DEMG :: Volume #1

#42: Origin

Listened to the new explanation of Chen Sen, the Ling Hao delicate and pretty evil different complexion slightly one dull! 听了陈森的新解释,凌浩俊美邪异的脸色微微一呆! Because in the Chen Sen mouth said these people, Ling Hao had also understood. 因为陈森口中说的“那些人”,凌浩也有所了解。 Ling Family and Chen Family with are one of the Yanjing Seven Big Clans, can say that is in the absolute peak in this national pyramid, as the two respected family future possible successors , the matter that they will know, will know a lot many compared with the average person absolutely! 凌家陈家同为燕京七大家族之一,可以说处于这个国家金字塔的绝对顶端,作为两大家族未来的可能接班人,他们知道的事情,绝对比普通人知道得多的多! These people, including greatly faintly in Shi China Ancient Martial Clan, including hidden in Hidden Sects of famous mountains Taechon-ri! 那些人,包括大隐隐于市的华夏古武家族,包括隐藏于名山大川里的隐世门派 Even, some more fearful existence, the mediocre authority of their not rare world, disdains in coming to the metropolis struggles authority Duoshi, even does not fear the common custom fire weapon, but lives in seclusion in the pure place, assiduous practice , to promote own cultivation level silently! 甚至,还有一些更为可怕的存在,他们不稀罕世间的凡俗权力,不屑于来都市中争权夺势,甚至不惧怕世俗的热武器,只是隐居在清净之地,默默刻苦修炼,提升自己修为 These people are mystical, is the mortal cannot contact! 那些人是神秘的,是凡人根本接触不到的! May unable to contact, is not equal to not having. 可接触不到,不等于没有。 At least including Ling Family and in Chen Family Seven Big Clans, has the person who comes out from these places, serves for them, naturally also obtains various advantage and resources that own needs. 至少包括凌家陈家在内的七大家族中,就有从那些地方出来的人,为他们服务,当然也得到自己需要的各种好处和资源。 They obtain, paying must be much more than! 他们得到的,比付出的要多得多! These people are to keep aloof, even if the clan of family main also respects to them for the honored guest, courteous reception, but is not bossy, does not dare to treat as the servant to order the obligation with them. 那些人是高高在上的,就算是家族的族主对他们也是敬为上宾,礼遇有加,而不是颐指气使,更不敢拿他们当做下人命令驱使。 As if has thought in the own family that Grandpa own can use the old man, Ling Hao this time has not refuted Chen Sen. 似乎想到了自己家族中那位只有自己爷爷能用得动的老头,凌浩这次没有反驳陈森 However he is unable to accept as before, because these people may rescue one in their eyes regard as the mortals of ants? 不过他依旧无法接受,因为那些人怎么可能会救一个在他们眼中视为蝼蚁的凡人? Chen Sen, I believe that if is really these people makes a move, this has the possibility actually, but, you thought that according to appearance that these people keep aloof, will they rescue that pig? On the dull appearance of that pig, they have saved him, what advantage can obtain? Also, is impossible so to be skillful, did that pig just leave the traffic accident exactly bumping into by these people rescues?” 陈森,我相信如果真是那些人出手的话,这倒是有可能,不过,你觉得依照那些人高高在上的样子,他们会去救那头猪吗?就那头猪的呆样子,他们救了他,能得到什么好处?再说了,也不可能就那么巧,那头猪刚出了车祸就恰好被那些人给碰上施救?” Let alone Ling Hao thinks impossible, is Chen Sen thought that this matter is really too the fishy, but except for this possibility, he really could not find out other reason! 别说凌浩觉得不可能,就是陈森都觉得这事儿实在是太蹊跷,可除了这种可能,他实在想不出别的理由了! Young Master Ling, I also know that this somewhat is truly unthinkable, but my Chen Sen can tell you clearly, since I received you 20 million, complies to kill your cheap younger brother, this matter I have truly done, moreover I ensure looks with own eyes your younger brother dies before me, why as for him the bursting with energy appearance, I could not discover other reason! Since any case the person has not died, your 20 million section time I will have thought also means you!” 凌少,我也知道这确实有些匪夷所思,不过我陈森可以明白告诉你,我既然收了你20000000,答应去杀你那个便宜弟弟,这件事我确实是做了,而且我保证是亲眼看着你弟弟死在我面前的,至于他为什么又生龙活虎的出现了,我也找不出别的理由!反正人既然没死,你的20000000过段时间我会想办法还你!” Heard always eats the meat not to spit Chen Sen of bone actually to say 20 million that eating gave back to him, Ling Hao knows that Chen Sen was afraid. 听到一向吃肉不吐骨头的陈森竟然说把吃进去的20000000还给他,凌浩就知道陈森是害怕了。 Chen Sen ruthless is ruthless, is not silly, if during Ling Yun is really is idled to be all right the informed and experienced these people to have no intention to rescue, if he kills again, if stirred up others to move really hot, looked for their family, he may annoy the catastrophe! 陈森狠是狠,却不傻,如果凌云真是被闲着没事出来历练的那些人无意之中救下的,他要是再去杀,万一惹得人家动了真火,找上他们家族,那他可就惹了大祸了! Chen Sen has not been worthwhile, for 20 million mess with this type greatly troublesome! 陈森还犯不着为了20000000沾惹这种大麻烦! Knows that Chen Sen will not begin again, Ling Hao again has not actually forced, but frowns saying: Good, I believe that you truly have done, I give you 2 million to make the laborious fee/spent, remaining you must also come back to me, I also use.” 知道陈森不会再动手了,凌浩却也没有再逼迫,而是皱着眉头说道:“好吧,我相信你确实做过了,我给你2000000做辛苦费,剩下的你得给我还回来,我还有用。” Although Chen Sen in the heart is not feeling well shouts secretly bad luck, but he has approved the view of Ling Hao, then the good intention reminded: Young Master Ling, do you have to think, if your family old gentleman had also found your this cheap younger brother, is he arranges the person to rescue?” 陈森虽然心中不爽暗呼倒霉,不过他还是认可了凌浩的说法,然后好心提醒道:“凌少,你有没有想过,万一你们家老爷子也已经找到你这个便宜弟弟了,是他安排人救下的呢?” This is another reason that Chen Sen does not want to begin again, according to the Ling Family influence, finds a person to look for a needle in a haystack in China, is not difficult, since Ling Hao can find, that Ling Family old gentleman definitely can also find. 这是陈森不想再动手的另一个原因,依照凌家的势力,在华夏找一个人就算是大海捞针,却也不难,既然凌浩能找到,那凌家的老爷子肯定也能找到。 The person who own before Old Master Ling Family sends found Ling Yun, ingenious doing bureau, Ling Yun butchering, this matter has not naturally been able to look up, even if knows finally is own does, clean that can also push greatly. 自己凌家老爷子派出去的人找到凌云之前,巧妙的做局,神不知鬼不觉的把凌云给宰了,这件事自然无从查起,就算最后知道是自己做的,也大可以推的一干二净。 But own killed a time not to kill Ling Yun, the matter was not that simple, because Ling Yun was hit, he was staring at the scene, saw that Ling Yun was dying leaves, has not thought of second day the person then alive and kicking! 自己杀了一次没有把凌云杀死,事情就不是那么简单了,因为凌云被撞的时候,他就在现场盯着,眼看着凌云死翘翘才离开的,可没想到第二天人就活蹦乱跳了! No matter Ling Yun is who rescues, since this person has such big skill, that is not own can stir up! 不管凌云是谁救的,既然这个人有这么大的本事,那就绝不是自己所能惹得起的! If is really the Ling Family old gentleman arranges the person to rescue personally, when he knows that Chen Sen also wants to kill Ling Yun one time unexpectedly again, have't that can kill to visit directly? 如果真是凌家的老爷子亲自安排人救下的,等他知道陈森竟然还想再杀凌云一次,那还不得直接杀上门来? When the time comes was his grandfather Chen Jingtian cannot guarantee him. 到时候就是他爷爷陈敬天也保不了他。 Thinks of this 1-layer, Chen Sen gives Ling Hao to remind. 正是想到这一层,陈森才给凌浩提了个醒。 Ling Hao listened to say decisively: This is impossible, my grandfather has not known that now that bastard in Clear Water City, was good, this matter do not mix, my own arranges!” 凌浩听了断然道:“这不可能,我爷爷现在还不知道那个野种就在清水市,好了,这件事你不要掺和了,我自己来安排吧!” Ling Hao said that has hung up telephone, at this time his complexion is somewhat fierce, is somewhat strange, gloomy fearfulness. 凌浩说完就挂断了电话,此时他的脸色有些狰狞,又有些古怪,阴沉的可怕。 Let slip! Moreover bewilderment that lets slip! 失手了!而且失手的莫名其妙! Must die person without doubt unexpectedly also live well, this lets Ling Hao is really somewhat depressed. 必死无疑的人竟然还活的好好的,这让凌浩实在是有些郁闷。 Ling Hao is the Ling Family eldest son eldest grandson, his father Ling Zhen is the Ling Family current head of the clan, therefore he will be most likely becomes Ling Clan in the future the candidate of head of the clan! 凌浩凌家的长子长孙,他父亲凌震凌家的现任族长,因此他是最有可能成为凌氏家族未来族长的人选! But this position cannot say that is his it's in the bag, first some of various his own aspect very outstanding blood brothers had not said, under the Second Uncle Ling Yue knee also two child females, only own Third Uncle Ling Xiao marry under the later knee not to have the child, only has a 16-year-old daughter. 可是这个位置绝不能说就是他的囊中之物,首先他自己还有个各方面都很优秀的亲弟弟不说,二叔凌岳膝下也有两子一女,唯独自己三叔凌啸结婚之后膝下无子,只有一个16岁的女儿。 Therefore Ling Hao has become estranged and found way to suppress the own blood younger brother and Second Uncle, instead wins over intimate own Third Uncle this lineage/vein desirably, is good in competing for the process of family head of the clan has many support. 因此凌浩一直疏远并且想办法打压自己的亲弟弟和二叔一家,反而刻意拉拢亲近自己三叔这一脉,好在争夺家族族长的过程中得到更多的支持。 Who would have thought several days ago, Third Uncle Ling Xiao does not know that which nerve built mistakenly, went with the own grandfather unexpectedly on own initiative, was genuine helmsman Ling Lie of family confessed all, said the matter of own also illegitimate child, just a birth threw the wilderness open country, appointed it ran its own course. 哪知就在几天前,三叔凌啸不知道哪根神经搭错了,竟然主动去跟自己的爷爷,也就是家族的真正掌舵人凌烈坦白了一切,说出自己还有一个私生子的事情,刚一出生就扔到了荒郊野外,任其自生自灭。 Old Master Ling Lie knew this erupts the anger of thunder afterward, a foot kicked out of the door to go from the ancestral temple Ling Xiao, the heavenshaking sound that the table patted, requested to lean the strength of family also to find out own this to wander about destitute outside grandson's whereabouts, how said the bloodlines of any Ling Family to be able the vagrant street! 凌烈老爷子知道了这件事后爆发雷霆之怒,一脚把凌啸从祠堂里踢飞到门外去了,桌子拍的震天响,要求倾家族之力也要查出自己这个流落在外面的孙子的下落,说什么凌家的血脉怎么可以流浪街头! Three people competed the position of Family Head he to dislike with Ling Hao in the future, now such one noisy, presented the fourth person, moreover was a bastard, this made Ling Hao unable to bear kill the heart to send greatly! 有三个人跟凌浩竞争未来家主之位他就已经嫌多了,现在这么一闹,又出现了第四个人,而且还是一个野种,这让凌浩忍不住杀心大发! Then Ling Hao excels at making the position, uses all manpower financial resource physical resources that own has been able to use, did not count at all costs to first find Ling Yun. 然后凌浩擅做主张,动用了自己可以用的所有人力财力物力,不计一切代价都要抢先找到凌云 But all these, as if also obtained his father, current family head of the clan tacitly consenting to of Ling Zhen, to his unseemly behavior, simply has not prevented recklessly. 而这一切,似乎也得到了他父亲,现任家族族长的凌震的默许,任由他肆意妄为,根本没有阻止。 The Ling Family influence is huge, can find a person not to be simple in this information developed time really? 凌家的势力何等庞大,在这个信息发达的时代真要找一个人还不简单? Let alone Ning Lingyu mother rigid has not changed name to Ling Yun, moreover after picking Ling Yun, to he falls the registered permanent address time in Public Security Bureau prepares settles a case. 何况宁灵雨的母亲执着的没有给凌云改名字,而且还在捡到凌云之后,给他落户口的时候在公安局里备了案。 Therefore did not leave for three days, Ling Hao knew the Ling Yun's whereabouts, after compared in every way, finally confirmed that Ling Yun Ling Xiao lost outside illegitimate child! 因此不出三天,凌浩就已经知道了凌云的下落,经过多方对照,终于确认凌云正是凌啸丢在外面的私生子! Kills the heart already Ling Hao, after looking up the Ling Yun's whereabouts, had found immediately Chen Sen, permits by 20 million, making his god not know that ghost doing does not fall Ling Yun! 杀心已起的凌浩,查到凌云的下落之后,立即就找到了陈森,许以20000000,让他神不知鬼不的做掉凌云 So long as in the world did not have Ling Yun this person, but also who can find? Even if had found, what a deceased person can bring to threaten to him? 只要世界上没有了凌云这个人,还有谁能找到?就算找到了,一个死人又能给他带来什么威胁? Who would have thought the plans of people are inferior to those of heaven, Ling Yun has not died unexpectedly! 哪知人算不如天算,凌云竟然没死! Although unthinkable, but Ling Hao believes that own arranges the Clear Water City findings person not to deceive him. 虽然匪夷所思,可凌浩相信自己安排去清水市调查结果的人不会骗他。 Has not thought that the life of this bastard is really big! This cannot die!” “没想到这个野种的命还真大啊!这样都死不了!” In Ling Hao a smoke, has attracted two silently, thought aloud there. 凌浩点上一颗烟,默默地吸了两口,在那里自言自语。 Chen Sen feared, but his Ling Hao did not fear, has Ling Zhen tacitly consenting to and support secretly, kills one also not by the illegitimate child who the family found, in the Ling Hao eye, cannot be regarded anything! 陈森怕,但是他凌浩不怕,有凌震暗地里的默许和支持,杀死一个还没有被家族找到的私生子,在凌浩眼里,根本算不得什么! Don't the juniors of which respected family fight life and death for the status of successor? 哪个大家族的子弟为了继承人的身份不是斗个你死我活? Ling Hao smoked a smoke, the vicious color in eye flashed not to have, picked up the phone to dial a number once more. 凌浩抽完了一颗烟,眼中的狠毒之色一闪而没,再次拿起电话拨了一个号码。 Looks for several killers to me, goes to the Jiangnan Province Clear Water City first middle school, has killed to me Ling Yun, bringing the corpse to come back! The quicker the better!” “给我找几个杀手,去江南省清水市第一中学,把凌云给我杀了,带尸体回来!越快越好!” Had the previous lesson, this time he studied clever, died, then must see the corpse! 有了上次的教训,这次他学乖了,死要见尸 After arranging, the Ling Hao look started becomes excited evil different, lifted the hand to press the button that nearby request has served. 安排完了之后,凌浩的眼神开始变得兴奋邪异起来,抬手摁下了旁边要求服务的按钮。 Two sexy irritable foreign country beautiful women who exited a moment ago came in quickly, continue to start their warm services. 刚才出去的两个性感火爆的外国美女很快进来,继续开始她们的热情服务。 .................. ……………… Qingshui High School, male student Dormitory Building, 30 five dormitory. 清水一中,男生宿舍楼,30五宿舍 After achieving Body Refining First Layer, Ling Yun carries sandbag to run with the speed of hundred meters sprint, only used for several minutes to return to dormitory. 达到练体一层之后,凌云扛着沙袋用百米冲刺的速度奔跑,只用了几分钟就回到了宿舍里。 It is not out of the anticipation, the dormitory gate is unlatched, after Ling Yun goes, sets upright the sandbag is putting toward the corner, then tying up the sandbag on both legs also solved. 不出意料,宿舍门是虚掩着的,凌云进去之后把沙袋竖着往墙角一放,然后把绑在双腿上的沙袋也解了下来。 Ling Yun goes to the waterhouse to take a shower, the gym suit that also soaks the whole body washes to dry in the sun cleanly, this returns to dormitory, lies rests on the own bed. 凌云去水房冲了个澡,又把全身湿透的运动服洗干净晾好,这才回到宿舍,躺在自己的床上休息。 Body Refining First Layer, if achieves the Body Refining Fourth Stage level, should be able to use spiritual energy in within the body with ease.” 练体一层了,如果达到练体四层,应该就可以轻松使用体内的灵气了。” Does not have the silver needle in the hand, but also really thought that has been short of anything, how regardless of tomorrow must buy the silver needle.” “没有银针在手,还真是觉得少了点儿什么,明天无论如何也要把银针买回来。” Silver needle regarding Ling Yun, not only can treat the illness to save the patient, but also sets at the person in deathtrap fatal weapon, he understood that the meridians of human body, acupoint, closes one's eyes to be able each life and death of person to want the hole referring. 银针对于凌云来说,不但可以治病救人,而且还是置人于死地的致命武器,他了解人体的经脉,穴道,闭着眼睛都能把人身上的每个生死要穴给指出来。 He has the unique skill of set of flying needle, by his Body Refining First Layer boundary, which dozen in ten meters refers to absolutely, therefore, silver needle is not only the tool that Ling Yun treats the illness to save the patient, is the murder seizes the life weapon. 他有一套飞针的绝技,以他练体一层的境界,十米之内绝对是指哪打哪,因此,银针不但是凌云治病救人的工具,也是杀人夺命的武器 Is only, where can this type of silver needle go to buy?” “只是,这种银针得去哪儿才能买到呢?” Actually today brings Tang Meng is going shopping, Ling Yun wants on the way the silver needle buying, him has feared Tang Meng to ask that east asked the west, own was not good to explain, has not bought. 其实今天带着唐猛买东西的时候,凌云就想顺道把银针给买了,他怕唐猛问东问西,自己不好解释,才没有买。 A high-school student of own preparation college entrance examination buys the silver needle, definitely will bring to others' attention, therefore Ling Yun has plundered in the own mind before sleeping carefully pitiful memory fragments, finally reminded him of a thing! 自己一个准备高考的高中生去买银针,肯定会引起别人的注意,因此凌云在睡觉之前仔细搜刮了自己脑海中可怜的记忆残片,终于让他想起了一种东西! Acupuncture! 针灸!
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