DEMG :: Volume #1

#33: Champions' Building

Ning Lingyu, Cao Shanshan and other people, when is walking toward off campus, Ling Yun one line of four people arrived at Champions' Building. 宁灵雨曹珊珊等三人在往校外走着的时候,凌云一行四人已经到了状元楼 If who must think that Champions' Building aims at the Qingshui High School student to be open, then then wrong was too odd. 如果谁要以为状元楼只是针对清水一中的学生开放的,那就错的太离谱了。 As Jiangnan Province provincial capital Clear Water City, the population at least has over 6 million, the lively degree of city compares to Capital broad not to be inferior. 作为江南省的省会城市清水市,人口至少有6000000以上,城市的繁华程度就算比起京上广也毫不逊色。 Only coming out that can look at from the house price, Clear Water City average house price about 30,000, in the city the house price of lively section, the starting price is 51,000 squares, but the house price most expensive section is not in a city, but in the scenery elegant tourist attraction Clear Lake area, Clear Water Lake bank. 只从房价就可以看的出来,清水市的平均房价在30000左右,市中繁华地段的房价,起价都是51000个平方,不过房价最贵的地段并非市中,而是在风景秀美的旅游胜地清湖区,清水湖畔。 As for 21,000 square meters house, has, goes to the suburb to buy. 至于21000平米的房子,也不是没有,去郊区买吧。 Nearby Qingshui High School is the university stands in great numbers, Jiangnan University, Jiangnan Medical University and Jiangnan Technical University and Jiangnan normal university and Clear Water technical college wait/etc. were situated in a Clear Lake area University Region Road surrounding area two kilometers range. 清水一中附近可谓是高校林立,江南大学江南医科大学江南工业大学江南师范大学、清水技术学院等等都坐落在清湖学府路方圆两千米范围之内。 Therefore although Champions' Building is quite near from Qingshui High School, that is also only because this section is the golden section, heavy traffic, crowded continuous, compared with is easy to attract the customer. 因此状元楼虽然距离清水一中比较近,那也只是因为这个地段是黄金地段,车水马龙,人来人往川流不息,比较容易吸引顾客而已。 Arrives at the Champions' Building entrance, waited for Ling Yun to see the Champions' Building appearance, he has had the impulsion of starting running away at once suddenly. 来到状元楼门口,等凌云看到了状元楼的样子,他突然产生了拔腿就跑的冲动。 Which this is treats to eat meal, this burns money simply! 这哪儿是请客吃饭啊,这简直就是烧钱! Here in cafeteria second floor with school compares, that radically is one space one underground! 这里跟校内的食堂二楼比起来,那根本就是一个天上一个地下嘛! On the Tang Meng casting a sidelong glance face Ling Yun of fat tremor, cannot help but had a sympathy of teasing, the heart said that this time you could not spend 1000, at least must spend 800. 唐猛瞟了一眼脸上肥肉一个劲的颤动的凌云,不由得产生了一种戏谑的同情,心说这次你就算花不了1000,至少也得花800。 Which room?” “哪个房间?” He embraced the Ling Yun's arm calmly, preventing this mean-spirited shameless fellow to escape, asked with a smile. 他不动声色地揽住了凌云的胳膊,防止这个小气无耻的家伙逃跑,笑着问道。 That, I thought that our high-school students eat meal in this place, is somewhat inopportune, we might as well change a place......” “那个,我觉得咱们高中生在这种地方吃饭,有些不合时宜,我们不如换个地方吧……” Ling Yun cannot help but secretly cursed Zhang Ling to come in in the heart, the heart said that looks appearance that young miss smiled, made a move also too to be rather ruthless? 凌云不由得在心中暗暗诅咒起张灵来,心说看着小姑娘笑眯眯的样子,出手未免也太狠了吧? He also thought Champions' Building with the school canteen second floor almost small restaurant, difference in school and off campus. 他本来还以为状元楼是跟学校食堂二楼差不多的小饭馆呢,区别只是在校内和校外 Tang Meng smiled, to harness Ling Yun to enter the Champions' Building broad hall rashly. 唐猛嘿嘿一笑,不由分说驾着凌云就进了状元楼宽阔的大厅。 Mister hello, do you have the scheduled room?” Stature slender service person looked at Ling Yun one, why surprise fatty wears such not the good-fitting school uniform slightly, but on the mouth is very polite. “先生您好,请问你们有预定房间吗?”身材窈窕的服务员看了凌云一眼,微微诧异这个胖子为什么穿着这么不合身的校服,不过嘴上还是非常客气。 Since had been put up by Tang Meng, Ling Yun also has anything saying that he has taken a look at this beauty good service person, said directly: Has scheduled, Kuixing Pavilion.” 既然已经被唐猛架进来了,凌云还有什么好说的,他打量了一眼这位姿色不错服务员,直接道:“有预定,魁星阁。” Good mister, on please second floor!” Then the service person turns on the portable microphone to shout: „The second floor Kuixing Pavilion room, please receive.” “好的先生,请上二楼!”然后服务员打开便携式话筒喊道:“二楼魁星阁房间,请接待一下。” Although Ling Yun a meat pain of face, may at heart actually be sporty, 20,000 dollars that today he makes, now may hold on the body. 凌云虽然一脸的肉痛,可心里却是底气十足的,今天他弄来的20000块钱,现在可都是揣在身上呢。 Since could not hide, that simply natural. 既然躲不了,那索性就大大方方的。 His frowned shoved open Tang Meng to harness his arm, when took a step to go upstairs first. 皱眉推开了唐猛驾着他的胳膊,当先迈步上楼。 Tang Meng with him, was explaining to Ling Yun that mouth also takes great pains abreast in row: This Champions' Building is the University Region Road best hotel, a building is zero hall, second floor three building all is private room, has more than 80 probably.” 唐猛跟他并排着,嘴里还不厌其烦的给凌云解释:“这状元楼学府路最好的饭店,一楼是零点大厅,二楼三楼全是包间,大概有80多个。” Very obviously, Tang Meng comes Champions' Building to eat meal frequently, is familiar with here situation, familiar. 很显然,唐猛经常来状元楼吃饭,对这里的情况了如指掌,如数家珍。 Four people arrived at Kuixing Pavilion private room under the reception of service person quickly, Ling Yun is impolite, sat directly to the private room entrance seat, was in the taking out money position. 四个人在服务员的接待下很快来到了魁星阁包间,凌云也不客气,直接一屁股坐到了正对包间门口的座位,也就是掏钱的位置上。 Tang Meng will be more impolite, he does not wait to discuss, took a seat the Ling Yun's opposite, the back to the entrance. 唐猛更不会客气,他不等商量,就坐到了凌云的对面,背对门口。 Why sits here? Ning Lingyu sits to the Ling Yun side is without a doubt, he sits here, can look straight ahead the goddess in own dream! 为什么坐在这儿?宁灵雨坐到凌云身旁是毫无疑问的,他坐在这里,可以直视自己梦中的女神嘛! After everybody sits, Tang Meng lifts the hand to pull out one package of cigarette from the pocket, own pulls out in one first, then throws toward the revolving dinner table on. 大家坐好之后,唐猛抬手从兜里掏出一包苏烟,自己先掏出一根点上,然后往旋转餐桌上一扔。 Pulls out?” He looked at own left and right Zhang Dong and Chai Hanlin, spoke thoughtlessly to ask. “抽不抽?”他看了看自己左右两侧的张东柴翰林,随口问道。 He does not know these two, but Zhang Dong and Chai Hanlin actually know him. 他不认识这两位,可张东柴翰林却认识他。 two people shaking the head of as if by prior agreement, expressed cannot. 两人不约而同的摇了摇头,纷纷表示不会。 Ling Yun, your today amazes the world with a single brilliant feat, has not thought that must graduate shortly, in the school most leaves trend of events unexpectedly is you.” 凌云,你今天可是一鸣惊人啊,没想到眼看就要毕业了,学校里最出风头的竟然是你。” Tang Meng puts out smog, routine shot not to have the cigarette ash that flung the elegant long hair, stared at Ling Yun to say. 唐猛吐出一口烟雾,习惯性的弹了弹并不存在的烟灰,一甩飘逸的长发,盯着凌云说道。 Can make Tang Meng look that pleasing to the eyes person are not many, but several performance of Ling Yun today, beat savagely the Gou Junfa invincible might particularly a moment ago, is really makes him somewhat hold in high esteem. 能让唐猛看顺眼的人不多,可凌云今天的几次表现,尤其是刚才暴打勾俊发的神威,实在是让他有些刮目相看。 Gou Junfa and Lu Chengtian, he looks that is not pleasing to the eyes, may be he, will not be all right to provoke these two playboy idly, everybody is well water not interfering with river water. 勾俊发鲁成天,他看着也不顺眼,可就算是他,也不会闲的没事去招惹这俩纨绔,大家一直都是井水不犯河水。 Tang Meng knows that Ling Yun does not have what background and taking advantage, but Ling Yun actually does the matter that he has wanted to do does not dare to do, this made him admire very much. 唐猛知道凌云并没有什么背景和依仗,可凌云却做了他想做又一直都不敢做的事,这令他很是佩服。 This is the powerhouse, the capable person cannot, will earn others' respect, can obtain others' approval and following. 这就是强者,能人所不能,才会得到别人的尊重,才能得到别人的认可和追随。 Ling Yun calm smiling, without any indicated. For him, the class of Wei Tiangan Gou Junfa does not have anything to distinguish in his eyes, several small ants, stepped on stepped on. 凌云淡定的笑了笑,没有任何表示。对他来说,韦天干勾俊发之流在他眼里没什么区别,几只小蚂蚁而已,踩了就踩了。 I told you, Gou Junfa was not in your dormitory that several people are so easy to cope, he definitely is not willing to give up in light of this, you must have the preparation.” “不过我告诉你,勾俊发绝不是你宿舍里那几个人那么容易对付的,他肯定不肯就此罢休的,你要有心理准备。” Tang Meng sees Ling Yun not to care at all, reminded earnestly. 唐猛凌云满不在乎,认真提醒道。 Prepares?” The Ling Yun eyebrow selects slightly, corners of the mouth brings back wipes the light smiling face, asked in a soft voice. “怎么准备?”凌云眉毛微微一挑,嘴角儿勾起一抹淡淡的笑容,轻声反问道。 In any case then two points: First, you have hit Gou Junfa, he can definitely lead big group of people to punch you \; Second, according to me to his understanding, he definitely finds the way to encourage his father to make a move, even if makes the school dismiss you, is not the impossible matter.” “反正就两点:第一,你打了勾俊发,他肯定会带一大堆人来揍你\;第二,根据我对他的了解,他肯定想办法鼓动他老爹出手,就算让学校开除你,都不是不可能的事。” Dismissal, expels school?” Ling Yun in the heart wants to say secretly, heart said and came, must be expelled the school. “开除,就是赶出门派吧?”凌云心中暗暗想道,心说又来了,又要被赶出门派了。 Em, in Cultivation Big World, Ling Yun has not known that had driven out by many schools, he already became accustomed. 恩,在修真大世界,凌云还不知道被多少门派赶出去过,他早就习以为常了。 Chai Hanlin listened to the complexion to turn white slightly, knows that Ling Yun right now troubles in a big way. 柴翰林听了脸色微微发白,知道凌云这下子麻烦大了。 Zhang Dong is also stern-faced asking: What to do can that? Two months must enroll the college entrance examination, if were dismissed really......” 张东也是一脸凝重的问道:“那可怎么办啊?还有俩月就要参加高考了,要是真被开除了……” Tang Meng hehe said with a smile: By fatty your academic record, Gou Junfa knows that dismisses you to be also little significance, you cannot be admitted to any university. Therefore, I thought the matter that Gou Junfa most wants to do is, making you stay in the school, finding the way to find the person to tidy up you.” 唐猛嘿嘿一笑道:“不过以胖子你的学习成绩,勾俊发知道就算开除你也没多大意义,你根本就考不上任何大学。所以,我觉得勾俊发最想做的事就是,让你留在学校里,想办法找人来收拾你。” Ling Yun listened to the analysis of Tang Meng, the eye to narrow the eyes slightly, looking pensive. 凌云听了唐猛的分析,眼睛微微眯了起来,若有所思。 Regarding Gou Junfa, he has not cared, what making him change countenance is Tang Meng this fellow seems like straightforward, may analyze the issue is really pertinent! 对于勾俊发,他根本就没有放在心上,让他动容的是唐猛这个家伙看似粗豪,可分析问题实在是一针见血! Must establish the own influence, what most lacks? Talented people! 要建立自己的势力,什么最缺?人才! About Tang Meng looked at the present three people, happily said: „The trouble that therefore you make although is very big, so long as but has me here, Gou Junfa they do not dare to move you...... As for you leave behind, you strive for fortunately......” 唐猛左右看了看眼前的三人,得意道:“所以你惹的麻烦虽然很大,可只要有我在这里,勾俊发他们就不敢动你……至于你落单的时候,那你就自求多福吧……” Then, Tang Meng depends toward the chairback on, no longer spoke, held in the mouth the smoke to manipulate his ZIPPO cigarette lighter. 说完,唐猛往椅背上一靠,不再说话,叼着烟摆弄他的ZIPPO打火机。 Heard Little Overlord saying that stood this side Ling Yun, Chai Hanlin that just relaxed also mentioned the throat the heart. 听到小霸王说站在凌云这一边,刚刚松了一口气的柴翰林又把心提到了嗓子眼儿。 He looked at Ling Yun one first, then timid asked that Tang Meng said: „Didn't that have better means?” 他先看了凌云一眼,然后怯怯的问唐猛道:“那就没有更好的办法了?” Tang Meng has thought said: Actually I can also go to greet with them, let their motionless Ling Yun, but, this are almost little significance, because they momentarily can find the person to cope with Ling Yun, own does not need to act, when the time comes pretends not to know, clean that pushes, I am also speechless......” 唐猛想了一下说道:“其实我也可以去跟他们打个招呼,让他们不动凌云,不过,这几乎没多大意义,因为他们随时可以找人来对付凌云,自己根本就不用出面,到时候装作不知道,推的一干二净,我也无话可说……” Then, frowns to shake the head. 说完,皱着眉头摇了摇头。 Ling Yun looks at Tang Meng to smile, smiles is very bright, on face that the dimple that because obese almost cannot see appeared. 凌云看着唐猛笑了,笑的很灿烂,脸上那个因为肥胖几乎看不到的酒窝都浮现出来了。 This boy line! Almost has thought that does not have the careless mistake that can think. 这小子行啊!几乎把能想到的都想到了,毫无纰漏。 Em, may make the material! 恩,可造之材! However he has not said these, as before is serene, as if Tang Meng said does not close his matter. 不过他并没有把这些说出来,依旧是云淡风轻,仿佛唐猛说的根本不关他的事似的。 Ling Yun can achieve Body Refining 1-layer with the aid of Seven Glorious Grass tonight, even Body Refining 2-layer may achieve, by that time, his self-confident common several people could not have coped with him. 凌云今晚就能借助七曜草达到炼体一层了,甚至炼体二层都有可能达到,到那时候,他自信寻常十几个人还对付不了他。 Therefore he does not care. 所以他根本不在乎。 Fights does not care, as for was dismissed by school, to Ling Yun is the potluck, he does not care! 打架不在乎,至于被学校开除,对凌云来说就是家常便饭,他更不在乎! In the school, gains admission to university, in the school, does not gain admission to the university! When he arrived at the Qi Practicing 2-layer peak to have Spiritual Consciousness, when the time comes let alone high school knowledge, was the knowledge contents of several hundred book several thousand books is also the flash enters the mind. 在学校里,就考大学,不在学校里,就不考大学呗!等他到了练气二层巅峰就有了神识了,到时候别说高中这点儿知识,就是几百本书几千本书的知识内容也是一瞬间就进入脑海。 At present in this world, to Ling Yun, he had not found compared with a own practice more important matter! 目前在这个世界上,对凌云来说,他还没有找到比自己修炼更重要的事情呢! Ling Yun has not spoken, in room naturally peaceful, after a while, the door opens, three beautiful forms appeared in the private room entrance. 凌云没有说话,房间里自然就安静了下来,过了一会儿,房门一开,三个美丽的身影出现在了包间门口。 Oh, do you sit? Ordered food?” Zhang Ling enters the room, chirp said. “哎哟,你们都坐好啦?点菜了没有?”张灵一进屋,就叽叽喳喳说了起来。 Very obviously, the unblock work of Ning Lingyu is done well, Cao Shanshan not that angrily. 很显然,宁灵雨的疏通工作做得不错,就连曹珊珊都不那么气鼓鼓的了。 Three beautiful women one, the atmosphere in room is directly different, Tang Meng was hurries to pinch out the cigarette butt to stand, for fear that Ning Lingyu had the poor impression to him. 三位美女一来,房间里的气氛直接就不一样了,唐猛更是赶紧掐灭烟头站了起来,生怕宁灵雨对他有不好的印象。 Come, Lingyu, sits side me.” Ling Yun kind beckons to Ning Lingyu. “来,灵雨,过来坐我身边。”凌云亲切的冲宁灵雨招手。 Zhang Dong has the gentry demeanor reply Zhang Ling issue very much: Your three big beautiful women do not come, who dares to order food?” 张东很有绅士风度的回答张灵的问题:“你们三位大美女不来,谁敢点菜啊?” Perhaps Zhang Dong converges Zhang Ling with two big school beauty compound beautiful women, this made the Zhang Ling vanity obtain enormous satisfaction, she beamed with joy to say immediately: That is good , helping my 0.1 Braised Prawns, em, spicy fish, Quanjude Roast Duck,......” 许是张东张灵归为和两大校花并列的美女,这让张灵的虚荣心得到了极大的满足,她立时眉开眼笑道:“那就好,帮我0.1个油闷大虾,恩,还有水煮鱼,还有全聚德烤鸭,还有……” Ling Yun full forehead black line, he hurries to stop to say all of a sudden: stops stops stops...... I said that you did select that many you to eat? Did others also order food?” 凌云一下子满脑门黑线,他赶忙制止道:“停停停……我说你点那么多你吃得了么?别人还点不点菜了?” chuckle that Ning Lingyu looks at smiles tenderly, has not said anything, was only footsteps lithe sitting to Ling Yun's left side. 宁灵雨看的咯咯娇笑,却没有说什么,只是脚步轻盈的坐到了凌云的左侧。 Cao Shanshan looked at the Ling Yun meat pain appearance, in the heart really some pleasant sensations of retaliation, but she sees the Zhang Ling real lion big opens the mouth, thought that Zhang Ling somewhat is also excessive. 曹珊珊看了凌云肉痛的样子,心中着实有些报复的快感,不过她见张灵真的狮子大开口,又觉得张灵又有些过分。 The female will of the people, the seabed needle, school beauty is no exception! 女人心,海底针,校花也不例外啊! Zhang Ling fast swept all seat one, in the heart badly has badly smiled, the small waist turned sits in the Zhang Dong left, then patted the own left position to beckon to Cao Shanshan: Shanshan, you come, sit here.” 张灵飞快的扫了所有座位一眼,心中坏坏一笑,小蛮腰一扭就坐在了张东的左边,然后拍着自己左侧的位置对曹珊珊招手:“珊珊,你过来,坐在这里。” Cao Shanshan looked at that position, cannot bear the black eyebrow coloring eyebrow slightly wrinkle, in the heart criticizes own this lot of dirty trick best friend. 曹珊珊看了那个位置,忍不住黛眉微皱,心中暗骂自己这个一肚子坏水儿的闺蜜 Tang Meng looked at that position, the envying envy of in the heart hated not to mention, the heart said that which your this dead fatty came such good good fortune in romance, the left was Ning Lingyu, the right was Cao Shanshan, two big school beauty in the side, might be called is surrounded by beautiful women, school which male student did not have this treatment! 唐猛看了看那个位置,心中的羡慕嫉妒恨就别提啦,心说你这个死胖子哪儿来这么好的艳福,左边是宁灵雨,右边是曹珊珊,两大校花在身旁,堪称左拥右抱,全校哪个男生也没有过这种待遇!
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