DEMG :: Volume #1

#44: school beauty great change

This face pulls out! Really was too exciting, satisfied a craving!” “这脸抽的!实在是太刺激了,太过瘾了!” Li Lei ended, was hit by Ling Yun directly silly!” 李磊完了,直接被凌云打傻了!” All person dumbstruck looks at Li Lei hit one, until now was unable to believe Li Lei that in the school most can hit was punched this by Ling Yun! 所有人都目瞪口呆的看着李磊被打的一幕,直到现在还不敢相信学校里最能打的李磊凌云揍成了这样! After Li Lei in first is miserably howling, again has not made the sound, he was been muddled by the Ling Yun fan! 李磊在第一声惨嚎过后,就再也没有发出过声音,他已经被凌云搧糊涂了! After Ling Yun left hand stops, his swollen the face like pig still swings about. 就在凌云左手停下之后,他已经肿的像猪头一样的脸还在一个劲儿的左右摆动。 Li Lei at present braves Gold Star, only thought that in front of own person's shadow numerous, whom actually cannot distinguish clearly is who! 李磊的眼前直冒金星,只觉得自己前面人影重重,却根本分不清谁是谁! Ling Yun anchored left hand, the right hand also dispersed the arm of Li Lei, he believes that at this time Li Lei could not distinguish clearly including the east, south, west, and north. 凌云停住左手,右手也撒开了李磊的胳膊,他相信这时候李磊已经连东南西北都分不清了。 Good that you said that the taste of fan face, you should understand now very much?” “你说的不错,被人搧脸的滋味儿,现在你应该很了解了吧?” Ling Yun asked grinningly. 凌云笑嘻嘻问道。 Original Ling Yun wants to teach Li Lei, making him know the pain, later honest also finished up. 本来凌云只是想教训一下李磊,让他知道痛,以后老老实实的也就完事了。 But Li Lei thousand should not ten thousand not should, to work as calling of Ling Yun's surface stupid pig, what is stupider, he actually also thinks the fan Ling Yun's face! 李磊千不该万不该,当着凌云的面一口一个蠢猪的叫,更愚蠢的是,他竟然还想搧凌云的脸! Since thinks that fan Ling Yun's face, that must have by the consciousness of Ling Yun fan face. 既然想搧凌云的脸,那就要有被凌云搧脸的觉悟。 After "Ah!" enough one minute, Li Lei gradually resumed the consciousness, has remembered miserably howling! “啊!”足足一分钟之后,李磊才逐渐恢复了意识,想起了惨嚎! He lifted the hand to make an effort to rub both eyes of own, was crazy to throw toward Ling Yun. 他抬起手使劲揉了揉自己的双眼,然后疯狂朝着凌云扑了过来。 I and you spelled!” “我和你拼了!” Returns mixed martial arts? Also style and repertoire? Already forgot beyond the highest heavens to go, Li Lei is just the instinct of person responds now! 散打?还招式和套路?早就忘到九霄云外去了,李磊现在只不过是人的本能反应而已! Looks that Li Lei staggered along is similar to greatly stupid bear same plunges own, looked at his one eyes that Ling Yun disdained, lifted starts, when the chest trampled to turn him in the place! 看着李磊跌跌撞撞如同大笨熊一样扑向自己,凌云不屑的看了他一眼,抬起脚当胸就把他踹翻在地! However the Ling Yun's strength acts bashful is very ingenious, his present strength of legs, a foot can fly high to kick more than 20 meters far more than 50 jin (0.5 kg) sandbags, if with full power, at the scene kicking to abandon Li Lei! 不过凌云的劲道拿捏的很巧妙,他现在的脚力,一脚能把50多斤的沙袋凌空踢飞20多米远,要是用全力的话,当场就把李磊给踢废了! After trampling turned Li Lei, Ling Yun takes advantage of opportunity one step to step forward, a foot has stepped on his chest! 踹翻了李磊之后,凌云顺势一步跨出,一脚就踩上了他的胸口! Boy, later the speech mouth wants cleanly, before wants to look for a job, must think over the own weight, some people are not you can stir up!” “小子,以后说话嘴巴要干净点儿,想找事儿之前要掂量掂量自己的斤两,有些人不是你能惹得起的!” Ling Yun said that does not have to be again what kind to Li Lei, does not attend to surrounding Classmates called out in alarm with all sorts of comments intermittently, walking that did not return. 凌云说完,也没有再对李磊怎样,不顾周围同学的阵阵惊呼和议论纷纷,头也不回的走了。 If others let me alone, I'll let them alone! If I am attacked, I will certainly counterattack! 人不犯我,我不犯人人若犯我,我必踩之 Tu Gang wants to be badly beaten with Ling Yun that the beverage bottle pounds, he who then Ling Yun pounds is badly beaten! 屠刚想用酒瓶砸的凌云头破血流,那么凌云就砸的他头破血流! Li Lei thinks the fan Ling Yun's face, then Ling Yun then ruthlessly the face of fan Li Lei! 李磊想搧凌云的脸,那么凌云就狠狠搧李磊的脸! These people are not including the ants in the Ling Yun eye, the Ling Yun's ability has not arrived to disregard the legal the degree, these people dare to provoke Ling Yun, that fate is one, the death! 要不是这些人在凌云眼里连蝼蚁都算不上,要不是凌云的能力还没有到无视法律的程度,这些人敢招惹凌云,那下场就是一个,死! The egg that the people will not idle hurts to look for the ant of ground to step on crazily fiercely, only then the ant crawled on own, met a palm of the hand to pat. 人不会闲的蛋疼去找着地上的蚂蚁疯狂猛踩,只有蚂蚁爬到了自己身上了,才会一巴掌拍死。 Li Lei Tu Gang Gou Junfa these people, in the Ling Yun eye, with crawling in ant not different. 李磊屠刚勾俊发这些人,在凌云眼里,就和爬在身上的蚂蚁无异。 Chen Zhiye looks at the back that Ling Yun goes far away dull, the look complex. 成志业呆呆地看着凌云远去的背影,眼神复杂至极。 Ling Yun stepped on Wei Tiangan in dormitory, the fan Jia Meng, it can be said that received the stimulation of Cao Shanshan to explain. 凌云宿舍里踩了韦天干,扇了贾猛,可以说是受到了曹珊珊的刺激来解释。 But Ling Yun stepped on Gou Junfa yesterday, explained? Ling Yun today was working as these many person crazy fans Li Lei, explained? 凌云昨天踩了勾俊发,怎么解释?凌云今天又当着这么多人狂搧了李磊,又怎么解释? Only has an explanation: That was Ling Yun truly changed, was not good-for-nothing waste that lets the person to bully! 只有一个解释:那就是凌云真正的变了,再也不是那个任人欺负的窝囊废了! Thinks of here, Chen Zhiye rejoiced suddenly very much, luckily before own, has not provoked Ling Yun! Otherwise...... 想到这里,成志业忽然很庆幸,幸好自己以前没有招惹过凌云!要不然…… Gou Junfa and Li Lei are the best examples! 勾俊发李磊就是最好的例子! Ling Yun returns to dormitory, goes to the school canteen to have the breakfast with Chai Hanlin that just got out of bed together, two people accompanied to come to the third year class 6 classroom. 凌云回到宿舍,和刚起床的柴翰林一起去学校食堂吃过早饭,两个人就结伴来到了高三六班教室。 Ling Yun Li Lei fan! Crazy fan more than 20 slap in the face! 凌云又把李磊搧了!狂搧20多个耳光 This news passed on, naturally shocks one piece, but there is a yesterday to beat savagely the Gou Junfa example, everybody has somewhat been unalarmed by strange sights! 这个消息传了出去,自然又是震惊一片,只是有了昨天暴打勾俊发的例子,大家已经有些见怪不怪了! Has punched including Gou Junfa such playboy young tyrant, let alone is only one practices small of mixed martial arts Li Lei. 勾俊发那样的纨绔恶少都揍了,何况只是一个练习散打的小喽啰李磊 What must make Classmates of third year class 6 shock by the Ling Yun crazy fan compared with Li Lei, momentous change of school beauty Cao Shanshan! 李磊凌云狂搧都要令高三六班的同学们震惊的是,校花曹珊珊的巨大变化! today Cao Shanshan is earlier than the ordinary day arrived for a half hour. Classmates can look at change has three: 今天曹珊珊比平日早到了半个小时。同学能看得出来的变化有三: First: Regardless of the spring, summer, autumn, winter, never wore Cao Shanshan today of hat to wear a snow-white color furry hat, obviously clear lovable. 第一:无论春夏秋冬,从来不戴帽子的曹珊珊今天戴了一顶雪白色毛绒绒的帽子,倍显清纯可爱。 Second: Cao Shanshan today that never puts on make-up in the school unexpectedly rare melted the pale makeup, she who serves as contrast the beautiful cheek more was gorgeous, brilliant. 第二:在学校里从不化妆的曹珊珊今天竟然罕见的化了淡妆,衬托的她本就绝美的脸蛋儿倍加艳丽,光彩照人。 Third: Cao Shanshan today has not worn the name brand, in hand is taking also no longer is the LV bag of limited edition, understands some package of female students to understand at a glance, Cao Shanshan today hand package, even might as well the Zhang Ling package is valuable. 第三:曹珊珊今天没有穿名牌,手上拿着的也不再是限量版的LV包包,懂包的一些女生一看就知道,曹珊珊今天的手包,甚至还不如张灵的包值钱。 All Classmates secretly were whispering, and with sharing a table around the table whispered, all sorts of comments. 所有的同学都在暗自嘀咕,并且跟同桌前后桌交头接耳,议论纷纷 Was our big school beauty this? 咱们的大校花这是怎么了? Wears the hat, melts the pale makeup, changes simple, does not know that desirably or has no intention, why does Cao Shanshan such do is, for whom? 戴帽子,化淡妆,变朴素,不知是刻意还是无意的,曹珊珊这么做是为什么,是为了谁? Then the lovable hat does wear to whom looks? Does she put on make-up to look to whom? 那么可爱的帽子戴给谁看的?她化妆又是给谁看的? Especially changes simple! 尤其是变朴素! Before Cao Shanshan, desirably will never install richly, not to pretend to lower the own living standards amiable desirably, she putting on clothes appearance or manner getting along with people, have the own principle. 曹珊珊以前从来不会刻意去装富,更不会为了装作平易近人而刻意降低自己的生活标准,她无论是穿衣打扮还是为人处世,都有自己的原则。 She truly does not need to care about anybody's vision and view, she has been showing very real own. 她确实不用在乎任何人的目光和看法,她一直在展现着很真实的自己 Then, her today this, for what? Or for whom? 那么,她今天这样,是为了什么?或者说,为了谁? Most understands Cao Shanshan sharing a table Zhang Ling, naturally change of most surprised Cao Shanshan, but she remembered last night own after these words that Cao Shanshan spoke, could not bear turn head to look to classroom Ling Yun. 最了解曹珊珊的同桌张灵,自然最惊讶曹珊珊的变化,不过她想起昨晚自己曹珊珊说的那些话之后,忍不住扭头看向教室最后面的凌云 In the Classmates discussion sound, Zhang Ling has smiled, a face that smiles is mystical. 同学的议论声中,张灵笑了,笑的一脸神秘。 Shanshan, today you are quite attractive!” Zhang Ling turned head, cannot bear ridicule to say. 珊珊,今天你好漂亮呢!”张灵回过头来,忍不住揶揄道。 Is listening to the classroom the noisy discussion sound, the Cao Shanshan expression originally then the non- nature, heard a Zhang Ling such saying again, her beautiful cheek leapt is red! 听着教室里嘈杂的议论声,曹珊珊的表情本来就不大自然,再听到张灵这么一说,她绝美的脸蛋腾就红了! Is redder than the big apple that passes red! 比红透的大苹果还要红! Where has?!” Cao Shanshan refuted one low voice, the cheek and corners of the mouth that may blush bring back wipes the self-confident smiling face, actually thoroughly betrayed her. “哪有?!”曹珊珊小声的反驳了一句,可羞红的脸蛋儿和嘴角儿勾起的一抹自信笑容,却彻底出卖了她。 For tonight's appointment?” Zhang Ling gathers near the ear of Cao Shanshan, is unforgiving. “是为了今晚的约会吧?”张灵凑到曹珊珊的耳边,不依不饶。 Who wanted the appointment, you left pass on...... Cao Shanshan bashfully to be angrier blindly. “谁要约会了,你别瞎传……”曹珊珊更羞恼了。 good good good, is not the appointment, I have forgotten probably, you must teach Ling Yun's well, right?” 好好好,不是约会,我好像忘记了,你是要好好教训一下凌云的,对吧?” Dead girl, you must dare to say again, looked I do not tear to pieces your mouth!” “死妮子,你要再敢说,看我不撕烂你的嘴!” Cao Shanshan really cannot bear Zhang Ling has ridiculed, rises spiritedly to counter-attack. 曹珊珊实在是受不了张灵的揶揄了,奋起反击。 My a while must pass by to him delivers the review material, do you have the words to make me take to him?” “我一会儿要过去给他送复习资料,你有没有话让我捎给他啊?” Cao Shanshan white Zhang Ling, puts out one pile of English study materials from the own package, has given Zhang Ling, hesitant, then urged carefully: This is the key glossary of English, sentence and grammar, you give him, em...... Do not say that is I gives!” 曹珊珊白了张灵一眼,从自己的包里拿出一摞英语学习资料,递给了张灵,犹豫了一下,然后小心叮嘱道:“这是英语的重点词汇,句式和语法,你给他吧,恩……千万不要说是我给的!” Here, her complexion was redder, does not dare with eye looking at each other of Zhang Ling. 说到这里,她脸色更红了,根本不敢跟张灵的眼睛对视。 Oh, Shanshan, cannot look, this is your evening reorganizes? My English is not quite good, don't to Ling Yun, I remain first am looking!” “哎哟,珊珊,看不出来呀,这是你一晚上整理出来的吗?我的英语也不大好,别给凌云了,还是我先留着看吧!” Zhang Ling hee hee said with a smile, must take in the desk drawer that pile of materials. 张灵嘻嘻笑道,就要把那一摞资料收进书桌抽屉。 Cao Shanshan looked that Zhang Ling must laborious a evening's achievement appropriate to oneself own, immediately somewhat worries, she somewhat flurriedly said: Good, my these reorganize with the computer, in the plate also has, you give him this first, I go home to send your mailbox one tonight, is good?” 曹珊珊一看张灵真要把自己辛苦了一晚上的成果据为己有,顿时有些着急,她有些慌乱道:“好啦,我这些都是用电脑整理出来的,盘里还有,你先把这个给他,我今晚回家发你邮箱一份,好不好?” Tittering Zhang Ling looked at the Cao Shanshan flurried anxious look, is not cruel enough to tease her again, but she receives the appearance of laughter, serious asking: Shanshan, won't you, you move to Ling Yun really?” “噗嗤”张灵看了曹珊珊慌乱焦急的神色,不忍心再逗她,不过她收起嬉笑的模样,一本正经的问道:“珊珊,你,你不会是真的对凌云动心了吧?” Cao Shanshan stares, lowers the head to be red the cheek to think, shook the head decisively, lightly saying: I thought that he showed the terrifying memory yesterday, if we can help him try hard, perhaps really can present the miracle......” 曹珊珊一愣,低着头红着脸蛋想了一想,果断摇了摇头,淡淡道:“我只是觉得他昨天展现出了恐怖的记忆力,如果我们能帮他努力一下的话,说不定真能出现奇迹呢……” Zhang Ling listened unable to bear curl the lip, heart said that my young lady, you used many thoughts to dress up this, obviously was the mouth not to the heart! 张灵听了忍不住撇嘴,心说我的大小姐,您用了多少心思才打扮成这样啊,明显是口不对心! However she approves the view of Cao Shanshan actually, therefore no longer cracks a joke, nodded said seriously: Good, your English is our school is best, is willing to help Ling Yun it would be the best, but, why your doesn't own go?” 不过她倒是认可曹珊珊的说法,于是不再开玩笑,点了点头郑重道:“不错,你的英语是咱们学校最好的,肯帮凌云最好不过了,只是,为什么你不自己去呢?” Snort, I do not go, this miss also account must calculate with him well!” “哼,我才不去,本姑娘还有一笔账要跟他好好算一算呢!” Cao Shanshan has remembered yesterday by the scene that Ling Yun disregards thoroughly, the beautiful cheek revolutions shames for the anger, cold snort/hum. 曹珊珊似是想起了昨天被凌云彻底无视的场景,绝美的脸蛋转羞为怒,一声冷哼。 Helpless Zhang Ling lifts the hand to caress the volume, the heaving a deep sigh heart said young lady's face...... 张灵无奈抬手抚额,摇头叹息心说大小姐的面子啊…… Early after studying by oneself finished, Ling Yun as before sits in his position has not moved, is holding the own brand-new English textbook to be in a daze there. 早自习结束之后,凌云依旧坐在他的位置上没动,正捧着自己崭新的英语课本在那里发呆。 His brow slightly wrinkle, reads in the textbook these ghost drawing runes, the heart said that what bird song this is? 他的眉头微皱,看着课本上那些鬼画符,心说这是什么鸟语? To Ling Yun, the language mathematical article synthesis he does not pay attention, but the only this English, is really makes him quite helpless. 凌云来说,语文数学文综他都不放在眼里,可唯独这英语,实在是让他颇为无奈。 That Ling Yun of dying was very big to English repel, laid the foundation from the junior middle school has not studied, what in addition Ling Yun received was only part of memory fragments, this made Ling Yun not have idea thoroughly. 死去的那个凌云对英语排斥很大,从初中打基础的时候就没怎么学,再加上凌云接收过来的只是一部分记忆残片,这让凌云彻底没辙了。 The phonetic notation will not read, word will not read, but also remembers? 音标都不会读,单词都不会念,还怎么记忆? If Ling Yun starts to study now diligently, all people think that mathematical is he difficulty that is difficult to tackle, as everyone knows, mathematical is instead simplest to Ling Yun. 如果凌云现在开始努力学习的话,所有人都会认为数学才是他最难攻克的难关,殊不知,数学反而对凌云最简单。 Because Ling Yun is cultivating true cultivator, what cultivates is Heavenly Law, Tao follows it's nature, he research to world mathematical is others is hard to follow. 因为凌云修真者,修的是天道,道法自然,他对天地数理的研究可谓是别人难以望其项背的。 Otherwise, these Talisman make by cutting, do these regarding technique number harshest formation law, how he calculate? 不然的话,那些符箓怎么刻制,那些对于术数最为苛刻的阵法,他又如何演算? Therefore, language number writing Zong, Ling Yun is in addition easiest to handle, instead is mathematical! 因此,语数外加文综,凌云最容易搞定的,反而是数学! As for most difficult, naturally was English! 至于最难的,当然就是英语了! If Ling Yun currently has Spiritual Consciousness natural is well with everything, so long as he sweeps with Spiritual Consciousness, can have a thorough understanding of this schoolwork, before the issue is Qi Practicing, he is impossible to have Spiritual Consciousness! 如果凌云现在有神识自然万事大吉,他只要拿神识一扫,就可以把这一门功课吃透,问题是练气之前,他根本不可能有神识 Does not have the means that can only help by Lingyu, making her teach my foundation to say again!” “没办法,只能靠灵雨帮忙了,让她教会了我基础再说!” Ling Yun in the heart ponders over secretly. 凌云心中暗暗琢磨。 Handsome fellow, thinks that what is so lost? Yo, originally study can English, understand?” “帅哥,想什么呢这么出神?哟,原来学英语呢,能看懂吗?” Zhang Ling does not know when arrived at side Ling Yun, sat on the Zhang Dong seat, she saw Ling Yun to hold English textbook to be lost in thought there, therefore opened the mouth to tease. 张灵不知道什么时候来到了凌云身边,一屁股坐到了张东的座位上,她见凌云正捧着英语课本在那里出神,于是开口调笑。
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