short of my feelings to be good, your pit my 1000 dollars I do not haggle over with you, your he, not only has beaten savagely Gou Junfa, but also pit his 9000?! 唐猛想也不想就往高三六班跑,心说凌云啊,我的大舅哥哎!本少我心肠好,你坑我1000块钱我不和你计较,你他么的不但暴打了勾俊发,还坑了他9000块?! Tired of living did not bring such to play! 活腻了也不带这么玩儿的! „Does eldest child, when go to ask for money with Xie Junyan?” Zhao Lei's voice conveys in the back. “老大,什么时候去跟谢俊彦要钱啊?”赵磊的声音在背后传来。 „Has extremely urgent matter also asked for money?! Tonight your own eats, do not wait for me!” Tang Meng runs while shouted, does not return. “都火烧眉毛了还要什么钱?!今晚你自己吃吧,别等我了!”唐猛一边跑一边喊,头都不回。 Third year class 6. 高三六班。 Ling Yun is sitting well on the own seat the number money in there satisfied incomparably beaming with joy plays. 凌云正端坐在自己的座位上在那里惬意无比眉开眼笑的数钱玩儿呢。 Em, but also is really 9000, it seems like that this boy has not deceived me really! Good good!” “恩,还真是9000块,看来这小子真没骗我!不错不错!” Ling Yun has counted a money, satisfied nod, in this case, in addition noon 11,000, own fully had 20,000. 凌云数了一遍钱,满意的点了点头,这样的话,加上中午的11000,自己就整整有20000块了。 Silver needle of treating an illness is must certainly buy, does not know where goes to buy...... The gym suit must buy two, but must buy two sneakers, the sandbag on sandbag and puttee that Body Refining uses must buy......” “治病的银针是肯定要去买的,就是不知道去哪里买……运动服也得买两身,还得买两双运动鞋,炼体用的沙袋和绑腿上的沙袋也要买……” Ling Yun breaks off the finger to calculate there: Must buy several pretty clothes for Lingyu that girl, you looked that others Cao Shanshan puts on, if my younger sister also wears such clothes, was really more attractive than her 100,000 times......” 凌云掰着手指头在那里盘算:“得给灵雨那丫头买几身漂亮衣服,你看人家曹珊珊穿的,我妹妹要是也穿那样的衣服,就真比她好看100000倍了……” If this saying were heard by Cao Shanshan, it is estimated that could not spit ten rises blood, eight rises had after all. 如果这话被曹珊珊听到,估计就算吐不了十升血,八升总归是有的。 Also must buy a cell phone for the younger sister, like this she contacted mother also facilitates to be many...... The cell phone, that thing is the high tech creates? However does not have my thousand li (500 km) to send greetings as before easy-to-use......” “还得给妹妹买个手机,这样她跟母亲联系也方便多了……手机,那玩意就是高科技创造出来的吗?不过依旧没有我的千里传音好使……” All right, Ling Yun always repeatedly takes the own cultivating true the high-tech achievement of ability and this world is making various comparisons. 没事儿的时候,凌云总是反复拿自己修真的能力和这个世界的高科技成果做着各种比较。 Remembers in small clinic that own opens, all day is busy, economical in everyday spending, mother who for goes to school for Ling Yun and Ning Lingyu brother and sister, Ling Yun thinks somewhat warmly. 想起在自己开的小诊所里,整天忙忙碌碌、省吃俭用的,就为了供凌云宁灵雨兄妹俩上学的母亲,凌云觉得有些温馨。 The younger sister and mother's matter can remember such clearly, it is estimated that this was dead Ling Yun's does not extinguish holds to read. 妹妹和母亲的事能记得这么清楚,估计这就是死去的凌云的不灭执念吧。 Em, but must discuss with Lingyu, tomorrow evening goes home to give mother to buy any gift......” “恩,还得跟灵雨商量一下,明晚回家给母亲买点儿什么礼物……” „It seems like this money is insufficient!” “貌似这点儿钱不够啊!” Ling Yun could not bear frowned, the heart said slightly also had playboy to come? Comes me many to gain again. 凌云忍不住微微皱眉,心说还有没有纨绔来了?再来我好多赚点儿。 This goods looked for the channel that playboy his trouble regarded him to create income! 得,这货把纨绔找他的麻烦当成他创收的渠道了! Ling Yun eager is looking at classroom entrance, is hoping new looks for his troublesome playboy to appear, that may be money! 凌云眼巴巴的望着教室门口,期盼着新的来找他麻烦的纨绔出现,那可都是钱啊! Also really some people have come, what a pity Ling Yun looks at that thin and tall stature, knows is Zhang Dong, curled the lip, somewhat is slightly disappointed. 还真有人进来了,可惜凌云一看那瘦高的个子,就知道是张东,不禁撇了撇嘴,微微有些失望。 Zhang Dong runs into the classroom, the footsteps non-stop, the starting to walk stride several steps rushed to Ling Yun here, does not sit down, lies to the school desk on directly stares at Ling Yun to ask: Hey, I said that you really Gou Junfa hitting?” 张东冲进教室,脚步不停,迈开大步几步就跑到了凌云这里,也不坐下,直接趴到课桌上盯着凌云问道:“喂,我说,你真的把勾俊发给打啦?” No, his own does not hit the wall on knocks...... Ling Yun carefully careless 9000 of dollars in toward the pocket, teased says with a smile. “没有啊,他自己不小心撞墙上磕的吧……”凌云漫不经心的把9000块钱往衣兜里一塞,戏谑笑道。 Zhang Dong is somewhat anxious, he approaches the Ling Yun's face face, angry saying: I have no free time to listen to you to talk irresponsibly, said quickly, you Gou Junfa hitting?” 张东有些焦急,他把脸凑近凌云的脸庞,气道:“我没空听你瞎掰,快说,你是不是把勾俊发给打啦?” Looks the anxious look that on the Zhang Dong face is from the heart, the Ling Yun heart said that this fellow is good, therefore displays a clean smiling face to him, nodded gently. 看着张东脸上发自内心的焦急的神色,凌云心说这家伙不错,于是对他展出一个干净的笑容,轻轻点了点头。 Damn! You suppress!” 我草!你狠!” Zhang Dong towards Ling Yun has given thumbs-up first, startled not being able to bear explodes the thick mouth to spit the trough to praise, then continues saying: „Can you also smile?” 张东对着凌云挑起了大拇指,惊的忍不住爆粗口吐槽表扬,然后继续说道:“你还能笑得出来?” I hit others, was not hit, why can't smile?” Ling Yun smiles, is very bright, is very satisfied, has not forgotten to lift the hand that smiles smiles to pat the shoulder of Zhang Dong, hints him to be patient. “我是打别人,又不是被人打,为什么笑不出来?”凌云笑着,笑的很灿烂,笑的很惬意,还不忘抬手拍了拍张东的肩膀,示意他稍安勿躁。 Zhang Dong is thorough, a body revolution sat on the own seat, the discouraged rubber ball said: I said, you know what you hit is who not?” 张东彻底无语,身子一转一屁股坐到了自己座位上,泄气皮球般说道:“我说,你知道你打的是谁不?” Knows that Lil' Gou Zi!” “知道啊,小勾子嘛!” Lil' Gou Zi?! ......” Zhang Dong nearly does not have a blood to spurt on the Ling Yun face, frightens Ling Yun to hurry the supine body to avoid. 小勾子?!噗……”张东差点儿没一口血喷凌云脸上,吓得凌云赶紧仰身躲开。 hahaha...... I meant that his status, you don't know?” Zhang Dong humorous teasing first smiled by Ling Yun's enough, asking that got flushed in the face with anger. 哈哈哈哈……我是说他的身份,你知道不?”张东凌云的幽默给逗得先笑够了,才脸红脖子粗的问道。 Does not know, but is the rich man...... Ling Yun does not care at to say evidently. “不知道,不过看样子是有钱人……”凌云满不在乎道。 Far more than is rich? Potential! His father is the local tyrant who our Clear Water City is second to none, asks for money to want the potential to have the potential richly, you have hit him, has annoyed the catastrophe really!” “何止是有钱?还有势!他老爹是咱清水市首屈一指的土豪,要钱有钱要势有势,你打了他,真的是惹了大祸了!” Ling Yun when spoke, actually saw entrance to come in a person, was emaciated diminutive Chai Hanlin. 凌云正待说话,却见门口又进来一个人,正是瘦弱矮小的柴翰林 Full sweating profusely that Chai Hanlin runs, he also directly runs up to side Ling Yun's, first has sized up Ling Yun one that a face worried, saw on him not to injure, slightly felt relieved. 柴翰林跑的满头大汗,他也是直接跑到凌云的身边,先是一脸担忧的打量了凌云一眼,见他身上没有伤,才微微放下心来。 I...... I heard...... You Gou Junfa...... Hitting? Really...... False?” “我……我听说……你把勾俊发……给打了?真的……还是假的?” Chai Hanlin hu-hu breathing heavily, scratches sweat on forehead without enough time, asking of care. 柴翰林呼哧呼哧的喘着粗气,也来不及擦一擦额头上的汗水,关心的问道。 Really.” Does not need Ling Yun to reply, Zhang Dong worn out replied for him. “真的。”不用凌云回答,张东有气无力的替他回答道。 Ling Yun has not spoken, he smiles is looking that these two truly care about own Classmates, slightly nodded. 凌云没有说话,他微笑着看着这两个真正关心自己同学,微微点了点头。 In this world, some people are not always indifferent. 这个世界上,总有人不是冷漠的。
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