DEMG :: Volume #1

#34: Won the respect

Cao Shanshan could not bear glance Ling Yun one, actually saw Ling Yun to be busy with Ning Lingyu speaking, as if has not heard Zhang Ling to say anything. 曹珊珊忍不住瞟了凌云一眼,却见凌云正忙着跟宁灵雨说话,似乎根本没听到张灵在说什么。 Snort, thinks that this miss doesn't dare to sit your side? I also took a seat! 哼,以为本姑娘不敢坐你身旁是吧?我还偏偏就坐了! Cao Shanshan arrives at spatial place between Ling Yun and in the Zhang Ling spitefully, not a low shoulder is motionless, sat gently, movement very graceful nature. 曹珊珊赌气来到凌云张灵之间的空座上,头不低肩不动,轻轻坐了下来,动作十分优雅自然。 The vitality/angry returns to the vitality/angry, the lady noble elegant virtuous young woman style must maintain. 生气归生气,大家闺秀高贵典雅的淑女风范还是要保持的。 At this time the service person has handed over the menu, Zhang Ling did not modestly decline, lifts the hand to bring, then opened the menu familiar and easy point saying: That three vegetables that said a moment ago want, then fried pig-hoofs, sweet and sour spareribs, spicy beef......” 这时候服务员把菜单递了过来,张灵也不谦让,抬手就拿了过来,然后打开菜单轻车熟路点道:“刚才说的那三个菜都要,然后红烧猪蹄,糖醋排骨,夫妻肺片……” Cao Shanshan in the heart shames angry, the heart said that Zhang Ling you ordered these many meat vegetables you to eat you, these vegetable which do't can 50-60 dollars? 曹珊珊心中羞恼,心说张灵你点这么多肉菜你吃得了吗你,这几个菜哪个不得五六十块钱? She did not wait for Zhang Ling to say again, direct has snatched the menu, then looked that did not look, opened the mouth to select hot and sour julienned potato, then has put in front of the menu Ling Yun. 她不等张灵再说下去,直接一把抢过菜单,然后看也不看,开口点了一个酸辣土豆丝,接着就把菜单放到了凌云面前。 Others have not selected......” Zhang Ling to mumble are expressing the own disaffection, actually by one that Cao Shanshan got angry staring. “人家还没点完呢……”张灵嘟囔着表达自己的不满,却被曹珊珊嗔怒的一眼给瞪了回来。 Saw Cao Shanshan only to order a vegetable, Ling Yun slightly revealed the surprise looked at her one eyes, own actually did not read the menu, gave Ning Lingyu the menu conveniently, warm sound said with a smile: Lingyu, likes eating anything to be casual.” 曹珊珊只点了一个菜,凌云略显诧异的看了她一眼,自己却不看菜单,随手把菜单给了宁灵雨,温声笑道:“灵雨,喜欢吃什么就随便点。” Ning Lingyu spits the lovable small tongue to Ling Yun, similarly has not read the cookbook, has selected the garlic hibiscus lettuce and stir-fried broccoli, then passed to the menu Chai Hanlin. 宁灵雨冲着凌云吐了吐可爱的小舌头,同样没有看菜谱,点了蒜蓉油麦菜和清炒西兰花,然后就把菜单传到了柴翰林手里。 Chai Hanlin with Ling Yun, Ning Lingyu is the same, is first time comes Champions' Building to eat meal, does not know that own must order food, therefore the menu passes to Tang Meng. 柴翰林凌云,宁灵雨一样,都是第一次来状元楼吃饭,根本不知道自己要点什么菜,于是菜单又传到唐猛手里。 Now had nine vegetables, a Tang Meng slightly ponder, the vision unknowingly has swept side the Ling Yun three beautiful women, wanted three Birds' Nest Honeyed Dates Soup with the service person, then has handed over in the menu Zhang Dong. 现在已经有九个菜了,唐猛微一沉思,目光不经意扫过凌云身旁的三位美女,跟服务员要了三个燕窝蜜枣汤,便把菜单交到了张东手里。 Tang Meng this boy thoughts really exquisite very much, he robbed Peter to pay Paul, helping three beautiful women want to raise Birds' Nest Honeyed Dates Soup that the face improved looks, immediately obtained three beautiful women's nod praises. 唐猛这小子心思着实细腻的很,他借花献佛,帮三位美女要了养颜美容的燕窝蜜枣汤,立时得到了三位美女的点头表扬。 Always with smile on the face stared at Tang Meng one to Cao Shanshan of his not false speech and countenance. 就连一向对他不假辞色的曹珊珊都面带笑容的盯了唐猛一眼。 Pretends not to see that Ling Yun almost must kill his vision that stares from the opposite, Tang Meng under observing the situation of three beautiful women, in the heart is secretly self-satisfied, hehe, please two big school beauty eat the cosmetology soup, not the flower own one cent, such good deed, the fool has not done. 装作没有看到凌云从对面瞪过来的几乎要杀死他的目光,唐猛在三位美女的环视之下,心中暗自得意,嘿嘿,请两大校花喝美容汤,还不花自己一分钱,这样的好事,傻子才不做呢。 Zhang Dong took the menu to give back to the service person directly, then he looked at Ling Yun first, has swept Tang Meng, then said: Comes the half dozen beer, three fruit juice.” 张东拿过菜单直接就还给了服务员,然后他先看了看凌云,又扫了一眼唐猛,然后说道:“来半打啤酒,三个果汁。” Influence of Zhang Dong in old man by the family/home, was usually liked drinking one, played the basketball to perspire a moment ago, now had already had a parched mouth, therefore wanted the beer directly. 张东受家里老头子的影响,平时就爱喝一口,刚才打篮球又出了一身汗,现在早就口干舌燥了,因此直接要了啤酒。 The service people exit to order, everybody are waiting for serving food time, entire Kuixing Pavilion private room has almost become the Ling Yun's press conference. 服务员出去下单,大伙等着上菜的时候,整个魁星阁包间几乎成了凌云的新闻发布会。 Ling Yun, heard you yesterday evening trampling your dormitory gate, but also has hit Wei Tiangan and Jia Meng, real false?” 凌云,听说你昨晚上把你们宿舍的门给踹了,还打了韦天干贾猛,真的假的啊?” Ling Yun, you carried that sandbag to run in the morning 11, insisted? You ran to spit blood, now how with being all right person?” 凌云,你上午扛着那个沙袋跑了11圈儿,到底是怎么坚持下来的?你都跑吐血了,现在怎么跟没事儿人似的?” Ling Yun, does your memory practice? So to be how intrepid? Now couldn't have remembered? Or, do you carry a back to us again?” 凌云,你记忆力是怎么练出来的?怎么那么强悍啊?现在还记得住不?要不,你再给我们背一背?” Ling Yun, your today really Gou Junfa hitting? You did not fear that he does find the person to retaliate you? If he looks for the relations to make the school dismiss you, what to do that can?” 凌云,你今天怎么真把勾俊发给打了?你不怕他找人报复你么?他要是找关系让学校开除你,那可怎么办啊?” Asked that these words, naturally take having super outstanding reporter potential Zhang Ling as the main question person, Tang Meng and the others also back up. 问这些话的,自然以有着超级优秀记者潜质的张灵为主要发问人,唐猛等人也跟着帮腔。 The Ling Yun time records low-key low-key again low-key the motto, with the big star by interview, greatly was played Primal Chaos, the glib, full mouth seven pull eight to pull, from directly did not answer the issue. 凌云时刻记着“低调低调低调”的座右铭,就跟大明星被采访似的,大耍太极,油嘴滑舌,满口七扯八扯,就是不从正面回答问题。 However he lies is witticism is also continuous, teases bursting out laughing that Ning Lingyu non-stop tenderly to smile, has had Cao Shanshan of opinion somewhat to be able help smiling to Ling Yun. 不过他就算撒谎也是妙语连珠,逗得宁灵雨不停的捧腹娇笑,就连一直对凌云有意见的曹珊珊都有些忍俊不禁。 Is good is not busy because of Champions' Building this point, has come up quickly the first vegetable, this stopped up Zhang Ling that to break the earthenware cooking pot to ask bottom quick-tongued. 好在状元楼这个点儿还不算忙,很快上来了第一个菜,这才堵住了张灵那张打破砂锅问到底的快嘴 When the service person raises one's wine cup brings, Zhang Dong makes the service person leave behind liquor start/open Zi, then very polite made her exit. 等服务员把酒拿来,张东让服务员留下酒启子,然后便很客气的让她出去了。 His height reach, stood up to Ling Yun, Tang Meng and the others had filled to the brim the wine glass, then sat down, has pondered slightly, raised the head to stare at Ling Yun to say sincere: Ling Yun, to be honest, you before so vexed, although the buddy also sympathizes with you, may unable to help your anything busy, today you can like this, the buddy be genuinely happy for you, this glass of liquor, I respect you!” 他身高臂长,站起身给凌云,唐猛等人倒满了酒杯,然后坐下,稍微沉思了一下,抬头盯着凌云真挚说道:“凌云,说心里话,你以前那么窝囊,哥们儿虽然也同情你,可真的帮不了你什么忙,今天你能够这样,哥们儿打心眼儿里为你高兴,这杯酒,我敬你!” All people were touched by the Zhang Dong sincere spoken language, everybody also raises glass, is staring at Ling Yun with the complex vision, in private room time is very silent. 所有人都被张东真挚的言语打动,大家同时举杯,都用复杂的目光盯着凌云,包间里一时间很寂静。 Ning Lingyu that chuckle tenderly has smiled a moment ago, at this time a big eye was slightly moist, bit the lower lip to stare at own Big Brother lightly, the anticipation and pride in eye, were indescribable. 刚才还一直咯咯娇笑的宁灵雨,这时一双大眼睛微微湿润,轻咬着下唇盯着自己哥哥,眼中的期待和骄傲,无法形容。 Although Cao Shanshan has not looked at Ling Yun, may carry pair of slender element of fruit juice actually not to know why trembles unexpectedly slightly, her vision is sloppy, does not know where looks. 曹珊珊虽然没有看着凌云,可端着果汁的一双纤纤素手却不知为何竟微微发抖,她的目光散漫不定,不知道看向何方。 Ling Yun slowly has swept the people the vision, looks to smile, he stared at the vision finally on the face of Zhang Dong. 凌云缓缓的把目光扫过众人,面露微笑,他最后把目光盯在了张东的脸上。 Thanks.” Carries the wine glass to toss down. “谢谢。”端起酒杯一饮而尽。 Ling Yun is calm, but when he beer drinks the mouth, thought that was not that a matter, this anything taste this was! 凌云淡定从容,可当他把啤酒喝到嘴里的时候,就觉得不是那么回事儿了,这什么味啊这是! Is working as these people, he believes that own all will spit absolutely this glass of beer. 要不是当着这么些人,他相信自己绝对会把这杯啤酒全吐出来。 Almost is frowns to nip the jaw, after drinking toxicant that glass of beer drink, Ling Yun is feeling the mouth with hardship, tongue astringent flavor, the facial expression on face strangely. 几乎是皱着眉头咬着牙关,就跟喝毒药似的把那杯啤酒喝下去之后,凌云感受着嘴里苦苦的,舌头涩涩的味道,脸上的神情怪异之极。 Some Tang Meng surprise, are good to say with a smile: Ling Yun, do not tell me, haven't you drunk the beer?” 唐猛有些诧异,好笑道:“凌云,你不要告诉我,你从来没有喝过啤酒吧?” Really has not drunk, but Ling Yun will certainly not say, he coughed to smile bitterly saying: Drinks has drunk actually, but has also blamed, drinks each time is this strange flavor.” 还真是没有喝过,不过凌云当然不会说出来,他干咳了一声才苦笑道:“喝倒是喝过,不过也怪了,每次喝都是这种怪怪的味道。” The flawlessness that Ling Yun explained that Tang Meng hehe said with a smile: Beer is this taste, was not terribly sweet is not the beer, when you drank several times to be used to it, ate the vegetable to eat the vegetable......” 凌云解释的天衣无缝,唐猛嘿嘿一笑道:“啤酒就是这个味,不杀口就不是啤酒了,等你多喝几次就习惯了,吃菜吃菜……” After coming up the first vegetable, quick on following vegetable, is almost one after another, Zhang Ling looks that own main dish each and everyone comes up, what is happy is beams with joy, eats fiercely, could not attend to including nearby Cao Shanshan. 上来第一个菜之后,后面的菜上的很快,几乎是一个接一个,张灵看着自己点的大菜一个个上来,乐的是眉开眼笑,一个劲儿的猛吃,连一旁的曹珊珊都顾不上了。 Cao Shanshan also was really hungry, she has not starved, because of except for Tang Meng and Ning Lingyu, was Classmates of class, she did not have too to have scruples, ate was very happy. 曹珊珊也真是饿了,她还从来没有挨过饿呢,因为除了唐猛宁灵雨,都是一个班的同学,她也就没有太多顾忌,吃的很是高兴。 Only not happy is, Ling Yun clamps the vegetable to Ning Lingyu, absolutely continually does not have with she polite meaning, this makes her somewhat not be feeling well. 唯一不高兴的就是,凌云一个劲儿的给宁灵雨夹菜,却根本连跟她客气一下的意思都没有,这让她着实有些不爽。 You make me dead Ah?! 你让一让我会死啊?! You really clamp the vegetable to me, this miss is not rare! 你就是真给我夹菜,本姑娘还不稀罕呢! The food eats was similar, service person carried three beautiful woman exclusive Birds' Nest Honeyed Dates Soup, Zhang Ling neatly and quickly one bowl of soup drinking in the belly. 饭吃的差不多了,服务员又端来了三位美女专属的燕窝蜜枣汤,张灵三下五除二就把一碗汤给喝肚子里了。 Em, was full, supported...... Hehe......” “恩,饱了,撑死了……嘿嘿……” Zhang Ling raised the head to see almost all people to visit her, suddenly thinks somewhat embarrassed, has awkward smiling. 张灵抬头看见几乎所有人都看着她,忽然觉得有些不好意思,只好尴尬的笑笑。 Cao Shanshan has also eaten much, her at a moderate pace is eating the bird nest soup with the spoon, noble elegant model/pattern Er is full. 曹珊珊也吃了不少,她不紧不慢的用羹勺喝着燕窝汤,高贵典雅的范儿十足。 The stomach of woman is really a marvelous thing, after Cao Shanshan ate to the full, again looks to the Ling Yun's time, suddenly thought that he did not have so to be hateful. 女人的胃实在是一个奇妙的东西,曹珊珊吃饱了之后,再看向凌云的时候,忽然觉得他没有原来那么可恶了。 Calculates that you are also tactful!” Cao Shanshan in the heart thinks secretly. “算你还识趣!”曹珊珊心中暗暗想到。 Such sumptuous feast, Ling Yun and Tang Meng instead eat least, at noon they had 56 dishes, has eaten the first half, has eaten the second half, now has not thought really how hungry. 这么丰盛的大餐,凌云唐猛反而吃的最少,中午他俩要了56个菜,一个吃了前半场,一个吃了后半场,现在还真不觉得多么饿。 Now what Ling Yun thinks, how can draw out from the Cao Shanshan mouth to the own useful information. 凌云现在想的是,怎么能够从曹珊珊嘴里套出一些对自己有用的信息。 His food may never white Qing. 他的饭可从来不白请的。 At this moment, Zhang Ling wiped mouth to stand up suddenly, some embarrassed say/way: That, you are eating first, I go to a washroom......” 就在这时,张灵忽然抹了抹嘴儿站起身,有些不好意思道:“那个,你们先吃着,我去一趟洗手间……” Ning Lingyu saw that also to stand, she says with a smile: I and you go together.” 宁灵雨见状也跟着站了起来,她笑着道:“我和你一起去。” Actually she to not go to washroom, but wants to speak several words taking this opportunity to Zhang Ling alone. 其实她不是为了上洗手间,而是想借这个机会单独跟张灵说几句话而已。 After all, she is the Big Brother next two months guidance teacher. If not make Zhang Ling satisfy, that Big Brother this food didn't invite white/in vain? 毕竟,她是哥哥未来两个月的“辅导老师”。要是不让张灵满意,那哥哥这顿饭不白请了? Waited for two people to chat private room, Ling Yun thinks to provoke the topic: „Has anyone of you gone to the Great Wall?” 等两个人说笑着出了包间,凌云想了想挑起了话题:“你们谁去过万里长城啊?” Zhang Dong and Chai Hanlin listened, look at each other in blank dismay, Great Wall in the north, they in Jiangnan, but also has not gone. 张东柴翰林听了,不禁面面相觑,万里长城在北方,他们在江南,还真没有去过。 The Tang Meng correct use toothpick is selecting the gap between teeth, hehe said with a smile: Great Wall? The Yanjing Badaling I have gone to many times, does? Do you want to go?” 唐猛正用牙签挑着牙缝,嘿嘿笑道:“万里长城?燕京的八达岭我都去过好多次了,干嘛?你想去?” Ling Yun feared that nobody meets the thread of conversation, he nodded saying: Heard that Badaling Great Wall appearance of the mountain is precipitous, imposing, wants to have a look really......” 凌云就怕没人接话茬,他点了点头道:“听说八达岭长城山势险峻,气势雄伟,真的想去看看……” You go, rides the train to be also good, takes plane also good, to Yanjing, has bought a ticket to come up.” “那你就去呗,坐火车也行,坐飞机也行,到了燕京,买个票就上去了。” Tang Meng careless saying. 唐猛漫不经心的说道。 Ling Yun pretends curious asking: You said that before 2000 , do these people achieve? Then the big stone, they do get so far as the summit? How also to build?” 凌云装作好奇的问道:“你们说,2000年前那些人到底是怎么做到的?那么大的石头,他们是怎么弄到山顶去的?又是怎么垒起来的?” The Tang Meng thoughts early flew with Ning Lingyu, he picked out the tooth, pulled out in one cigarette, then said: You asked that my I asked who goes? The China person was fierce in the ancient times, I thought that is stronger than the present.” 唐猛的心思早跟着宁灵雨飞了,他剔完了牙,掏出一颗香烟点上,然后道:“你问我我问谁去?华夏人古代厉害着呢,我觉得比现在强。” The Cao Shanshan lip moves, wants to say anything, may shut sex appeal small mouth immediately, finally has not said. 曹珊珊嘴唇动了动,想说些什么,可立即又闭住了性感的小嘴儿,终于没有说出来。 The Ling Yun corner of the eye split vision swept this, cannot help but secretly sighed the regret. 凌云眼角儿的余光扫到了这一幕,不由得暗叹遗憾。 You want to do!” Outside private room, transmits high decibel angrily rebuking of suddenly! “你们想干什么!”包间外面,忽然传来一声高分贝的怒斥! Ling Yun they listen to know that is the Zhang Ling sound, in abundance the complexion changes, Tang Meng was suddenly/violently Han one Damn flushed. 凌云他们一听就知道是张灵的声音,纷纷脸色一变,唐猛更是暴喊一声“我草”就冲了出去。 In his dream goddess Ning Lingyu outside, anxiously is not strange. 他的梦中女神宁灵雨也在外面呢,不急才怪。 But he is quick, Cao Shanshan is quicker, she was almost an arrow step to/clashes to the seat, before dodging the Tang Meng body. 可他快,曹珊珊更快,她几乎是一个箭步就冲离了座位,闪到了唐猛身前。 Quite quick!” Looking carefully in all directions Ling Yun saw this, the pupil contraction, the eye has narrowed the eyes slightly. “好快!”眼观六路的凌云看到这一幕,瞳孔收缩,眼睛微微眯了起来。 However now does not think these matters time, he saw everybody to clash, stood up slowly walked outward. 不过现在不是想这些事情的时候,他见大家都冲了出去,也跟着站起身缓缓的往外走。 He arrives at time, Tang Meng and Cao Shanshan have kept off before Ning Lingyu and Zhang Ling body, in front of them, is three over 20 -year-old, youth of getting flushed in the face with anger the university student appearance, drinks. 他来到门外的时候,唐猛曹珊珊已经挡在了宁灵雨张灵身前,他们前面,是三个20多岁,大学生模样,喝的脸红脖子粗的青年。 Yo, the little girl that comes newly is also very beautiful, our school may unable to find such attractive little girl......” “哟,新过来的这个妞儿也很美啊,咱们学校可找不到这么漂亮的妞儿了……”
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