DEMG :: Volume #1

#5: small punishment

Watching the fun Classmates saw the Ling Yun overbearing overwhelming power imposing manner, why although surprise Ling Yun had the so huge change in short time, but they do not want to stroke the tiger to at this time, has to diverge respectively, various chapter of dormitory went to eight trigrams/gossip. 看热闹的同学见了凌云霸道威猛的气势,虽然诧异凌云为何在短时间内发生了如此巨大的变化,可他们也不想在这时候捋虎须,只好各自散去,各回宿舍八卦去了。 Really the sheep changes a fierce tiger, after entering high school, was bullied to taunt more than two years of Ling Yun by all people, the eruption, stepped on Wei Tiangan at one fell swoop unexpectedly directly, the fan Jia Meng, this causes a stir in the flash news of school absolutely! 真是绵羊变猛虎,进高中以后被所有人欺负嘲讽了两年多的凌云,一举爆发,竟然直接踩了韦天干,扇了贾猛,这绝对是轰动全校的大新闻! Jia Meng looked at side nobody, was afraid, some footsteps hesitations that proceeded to move at heart, did not have energy nie saying: Chai Hanlin, we are Classmates, you...... You and Ling Yun relate, you may block him to select, cannot make him hit me again......” 贾猛一看身边没人了,心里更加害怕,往前挪动的脚步有些踌躇,毫无底气的嗫喏道:“柴翰林,咱们好歹是同学,你……你和凌云关系好,你可拦着他点儿,不能让他再打我了……” Jia Meng is bad, eventually is the youngster of studying, bullies others line, is one's turn own to be hit, how possibly to fear? 贾猛再坏,终究不过是个读书的少年而已,欺负别人行,轮到自己被打,怎么可能不怕? This boy will find the person but actually, he knows now in dormitory, if also the person can save him, then this person definitely is Chai Hanlin. 这小子倒会找人,他知道现在宿舍里要是还有一个人能救他的话,那么这个人肯定就是柴翰林 Ling Yun contemptuously looked at his one eyes, is good to say with a smile: You do not need to seek Chai Hanlin, if I must hit you, no one can block, you asked anyone to be useless! Closes the door, comes!” 凌云轻蔑的看了他一眼,好笑道:“你也不用求柴翰林,我如果要打你,谁也拦不住,你求谁都没用!关上门,过来!” Was saying raises legs, puts aside from the chest of Wei Tiangan foot, said to Jia Meng that walks sluggishly: Holds him!” 说着一抬腿,把脚从韦天干的胸口上移开,对慢吞吞走过来的贾猛说道:“把他扶起来吧!” The good and evil lived in nearly three years of Classmates in dormitory, immediately faces the college entrance examination, Ling Yun does not want to do too certainly, so long as frightened. 好歹是在一个宿舍里住了近三年的同学,马上又面临高考,凌云也不想做的太绝,只要震慑一下也就算了。 You two pretended to be sleeping individually, wanted me to ask you to get down inadequately?” Ling Yun raised the head, lightly saying to upper berth Gu Yuanlong and Sha Guoxing. “你们两个别装睡了,难道还要我上去请你们下来不成?”凌云抬头,对上铺的谷元龙沙国兴淡淡道 Gu Yuanlong now the intestines regret was blue, almost must Wei Tiangan scolding, the heart at heart said that usually teased Ling Yun to bully him to look for a pleasure to be also good, why to offer this stupid idea not to give the person to open the door? 谷元龙现在肠子都悔青了,心里差点要把韦天干给骂死了,心说平时调笑凌云欺负欺负他找点儿乐子也就行了,干嘛出这个馊主意不给人开门? Which this to reasons things out, they do not occupy the principle! Yeah, this boy has taken a drug tonight, becomes such aggressive! 这个就是到哪儿说理去,他们也不占理啊!哎,这小子今晚到底吃什么药了,怎么变得这么生猛! But wants to return to think, since Ling Yun selected his name, he has not dared to install unable to hear, therefore rolling crawled from the bed, smiled awkwardly, flatters: Hehe, Brother Ling, did you call me? My this gets down.” 可想归想,凌云既然点他的名字了,他还真不敢装听不见,于是一骨碌从床上爬了起来,尴尬一笑,谄媚道:“嘿嘿,凌哥,您叫我?我这就下去。” Another side Sha Guoxing one hear, showed the whites of the eyes immediately, Gu Yuanlong this boy really will also trim one's sails, Ling Yun wins great reputation fat pig waste wait/etc. these nicknames is he gets up, now suddenly changes a statement to shout Brother Ling! 另一边的沙国兴一听,顿时翻了个白眼,谷元龙这小子还真会见风使舵,凌云名声在外的“肥猪”“废物”等等这些外号都是他起的,现在眨眼间就改口喊上凌哥了! He has not been but actually afraid, because he passes except for occasionally satirizes ridicules Ling Yun, but also desirably has not bullied him, but in dormitory, since bullies Ling Yun, his such does not appear the non- man, followed the crowd. 他倒没有怎么害怕,因为他过去除了偶尔讽刺嘲笑凌云,还真没怎么刻意去欺负过他,只是宿舍里既然都欺负凌云,他不那样又显得不爷们,也就随大流了。 Although the tonight's matter own also has the share, may echo after all, is not the chief instigator, looks at the tone of Ling Yun speech, appearance that also like should not be ruthless, therefore he has not spoken, jumped down from the bed directly. 今晚的事情虽然自己也有份,可毕竟只是附和,不是主谋,看凌云说话的语气,也不像要赶尽杀绝的样子,因此他没有说话,直接从床上跳下来了。 Jia Meng pulling out has feared by a Ling Yun palm of the hand, he knows, will have tonight's this palm of the hand, own do not have wanted to bully Ling Yun one time from now on again! 贾猛更是被凌云一巴掌给抽怕了,他知道,有了今晚这一巴掌,自己今后别想再欺负凌云一次了! Ling Yun returns to the own bedside, spreading out the bedding raises, sat on the bedboard directly, immediately that bed was pressed by him downward sank, kept ringing. 凌云回到自己的床边,把铺上的被褥一掀,直接坐在了床板上,那床立时被他压的往下一沉,吱吱呀呀响个不停。 He swept careless has stood there four person one gingerly, as if saw the fear in their eyes, knows that own frightened the goal to achieve, therefore light said with a smile: Be not poking, sits down casually, we discussed well!” 他漫不经心的扫了战战兢兢站在那里的四个人一眼,似乎看到了他们眼中的恐惧,知道自己震慑目的达成了,于是淡淡一笑道:“都别杵着了,随便坐下吧,咱们好好谈一谈!” Gu Yuanlong, I remember just entered the school time, I of arrangement am an upper berth is right?” 谷元龙,我记得刚进校的时候,安排的我是上铺对吧?” Ling Yun through these people's speeches, knew these person respective names of a moment ago. 凌云通过刚才这几个人的说话,已经知道了这几个人各自的姓名。 Gu Yuanlong has not thought that Ling Yun first had found on him, he has not waited for the buttocks to hold on to your hat, has hurried and stood, is all smile saying: Brother Ling, this is my mistake, you look , do we trade now? My this tidies up the bedding.” Saying, must go to bed unexpectedly. 谷元龙没想到凌云头一个就找到了他头上,他没等屁股坐稳,赶紧又站了起来,满脸堆笑道:“凌哥,这是我的错,您看,要不,咱俩现在就换回来?我这就收拾被褥。”说着,竟真要上床。 You give me to sit there honestly!” Ling Yun feels somewhat funnily, is the own predecessor has been unworthy, even if you male one time, is insufficient to be bullied this by these people! “你给我老实坐那儿!”凌云感觉有些好笑,为自己的前任有所不值,哪怕你雄起一次,也不至于被这些人欺负成这样啊! My meaning does not trade to spread with you, I also feared that midnight crushes the bedboard to be battered to death you! I said this to you, but makes you know, something I do not want to haggle over with you in the past, does not represent me whatever really you ride in my head defecate, yes?” “我的意思不是跟你换过铺来,我还怕半夜压坏床板砸死你呢!我跟你说这个,只是让你知道,有些事我过去只是不想跟你们计较,不代表我就真任由你们骑在我头上拉屎,明白吗?” The Ling Yun following day wants crazy Body Refining, naturally will not go to struggle any bunk bed with him, but the point gives Gu Yuanlong, making his in the heart have several. 凌云接下来的日子要疯狂练体,当然不会去跟他争什么上下铺,只是点给谷元龙,让他心中有数。 The youth, who hadn't been bullied? Who hasn't bullied others? Ling Yun own road own is clear, but also is not worthwhile counter- excessively round trip bullies these Classmates. 少年时代,谁没被人欺负过?谁又没欺负过别人?凌云自己的路自己清楚,还犯不上反过头来去欺负这些同学 Understood, Brother Ling, before was my mistake, hopes that your Sir did not count the villain to cross, in the prime minister belly can pole a boat......” “明白,凌哥,以前都是我的错,希望您大人不计小人过,宰相肚子里能撑船……” Was good, did not need to flatter, changed to be good, the beforehand matter I did not go into one's past.” Ling Yun beckoned with the hand, has stopped the Gu Yuanlong's words. “行了,不用拍马屁了,改了就行了,以前的事我既往不咎。”凌云一摆手,止住了谷元龙的话。 Jia Meng, my palm of the hand again was heavy, but you in the three years, what degree bullied me to be, your own should be clearer than anyone, this palm of the hand, when we have averaged, did you look what kind of?” 贾猛,我那一巴掌重是重了点儿,可你这三年,欺负我到了什么程度,你自己应该比谁都清楚,这一巴掌,就当咱们俩是扯平了,你看怎么样?” Was working as that many person a slap in the face by Ling Yun, although very loses face, may give the devil his due, Jia Meng this palm of the hand suffers not injust, he to these matters that Ling Yun does, trades breaks his leg to be light personally! 凌云当着那么多人打脸虽然很丢人,可平心而论,贾猛这一巴掌挨得不冤,就他对凌云做的那些事,换个人打断他一条腿都是轻的! Now Jia Meng has feared Ling Yun, the two people status with before thoroughly in turn, he except for nods silently, what to do but can also? 现在贾猛已经怕了凌云,两人的地位跟以前彻底反过来了,他除了默默点头,还能怎么办? Has handled these two people, Ling Yun finally on the face of Wei Tiangan the vision transferred to just to stand! 搞定了这两个人,凌云终于把目光移到了刚站起来的韦天干的脸上! Wei Tiangan, I know you to refuse to accept, I do not care about you to take to refuse to accept, two months then big ratio...... Eh, college entrance examination, after the college entrance examination, everybody drifts apart, I do not want to stir up trouble, but I do not want others, when I am the soft persimmon, how wants to pinch how to pinch! My meaning, do you understand?” 韦天干,我知道你不服,我也不在乎你服不服,还有两个月就大比……额,高考,高考后大家各奔东西,我不想惹事,可我更不愿意别人当我是软柿子,想怎么捏就怎么捏!我的意思,你明白么?” Ling Yun saw Wei Tiangan humiliation and angry the look that must torch, actually does not care at all, said directly. 凌云看到了韦天干屈辱和愤怒的要喷火的眼神,却毫不在意,径直说道。 He in these small roles dormitory has not paid attention. 他根本就没把宿舍里这几个小角色放在眼里。 A hatred of Wei Tiangan face, he naturally knows that now he at all is not the Ling Yun's match, therefore listened to Ling Yun to be possible be called the rampant being insufferably arrogant words, has not refuted, but in made a determined effort at heart secretly, how pondered over can try to rectify an embarrassing situation. 韦天干一脸的怨毒,他现在当然知道他根本不是凌云的对手,因此听了凌云堪称嚣张的不可一世的话,并没有反驳,只是在心里暗暗发狠,琢磨着怎么才能找回面子。 Sees Wei Tiangan not to speak, Ling Yun lightly saying: I warned you, this was only small punishment, after I urged you, do not try again to challenge my bottom line, next time so will not be absolutely simple!” 韦天干不说话,凌云淡淡道:“我警告你,这只是略施小惩,我劝你以后千万不要再试图挑战我的底线,下一次绝对不会这么简单就算了!” Spoke these words, Ling Yun again has not looked at Wei Tiangan one, but nodded to Chai Hanlin with a smile, „, who must dare to move you, told me!” 说完这句话,凌云根本就没有再看韦天干一眼,而是冲柴翰林笑着点了点头,“以后谁要敢动你,就跟我说!” Then, set out to discover the own wash bowl towel from the bed, opened the door to go to the waterhouse to clean directly. 说完,起身从床下找出了自己的脸盆毛巾,直接开门去水房清洗去了。 As for Sha Guoxing, in the memory fragment that Ling Yun obtains does not have what impression directly, therefore was neglected by him directly. 至于沙国兴,凌云得到的记忆碎片中直接没有什么印象,因此被他直接忽略了。 After Ling Yun walks, the entire 30 five dormitory atmosphere constrained the extreme, nobody spoke, even nobody moved, in the room the static falling needle may hear. 凌云走后,整个30五宿舍的气氛压抑到了极点,没有人说话,甚至没有人动,房间里静的落针可闻。 What is called to frighten? What is called rampantly?! That is! 什么叫做震慑?什么叫做嚣张?!这就是! Some little time, Gu Yuanlong was slanting eye to look at suffering a loss Wei Tiangan and Jia Meng, the complexion somewhat awkwardly said: cough cough, the shed is long, Jia Meng, are your bodies unimportant?” 好一会儿,谷元龙才斜着眼睛看了吃了大亏的韦天干贾猛一眼,脸色有些尴尬说道:“咳咳,舍长,贾猛,你们的身体不要紧吧?” Jia Meng spitting, does not know that wants to spit in the mouth the residual blood dregs, is in despising of expression to Gu Yuanlong this person with no mind of his own, has not spoken, but returns to the bedside silently, has put another head of bunk the own pillow. 贾猛“啐”了一口,也不知道是想吐掉口中残留的血渣,还是在表达对谷元龙这棵墙头草的鄙夷,并没有说话,只是默默地回到床边,把自己的枕头放到了床铺的另一头。 Also calculates him to be tactful, but also wants to step on the Ling Yun's head with the foot? Ling Yun did not step on his head to be good! 也算他识趣,还想用脚踩着凌云的头?凌云不踩着他的头就不错了! Wei Tiangan with nostril snort/hum one, is replied to Gu Yuanlong's, then discovers the own towel, has cleaned the chest back soil carelessly, went to bed directly. 韦天干用鼻孔“哼”了一声,算是对谷元龙的回答,而后找出自己的毛巾,胡乱擦拭了一下胸前背后的泥土,直接上床了。 Ling Yun went to the waterhouse to clean, Wei Tiangan now although at heart wished one could to tear to shreds Ling Yun, kept thinking any cloudy move coped with him, may probably make him go really to face Ling Yun alone, his sincere was timid! 凌云去水房清洗去了,韦天干现在心里虽然恨不得把凌云碎尸万段,不停地想着什么阴招对付他,可真要让他单独去面对凌云,他还真心怯! He had no way to say any complaint to Gu Yuanlong, the matter was he selected, others Gu Yuanlong was not worthwhile to accompany him to come under attack together, he also looked, then the Ling Yun overbearing vigor, their four was on together share that only then came under attack! 他也没法对谷元龙说什么怨言,事情本来就是他挑起来的,人家谷元龙犯不着下来陪他一起挨打,他也看出来了,就凌云刚才的霸道劲儿,他们四个就是一起上都只有挨打的份儿! Sha Guoxing looked at other three people, opened mouth to say anything, may sigh finally, goes to bed to sleep silently. 沙国兴看了看其他三人,张了张嘴想说什么,可最终只是叹了一口气,默默地上床睡觉。 Waited for all people to return to the own bed, by Chai Hanlin of Ling Yun earth-shaking change shocking staring dumbfounded, in the heart has been reverberated a moment ago repeatedly After ten years’ hard study noticed by none, His fame fills the land once honours are won these words, thinks suddenly was not quite appropriate. 等所有人都回到了自己床上,被凌云天翻地覆的变化震惊的瞠目结舌的柴翰林,刚才心中一直反复回荡着“十年寒窗无人问,一举成名天下知”这句话,忽觉不大合适。 Therefore changed a word gentleman to revenge, ten years were not late! 于是换了一个词“君子报仇,十年不晚”啊! Chai Hanlin thinks, a few words broke 30 five dormitory depressing atmosphere gently: Everybody is Classmates, is the roommate, we must graduate immediately, later well is together.” 柴翰林想了想,轻轻一句话打破了30五宿舍的压抑气氛:“大家都是同学,又是舍友,我们马上就要毕业了,以后还是好好相处吧。” A comfort, is an ingenious warning. 既是一种安慰,也算是一种巧妙的警告。 Also refuses to accept? Also is this world, if in cultivation world, manages your same side non- same side, you now already by relationship of form and spirit entirely to extinguish who I hit, always can not be reincarnated!” “还不服?也就是这个世界,要是在修真界,管你同门不同门,你们现在早就被我打的形神俱灭,永世不得超生了!” This time calculates you to be in luck, is catching up with the father to be happy, if dares to have again next time, looked you who I do not hit cry unable to cry!” “这次算你们走运,正赶上老子高兴,要是再敢有下次,看我不打的你们哭都哭不出来!” This time Ling Yun, has been meeting basin running water, he only shorts, with towel satisfied is scouring his obese body! 此时的凌云,正接了一盆自来水,他只着一条短裤,用毛巾惬意的擦洗着他肥胖的身体呢! Ling Yun is clean the body thorough clean, put in the basin to rub two pants carelessly, the towel built toward the shoulder on, returns to dormitory to rest. 凌云把身体彻底清洗干净,又把裤子放盆里胡乱揉了两把,毛巾往肩上一搭,回宿舍休息去了。 Before entering dormitory, Ling Yun looked down own this fat fat. in the heart meditates: 宿舍之前,凌云低头看了看自己这一身肥膘。心中默念: „From tomorrow, I must you tell that said goodbye!” “从明天开始,我要跟你们说再见!”
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