DEMG :: Volume #1

#37: The pit you had not discussed

Ling Yun sees him to admit defeat, has exchanged immediately all things the smiling face that is open to discuss, on the face shows a have a strong sense of righteousness appearance: This, us eats to owe, you made people tie our private room accounts, then gave us careless 3000, considered to the spiritual costs of the loss of these three beautiful women, looked that gave to frighten them!” 凌云见他服软,立即又换上了一副万事好商量的笑容,脸上展现出一副大义凛然的模样:“这样吧,我们这边就吃点儿亏,你让人把我们这个包间的账结了,然后马马虎虎给我们个3000的,就当是给这三个美女的精神损失费,看把她们给吓的!” Tang Meng in the heart trembles. 唐猛心中一个哆嗦。 Cao Shanshan and Zhang Ling looked day looks at the day, reorganizes the reorganization clothes of clothes, two people makes does not know the Ling Yun's appearance. 曹珊珊张灵看天的看天,整理衣服的整理衣服,两人均做出根本不认识凌云的模样。 Good words, this matter such considers as finished, if not good, we continue to hit!” Ling Yun was saying, but also the beer bottle in rampant raising hand. “行的话,这事儿就这么算了,要是不行,咱们继续打!”凌云说着,还嚣张的扬了扬手中的啤酒瓶。 His ate the appearance of assistant squad leader, was unforgiving. 他一副吃定了副班长的模样,不依不饶。 One hear of Ling Yun must continue to hit, the assistant squad leader here face was green, the assistant squad leader has, helpless said: good good good...... We compensate, we compensate!” 一听凌云还要继续打,副班长这边的人脸都绿了,副班长只好无奈道:“好好好……我们赔,我们赔!” They acknowledged that the punishment is deserved thoroughly. 他们是彻底认栽了。 Ling Yun in the heart is dark, then turns head to say to Zhang Dong: You brought them to tie account.” 凌云心中暗爽,然后扭头对张东说道:“你下去带他们把账结了。” The Zhang Dong heart said Ling Yun your this playing was also too graceful, hit others one not to say white/in vain, but also ate without paying to take in vain! However this is own gains the cheap matter, he has not said anything, the nod goes. 张东心说凌云你这手玩的也太帅了,白打了人家一顿不说,还白吃白拿!不过这是自己这边赚便宜的事,他就没说什么,点头而去。 The person who the assistant squad leader leaves behind collects money, before long the assistant squad leader collected 1000 dollars, whole face meat pain hands in Ling Yun, then expression ugly lowering the head looked at Tu Gang, looks up Ling Yun. 副班长这边留下的人纷纷凑钱,不一会儿副班长凑齐了1000块钱,满脸肉痛的递到凌云手里,然后表情难看的低头看了看屠刚,又抬头看凌云 Ling Yun forces in 1000 dollars the pocket conveniently, then nodded, foot after Tu Gang carried on the back with. 凌云随手把1000块钱塞进兜里,然后才点了点头,把脚从屠刚的后背上拿了下来。 He squats down the big and fat body, strokes the back of the head comfort of Tu Gang to say gently: Boy, do not think at heart feel wronged, some people are not you can stir up, today you calculated to pick up a big bargain, didn't know?” 他蹲下胖大的身子,轻轻抚摸着屠刚的后脑勺安慰道:“小子,别觉得心里委屈,有些人不是你能惹得起的,今天你算捡了大便宜了,知道不?” Tu Gang hurts shames and gets angry, the short of breath launches a psychological attack, simply first one low, feigns death. 屠刚又疼又羞又怒,气急攻心,索性把头一低,就地装死。 Actually Ling Yun said right, if same situation places cultivation world, this group of people who can live not to be uncertain. 其实凌云说的没错,同样的情况要是放在修真界,这伙人谁能活下来还不一定呢。 Completes this, Ling Yun leisurely however sets out, lifts the hand to trace the earlobe, towards Cao Shanshan and the others said with a smile: Embarrassed fellow beautiful women, I know that you only wanted such to select the spiritual cost of the loss regarding me with them are not very satisfied, who made my feelings good, was the heart good? Cultivates the behavior is sincere, right?” 做完这个,凌云才施施然起身,抬手摸了摸耳垂,对着曹珊珊等人笑道:“不好意思各位美女,我知道你们对于我只跟他们要了这么点儿精神损失费不是很满意,不过谁让我心肠好,心地太善良呢?做人要厚道,对吧?” Cao Shanshan showed the whites of the eyes directly to him, Ning Lingyu blushes to look to elsewhere, Zhang Ling actually covers mouth there funny straight happy. 曹珊珊直接翻了个白眼给他,宁灵雨红着脸看向别处,张灵却只是捂着嘴在那里哏哏直乐。 Was good, now ate also ate to the full, the account has also tied, we returned to private room to take the thing, hurried to return to the school...... Cannot delay attending class.” “行了,现在吃也吃饱了,账也结了,咱们回包间拿东西,赶紧回学校吧……千万不能耽误了上课。” In Tu Gang this group of people look at monster in the speechless vision, Ling Yun is leading own here person, swaggering returned to private room to take the thing, then left Champions' Building. 屠刚这群人看怪物似的无语的目光中,凌云带着自己这边的人,大摇大摆的回到包间拿了东西,然后离开了状元楼 Left the restaurant, Zhang Ling has arrived at side Ling Yun directly, did not evade anything, embraced the Ling Yun's arm with both hands on own initiative, said in a low voice: Handsome fellow, today this food does not calculate!” 出了酒楼,张灵直接走到凌云身边,也不避讳什么,主动用双手揽住凌云的胳膊,低声说道:“帅哥,今天这顿饭不算哦!” Now, Ling Yun in the Zhang Ling in the heart status, promoted by good-for-nothing waste as the handsome fellow, in one day, change unexpectedly such big! 现在,凌云张灵心中的地位,已经由窝囊废升级为帅哥了,一天之间,变化竟如此之大! Ling Yun listened in great surprise! 凌云听了大惊! He is at a loss for words said loudly: What? Doesn't calculate?! Cultivates the behavior cannot shameless to this situation? You looked that you supported cannot walk...... Actually doesn't calculate?” 他张口结舌大声道:“什么?不算?!做人不能无耻到这种地步吧?你看你撑得都走不动路了……竟然不算?” Zhang Ling both hands are holding the Ling Yun's arm tightly, rouses the drum **** rubs on the Ling Yun's arm rubs, own actually resembles quite the same as unconsciously, her eyeball revolution, refuted: Hey, isn't today money that you spend is good? This can also calculate that you do treat?” 张灵双手紧抱着凌云的胳膊,鼓鼓的****在凌云的手臂上蹭啊蹭,自己却似浑然不觉,她眼珠儿一转,反驳道:“喂,今天不是你花的钱好不好?这也能算你请客?” Ling Yun was been invincible by the Zhang Ling youth, drum rises is a little scared witless, he who the full chest rubs the face was saying painstakingly: Zhang Ling, the words cannot say, actually I can collect the cost of the loss, then own pays up, I fear troublesome......” 凌云张灵青春无敌,鼓涨饱满的胸脯蹭的有点儿魂不守舍,他苦着脸道:“张灵,话不能这么说,其实我可以多收点儿损失费,然后自己结账的,我只是怕麻烦而已……” I, no matter, I if not reserve the room to you, your today can eat without paying drinks white/in vain, but can also make 1000 dollars? Therefore you should thank me is right......” “那我不管,我要是不给你订房间,你今天能白吃白喝一顿,还能赚1000块钱?所以你应该感谢我才对呀……” Ling Yun is shameless, Zhang Ling will act shamelessly compared with him, young miss hugs does not let go, but also makes Ling Yun that the Ling Yun's arm is shaking shakes somewhat excited. 凌云无耻,张灵比他更会耍赖,小姑娘抱着凌云的胳膊晃啊晃的就是不撒手,还真让凌云有些心动。 Is only 17-18 years old, was long such ripe...... 才十七八岁,就长得这么熟了…… Ling Yun could not bear and casts a sidelong glance the Cao Shanshan chest mighty waves, the heart said that contrasted this pair in a big way. 凌云忍不住又瞟了一眼曹珊珊胸前的波澜,心说那一对比这一对还大。 Resembling was feels the vision that Ling Yun harbored evil intentions, Cao Shanshan has turned the body slightly, was angry lightly light anger snort/hum, does not know that was the repugnant Ling Yun's vision, saw that Zhang Ling and Ling Yun were angry together chatty. 似是感受到了凌云不怀好意的目光,曹珊珊微微扭了扭身子,轻嗔薄怒“哼”了一声,也不知道是讨厌凌云的目光,还是看到张灵凌云在一起腻歪而生气。 Ling Yun, I knew, you that crazy jogging to lose weight? If you are thin, I do comply to be your girlfriend to be good?...... Really had the security sense!” 凌云,我知道了,你那么疯狂的跑步是为了减肥的吧?你要是瘦下来,我答应做你的女朋友好不好?哇……实在是太有安全感了!” Zhang Ling thought aloud there round of starry-eyed. 张灵自言自语的在那里发花痴 This saying hears in other five person ears, immediately the whole body had the goosebumps. 这话听到其他五个人耳朵里,顿时浑身都起了鸡皮疙瘩。 This Zhang Ling is also too bold, was too more direct. 张灵也太大胆,太直接了一些。 Ling Yun somewhat cannot bear, he tried hard to extract the arm from the both arms of Zhang Ling, coughed saying: This, cough cough, this, said again......” 就连凌云都有些受不了,他努力从张灵的双臂之间抽出了胳膊,干咳道:“这个,咳咳,这个,还是以后再说吧……” Ling Yun thorough surrender. 凌云彻底投降。 rays of light that in the Zhang Ling eye flashes through prevailing, said to Ling Yun: „Do you want to ask me to eat meal?” 张灵眼睛里闪过一丝得逞的光芒,对凌云道:“那你要不要请我吃饭嘛?” Please please, certainly please......” Ling Yun now full sweating profusely, to let Zhang Ling can let off own, has complying of humiliation. “请请请,一定请……”凌云现在满头大汗,为了让张灵能够放过自己,只好屈辱的答应。 Does not have the means that a younger sister Ning Lingyu big eye is concealing the happy expression is glancing own. 没办法,妹妹宁灵雨一双大大的眼睛正隐含笑意的瞟着自己呢。 At this time, several people arrived on heavy traffic University Region Road, the weather also started secretly, beginning decorated lantern on, a debauchery, performing was the lively scene. 这时候,几个人已经来到了车水马龙的学府路上,天色也开始暗了下来,华灯初上,一片灯红酒绿,尽是繁华景象。 Ling Yun stands firm, looked toward about, is coordinated the people of street saying: You go back, I have the matter, first did not return to the school.” 凌云站定,往左右看了看,然后对等着过马路的众人说道:“你们都回去吧,我还有事,就先不回学校了。” All people have turned head, vision varies, is expressing the own in the heart manner. 所有人都扭过头来,目光各异,表达着自己心中的态度。 Chai Hanlin hesitant, then said in a low voice: That, Ling Yun, ten minutes on late has studied by oneself......” 柴翰林犹豫了一下,然后低声说道:“那个,凌云,还有十来分钟就上晚自习了……” Tang Meng immediately has actually depended toward Ling Yun, he has discovered that matter that so long as with Ling Yun, has not suffered a loss! 唐猛却立即朝着凌云靠了过来,他算是发现了,只要跟着凌云,就没有吃亏的事! What skips classes to Tang Meng is? That absolutely is an honorable matter! 逃课对唐猛算什么?那绝对是光荣至极的一件事情! In the Cao Shanshan eye was actually the facial expression that to flash through disappointedly, was a pity and expects too much, the air/Qi she nearly wants snort/hum, but was working as these many people, was not good to manifest suddenly. 曹珊珊眼里却是闪过失望、可惜、恨铁不成钢的神情,气得她差点儿就要哼出来了,只是当着这么多人,不好发作。 Big Brother......” Ning Lingyu sees Big Brother to skip classes, cannot bear somewhat worries, digs sex appeal small mouth to stamp the feet there, you do not return to the school I the appearance that cries to give you to look. 哥哥……”宁灵雨哥哥又要逃课,忍不住有些着急,撅着性感的小嘴儿在那里跺脚,一副你不回学校我就哭给你看的样子。 Zhang Dong also backed up saying: Ling Yun, by the performance of your today, conscientiously studies actually for two months, gains admission to the university is not the impossible matter, we are the liberal arts, depends is remembers!” 张东也帮腔说道:“凌云,其实以你今天的表现,认真学习两个月,考大学也不是不可能的事,咱们是文科,靠的就是记忆呢!” Ling Yun saw that own a few words all rushed to this group of people younger sister's camp, immediately somewhat regretted, the heart said why I don't return to the school then own again to slide to go shopping first? 凌云看到自己一句话就把这伙人全都赶到了妹妹的阵营里去,顿时有些后悔,心说我干嘛不先回学校然后自己再溜出来买东西呢? His flexure said difficultly: That, Lingyu, tomorrow we went home, I want to buy something to bring to mother......” 他挠了挠头道:“那个,灵雨,明天咱们就回家了,我想买些东西给妈妈带回去……” He was saying carefully, is testing younger sister's response, sees Ning Lingyu as if slightly to relax, then the heart has put down most, hehe said with a smile: Younger sister, I ensure starting from next Monday, does not skip classes, do you look to be good?” 他小心的说着,试探着妹妹的反应,见宁灵雨似乎微微松了口气,然后心放下了大半儿,嘿嘿笑道:“妹妹,我保证,从下周一开始,绝不逃课,你看行不行?” Ning Lingyu one hear of Ling Yun must go shopping to mother, her heart soft. 宁灵雨一听凌云原来是要给妈妈买东西,她的心就软了下来。 She wants to depend on the own academic record, so long as Big Brother is willing to try hard, is spelling finally two moon/month own not study, must tutor the Big Brother schoolwork full power, quite makes him gain admission to the university. 她想凭自己的学习成绩,只要哥哥肯努力,就是拼着最后俩月自己不学,也要全力辅导哥哥的功课,好让他考大学。 own cannot counsel him tonight in any case, goes by him, Big Brother now just changed the former appearance, even was better than the past, what can own also request his again? 反正今晚自己也辅导不了他,就由他去吧,哥哥现在刚刚变回从前的样子,甚至比从前更好,自己还能再要求他什么呢? You must promise me, buys the thing immediately to return to the school review......” Ning Lingyu to open the condition. “那你要答应我,买完东西就立即回学校复习……”宁灵雨开条件。 You could rest assured that your Big Brother said can be accepted can be accepted, Big Brother complies with your matter, certainly will achieve!” “你放心,你哥哥说能考上就能考上,哥哥答应你的事情,就一定会做到!” Ling Yun feels care that Ning Lingyu not covers up, the heroic feelings rises, impassioned that said steep. 凌云感受到宁灵雨不加掩饰的关心,豪情陡升,说的慷慨激昂 Big Brother complies with your matter, certainly will achieve!” Cao Shanshan has duplicated these words in the heart, beautiful look absent-minded, not long, Cao Tianlong has also spoken the similar words to own. 哥哥答应你的事情,就一定会做到!”曹珊珊在心底重复了一遍这句话,明媚的眼神一阵恍惚,曾几何时,曹天龙也对自己说过同样的话。 This fellow, with Cao Tianlong same boast shamelessly......” “这个家伙,跟曹天龙一样大言不惭……” Why does not know, the atrium that 18 years old of arrogant coldly elegant thousand gold (daughter) school beauty that shuts tightly, opened wide a slit unexpectedly suddenly. 只是,不知道为何,18岁高傲冷艳的千金校花那紧闭的心房,竟突然敞开了一丝缝隙。 The green light, five people have accompanied the street, returns to the school to go, Ling Yun looked at Tang Meng, lightly saying: „Do you also here do?” 绿灯,五个人结伴过了马路,回学校而去,凌云看了一眼身旁的唐猛,淡淡道:“你还在这里干嘛?” Tang Meng self-satisfied flings the long hair, is in high spirits saying: Fatty, the shop front near our school I was let me tell you ripest, no matter you want to buy anything, I can lead you to go, naturally, you are also very ripe...... However, I can help you negotiate!” 唐猛得意的一甩长发,神采飞扬道:“胖子,我跟你说,咱学校附近的店面我最熟了,不管你想买什么,我都可以带你去,当然,你也很熟……不过,我可以帮你砍价啊!” Little Overlord for fear that Ling Yun is not leading him, started to launch the crazy individual marketing. 小霸王生怕凌云不带着他,开始展开了疯狂的个人营销。 Good was good, I must buy that sandbag that today carries, which goes to buy?” “行了行了,我要买今天扛着的那种沙袋,去哪买?” Tang Meng saw sells successfully, great happiness: Also with asking? Naturally is sports equipment and sporting goods shop! That side has one to be very big, I lead you to go!” 唐猛见自我推销成功了,大喜道:“还用问?当然是体育器材和体育用品店啊!那边就有一家很大的,我带你去!” Then, impatient brings Ling Yun to walk toward east along the street. 说完,迫不及待的带着凌云沿着马路往东走去。 However Ling Yun calculates the thing that today must buy in in the heart silently, the decision gives Ning Lingyu to buy a cell phone first, then buys the sneakers and gym suit, finally buys the sandbag again and so on sporting goods. 不过凌云默默地在心中盘算了一下今天要买的东西,还是决定先去给宁灵雨买个手机,然后去买运动鞋和运动服,最后再买沙袋之类的体育用品。 Heard that first gives Ning Lingyu to buy the cell phone, Tang Meng naturally is excited exceptionally, did not stroll the sporting goods shop, drew Ling Yun to walk. 一听说先去给宁灵雨买手机,唐猛自然是兴奋异常,也不逛体育用品店了,拉着凌云就走。 I said, looks at your boy excited vigor, what crooked thoughts won't you be will have to my younger sister really?” Ling Yun vigilant looks at Tang Meng, focuses to ask slantingly. “我说,看你小子这个兴奋劲儿,你不会是真对我妹妹动什么歪心思了吧?”凌云警惕的看着唐猛,斜着眼问道。 If Tang Meng this boy spoke incorrectly character, Ling Yun ensure own definitely at the scene will hit him remnantly. 要是唐猛这小子说错一个字儿,凌云保证自己肯定当场会把他打残。 Tang Meng scratches the head said embarrasedly: Eldest child, I wants to make you make my Big Brother-in-law actually, but your younger sister must be have a liking for me to be good, but, likes a person always right?” 唐猛挠着头讪讪道:“老大,我倒是真想让你做我的大舅哥,可你妹妹也得看得上我才行啊,不过,喜欢一个人总没错吧?” Ling Yun looks up sky that the night falls, thinks carefully, then nodded, has not said anything again. 凌云抬头看着夜幕降临的天空,仔细想了想,然后点了点头,没有再说什么。 Tang Meng has not spoken incorrectly, likes a person always right. 唐猛没有说错,喜欢一个人总没错。 Since you like Lingyu, or do you take out money?” “既然你那么喜欢灵雨,要不你来掏钱?” Tang Meng listened to inadequate one to stagger, remembers the Ling Yun blackmail wealth the shameless countenance, the face was saying painstakingly: I want to take out money actually, but Lingyu must me to buy is good......” 唐猛听了差点儿一个趔趄,想起凌云敲诈钱财的无耻嘴脸,苦着脸道:“我倒是想掏钱,可灵雨也得要我买的才行啊……” Ling Yun hehe said with a smile: I did not say that you did not say......” 凌云嘿嘿一笑道:“我不说你不说……” Tang Meng took, he raised hand to surrender saying: Does not buy, Lingyu knew does not irritate is strange, I do not want to annoy her to be angry.” 唐猛是真服了,他举手投降道:“不买,灵雨知道了不气死才怪,我可不想惹她生气。” You buy for me, I am not angry......” “那你给我买,我不生气……” Tang Meng...... 唐猛……
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