DEMG :: Volume #1

#31: I do not go!

Ling Yun? Ling Yun where?!” 凌云呢?凌云在哪儿?!” Along with shouting of unique rampant overbearing, the Tang Meng tall and mighty form rushed in the classroom of third year class 6. 随着一声特有的嚣张霸道的呼喊,唐猛高大威猛的身影闯进了高三六班的教室。 Sees Tang Meng to come , the students of third year class 6 are one tremble, the heart said that today how this is, just sent off a god of plague, came an overlord. 见到唐猛进来,高三六班的学生都是一个哆嗦,心说今天怎么了这是,刚送走一个瘟神,又来了一个霸王。 Cao Shanshan and Zhang Ling watch critically, wants to have a look at him to look for Ling Yun to do. 曹珊珊张灵则是冷眼旁观,想看看他又找凌云干什么。 Tang Meng does not know the Ling Yun's seat obviously, he stood in the classroom entrance, vision xue has traced, saw Ling Yun in classroom rear corner. 唐猛显然不知道凌云的座位,他站在教室门口,目光踅摸了一圈,才看到了教室最后面角落里的凌云 Ling Yun is also narrowing the eye, is looking at Tang Meng. 凌云也微眯着眼睛,正在看着唐猛 To Tang Meng, Ling Yun does not have what repugnance, on the contrary, he also very appreciates the manner of Little Gambling God manner getting along with people. 唐猛,凌云并没有什么反感,相反,他还挺欣赏小赌神为人处世的态度。 Insolent but has, knows cardinal principle, understands the onset and retreat, spoke a saliva pit, spoke the good faith very much. 张狂但是有度,识大体,懂进退,说话一个唾沫一个坑,很讲信义。 Looks that Tang Meng steps the stride to walk toward own, Ling Yun corners of the mouth brings back wipes the smile, the heart said that so long as is not asks for money then the line. 看着唐猛迈着大步朝自己走来,凌云嘴角儿勾起一抹微笑,心说只要不是来要钱就行。 I said Ling Yun, your this dead fatty thinks today eye-catching / flashy also insufficient? Has beaten to the violent Gou Junfa that two goods unexpectedly! I thought that you want heaven-defying!” “我说凌云,你这个死胖子是不是觉得今天拉风的还不够啊?竟然把勾俊发那个二货给暴捶了一顿!我看你这是要逆天啊!” Tang Meng this taste, the sound is in a moment loud and clear, is bringing one share straightforward air/Qi, shakes in the classroom the eardrum of students humming sound the straight sound. 唐猛说话就这味儿,声音洪亮,带着一股子粗豪之气,震得教室里学生们的耳膜都嗡嗡直响。 Others fear Gou Junfa and Lu Chengtian, but Tang Meng sincere did not fear, must weigh with the scale , the Tang Meng father Tang Tianhao weight probably sink compared with Gou Liancheng. 别人怕勾俊发鲁成天,但唐猛真心不怕,真要拿秤称一称,唐猛的老子唐天豪的斤两要比勾连城要沉。 Tang Tianhao is Clear Water City's Public Security Bureau Deputy Director, although could not obstruct Clear Water City this day, may obstruct the larger part always not to have the issue. 唐天豪清水市公安局副局长,虽然遮不了清水市这块天,可遮一大半总是没问题的。 Otherwise Tang Meng impossible with Clear Water City Vice Mayor son a pin against an awl of Xie Junyan in school. 不然唐猛也不可能跟清水市副市长的儿子谢俊彦在学校里针尖对麦芒 Ling Yun calm looks at Tang Meng to show a faint smile, then a brow wrinkle said: You came late!” 凌云淡定的看着唐猛微微一笑,然后眉头一皱道:“你来晚了!” „...... Did I come late? What meaning?” Tang Meng by Ling Yun a few words was made cannot feel the brains giant. “嘎……我来晚了?什么意思?”唐猛凌云一句话弄得丈二金刚摸不着头脑。 You, if comes earlier, can't punch him with me together?” Ling Yun said, suddenly laughs. “你要是早点儿来,不就能跟我一起揍他了么?”凌云说完,突然哈哈大笑起来。 Tang Meng listened first is one dull, focused has a happy expression, then the happy expression on face rapidly expanded, laughed dissolutely. 唐猛听了先是一呆,紧接着眼中出现一丝笑意,然后脸上的笑意迅速扩大,也跟着放肆大笑起来。 Also is really, that inexpensive type is to owe to punch, I already looked that he is not pleasing to the eyes!” “还真是,那贱种就是欠揍,我早就看他不顺眼了!” After smiling, Tang Meng has flung the elegant long hair, is in high spirits to say. 笑完之后,唐猛甩了甩飘逸的长发,神采飞扬道。 Zhang Dong and Chai Hanlin, including dumbstruck that Classmates of full classroom looks , the heart said that this anything person this is, anxious to stir up trouble. 张东柴翰林,包括满教室的同学都看的目瞪口呆,心说这都什么人啊这是,唯恐天下不乱。 Big Brother, Big Brother!” An obviously anxious startled sound passed to all person ears along with a rapid disorderly sound of footsteps. 哥哥,哥哥!”一个明显焦急惊慌的声音伴随着一阵急促凌乱的脚步声传到了所有人耳朵里。 Ning Lingyu all of a sudden has also run into the classroom of third year class 6, fine peerless cheek slightly flood red, proud tall and straight **** obviously a moment ago fierce fluctuating, ran causes quickly. 宁灵雨也是一下子冲进了高三六班的教室,精致绝伦的脸蛋微微泛红,骄傲挺拔的****剧烈的起伏,显然是刚才奔跑的过快导致的。 Ling Yun when noon eats meal, raises tomorrow to lead her to go home in the evening, Ning Lingyu is busy giving Ling Yun to do laundry at noon, with enough time has not packed the thing. 凌云在中午吃饭的时候,提过一句明天晚上要带她回家,宁灵雨中午忙着给凌云洗衣服,就没来得及收拾东西。 Therefore in the afternoon is on vacation from school, she delighted returned to dormitory to pack the thing to go, only waited for tomorrow to go home with Big Brother in the evening. 所以下午一放学,她就乐滋滋的回宿舍收拾东西去了,只等着明天晚上跟哥哥回家。 Who knows that 15 minutes, the roommate brought Ling Yun to hit the Gou Junfa news, this to Ning Lingyu without doubt was the bolt from the blue. 谁知道连15分钟都不到,舍友就带来了凌云打了勾俊发的消息,这对宁灵雨来说无疑是晴天霹雳。 Ning Lingyu could not attend to packing the thing, hurried to run from dormitory, how had a look at Big Brother. 宁灵雨也顾不上收拾东西了,赶紧从宿舍里跑来,看看哥哥到底怎么样了。 She most worried that naturally is feared that Ling Yun suffers a loss injured. 她最担心的,当然是怕凌云吃亏受伤。 Ning Lingyu that perfect form appears in the entrance of third year class 6, immediately attracted in the classroom the vision of all students. 宁灵雨那完美的身影一出现在高三六班的门口,顿时吸引了教室里所有学生的目光。 Really beautiful......” everyone in the heart acclaimed. “真美呀……”每个人都心中赞叹。 Cao Shanshan has to acknowledge in heart, Ning Lingyu truly has with the own compound Qingshui High School first school beauty look. 就连曹珊珊都不得不在心底承认,宁灵雨确实有着和自己并列清水一中第一校花的相貌。 Zhang Ling has been paying attention to Ling Yun there situation, at this time Ning Lingyu appears, she has turned head to look at Ning Lingyu nitpickingly, turned head to look at Cao Shanshan, has compared in the heart repeatedly, thought that two people was very difficult to branch out high, has, helpless gave up the comparison. 张灵本来一直注意着凌云那里的情况,此时宁灵雨出现,她回过头挑剔的看了看宁灵雨,又扭头看了看身旁的曹珊珊,在心底反复比较了一番,觉得两人很难分出高下,只好无奈放弃了比较。 Sees Ning Lingyu to appear, display dirtiest is Tang Meng, he could not attend to Ling Yun, the whole person such as general dull was stood by the thunder strike there, looks that entrance that was throwing over setting sun halo stunningly beautiful young girl, missed the drool not to flow. 看到宁灵雨出现,表现最龌龊的就是唐猛,他也顾不上凌云了,整个人如遭雷击一般呆愣愣站在那里,看着门口那个披着夕阳光晕的绝色美少女,就差哈喇子没流出来了。 Ling Yun sets out finally slowly, gives a smiling face of Ning Lingyu calm comfort a face worried about. 凌云终于缓缓起身,给了一脸担忧的宁灵雨一个淡定安慰的笑容。 „Did Lingyu come? Walks, we go out to dine.” 灵雨来了?走,我们出去吃饭去。” Also sits Ling Yun to the present here, waits is the own younger sister, asked the person to eat meal with great difficulty, how possibly to abandon Ning Lingyu? 凌云到现在还坐在这里,等的就是自己的妹妹,好不容易请人吃顿饭,怎么可能扔下宁灵雨 However he said we time, the vision was to actually sweep Zhang Dong, Chai Hanlin, the Tang Meng three people, clearly, these three people including. 不过他说“我们”的时候,目光却是扫过了张东,柴翰林,唐猛三人,很明显,这三人都包括在内。 Ling Yun to the enemy is callous unkind, ruthless spicy heartless, who once, if made him recognize was the own person, that may not only the sincere two characters can express! 凌云对敌人是冷酷刻薄,狠辣无情,可谁要是一旦让他认定了是自己人,那可就不只是厚道两个字就能表达的了! Zhang Dong played the basketball to hear the news that Ling Yun fought, has not washed to run including the hand \; Chai Hanlin on is also carrying an air-to-air lunch box now \; 张东打着篮球听说了凌云打架的消息,连手都没洗就跑回来了\;柴翰林现在手上还端着一个空空的饭盒\; Can these details escape observe Ling Yun's both eyes of fine and detailed? 这些细节又怎么能逃过观察入微凌云的双眼? As for Tang Meng, he believes, does not need to call him definitely with. 至于唐猛,他相信,不用叫他都肯定会跟着去。 Ling Yun goes out several steps, turns head to clash with a smile silly is standing Zhang Dong and Chai Hanlin said: Walks, but also stares is doing, I treat, we exit to have the feast!” 凌云走出几步,回头笑着冲傻愣愣站着的张东柴翰林说道:“走哇,还愣着干什么呢,我请客,咱们出去吃大餐去!” Ning Lingyu saw Big Brother to walk, the motion was usual, the body like having the wound appearance, slightly felt relieved, she smiled to Ling Yun, when withdrew from the classroom first. 宁灵雨哥哥走了过来,行动如常,身上并不像有伤的样子,才微微放下心来,她冲凌云嫣然一笑,当先退出了教室。 Saw has not asked Ling Yun that the person has eaten meal to say treats, Zhang Dong was unambiguous, he pushed Chai Hanlin that was in a daze gently, said with a smile: Also takes the lunch box to stand silly is doing, a Ling Yun please guest, ruthlessly butcher him to go with great difficulty.” 见从来没请人吃过饭的凌云说请客,张东可不含糊,他轻轻一推发呆的柴翰林,笑道:“还拿着饭盒傻站着干什么呢,凌云好不容易请一次客,狠狠宰他去。” Tang Meng saw that Zhang Dong has pushed side own with Chai Hanlin, wonders to mutter: „Didn't Damn, actually call me? Hey, did not ask me me also to go!” 唐猛眼看着张东柴翰林自己身边挤了过去,纳闷喃喃自语道:“我擦,竟然不叫我?嘿,不叫我我也去!” Did not wait saying that he with long hurried strides pursued, for other, did not flush Ning Lingyu he also to go. 不等说完,他就大步流星的追了出去,不为别的,就冲宁灵雨他也必须要去。 He just about to goes out, actually saw Ling Yun to draw back, two people entered one in the entrance, nearly hit to fill with. 只是他刚要出门,却见凌云又退了回来,两个人在门口一进一出,差点儿就撞了个满怀。 Ling Yun saw that the younger sister considered was only being happy, nearly forgetting not to have the shadow the Lord who tonight must invite, which asked until Ning Lingyu must go to eat, he has thought. 凌云见到妹妹只顾着高兴了,差点儿把今晚要请的正主给忘没了影,直到宁灵雨问起要去哪儿吃,他才想了起来。 Ling Yun enters the classroom to smile to Zhang Ling, then raises the chin to ask: Which room that reserves?” 凌云进教室冲张灵笑了笑,然后扬起下巴问道:“订的哪个房间?” Zhang Ling that air/Qi! Not to mention! 张灵那个气啊!就别提了! Her brain has blackmailed a Ling Yun food, but also telephoned to reserve the room personally, was preparing well in the evening butchered Ling Yun, has not thought that baseless were all of a sudden many four people! 她挖空心思敲诈了凌云一顿饭,还亲自打电话订好了房间,正准备晚上好好的宰凌云一顿,没想到一下子凭空多了四个人! Isn't this sewing somebody else's trousseau? 这不是为他人作嫁衣裳吗? This has not calculated, looked Ling Yun left the stance of classroom a moment ago, as if radically guidance teacher and Cao Shanshan this stubble forgetting beyond the highest heavens own this. 这还不算,看凌云刚才出教室的架势,似乎根本就把自己这个“辅导老师”和曹珊珊这茬子给忘到九霄云外去了。 She is angry to return to the vitality/angry, Ling Yun with a smile to wait for her to reply in the entrance, therefore snort/hum a sound said: Kuixing Pavilion!” 她生气归生气,凌云就在门口笑着等她答话呢,于是哼了一声道:“魁星阁!” Ling Yun nodded with a smile, speaks thoughtlessly to shout: Hurry up.” Then, turned around to vanish in the classroom entrance. 凌云笑着点了点头,随口喊道:“快点儿哦。”说完,转身消失在了教室门口。 Has such asks the person to eat meal? Really! The sincerity does not have!” Zhang Ling sat there lived the half-day/long time sulks, then said to Cao Shanshan: Shanshan, do we also walk?” “有这么请人吃饭的么?真是的!一点儿诚意都没有!”张灵坐在那里生了半天闷气,然后对曹珊珊道:“珊珊,咱们也走吧?” You go, I do not go!” “你去吧,我不去!” The Zhang Ling vitality/angry returns to the vitality/angry, may think has the feast to eat, did not care about by the feeling that Ling Yun neglected, after all Champions' Building Braised Prawns she has not eaten for a long time. 张灵生气归生气,可想着有大餐吃,也就不在乎被凌云忽视的感觉了,毕竟状元楼油闷大虾她好久都没吃过了。 But Cao Shanshan is also angry compared with Zhang Ling! 曹珊珊张灵还生气! Without a doubt, who knows that now Ling Yun thoroughly changed, might be considered as the tremendous changes. 毫无疑问,现在谁都知道凌云彻底变了,堪称是翻天覆地的变化。 In the campus most people's thought had turned around by Ling Yun within one day, many people have even held in high esteem to Ling Yun. 校园里绝大多数人的思维在一天之内已经被凌云扭转了过来,很多人甚至已经对凌云刮目相看。 In dormitory to bullying own the person deals a head-on blow, had proven Ling Yun is no longer spiritless, no longer allows to be oppressed. 宿舍里对欺负自己的人迎头痛击,证明了凌云不再懦弱,不再任人宰割。 On Sports Field carries the sandbag to spit blood to dash about wildly, had proven Ling Yun's is firm and resolute, endurance, with willpower. 操场上扛着沙袋吐血狂奔,证明了凌云的坚毅,耐力,和意志力。 In the history lesson, Ling Yun has only made a matter these proud God's favored ones shocking dumbstruck, has demonstrated powerful of his memory. 历史课上,凌云只做了一件事就把这些骄傲的天之骄子们震惊的目瞪口呆,展示了他记忆力的强悍。 Had beaten savagely school young tyrant Gou Junfa a moment ago, had proven Ling Yun did not fear the domineering, did not fear the might, dared worst the student to step on the school in the under foot. 刚才暴打了学校恶少勾俊发,证明了凌云不怕强势,不畏强权,敢于把学校里最坏的学生踩在脚下。 Such can Ling Yun, how not make others hold in high esteem? He only used day of time to prove own, was not in the past that good-for-nothing waste. 这样的凌云,怎能不让别人刮目相看呢?他只用了一天时间就证明了自己,再也不是过去那个窝囊废了。 Believes in the school some people also to bully Ling Yun, must consider whether own can resist Ling Yun that pair of fist, with most likes stepping on that both feet of person chest. 相信就算学校里有人还想欺负凌云,也得考虑一下自己能否抵挡得住凌云那一双拳头,和最喜欢踩人胸口的那双脚。 But these, are actually not in the Cao Shanshan heart care. 可这些,却并非曹珊珊心底里在意的。 Truly what Cao Shanshan cares, Ling Yun now to her disregarding, yes, thorough disregarding! 曹珊珊真正在意的是,凌云现在对她的无视,是的,彻底的无视! after school heard Zhang Ling saying that Ling Yun must ask their two to eat meal, although Cao Shanshan on the mouth was not glad, actually some slightly chuckled to oneself at heart. 放学后听到张灵凌云要请她们两个吃饭,曹珊珊虽然嘴上不乐意,其实心里还是有一些小窃喜的。 Naturally, Zhang Ling had not told her intentionally, she can the opportunity that goes to Champions' Building to eat meal be Zhang Ling uses both persuasion and threats and use both hard and soft tactics to ask, is not the Ling Yun initiative invitation. 当然,张灵故意没跟她说,她能去状元楼吃饭的机会是张灵软硬兼施、软磨硬泡求来的,并非是凌云主动的邀请。 But Ling Yun a moment ago when beat savagely Gou Junfa, unexpectedly bewildered has smiled to Zhang Ling, has not actually looked at own one! 凌云刚才在暴打勾俊发的时候,竟莫名其妙的冲着张灵笑了一下,却没有看自己一眼! This makes Cao Shanshan at heart very uncomfortable, can't I in your eyes, compare Zhang Ling? 这让曹珊珊心里很不舒服,难道我在你的眼里,连张灵都比不上吗? Is, for the past three years, always does not dare to speak a few words to me on own initiative, I initiative and you spoke, couldn't a few words of excited getting flushed in the face with anger puff and blow? 是谁啊,近三年以来,从来都不敢主动跟我说一句话,我主动和你说话的时候,激动的脸红脖子粗的一句话都吭哧不出来? Is, to look at my one eyes secretly, early then, in I go to school on the road which must be taken that is on vacation from school, distant cast a sidelong glance after by me, was thrown into confusion to feel helpless? 是谁啊,就为了偷偷的看我一眼,早早的就等在我上学放学的必经之路上,远远的被我瞟了一眼之后,就手忙脚乱不知所措了? Is, pretends to borrow the Zhang Ling cell phone, discovers my cell phone number to take down secretly, then calls me with the public telephone, a few words did not say, only to hear my sound? 是谁啊,装作借用张灵的手机,偷偷找出我的手机号码记下,然后用公用电话给我打过来,却一句话都不说,只为了听听我的声音? Also, yesterday evening...... 还有,昨天晚上…… Thinks of here, the Cao Shanshan tender and delicate cheek cannot bear flood one shame intent, pure white neat white teeth nips the lower lip of tender and beautiful alluring gently, does not make own want to get down again. 想到这里,曹珊珊娇嫩的脸蛋儿忍不住泛起一阵羞意,洁白整齐的贝齿轻轻咬了咬娇艳欲滴的下唇,不让自己再想下去。 These, did you forget really cleanly? 难道这些,你真的忘得一干二净了? Kills Cao Shanshan she not to believe! 打死曹珊珊她都不信! today you broke through the body limit, today you were imposing, you were favorite, pretended not to know this miss? 哦,今天你突破了身体极限了,今天你威风了,你得意了,就装作不认识本姑娘了? Snort, no way! 哼,门都没有! What is most hateful, your this dead fatty unexpectedly that affectionate is embracing your own younger sister, although is not the one's own brother and sister, may after all be the brother and sister! 最可恨的是,你这个死胖子竟然那么亲昵的揽着你自己的妹妹,虽然不是亲生兄妹,可毕竟是兄妹呀! Does intentionally to me looks? 故意做给我看的吧? Really irritated me! 真是气死我了! Similar to Ning Lingyu thinks that although Cao Shanshan own also knows that she and Ling Yun are impossible to have occurring together in the life, but she is unable to prevent the own vitality/angry! 如同宁灵雨想的,虽然曹珊珊自己也知道她和凌云在人生中根本不可能有交集,可她就是无法阻止自己的生气! She cannot swallow this tone! 她咽不下这口气! Ling Yun changes such big overnight, although she is shocked, but can accept. 凌云一夜之间变化如此之大,她虽然震惊,可能够接受。 After all, by level that the Cao Shanshan family background can contact, is many average people are unable to imagine. 毕竟,以曹珊珊的家世所能接触到的层面,是很多普通人根本无法想象的。 But Ling Yun to her thorough disregarding, this lets seep to the bone in absolutely proud, integrates Cao Shanshan in bloodlines unable to endure! 凌云对她彻底的无视,这绝对是让骄傲渗透到骨子里,融入到血脉里的曹珊珊无法忍受的! Therefore, she does not go! 所以,她不去!
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