DEMG :: Volume #1

#39: The disturbance will get up

The students on late study by oneself in the classroom, in dormitory quiet. 学生们都在教室里上晚自习,宿舍里一片静悄悄。 Tang Meng was studying is trampled the bad dormitory gate by a Ling Yun foot last night. He looked at half-day/long time, turns head to escape Ling Yun of school uniform saying: Last night also did the real door trample?” 唐猛正在研究昨晚被凌云一脚踹坏的宿舍门。他看了半天,回头对正在脱校服的凌云道:“昨晚还真把门踹了?” Actually in Tang Meng saw that Ling Yun relaxed steps on Tu Gang turns in the place, he knows, in campus today about the Ling Yun's rumor all real. 其实在唐猛看到凌云轻松把屠刚踩翻在地的时候,他就已经知道,校园里今天关于凌云的传言全都是真的。 As for the morning crazy dissemination, Ling Yun and school beauty Cao Shanshan news, cough cough, Tang Meng is a character did not ask absolutely. 至于早晨疯狂传播的,凌云校花曹珊珊的消息,咳咳,唐猛绝对是一个字都不问。 He did not fear that Ling Yun punches him, but also feared that Cao Shanshan asks him to trouble. 他就算不怕凌云揍他,还怕曹珊珊找他麻烦呢。 Ling Yun basic manages him then being disinclined, carried the washbasin to go to the waterhouse to take a shower directly. 凌云根本就懒得理他,端起水盆直接去水房冲澡去了。 Tang Meng looks that Ling Yun walks then the fat that the whole body fluttering shivers all over, cannot bear the mouth player rake out an evil smiling face. 唐猛看着凌云一走路就浑身翻飞乱颤的肥肉,忍不住嘴角儿勾出一个邪恶的笑容。 Truly is very fat!!!” “确实是很胖啊!!!” Ling Yun took the bath quickly, bought newly puts on the gym suit and sneakers that then took up for Iphone5 that Ning Lingyu bought, left dormitory with Tang Meng. 凌云很快冲完了澡,把新买的运动服和运动鞋穿上,然后拿起给宁灵雨买的Iphone5,和唐猛出了宿舍 Very is truly comfortable!” “确实很舒服!” Ling Yun arrives at outside Dormitory Building, has stretched the arm leg , the tread has bounced two, cannot bear open the mouth to say. 凌云来到宿舍楼外面,舒展了一下胳膊腿,又蹬地弹跳了两下,忍不住开口称赞道。 He has bought similar two specially, like this in changing and washing, is good to trade is putting on. 他特意买了同样的两身,这样在换洗的时候,也好有换着穿的。 Two people pinch time to come, they just got to the third year class 1 entrance time, happen to under the second evening studies by oneself. 两个人是掐着时间来的,他们刚走到高三一班门口的时候,正好下第二节晚自习。 A class of student one after another, when they look to arrive in entrance Ling Yun and Tang Meng, completely some god. 一班的学生鱼贯而出,等他们看到站在门口的凌云唐猛,全部都有些愣神。 Ling Yun today is trend of events leaves in Qingshui High School completely, no matter who looks at his time, will unable to bear will look at two. 凌云今天清水一中可谓是风头出尽,不管是谁看他的时候,都忍不住会多看两眼。 Tang Meng is two classes, mostly knew with a class of student, his Classmates to getting to know each other well said: Shouted Ning Lingyu troublesome.” 唐猛是二班的,跟一班的学生大多都认识,他对一个相熟的同学道:“麻烦叫一下宁灵雨。” That Classmates nodded, returning to the classroom entrance to shout: Ning Lingyu, your Big Brother and Tang Meng look for you......” 那个同学点了点头,回到教室门口喊道:“宁灵雨,你哥哥唐猛找你……” Ning Lingyu heard that Ling Yun came, immediately in the heart one happy, she has stood from the seat immediately, runs directly the classroom. 宁灵雨听说凌云来了,顿时心中一喜,她立即从座位上站了起来,直接跑出教室。 Classmates in third year class 1 classroom all heard to shout Ning Lingyu, Zhuang Meina naturally was no exception, she heard that Ling Yun and Tang Meng came, immediately came the interest, she wants to have a look at Ling Yun to look for Ning Lingyu actually to do, therefore the small waist turned, dragged has stood from the seat, was walking the cat step on T stage, turned the buttocks to follow Ning Lingyu. 高三一班教室里的同学全都听到喊宁灵雨了,庄美娜自然也不例外,她听说凌云唐猛来了,顿时来了兴趣,她倒是想看看凌云宁灵雨干什么,因此小蛮腰一扭,摇摇曳曳的从座位上站了起来,走着T台上的猫步,扭着屁股跟着宁灵雨走了出去。 Big Brother, did you come? Well......” 哥哥,你怎么来了?咦……” Ning Lingyu saw that Ling Yun wears a brand-new gym suit to appear in the own classroom entrance, the whole person seems very fresh, to the person a changed beyond recognition feeling, she does not dare believe the eye of own simply. 宁灵雨看到凌云穿着一身崭新的运动服出现在自己教室门口,整个人看上去很清新,给人一种焕然一新的感觉,她简直不敢相信自己的眼睛。 Ling Yun thinking of the Iphone5 of sack in toward Ning Lingyu, then heats the sound said: This was for the cell phone that you bought, the mobile number to you have also done well, inside had 500 money phone bills, if you think mother time, hit to her.” 凌云把装着Iphone5的包装袋往宁灵雨手里一塞,然后温声道:“这是给你买的手机,手机号也给你弄好了,里面有500块钱话费,你要是想妈妈的时候,就打给她。” Real, Big Brother you were good,-- yes...... Iphone5!” “真的啊,哥哥你太好了,啊——是……Iphone5!” Ning Lingyu was shocked all of a sudden! 宁灵雨一下子惊呆了! Tang Meng looks at the expression that on the Ning Lingyu face pleasantly surprised and does not dare to believe that cannot bear was happy for her, smiled. 唐猛看着宁灵雨脸上惊喜和不敢置信的表情,忍不住替她高兴,也跟着笑了。 Surrounding Classmates looks at these three people, hears the Ning Lingyu pleasantly surprised tenderness to shout, cannot bear gathers up to come. 周围的同学本来就都看着这三个人,听到宁灵雨惊喜的娇呼,忍不住纷纷凑上前来。 fuck, but also is really Iphone5......” 我靠,还真是Iphone5……” Is good to dazzle......” “好炫啊……” Real, Ning Lingyu currently has the cell phone, catches up to follow close on her to want the telephone number......” “真的呢,宁灵雨现在有手机了,赶紧跟她要电话号码……” Said that Classmates of this saying felt suddenly dreary and cold murderous aura, was actually the Tang Meng vision with raw hate stared his one eyes, immediately the halfway was quiet, does not dare saying that wanted the telephone number the matter. 说这话的同学突然感觉到一阵森寒杀气,却是唐猛目光凶狠的瞪了他一眼,立时半路住嘴,再也不敢说要电话号码的事。 Naturally also has unharmonious sound: And, can he be able to afford Iphone5? Do you also believe? Do I look am only a spatial box?” 当然也有不和谐的声音:“且,他能买得起Iphone5?你们也信?我看只是个空盒子吧?” Speech naturally with Zhuang Meina that Ning Lingyu comes out. 说话的自然是跟着宁灵雨出来的庄美娜 Ning Lingyu, Ling Yun, with Tang Meng simultaneously frowned. 宁灵雨,凌云,和唐猛同时皱眉 However Ling Yun actually radically looked that Zhuang Meina did not look, but sees the younger sister to say kindly: White, opens has a look to like, the words that does not like, Big Brother trades again to you.” 不过凌云却根本连看庄美娜都不看,只是亲切的看着妹妹道:“白色的,打开看看喜不喜欢,不喜欢的话,哥哥再给你换去。” Likes! Naturally likes! Any color I who Big Brother buys like!” Ning Lingyu is unable to put down simply, is actually depending on the Big Brother words, opened the fine packing box. “喜欢!当然喜欢!哥哥买的什么颜色的我都喜欢!”宁灵雨简直爱不释手,却依着哥哥的话,把精致的包装盒打开了。 Quite attractive!” When Ning Lingyu sees calmly lies down the white cell phone in box, cannot bear shouts pleasantly surprised. “好漂亮哦!”当宁灵雨看到静静躺在盒子里的白色手机的时候,忍不住惊喜喊道。 And, really has not seen the good thing, a broken apple has anything to make a fuss about nothing, but also installs the rich man to buy such good cell phone, fears to afford the cell phone, cannot pay the telephone bill......” “且,真是没见过好东西,一个破苹果有什么值得大惊小怪的,还装有钱人买这么好的手机,就怕买得起手机,交不起电话费哦……” Zhuang Meina uses is also Iphone5, this model of cell phone, in class, only then she and Xie Junyan and other people use, now saw Ling Yun also to buy this model of cell phone for Ning Lingyu, could not bear taunts there. 庄美娜用的也是Iphone5,这一款手机,班里只有她和谢俊彦等几个人使用,现在见凌云宁灵雨也买了这一款手机,忍不住在那里冷嘲热讽。 Zhuang Meina, what did you say?!” 庄美娜,你说什么呢?!” Tang Meng first could not bear, on his face has taken an anger, shouted angrily to Zhuang Meina. 唐猛第一个忍不住了,他脸上带上了一丝怒气,冲着庄美娜怒喝。 What none of your business did I say? Tang Meng, do not shout five to drink six to me, great aunt does not eat your this set of!” “我说什么关你什么事唐猛,别冲着我吆五喝六的,姑奶奶不吃你这一套!” Zhuang Meina sees Tang Meng to help Ning Lingyu speak, in the heart thinks air/Qi, both hands pinch the waist to shout rampantly. 庄美娜唐猛帮着宁灵雨说话,心中更觉来气,双手掐腰嚣张喊道。 Xie Junyan walked from classroom at this time exactly, when he noticed that Tang Meng and Ling Yun stand, in the delicate and pretty eye flashes through wipes the hatred, disappears in a flash. 谢俊彦此时“恰好”从教室里走了出来,当他看到唐猛凌云站在一起的时候,俊美的眼睛里闪过一抹恨意,一瞬即逝。 Tang Meng truly takes Zhuang Meina not to have the means that as the saying goes the fine-looking man does not fight with the female, another he could not have moved Zhuang Meina really visibly. 唐猛确实拿庄美娜没有办法,俗话说好男不跟女斗,再一个他还真明着动不了庄美娜 But Xie Junyan comes out to be different, Tang Meng has raised the chin to Xie Junyan immediately, the smiling face on the face revealing the victor, cold sound said: Yo, Young Master Xie, if I have not remembered incorrectly, you also do owe me 5000 dollars? When gives me?” 谢俊彦出来就不一样了,唐猛立即对谢俊彦扬了扬下巴,脸上露出胜利者的笑容,冷声道:“哟,谢大公子,如果我没记错的话,你还欠我5000块钱吧?什么时候给我呀?” A Tang Meng words exit|to speak, surrounding Classmates cannot bear hear laughter, this makes Xie Junyan not be feeling well then the mood of losing money, on the face cannot hang directly, his complexion brushes cloudy, the sinking sound said: In the afternoon after school I looked for you, what a pity has not been looking, I was willing the gambling to concede, your 5000 dollars I already prepared, gave you!” 唐猛话一出口,周围的同学忍不住传来一阵哄笑声,这让谢俊彦本来就输钱的心情更加不爽,脸上直接就挂不住,他脸色刷的就阴了下来,沉声说道:“下午放学后我找你了,可惜没找着,我愿赌服输,你的5000块钱我早就准备好了,给你!” Speaks, Xie Junyan pulled out already single release/place from the pocket one bunch of one hundred dollar bills, threw in the hand of Tang Meng conveniently, disdained to say with a smile: You must select well clearly, is not 5000 dollars, being worth making that big bureau, is tired others to run to spit blood?” 说着话,谢俊彦从兜里掏出早就单放着的一捆百元大钞,随手扔到唐猛的手里,不屑笑道:“你可得好好点清楚了,不就是5000块钱嘛,值得你做那么大的局,都累得人家跑吐了血吗?” Ling Yun is listening to the Xie Junyan mystifying words, cannot bear slightly frowned, he finally toward standing Zhuang Meina and Xie Junyan looked, vision ice-cold. 凌云听着谢俊彦阴阳怪气的话,忍不住微微皱眉,他终于朝着站在一起的庄美娜谢俊彦看了过去,目光冰冷。 Only listens to Zhuang Meina to sneer saying: Yes, does not make such big bureau, deceives our 7000 dollars to buy the cell phone for the poor person...... Tang Meng, when you start to give person, when runs about?” 只听庄美娜冷笑道:“是啊,不做这么大的局,怎么骗咱们7000块钱给穷人买手机呢……唐猛,你什么时候开始给人当跑腿的了?” Zhuang Meina these words aggravate the situation simply, Tang Meng very much had not been feeling well, now the Zhuang Meina meaning scolds him is the dog, he does not erupt is strange! 庄美娜这句话简直就是火上浇油,唐猛本来就很不爽了,现在庄美娜话里话外的意思骂他是狗,他不爆发才怪! Zhuang Meina, the father is the fine-looking man disagreement/not with female fights, do not think how I really do not dare you! You have a look at that chicken type that you dress up all day, but also thinks really own was beautiful? Wears the high-heeled shoes not to compare others to be tall, but also does having a face stand here disgracefully? Told you, ran about to others? This Young Master wants! You kneel on the ground ask me to run about to you, I also dislike you ugly!” 庄美娜,老子是好男不和女斗,你别以为我就真不敢把你怎么着!你看看你整天打扮的那个鸡样,还真以为自己多么美了?穿着高跟鞋都比不上人家个子高,还有脸站在这里丢人现眼?告诉你,给别人跑腿怎么了?本少爷愿意!你就算是跪在地上求我给你跑腿儿,我还嫌你长得丑呢!” As the saying goes hits person of not a slap in the face, curses at people does not expose shortcomings. 俗话说打人不打脸,骂人不揭短。 But this Tang Meng was provoked anger, he was selecting Tang Meina's sore spot and weak point specially said that but also was working as these many Classmates, simply has not saved the face to Zhuang Meina. 可这次唐猛是真被惹怒了,他专挑着唐美娜的痛处和短处说,还当着这么多的同学,根本没有给庄美娜留一点儿面子。 Truly, Ning Lingyu castrates high in one meter about 75, but Zhuang Meina only then one meter 65, therefore the high school three years, she almost always wears 67 centimeters high high-heeled shoes, spring, summer, autumn, winter, unshakeable. 确实,宁灵雨的净身高在一米75左右,而庄美娜只有一米65,因此高中三年,她几乎从来都是穿着67公分高的高跟鞋,春夏秋冬,雷打不动。 Character that Zhuang Meina hears repugnantly, is short! today Tang Meng is in front of these many people to uncover her short, that absolute ratio pulls out her face also to keep her from enduring! 庄美娜最讨厌听到的字,就是“矮”!今天唐猛当着这么多人的面揭她的短,那绝对比抽她的脸还让她无法忍受! The whole body of Zhuang Meina air/Qi trembles, the cheek of beautifully making up started somewhat fiercely, she turned head to shout to Xie Junyan: Surnamed Xie, are you also a man, Tang Meng such bully me, you manage, no matter?” 庄美娜气的浑身哆嗦,浓妆艳抹的脸蛋开始有些狰狞了起来,她扭头冲着谢俊彦喊道:“姓谢的,你还是不是个爷们,唐猛这么欺负我,你到底管不管?” Ling Yun embraces the fragrant shoulder of Ning Lingyu to depend toward railing fence on, is crooked the head to look at the good play. 凌云揽着宁灵雨的香肩往栏杆上一靠,歪着脑袋看好戏。 Zhuang Meina the indirect insult, Ling Yun heard the really real son a moment ago, he is not feeling well very much, the heart said that father zhao you did annoy you? I give my younger sister to deliver a cell phone, your he did taunt? 庄美娜刚才指桑骂槐,凌云听得真真儿的,他心里也很不爽,心说老子招你惹你了?我就来给我妹妹送个手机,你他么的就一通冷嘲热讽? If Tang Meng did not scold, Ling Yun will also open the mouth to damage her. 要是唐猛不骂,凌云也会开口损她一顿。 Xie Junyan controls own to border on eruption as far as possible the mood, looked at Zhuang Meina and Tang Meng, then decided the vision on the face of Tang Meng, he said slowly: Tang Meng, the Zhuang Meina good and evil is my girlfriend, you spoke these words, was somewhat excessive?” 谢俊彦尽量控制着自己濒临爆发的情绪,看了庄美娜唐猛一眼,然后把目光定在了唐猛的脸上,他缓缓道:“唐猛,庄美娜好歹是我女朋友,你说那些话,有些过分了吧?” Tang Meng the Little Overlord crazy vigor all showed at this time, he is pointing at the Xie Junyan anger sound said: Xie Junyan, you especially do not install the student here, others do not know you, my hasn't Tang Meng known you? Zhuang Meina said a moment ago my, you deaf was the eye blind? Haven't you heard have not seen? How do I counter-attack her two not to be good?” 唐猛这时候小霸王的狂劲儿全展现出来了,他指着谢俊彦怒声道:“谢俊彦,你特么的别在这里装好学生,别人不知道你,我唐猛还不知道你么?刚才庄美娜是怎么说我的,你耳朵聋了还是眼睛瞎了?你没听到还是没看到啊?怎么我反击她两句就不行了?” Xie Junyan desirably maintained the serene complexion finally was changing, his pupil shrank suddenly, narrows the eyes to focus to Tang Meng said: Tang Meng, your has today taken the spear/gun medicine? Everybody stayed for nearly three years in a school, has lived in peace with each other, do you want to tear to pieces the facial skin before the graduation really?” 谢俊彦刻意保持着云淡风轻的脸色终于变了,他瞳孔骤缩,眯着眼对唐猛说道:“唐猛,你今天是不是吃了枪药了?大家在一个学校呆了近三年了,一直相安无事,难道你真想在毕业前撕破脸皮?” Tang Meng has not feared threat. 唐猛还就是不怕威胁。 He changed at daggers drawn suddenly, hehe said with a smile: Yo, Xie Junyan, listens to the meaning in your words, are you want to threaten me? Tore to pieces the facial skin? Told you, how at noon you ran on a bank Ning Lingyu, I all saw, endured, tonight Zhuang Meina also thinks one's old tricks heavy, let alone the gate, the window did not have!” 他突然一改刚才的剑拔弩张,嘿嘿一笑道:“哟,谢俊彦,听你话里的意思,你这是想要威胁我啊?撕破脸皮怎么了?告诉你,中午你们怎么挤兑宁灵雨,我全看到了,也都忍了,今晚庄美娜还想故技重施,别说门了,窗户都没有!” Originally Tang Meng for this! 原来唐猛是为了这个! Ling Yun heard Tang Meng to say Xie Junyan and Zhuang Meina ran on a bank Ning Lingyu time, the complexion brushed sank, in the meantime, nodded to the tonight's performance of Tang Meng. 凌云听到唐猛谢俊彦庄美娜挤兑宁灵雨的时候,脸色刷的沉了下来,同时,对唐猛的今晚的表现又点了点头。 He could not bear and glanced Zhuang Meina one, thought that this Zhuang Meina beauty is truly good, the facial features are very fine, the skin is white, the chest is big, the extremely slender waist, adds on a name brand to be very good-fitting again, perfect showed her ******** stature. 他忍不住又瞟了庄美娜一眼,觉得这庄美娜姿色确实不错,五官挺精致,皮肤白,胸脯大,水蛇腰,再加上一身名牌很合身,完美的展现出了她********的身材。 This girl's lip is somewhat thin, corner of the eye also slightly some downward hang, in addition the makeup on her face truly was too thick some, has beautiful and bewitchingly, actually does not suit the status of her present age and student. 只是,这女孩的嘴唇有些薄,眼角也稍稍有些往下吊,再加上她脸上的妆确实太浓了有些,妖冶有余,却不适合她现在的年龄和学生的身份。 Must discuss the beauty words, Zhuang Meina compared with Zhang Ling many, but by putting on make-up and putting on clothes appearance political ability wins to plan. 真要论姿色的话,庄美娜张灵强不了多少,只是靠化妆和穿衣打扮才略胜出一筹罢了。 Ling Yun when saw Xie Junyan nonchalant looks to the Ning Lingyu greedy vision, his almost flash concluded, reason that this Zhuang Meina so displays, is pampered since childhood the princess temperament of keeping aloof is only one of the reasons. 凌云在看到谢俊彦不经意的看向宁灵雨贪婪目光的时候,他几乎一瞬间就断定,这个庄美娜之所以如此表现,娇生惯养高高在上的公主脾气只是原因之一。 But the main reason is, Zhuang Meina is envying the own younger sister crazily, Ning Lingyu! 而最主要的原因是,庄美娜在疯狂嫉妒自己的妹妹,宁灵雨
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