DEMG :: Volume #1

#41: Ling Family's Young Master

Achieves Body Refining First Layer successfully, is huge to the advantage that Ling Yun brings. 成功达到练体一层,对凌云带来的好处是巨大的。 First, from now on, Ling Yun has trod practice essential one step officially, hereafter only becomes stronger and stronger! 首先,从现在开始,凌云已经正式踏出了修炼至为关键的一步,此后只会变得越来越强! Next, Ling Yun could practice his Great Evolving Stars Secret Art routinely, this make his physique without doubt more and more well! 其次,凌云已经可以按部就班的修炼他的大衍聚星宝诀了,这无疑会让他的体质变得越来越好! Ling Yun absorbs Seven Glorious Grass spiritual energy now, not only quantity of absorption before breakthrough were more than one time, but also the speed of absorption also significantly speeds up. 凌云现在吸收七曜草灵气,不但吸收的数量比突破前多了一倍,而且吸收的速度也明显加快。 Although absorbs spiritual energy in within the body like a stone dropped into the sea to hide as before quietly, but Ling Yun knows, if own wants to use them, did not need to compel to spit blood own! 虽然吸收进体内的灵气依旧石沉大海般潜藏沉寂,可凌云知道,如果自己想要使用它们,再也不用把自己逼到吐血了! So long as the physical exertion of own some degree, these spiritual energy automatically will locate from within the body hiding roaming drag, starts the circulatory flow in within the body, supplements the physical exertion of own. 只要自己的体力消耗到某个程度,那些灵气就会自动从体内潜藏处游曳而出,在体内开始循环流动,补充自己的体力消耗。 Em, but also is good, were at least more than last night absorption spiritual energy one time!” “恩,还不错,比昨晚吸收的灵气至少多了一倍!” By within the body is unable to absorb many spiritual energy again, Ling Yun long body. 直到体内再也无法吸收更多的灵气了,凌云才长身而起。 Turns head, the Ling Yun's vision falls on the sandbag that has shouldered. 一扭头,凌云的目光落到了扛来的沙袋上。 He shows a faint smile, an arrow step fled fiercely, the right foot kicks like lightning, the towards sandbag selects gently, that sandbag was similar to football generally is selected to fly by Ling Yun! 他微微一笑,猛地一个箭步窜了过去,右脚闪电般踢出,对着沙袋轻轻一挑,那个沙袋就如同足球一般被凌云挑飞了起来! Bang!” “砰!” The Ling Yun left fist from bottom to top, hits hard again, in flew to his chin high sandbag on, the sandbag is similar to the rocket soars to the heavens on! 凌云左拳自下而上,重重击在了飞至他下巴高度的沙袋上,沙袋如同火箭般冲天而上! Ling Yun does not lift, silent several 12,345, waits for the sandbag high from empty to the own knee place time, just right is a foot kicks vigorously toward the front, that movement is similar to C Luo's taking to one's heels shoots! 凌云头也不抬,默数12345,等沙袋从高空落至自己膝盖处的时候,恰到好处的又是大力一脚朝前方踢出,那动作如同C罗的拔脚怒射! Also is bang, more than 50 jin (0.5 kg) sandbags are similar to the shell that Ling Yun kicked have shot, has drawn an elegant arc in the nighttime sky, departed several meters far! 又是“砰”的一声,50多斤的沙袋被凌云踢的如同炮弹般射了出去,在夜空中划过一道优美的弧线,飞出了十几米远! Ling Yun moved, if some people see, will be certainly surprised a fatty the speed so to be why quick, he almost sticks to the airborne sandbag to run! 凌云动了,如果有人看见,一定会惊讶一个胖子的速度为何会这么快,他几乎是紧贴着空中的沙袋在跑! Castrates in the sandbag already completely, is going to fall to the ground has not been well-grounded, a Ling Yun once more foot departs, numerous kicking on the sandbag, the sandbag have soared once more! 就在沙袋去势已尽,将要落地还未着地的时候,凌云再次一脚飞出,重重的踢在了沙袋上,沙袋再次腾空而起! This Ling Yun has not pursued the sandbag to run again, he kicked to stop. 这次凌云没有再追着沙袋跑,他踢完就停了下来。 Moves such as fast, calmly like virgin. 动如脱兔,静如处子 The Ling Yun's breath as before is very steady, that more than 50 jin (0.5 kg) sandbag, to Ling Yun really with football. 就连凌云的呼吸都依旧很平稳,那个50多斤的沙袋,对凌云来说真就跟个足球似的。 He calmly looks at the sandbag under twenty meters extra income, corners of the mouth brings back a self-confident smiling face, then looked down the own high bulge belly. 他静静地看着沙袋在二十几米外落下,嘴角儿勾起一个自信的笑容,然后低头看了看自己高高凸起的肚子。 Should fall several jin (0.5 kg)?” “应该掉了几斤吧?” Effect is good, continue!” “效果不错,继续!” Ling Yun has arrived around the sandbag in big strides, selects with the tip of the toe gently, has selected the sandbag, then the right hand copies, sandbag anti- on shoulder. 凌云大踏步走到了沙袋跟前,用脚尖轻轻一挑,把沙袋挑了起来,然后右手一抄,就把沙袋抗在了肩膀上。 Ling Yun turned head to look at a Seven Glorious Grass direction, lightly saying: darling, thank you, the elder brother must go back to sleep, tomorrow evening will come with your lover's rendezvous again!” 凌云回头看了一眼七曜草的方向,淡淡道:“宝贝儿,谢谢你,哥要回去睡觉啦,明晚再来和你幽会!” Then Ling Yun has turned head, deeply inspires, starts running away at once, comes up is the speed of hundred meters sprint! 然后凌云回过头,深吸一口气,拔腿就跑,一上来就是百米冲刺的速度! ............ ………… China capital, Yanjing. 华夏首都,燕京 10 : 00 pm, when Ling Yun starts to attack Body Refining First Layer full power, in some Yanjing lively section luxurious private room of well-known office, Ling Hao stark naked lying down sits on the spacious leather sofa, is enjoying the warm services of two foreign beautiful women. 晚上十点,就在凌云开始全力冲击练体一层的时候,燕京某繁华地段的一个知名会所的豪华包间里,凌浩正赤身裸体的躺坐在宽大的真皮沙发上,享受着两位外国美女的热情服务。 Ling Hao is of a Ling Family Yanjing Seven Big Clans eldest son eldest grandson, this year is 28 years old, the appearance is delicate and pretty, the height length of body, the ape back slender waist, reveals on the bright and clean lower abdomen in air does not have excess flesh, eight abdominal muscles along with his shivering fierce expansion, in private room bright such as the light of daytime by the brightness and cleanliness that shines upon may reflect excitedly. 凌浩燕京七大家族之一凌家的长子长孙,今年28岁,长相俊美,身高体长,猿背蜂腰,袒露在空气中的光洁小腹上没有一丝赘肉,八块腹肌随着他兴奋的颤抖剧烈伸缩,被包间内亮如白昼的灯光映照的光洁可鉴。 The scene in luxurious private room, made person bloodlines Ben open/stretch simply! 豪华包间里的情景,简直令人血脉贲张! The Ling Hao vision evil different and cruelly, is staring at body first two meters distant place that stature tall Tiao greedily, ** the Russian long hair beautiful woman of thin waist measurement buttocks dances the striptease greatly, the Golden long hair in airborne waves crazily, is teasing Ling Hao all senses. 凌浩的目光邪异而残忍,贪婪地盯着身前两米远处那个身材高挑,**瘦腰肥臀的俄罗斯长发美女大跳脱衣舞,金黄色的长发在空中疯狂舞动,挑逗着凌浩的所有感官。 Meanwhile, wears the kimono, the clothes is actually similar to beautiful woman of hanging of broken cloth strip Ling Hao tears on her delicate and exquisite body, is bending down in the hip of Ling Hao, to the utmost can the turnover is tasting his monster. 同时,一个身穿和服,衣服却被凌浩撕扯的如同碎布条似的挂在她娇小玲珑的躯体上的美女,正俯在凌浩的胯间,极尽所能的吞吐品尝着他的巨物。 This very obviously is the Japanese beautiful woman, although her stature is petite, may expose chest the snow-white two groups in air actually as if compares that Russian beautiful woman to be big, is rocking along with the movement of her turnover crazily, making Ling Hao unable to bear contort one's face in agony attracts cold air fiercely. 这很显然是个日本美女,她身材虽然娇小,可暴露在空气中的胸前雪白两团却似乎比那位俄罗斯美女还要大,正随着她吞吐的动作疯狂晃动,让凌浩忍不住呲牙咧嘴猛吸凉气 The Japanese beautiful woman technology is good, he almost endured the limit, it is estimated that must grant that female mouth cream color dough-drop soup quickly. 日本美女技术不错,他几乎已经忍到了极限,估计很快就要赏赐那女的一嘴乳白色疙瘩汤了。 At this moment, the Ling Hao cell phone has made a sound, that is receives the short note the sound. 就在这时,凌浩的手机响了起来,那是收到短信的声音。 Ling Hao frowns, has taken conveniently up the large screen cell phone on sofa, opened the short note to sweep one. 凌浩皱了皱眉,随手就拿起了沙发上的大屏幕手机,打开短信扫了一眼。 Damn!” Ling Hao read the short note of receiving, the fine-looking eyebrow twisted all of a sudden together, lifted the foot diligently to kick out of the way to the beautiful woman who he served, brushes has stood! 我草!”凌浩看了收到的短信,英挺的眉毛一下子拧到了一块儿,抬脚就把正在努力给他服务的美女踢开,刷的站了起来! You two exit first, a while asked you to come in again!” Ling Hao does not lift, said to that two foreign women indifferently. “你们两个先出去,等会儿叫你们再进来!”凌浩头也不抬,对那两名外国女人冷漠说道。 That two women seem to be commonly seen to this situation, has not inquired anything, but to the utmost charming flattering smiles, then has drawn back respectively. 那两个女人似乎对这种情况司空见惯,并没有询问什么,只是极尽妩媚的讨好一笑,然后各自退了出去。 Ling Hao read short note on the phone screen once more, in eye angry and crazy is getting more and more thick, he muttered: Hasn't died unexpectedly?!” 凌浩再次看了看手机屏幕上的短信,眼中的愤怒和疯狂越来越浓厚,他喃喃道:“竟然没死?!” Then he wants not to dial a telephone number. 然后他想都不想就拨了一个电话号码。 The telephone puts through quickly. 电话很快接通。 Surnamed Chen, last night you me did not tell that bastard did die? News how that bastard that I receive not only has not died, but also live is very sight! Like this do you also dare to collect my money?!” “姓陈的,昨晚你不是跟我说那个野种已经死了么?我收到的消息怎么那个野种不但没死,还活的很风光呢!就这样你也敢收我的钱?!” Because the Ling Hao expression resents and disappointedly becomes somewhat fierce, he said ruthlessly. 凌浩的表情因为愤恨和失望而变得有些狰狞,他狠狠道。 What?! Hasn't died? Ling Hao, you especially isn't cracks a joke?” “什么?!没死?凌浩,你特么的不是开玩笑吧?” Meets calling Chen Sen of telephone, similarly is of a young master Yanjing Seven Big Clans, this person arranges that malicious youth of Ling Yun traffic accident. 接电话的叫陈森,同样是燕京七大家族之一的公子,这个人正是布置凌云车祸的那个阴鸷青年。 Now ****** the extremely urgent matter, who had free time to crack a joke with you? My person today inquired news in the past, told me the bastard not only has not died, but also alive and kicking very!” “现在都******火烧眉毛了,谁有空跟你开玩笑?我的人今天过去打探消息,告诉我那个野种不但没死,还活蹦乱跳的很呢!” Telephone that head, Chen Sen was similar to the falcon common eye has narrowed all of a sudden the eyes, he believes that Ling Hao telephoned at this time, did not deceive him absolutely, to not renege on a promise that 20 million, 20 million placed in their these person of eyes, at all was not anything. 电话那头,陈森如同鹰隼一般的眼睛一下子就眯了起来,他相信凌浩这个时候打电话来,绝对不是骗他,也不是为了反悔那20000000,20000000放在他们这些人眼里,根本不算什么。 Hasn't died? That is Steyr, full has drawn a stone of car(riage), then the quick speed runs upon, hasn't died unexpectedly?! 没死?那可是斯太尔啊,满满的拉了一车的石头,那么快的速度撞上,竟然没死?! Does not die also at least is a vegetable . Moreover the plant talented person who forever does not wake is right! 不死也起码是个植物人,而且还是永远醒不过来的植物人才对! Returns alive and kicking? 活蹦乱跳 This has exceeded radically his cognition limit! 这根本就超出了他的认知极限! Hit the wrong person? Also is impossible, the picture that Ling Hao gives possibly is not false! 难道,撞错人了?也不可能啊,凌浩给的照片不可能是假的! ** What thinks? I told you, if you did not give the reason that I can make me accept, do not blame me to get angry!” “**的想什么呢?我告诉你,你要是不给我一个可以让我接受的理由,可别怪我翻脸!” Hears Ling Hao to be in a thundering rage in the telephone, Chen Sen malicious look some do not bear slightly, his lightly saying: Ling Hao, you are short there are foul-mouthed, won't your person misread?” 听到凌浩在电话中咆哮如雷,陈森阴鸷的眼神也微微有些不耐,他淡淡道:“凌浩,你少在那里骂骂咧咧的,你的人不会是看错了吧?” Ling Hao sees Chen Sen not to acknowledge, immediately gets angry: „Will my person misread? Do you find the excuse also to look for nice point good? My person told me, Ling Yun today not only appeared in the campus in the morning, but also carried the sandbag to gather round Sports Field to run 11!” 凌浩陈森不承认,顿时更怒:“我的人会看错?你找理由也找个像样点儿的好不好?我的人告诉我,凌云今天上午不但出现在校园里,还扛着沙袋围着操场跑了11圈!” You said, this did call?? You do not dare to kill do not kill, father some are the means copes with him, do you deceive me 20 million what's the matter?!” “你说,他这叫死了吗?啊?你不敢杀就别杀,老子有的是办法对付他,你骗我20000000算怎么回事儿?!” Ling Family's Young Master has gotten angry thoroughly, recognized Chen Sen that directly likes to gamble wants to deceive him 20 million, has not gone to kill Ling Yun. 凌家大少彻底怒了,直接认定好赌的陈森是想骗他20000000,根本就没有去杀凌云 This......” Chen Sen saw Ling Hao to say real, had no way to refute all of a sudden. “这……”陈森凌浩说的真真的,一下子也没法反驳了。 Chen Sen thoughts revolve, has thought some possibility, he uses the guess the tone: Young Master Ling, you think well, although I gambling was in debt several million to spend money to fill in a hole eagerly, can have no need to deceive your this 20 million?” 陈森心念电转,想到了某种可能,他用猜测的口吻道:“凌少,你好好想想,我虽然赌博亏空了几千万急于用钱填窟窿,可也用不着骗你这20000000吧?” He has comforted the Ling Hao disaffection first, then continues saying: 他先安抚了一下凌浩的不满,然后继续说道: Yesterday evening I personally the corpse that got out to look, your bastard younger male cousin died really at the scene, if he who the car(riage) hit has not died like this, I want a possibility.” “昨晚上我亲自下车过去看的尸体,你那个野种堂弟真的是被车撞的当场断气了,如果这样他都没死的话,我想只有一种可能。” This was Chen Sen has certainly lain, because he was disinclined to get out at that time, but saw Ling Yun full head with the infrared telescope is lying down of blood there, then judged Ling Yun to die according to the common sense without doubt. 这当然是陈森撒谎了,因为当时他根本就懒得下车,只是用红外线望远镜看到凌云满头是血的躺在那里,然后根据常理判断凌云必死无疑。 What possibility?” Ling Hao brow slightly wrinkle, hurries to ask. “什么可能?”凌浩眉头微皱,赶紧问道。 Must say the murder, particularly motionless sound kills 35 average people, he believes coming out that Chen Sen can make absolutely, otherwise he will not look for Chen Sen to do. 要说杀人,尤其是不动声息的杀死35个普通人,他相信陈森绝对能做的出来,不然他也不会找陈森来做。 Chen Sen is impossible clearly to know that own definitely will arrange the person to examine the result, but also arranges a lie to deceive his money. 陈森不可能明知道自己肯定会安排人查看结果,还编一个谎言来骗他的钱。 The pricetag that because he gives is high enough! 因为他给的价码够高! In China, are many have not dared saying that 20 million buy the lives of 20 average people, had more than enough to spare! 华夏,多了不敢说,20000000买20条普通人的性命,太绰绰有余了! Chen Sen has as if thought some fearful possibility, he has lowered the sound desirably, said discretely: Young Master Ling, do you know, our China that has the energy of bring the dying back to life, was known ascomparable to Bian Que the Chinese medicine old deity, does live in seclusion in Jiangnan Province Clear Water City? ” 陈森似乎想到了某种可怕的可能,他刻意压低了声音,谨慎说道:“凌少,你知不知道,咱们华夏那位有起死回生之能,号称“赛扁鹊”的中医老神仙,就隐居在江南省清水市?” Ling Hao listened to sit on the sofa, his some inconceivable say/way: What? You said that comparable to Bian Que Old Master Xue does live in seclusion in Clear Water City?” 凌浩听了一屁股就坐在了沙发上,他有些不可思议道:“什么?你说赛扁鹊薛老爷子隐居在清水市?” Chen Sen more wants more to think that at this time has this possibility, he starts becomes sporty said: Who besides him can also? Hits that appearance, except for comparable to Bian Que unparalleled skilled hands, whom I do not believe to be able one night to let your this cheap younger brother bring the dying back to life!” 陈森这时候越想越觉得有这种可能,他开始变得底气十足道:“除了他还能有谁?撞成那个样子,除了赛扁鹊的无双妙手,我不信谁能一夜之间让你这个便宜弟弟起死回生!” Is listening to the judgment of Chen Sen, the Ling Hao also tight pursing the lips lip, in his present look has written all over three characters, is impossible! 听着陈森的判断,凌浩也紧紧抿了抿嘴唇,他现在的眼神中就写满了三个字,不可能! Brain rotation of Ling Hao fast, thinks carefully, refutes saying: You said is absolutely impossible, under first Innate does not have that skillful matter, what another is Old Master Xue governs is the sickness, is not the wound! You have at least hit several bones to Ling Yun that I said that bled profusely from the head, even if Divine Docter Xue again god, was impossible to let him overnight from dying to living, and immediately was bursting with energy with the normal person is the same!” 凌浩的大脑飞快的转动,仔细想了想以后驳斥道:“你说的绝无可能,首先天底下就没那么巧的事,再一个是薛老爷子治的是病,不是伤!你跟我说的凌云至少撞断了十几根骨头,七窍流血,就算薛神医再神,也不可能让他一夜之间就从死到生,并且立即生龙活虎跟正常人一样!” The medical skill god, can miracle cure, be able again bring the dying back to life, but made a bone break several and five internal organs shifting, to bleed profusely from the head and must die person without doubt to be bursting with energy overnight, that could not achieve! 医术再神,可以妙手回春,可以起死回生,但是让一个骨头断了十几根、五脏移位、七窍流血、必死无疑的人一夜之间生龙活虎,那也做不到! Breaking the bone can continue again meets, the broken bone can also regenerate this not to be false, can always need time? 断骨可以再续接,碎骨也可以再生这都不假,可总需要时间吧? Chen Sen slightly somewhat is also awkward, the matter that but he most thinks now to a Ling Hao reason, after all that 20.001 million arrived at the tent/account he also the gambling debt, Ling Hao must want with him, he could not take. 陈森也微微有些尴尬,不过他现在最想的事就是给凌浩一个理由,毕竟那20001000到帐他就还了赌债了,凌浩真要跟他要,他还真拿不出来。 Suddenly he has thought a more fearful possibility, the facial color sends the moon's orbit slightly: Young Master Ling, I acknowledged what you said is the fact, but, do you have to think, can your this younger brother the luck be good to arrive at heaven-defying, by these people rescuing?” 忽然他想到了一个更可怕的可能性,面色微微发白道:“凌少,我承认你说的是事实,不过,你有没有想过,你这个弟弟会不会运气好到逆天,被那些人给救了呢?”
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