DEMG :: Volume #1

#7: Shocks Body Refining

What speech is the sports of third year class 6 lives, calls Chen Zhiye, this boy high tall and thin is thin, excels at 3000 meters long-distance race, since the high school, the long-distance race champion in school has not been lost, last year even broke the record of city high school games, it is said had made an exception to enroll by the Yanjing sports university. 说话的是高三六班的一个体育生,叫成志业,这小子高高瘦瘦,擅长3000米长跑,自打上高中以来,学校的长跑冠军还没有旁落过,去年甚至打破了市高中运动会的记录,据说已经被燕京体育大学破格录取。 Although in he does not put to come into sight Ling Yun, but he has the pride of own, usually does not bully Ling Yun, because he thought that bullies a pig on own initiative the person, which to does not go compared with the pig. 他虽然不把凌云放到眼里,可他有自己的骄傲,平时并不怎么欺负凌云,因为他觉得主动去欺负一头猪的人,比猪也强不到哪儿去。 Chen Zhiye to the Ling Yun's manner, is similar to Sha Guoxing, occasionally takes him to tease, adjusts the arid high school life. 成志业凌云的态度,类似于沙国兴,也就是偶尔拿他取笑一下,调剂一下枯燥的高中生活。 I am look for Teacher Ma, other people?” Ling Yun disregards to him directly, opens the mouth asked. “我是来找马老师的,他人呢?”凌云对他直接无视,张口就问。 „Do you look for Teacher Ma? Didn't I misunderstand? Before physical education time, you saw that he hid, now actually on own initiative looks for him? Weren't you yesterday evening stripped frozen cold will have a fever to burn muddled?” Chen Zhiye is inexplicable, but also pretends to be serious touches the Ling Yun's forehead adeptly. “你找马老师?我不是听错了吧?以前上体育课的时候,你可是见到他就躲,现在却主动来找他?你不会是昨晚上光膀子冻感冒发烧烧糊涂了吧?”成志业莫名惊诧,还煞有介事的拿手来摸了摸凌云的额头。 Ling Yun slightly frowned, maintaining composure opens out the hand of Chen Zhiye, lightly saying: I must borrow a sandbag.” 凌云微微皱眉,不动声色的拨开成志业的手,淡淡道:“我要借个沙袋。” Taking advantage of sandbag?” Chen Zhiye was getting more and more muddled, the heart said that was difficult to be inadequate this boy to assume an awe-inspiring pose to get to know the benefits in dormitory last night, can change practice boxing? However his eyeball revolution, hehe said with a smile: Taking advantage of sandbag also with looking for Teacher Ma? I can make to you!” “借沙袋?”成志业越来越糊涂了,心说难不成这小子在宿舍里昨晚发了威尝到了甜头,要改练拳击了?不过他眼珠一转,嘿嘿一笑道:“借沙袋还用找马老师?我就可以给你弄来!” Wang Li, walks, goes the gym to move a sandbag to come with me to him!” 王力,走,跟我去体育室搬个沙袋来给他!” The Chen Zhiye curiosity rises dramatically, but actually must have a look at any medicine that in the Ling Yun bottle gourd sells. 成志业好奇心飙升,倒要看看凌云葫芦里卖的什么药。 In the morning nine o''clock half soon under the second class time, in downstairs corridor hears one to call out in alarm suddenly, is a noisy clamoring sound. 上午九点半快要下第二节课的时候,楼下的走廊里突然传来一声惊呼,紧接着是一片嘈杂的喧哗声音。 High four buildings of three in school, three buildings are the 10 th grade students, they such mix, broke the peace of high three classroom instantaneously. 高三在学校的四楼,三楼是高中二年级的学生,他们这么一搅和,瞬间打破了高三教室的宁静。 Oh! You looked quickly that fool shouldered that sandbag!” Calling out in alarm of high decibel school girl! “天哪!你们快看,那个傻子把那个沙袋扛起来了!”一个高分贝的女学生的惊呼! Student who third year class 6 attended a lecture, immediately neat has raised up the ear! 高三六班正在听课的学生,立时齐刷刷的竖起了耳朵! Entire Clear Water Senior High School, can be called fool person, except for the Shame Ling Yun of their class, seemingly has not presented second! 整个清水高中,能够被称作“傻子”的人,除了他们班的耻辱——凌云,貌似还没出现第二个! Damn, he does not carry the sandbag to run yeah, I told you, my Big Brother has practiced boxing, that sandbag at least 50 jin (0.5 kg)!” 我草,不是吧,他扛着沙袋在跑哎,我跟你们说,我哥哥练过拳击,那个沙袋至少50斤!” I thought him am really not awfully, last night intent planned to be stronger. school beauty of deceitful our school did not say, returned to dormitory also to hit Classmates, now does not attend class and carries the sandbag to run like crazy!” “我看他是真不要命了,昨晚意图强。奸咱们校的校花不说,回宿舍还打了同学,现在不上课又扛着沙袋疯跑!” The Cao Shanshan ear of third year class 6 is very easy-to-use, she does not omit a single word heard this, the willow eyebrows but are actually immediately vertical, open wide the eyes! 高三六班的曹珊珊耳朵很好使,她一字不漏的听到了这一句,顿时柳眉倒竖,杏眼圆睁! Zhang Ling glanced Cao Shanshan one secretly, looking that actually full contain hopes to out of the window, she wants to know that very much outside exactly had anything. 张灵偷偷瞟了曹珊珊一眼,却又满含希冀的望向了窗外,她很想知道外面到底发生了什么。 On school Sports Field. 学校操场上。 Chen Zhiye looks at this dull, the mouth opens to swallow an egg at present, the mouth mutters: „Doesn't Damn, such exaggerate? This boy wanted heaven-defying......” 成志业呆呆地看着眼前这一幕,嘴巴张得能吞进去一个鸡蛋,嘴里喃喃自语:“我草,不是这么夸张吧?这小子要逆天了……” Incessantly is he! The sports of his each class lives, has put down the training project on hand completely, dumbstruck stares is carrying Ling Yun that the sandbag starts to jog! 不止是他!他身边各个班的体育生,全部放下了手头的训练项目,目瞪口呆的盯着扛着沙袋开始跑步的凌云 Entire Sports Field stir! Kicks football does not kick, football that alone stopping of stay still on sod \; Plays the basketball did not play basketball, all on physical education male student female students were carrying the fatty of sandbag to that was salute, all vision slowly moved along with his form. 整个操场轰动!踢足球的也不踢了,静止不动的足球就那么孤零零的停在草皮上\;打篮球的也不打篮球了,所有上体育课的男生女生都在对那个扛着沙袋的胖子,行注目礼,所有的目光都随着他的身影缓慢挪动。 That form right hand closely is embracing anti- numerous the sandbags on the left shoulder, running is actually not quick, step actually firm powerful, gradually according to some special rhythm, is running. 那个身影右手紧紧揽着抗在右肩上重重的沙袋,跑的其实并不快,步伐却坚定有力,一步一步的按照某种特异的节奏,在奔跑。 Ling Yun fat shivers along with his footsteps being up and down play, the fat in the crazy consumption, the look has filled firmly, his faith gradually is also increasing! 凌云身上的肥肉随着他的脚步一上一下剧颤抖动,脂肪在疯狂的消耗,眼神充满了坚定,他的信念也在逐渐攀升! „Can powerhouse, how become the genuine powerhouse? Even if the talent, wants crazy practice, found insufficient, and finds the way to make up!” “强者,怎么样才能成为真正的强者?就算是天才,也要疯狂修炼,找到不足,并想办法弥补!” I, so long as starts to run, only then I can make me stop, in addition, all difficulties will not make me stop!” “我只要开始跑,只有我才能让我停下,除此之外,所有的困难都不会让我停下!” Only then this, can constantly break the limit of body, only by doing so, can reach the Body Refining peak as soon as possible!” “只有这样,才能不断的打破身体的极限,只有这样,才能尽快达到练体巅峰!” Others' ridicule, others' ridicule look, even others' exclamation and shock, these to Ling Yun are the floating clouds, he only has a goal, is getting stronger! 别人的嘲笑,别人的讥讽的眼神,甚至别人的惊叹和震撼,这些对凌云来说都是浮云,他只有一个目标,就是变强 But, is very tired! Then ran less than dozens meters far, Ling Yun whole body sweat like rain fell, pants like the cow heavily, the footsteps like the mountain! 可是,真的很累!这才跑了不到几十米远,凌云就已经满身汗水如雨般落下,气喘吁吁如牛,脚步沉重如山! An about 200 cattys in weight fatty, even if no any carrying a heavy load, runs to want difficultly incomparable, let alone Ling Yun came up to give own to add on 50 jin (0.5 kg) carrying a heavy load of! 一个体重200多斤的胖子,就算是没有任何负重,跑起来都要困难无比,更何况凌云上来就给自己加上了50斤的负重! However, he knows that the own potential, this body had been scrubbed by the own Transcends Tribulation Stage immortal spiritual energy essence, was already reborn, the body does not have the unmentionable diseasea again, last night had absorbed Seven Glorious Grass massive spiritual energy! 但是,他知道自己的潜力,这具身体被自己渡劫期仙灵气精华洗刷过,早已脱胎换骨,身上再无暗疾,昨晚又吸收了七曜草大量的灵气 Has repaired 60%-70% Yang Qiao Arteries as for that actually operated unobstructive, even if the normal person, always has this and that physical defect is not? 至于那条修复了六七成的阳跷脉,其实已经运行无碍,就算是正常人,也总有这样或者那样的身体缺陷不是? He is tired, actually does not knock up! His goal, must in this way last night absorption the spiritual energy consumption light of Seven Glorious Grass! 他累,却累不垮!他的目的,就是要通过这种方式把昨晚吸收的七曜草灵气消耗光! Only by doing so, his now evening can discover that the Seven Glorious Grass place , to continue to absorb the Seven Glorious Grass overflow using the talent spiritual energy! 只有这样,他今晚上才能去发现七曜草的地方,利用天赋继续吸收七曜草溢出的灵气 If can absorb spiritual energy between world to be good continuously, such own does not use for two months, one month can reach the Body Refining peak!” “如果能持续不断的吸收天地间的灵气就好了,那样自己不用两个月,一个月就可以达到练体巅峰!” What a pity this damned place where so many world does spiritual energy spend freely for him? 可惜这个鬼地方哪儿有那么多的天地灵气供他挥霍? Therefore he can only choose stupidest means|methods, step by step through this limit training, breaks the shackles of body, strengthens the physical ability intensities in various body aspects, thus reaches the Body Refining peak! 因此他只能选择最笨的方法,一步步的通过这种极限训练,来打破身体的桎梏,增强身体各方面的体能强度,从而达到练体巅峰! The morning second class, finished class. Then is 20 minutes of class recess rests. 上午的第二节课,下课了。接下来是20分钟的课间休息。 The high three students already waited is impatient, the teacher announced finishes class, they had even forgotten must respect the teacher, making the teacher walk first, almost all swarmed, struggled to rush to look that on Sports Field exactly had anything! 高三的学生早就等的不耐烦了,老师一宣布下课,他们甚至都忘记了要尊敬老师,让老师先走,几乎全部蜂拥而出,争着抢着要看操场上到底发生了什么! The response of third year class 6 is most intense, because they know, on Sports Field that the person who carries the sandbag to run, definitely is Ling Yun of their class. 高三六班的反应最为激烈,因为他们知道,操场上那个扛着沙袋奔跑的人,肯定就是他们班的凌云 Chai Hanlin diminutive, therefore sits in classroom most front approaches the entrance place, finished class he to flee with the own quickest speed on the corridor! 柴翰林个头矮小,因此坐在教室最前排靠近门口处,一下课他就用自己最快的速度窜到了走廊上! Day! Really Ling Yun!” Chai Hanlin shocked! “天!真是凌云!”柴翰林震惊了! Damn, but also is really Ling Yun, this boy is insane!” Follows close on but Classmates is also calling out in alarm. 我草,还真是凌云,这小子疯啦!”紧跟而出的同学也在惊呼。 Sells the cake, the today Sun comes out from the west side? Amn't I am having a dream?” In class calling out in alarm of female Classmates! “卖糕的,今天太阳是从西边出来的吧?我不是在做梦吧?”班里女同学的惊呼! Was I was either insane, was this world is either insane! How that fat pig will do such shaking the heavens and earth matter!” “要么就是我疯了,要么就是这个世界疯了!那头肥猪怎么会干出这么惊天动地的事!” Cao Shanshan is feeling suffocated to look for Ling Yun's to be troublesome, but Ling Yun does not attend class she not to have the means that now heard that idiot is carrying the sandbag to go crazy, she wants to be also same as Classmates very much, goes to look that boy is disgraceful, but she lifted the perfectly round tender buttocks, turns the small waist, sat discouraged. 曹珊珊正憋着气要找凌云的麻烦,可是凌云不来上课她也没有办法,现在听说那个白痴在扛着沙袋发疯,她很想也跟同学们一样,出去看那小子多么丢人现眼,可她抬了抬浑圆的娇臀,一扭小蛮腰,又泄气坐了回来。 Shanshan, is really that idiot, we went to have a look at......” Zhang Ling to look all around the classroom, saw only remained their two, therefore went bad the agitation. 珊珊,真的是那个白痴,咱们出去看看吧……”张灵环顾了一下教室,见只剩了她们两个,于是发坏鼓动。 Must go to you to go, I did not look that idiot is disgraceful!” Some Cao Shanshan meanings move, she really wants to have a look at the appearance that Ling Yun loses face now, even if saw that he falls a tumble to be good, but on the mouth stronger. “要去你去,我才不去看那个白痴丢人现眼!”曹珊珊有些意动,她现在实在是想看看凌云出丑的样子,哪怕看到他摔一跤都是好的,可嘴上还是要强。 You do not want to know, is Ling Yun that what matter can stimulate has such big change? You do not want to take a look, this to the idiot who you bring the unexpected misfortune, how long can insist?” Zhang Ling does not believe that Cao Shanshan can bear! “难道你就不想知道,到底是什么事才会刺激的凌云有这么大的变化?难道你就不想看看,这个给你带来无妄之灾的白痴,到底能坚持多久?”张灵才不相信曹珊珊能忍得住! Good, my Miss Cao, considers to accompany me!” Saw Cao Shanshan to be persuaded by own, Zhang Ling took along pulling up Cao Shanshan that entrained continually, dragging her to walk toward the classroom entrance. “好啦,我的曹大小姐,就当是陪陪我嘛!”见曹珊珊自己说动了,张灵连拉带拽的拉起曹珊珊,拖着她往教室门口走去。 Quick half-turn! The half-turn is 200 meters! Also can move unexpectedly!” two people just a classroom, heard downstairs calling out in alarm! “快半圈了!半圈就是200米啊!竟然还跑得动!”两人刚一出教室,就听到了楼下的惊呼! That idiot ran motionless, although the speed has not changed, but you look at his waist, quickly does not get up!” Classmates of third year class 6 observes fine and detailed. “那个白痴已经快跑不动了,虽然速度没变,可你看他的腰,都快直不起来了!”高三六班的一个同学观察入微 Waited for Cao Shanshan and Zhang Ling found position, two people saw on Sports Field that the form that creakied, machinery to take a step time, two people was shocked really! 曹珊珊张灵找到了位置,两人看到操场上那个摇摇欲坠、机械迈步的身影的时候,两人是真的被震撼了! Cao Shanshan only thought own stingy ruthless has pulled out! 曹珊珊只觉得自己的心狠狠的抽了一下! Then weak body, is so fat, actually carries that big sandbag to run like crazy, moreover ran a while, what this idiot received to stimulate, actually had the so earth-shaking change?! 那么虚弱的身体,又那么胖,竟然扛着那么大个沙袋在疯跑,而且已经跑了一会儿了,这个白痴到底受到了什么刺激,竟然发生了如此天翻地覆的变化?! Entire Qingshui High School in an uproar, because only on Sports Field that the boy who carries the sandbag to run, taunt has it, the giber has it, watching the fun has it, seems waiting to look when Ling Yun will fall a dog to gnaw the excrement. 整个清水一中一片哗然,只因为操场上那个扛着沙袋奔跑的男孩,嘲讽者有之,讥笑者有之,看热闹的有之,似乎都在等着看凌云什么时候会摔一个狗啃屎。 One person, only then a person calmly stands on the corridor, even it can be said that lies to bend down on corridor railing fence, the eye closely stares on Sports Field that to bend the waist tired actually as before the step firm big form, how whatever the tears that endures unable to bear to fall in torrents, the whole face flows! 只有一个人,只有一个人静静地站在走廊上,甚至可以说是趴伏在走廊的栏杆上,眼睛紧紧盯着操场上那个累弯了腰却依旧步伐坚定的高大身影,任由怎么忍都忍不住的泪水倾泻而出,满脸流淌! She is very beautiful! beautiful the female in world of mortals, is not illusory and light and lively! She at least one meter seven heights, compared with on the corridor is standing other female students, likes a crane among chickens radically, the body section has to exquisite needless saying that the cheek is fine and elegant, the snow-white exquisite nape of the neck is attractive like the swan, is shining like the peony compared to Cao Shanshan, she is a spatial valley orchid, is peerless and independent. 她很美!美的不似凡间的女子,空幻而轻灵!她至少有一米七的身高,跟走廊上站着的其他女生相比,根本就是鹤立鸡群,身段儿玲珑有致自不必说,脸蛋精致而秀美,雪白细腻的脖颈如天鹅般诱人,相对于曹珊珊如牡丹般艳丽四射,她就是一株空谷幽兰,绝世而独立。 Lofty and unyielding character as if made by Heaven, the makings were elusive, the so-called world was outstandingly beautiful, mediocre. 傲骨天成,气质空灵,所谓人间绝色,不过如此。 A simple red string is tying the long ponytail pigtail, the flesh is pure white exquisite and clear, the nape of the neck is slender, the chin is sharp, the eye is big, the tears blurred both eyes, making the person I see still pities! 简单的一根红头绳束着长长的马尾辫,肌肤洁白细腻而晶莹,脖颈修长,下巴尖尖,眼睛大大,泪水模糊了双眼,令人我见犹怜! Ning Lingyu is the third year class 1, she is almost one class of first runs out of the classroom, when she saw on Sports Field that the fatty who carries the sandbag crazily to run, the tears are almost the flash fall in torrents! 宁灵雨是高三一班的,她几乎是一班第一个冲出教室的,等她看到了操场上那个扛着沙袋深一脚浅一脚疯狂奔跑的胖子,眼泪几乎是一瞬间倾泻而出! Big Brother Ling Yun! I know that you will not disappoint me, I know that you can definitely be good,...... The mother really said that you will not disappoint us, you have not disappointed us really! Big Brother!” 凌云哥哥!我就知道你不会让我失望的,我就知道你肯定能行的,……妈妈果然说中了,你不会让我们失望,你真的没有让我们失望啊!哥哥!”
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