DEMG :: Volume #1

#36: If the apology is useful

Along with the Tu Gang movement, the green beer bottle from the sky has drawn together the swift and fierce arc, is having the fast wind sound/rumor, pounds to the Ling Yun's forehead. 随着屠刚的动作,绿色的啤酒瓶在空中划过一道凌厉的弧线,带着迅捷的风声,砸向凌云的脑门。 "Ah!" Ning Lingyu saw that the head of Big Brother must blossom, she startled and anxious, does not give a thought to the stop of Cao Shanshan, must run over. “啊!”宁灵雨眼看哥哥的脑袋就要开花,她又惊又急,再也不顾曹珊珊的阻拦,就要跑过来。 Ling Yun can avoid.” Cao Shanshan entrained her, although her beautiful oval face also slightly some blanches, but she remembered making a move of after school Ling Yun to Gou Junfa, she thought indistinctly, Ling Yun can definitely avoid! 凌云能够躲开。”曹珊珊拽住了她,虽然她绝美的鹅蛋脸也微微有些发白,可她想起放学后凌云勾俊发的出手,她隐隐约约觉得,凌云肯定能躲开! Zhang Ling and Chai Hanlin already frightened have closed the eye, does not endure to see that bloody frigid one. 张灵柴海林早就吓得闭上了眼睛,不忍看到那血腥惨烈的一幕。 Ling Yun as before calm free, eye careless looks at the eye of Tu Gang, as if has forgotten moving aside. 凌云依旧淡定自若,眼睛漫不经心的看着屠刚的眼睛,似乎忘记了躲闪。 Damn, Ling Yun, were you silly? The dodge opens!” Tang Meng sees Ling Yun to hide does not hide, burning with impatience! 我草,凌云,你傻了吧?快闪开啊!”唐猛凌云躲都不躲,心急如焚! Until the beverage bottle approaches the forehead, Ling Yun's corners of the mouth suddenly brings back a mysterious smiling face, the leaning head, the side shoulder, receives the abdomen, three movements are separate, actually as if forms a coherent whole! 直到酒瓶临近脑门,凌云的嘴角儿忽的勾起一个神秘的笑容,偏头,侧肩,收腹,三个动作都是分开的,却又似乎是一气呵成! The beer bottle closely is pasting the Ling Yun's ear and shoulder and lower abdomen, has pounded, was almost only bumping the Ling Yun's body, may be after all bad a little! 啤酒瓶紧紧贴着凌云的耳朵、肩膀头和小腹,一路砸了下去,只差一点儿就碰着凌云的身体了,可终归是差了那么一点儿! Ling Yun stares at the happy expression that the vision of Tu Gang eye is revealing disdaining slightly, when Tu Gang upper body leans forward, the style uses old, the beverage bottle castrates already time completely, he gently makes a move. 凌云盯着屠刚眼睛的目光微微露出一丝不屑的笑意,等到屠刚上身前倾,招式用老,酒瓶去势已尽的时候,他才轻轻出手。 Ling Yun naturally has been hanging arm, at this time the beverage bottle fell on the Ling Yun's left big hip place, his left hand gently extends, has grasped firmly bottle of bodies. 凌云一直是自然垂着手臂的,这时候酒瓶就落在凌云的左大胯处,他的左手只是轻轻一伸,就攥住了瓶身。 Then downward presses following castration of Tu Gang right hand gently, area, the beverage bottle will be snatched to seize by him again in the future! 然后顺着屠刚右手的去势轻轻往下一按,再往后一带,酒瓶已经被他劈手夺了过来! Other people see this feeling, it may be said that strangely, they look that looks like Tu Gang bends over, delivers to Ling Yun to be the same the empty wine bottles! 其他人看到这一幕的感觉,可谓怪异之极,他们看着就像是屠刚弯腰低头,把空酒瓶送到凌云手里一样! He......” others cannot understand, cannot understand on behalf of Cao Shanshan! “他……”别人看不懂,可不代表曹珊珊看不懂! When Tu Gang beverage bottle to the Ling Yun's forehead, her also complexion deathly white thinks that Ling Yun was pounded inevitably, inexplicable worry and anxious, own unexpectedly subconscious steps forward three steps. 屠刚的酒瓶子到了凌云的脑门的时候,她也脸色煞白的以为凌云必然被砸中了,莫名的担心和焦急之下,自己竟然下意识的跨出三步。 Movement that but Ling Yun then makes lets Cao Shanshan dumbstruck! 凌云接下来所做的动作却让曹珊珊目瞪口呆 The beverage bottle pounded the forehead the leaning head, pounded the shoulder the leaning shoulder, that beverage bottle pounded, Ling Yun avoided, castrated until the beverage bottle already completely, the strength did not have. 酒瓶砸到了脑门才偏头,砸到了肩膀才侧肩,那酒瓶一路砸下去,凌云就一路躲开,直到酒瓶去势已尽,力道全无。 This...... How this must need calmly, how needs to own self-confident, needs the what kind of guts to achieve this step? 这……这得需要怎样的冷静,需要对自己怎样的自信,需要何等的胆量才能做到这一步? If the average man, sees the beverage bottle to pound to the forehead of own, either builds the arm to keep off immediately or grasps, already was either thrown into confusion rebounds or retrocedes, but Ling Yun was only the simple side shoulder gives to avoid, has not moved including the footsteps one step! 如果是常人,看到酒瓶砸向自己的脑门,要么立刻架起手臂去挡或者去抓,要么早就手忙脚乱的跳开或者后退,可凌云只是简单的偏头侧肩就给躲开了,连脚步都没挪动一步! What is most graceful is the judgment of Ling Yun to Tu Gang strength, he pounds not to be possible in the beverage bottle exactly to pound, the Tu Gang arm is unable to fall again a point, beverage bottle exactly from speed most quickly to static time, made a move to seize! 最帅的是凌云屠刚力道的判断,他恰好就在酒瓶砸无可砸,屠刚手臂无法再下落一分,酒瓶恰好从速度最快到静止的时候,才出手夺了过来! This truly with takes goods not many differences of stay still from others hand, but if must achieve this point, that was difficult such as to ascend to heaven. 这确实是跟从别人手里去拿一个静止不动的物品没多少区别,可如果真要做到这一点,那就难如登天了。 „Can I hit him really?” Cao Shanshan has the vacillation to the judgment of own for the first time. “我真的能打过他吗?”曹珊珊首次对自己的判断产生动摇。 That said a moment ago was very long, actually occurred in fast, 12 seconds of matter. 刚才那一幕说起来很长,其实就发生在电光石火之间,12秒钟的事。 Ling Yun left hand takes the beverage bottle, right hand has stretched out like lightning, has pressed firmly between the fingers the neck of Tu Gang from behind all of a sudden, making him evade not to be possible to evade, left hand lifts high, has pounded according to the forehead of Tu Gang with the beer bottle. 凌云左手拿过酒瓶,右手闪电般伸出,一下子从后面捏住了屠刚的脖子,让他避无可避,左手高高抬起,用啤酒瓶照着屠刚的脑门就砸了下去。 Tu Gang „--” sad and shrill shouted miserably, he evaded not to be possible at this time radically to evade, he may unable to play Ling Yun that move, let alone the neck was also pressed firmly between the fingers by Ling Yun. 屠刚“啊——”的凄厉惨呼,他此时根本就避无可避,他可耍不出凌云那一招,更何况脖子还被凌云捏住了。 One that he won a moment ago failed, that feeling was very strange, saw that the beer bottle pounded down actually a lower hem corner not to bump into from Ling Yun, the feeling that type failed, made one spit blood sadly! 刚才他志在必得的一下落空了,那种感觉很古怪,眼看着啤酒瓶从凌云身边一路砸下却连个衣角都没碰到,那种一路落空的感觉,难过的令人吐血! At this time his center of gravity of body the body near the right half, this scene was equal to that Ling Yun pressed his head to pound him! 这时候他身体的重心都在右半边身子,这个情景等于是凌云摁着他的头在砸他! Does that have not to pound? 那还有个砸不中? Tu Gang courage entirely cracks, alarmed and afraid under lifts the beverage bottle that the air-to-air right hand blocks to pound to fall immediately! 屠刚肝胆俱裂,惊惧之下立即抬起空空的右手去挡住砸落的酒瓶! bang! pounds the sound of wrist/skill. 啪!”砸中手腕的声音。 crack!” Sound of bone break! 咔嚓!”骨头断裂的声音! Ling Yun has used 80% strengths! This Tu Gang made a move to be too ruthless, did not teach is not suddenly good! 凌云用了八成力道!这个屠刚出手太狠了,不教训一下不行! A moment ago was also Ling Yun, if traded to make Tang Meng, even if not be badly beaten, at least also will be crushed and injured the arm! 刚才也就是凌云,如果换做唐猛,就算不会头破血流,至少也会被砸伤手臂! After the Tu Gang arm was crushed and broken, severe pain transmits, the head downward hangs down naturally, this gave Ling Yun to save the vigor actually, he pinched the right hand of Tu Gang neck downward to press, then the knee lifted high! 屠刚手臂被砸折之后,剧痛传来,脑袋自然而然往下低垂,这倒是给凌云省了劲儿了,他捏着屠刚脖子的右手跟着往下一按,然后膝盖高高抬起! Bang!” The Ling Yun's knee came an intimate contact with the Tu Gang countenance! “砰!”凌云的膝盖跟屠刚的嘴脸就来了一次亲密接触! Tu Gang was hit hard, in mouth and nose all of a sudden bloody! 屠刚又遭重击,口鼻之中一下子血流如注! The Ling Yun knee falls, the right hand presses again, the head soon drills in Tu Gang to Ling Yun pants crotch, by him was pushed to the ground directly! 凌云膝盖落下,右手再按,脑袋快要钻到凌云裤裆里的屠刚,直接就被他按倒在地! passes!” Tu Gang lay on the ground! “噗通!”屠刚趴在了地上! „--” stemming from human body instinct, Tu Gang subconscious both hands holds the ground, had actually forgotten the own wrist/skill was already crushed and broken, bellowing of direct pain! “啊——”出于人体本能,屠刚下意识的双手去扶地面,却忘记了自己手腕早就被砸折了,直接痛的大吼! Ling Yun is sideways gently, then lifts right foot trod after Tu Gang to carry on the back, then has not occurred with any matter, expression serene, corners of the mouth wiped the faint smile as before as before, the look as before limpidly transparent. 凌云轻轻侧身,然后抬起右脚就踏在了屠刚的后背上,然后就跟什么事都没发生过似的,表情依旧云淡风轻,嘴角儿依旧一抹浅笑,眼神依旧清澈透明。 The Zheng Feng three people who just crawled were shocked! 刚刚爬起来的郑峰三个人惊呆了! Is dumbfounded with another six people that Tu Gang comes! 跟着屠刚过来的另外六人傻眼了! Their eldest children, bluff and bluster Tu Gang that in Jiangnan Technical University is insufferably arrogant, a half minute did not arrive to be punched to step on like this on the ground, this let them radically the fact that was hard to accept to have! 他们的老大,在江南工业大学耀武扬威不可一世的屠刚,连半分钟都不到就被人揍成这样踩在了地上,这让他们根本难以接受发生的事实! Tu Gang eldest child, today your this birthday...... 哦,屠刚老大,今天你这个生日过的…… They are unable to accept, but the person of Ling Yun this side, is shocks the shock to be shocked, shocked the situation in the extreme! 他们无法接受,而凌云这一方的人,更是震撼震惊再震惊,震惊到了无以复加的地步! They have not even seen clearly exactly had anything, the expression on face from worrying arrives at the shock to being in a daze again, looks at present inconceivable one. 他们甚至没看清到底发生了什么,脸上的表情就从担忧到发呆再到震惊,看着眼前不可思议的一幕。 I grass! Was this too also good?......” Tang Meng maintains is lifting at this time also the hand to help Ling Yun resist the stance of beverage bottle, to the present was unable to believe that Ling Yun stepped on Tu Gang turns in the place! “我了个草!这也太牛了吧?……”唐猛此时还保持着抬手去帮凌云抵挡酒瓶的架势,到现在还不敢相信凌云已经把屠刚踩翻在地! Who returns?” Ling Yun with stepping on dead dog steps on is struggling miserable howling Tu Gang, is calm and composed even in press of work, is staring at the opposite nine people, affable that smiles. “谁还上?”凌云跟踩死狗似的踩着挣扎惨嚎的屠刚,好整以暇,盯着对面的九个人,笑的和蔼可亲。 But his left hand is taking the beer bottle, the right foot is stepping on the Tu Gang posture, looks in Zhang Ling and Chai Hanlin and the others in the eyes, is actually overbearing, is actually the overwhelming power, has the one man holds the pass, blocking ten-thousand imposing manner that is hard to speak! 可他左手拿着啤酒瓶,右脚踩着屠刚的姿势,看在张灵柴翰林等人的眼里,却是霸道,却是威猛,却有难以言说的一夫当关万夫莫开的气势! Similar to the deity descends to earth! 就如同天神下凡! Ling Yun very handsome!” Zhang Ling already opened has closely been shutting the eye at this time, when she sees the Ling Yun that overbearing imposing manner, both eyes turned into the heart shape directly, the cheek excited likely big apple, claps to jump for joy. 凌云好帅哦!”张灵此时早已睁开了紧紧闭着的眼睛,当她看到凌云霸道的气势,双眼直接都变成了心形,脸蛋兴奋的像个大苹果,拍手雀跃。 Big Brother......” Ning Lingyu stares at Ling Yun's to cut the water double pupil to wink does not wink, worship in her look and proud to has been hard to speak the situation that she is nipping the lower lip gently, can not help mutter. 哥哥……”宁灵雨盯着凌云的剪水双瞳眨都不眨,她眼神中的崇拜和自豪到了难以言说的地步,她轻轻咬着下唇,情不自禁喃喃自语。 Who returns? A Tu Gang person can hit their 45, now Tu Gang is actually stepped on by Ling Yun on the ground is miserable, who also dares on? 谁还上?屠刚一个人能打他们45个,现在屠刚却被凌云踩在地上惨嚎呢,谁还敢上? time river Gongda the fellows look at each other in blank dismay, nobody dares to stand. 时间江工大的这帮家伙面面相觑,没有一个人敢站出来。 Ling Yun forgives them not to dare to begin again, therefore turns head to show a faint smile to Ning Lingyu here, hints them to come. 凌云谅他们也不敢再动手,于是回头冲着宁灵雨这里微微一笑,示意他们过来。 Zhang Ling already could not wait, she runs is quicker than anyone, arrived at Ling Yun quickly at present, first is the look that offers a worship, then also gently traces the Ling Yun's arm. 张灵早就等不及了,她跑的比谁都快,很快来到了凌云眼前,先是奉上一个崇拜的眼神,然后还轻轻摸了摸凌云的胳膊。 Really is starry-eyed!” Cao Shanshan that walks silently white Zhang Ling, looks again to the Ling Yun's look, were many complex the flavor that was difficult to be bright. “真是花痴!”默默走过来的曹珊珊白了张灵一眼,再看向凌云的眼神,多了一丝复杂难明的味道。 Tang Meng, made in the past that three trash, making them apologize!” Ling Yun lightly saying. 唐猛,过去把那三个垃圾弄过来,让他们道歉!”凌云淡淡道 Hehe, good!” “嘿嘿,好嘞!” Tang Meng in the past, studied the Ling Yun's appearance, was pinching the neck of Zheng Feng and Liu Xiaojun, pinched chicken has towed. 唐猛过去,学凌云的样子,一手一个捏着郑峰刘小军的脖子,捏小鸡似的拖了过来。 Zhang Dong naturally swaggering in the past had also made Li Jing. 张东当然大摇大摆的过去把李京也弄了过来。 Sorry, we have made a mistake, we have eyes but fail to see, we should not provoke these beautiful women!” “对不起,我们错了,我们有眼无珠,我们不该招惹这几位美女!” At this time Ling Yun Tang Meng they did not say, the apology that Zheng Feng was also too busy, grovelled, bowing in salute. 这时候就算凌云唐猛他们不说,郑峰也忙不迭的道歉,点头哈腰,一个劲的作揖。 Tang Meng pā pā pro and con has given Zheng Feng two slap in the face, he who pulls out is completely muddled, then rampant say/way: towards I apologize usefully? Gives my three female Classmates apologies!” 唐猛啪啪”正反给了郑峰两个耳光,抽的他晕头转向的,然后嚣张道:“对着我道歉有用吗?去给我的三位女同学道歉!” „Is is......” the Zheng Feng three people hurries to run, the towards Ning Lingyu three people are one apologize. “是是是……”郑峰三人又赶紧跑过去,对着宁灵雨三人又是一通赔礼道歉。 Was good, should not be an eyesore there, rolls your side!” Whether Ling Yun does not care about their sincere apology. “行了,别在那里碍眼了,滚回你们那边去!”凌云才不关心他们是否真心道歉。 Zheng Feng three people such as Mongolian pardon, scared shitless has fallen back on that side own. 郑峰三人如蒙大赦,屁滚尿流的退到了自己那边。 At this time, in several people who came out newly, suddenly stood a person to come, this fellow was refined, wears glasses, seemed very delicate. 这时候,新出来的几个人里,突然站出一个人来,这个家伙斯斯文文,戴着眼镜,看上去挺秀气。 He wear a look of awkward looks at Ling Yun saying: Classmates, you looked, you hit have also hit, we also apologized, was......” 他面带尴尬的看着凌云说道:“同学,你看,你们打也打了,我们也道歉了,是不是……” Ling Yun caught the eye to visit him, gave him one ultra to have the love smiling face: „Did you speak easy-to-use not?” 凌云抬眼看了看他,给了他一个超有爱的笑容:“你说话好使不?” At this time he was stepping on Tu Gang, did not plan that made Tu Gang speak. 这时候他踩着屠刚呢,根本就不打算让屠刚说话。 The delicate male listened to stare first, then about looked, blushed however said: I am the assistant squad leader of our class, you had any words to say.” 秀气男听了先是一愣,然后左右看了看,赧然说道:“我是我们班的副班长,你有什么话就说吧。” Ling Yun thought that Tu Gang wants to struggle in the under foot unexpectedly, therefore on the foot aggravated the strength, stepped on him, then said with a smile: Any important matter, has not been discussed that issue of compensation!” 凌云觉得屠刚在脚下竟然想挣扎,于是脚上加重了力道,又把他踩了回去,然后笑道:“没什么大事,就是谈一谈赔偿的问题!” Came......” “又来了……” Cao Shanshan and Zhang Ling have looked at each other one as if by prior agreement, looks strangely to the opposite party look except for strange. 曹珊珊张灵不约而同的对视了一眼,看向对方的眼神除了古怪还是古怪。 Compensation?” That assistant squad leader somewhat is in a daze immediately...... The heart said that today this is, has run into this person unexpectedly? “赔偿?”那位副班长顿时有些发呆……心说今天怎么了这是,竟然遇到了这种人? You punched us like this, but also discussed the compensation with us? 你把我们揍成这样了,还跟我们谈赔偿? Classmates, that...... We apologized......” inconceivable of assistant squad leader whole face. 同学,那个……我们已经道歉了……”副班长满脸的不可思议。 Ling Yun shows neither approval nor disapproval smiles, said gently: If the apology is useful, that also does fight to do?” 凌云不置可否的一笑,轻轻说道:“如果道歉有用的话,那还打架干什么呢?” Then his complexion changes, in look emits color of the ruthless offense, ominous say/way: You look for trouble to bully my younger sister, but also destroys the good mood that we have eaten meal, delayed us to return to the school to attend class, you said how much money this can compensate?!” 接着他脸色一变,眼神中冒出一股狠戾之色,凶巴巴道:“你们没事找事欺负我妹妹,还破坏了我们吃饭的好心情,又耽误了我们回学校上课,你说,这得赔多少钱?!” If in us some people, because this matter feels alarmed and anxious not to be admitted to a university, how much money can this compensate?!” “要是我们之中有人因为这件事担惊受怕考不上大学,这又得赔多少钱?!” The assistant squad leader first time sees the appearance that Ling Yun gets angry, time multiplies at heart alarmed and afraid, hurries to squeeze out an ugly smiling face saying: Is we are not right, that you said how much money compensates?” 副班长还是第一次看到凌云翻脸的样子,一时间心里惊惧倍增,赶忙挤出一个难看的笑脸说道:“是我们不对,那,您说赔多少钱?” The smiling face on his face, the ratio cries to be ugly simply. 他脸上的笑容,简直比哭还要难看。
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