DEMG :: Volume #1

#6: Enrages school beauty

Next day, starting from early morning, about the Ling Yun's various eight trigrams/gossip news and hearsay explosivity, resounding quickly disseminates in the Clear Water City first high school! 第二天,从一大早开始,关于凌云的各种版本的八卦新闻和小道消息爆炸性、轰动性的在清水市第一高中迅速传播! Knows that heard last night good-for-nothing Ling Yun of third year class 6 returned to dormitory to be very late, after going back, actually went crazy, their dormitory Wei Tiangan stepping on!” “知道么,听说昨晚高三六班的废柴凌云宿舍很晚,回去以后却发了狂,把他们宿舍韦天干给踩了!” Early heard, this also continues, does Jia Meng know? Went from dormitory to out of the door by his fan of palm of the hand, but also pulled out flew two teeth......” “早听说了,这还不止呢,贾猛知道吧?被他一巴掌从宿舍里扇到门外去了,还抽飞了两颗牙齿呢……” How not to know, I go to school was seeing that he covers the cheek to go to the hospital, it is estimated that filled a tooth! Hey, that cheek swells......” “怎么不知道,我来上学的时候正看到他捂着腮帮子去医院,估计是补牙了吧!嘿,那腮帮子肿的……” Does not dare believe really, vexed type of that dead fatty stupid pig, has any matter to stimulate to his degree, don't forget, nearly three years, no matter who bullies him, he has not revolted......” “真不敢相信,就那死胖子蠢猪的窝囊样儿,到底有什么事能刺激到他那种程度,别忘了,快三年了,不管谁欺负他,他还从来都没有反抗过呢……” Hehe, but also with asking? Definitely was that silly, compels to vindicate with first school beauty Cao Shanshan of our school yesterday evening, I you told dormitory that you may other to divulge to an outsider, Ling Yun stripped return to!” “嘿嘿,还用问?肯定是那傻、逼昨晚上跟咱们学校的第一校花曹珊珊表白了,我跟你说你可别外传哈,凌云是光着膀子回的宿舍!” „, So is not explosive!! In my dream sweetheart, by that stupid pig spoiling......” “不是吧,这么劲爆!!我的梦中情人啊,难道被那头蠢猪给糟蹋了……” This also really perhaps, perhaps Ling Yun thought that own has bullied Cao Shanshan, sooner or later must die, therefore departs from the norm in dormitory......” “这个还真说不定,也许凌云就是觉得自己欺负了曹珊珊,早晚都要死,所以才在宿舍里一反常态的吧……” Person, when thorough desperate, but also is really any matter does......” “人在彻底绝望了的时候,还真是什么事都干得出来啊……” .................. ……………… Last night news like the wind, has almost spread over each corner of campus early morning, moreover in addition high-school student that rich imagination, incorrectly relayed an erroneous message, passed to finally, last night fact changed beyond all recognition! 昨夜的消息就像风一样,几乎在一大早就传遍了校园的每一个角落,而且加上高中生那丰富的想象力,以讹传讹,传到最后,昨晚的事实已经面目全非! good-for-nothing waste Ling Yun wooed to be refused to school beauty Cao Shanshan last night, finally the beastly nature sends greatly to the Cao Shanshan overlord braces the bow hardly, afterward does not know that had anything, but after he returns to dormitory, bullying his roommate has tidied up ruthlessly!” 窝囊废凌云昨晚向校花曹珊珊求爱遭拒,结果兽性大发对曹珊珊霸王硬上弓,后来不知道发生了什么,可他回到宿舍之后,把欺负过他的舍友狠狠收拾了一顿!” In short, a toad lusting after a swan's flesh! 简言之,癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉 Perhaps this conclusion most can satisfy the imagination and curiosity of high-school student, in any case finally, this is among the students an approval highest edition. 也许这一个结论最能满足高中生的想象力和好奇心,反正最终,这是学生之间认同度最高的一个版本。 Third year class 6. 高三六班。 In Wei Tiangan is taking an English textbook, although two eyes stare at the textbook actually simply not to focus, on his face brings to smile craftily, the corners of the mouth that the sinister plot is prevailing occasionally flash through wipe mean. 韦天干手里拿着一本英语课本,两只眼睛虽然盯着课本却根本没有聚焦,他脸上带着奸计得逞的诡笑,嘴角偶尔闪过一抹阴狠。 Ling Yun, although does not know why you suddenly become that strong, although I cannot hit you now, but in the campus four big young tyrants has two to like Cao Shanshan publicly, this news, I thought how you die!” 凌云,虽然不知道为什么你突然变得那么强,虽然我现在打不过你了,可校园四大恶少里面有两个是公开喜欢曹珊珊的,这个消息一出,我看你怎么死!” Thinks of here, Wei Tiangan in the heart really had an abnormal feeling of satisfaction, as if saw Ling Yun everywhere is swayed back and forth, the crying father who that several playboy hit to shout mother, kneels the scene that begs for mercy to be common. 想到这里,韦天干心中竟然有了一丝变态的满足感,似乎看到了凌云被那几个纨绔打的满地打滚、哭爹喊娘、跪地求饶的场景一般。 Snort, does the energy of light fight is also what kind of? On your that first result from the bottom, a quality cannot be accepted, in the future also will not be does the coolie......” “哼,光能打架又怎么样?就你那倒数第一的成绩,连个高职都考不上,将来还不是个干苦力的……” The Wei Tiangan A Q spirit is very formidable, quick has rediscovered the own superiority feeling, fell into the middle of some YY. 韦天干的阿Q精神很强大,很快就又找回了自己的优越感,陷入了某种YY当中。 Said that Cao Shanshan is Qingshui High School in history most awesome school beauty, truly is fully deserving, because of regardless of the family background background and cheek stature, the academic record, she is the outstanding people! 曹珊珊清水一中有史以来最牛校花,确实是当之无愧,因为无论从家世背景、脸蛋身材、还是学习成绩,她都是佼佼者! However at this time, the Cao Shanshan beautiful cheek actually covered contained the frost completely, the overcast sky of face darken, the mammoth chest fluctuated fiercely, the elegant wing of the nose along with more and more rapid tender breathing rise and fall, she like a small lion of violent anger, does not know that own can also endure the next second! 不过此时,曹珊珊绝美的脸蛋却罩满了含霜,脸色阴沉的阴云密布,波澜壮阔的胸脯剧烈起伏,秀美的鼻翼随着越来越急促的娇喘一起一落,她就像一头暴怒的小狮子,不知道自己还能不能忍过下一秒! But at this time, most likes insist on getting to the bottom of the matter sharing a table quick-tongued Zhang Ling still to be unexpectedly prone making exaggerated , sensationalistic statements there eight trigrams/gossip. 而此时,最喜欢打破沙锅问到底同桌“快嘴张灵竟然还在语不惊人死不休在那里八卦 Zhang Ling long is actually very also worth looking, if puts in the average person, can calculate on is a young beautiful woman, but Cao Shanshan stands, was the green leaf lining safflower. 张灵长的其实也很耐看,如果放到一般人里,也能算的上是一个小美女,只是和曹珊珊站在一起,就是绿叶衬红花了。 I said Shanshan, won't you be given that by Ling Yun really?” “我说珊珊,你不会是真的被凌云给那个了吧?” I had not seen that idiot last night! I do not want to reply again the N th times!” Cao Shanshan shames the anger looks at Zhang Ling, she soon exploded simply! “我昨晚根本就没有见到那个白痴!我不想再回答第N次!”曹珊珊羞怒的看着张灵,她简直快要爆炸了! But I truly saw Ling Yun to follow a school last night behind you...... Your instantaneous distance not over 30 meters far......” “可昨晚我确实看到凌云跟在你后面出的学校啊……你俩当时距离不会超过30米远……” Zhang Ling blinks, as to discover some clues from the Cao Shanshan words. 张灵眨着眼睛,似乎想从曹珊珊的话里找出一些蛛丝马迹。 You added! Good, I acknowledged that last night he was not far behind me, but he followed my several hundred meters to turn round, what went with me was the opposite direction! Then I directly went home, does not believe you present to go to my family to ask my parents! Said that you did satisfy?” Cao Shanshan must be wild with rage really! “你还说!好吧,我承认昨晚他是在我后面不远,可他跟了我不过几百米远就拐了弯了,跟我去的是相反的方向!然后我就直接回家了,不信你可以现在去我家问我爸妈!这么说你满意了吧?”曹珊珊真的要气疯了! Yesterday evening after late studied by oneself, she truly accidentally shot a look at Ling Yun not to be far behind her, may Classmates in a classroom practice for nearly three years, she too has really known about Ling Yun that vexed disposition, how expects him not to own, therefore has not cared. 昨天晚上晚自习以后她确实无意中瞥到了凌云在她后面不远,可在一个教室里共同学习了近三年,她对凌云那窝囊的性格实在是太了解了,料想他也不会对自己怎么着,因此就没怎么在意。 Really, after several hundred meters own turned round, Ling Yun in another direction has turned, two people has not put in an appearance, let alone other! 果然,在几百米自己拐了弯之后,凌云就往另一个方向拐了,两人根本就没照面,更别说其他的了! But her today just went to the school, saw Classmates direct all sorts of comments to her, the word occasionally the drill hears, she listened to explode with rage immediately the lung! 可她今天刚到学校,就看到了同学们对她指指点点议论纷纷,只言片语偶尔钻入耳中,她听了立即气炸了肺! Comes to the classroom with great difficulty, Cao Shanshan saw that in classroom Classmates look to her unusual vision, must grasp simply crazily, did not say politely, she really wants to hang to be cut to pieces Ling Yun now! 好不容易来到教室,曹珊珊看到教室里同学们看向她的异样目光,简直要抓狂了,不客气的说,她现在真想把凌云吊起来千刀万剐! Ling Yun that idiot wants to tell you through this method, does he like you?” Zhang Ling has to make the potential of reporter, she does not dare to stimulate Cao Shanshan again directly, own whispered there. “难道凌云那个白痴想通过这种手段来告诉你,他喜欢你?”张灵真的有做记者的潜质,她不敢再正面刺激曹珊珊,却自己在那里嘀咕。 Cao Shanshan listened to one dull, right, has this possibility very much. 曹珊珊听了一呆,对呀,很有这个可能啊。 Snort! today I find the opportunity to tell him, I accept a pig, I will not accept him, making him lose heart! Really idiot! Idiot who IQ even/including Touzhu are inferior to!” “哼!今天我就找机会告诉他,我就是接受一头猪,我也不会接受他,让他死了这条心吧!真是白痴!智商连头猪都不如的白痴!” Zhang Ling casts aside the mouth, disdains saying: You counted on that he does attend class? Let alone the teacher was concerned with him now, was his own totally gives up the college entrance examination, last night does not know that which nerve built came on the last evening to study by oneself mistakenly, today rushed to such big calamity, he dares to appeared strange!” 张灵把嘴一撇,不屑道:“你指望他来上课?别说老师现在已经对他不闻不问了,就是他自己都彻底放弃高考了,昨晚不知道哪根神经搭错了才来上了最后一节晚自习,今天又闯了这么大的祸,他敢出现才怪!” ........................ …………………… But idiot who all these setters, the character on entire school keenest struggle, in the Cao Shanshan mouth even/including Touzhu are inferior to at this moment, at this time just awoke. 而这一切的始作俑者,此刻全学校风口浪尖上的人物,曹珊珊口中连头猪都不如的白痴,此时才刚刚睡醒。 Ling Yun was awaked hungrily. 凌云是被饿醒的。 Listens to the belly mumbling crying out, Ling Yun to shake the head the forced smile, since own to Fasting Stage, the taste of few food world smoke and fire. 听着肚子里叽里咕噜的叫唤,凌云不禁摇头苦笑,自打自己到了辟谷期以后,就很少食人间烟火的滋味了。 However now from Transcends Tribulation Stage by knocking down this world, was turned into an average person, although the first important matter loses weight, may also first probably serve Wuzang Temple to be good! 不过现在从渡劫期被打落凡尘,变成了一个普通人,虽然第一要务是减肥,可也首先得伺候好了五脏庙才行! Must buy the food first...... Ended!” Ling Yun in great surprise! “得先买饭……完了!”凌云大惊! own wallet and food card, in coat, but own coat, yesterday evening by own generous gave Lin Menghan! 自己的钱包和饭卡,都在上衣里,可自己的上衣,昨晚上被自己慷慨的送给林梦寒了! If there is Storage Bag or Space Magic Item and so on, is more convenient......” Ling Yun to think aloud...... “要是有个储物袋或者空间法器之类的,就省事多了……”凌云自言自语…… Yeah, the head, good person is not good to work as this year, look attempted to be a time good person, own must have an empty stomach......” “哎,这年头,好人不好当啊,这不,就尝试着做一次好人,自己就得饿肚子了……” Ling Yun feels the own air-to-air belly, clenches teeth to regret there, pledges no longer mediates, how simultaneously ponders over to fill the belly. 凌云摸着自己空空的肚子,咬着牙在那里后悔,发着誓不再做好人,同时琢磨着怎么填饱肚子。 Or, asks the own cheap younger sister to go taking advantage of?” According to him remembers that the information, own in this Clear Water City first high school also younger sister, is called Ning Lingyu, read three high, seemingly one of the school top 3 beauties. “要不,找自己的便宜妹妹借点儿去?”根据他记忆中的信息,自己在这个清水市第一高中还有一个妹妹,叫做宁灵雨,也读高三,貌似还是这个学校的三大校花之一。 At present appears that to grip the ponytail pigtail, is tall, the body section is slender, the eye loudly made the beautiful young girl who the person I saw still pities, Ling Yun was timid then a heart. 眼前浮现出那个扎着马尾辫,个子高高,身段儿窈窕秀丽,眼睛大大令人我见犹怜的美少女,凌云就一阵心怯。 This Ning Lingyu, the manner to own seemingly expects too much, develops high three simply is disappointed, two people in the same school, actually almost one month cannot see one time. 这个宁灵雨,对自己的态度貌似是恨铁不成钢,发展到高三简直就是失望透顶,两个人在同一个学校,却几乎一个月都见不到一次。 Or saw, Ling Yun wants to come up to speak words with her, trades is actually one disappointed to the core such as dying embers cold snort/hum, then Ning Lingyu turns head to run off rapidly. 或者说,就算是见到了,凌云想上去跟她说句话,换来的却是一声失望至极心如死灰的冷哼,然后宁灵雨扭头迅速跑开。 Ling Yun fully understood that these two brother and sister's psychology, he knows Ning Lingyu is not looking down upon own Big Brother, what is solid is wants in this way, making own Big Brother have courage and uprightness a little, no longer so vexed. 凌云完全了解这两兄妹的心理,他知道宁灵雨不是瞧不起自己哥哥,而是实实在在的是想通过这种方式,让自己哥哥有血性一点儿,不再那么窝囊。 Remembers Ning Lingyu that disappointedly to have an anticipation look, Ling Yun to talk to oneself difficultly: Ok, looks to look that first, if can find a money? heavenly material treasure like this was discovered!” 想起宁灵雨那失望中带着一丝期待的眼神,凌云挠头自语:“算了,还是先找找看吧,万一能找到一点钱呢?天材地宝都是这样被发现的!” Rummages through chests and cupboards, Ling Yun starts to dig up to turn, his luck is good, has discovered an one hundred dollar bill in the book of head unexpectedly really! 翻箱倒柜,凌云开始扒翻起来,他运气还不错,竟真的在床头的一本书里发现了一张百元大钞! This boy, but also very can hide money, what a pity, has life conceals, dying was colored. 这小子,还挺会藏钱的啊,可惜,有命藏,没命花了。 Ate to the full first said again. 得,先吃饱了再说。 Tidies up all, surmises the one hundred dollar bill, Ling Yun is long-drawn-out happily left dormitory, directly soars the sales store in school. On did Classmates as for the road talk in whispers to his direction? So long as others do not annoy on him, he being disinclined manages! 收拾好一切,怀揣百元大钞,凌云悠哉乐哉的出了宿舍,直奔学校的小卖部。至于路上同学们对他的指指点点窃窃私语?别人只要不惹到他头上,他才懒得管! He knows that definitely is because last night hit Wei Tiangan their matter to pass on, but he did not care, if the powerhouse were not discussed by others, that definitely was because was weak! 他知道肯定是因为昨晚打了韦天干他们的事传出去了,不过他根本不在乎,强者要是不被别人议论,那肯定是因为还不够强! However, Ling Yun had decided wants low-key low-key again low-key, does not have other reason, because of him in the cultivation world high-sounding talk and eye-catching / flashy, he will not encounter that terrifying Heavenly Tribulation! 不过,凌云还是决定了要低调低调低调,没别的原因,要不是因为他在修真界过于高调和拉风,他也不会遭遇那么恐怖的天劫 Which remembers that not dead hides to pursues to continuous which must make own relationship of form and spirit entirely to extinguish terrifying Heavenly Tribulation, Ling Yun unable to bear on the face a fat strong drive, caught the eye to look at the deep blue sky. 想起那不死不休躲到哪追到哪非要让自己形神俱灭的恐怖天劫,凌云忍不住脸上肥肉一阵猛抽,抬眼看了看湛蓝的天空。 low-key, em, wants low-key!” 低调,恩,一定要低调!” This year the head, money really does not pass through the flower, Ling Yun also buys the breakfast that just enough has filled the belly, 100 Yuan spent more than 30. 这年头,钱实在是不经花,凌云也就买了刚够填饱肚子的早饭,100元就花去了30多。 Naturally, this is also, original Ling Yun that his capacity for food decides although physique is weak, may also very much be able to eat, now he is a physical strength also wants the powerful fatty compared with the normal person, that capacity for food was naturally bigger. 当然,这也是他的饭量所决定的,原来的凌云虽然体质虚弱,可也很能吃,现在他是个体力比正常人还要强悍的胖子,那饭量自然就更大了。 Father is rich! Not being able to follow that otherwise eats, practicing to abandon this body!” This is Ling Yun buys the food returns to dormitory the time, major problem of fierce thought. “老子要有钱!不然吃的跟不上,可别把这副身体给练废了!”这是凌云买完饭回宿舍的时候,猛的想到的大问题。 As for making money, Ling Yun sincere has not worried. 至于赚钱,凌云真心不发愁。 Although he was unable to regard now, spiritual energy in within the body cannot revolve the use, but depends on Ling Yun to the human body meridians, human body acupoint familiarity, depending on his wonderful medical skill, so long as several silver needles in the hand, the common condition he can cure with ease. 虽然现在他还不能内视,体内的灵气也不能运转利用,可就凭凌云对人体经脉,人体穴道的熟悉程度,凭他神乎其神的医术,只要几根银针在手,寻常的病情他还是能轻松治好的。 As for arriving at Qi Practicing Stage, that own not only can refine Medicine Pill, but can also manufacture Talisman, in this world, wants to make a money by these, his self-confident not any difficulty. 至于到了练气期,那自己不但能炼制丹药,还可以制作符箓,在这个世界上,想靠这些赚点钱,他自信没有任何难度。 Ate to the full the food, Ling Yun went downstairs once more, this time was to actually directly soar Sports Field of school. 吃饱了饭,凌云再次下楼,这次却是直奔学校的操场 Now high three in go all out for the two months later college entrance examinations the sprint, the physical education had already cancelled, but high one high two have the several classes'and grades' physical education on Sports Field. 现在高三都在为了两个月后的高考而拼命冲刺,体育课早就取消了,但是高一高二还是有几个班级在操场上体育课的。 Naturally, each high school some sports scholarship students, their present natures under the sports teacher's instruction, are sweating profusely on Sports Field, is training own special crazily. 当然,每个高中都有一些体育特长生,他们现在自然正在体育老师的指导下,在操场上挥汗如雨,疯狂训练着自己的专项。 The Ling Yun's destination, is here. 凌云的目的地,就是这里。 Yo, this is not the focuses of our class, the fatty, has caused that big trouble, I heard that many people prepare to look for your trouble, you have not hurried to leave school to hide many far, what comes to here Chinese zither?” “哟,这不是咱们班的焦点人物嘛,胖子,惹了那么大的祸,我听说好多人都准备找你的麻烦呢,你还不赶紧退学有多远躲多远,来这里得瑟什么?”
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