DEMG :: Volume #1

#32: Three beautiful woman plays

Said depending on the conscience, Ling Yun is really long not ugly, returns to fat fat, but also is a lovable fatty, time that whenever at least he smiles, on the left cheeks faintly will flash before one dimple. 凭良心说,凌云长得真不丑,胖归胖,但也算是一个可爱的胖子,至少每当他笑起来的时候,左脸颊上就会隐隐闪现一个浅浅的酒窝。 Passed these years, the number of times that he smiled were too few, he was too spiritless, was too sad, was too eccentric, felt inferior. 只是过去这几年,他笑的次数太少了,他太懦弱,太沉闷,太孤僻,太自卑。 today he is but rampant, he is insolent, his overbearing, he flies upwards, all Classmates the surprised discovery, Ling Yun really had such lovable side. 可是今天他嚣张,他张狂,他霸道,他飞扬的时候,所有同学才惊讶的发现,原来凌云竟然有这么可爱的一面。 His static sitting, when there reads, in the Ling Yun look also no longer has any timidness and weakness, what replaces it is gentle, calm, with calm. 就连他静静的坐在那里看书的时候,凌云眼神中也不再有任何的怯懦和软弱,取而代之的是平和,淡定,和从容。 This is also Ling Yun, when lifts in hands to hit Gou Junfa not to have the strength to hit back, Zhang Ling approves the very handsome reason greatly. 这也是凌云在抬手间打得勾俊发毫无还手之力的时候,张灵大赞好帅的原因。 Zhang Ling sees Cao Shanshan for no reason to have a fit of temper there, somewhat is immediately helpless, words that Cao Shanshan does not go, she is really embarrassed. 张灵曹珊珊又在那里无端发脾气,顿时有些无奈,曹珊珊不去的话,她一个人还真不好意思去。 The 17~18 years old age, already understood to make use of favorable conditions and avoid unfavorable conditions, must say in the entire school most to understand Cao Shanshan, Zhang Ling definitely most has one of the right to speak. 十七八岁的年纪,都早已懂得趋利避害,要说全学校里最了解曹珊珊的,张灵肯定是最有话语权的一个。 She even goes to the Cao Shanshan Clear Water City home to be a guest, personally has seen the Cao Shanshan father and mother. 她甚至去过曹珊珊清水市的家中做客,亲眼见过曹珊珊的爸爸妈妈。 In the Qingshui High School student, if very vulgar according to poor divides a point richly, although Zhang Ling could not compare Cao Shanshan Xie Junyan Gou Junfa Zhuang Meina these to have the golden key born, greatly richly greatly expensive student, but if must compare with the class of Wei Tiangan, that also has the difference of heaven and earth. 清水一中的学生中,如果很庸俗的按照穷富分一分的话,张灵虽然比不了曹珊珊谢俊彦勾俊发庄美娜这些含着金钥匙出世,大富大贵的学生,可如果要跟韦天干之流相比,那也是有着天壤之别的。 Good family background and superior educational environment, making Zhang Ling know, can make in the boudoir with Cao Shanshan the close friend, brings only benefit , and no harm whatsoever to her absolutely. 良好的家庭背景和优越的教育环境,让张灵知道,能跟曹珊珊做闺中密友,绝对对她有百利而无一害。 This does not curry favor with powerful people, but is the way things should be. 这并非趋炎附势,而是人之常情。 So-called people strive upward, water toward the low spot class, is this truth. 所谓人往高处走,水往低处流,就是这个道理。 Naturally, these need a premise, that is two people must be together comes, must be in harmony, if they looked that the opposite party is not pleasing to the eyes, that naturally all do not mention. 当然,这些都需要一个前提,那就是两个人要相处得来,得合拍,如果她们都看对方不顺眼,那自然一切休提。 Zhang Ling sees Cao Shanshan to sit there confused turning book, beautiful oval face air/Qi slightly flood red, her where has not known, this young lady was angry. 张灵曹珊珊坐在那里心烦意乱的翻书,绝美的鹅蛋脸气的微微泛红,她哪里还不知道,这位大小姐是真生气了。 A Zhang Ling eyeball revolution, in idea heart. 张灵眼珠儿一转,计上心头。 Shanshan, were you bullied to fear by Ling Yun?” 珊珊,你是不是被凌云欺负怕了?” Cao Shanshan hears word stares, has turned head to clash Zhang Ling to shame to get angry: What did you say? Do I fear him? Tomorrow evening so long as he dares to come out, you looked how I tidy up him!” 曹珊珊闻言一愣,扭过头来冲张灵羞怒道:“你说什么?我怕他?明晚只要他敢出来,你看我怎么收拾他!” How don't you go to Champions' Building to eat meal?” Zhang Ling is crooked the head, asking that a face teased. “那你怎么不去状元楼吃饭?”张灵歪着脑袋,一脸戏谑的问道。 I am tired of him! You see have him such to ask the person to eat meal? own swaggering walked, greeting does not hit!” “我烦他!你见过有他这么请人吃饭的么?自己大摇大摆的就走了,连个招呼都不打!” Cao Shanshan naturally impossible to say the true idea of own heart, has to pick was saying uselessly. 曹珊珊当然不可能把自己心底的真正想法说出来,只好捡着没用的说。 However this also approached the fact, with opportunity that Cao Shanshan eats meal together, others brain please do not invite, Ling Yun is booing, that manner is you loves to go or not radically. 不过这也接近了事实,跟曹珊珊一块儿吃饭的机会,别人挖空心思请都请不来,凌云倒好,那态度根本就是你爱去不去 The Zhang Ling heart said that knows you for this, but she maintains composure the agitation saying: Therefore we are just about to butcher his ruthlessly, revenges for you, otherwise we do not go, is he more favorite?” 张灵心说就知道你是为了这个,不过她不动声色鼓动道:“所以咱们才正要去狠狠宰他一顿,为你报仇啊,不然我们不去,那他岂不是更得意?” Perhaps, he is looks forward to us not to go, intentionally such manner......” “说不定,他就是巴不得我们不去,才故意这样的态度呢……” The Zhang Ling not only brain is quick, frank, the eloquence also is really not general good, made Cao Shanshan somewhat excited all of a sudden. 张灵不但脑子快,嘴快,口才也真不是一般的好,一下子就让曹珊珊有些心动了。 Right, then Ling Yun that appearance, intentionally playing tricks is perhaps mad at noon my!” “对呀,就凌云中午那个样子,说不定又是故意耍手段气我的!” Thought of this 1-layer, the Cao Shanshan facial color starts hesitant. 想到这一层,曹珊珊面色开始犹豫了。 Zhang Ling looks, continues to intensify the effort saying: Shanshan, tomorrow you must have a look to a Ling Yun color in any case in the evening, our today first butchers his, ahead of time collects a interest, don't forget, he harmed you hungrily a afternoon......” 张灵一看有门儿,继续加大力度道:“珊珊,反正明天晚上你要给凌云点儿颜色看看,我们今天就先去宰他一顿,提前收点儿利息,别忘了,他害你饿了一下午呢……” At this time, Cao Shanshan was already hungry shrivelled exactly the belly does not make every effort to succeed cluck has cried out, thought good that Zhang Ling said. 此时,曹珊珊早就饿瘪了的肚子恰好不争气的咕咕叫唤了起来,觉得张灵说的不错。 But, proud Cao Shanshan was very always full a moment ago, the girl who the words said was thin then the cheek, for a while could not have gotten down really this stair. 可是,一向骄傲的曹珊珊刚才把话说的很满,女孩子本来就面皮儿薄,一时还真下不来这个台阶儿。 When two people is refusing to compromise, the entrance lightens a pretty form suddenly, to/clashes two people to beckon to summon tenderly with a smile: Shanshan, Zhang Ling, how you have not come out, waited for your half-day/long time.” 就在两人正僵持的时候,门口突然闪出一道靓丽的身影,娇笑着冲两人招手呼唤:“珊珊,张灵,你们怎么还没出来啊,等你们半天了。” Comes naturally is Ning Lingyu, her several words asked that understood the reason that Big Brother treats, turns head actually to see the litigant simply not with, therefore voluntarily requests to come back to shout that they walk together. 来的当然是宁灵雨,她几句话就问明白了哥哥请客的原因,回头却见当事人根本没有跟来,于是主动要求回来喊她们一起走。 The Ling Yun's manner truly is they likes not being able to come, does not come happen to economize to own, this money is not so good to make, province one point is a point! 凌云的态度确实是她们爱来不来,不来正好给自己省钱,这钱这么不好挣,省一分是一分啊! Therefore he is not willing to make the own younger sister go, but Ning Lingyu does not think. 所以他不愿意让自己的妹妹去,可宁灵雨根本不这么想。 Listened to Zhang Dong to take undeserved credit a moment ago said that Ling Yun recited entire class historical text in the afternoon, no error, this made Ning Lingyu dumbstruck. 刚才听张东邀功似的说了,凌云下午背诵了整整一节课的历史课文,一字不差,这令宁灵雨目瞪口呆 When did the Big Brother memory become such well? No wonder Big Brother said that must test Yanjing University! 哥哥的记忆力什么时候变得这么好了?怪不得哥哥说也要考燕京大学呢! She knew after matter long and short of the story, has thought immediately invites necessity that Zhang Ling eats meal. 她知道了事情来龙去脉之后,当即就想到了请张灵吃饭的必要性。 That concerns Big Brother important matter whether to be admitted to a university, therefore Ning Lingyu does not attend to Ling Yun's stopping, runs back the third year class 6 to invite Cao Shanshan and Zhang Ling directly goes downstairs together. 那可是关乎到哥哥能否考上大学的大事啊,因此宁灵雨不顾凌云的阻拦,直接跑回高三六班邀请曹珊珊张灵一起下楼。 Shanshan, you looked, Ning Lingyu invited us personally, walked quickly, I have been awfully hungry......” 珊珊,你看,宁灵雨亲自来请咱们了呢,快走吧,我都饿坏了……” Cao Shanshan happen to wants to back down, sees Ning Lingyu to appear in the entrance, again has not said anything, after all Ning Lingyu is the absolute entire level first, her face must give. 曹珊珊正好想找台阶下,见宁灵雨出现在门口,也就没有再说什么,毕竟宁灵雨是绝对的全级第一,她的面子还是要给的。 Three pretty forms disappear in the third year class 6 entrance, Classmates in classroom longingly have taken back the vision of admire or envy, all sorts of comments. 三道靓丽的身影消失在高三六班门口,教室里的同学们才依依不舍的收回了爱慕或者嫉妒的目光,议论纷纷 Ling Yun is really fierce! Just had hit Gou Junfa, the pit his 9000 dollars, then led our school most beautiful two big school beauty to go out to dine......” 凌云真厉害啊!刚打了勾俊发,坑了他9000块钱,接着就领着咱们学校最美的两大校花出去吃饭去了……” Also uses to ask, present Ling Yun already was not past Ling Yun, trend of events of today school made him give to snatch went......” “还用问,现在的凌云早就不是过去的凌云了,今天学校的风头都让他给抢了去了……” Vexed does most vexed, the valiance does valiantly, Ling Yun also is really rare and beautiful flowers......” “窝囊就做最窝囊的,彪悍就做最彪悍的,凌云还真是个奇葩……” Humans affair is variable, our these mortals honestly gain admission to the university......” “世事无常,咱们这些凡人还是老老实实考大学吧……” .................. ……………… Ning Lingyu, Cao Shanshan, the Zhang Ling three people arrive at downstairs time, Ling Yun, Tang Meng their four people already walked did not have the shadow. 宁灵雨,曹珊珊,张灵三人走到楼下的时候,凌云,唐猛他们四个人早就走的没影了。 Three pretty forms, Qingshui High School two big school beauty side-by-side walk in the campus, immediately became in the campus the most noticeable scenery! 三道靓丽的身影,清水一中两大校花肩并肩走在校园里,立刻成为了校园里最引人注目的一道风景! Looks quickly looks quickly! That is not Ning Lingyu and Cao Shanshan, how their two did side-by-side walk in the same place?” “快看快看!那不是宁灵雨曹珊珊吗,她们两个怎么肩并肩走在一起了?” Also uses to ask, definitely because of Ling Yun, you had not seen Ling Yun they did exit in front with Tang Meng?” “还用问,肯定是因为凌云呗,你没看到凌云唐猛他们在前头出去了?” „, Morning legend not real? How this hasn't Cao Shanshan been angry?” “哇,早晨的传说不会是真的吧?只是这次曹珊珊怎么没有生气?” „Hasn't she been angry? You fell behind, noon time Ling Yun took her 1000 dollars, the air/Qi her lunch has not eaten......” “她还没生气?你太落伍了,中午的时候凌云拿了她1000块钱,气得她连午饭都没吃呢……” Good, was really good! That present?” “牛,实在是太牛了!那现在这是怎么回事?” You asked that my I asked who goes?” “你问我我问谁去?” These discussions fall in the ear of Cao Shanshan, really lets her some air/Qi pain, but these rumors are not the rumors, even many are her own creates, therefore she can only endure. 这些议论落在曹珊珊的耳朵里,实在是让她有些气苦,可这些传言并非都是空穴来风,甚至有好多都是她自己造成的,因此她只能忍着。 Ning Lingyu is extremely bright, she noticed that the Cao Shanshan complexion is unattractive, therefore the ingenious shouldering topic, diverts the Cao Shanshan attention desirably. 宁灵雨冰雪聪明,她看到曹珊珊的脸色不好看,于是巧妙的挑起话题,刻意分散曹珊珊的注意力。 Shanshan, is your academic record so good, prepares Kass the university?” 珊珊,你学习成绩那么好,准备考什么大学啊?” Cao Shanshan tilted the head looked at Ning Lingyu one, somewhat shyly said slightly: Lingyu, you are our school first, actually said that my do well at school, didn't this taunt me?” 曹珊珊歪头看了宁灵雨一眼,微微有些羞涩道:“灵雨,你可是咱们学校的第一,竟然说我的学习成绩好,这不是挖苦我吗?” Ning Lingyu suddenly discovered Cao Shanshan does not imagine keeps aloof does not speak well, therefore she said with a smile charmingly: We are first five of school article science subjects, what has to distinguish?” 宁灵雨突然发现曹珊珊并非想象中的那么高高在上不好说话,于是她娇羞一笑道:“咱们都是学校文理科的前五名,有什么区别吗?” Said again, my family condition is not good, can only through testing university road, the study that therefore can only go all out is good, but you do not need to look like me such to go all out, so long as can be admitted to the own ideal university, the test score of high school can calculate what?” “再说了,我家庭条件不好,只能通过考大学这一条路,所以只能拼命的学习才行,而你们不用像我这么拼命,所以只要能考入自己理想的大学,高中的考试分数又能算的了什么呢?” Ning Lingyu without a doubt is a very good persuasive speaker, she is placed own in very low position, only won Cao Shanshan and favorable impressions of Zhang Ling two people with a few words. 宁灵雨毫无疑问是一个很好的说客,她把自己摆在很低的位置,只用一句话就赢得了曹珊珊张灵两个人的好感。 Cao Shanshan and Zhang Ling cannot bear look at each other one, the secret amazed Ning Lingyu eloquence, simultaneously the two people heart has the cleverness despised ruthlessly the fellow of that within the eyes nobody. 曹珊珊张灵忍不住对视一眼,暗暗惊诧宁灵雨的口才,同时两人心有灵犀的狠狠鄙视了一下那个目中无人的家伙。 Yeah, you said right, no matter I were accepted, must go to Yanjing University to study, is tired of......” “哎,你说对了,不管我考上考不上,都要去燕京大学读书,烦死了……” Ning Lingyu said right, Cao Shanshan really has not cared about the academic record, according to her family background, she does not need to prove anything with the academic record. 宁灵雨说的没错,曹珊珊还真是不怎么在乎学习成绩,依照她的家世,她根本不需要用学习成绩去证明什么。 Naturally, even if this, the Cao Shanshan present result, tests Yanjing University that difficultly also not slightly. 当然,就算是这样,曹珊珊现在的成绩,考燕京大学那也是没有丝毫困难的。 Real? My goal is to also test Yanjing University, if can be accepted, we were the alumnus......” Ning Lingyu have sent out a pleasantly surprised smiling face of the heart, filled with the excited say/way. “真的呀?我的目标也是考燕京大学呢,如果能考上的话,我们就又是校友了……”宁灵雨送出了一个发自内心的惊喜的笑容,满怀兴奋道。 Cao Shanshan looks Ning Lingyu this causing the downfall of the nation beautiful woman smiles, even if her also Formation eye corona, the heart said that Ning Lingyu does not have money appearance, if decorates slightly, this Clear Water City first school beauty reputation, but belonged to her. 曹珊珊看着宁灵雨这倾国倾城的一笑,就算是她也一阵阵眼晕,心说宁灵雨也就是没钱打扮,如果稍微修饰一下,这清水市第一校花的名声,可就非她莫属了。 Although Ling Yun said exaggerates, but he appreciates the visions of myriad beautiful woman to be actually not the least bit off, Ning Lingyu is Innate Spirit Body, the whole person has the aura after empty mountain early spring rains, in this regard, outstanding beauty Cao Shanshan rather is not as good. 凌云虽然说得过于夸张,可他欣赏过万千美女的眼光却丝毫不差,宁灵雨天生灵体,整个人有一种空山新雨后的气息,在这方面,国色天香曹珊珊未免稍逊一筹。 Lingyu, you tested Yanjing University naturally not to have the issue, your Big Brother did Ling Yun prepare Kass the university?” Zhang Ling had exclaimed in surprise after shocking that Ning Lingyu that smiles, asking of eight trigrams/gossip. 灵雨,你考燕京大学当然没有问题了,你哥哥凌云准备考什么大学啊?”张灵惊叹过宁灵雨那一笑的惊艳之后,八卦的问道。 Ning Lingyu lowers the head to titter slightly smiles, for some Big Brother embarrassed say/way: He, he me told that must test Yanjing University, my Big Brother this person, likes boasting......” 宁灵雨微微低头噗嗤一笑,替哥哥有些不好意思道:“他呀,他跟我说也要考燕京大学呢,我哥哥这个人,就喜欢吹牛皮……” Although the words said that but Ning Lingyu in the heart has the faint anticipation and pride, therefore deliberately has not avoided, had told her Ling Yun at noon the words half said half jokingly earnestly. 话虽然是这么说,可宁灵雨心中却有着隐隐的期待和骄傲,因此并没有刻意回避,把凌云中午跟她说过的话半玩笑半认真的说了出来。 She thinks that Cao Shanshan definitely will tease Ling Yun, who knows that own said that discovered Cao Shanshan and Zhang Ling two people actually kept a serious look, the meaning of simply not having smiled. 她以为曹珊珊肯定会取笑凌云一下,谁知道自己说完,发现曹珊珊张灵两个人竟然都表情严肃,根本没有笑的意思。 He should not boast, if he is willing to try hard now, this goal should be able to be realized.” Cao Shanshan said lightly, the visual front, the expression is very earnest. “他应该没有吹牛,如果他现在肯努力的话,这个目标应该能够实现。”曹珊珊淡淡说道,目视前方,表情很认真。 What?!” Zhang Ling dull looks at Cao Shanshan, because she actually not the Cao Shanshan conclusion is surprised, because of the Cao Shanshan manner! “什么?!”张灵呆呆的看着曹珊珊,她倒不是因为曹珊珊的结论感到惊讶,而是因为曹珊珊的态度! According to the idea of Zhang Ling, Cao Shanshan judges Ling Yun not to have make empty promises, will unable to bear to Ling Yun's boast shamelessly taunts. 依照张灵的想法,曹珊珊就算判断出凌云没有空口说白话,也会忍不住对凌云的大言不惭冷嘲热讽一番。 Who knows Cao Shanshan actually not to taunt Ling Yun, not only does not have, but also said the objective view of own very much honestly. 谁知曹珊珊竟然没有嘲讽凌云,非但没有,还很坦诚的说出了自己的客观看法。
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