DEMG :: Volume #1

#8: Ning Lingyu

By fuzzy both eyes, once the eternal life unforgettable warm pictures appeared in Ning Lingyu at present! 透过模糊的双眼,曾经一幕幕永生难忘的温馨画面浮现在宁灵雨的眼前! You so are not how careful, if has fallen and broken the clothes, goes back mother to you stay up late to sew!” A look is delicate, the look is very clean the pure 7 or 8-year-old young boy to entrain not to fall down furiously carefully the powder carves small Lingyu that the jade carves, pats the dust on her pants to say gently. “你怎么这么不小心,要是把衣服摔破了,回去妈妈又要给你熬夜缝补!”一个相貌清秀,眼神无比干净纯真的七八岁的小男孩奋力拽起不小心摔倒在地粉雕玉琢的小灵雨,轻轻拍着她裤子上的尘土说道。 This toffee gives you, Big Brother does not like eating the sugar!” The mother altogether only gave two sugar, Ling Yun has licked the lip of own, made an effort to swallow saliva, he while mother went to the kitchen to prepare food, puts out a hand the sugar to give face hope small Lingyu. “这块奶糖给你,哥哥不喜欢吃糖!”母亲一共只给了两块糖,凌云舔了舔自己的嘴唇,使劲咽下了一口口水,他趁着母亲去厨房做饭的时候,伸手把糖给了一脸希冀的小灵雨 You dare to bully my younger sister, I go all out with you!” Nine -year-old Ling Yun stubborn keeping off before the small Lingyu body, grip the small fist tightly, towards several are wanting to bully the Ning Lingyu little friend to say with raw hate. “你们敢欺负我妹妹,我就跟你们拼命!”九岁的凌云倔强的挡在小灵雨身前,紧攥着小拳头,对着好几个想要欺负宁灵雨的小朋友凶狠说道。 Younger sister do not fear, you could rest assured that after has Big Brother protects you......” to fight, is punched black and blue Ling Yun to endure suffering to force a smile, is patting the small shoulder of Ning Lingyu, comforts her. “妹妹不要怕,你放心,有哥哥保护你呢……”打斗过后,被揍得鼻青脸肿的凌云忍痛强笑,轻拍着宁灵雨的小肩膀,安慰她。 Looks at Ling Yun, so long as smiles will present that the dimple on left cheeks, Ning Lingyu has a very proud security sense, made an effort to select the elegant small head. 看着凌云只要一笑就会出现在左脸颊上的那个浅浅的酒窝,宁灵雨有一种很自豪的安全感,用力点了点秀美的小脑袋。 The warm picture one after another, in lens playbacking, the time arrived at present finally for six years ago! That year, Ling Yun just 12 years old, Ning Lingyu was also 12 years old. 温馨的画面一个接着一个,在眼前镜头般回放,时光终于到了六年前!那一年,凌云刚刚12岁,宁灵雨也是12岁。 Others' a few words ruthlessly have torn into shreds already the sensible brother and sister two people sentimental defense line! 别人的一句话就狠狠撕碎了已经懂事的兄妹两人的感情防线! She is surnamed Ning, you are surnamed Ling, you radically are not the biological brother and sister! You are her mother field child that picks from the roadside! field child that nobody wants!” “她姓宁,你姓凌,你们根本就不是亲兄妹!你是她妈妈从路边捡来的野孩子!没人要的野孩子!” The Ling Yun first time has not stood before younger sister's body, the first time thorough silent, the first not ominous getting hold of fist revolt! 凌云第一次没有站在妹妹的身前,第一次彻底沉默,第一次没有凶巴巴的握紧拳头反抗! The youngster pure, brave and good heart, was given torn to pieces of attack by virulent unkind a few words! 少年纯洁、勇敢、善良的心,被恶毒刻薄的一句话给打击的支离破碎! Originally, Ning Lingyu was just born less than one month to contract a big sickness, Ling Yun is mother is dragging the body of time of childbirth, when climbs mountains to worship Buddha to pick from the temple entrance. 原来,宁灵雨刚出生不到一个月就患了一场大病,凌云是母亲拖着月子的身体在上山拜佛的时候从寺庙门口捡回来的。 The simple bedding, inside has only filled a paper, Ling Yun two characters, again do not have any other faith tokens, obviously is the Ling Yun's parents planned, whatever he runs its own course. 简单的被褥,里面只塞了一个纸条,就“凌云”俩字,再无其他任何的信物,显然是凌云的父母打算任由他自生自灭。 The brother and sister know since childhood they are not the biological brother and sister, but their sentimental being intimate with brother and sister also kiss! Ning Lingyu has taken Ling Yun, when own own Big Brother regards. 兄妹俩从小就知道他们不是亲兄妹,可他们的感情比亲兄妹还亲!宁灵雨一直拿凌云自己的亲哥哥看待。 Even if after others spoke those words, she as always follows in Ling Yun behind, she even secretly complained why mother does not give Ling Yun to change surname, is called Ning Lingyun. 就算别人说了那句话之后,她还是一如既往的跟在凌云身后,她甚至偷偷抱怨母亲为什么不给凌云改姓,叫做宁凌云 Her naive thinking, if so, Big Brother will not be needed that virulent language to attack by others. 她天真的以为,如果这样,哥哥就不会被别人用那么恶毒的语言攻击了。 But mother was only spoke a few words lightly: He called Ling Yun, calls Ling Yun, mother not to change the name to him. Thus, if in the future his birth parents want to look for him, is good to look.” 可母亲只是淡淡的说了一句话:“他叫凌云,就叫凌云,妈妈不会给他改姓名的。这样,将来如果他的亲生父母想要找他,也好找一些。” Although small Lingyu complained, may also accept mother's view. 灵雨虽然抱怨,可也接受了母亲的说法。 What may make Ning Lingyu not think, after hearing others spoke those words that Ling Yun changed, thorough changed! 可让宁灵雨没想到的是,从听到别人说的那句话之后,凌云变了,彻底的变了! He becomes uncommunicative, becomes is deliberately bad, becomes feels inferior eccentrically, he no longer keeps out wind and rain for her, no longer brave standing before his body, brandishes the fist to bully the own bad student facing these. 他变得沉默寡言,变得自暴自弃,变得自卑孤僻,他不再为她遮风挡雨,不再勇敢的站在他身前,挥舞着拳头面对那些欺负自己的坏学生。 However Ning Lingyu knows, Ling Yun silently is still protecting him, but has changed a way. 但是宁灵雨知道,凌云还在默默的保护着他,只是换了一种方式。 So long as discovered that others want to bully her, Ling Yun will choose makes that group of boys punch his on own initiative, the condition is so long as does not bully the own younger sister then the line! 只要发现别人想欺负她,凌云都会选择主动让那帮小子揍他一顿,条件是只要不欺负自己的妹妹就行! Except for her, who knows, Ling Yun eats that fat, but to take a beating, can the ache reduce? 除了她,又有谁知道,凌云吃那么胖,只是为了挨揍的时候,疼痛能够减轻一些而已? What Ning Lingyu does not know, reason that Ling Yun has chosen this way , because he discovered own, although other long ratio same age Classmates is big, but body actually weak fearfulness! 只是宁灵雨不知道的是,凌云之所以选择了这种方式,是因为他发现自己虽然长的比别的同龄的同学高大,可身体却虚弱的可怕! This point, he has not told anybody, he silently is withstanding. Virulent language that bad child having no interest, truly pokes feeling inferior of Ling Yun most deep place, caused his personality big change! 这一点,他没有告诉任何人,他只是在默默承受而已。一个坏孩子一句无心的恶毒之语,确实是戳中了凌云最深处的自卑,导致他性情大变! How regardless of Ning Lingyu persuaded own Big Brother, was useless, until finally, her was thoroughly dejected, may also retain a hope, hoping Big Brother can stand, stood in her front protects him. 无论宁灵雨怎么去劝说自己哥哥,都没有用,直到最后,她彻底心灰意冷,可还保留着一丝希望,希望哥哥能重新站起来,重新站在她的面前保护他。 Therefore, she does not hesitate even to ignore to Ling Yun supercilious look adding together, she wants to arouse him as the courage and uprightness of boy, the dignity of boy! 为此,她不惜对凌云白眼相加甚至是不理不睬,她想唤起他身为男孩的血性,男孩的尊严! today in the morning, Ning Lingyu naturally heard Ling Yun's two big hearsay, she does not care about between Big Brother and Cao Shanshan has any condition, because the fools know that among them will not have occurring together. 今天早晨,宁灵雨自然听说了凌云的两大传闻,她才不在乎哥哥曹珊珊之间发生什么状况,因为傻子都知道他们之间根本不会有交集。 May know that Big Brother hit the person in the dormitory eruption last night, makes her at present one bright! 可知道哥哥昨晚在宿舍爆发打人了,却令她眼前一亮! Actually does not believe! Six years, possibly? own Big Brother was not hit was good, but also hits others? 紧接着却是根本不信!六年了,可能吗?自己哥哥不被人打就不错了,还去打别人? But now, she saw on that Sports Field carries the big boy who the sandbag runs like mad, she believed! She is excited, she is happy, can she not have tears streaming down the face? 可现在,她看到了那个操场上扛着沙袋拼命奔跑的大男孩,她信了!她激动,她幸福,她怎能不泪流满面? That can protect her, can love him, dares reckless for Big Brother that she keeps out wind and rain, finally came back! 那个能保护她,能疼爱他,敢不顾一切为她遮风挡雨的哥哥,终于回来了! An appearance is delicate and pretty, handsome like a jade tree, the movement is graceful, the male student who wears a name brand stands in Ning Lingyu side not far away, the evil different look has been full of the scalding hot hope, stares greedily is relying on Ning Lingyu that railing fence is bursting into tears. 一个长相俊美,玉树临风,动作优雅,身穿一身名牌的男生就站在宁灵雨身旁不远处,略带邪异的眼神充满了灼热的渴望,贪婪地盯着倚着栏杆流泪的宁灵雨 He and Ning Lingyu same class and grade, called Xie Junyan, was one of the Qingshui High School Four Big Playboys, but was different from other three big playboy, his academic record was very outstanding. 他和宁灵雨同一个班级,叫谢俊彦,是清水一中四大纨绔之一,不过和其他三大纨绔不同,他的学习成绩十分优异。 Does not understand his, often by his delicate and pretty appearance, the graceful manner, the handsome like a jade tree natural as well as proud smiling face will confuse, thinks that he will be the elegant bearing corrupt world good young master. 不了解他的,往往会被他俊美的长相,优雅的举止,玉树临风的潇洒以及骄傲的笑容所迷惑,认为他是个风度翩翩的浊世佳公子。 At this time, his side, one similar one from head to foot is the name brand, wore the high-heeled shoes, on the appearance beautifulness and face spreads on the base and mouth to wipe the noble young girl correct use arm of lipstick closely to embrace his elbow to be curved completely, was her vision also winking to stare at Ning Lingyu. 此时,他的身旁,一个同样一身从头到脚都是名牌,穿着高跟鞋,长相妖艳、脸上涂满了粉底、嘴上抹着口红的高贵少女正用一条胳膊紧紧揽着他的肘弯,她的目光也在一眨不眨盯着宁灵雨 This girl as if inborn has a superiority feeling of keeping aloof, looked that filled to the Ning Lingyu vision despised and disdained, on the face was also having the hatred and hatred of not covering up. 这女孩似乎天生有一种高高在上的优越感,看向宁灵雨的目光里充满了鄙夷与不屑,脸上还带着不加掩饰的恨意与怨毒。 All these had indicated a matter, she envies Ning Lingyu. 这一切都表明了一件事,她嫉妒宁灵雨 She is Qingshui High School third school beauty, called Zhuang Meina, was the Clear Water City Richest family Zhuang Clan Medicine Corporation the beloved daughter, by the family background background, except for is unable to place on a par with Cao Shanshan that mysterious family background in Clear Water City, on being considered as was the prestige is prominent. 她就是清水一中的第三校花,叫庄美娜,是清水市首富——庄氏医药集团的掌上明珠,论家世背景,在清水市除了无法跟曹珊珊那神秘的家世相提并论,也算得上是声威显赫。 In a nutshell, Zhuang Meina is standard pure, rich and beautiful. 一言以蔽之,庄美娜是标准的白富美 What coincidence is, she and Ning Lingyu was divided the third year class 1, since then, her nightmare started! 巧合的是,她和宁灵雨都被分到了高三一班,从那时起,她的噩梦就开始了! Similarly was evaluated Qingshui High School top 3 beauties, but she always has pressed a head by Cao Shanshan and Ning Lingyu, no matter how she puts on make-up to dress up, is still only third school beauty that the school male students recognize. 同样被评为清水一中三大校花,可她就始终被曹珊珊宁灵雨压了一头,不管她怎么化妆打扮,依然只是全校男生公认的“第三”校花 Zhuang Meina study also very diligently, how but regardless of she spells, is spells since the high school steadily has occupied Ning Lingyu of school first throne! 庄美娜学习也很努力,可无论她怎么拼,就是拼不过自打上高中就一直稳稳占据全校第一名宝座的宁灵雨 The Cao Shanshan mysterious family background background is placed there, her Zhuang Meina knows unable to fight, own has recognized, but Ning Lingyu poor even/including nice clothes cannot afford, why can also press her trend of events stubbornly? 曹珊珊的神秘家世背景摆在那里,她庄美娜自知斗不过,自己认了,可宁灵雨家境贫寒的连一件像样的衣服都买不起,凭什么也能死死压着她的风头 These have not calculated, those who most made the Zhuang Meina crazy envy was, she from going to the junior middle school official's second generation Xie Junyan that started secretly to like pursues Ning Lingyu in the school unexpectedly publicly, moreover after by a rejection, was bolder with each setback unexpectedly, never saying die pursued Ning Lingyu two -and-a-half years of! 这些还不算,最令庄美娜疯狂嫉妒的是,她从上初中开始就暗暗喜欢的官二代谢俊彦竟然在全校公开追求宁灵雨,而且被次次拒绝之后竟越挫越勇,锲而不舍的追了宁灵雨两年半之久! Until high three, under the pressure of college entrance examination, the determination pursued Ning Lingyu hopeless Xie Junyan temporarily to give up to the Ning Lingyu thoughts, accepted wooing of Zhuang Meina. 直到高三,迫于高考的压力,自觉追求宁灵雨无望的谢俊彦才暂时放弃了对宁灵雨的心思,接受了庄美娜的求爱。 This name shakes the Qingshui High School triangle love, is Qingshui High School for the past three years, one of eight trigrams/gossip most teachers and students love to talk about! 这一场名震清水一中的三角恋,是清水一中近三年以来,最为师生们津津乐道的八卦之一! Now, looks that this accepts own to make Xie Junyan of his girlfriend with great difficulty, does not care about the feeling of own, is in front of own, seemed to be in a trance general is staring at own sworn enemy Ning Lingyu, her envy and hate of Zhuang Meina in the heart, it can be imagined! 现在,看着这个好不容易才接受自己做他女朋友的谢俊彦,根本不在意自己的感受,当着自己的面,丢了魂儿一般的盯着自己的死对头宁灵雨,庄美娜心中对她的嫉妒与怨恨,可想而知! Zhuang Meina really cannot constrain hatred at heart, her eyeball revolution, looks at form one that on Sports Field that ran slowly, corners of the mouth flashes through a virulent smiling face, mocks intentionally with the sound that letting Ning Lingyu hears exactly: Junyan, you look on Sports Field that stupid pig, wants to lose weight with such stupid way unexpectedly, was really funny!” 庄美娜实在压抑不住心里的怨毒,她眼珠儿一转,瞄了操场上那个缓慢奔跑的身影一眼,嘴角儿闪过一丝恶毒的笑容,故意用让宁灵雨恰好听到的声音讥诮道:“俊彦,你看操场上那头蠢猪,竟然想用这么蠢的方式减肥,真是笑死人了!” In Qingshui High School, for three years similarly for another big eight trigrams/gossip that the teachers and students love to talk about, are almost the school teachers and students know, definitely proud dazzling school beauty Ning Lingyu has rare and beautiful flowers Big Brother of different father different mother, good-for-nothing waste Ling Yun. 清水一中,三年来同样为师生们津津乐道的另一大八卦,就是几乎全校师生都知道,绝对骄傲耀眼的校花宁灵雨有一个异父异母的奇葩哥哥,窝囊废凌云 The younger sister is the steady school positive number first, Big Brother actually early gave up the studies, mixes super waste that eats to wait for death! 妹妹是一直是稳稳的全校正数第一,哥哥却是早早地放弃了学业,混吃等死的超级废物! Does not know really this type only knows mixes good-for-nothing waste that eats to wait for death to live is having any meaning, might as well died considering as finished!” “真不知道这种只知道混吃等死的窝囊废活着有什么意思,还不如死了算了!” As if saw the Ning Lingyu tender body trembles gently, the satisfied smiling face that the Zhuang Meina beautiful face surfaces the boat prevailing , to continue to aggravate the situation! 似乎看到了宁灵雨的娇躯轻轻一颤,庄美娜妖艳的脸上浮上一丝得逞的满足笑容,继续火上浇油! Zhuang Meina taking advantage of insulting Ling Yun shames or enrages the Ning Lingyu goal, Xie Junyan is certainly clear, but he was actually only the brow slightly wrinkled, looked down her one eyes, has not made anything to indicate. 庄美娜借辱骂凌云来羞辱或者是激怒宁灵雨的目的,谢俊彦当然清楚得很,不过他却只是眉头微微皱了一下,低头看了她一眼,并没有做出什么表示。 Unscrupulous the provocation since regarding the Zhuang Meina for more than two years have found fault, is always ignores letting matters drift manner Ning Lingyu, after hearing her second words, finally lifts the hand to wipe the tears on face, she looked at Ling Yun one on Sports Field finally, returns to be excessive slowly. 对于庄美娜两年多以来肆无忌惮的挑衅找茬,从来都是不理不睬听之任之态度的宁灵雨,听到她的第二句话之后,终于抬手抹去了脸上的热泪,她最后看了操场上的凌云一眼,缓缓回过了头。 Her scissors water double pupil flood red, chilly vision actually indifferently is looking slightly straight ahead Zhuang Meina, her in the heart heart that looks is timid. 她的剪水双瞳微微泛红,清冷的目光却冷漠的直视着庄美娜,看的她心中一阵心怯。 I told you, my Big Brother was not good-for-nothing waste!” “我告诉你们,我哥哥不是窝囊废!” The sound is similar to the oriole calls the willow tree, although is iced cold, has actually filled the self-confidence without a doubt! 声音如同黄莺鸣柳,虽然冷若冰霜,却充满了毋庸置疑的自信!
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