DEMG :: Volume #1

#35: Youngster fierce struggle

Originally, Ning Lingyu and Zhang Ling come out from washroom, two people walked also not far, by the fellow who these three went to bathroom blocking. 原来,宁灵雨张灵从洗手间出来,两个人走了还没有多远,就被这三个来上厕所的家伙给拦住了。 two people does not want to stir up trouble, but three drinking the fellow of doubling with laughter was standing directly horizontally a row, evil intention has blocked the two people way, a very dreadful fellow also wants to put out a hand to take the Ning Lingyu advantage, Zhang Ling has then shouted. 两人本不想惹事,可三个喝的前仰后合的家伙直接横着站成了一排,恶意的挡住了两人的去路,其中一个很猥琐的家伙还想伸出手去占宁灵雨的便宜,张灵这才大喊了起来。 A moment ago lewd stared at Cao Shanshan to say and come a beautiful little girl, was the dreadful male. 刚才色迷迷的盯着曹珊珊说又来了一个美妞的,正是猥琐男。 Tang Meng sees the dreadful male continuously lewd is staring at Cao Shanshan, the brow slightly wrinkle, he unintentionally proceeded to step one step. 唐猛见猥琐男一直色迷迷的盯着曹珊珊,不禁眉头微皱,他有意无意的往前跨了一步。 Then does not return, asked lightly: Lingyu, their how you?” 然后头也不回,淡淡问道:“灵雨,他们怎么你了?” The familiar Tang Meng people know, once he does not use the tone speech of that rampant overbearing time, is he prepares to start to begin. 熟悉唐猛的人都知道,他一旦不用那种嚣张霸道的口气说话的时候,就是他准备开始动手的时候。 Ning Lingyu hesitant, first penetrates the crowd to look at Big Brother Ling Yun that walked at a moderate pace, thought that in the heart was steadfaster, then said to Tang Meng: He wants to occupy me to be cheap a moment ago.” 宁灵雨犹豫了一下,先透过人群看了一眼不紧不慢走过来的哥哥凌云,觉得心中踏实了许多,然后对唐猛道:“他刚才想占我便宜。” After Ling Yun hears, in the eye bright light suddenly/violently to dodge, the pupil shrinks suddenly, looks at the dreadful male vision again, with looking at corpse anything has not distinguished. 凌云听到之后,眼中精光暴闪,瞳孔骤缩,再看猥琐男的目光,就和看死尸没什么区别了。 Tang Meng at this time is also the look ice-cold, he is suppressing a fist the impulsion that the dreadful male nose beats up, lightly saying: Buddy, hurries to give me Classmates to apologize, so long as my Classmates can forgive you, today I put your horse.” 唐猛此时也是眼神冰冷,他强忍着一拳把猥琐男的鼻子揍扁的冲动,淡淡道:“哥们儿,赶紧给我同学道歉,只要我同学能够原谅你,今天我放你一马。” The dreadful male listened, like hearing the world funniest joke was ordinary, face upwards to laugh wildly, rampant said to two Classmates: Liu Xiaojun, Li Jing, do you hear? This silly, compelled saying that must put our horse.” 猥琐男听了,就像听到天下最好笑的笑话一般,仰天狂笑了起来,嚣张的冲身旁两个同学说道:“刘小军,李京,你们听到没有?这个傻、逼说要放咱们一马。” Liu Xiaojun and Li Jing also yes hehe sneer, three tender and beautiful alluring fresh flowers at present, at this time horizontally had a beam by Tang Meng in the middle, they were not already feeling well. 刘小军李京也是嘿嘿冷笑,三朵娇艳欲滴的鲜花就在眼前,此时被唐猛在中间横插了一杠子,他们早就不爽了。 The dreadful male disdains looked at Tang Meng one, narrows the eyes to focus saying: Boy, you are Qingshui High School? Does not know that your hair Changqi, did lead such juicy three beautiful women to come Champions' Building to drink?” 猥琐男不屑的看了唐猛一眼,眯着眼道:“小子,你是清水一中的吧?不知道你毛长齐了没有,就带着这么水灵的三个美女来状元楼喝酒?” Tang Meng did not speak. 唐猛已经不说话了。 Knows that who the elder brother is? Elder Brother is Jiangnan Technical University Zheng Feng, inquired later to river Gongda casually, whom having a look at not to know my peak elder brother!” “知道哥是谁么?哥就是江南工业大学郑峰,以后到了江工大随便打听打听,看看谁不知道我峰哥!” Saying, him must lift the hand to open out to keep off in front Tang Meng, helpless Tang Meng shakes the head, suddenly makes a move like lightning, held the Zheng Feng wrist/skill all of a sudden, lightly saying: Buddy, gives you finally an opportunity, gives me the Classmates apology!” 说着,他就要抬手拨开挡在前面的唐猛,唐猛无奈摇头,突然闪电般出手,一下子抓住了郑峰的手腕,淡淡道:“哥们儿,最后给你一次机会,给我同学道歉!” Zheng Feng looked that Tang Meng actually held the own wrist/skill, some violent angers, fierce said: Boy, I looked ** exactly was really chatty, wants to court death is?” 郑峰一看唐猛竟然抓住了自己的手腕,不禁有些暴怒,厉声道:“小子,我看**的真是活腻歪了,想找死是不是?” Tang Meng has smiled unexpectedly, he hehe said with a smile: Zheng Feng, I thought that you should not call Zheng Feng, you should earnest insane is right!” 唐猛竟然笑了,他嘿嘿笑道:“郑峰啊,我看你不该叫郑峰,你应该叫真疯才对嘛!” Then, Tang Meng rubbish, in the eye flashes through together severe light, grabs the Zheng Feng wrist/skill fiercely the right hand toward right pulls, then left leg fierce outstretch, dang a foot trampled on the abdomen of Zheng Feng. 说完,唐猛再不废话,眼中闪过一道厉芒,抓着郑峰手腕的右手往右猛的一扯,然后左脚猛的伸出,咣当一脚就踹到了郑峰的小肚子上。 Tang Meng is also with the Ling Yun almost ruthless role, he either does not begin, once begins, that is makes a move heartlessly! 唐猛也是个跟凌云差不多的狠角色,他要么不动手,一旦动手,那就是出手无情! Zheng Feng is drawn back several steps by the tread tread tread that this foot suddenly trampled continually, was painful his both hands to cover the belly to bend the waist, the cold sweat on forehead brushed got down. 郑峰被这冷不丁的一脚踹的蹬蹬蹬连退了好几步,痛得他双手捂着肚子弯着腰,额头上的冷汗刷的就下来了。 ...... Damn, this boy dares to fight me, gives on me, gave me to abandon him!” “唔……我草,这小子敢跟我动手,给我上,把他给我废了!” The Champions' Building service person sees this, thinks that on came to prevent actually already late, said again they did not dare. 状元楼的服务员看到这一幕,想上前来阻止却已经晚了,再说她们也不敢。 Zheng Feng but actually is also a ruthless stubble, he covered the belly to clamor, diligently has stood the waist, wanted with Liu Xiaojun and Li Jing together Tang Meng tidying up. 郑峰倒也是个狠茬子,他捂着肚子叫嚣完了,就努力站直了腰,想要上去跟刘小军李京一块儿把唐猛给收拾了。 He has not waited to stand completely the body, behind the buttocks has suffered unexpectedly a foot, the strength of this foot, sinks compared with Tang Meng that foot, but also is fierce! 只是,他还没等完全站直了身体,屁股后面竟又挨了一脚,这一脚的力道,比唐猛那一脚还沉,还猛! Zheng Feng this was trampled, cannot stand, he tread the tread tread to proceed to flee 56 steps, then the plump fell a dog to gnaw the excrement. 郑峰被这一踹,根本就站立不住,他又蹬蹬蹬往前窜了56步,然后扑通一声摔了个狗啃屎。 Tramples this foot naturally is Ling Yun. 踹这一脚的自然是凌云 At this time, Liu Xiaojun and Li Jing already threw toward Tang Meng. 这时候,刘小军李京早已朝着唐猛扑了过去。 Tang Meng disdains to sneer, the look is similar to fierce tiger stares at Liu Xiaojun that the goal prey general closely is staring at to throw, both hands makes a fist to prepare to wait for gains without pains. 唐猛不屑冷笑,眼神如同猛虎盯着目标猎物一般紧紧盯着扑过来的刘小军,双手握拳准备守株待兔。 As for Li Jing...... His could not be higher than many Chai Hanlin, has not waited to approach Tang Meng, Zhang Dong grasped chicken is held the neck, poured to throw. 至于李京……他个头比柴翰林高不了多少,还没等靠近唐猛,就已经被张东抓小鸡似的抓住了脖子,倒扔了出去。 Tang Meng lifts the arm to support the fist that the Liu Xiaojun front surface has hit, has free time to nod to the Zhang Dong applause unexpectedly, says with a smile: Attractive!” 唐猛抬起胳膊架住了刘小军迎面打来的拳头,竟然还有空冲着张东赞许点头,笑道:“漂亮!” Saw the two sides to hit, Cao Shanshan judged the necessity that own simply has not gotten rid of immediately, she was only some loathings looks that three hoodlum university students were hit, and was drawing Ning Lingyu and Zhang Ling has drawn back toward the wall near slightly several steps, resigned the fight location. 见两边真打起来了,曹珊珊立即判断出自己根本没有出手的必要,她只是有些厌恶的看着三个流氓大学生被打,并拉着宁灵雨张灵稍微往墙边上退了几步,让出了打架的场地。 They fell face down, be not standing!” Tang Meng tried the Liu Xiaojun weight all of a sudden, saying that disdained. “他们俩都趴下了,你也别站着了!”唐猛一下子就试出了刘小军的斤两,不屑的说道。 Speech at the same time, Tang Meng a straight punch then numerous striking on the chin of Liu Xiaojun, Liu Xiaojun including the response had not responded that lay down on the ground. 说话的同时,唐猛咣的一个直拳就重重的击在了刘小军的下巴上,刘小军连反应都没反应就躺在了地上。 Quick that the fight finished, is about one minute, three fellow who is all right to ask to punch completely is knocked down. 战斗结束的很快,不过一分钟,三个没事找揍的家伙就全部被打翻在地。 „Is your this, known to everybody to be known to everybody in Jiangnan Technical University? Did I look at Jiangnan Technical University am nobody?” “就你们这样的,在江南工业大学还无人不知无人不晓?我看江南工业大学是没人了吧?” Tang Meng looks that falls on three hoodlums who the ground mumbled, the racket began to shake the head to say with a smile gently. 唐猛看着倒在地上哼哼唧唧的三个流氓,轻轻拍着手摇头笑道。 This fellow has practiced boxing, because Liu Xiaojun wants to hit him, therefore has not kept the hand, hits Liu Xiaojun to hit most ruthless. 这家伙练过拳击,因为刘小军想打他,所以根本就没留手,打刘小军打的最狠。 Who said our Jiangnan Technical University nobody?” “谁说我们江南工业大学没人了?” Tang Meng just spoke, sees in not far away private room to have 67 people one after another, walks toward here. 唐猛刚说完话,就见不远处一个包间里有67个人鱼贯而出,朝着这里走来。 That height of lead is similar to Zhang Dong, the physique actually must be broadly sturdier than Zhang Dong, looked that muscle male who very much can hit, the short inch head, the whole face is ugly and ferocious-looking. 领头的那一个身高跟张东差不多,身板却比张东要宽阔壮实多了,一看就是很能打的那种肌肉男,短寸头,满脸横肉。 He holds in the mouth the cigarette, the right hand is raising empty wine bottles, to the Zheng Feng three people who the ground is lying down groaning looked that did not look, straight they walks to Ling Yun. 他叼着香烟,右手提着个空酒瓶,对地上躺着哼哼的郑峰三个人看都不看,直直的冲着凌云他们走来。 67 people come out together, directly the Champions' Building second floor not very broad corridor stopping up, was quick and anxious, seemed has an imposing manner of withering they walked very much. 67个人一起出来,直接就把状元楼二楼并不很宽阔的走廊给堵了,他们走的又快又急,看上去很有一种肃杀的气势。 Ning Lingyu, Zhang Ling and Chai Hanlin saw that these people held in the mouth the cigarette to take the beverage bottle to walk, on face completely changes countenance! 宁灵雨张灵柴翰林看到这些人叼着香烟拿着酒瓶走了过来,脸上全部变色 A Cao Shanshan excellent eyebrow wrinkle, knows slightly own does not make a move not to be good, therefore said to Chai Hanlin: Chai Hanlin, you are protecting Ning Lingyu and Zhang Ling hide far a little, careful should not be injuring own.” 曹珊珊秀挺的眉毛微微一皱,知道自己不出手不行了,于是对柴翰林说道:“柴翰林,你护着宁灵雨张灵躲远一点儿,小心别伤着自己。” Then Cao Shanshan has arrived at side Tang Meng directly, her look such as ten thousand years of iceberg is cold, footsteps actually firm incomparable. 然后曹珊珊直接走到了唐猛身边,她眼神如万年冰山般寒冷,脚步却坚定无比。 ...... 只是…… An obese big hand held her arm. 一只肥胖的大手抓住了她的胳膊。 Goes back!” Ling Yun to/clashes Cao Shanshan to shout in a low voice. “回去!”凌云低声冲曹珊珊喝道。 You!” Cao Shanshan saw Ling Yun so to be unexpectedly bold held the arm of own directly, immediately the complexion somewhat blushed. “你!”曹珊珊凌云竟然这么大胆直接的抓住了自己的胳膊,顿时脸色有些羞红。 From infancy to maturity, besides the own family member, her arm had not been bumped by other man! 从小到大,除了自己的亲人,她的胳膊还没被别的男人碰过呢! However, his good overbearing! Cao Shanshan cannot bear blush to say. 不过,他好霸道啊!曹珊珊忍不住红着脸想道。 Goes back to consider their three, here also has no need for the woman making a move.” Ling Yun lightly saying. “回去照顾好他们三个,这里还用不着女人出手。”凌云淡淡道 Let the woman fight? That absolutely absolutely is not the Ling Yun's style! 让女人打架?那绝对绝对不是凌云的风格! The Cao Shanshan side raises the head, looked at Ling Yun one, has given him a suspicion look, that meaning is, didn't the opposite party seven people, you fear? 曹珊珊侧扬起头,看了凌云一眼,给了他一个略带怀疑的眼神,那意思是,对方七个人呢,你不怕? Ling Yun shows a faint smile, lifts the right hand to lay out in the future, makes Cao Shanshan draw back directly, then to Zhang Dong says with a smile: Zhang Dong, you will not fight, before the college entrance examination, do not hang out colored streamers, you also go back.” 凌云微微一笑,抬起右手往后摆了摆,直接让曹珊珊退回去,然后对走过来的张东笑道:“张东,你不会打架,高考之前就不要挂彩了,你也回去。” Zhang Dong has not fought, first he is not the person who a love fights, another is his stature is placed there, in the campus little has actively provokes his, therefore his fight experience is zero. 张东还真的没有打过架,首先他就不是个爱打架的人,再一个就是他的个子摆在那里,校园里很少有主动招惹他的,因此他的打架经验为零。 He looked at the opposite party to come seven people all of a sudden, each one threatened tall and sturdy, in some hands was also taking the empty wine bottles, was lacks in resonance at heart, may think that own only remained three battle efficiencies, he was unable to flinch. 他看了对方一下子来了七个人,个个人高马大气势汹汹的,有的手里还拿着空酒瓶,心里也是底气不足,可一想到自己这边只剩三个战斗力了,他还不能退缩。 Therefore can only brace oneself. 因此只能硬着头皮走了过来。 At this time Tang Meng also depends saying: Buddy, did not know you before, but today you spoke to handle the matter very to my taste, your this friend I have handed over, here had no need for you, you went back to favor their several female students then the line.” 此时唐猛也靠过来说道:“哥们儿,以前不认识你,但是今天你说话办事儿很对我的口味,你这个朋友我交了,这里用不着你,你回去看好她们几个女生就行了。” Zhang Dong thinks, asking of doubts: „Can you withstand really?” 张东想了想,疑惑的问道:“你俩真的顶得住?” Ling Yun smiles lightly, shakes the head saying: „It is not both of us, Tang Meng you also roll to me, here has no need for you.” 凌云淡淡一笑,摇头道:“不是我俩,唐猛你也给我滚回去,这里用不着你。” What?!” Little Overlord nearly does not dare believe the ear of own: They have seven! Don't you want to come one pair seven?” “什么?!”小霸王差点儿不敢相信自己的耳朵:“他们可是有七个!你不会是想来个一对七吧?” Jiangnan Technical University nobody who who said a moment ago? Stands to me!” “刚才谁说的江南工业大学没人了?给我站出来!” That this time that the opposite party leads has arrived at the two people near, discovered them startled unexpectedly for who must make a move there lock horns, has not given to pay attention to him quite the same as, suddenly feels some not to bear. 对方领头的那个此时已经走到了两人近前,愕然发现他们竟然为了谁要出手在那里争执不休,浑然没把他给放在眼里,顿觉有些不耐。 Has hit my Tu Gang person, your can't be inescapable, what struggle struggles?” “打了我屠刚的人,你们一个也跑不了,争什么争?” Originally the fellow of this lead called Tu Gang. 原来这个领头的家伙叫屠刚 Tang Meng proceeded grinningly a footpath: Jiangnan Technical University nobody who I said that how?” 唐猛笑嘻嘻往前走了一步道:“我说的江南工业大学没人了,怎么着?” Tang Meng is the person of fearless, can say that except for his grandfather, he has not feared any person from infancy to maturity. 唐猛本来就是个天不怕地不怕的主儿,可以说除了他的爷爷,他从小到大还没怕过什么人呢。 The secret nod that Ling Yun looks, has not made Tang Meng go back again. 凌云看的暗暗点头,没有再让唐猛回去。 He looks is very clear, so long as fights a battle to force a quick decision, first Tu Gang of this lead abandoning, other person of nobody has been able to ask for the advantage from Tang Meng there. 他看的很清楚,只要速战速决,先把这个领头的屠刚给废了,其他人没有人能从唐猛那里讨得了好处。 So-called shoots the person to shoot the horse first, to catch brigands, first catch their king. Also the so-called tree macaque is but actually loose, is this truth. 所谓射人先射马,擒贼先擒王。又所谓树倒猢狲散,就是这个道理。 Boy, plants, hopes that your staying little while lies down on the ground, but can also such plant!” “小子,有种,希望你呆会儿躺在地上的时候,还能这么有种!” Tang Meng hehe sneers saying: Feared a while lies down on the ground is not I.” 唐猛嘿嘿冷笑道:“就怕一会儿躺在地上的不是我。” Seven pairs two, at this time, side the Tu Gang six people all disdained looks at Ling Yun and Tang Meng, that look clear very much, does not need them to make a move, a Tu Gang person can take down them with ease. 七对二,这时候,屠刚身边的六个人全都不屑的看着凌云唐猛,那眼神明白的很,根本不用他们出手,屠刚一个人就能把他俩轻松放倒。 Ling Yun proceeded to step gently one step. 凌云轻轻往前跨了一步。 Big Brother!” Ning Lingyu of distant place saw Ling Yun the physique also to compared with him facing on greatly a little Tu Gang, could not bear make noise to call out in alarm. 哥哥!”远处的宁灵雨凌云正面对上了块头比他还要大一点儿的屠刚,忍不住出声惊呼。 Tu Gang saw Ling Yun to own, he has smoked a cigarette fiercely, then one spat was holding in the mouth the cigarette butt, sneered saying: Both of you on together!” 屠刚凌云对上了自己,他猛地吸了一口烟,然后“噗”的一下吐掉叼着的烟头,冷笑道:“你们俩一起上吧!” Ling Yun lightly saying: Does not use.” 凌云淡淡道:“不用。” Tu Gang no longer spoke, but sneered is firing into Ling Yun, in the look twinkling cruel cruel rays of light, was taking the right hand of beer bottle to raise high, aims at the Ling Yun's head to pound. 屠刚不再说话,而是冷笑着冲向凌云,眼神中闪烁着残忍暴戾的光芒,拿着啤酒瓶的右手高高扬起,对准凌云的脑袋就砸了过来。 Good quick and good ruthless making a move! 好快、好狠的出手!
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