DEMG :: Volume #1

#38: Losing weight goal

What cell phone do you prepare to Lingyu buy?” “你准备给灵雨买什么手机啊?” Also uses to ask, naturally is best, most expensive......” “还用问,当然是最好的,最贵的……” That was Iphone5, more than 5000!” “那就是Iphone5了,5000多呢!” Which, does not saunter, buys directly......” “在哪,不转悠了,直接买去……” Tang Meng looks at Ling Yun expression without hesitation, suddenly thought that Ling Yun somewhat could not understand. 唐猛看着凌云毫不犹豫的表情,忽然觉得凌云有些看不懂了。 He for money can shameless to the situation of stunning being dumbfounded, the speed of drawing cash and attains the money later movement, after the basketball star grabs the rebound closely protects the movement of basketball more perfect. 他为了钱可以无耻到让人瞠目结舌的地步,拿钱的速度和拿到钱之后的动作,比篮球明星抢下篮板之后紧紧护住篮球的动作还要完美。 Obviously his infatuated degree to money. 可见他对钱的痴迷程度。 But, buys the cell phone for the own younger sister, actually opens the mouth to best most expensive, the brow does not wrinkle, buys directly. 可是,给自己的妹妹买手机,却开口就要最好的最贵的,眉头都不皱一下,直接就买。 This fellow......” Tang Meng shook the head, the look somewhat was slightly complex, catches up to follow close on. “这家伙……”唐猛摇了摇头,眼神微微有些复杂,赶紧跟了上去。 Has bought Iphone5 for the younger sister, Ling Yun is very satisfied, his own has not bought actually, he thought that own cannot use, money to come is not easy, saves for one point is one point of good. 给妹妹买了Iphone5,凌云很满意,他自己倒是没有买,他觉得自己用不上,钱来的不容易,还是省一分是一分的好。 Comes out from the exclusive agency, on Tang Meng were many same thing, naturally is Ling Yun for the Iphone5 cell phone that the younger sister buys. 从专卖店里出来,唐猛手上就多了一样东西,当然就是凌云给妹妹买的Iphone5手机。 Where goes to again?” “再去哪里?” Buys the gym suit and sneakers.” “去买运动服和运动鞋。” This Tang Meng was riper, bringing Ling Yun to arrive at Nike Exclusive agency, but in Ling Yun looked has stayed at an inn the marked price of clothes, turned head to walk. 这个唐猛更熟,带着凌云就来到了耐克专卖店,可凌云看了一下店内衣服的标价,扭头就走。 How?” Tang Meng hurries to pursue to ask. “怎么了?”唐猛慌忙追出来问道。 Too expensive......” “太贵……” Tang Meng rolls the eyes crazily, Iphone more than 5 5000, the eye winks not to wink to buy, has bought the clothes to Nike Exclusive agency, looked at the price actually to turn head to walk. 唐猛狂翻白眼,Iphone55000多,眼睛眨都不眨就买下来,到了耐克专卖店里买衣服,看了价格却扭头就走。 Li Ning General headquarters?” Tang Meng put forward the new proposal. “李宁总行了吧?”唐猛提出新建议。 Probably how much money?” “大概多少钱?” Two should can be as good as a Nike in any case, must also dislike expensively can only buy the stall goods......” “反正两身应该抵得上一身耐克吧,要还嫌贵就只能去买地摊货了……” Probably in the Tang Meng eye, except for the name brand is the stall goods. 好像在唐猛的眼里,除了名牌就是地摊货。 Finally, two pairs of shoes add two clothes, spent the Ling Yun about 3000 dollars, he wants to economize, may not want to press the body of own, after all the following two months, he wanted crazy Body Refining, were the shoes comfortable, was very essential. 结果,两双鞋加两身衣服,又花去了凌云近3000块钱,他想省钱,可也不想难为自己的身体,毕竟接下来的两个多月,他要疯狂炼体,鞋子舒服不舒服,很关键。 Buys the clothes to come out, Tang Meng looks in the hand is raising the clothes shoes, speechless, the heart said that, is always Zhao Lei does odd jobs to me, is then booing, I became have done odd jobs to you. 买完衣服出来,唐猛看着手上提着的衣服鞋子,不禁一阵无语,心说,得,从来都是赵磊给我打杂,这下倒好,我成了给你打杂的了。 Early knows that led Zhao Lei. 早知道就把赵磊带出来了。 Walks, goes to sporting goods shop......” “走,去体育用品店……” Tang Meng stopped the footsteps: Eldest child, can I ask?” 唐猛停下了脚步:“老大,我可不可以问一下?” What?” “什么?” What do you go to the sporting goods shop to prepare to buy?” “你去体育用品店准备买什么?” You have seen, today I carry that sandbag of jogging......” “你见过的,今天我扛着跑步的那种沙袋……” Eldest child, I wants to go to bathroom yeah......” “老大,我想上厕所哎……” Is suppressing......” “憋着……” ........................ …………………… The first section late studied by oneself, finishes class. 第一节晚自习,下课了。 Shanshan, I ate to support really yeah, must accompany me to go to the restroom......” 珊珊,我真的吃撑了哎,要不要陪我去厕所……” Shanshan...... Shanshan!” 珊珊……珊珊!” Zhang Ling said two actually see Cao Shanshan not to respond, some being astonished has turned head, actually sees a Cao Shanshan towards examination examination paper to be in a daze. 张灵说了两句却见曹珊珊根本没反应,有些讶异的扭过头来,却见曹珊珊对着一张测验试卷发呆。 Goes back!” “回去!” Goes back to consider their three, here also has no need for the woman making a move!” “回去照顾好他们三个,这里还用不着女人出手!” These two words, grab that scene that her arm makes her go back with Ling Yun, such as rewinding playbacks in the Cao Shanshan mind generally repeatedly, has playbacked a class. 这两句话,和凌云抓着她胳膊让她回去的那个场景,如倒带一般在曹珊珊脑海里一遍遍回放,已经回放了一节课。 Is this that timid spiritless fatty? 这还是那个胆小懦弱的胖子吗? Is this that lets the person to bully the taunt good-for-nothing waste? 这还是那个任人欺负嘲讽的窝囊废吗? He dares to grasp my arm! 他竟敢抓我的胳膊! Why does he want to skip classes? 他为什么又要逃课? Goes shopping to be so important? tomorrow doesn't after school buy on Saturday again good? 买东西有那么重要吗?明天周六放学后再去买不行吗? Zhang Ling said right yeah, he is really as if long is not ugly, if the thin point were perfect. 张灵说的没错哎,他似乎长得还真不丑呢,要是瘦一点就完美了。 On his face has an attractive dimple really! 他脸上真的有一个好看的酒窝呢! Does he avoid Tu Gang that? 他是怎么躲开屠刚那一下的呢? Zhang Ling is holding his arm unexpectedly, irritated me...... 张灵竟然抱着他的胳膊,气死我了…… Shanshan, Shanshan!” Saw the Cao Shanshan vision sloppy vacillation, the appearance that on face shamed a anger, Zhang Ling as if saw very unlikely situation. 珊珊,珊珊!”看到曹珊珊目光散漫游移,脸上一阵羞一阵怒的样子,张灵仿佛看到了铁树开花似的。 She gathers by quietly the ear of Cao Shanshan, shouts fiercely loudly: Hey!” 她悄悄地凑到曹珊珊的耳朵旁边,猛地大声喊道:“喂!” „--” “啊——” Cao Shanshan in a big way got down one to jump, she hurries to turn head, how...... How Zhang Ling?” 曹珊珊被下了一大跳,她赶紧扭过头来,“怎……怎么了张灵?” „, I have not been feared that you passed through......” Zhang Ling to be somewhat funny, mysterious say/way. “没怎么,我就是怕你穿越了而已……”张灵有些好笑,神秘兮兮道。 The Cao Shanshan beautiful cheek shames red, bites the lip to say lightly: Talked nonsense anything you!” 曹珊珊绝美的脸蛋羞得通红,轻咬着下嘴唇道:“胡说什么呢你!” „Did I talk nonsense? I said that my young lady, your entire class is looking at your this perfect score the answer paper yeah, a scared witless appearance......” “我胡说?我说我的大小姐,你整整一节课都在看你这张满分的答卷哎,一副魂不守舍的样子……” Said, whom is actually thinking?!” Zhang Ling purses the lips titter. “说,到底在想谁?!”张灵抿着嘴偷笑。 You talked nonsense anything, my where had to think whom!” Cao Shanshan shames at all does not dare to look at the eye of Zhang Ling, lowers the head obstinate argumentative. “你胡说些什么呢,我哪有想谁!”曹珊珊羞得根本不敢看张灵的眼睛,低着头嘴硬。 „Were you move to Ling Yun?” Zhang Ling gathers by the ear of Cao Shanshan the mouth, asked grinningly. “你是对凌云动心了吧?”张灵把嘴巴凑到曹珊珊的耳朵旁,笑嘻嘻问道。 Go away, you moved to Ling Yun! Who also does not know is, takes the body of own hardly to paste toward others on!” “滚,你才对凌云动心了呢!也不知道是谁,拿着自己的身子硬往人家身上贴!” Cao Shanshan is not certainly a vegetarian, she has launched the counter-attack. 曹珊珊当然不是吃素的,她展开了反击。 Right, you did not think that today Ling Yun, besides fat a little, stuffy a little, has surpassed the graceful? Moreover he started to jog to lose weight!” “对呀,难道你不觉得今天凌云,除了胖一点儿,闷一点儿之外,一直都超帅的吗?而且他已经开始跑步减肥了呢!” Zhang Ling has as if thought of various performance of Ling Yun today, a worship of face. 张灵似乎想到了凌云今天的各种表现,一脸的崇拜。 Except for fat a little? He is so mean-spirited, is greedy for money, is shameless, then arrogant......” “除了胖一点儿?他那么小气,那么贪财,那么无耻,那么自大……” The Cao Shanshan one breath said Ling Yun's big pile of shortcomings. 曹珊珊一口气说了凌云的一大堆缺点。 Zhang Ling looked that the monster same looks at Cao Shanshan, when she said completely, one by one refuted: „Will mean-spirited man live to be good? The man of being greedy for money randomly will not spend, good, I acknowledged that Ling Yun has that a wee bit shameless, but his shameless is very lovable, his today a little owes has not eaten, don't you think?” 张灵看怪物一样看着曹珊珊,等她全部说完,才逐条反驳道:“小气的男人会过日子好不好?贪财的男人就不会乱花钱,好吧,我承认凌云是有那么一丁点无耻,可他无耻的很可爱啊,他今天可是一点儿亏都没有吃呢,难道你不觉得吗?” Cao Shanshan had defeated by Zhang Ling thoroughly, her face sympathy looks at Zhang Ling: You ended, you already not normal world outlook......” 曹珊珊彻底被张灵打败了,她一脸同情的看着张灵:“你完了,你已经没有正常的世界观了……” Zhang Ling shook the head to say with a smile: I said the young lady, do you live good because of honey pot child in? Do ordinary others, which woman like the own man spending wastefully? Other did not say, you look at the LV bag of your limited edition, at least also hundreds of thousands? You think that school uniform that again Ling Yun wears, you thought he is not mean-spiritedly right, isn't greedy for money right?” 张灵笑着摇了摇头道:“我说大小姐,你是活在蜜罐子里的好不好?普通的人家,哪个女人喜欢自己的男人大手大脚花钱?别的不说,你就看你那个限量版的LV包包,至少也十几万吧?你再想想凌云穿的那身校服,你觉得他小气不对吗,贪财不对吗?” Cao Shanshan startled, long time did not speak immediately. 曹珊珊顿时愕然,良久不语。 Considers as finished, in any case you and he at all are not a person of world, I said that any you will not understand...... I have gone to bathroom, your to go or not?” “算了算了,反正你和他根本不是一个世界的人,我说什么你也不会懂……我去上厕所了,你去不去?” Really...... Isn't a person of world?” Cao Shanshan looks at the back that Zhang Ling goes out, the mind ripples slightly. “真的……不是一个世界的人吗?”曹珊珊看着张灵出门的背影,心神微微荡漾。 ............ ………… Meanwhile, Ling Yun and Tang Meng , in the sporting goods shop saunters, they also chatted the Cao Shanshan package. 与此同时,凌云唐猛在体育用品店里转悠的时候,他们也聊到了曹珊珊的包。 Tang Meng, eats meal tonight, I noticed that Cao Shanshan and Zhang Ling are taking the package, that what's the matter?” 唐猛,今晚吃饭的时候,我看到曹珊珊张灵都拿着包,那是怎么回事?” Tang Meng dumbstruck, the heart said that your dead fatty was also too abnormal, asked including this? 唐猛目瞪口呆,心说你个死胖子也太变态了吧,连这个都问? He looked idiot same looks at Ling Yun saying: Where now does the woman go out to have does not bring the package? Do not look that package is small, the function may be big, inside thinks of the thing that the woman uses to be many......” 他看白痴一样的看着凌云道:“现在女人出门哪有不带手包的?你别看那个包小,作用可大了,里面装着女人用的东西多着呢……” How that hasn't Lingyu taken?” Ling Yun asked lightly. “那灵雨怎么没拿?”凌云淡淡问道。 “Umm...... ” the Tang Meng heart said that I must tell you, because your family is too poor, can't afford? “额……”唐猛心说难道我要告诉你因为你家太穷,买不起? Possibly, Lingyu feared that troublesome......” he has found out a reason with great difficulty. “可能,灵雨怕麻烦吧……”他好不容易想出了一个理由。 Ling Yun is any character, asking that he maintains composure: Cao Shanshan such package, how much money?” 凌云是什么人物,他不动声色的问道:“曹珊珊那样的包,得多少钱?” Tang Meng saw Ling Yun directly to ask on the own face, has to pretend careless replying: That type of luxury goods are not mortal use, probably 17-18 ten thousand appearances, I am not very clear.” 唐猛凌云直接问自己脸上了,只好装作漫不经心的答道:“那种奢侈品不是凡人用的,大概有十七八万的样子吧,我也不是很清楚。” Hears 17-18 ten thousand, Ling Yun at heart thump all of a sudden. 听到十七八万,凌云心里咯噔一下子。 It seems like in this Cao Shanshan family/home suffices richly! 看来这曹珊珊家里够有钱的啊! Ling Yun buys the sporting goods that Body Refining has used, refusing in others shop to deliver goods to the doorstep the warm service that the shoulder shoulders portably, returned to school dormitory with Tang Meng. 凌云买好了炼体用的体育用品,拒绝了人家店里送货上门的热情服务,肩扛手提,和唐猛一起回学校宿舍 Saw that Ling Yun has not made own shoulder the sandbag, Tang Meng relaxed, he have a relish asked that Ling Yun said: I said, you also really do plan to lose weight? Only bought these sporting goods to spend more than 1000?” 看到凌云并没有让自己扛沙袋,唐猛着实松了一口气,他饶有兴致的问凌云道:“我说,你还真打算减肥啊?光买这些体育用品就花了1000多?” Everybody thinks that Ling Yun carries sandbag to jog in the morning to lose weight, as everyone knows, Ling Yun runs for Body Refining, loses weight just takes along is playing. 大家都以为凌云上午扛着沙袋跑步是为了减肥,殊不知,凌云是为了炼体才跑的,减肥只不过是捎带着玩儿的。 Ling Yun today altogether has knocked 21,000, this about hour time, has spent near half, he cannot help but sighed that money is to really be not enough to spend. 凌云今天一共敲了21000,这一小时左右的时间,就花掉了近一半,他不由得感叹钱实在是不够花。 He nodded saying: Doesn't lose weight to buy these things to do?” 他点了点头道:“不减肥买这些东西干什么?” Tang Meng looked at Ling Yun this fat, he hehe said with a smile: How many jin (0.5 kg) plans to reduce to?” 唐猛看了看凌云这一身膘,他嘿嘿笑道:“打算减到多少斤?” Your how many jin (0.5 kg)?” “你多少斤?” 78 kilograms, look at our build, standard strong man and Jiangnan STYLE......” Tang Meng self-satisfied flings the long hair. “78公斤,看咱这体型,标准猛男、江南STYLE……”唐猛得意的一甩长发。 Ling Yun contrasts in in the heart silently, they almost general high, is thinking own to Body Refining 7-layer time should be similar to the Tang Meng present build. 凌云心中默默对比,他俩几乎一般高,想着自己炼体七层的时候应该跟唐猛现在的体型差不多。 Then he said with a smile lightly: Reduced to are less than eight kilograms to be OK you......” 然后他淡淡笑道:“减到比你少八公斤就可以了……” Also wants few eight kilograms compared with me, Damn, can you reduce to 140 jin (0.5 kg)?!” “比我还要少八公斤,我草,你要减到140斤?!” A Tang Meng face inconceivable visits him, cannot bear put out a hand to touch the meat on Ling Yun belly, he muttered: Looks at your present appearance, at least also 210 jin (0.5 kg), if removes 70 jin (0.5 kg), that animal skin didn't fall to the ground?” 唐猛一脸不可思议的看着他,忍不住伸手去摸凌云肚子上的肉,他喃喃道:“看你现在的样子,至少也有210斤,如果去掉70斤的话,那肉皮不掉到地上了?” Ling Yun is sick opens out his hand, had not replied. 凌云厌烦的拨开他的手,并没有回答。 If the normal people in short time reduce that many, naturally can have the problem that Tang Meng said that but Ling Yun will not present this situation! 正常人如果短时间内减那么多,自然会出现唐猛所说的问题,可凌云却绝不会出现这种情况 Because he can continue to be nourishing with Seven Glorious Grass spiritual energy, his skin will be only getting more and more bright and clean clear, more and more compact, full of tension and elasticity, will not present the animal skin that Tang Meng said to droop place! 因为他可以持续用七曜草灵气滋养身体,他的皮肤只会越来越光洁晶莹,越来越紧致,富有张力和弹性,绝不会出现唐猛说的肉皮耷拉一地! Why after you do not wait for college entrance examination, exercises to lose weight again? Can the present?” “那你为什么不等高考之后再锻炼减肥呢?非得现在?” After the Ling Yun heart said and other college entrance examinations , my treasure Seven Glorious Grass thoroughly has abandoned, I rather do not enroll the college entrance examination, before Seven Glorious Grass is mature reaches the Body Refining peak. 凌云心说等高考之后我那宝贝七曜草就彻底废了,我就是宁可不参加高考,也得在七曜草成熟之前达到炼体巅峰。 With promoting compared with the own strength, that dispensable college entrance examination, to Ling Yun calculates what? 跟提升自己的实力相比,那个可有可无的高考,对凌云来说算的了什么? two people is tall, casts off the stride to walk quickly, only used for 20 minutes to return to male student dormitory. 两人都是身材高大,甩开大步走路很快,只用了20分钟就回到了男生宿舍 Tang Meng looks at Ling Yun to carry the appearance of sandbag relaxed crawling staircase, when remembers Ling Yun eats meal hits the Tu Gang relaxed vigor, wonders to ask: I said, you carry the sandbag to run in the morning are so long, how with being all right person? Won't you have taken stimulant?” 唐猛看着凌云扛着沙袋轻松爬楼梯的样子,又想起凌云吃饭时打屠刚的轻松劲儿,纳闷问道:“我说,你上午扛着沙袋跑那么久,怎么跟没事儿人似的?你不会是吃了兴奋剂了吧?” Ling Yun was asked by him has been tired, frowned said: I thought that your this fellow are more than Zhang Ling words? Hurries to go upstairs, I must take a bath to change this skin!” 凌云被他问烦了,皱眉道:“我看你这家伙怎么比张灵话还多?赶紧上楼,我还要洗个澡换这身皮呢!” His now evening must carry sandbag to jog, naturally must change the gym suit and sneakers that buys newly. 他今晚上还要扛着沙袋跑步,当然要换上新买的运动服和运动鞋。
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