DEMG :: Volume #1

#43: The fan does not die you

Saturday morning. 周六早晨。 Although Ling Yun was yesterday evening rests latest, may get out of bed is actually earliest. 凌云虽然是昨晚上睡的最晚的,可起床却是最早的。 After he gets out of bed, has not disturbed others, but went to the waterhouse to wash simply, then went downstairs dormitory. 他起床之后,并没有打扰别人,只是去水房简单洗漱了一下,然后下楼出了宿舍 He arrived on Sports Field of school. 他又来到了学校的操场上。 However this time, Ling Yun has not carried the sandbag to get down, but has tied the arms two small sandbags in the calf. 不过这次,凌云并没有扛着沙袋下来,只是在小腿上绑了两个小沙袋而已。 Yesterday morning jogged really to make the noise is too big, according to Ling Yun Body Refining First Layer cultivation level, carries more than 50 jin (0.5 kg) sandbags to run now 20-30 radically with hands down, that shocked everybody. 昨天上午跑步闹得动静实在是太大,依照凌云现在练体一层修为,扛着50多斤的沙袋跑个二三十圈根本不费吹灰之力,那就太惊世骇俗了。 Ling Yun has about understood now, bottom line that in this world the mortal general knowledge can accept, he decided, did not carry on Body Refining in the daytime. 凌云现在已经大致了解了,这个世界上凡人常识所能接受的底线,他决定以后再也不在白天进行练体了。 Therefore Ling Yun comes on Sports Field to jog, simple activity physique. 因此凌云只是来操场上跑跑步,简单的活动一下筋骨。 Naturally, the Ling Yun main goal wants to catch up before Sun comes out, revolution own Great Evolving Stars Secret Art, absorbs Sun's Essence. 当然,凌云最主要的目的还是想赶在太阳出来之前,运转自己大衍聚星宝诀,吸收太阳精华 practice Great Evolving Stars Secret Art, uses the Cultivation Technique continuous absorption the Sun, the Moon and the Stars essence actually, achieves transforms own physique goal gradually. 修炼大衍聚星宝诀,其实就是利用功法持续不断的吸收日月和星辰的精华,达到逐步改造自身体质的目的。 Display of vigour and vitality, Sun's essence is most abundant, Ling Yun is certainly impossible to let off. 旭日东升,日精最盛,凌云当然不可能放过。 This world only then a Sun, a moon, making Ling Yun quite helpless, Cultivation Big World that he is , the space has two solar five moon. 只是这个世界只有一个太阳,一个月亮,让凌云颇为无奈,他所在的修真大世界,天上可是有两个太阳五个月亮的。 Must say that the understanding the astronomy, Ling Yun can say does not lose to this planet any astronomer, because after Cultivation Big World Ling Yun had the flying through the skies or escaping through the ground ability, he flies that five moon to come up by oneself to travel. 要说对天文的了解,凌云可以说不输给这个星球上任何一位天文学家,因为在修真大世界凌云拥有了飞天遁地的能力之后,他可是飞到那五个月亮上去亲身游历过的。 This regarding Cultivation Big World Nascent Soul Stage above cultivating true cultivator, is really is similar to the child urinates with the game that the mud plays, is nothing to speak of radically. 这对于修真大世界元婴期以上的修真者来说,实在是如同小孩尿尿和泥玩的游戏,根本不值一提。 Naturally, Ling Yun went to moon, actually does not dare to fly to above Sun, let alone Transcends Tribulation Stage, is Earth Immortal of big accomplishment time does not dare to approach the solar surface, their state of mind entirely to extinguish who Sun's Essence Fire of that terrifying can burn! 当然,凌云只是去过月亮,却不敢飞临太阳之上,别说渡劫期,就是大成期的地仙也不敢靠近太阳表面,那恐怖的大日精火会烧的他们神魂俱灭! Crossed Heavenly Tribulation Earth Immortal also eventually is cultivating true cultivator, before flying upwards to become genuine immortal, they do not dare to accept roasting of Sun's True Fire to roast with the body of own! 渡过了天劫地仙也终究不过是修真者,在飞升成为真正的仙人之前,他们也不敢用自己的身体去接受大日真火的炙烤! Ling Yun gathered round school Sports Field to run several, in Sun just revealed red slightly side, everywhere ten thousand multi-colored sunlight time, he has anchored the footsteps, facing direction that Sun raised, stimulated to movement Great Evolving Stars Secret Art crazily. 凌云围着学校操场跑了十几圈,就在太阳刚刚露出一个红色小边,漫天万道霞光的时候,他停住了脚步,面对太阳升起的方向,疯狂催动大衍聚星宝诀 Faint trace Sun's Essence that the naked eye cannot see had been inhaled within the body by Ling Yun, under the revolution of Great Evolving Stars Secret Art, starts to transform Ling Yun's physique slowly. 肉眼看不见的丝丝太阳精华凌云吸入了体内,在大衍聚星宝诀的运转之下,开始缓慢改造凌云的体质 It can be said that this process is very slow, absorption Sun's Essence is also few, is short to Ling Yun almost could not sense that had Sun's Essence to enter within the body. 可以说,这个过程很慢,吸收的太阳精华也很少,少到凌云几乎觉不出有太阳精华进入了体内。 After all is only then Body Refining First Layer cultivation level, just started practice Great Evolving Stars Secret Art after all, Ling Yun very clear this point, therefore he has the patience very much. 毕竟是只有练体一层修为,毕竟是刚刚开始修炼大衍聚星宝诀,凌云非常明白这一点,因此他很有耐心。 Only crossed a half hour of time, Sun completely appeared in the East, Ling Yun also no longer desirably absorbs Sun's Essence. 只过了半个小时的时间,太阳就已经完全出现在东方,凌云也不再刻意吸收太阳精华了。 Transforming physique needs to accumulate over a long period of time, the matter that does not get it done in one action, botches it by rushing. 改造体质需要日积月累,绝非一蹴而就的事情,欲速则不达。 At this time, is about 6 : 30, but on Sports Field of school started to live it up. 这时候,也就是六点半左右,可学校的操场上已经开始热闹了起来。 today is on Saturday, the high high two students do not attend class on Saturday on Sunday, most of them have gone home the weekend, but still somewhat left home far has not gone back, the student who likes the sports early arrives on Sports Field to exercise. 今天是周六,高一高二的学生周六周日不上课,他们大多数都回家过周末了,但仍然有些离家远的没有回去,其中爱好体育的学生早早地来到操场上锻炼身体。 Plays the basketball, kicks football, early morning runs,...... High three sports scholarship students. 打篮球的,踢足球的,晨跑的,还有……高三的体育特长生。 Body Refining nurtures, just like the boat sailing against the current, if unable to move forward , one will inevitably lag behind, at distance college entrance examination, only then under two months of situation, the sports teacher was impossible to make them interrupt the exercise. 练体育,犹如逆水行舟,不进则退,在距离高考只有两个月的情况下,体育老师不可能让他们中断了锻炼。 Chen Zhiye has made the warming-up exercise simply, just about to starts to jog, looks to arrive Ling Yun on Sports Field. 成志业简单做了一下热身运动,刚要开始跑步的时候,就看到了站在操场上的凌云 Well, isn't that Ling Yun? This fellow big morning and comes on Sports Field to do? Do not ask me to jog taking advantage of the sandbag?” “咦,那不是凌云吗?这家伙大早晨的又来操场上干什么?不会是又要找我借沙袋跑步吧?” Ling Yun had shaken seven meat eight elements him yesterday, making him be subject to the attack, rested not to recover in the evening, now sees Ling Yun, taking for granted thinks that he was borrows the sandbag to jog. 凌云昨天把他震了个七荤八素,让他倍受打击,休息了一个晚上都没回过神来,现在看到凌云,想当然的就以为他又是来借沙袋跑步的。 Ling Yun looked at this time exactly. 凌云这时候恰好看了过来。 However his vision is staring is actually not Chen Zhiye, but is the Xie Junyan little brother, that special practices mixed martial arts Li Lei. 不过他的目光盯着的却不是成志业,而是谢俊彦的小弟,那个专项练习散打李磊 Ling Yun has smiled all of a sudden, but also is really the enemies often cross each other's path! 凌云一下子笑了,还真是冤家路窄啊! Actually he does not know, Li Lei instructed by Xie Junyan, led 78 people to stop up him in the school entrance yesterday evening, but Ling Yun exited last night, is jumps the wall to exit, has not walked the school main entrance, therefore two sides have not met. 其实他不知道,李磊谢俊彦的授意下,昨晚上带着78个人在校门口堵过他,只是凌云昨晚出去的时候,是跳墙出去的,没走学校正门,所以两方没有遇到。 Although Ling Yun respectfully follows the own low-key low-key again low-key principle, but that must divide any matter. 凌云虽然谨遵自己低调低调低调的原则,可那要分什么事。 Regarding dares to find his troublesome person on own initiative, Ling Yun always at the scene suppresses! 对于敢主动找他麻烦的人,凌云从来都是当场镇压! Hits exception. 打不过的除外。 own cannot hit, naturally is many runs away first far, hits must stand there waits to be stepped on? 自己打不过的,当然是先有多远逃多远,难道打不过还要站在那里等着被人踩? As for shameless, these two characters simply do not have in the Ling Yun's dictionary. 至于无耻,这俩字在凌云的字典里根本没有。 Therefore saw Li Lei that big form, reveals including the dimple that on the face that Ling Yun smiled already vanished does not see. 因此看到李磊那高大的身影,凌云笑的连脸上早就消失不见的酒窝都露了出来。 He walked slowly and aimlessly four measured steps to walk toward Li Lei at a moderate pace. 他不紧不慢地踱着四方步就朝着李磊走了过去。 „Was Li Lei, what kind of yesterday? Was blocking Ling Yun?” A sports scholarship student knows that Li Lei white/in vain by Ling Yun that sandbag, on own initiative will definitely not ask. 李磊,昨天怎么样啊?拦着凌云了吗?”一个体育特长生知道李磊肯定不会白挨凌云那一沙袋,主动问道。 Li Lei height one meter 88, body is very the capable overwhelming power, a shank meat, light upper body, but the left upper arm has bulk silt to swell the blue and purple, above is pasting two plastering abreast in row. 李磊身高一米88,身体很是精壮威猛,一身的腱子肉,光着上身,只是左上臂有一大块淤肿青紫,上面并排贴着两贴膏药。 That naturally was yesterday by a Ling Yun sandbag pounding. 那当然是昨天被凌云一沙袋给砸的。 Snort, after he was on vacation from school yesterday afternoon, continuously with Tang Meng in the same place, after the dinner , the school that also together returns, absolutely does not have on late to study by oneself!” “哼,他昨天下午放学以后就一直跟唐猛在一起,晚饭以后也是一块儿回的学校,根本就没有上晚自习!” Yesterday evening nine o''clock were many I to go to their dormitory to look for him, finally in dormitory also locks a door, does not know that which he hid!” “昨晚上九点多我去他们宿舍找他了,结果宿舍里也锁着门,不知道他躲哪儿去了!” Ling Yun around 8 : 00 pm last night and Tang Meng gave Ning Lingyu to deliver the cell phone, after having angered Xie Junyan and Zhuang Meina, Xie Junyan gave Li Lei to send the short note, making him have the person to teach Ling Yun well. 凌云昨晚八点多和唐猛去给宁灵雨送手机,惹怒了谢俊彦庄美娜之后,谢俊彦就给李磊发了短信,让他带人好好教训一下凌云 Finally Li Lei led the person to go to the third year class 6 classroom, went to Ling Yun's 30 five dormitory, the mistake arising out of chance circumstances, has not stopped up Ling Yun, he thinks that Ling Yun heard the news, has hidden intentionally. 结果李磊带着人去了高三六班教室,也去了凌云的30五宿舍,阴差阳错,就是没有堵到凌云,他以为凌云听到了消息,故意躲藏了起来。 Therefore leads the person to stop up Ling Yun in the school entrance, no matter like this Ling Yun is returns to the school or must exit, they can block his suddenly/violently to beat up. 于是就带着人在校门口堵凌云,这样不管凌云是回学校还是要出去,他们就都能拦着他暴揍一顿。 But who knows that Ling Yun had not walked the main entrance last night, moreover returns to dormitory until around 1 : 00 am. 可谁知道凌云昨晚根本就没走正门,而且直到凌晨一点多才回到宿舍 Li Lei they naturally came up empty-handed! 李磊他们自然就扑了个空! Also came up empty-handed luckily, must otherwise, they not know that was punched any appearance last night by Ling Yun! 也幸亏扑了个空,要不然的话,昨晚他们还不知道被凌云揍成什么样子呢! Although Li Lei knew Ling Yun yesterday afternoon after school beating savagely Gou Junfa, but he does not pay attention to Ling Yun as before. 虽然李磊已经知道凌云昨天下午放学后勾俊发给暴打了一顿,可他依旧不把凌云放在眼里。 Li Lei lifted the right hand to stroke silt on the left arm to be blue, continued to clench jaws bitterly saying that: Yesterday this idiot pulled out hails to pound my, Tang Meng was protecting him, I projected on the hospital to go him at the scene, so long as today made me look for him, looked that I did not make him kneel beg for mercy!” 李磊抬起右手抚摸了一下左臂上的淤青,继续恨恨不已咬牙切齿的说道:“昨天这个蠢货抽冷子砸了我一下,要不是唐猛护着他,我当场就把他打到医院里去了,今天只要让我找着他,看我不让他跪地求饶!” Li Lei has not perceived approaching of danger slightly, but also there boast shamelessly. 李磊丝毫没有觉察到危险的临近,还在那里大言不惭 Does not need to look, I came......” “不用找,我来了……” At this time Ling Yun arrived at Li Lei behind 78 meters distant place, naturally heard Li Lei final these words, he smiled. 这时候凌云已经来到了李磊身后78米远处,当然听到了李磊最后这句话,他笑了。 The Li Lei pupil shrinks suddenly, turns head suddenly, then he saw at a moderate pace toward Ling Yun that he walks. 李磊瞳孔骤缩,霍然回头,然后他就看到了不紧不慢朝他走来的凌云 In the Li Lei eye flashes through a brutal expression, was similar to the wolf saw the own prey was common, narrows the eye to move forward to meet somebody. 李磊眼中闪过一丝残酷的表情,如同狼看到了自己的猎物一般,眯着眼睛迎了上去。 Fat Pig, the courage is not small, how last night to frighten to hide?” 胖猪,胆子不小嘛,昨晚怎么吓得躲起来了?” Also thinks Li Lei to the present, Ling Yun was to fear him yesterday evening retaliates, frightens to hide. 李磊到现在还以为,凌云昨晚上是怕他报复,吓得躲起来了。 Ling Yun with one type the vision that pities and sympathy looks at Li Lei, is very speechless. Hid? I had not found time to look for you yesterday, making you jump da for day, poured me to hide you? 凌云用一种怜悯和同情的目光看着李磊,很是无语。躲起来了?我昨天也就是没抽出空来找你,让你多蹦跶一天,倒成了我躲着你了? Li Lei stands firm in the Ling Yun body previous meter place, sees Ling Yun not to reply, therefore sneers saying: Fat Pig, you want to come with I apologize? I told you, useless, today was Tang Meng cannot save you!” 李磊凌云身前一米处站定,见凌云没有答话,于是冷笑道:“胖猪,你是想来跟我道歉的吧?我告诉你,没用,今天就是唐猛都救不了你!” Ling Yun like looking at the clown looks at Li Lei, has not spoken as before. 凌云像看小丑一样看着李磊,依旧没有说话。 Classmates that the distant place, on Sports Field moves saw that two people confronts. 远处,操场上活动的同学看到了两人对峙的一幕。 Looked quickly that isn't Ling Yun and practices mixed martial arts Li Lei? Their two to!” “快看,那不是凌云和练习散打李磊吗?他们两个对上了!” Also is really Ling Yun, he does not know that Li Lei everyday does come Body Refining to nurture in the morning? Also dares to arrive at Sports Field to come up unexpectedly!” “还真是凌云,他不知道李磊每天早晨都来练体育吗?竟然还敢到操场上来!” I thought he comes with the Li Lei apology?” “我看他是来跟李磊道歉的吧?” You are not understanding! Hasn't heard? Yesterday Ling Yun gave to step on Gou Junfa, can today give the Li Lei apology? I looked that is punches Li Lei also almost......” “你懂个屁!没听说么?昨天凌云勾俊发都给踩了,今天会来给李磊道歉?我看是来揍李磊的还差不多……” „Does Ling Yun punch Li Lei? Is impossible, Gou Junfa that physique fight naturally cannot hit Ling Yun, but Li Lei practices mixed martial arts, Ling Yun definitely cannot hit him!” 凌云李磊?不可能吧,勾俊发那身板打架自然打不过凌云,可李磊是练散打的,凌云肯定打不过他!” Walks, goes to take a look at did not know......” “走,过去看看不就知道了……” A while free time, many students ran to encircle. 一会儿工夫,很多学生都跑着围了上来。 As if felt the look that Ling Yun pitied to despise, Li Lei remembers suddenly by a Ling Yun sandbag is pounded to pour yesterday in the picture of place, immediately sinking sound said: Stupid pig, heard that you liked stepping on the person over the two days very much, likes pulling out the face of person very much, today I makes you recall, own was stepped on, by the fan face is any taste!” 似乎感受到了凌云怜悯加蔑视的眼神,李磊突然想起了昨天被凌云一沙袋砸倒在地的画面,顿时沉声道:“蠢猪,听说你这两天很喜欢踩人,很喜欢抽人的脸,今天我就让你回忆回忆,自己被人踩,被搧脸是什么滋味!” He was already impatient, said that before bullying the body, left hand made a defensive the posture, the right hand brandishes to wield, according to the Ling Yun's face then fan! 他早就不耐烦了,说完,欺身上前,左手做出一个防守的姿势,右手抡圆了挥出,照着凌云的脸就扇了过来! Yesterday by Ling Yun cloudy, he ate owes oversized, today added certainly carefully. 昨天被凌云阴了一下,他吃过大亏,今天当然加了小心。 Ling Yun moves to be disinclined. 只是,凌云动都懒得动一下。 When palm wind passes through the ear, Ling Yun slightly will be supine in the future raising head, making the Li Lei swift and violent fingertip paste the own tip of the nose to sweep. 等到掌风贯耳,凌云才微微往后仰了仰头,让李磊迅猛的指尖贴着自己的鼻尖扫了过去。 Then the Ling Yun's right hand lifts like lightning, held the right hand of Li Lei all of a sudden, makes an effort with the strength, pushes toward the Li Lei bosom fiercely, left hand is also studying then the Li Lei appearance, according to the face of Li Lei then fan in the past! 然后凌云的右手闪电般抬起,一下子抓住了李磊的右手,借力用力,猛地往李磊的怀里一推,然后左手也学着李磊的样子,照着李磊的脸就扇了过去! The Li Lei strength is very big, but he has not thought that the Ling Yun's strength is bigger than him! Is much bigger! 李磊的力气很大,可他万万没有想到凌云的力气比他还大!大得多! bang! 啪! bang! 啪! Two palm of the hand sounds almost also resound, first, was the Li Lei right hand fan on the own Yu Zhong left arm, second naturally was the Ling Yun's palm of the hand numerous fans on the face of Li Lei! 两个巴掌声音几乎同时响起,第一声,是李磊的右手扇在了自己於肿的左臂上,第二声当然是凌云的巴掌重重的扇在了李磊的脸上! Ling Yun is disinclined, fights is not always willing to take a little effort, most likes borrowing the strength to hit the strength! 凌云懒得很,打架从来都不愿意多费一点儿力气,最喜欢借力打力! Li Lei has brandished the arm fan Ling Yun's face, after he avoids with ease, again borrows the strength fiercely to push, the right arm of Li Lei was hit by that big strength, cannot receive, numerous then the fan on the own left arm, as the matter stands, Ling Yun did not remove the hand, his right arm has been keeping off the own left arm, tied up the hands and feet radically, share that only then came under attack! 李磊抡圆了胳膊扇凌云的脸,被他轻松躲开之后,再借力猛地一推,李磊的右臂被那么大的力道一撞,根本收不住,重重的就扇在了自己的左臂上,这样一来,凌云不撤手,他的右臂就一直挡着自己的左臂,根本就是自缚手脚了,只有挨打的份儿! The Ling Yun expression is invariable, is smiling as before, but the right hand such as the steel pliers are pressing the right arm of Li Lei generally stubbornly, will push the Li Lei tread tread tread in the future but actually! 凌云表情不变,依旧微笑着,只是右手如钢钳一般死死按着李磊的右臂,推得李磊蹬蹬蹬往后倒! Meanwhile, Ling Yun's left hand was busy at work, he shot first with one hand and then the other, the pro and con counter- fan Li Lei twenty slap in the face, until have hit Li Lei thoroughly ignorant, stopped. 同时,凌云的左手就忙活开了,他左右开弓,正正反反扇了李磊二十几个耳光,直到彻底把李磊打懵了,才停了下来。 The audience are silent, only then pā pā pā pā clear grating fan face sound! 全场寂静无声,只有“啪啪啪啪”清脆刺耳的搧脸声音! All people stayed, as the saying goes hits person of not a slap in the face, even if a slap in the face, so is so simple like rampantly so overbearing that Ling Yun hits, but also is really rarely seen! 所有人都呆了,俗话说打人不打脸,就算是打脸,像凌云打的这么嚣张这么霸道这么干脆的,还真不多见!
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