DEMG :: Volume #1

#40: Body Refining First Layer

Tang Meng, do not make false accusations, when did I run on a bank Lingyu?” 唐猛,你不要血口喷人,我什么时候挤兑灵雨了?” Xie Junyan is also thinking now how to obtain the Ning Lingyu heart, Tang Meng divulged in the morning him and Zhuang Meina sings a duet to run on a bank the Ning Lingyu matter, he will certainly not acknowledge. 谢俊彦现在还想着怎么得到宁灵雨的芳心呢,唐猛说破上午他和庄美娜一唱一和挤兑宁灵雨的事情,他当然不会承认。 Tang Meng already knows that Xie Junyan will categorically deny, he disdains sneers, is disinclined to argue again. 唐猛早就知道谢俊彦会矢口否认,他只是不屑的冷笑一声,都懒得再去争辩。 Snort, did we intentionally run on a bank Ning Lingyu to be also what kind of?” “哼,我们就是故意挤兑宁灵雨了又怎么样?” Zhuang Meina is not silly, she knows own although now in name is the Xie Junyan girlfriend, may in the Xie Junyan eye, own just be the Ning Lingyu substitute. 庄美娜不傻,她知道自己现在虽然名义上是谢俊彦的女朋友,可在谢俊彦眼里,自己只不过是宁灵雨的替代品而已。 She shames and gets angry now, in addition bursts with envy, the young lady temperament erupts thoroughly, will not manage to have many Classmates to look, has not considered the Xie Junyan face, during provocative Tang Meng, even intentionally has also drawn in Xie Junyan. 她现在又羞又怒,加上妒火中烧,大小姐脾气彻底爆发,才不会管有多少同学看着,也没有考虑谢俊彦的脸面,在挑衅唐猛的同时,甚至还故意拉上了谢俊彦 Not much!” Has relied on Ling Yun on railing fence to stand suddenly the body, proceeded to step gently one step. “不怎么样!”一直倚在栏杆上的凌云突然站直了身体,轻轻往前迈了一步。 Voice of Ling Yun speech is not high, on the face does not have what angry expression, he is having the smiling face as before, but that smiling face is actually similar to ten thousand years of iceberg equally ice-cold. 凌云说话的声音并不高,脸上也没有什么愤怒的表情,他依旧带着笑容,只是那笑容却如同万年冰山一样冰冷。 One step, is having an inexplicable compelling person imposing manner gently naturally. 轻轻一步,却自然而然带着一股莫名的迫人气势。 Now, the Ling Yun violent punches the Gou Junfa matter, noisy that already passed on, the school all knows, Classmates that surrounds sees the Ling Yun complexion not to be unattractive, will immediately withdraw along with the Ling Yun's footsteps in the future one step. 现在,凌云暴揍勾俊发的事情,早已传的沸沸扬扬,全校皆知,围观的同学凌云脸色不好看,立刻随着凌云的脚步往后退出一步。 Knew about Ling Yun's according to Tang Meng and Ning Lingyu, if Zhuang Meina and Xie Junyan have a few words to make Ling Yun not be feeling well again, he will directly make a move. 根据唐猛宁灵雨凌云的了解,如果庄美娜谢俊彦再有一句话让凌云不爽,他就会直接出手。 Zhuang Meina saw that Ling Yun must approach own, some complexion slightly blanches, but she actually strong very much, stands there unexpectedly as before, has not retroceded. 庄美娜看到凌云要靠近自己,脸色微微有些发白,可她却强硬的很,竟依旧站在那里,没有后退。 An eye of Xie Junyan has narrowed the eyes, the pupil contraction, has not feared intent to Ling Yun anything obviously. 谢俊彦的一双眼睛眯了起来,瞳孔收缩,显然对凌云没有什么惧意。 Big Brother, considered as finished......” Ning Lingyu to put out a hand to entrain the Ling Yun's front piece suddenly, has swayed gently. 哥哥,算了……”宁灵雨突然伸手拽住了凌云的衣襟,轻轻摇晃了一下。 After all this is in the entrance of third year class 1, moreover immediately wanted on the third evening to study by oneself, Ning Lingyu does not want to let Big Brother again for she fought. 毕竟这是在高三一班的门口,而且马上就要上第三节晚自习了,宁灵雨不想让哥哥再为了她打架。 The trouble that Big Brother today makes has sufficed many! 哥哥今天惹的麻烦已经够多了! Ling Yun saw the own younger sister, the smiling face on face becomes the spring breeze is genial immediately, nodded gently. 凌云看了看自己的妹妹,脸上的笑容立刻变得春风般和煦,轻轻点了点头。 Then his does not return, the sound transfers coldly, lightly saying: I warned you, if who wants to bully my younger sister again, or stirred up my younger sister not to be a little happy, no matter I he were male is female, did not care about him is any status, I will make him pay the price!” 然后他头也不回,声音转冷,淡淡道:“我警告你们,谁要是再想欺负我妹妹,或者惹得我妹妹有一点儿不高兴,我不管他是男是女,也不在乎他是什么身份,我都会让他付出代价!” Then, Ling Yun smiled to Ning Lingyu, affectionate has clapped on her fragrant shoulder with the hand, turns around to leave. 说完,凌云宁灵雨笑了笑,亲昵的用手拍了拍她的香肩,转身离开。 Including Xie Junyan and Zhuang Meina, the students of third year class 1 hear the Ling Yun naked threat and warning, unexpectedly unmanned dares to speak a few words again. 包括谢俊彦庄美娜在内,高三一班的学生听到凌云赤裸裸的威胁与警告,竟无人敢再说一句话。 Ning Lingyu gazes at Ling Yun to leave, on the elegant cheek is showing joyfully, satisfied, with happy smiling face. 宁灵雨注视着凌云离开,秀美的脸蛋上展现着欣喜,满足,和幸福的笑容。 „Hadn't fatty, why you begun a moment ago? Words that you must begin, our today Xie Junyan tidying up!” “胖子,刚才你为什么没有动手啊?你要动手的话,咱们今天就把谢俊彦给收拾了!” Ling Yun goes downstairs, Tang Meng naturally also pursued, he remembers Ling Yun, when has the dinner to punch the Tu Gang appearance, has not begun to Ling Yun is very obscure. 凌云下楼,唐猛自然也跟着追了下来,他想起凌云在吃晚饭的时候揍屠刚的样子,对凌云没有动手很是费解。 Ling Yun stopped the footsteps, frowns to ask: „Are you big this year?” 凌云停下了脚步,皱着眉头问道:“你今年多大?” 17 -and-a-half years old, how?” “17岁半啊,怎么了?” Later must call the elder brother, has remembered? I only said one time, if cannot remember, was careful that your buttocks blossom!” “以后要叫哥,记住了没有?我只说一次,如果记不住,小心你屁股开花!” Ling Yun was very satisfied to the Tang Meng performance, starts to accept this brothers from the bottom of the heart. 凌云唐猛刚才的表现很满意,开始打心底接受了这个兄弟。 Tang Meng simply had not realized at this time, Ling Yun makes him shout an elder brother, can bring many advantage to his future, but he wants if in any case obtains the Ning Lingyu heart, own must call Ling Yun Big Brother-in-law, early called early to be familiar with, calling out that therefore some did not prefer: Good, didn't the elder brother, why you begin a moment ago?” 唐猛此时根本没有意识到,凌云让他喊一声哥,能给他的未来带来多少好处,不过他想反正如果得到宁灵雨芳心的话,自己还得叫凌云大舅哥,早叫早习惯,于是有些不情愿的叫道:“好吧,哥,你刚才为什么不动手?” The Ling Yun forced smile shakes the head saying: Knows that your boy wants to fight tonight, but haven't you seen Lingyu to draw my arm?” 凌云苦笑摇头道:“知道你小子今晚想打架,可你没看到灵雨拉着我的胳膊么?” However he thinks that also the serious injunction said: If later I not on the scene, do not begin with Xie Junyan.” 不过他想了想又郑重嘱咐道:“以后如果我不在场,你不要和谢俊彦动手。” Tang Meng has not paid attention to Xie Junyan, he disdains saying: He? My can hit his three!” 唐猛根本就没把谢俊彦放在眼里,他不屑道:“就他?我一个能打他三个!” Ling Yun look dignified shaking the head of: You have made a mistake, his can hit your five also almost!” 凌云神色凝重的摇了摇头:“你错了,他一个能打你五个还差不多!” What?!” “什么?!” Tang Meng looks at dumbly at the scene. 唐猛呆立当场。 On height, by physique, by fighting experience, Tang Meng thinks that Xie Junyan is not gathering of own, now hears Ling Yun to say absolutely own five will unable to hit Xie Junyan one, naturally surprised incomparable. 论身高,论块头,论打架经验,唐猛认为谢俊彦绝对不是自己的一合之将,现在听到凌云自己五个都打不过谢俊彦一个,当然惊讶无比。 Believes me, he definitely has this strength!” Ling Yun sees Tang Meng not to believe, patted his shoulder to aggravate the tone. “相信我,他绝对有这个实力!”凌云唐猛根本不相信,拍着他的肩膀加重了语气。 Clarity that Ling Yun looks, he takes that step time, reason that Zhuang Meina has not retroceded, that is young lady's temperament is supporting her, therefore in the heart, although is afraid is hit, but to fear to lose face to support by hard and stubborn effort. 凌云看的清清楚楚,他迈出那一步的时候,庄美娜之所以没有后退,那是大小姐的脾气在强撑着她,所以心中虽然害怕被打,可为了怕丢面子而硬撑。 Xie Junyan was different, surroundings Classmates in abundance retreat time, Xie Junyan not only has not drawn back, the right foot also gently forward treads half step. 谢俊彦就不同了,周围同学纷纷后退的时候,谢俊彦非但没退,右脚还轻轻向前踏出半步。 Meanwhile his both hands also empty grasp turns into a fist, has made the posture of very standard going forward or retreating depending upon circumstances. 同时他的双手也虚握成拳,做出了很标准的进可攻退可守的姿势。 He is a person skilled in martial arts! 他是个练家子! The experts put out a hand, apparent has. 行家一伸手,便知有没有。 Ling Yun saw that movement that Xie Junyan makes is not simple, he at least has the martial arts in the body. 凌云一眼就看出谢俊彦做的那个动作绝不简单,他起码有武术在身。 Therefore he good intention reminded Tang Meng, feared that he under situation that did not guard against, has worn the Xie Junyan say/way. 所以他才好心提醒唐猛,怕他在不提防的情况下,着了谢俊彦的道。 Real false? Had not heard that Xie Junyan has practiced, does the eldest child, you fool my? Did you misread?” “真的假的?没听说谢俊彦练过啊,老大,你唬我的吧?或者,你看错了?” Tang Meng always thinks that Xie Junyan is just the playboy sinister family/home of lacking the strength to truss up a chicken, if own wants to punch him, that is a piece of cake. 唐猛可是从来都认为谢俊彦只不过是个手无缚鸡之力的纨绔阴险家罢了,自己要是想揍他的话,那是小菜一碟。 Now heard that Xie Junyan punches own is the piece of cake, Tang Meng is unable to accept this fact all of a sudden. 现在听说谢俊彦自己才是小菜一碟,唐猛一下子无法接受这个事实。 Ling Yun had not explained again, he said with a smile lightly: You listen my right, you are busy at your matter going, I have the matter tonight, first returned to dormitory.” 凌云没有再解释,他淡淡笑道:“你听我的没错,你去忙你的事情去吧,我今晚还有事,先回宿舍了。” Tang Meng thought that today Ling Yun is very mystical, he wants to be attractive with Ling Yun very much, is any reason makes Ling Yun change such big overnight, but Ling Yun pointed to the door, he also has no reason again with. 唐猛觉得今天凌云很神秘,他很想跟着凌云好好看看,到底是什么原因让凌云一夜之间变化如此之大,可凌云下了逐客令,他也没有理由再跟。 Looks that Ling Yun more walks a farther back, Tang Meng remembers asking that anything has resembled suddenly: „The eldest child can you hit Xie Junyan?” 看着凌云越走越远的背影,唐猛忽然想起了什么似的问道:“那老大你能不能打过谢俊彦呢?” The Ling Yun frank laughter transmits: „Did you say?” 凌云爽朗的笑声传来:“你说呢?” Ling Yun has not deceived Tang Meng, he really also has the matter tonight, moreover is very important matter. 凌云没有骗唐猛,他今晚确实还有事,而且是很重要的事。 His today through jogs in the morning crazily, consumed last night absorption spiritual energy of Seven Glorious Grass, has not actually thought that Ning Lingyu unexpectedly was Innate Spirit Body, whenever therefore he and Ning Lingyu, him were using the own talent ability together, absorbs spiritual energy that on Ning Lingyu the dissipation came out. 今天上午通过疯狂跑步,把昨晚吸收的七曜草灵气消耗一空,却没想到宁灵雨竟然是天生灵体,因此每当他和宁灵雨在一块儿的时候,他都在利用自己的天赋能力,吸收宁灵雨身上散逸出来的灵气 This is also he can after carrying the sandbag runs crazily 11, can in the same old way dragon Jinghu the fierce reason. 这也是他能够在扛着沙袋疯狂奔跑11圈之后,照样能够龙精虎猛的原因。 Must otherwise, even if Ling Yun passed through immortal spiritual energy cleansing the essence to cut down the marrow, the body was reborn thoroughly, may probably withstand the pain of exhausted weakness the strenuous exercise and physical strength crazy consumption bring in the same old way. 要不然的话,就算凌云经过了仙灵气洗精伐髓,身体已经彻底脱胎换骨,可照样得承受剧烈运动、体力疯狂消耗带来的疲惫乏力之苦。 Because Ning Lingyu does not have practice, spiritual energy that therefore her body the automatic dissipation comes out now is few, does not have including Seven Glorious Grass one-fourth, but this was very big to the Ling Yun's help. 由于宁灵雨没有修炼,所以她的身体现在自动散逸出来的灵气很少,连七曜草的1都没有,但这对凌云的帮助已经很大了。 today Ling Yun adds from all sides, has two hours with time that Ning Lingyu is together, spiritual energy of his within the body absorption quickly was also saturated, therefore he must before going to Seven Glorious Grass there, consumes once more completely these spiritual energy , to promote own boundary that can maximize. 今天凌云前前后后加起来,和宁灵雨相处的时间有两小时之多,他体内吸收的灵气已经又快饱和了,所以他必须要在去七曜草那里之前,再次把这些灵气全部消耗掉,才能最大化的提升自己的境界。 Matter that therefore Ling Yun must do now, once more duplicates the morning movement , to continue the sandbag that carries newly buys to jog! 因此凌云现在要做的事,就是再次重复上午的运动,继续扛着新买的沙袋跑步! After Tang Meng separates, Ling Yun quickly returns to dormitory, he tied up two small sandbags first on the calf, then shouldered on more than 50 jin (0.5 kg) sandbags the shoulder, jogged to go downstairs. 唐猛分开以后,凌云很快回到宿舍,他先把两个小沙袋绑在了小腿上,然后把50多斤的沙袋扛到了肩膀上,跑步下楼。 Remembers influence that the morning jogged to have, Ling Yun this time has not run on school Sports Field, but passes through Sports Field directly, came in the place that to turn the wall to leave the school from last night. 想起了上午跑步造成的影响,凌云这次并没有在学校操场上跑,而是直接穿过操场,从昨晚进来的地方翻墙出了学校。 This is behind a school narrow winding path, usually except for the student of talking love, the unusual person comes, comes compared with school main entrance front University Region Road, did not know lonesomely and quietly many times. 这是学校后面的一条羊肠小道,平时除了谈情说爱的学生,少有人来,比起学校正门前面的学府路来,不知道幽静了多少倍。 The present is 8 : 30 pm, Ling Yun has identified under one slightly, starts to be the same in Sports Field with the morning, once again started his running. 现在是晚上八点半,凌云稍稍辨认了一下方向,就开始跟上午在操场一样,又一次开始了他的奔跑。 It can be said that after breaking through the limit of body forcefully, the Ling Yun present physical ability has striven to excel compared with the morning, he ran probably about three kilometers, spiritual energy that within the body saves starts to gather to flow, washes out his skeleton once more, the muscle, with meridians. 可以说,强行突破了身体的极限之后,凌云现在的体能比上午要强了许多,他大概跑了三千米左右,体内积蓄的灵气才开始汇聚流动,再次冲刷他的骨骼,筋肉,和经脉。 This time, Ling Yun ran fully for one -and-a-half hours, about the eight thousand meter, once more thoroughly consumed up spiritual energy in within the body probably. 这一次,凌云整整跑了一个半小时,大概八千米左右,才再次彻底消耗光了体内的灵气 10 : 00 pm, Ling Yun carries sandbag, arrived at last night to discover the Seven Glorious Grass place. 晚上十点,凌云扛着沙袋,来到了昨晚发现七曜草的地方。 At this time he was exhausted, after reaching destination, conveniently the sandbag throws, first sat on the sandbag controls one's breathing, arrived by Seven Glorious Grass. 这时候他已经精疲力竭,到达目的地之后,随手把沙袋一扔,先坐在沙袋上调息完毕,才来到七曜草旁边。 Along with the night thermal drop, on the thick patch of grass of riverside has hung up the glittering and translucent carving dewdrop, Ling Yun that but this already soaked to the whole body, simply does not have any influence. 随着夜晚的温度急剧下降,河边的草丛上已经挂上了晶莹剔透的露珠,不过这对全身早已湿透的凌云来说,根本没有任何影响。 Ling Yun by Seven Glorious Grass, sat cross-legged to sit, started to carry on his first time to/clashes the pass/test. 凌云七曜草旁边,就地盘膝坐了下来,开始进行他的第一次冲关。 Ling Yun's Body Refining Cultivation Technique, named Great Evolving Stars Secret Art, so long as after practice becomes 1st-layer, can borrow the essence washout of Sun, Moon, Stars to transform the body of own continuously. 凌云的炼体功法,名为大衍聚星宝诀,只要修炼第一重之后,就可以持续不断的借用日月星辰的精华冲刷改造自己的身体。 Great Evolving Stars Secret Art, if practices extreme, can inspire the strength of world Stars/Xingchen to change into oneself body to use, the body endures compared with Stars/Xingchen intrepidly, even if everybody snatches Body Refining magic art of broken head in cultivation world. 大衍聚星宝诀,如果练到极处,就可以引动天地星辰之力化为己身所用,身体强悍堪比星辰,就算是在修真界都是人人抢破头的练体法诀 The Body Refining peak can Qi Practicing, therefore Ling Yun comes up to hit the mosquito with the cannon, has selected this Cultivation Technique Body Refining directly. 练体巅峰才能练气,因此凌云一上来就用大炮打蚊子,直接选用了这个功法练体 After Ling Yun sits cross-legged sits, first starts to absorb Seven Glorious Grass spiritual energy, making the body that consumes restore in peak condition. 凌云盘膝坐好之后,先开始吸收七曜草灵气,让消耗一空的身体重新恢复到巅峰状态。 After waiting for the body thoroughly to restore, Ling Yun revolution Cultivation Technique, starts to attack Body Refining First Layer silently! 等身体彻底恢复之后,凌云默默运转功法,开始冲击练体一层 Because Yang Qiao Arteries has not restored, attacked simplest Body Refining First Layer to add very major difficulty to Ling Yun, even if he has Transcends Tribulation Stage soul, used entire three hours of time to be completes! 由于阳跷脉还没有恢复,给凌云冲击最简单的练体一层带来了很大的困难,即便他有着渡劫期灵魂,也用去了整整三个小时的时间才算完成! As the parched beans common sound has resounding of rhythm in the body, Ling Yun complexion one happy, then starts diligently the achievement after consolidated breakthrough. 随着劈里啪啦爆豆子一般的声音在身体内有节奏的响起,凌云脸色一喜,然后开始努力巩固突破后的成果。 1 : 00 am, Ling Yun receives the merit finally slowly. 凌晨一点,凌云终于缓缓收功。 It seems like thinks somewhat was simple, this thinks that can break through Body Refining Second Layer at one fell swoop, and reaches the Body Refining Second Layer peak smoothly, finally has actually broken through Body Refining First Layer, the Body Refining First Layer peak has not achieved!” “看来想的还是有些简单了,本以为能够一举冲破练体二层并且顺利达到练体二层巅峰的,结果却只是冲破了练体一层而已,就连练体一层巅峰都没有达到!” After feeling is achieving Body Refining First Layer, within the body increased more than one time of strength, the Ling Yun's expression somewhat is slightly regrettable. 感受着达到练体一层之后,体内增加了不止一倍的力量,凌云的表情微微有些遗憾。 Here after all is not cultivation world......” “这里毕竟不是修真界啊……”
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