DEMG :: Volume #1

#4: Steps on person a slap in the face

Let alone they, that dang faced each other dormitory and next door dormitory a moment ago all was awakened by noise, several meddlesome students even opened the door to come out to have a look exactly what happened. 别说他们,刚才那咣当一声就连对门宿舍和隔壁宿舍的全都被吵醒了,有几个好事的学生甚至打开门出来看看到底发生了什么事。 Hey, 305 also had looked lively, walked, what goes to take a look at Ling Yun that pig must make into!” Next door dormitory a boy of good matter digs up to raise one's head, shrank went back to shout to the roommate. “嘿,305又有热闹看了,走,过去看看凌云那猪头又要被打成什么样!”隔壁宿舍一个好事儿的小子扒出头来,又缩了回去对舍友喊道。 That dull goose which day does not take a beating, has anything to be attractive, does not have the meaning!” His roommate heard that is Ling Yun must come under attack, immediately the interest does not have, the body that just sat lay down. “那呆头鹅哪天不挨揍啊,有什么好看的,没意思!”他的舍友听说是凌云又要被挨打,立刻兴致全无,刚坐起来的身体又躺回去了。 30 five dormitory. 30五宿舍 After short being shocked, Wei Tiangan finally restored from the shock, the matter occurred in own at present, will kill him not to believe that Ling Yun will dare to trample the gate to enter! 短暂的惊呆之后,韦天干终于从震惊中恢复了过来,要不是事情就发生在自己眼前,打死他都不会相信凌云竟敢踹门而入! The entire school who does not know that Ling Yun is spiritless, is afraid of getting into trouble timidly, should bully? Grew one meter eight stature and more than 200 jin (0.5 kg) statures in vain, on just the high students dare to be in front of his to tease him to satirize him! 全学校谁不知道凌云性格懦弱,胆小怕事,最好欺负?白白长了一米八的个子、200多斤重的身材,就连刚上高一的学生都敢当着他的面取笑他讽刺他! Fat pig, your line you! Several hours did not see, come back to dare to trample the gate unexpectedly!” Although Wei Tiangan does not know that Ling Yun received anything to stimulate, has not actually paid attention to Ling Yun. “肥猪,你行啊你!几个小时不见,回来竟然敢踹门了!”韦天干虽然不知道凌云受了什么刺激,却根本就没有把凌云放在眼里。 Gu Yuanlong also sobered at this time from the shock, his thoughts lived, see the Wei Tiangan opens the mouth, immediately coincided saying: My saying definitely fatty, were you vindicated with Cao Shanshan last night, was found the person to punch by others? Haha, how glasses and didn't the coat have? It is not thinks that the overlord braces the bow hardly, after others punch one suddenly, is taken away to work as the evidence?” 谷元龙此时也从震惊中清醒过来了,他心思活,见韦天干开口,立即附合道:“我说死胖子,你是不是昨晚跟曹珊珊表白,被人家找人揍了一顿?哈哈,怎么眼镜和上衣都没了?不会是想霸王硬上弓,被人家揍一顿然后拿去当证据了吧?” Was saying having no interest listener intends, Wei Tiangan one hear, the complexion immediately becomes exceptionally ugly, heart that fire leapt comes up! He then notes Ling Yun truly stripped, ended, really how won't this boy be will give the own in the heart goddess? 说着无心听者有意,韦天干一听,脸色顿时变得异常难看,心头那火腾就上来了!他这才注意到凌云确实是光着膀子,完了,这小子不会是真把自己心中的女神给怎么着了吧? Such late came back to disturb us to rest did not say, also dares to trample the gate unexpectedly! I thought that your this pork was also itchy, can make father give you loosen quick loosen to be quick?” “这么晚回来打扰我们休息不说,竟然还敢踹门!我看你这身猪肉是不是又痒痒了,要不要让老子给你松快松快?” The boy of this saying called Jia Meng, the height was less than one meter seven, thin with monkey. 说这话的小子叫贾猛,身高不到一米七,瘦的跟猴儿似的。 But this boy fades badly, the matter that he most likes bullies Ling Yun, he and Ling Yun living together lower berth, others this situation is the head-on or is the foot sleeps to the foot, but he sleeps foot towards Ling Yun's. 可这小子蔫儿坏,他最喜欢的事就是欺负凌云,他和凌云同住下铺,别人这种情况都是头对头或者是脚对脚睡觉,可他偏偏就是把脚对着凌云的头睡觉。 Before Ling Yun also tried to turn around to sleep, but he, so long as proposed that this idea, Jia Meng will punch him, repeatedly after several times, Ling Yun has, helpless accepted this situation. 以前凌云也试图掉头睡觉,可他只要提出这个想法,贾猛就会揍他,反复几次之后,凌云只好无奈接受这种情形。 Hey, on his pants also tick-tock the water, should not vindicate is rejected, ashamed jumped into the river to suicide? That tomorrow may live it up! Qingshui High School most vexed the most disgraced death fatty to woo to most dazzling school beauty outstandingly is resisted, throws self into river to suicide, flash news!” “嘿,他裤子上还滴答水呢,该不会是表白被拒绝,羞愧的跳河寻死了吧?那明天可就热闹了!清水一中最窝囊最丢人的死胖子向最优秀最耀眼的校花求爱被拒,投河寻死,大新闻啊!” Sha Guoxing of Chai Hanlin upper berth has put on glasses at a moderate pace, the clarity that he looks, said, he is lest the world is not chaotic. 柴翰林上铺的沙国兴不紧不慢的戴上了眼镜,他看的清楚,紧接说道,他是惟恐天下不乱。 At this time nearby several dormitory awakened by noise students some people arrived at 305 entrances to watch the fun, listening to Sha Guoxing this saying to create a disturbance to laugh. 此时附近几个宿舍被吵醒的学生已经有人来到305门口看热闹了,听了沙国兴这话不禁起哄大笑。 Wei Tiangan listened to the view of Sha Guoxing, relaxed slightly, he place that noted Ling Yun to stand is also moistened by the water that his bottom of pants leg tick-tock got down, considered that the Ling Yun's disposition, thought the situation possibility that he said was very big. 韦天干听了沙国兴的说法,微微松了一口气,他也注意到凌云站立的地方已经被他裤脚滴答下来的水打湿了,考虑到凌云的性格,觉得他说的这种情况的可能性很大。 However thinks that Ling Yun dares to school beauty Cao Shanshan professing love that own unrequited loves, Wei Tiangan unable to bear burst with envy, the heart said that own does not dare to blaspheme the in the heart goddess, makes such a fat pig pick up a bargain unexpectedly! 不过一想到凌云竟敢向自己暗恋的校花曹珊珊示爱,韦天干就忍不住妒火中烧,心说自己都不敢亵渎心中的女神,竟然让这么头肥猪捡了便宜去! This time must be in front of these Classmates, tidies up him well, gives him to come one time ruthlessly, otherwise also really acted against heaven! 这次一定要当着这些同学的面,好好收拾收拾他,给他来一次狠的,不然还真反了天了! Gu Yuanlong of he and upper berth, Sha Guoxing has looked at each other one, knows that the idea of two people and own happens to hold the same view, immediately the complexion transfers ruthlessly, coldly smiles. 他和上铺的谷元龙,沙国兴对视了一眼,知道两人自己的想法不谋而合,立即脸色转狠,冷冷一笑。 Only then Chai Hanlin listened to jump down from bed all of a sudden, his shoes could not attend to putting on, arrive at asking of Ling Yun side care: Ling Yun, which did you go? Which your glasses and coat? Did the pants also soak? Are you all right?” 只有柴翰林听了一下子从床上跳了下来,他连鞋都顾不上穿,来到凌云身边关心的问道:“凌云,你到底去哪儿了?你的眼镜和上衣哪儿去了?裤子还湿透了?你没事吧?” Chai Hanlin is a rural area, the family is quite difficult, actually depends on Qingshui High School that the own real skill passes into, the study is assiduous, the diligent effort, is first ten in class, but he is actually short, is thin, usually unavoidably was bullied the ridicule by bad Classmates, Ling Yun that therefore to has been bullied by Classmates harbors the heart of sympathy. 柴翰林是农村的,家庭比较困难,却凭自己的真本事考进的清水一中,学习刻苦,勤奋努力,一直是班里的前十名,不过他却是身材矮小,又骨瘦如柴,平时难免被坏同学欺负嘲笑,因此对一直被同学欺负的凌云怀有同情之心。 Just arrived at this world Ling Yun to feel a true concern finally, he lowered the head to Chai Hanlin says with a smile lightly: I am all right.” 刚刚来到这个世界的凌云终于感受到了一丝真正的关心之意,他低头冲着柴翰林淡淡笑道:“我没事。” He raised the head, the facial color the gloomy as water, stares at Wei Tiangan coldly to say immediately: You told me, gate that who locked? Is you?” 紧接着他抬起头来,面色立时阴沉似水,盯着韦天干冷冷道:“你来告诉我,谁锁的门?到底是不是你?” Yo, but also grew guts really! Our dormitory fat pig dared such to speak to us! Fat Pig, listened, I told you clearly, gate that your father I locked, how!” Wei Tiangan thoroughly by the Ling Yun's domineering getting angry, him spoke must get down from the upper berth along the bed ladder! “哟呵,还真长了胆儿了啊!咱们宿舍的肥猪竟敢这么跟我们说话了!胖猪,听好了,我明明白白告诉你,你老子我锁的门,怎么了!”韦天干彻底被凌云的强势给怒了,他说着话就要沿着床梯从上铺下来! Has not waited for his both feet to fall to the ground, thought that a large palm held the neck of own, body one light, was fallen by Ling Yun all of a sudden on the ground! 只是还没等他双脚落地,就觉得一只肥大的手掌抓住了自己的脖子,紧接着身体一轻,一下子就被凌云摔在了地上! „--” Wei Tiangan has not thought that Ling Yun said begins to begin, he was fallen to be sprawled out, in addition only wears shorts, the ground is also icy cold, immediately the pain exhales the sound. “啊——”韦天干没想到凌云说动手就动手,他被摔了个四脚朝天,再加上只穿着条短裤,地面又冰凉,顿时痛呼出声。 This has not ended, Ling Yun lifted the foot moistening the travel shoes of wet mud stepped on completely on his chest, did not care about the Wei Tiangan pain to struggle with calling out in alarm that surrounding Classmates shocked quite the same as, smiles as before lightly: How? Steps on you!” 这还没完,凌云抬脚就把沾满了湿泥的旅游鞋踩在了他的胸口上,浑然不在乎韦天干的痛苦挣扎和周围同学震撼的惊呼,依旧淡淡笑着:“怎么了?踩你呗!” All person dumbstruck, the eyeball almost must stare, glasses drops place! 所有人目瞪口呆,眼珠子几乎都要瞪出来了,眼镜跌落一地! Will prepare to get out of bed to punch Ling Yun's Gu Yunlong and Sha Guoxing with Wei Tiangan, looks at present one, the brain some are insufficient immediately, Jia Meng rubs crazily rubs the own delay again both eyes, this is not has a dream? 正要准备跟着韦天干下床揍凌云的谷云龙和沙国兴,看着眼前的一幕,脑子顿时有些不够用,贾猛更是疯狂揉搓再揉搓自己呆滞的双眼,这不是做梦的吧? Ling Yun in the heart is actually dark crisp, although this body is still very fat, may undergo immortal spiritual energy essence scrubbing of own Transcends Tribulation Stage, cleansing the essence to cut down the marrow was already reborn! 凌云心中却是暗爽,这副身体虽然依然很胖,可经过自己渡劫期仙灵气精华洗刷,早已洗精伐髓脱胎换骨! Was the nearsightedness of eye has cured incessantly thoroughly, has repaired 60%-70% along with that abandoned Yang Qiao Arteries, in the own body almost all unmentionable diseaseas completely went, a moment ago had absorbed in addition Seven Glorious Grass overflow spiritual energy, his present body can say strongly like the cow! 不止是眼睛的近视彻底治好了,随着那条被废的阳跷脉修复了六七成,自己身体内几乎一切暗疾尽去,再加上刚才吸收了七曜草溢出的灵气,他现在的身体可以说强壮如牛! Was needless saying that his meridians acupoint to human body knew from A to Z, purely depends on the strength, now in dormitory who is the own match? 不用说他对人体的经脉穴道了如指掌了,就是纯凭力气,现在宿舍里又有谁是自己的对手? Chai Hanlin surprised looks that Ling Yun turned into one to eat the fierce tiger of person from a docile sheep, the mood was shocks indescribably, he saw Wei Tiangan that has kept aloof to be stepped on by Ling Yun on the ground struggles the chilly howling appearance, some did not endure slightly, therefore muttered: Ling Yun......” 柴翰林吃惊的看着凌云从一头温顺的绵羊变成了一头吃人的猛虎,心情更是震撼到无法形容,他见一直高高在上的韦天干凌云踩在地上挣扎凄嚎的样子,微微有些不忍,于是喃喃道:“凌云……” Impression of Ling Yun to Chai Hanlin is very good, he beckoned with the hand saying: Do not manage, today I must do accounts with them!” 凌云柴翰林的印象很好,他摆了摆手说道:“你不要管,今天我得跟他们算算账!” Ling Yun obtained Seven Glorious Grass accidentally, mood really excellently, wants to return to dormitory satisfactory sleeps steadfast, after other, said again, but he has not thought that came back to be denied entrance! 凌云无意中得到了七曜草,心情真的大好,本来想回宿舍美美的睡个踏实觉,其他一切等以后再说,可他没想到一回来就吃了个闭门羹! When also the father is good-for-nothing? Happen to new tent/account old debt together calculates! 还当老子是废柴呢?正好新帐旧账一块算! Wei Tiangan by Ling Yun was fallen down unexpected, by his foot numerous stepping in the chest, was in front of these many people, he only thinks ashamed and resentfully difficult to bear, he struggles furiously, both hands make an effort to move things out of the way the Ling Yun's leg, wants to stand from the Ling Yun under foot! 韦天干猝不及防被凌云摔倒在地,又被他一只脚重重的踩在胸口上,当着这么多人的面,他只觉羞愤难当,他奋力挣扎,双手用力想搬开凌云的腿,想要从凌云脚下站起来! How Ling Yun to step on his leg to sew like the iron pole on him general, how whatever he tosses about, is he who steps on stubbornly, is entirely still! 奈何凌云踩着他的那条腿就像铁柱钉在他身上一般,任凭他怎么折腾,就是踩的他死死的,纹丝不动! No matter the person in dormitory is also good, the person who the dormitory entrance watches the fun, sees this, cannot bear corner of the eye twitch fiercely, fearful and apprehensive! 不管是宿舍里的人也好,还是宿舍门口看热闹的人也罢,看到这一幕,都忍不住眼角儿猛地抽动,心惊胆寒! The campus fights this matter to be common, but a person is stepping on another person with the foot stubbornly, this scene they also really little see! 校园打架这种事常见,可一个人用脚死死地踩着另一个人,这种场景他们还真的很少见到! Did Ling Yun this fellow, when become such valiant? 凌云这家伙,什么时候变得这么彪悍了? All person in the heart are having doubts. 所有人心中都在疑惑。 Damn, this Fat Pig was insane! Gu Yunlong, Jia Meng, you a bit faster have not come to punch him, there what?!” Wei Tiangan looks fiercely, shouted that they help. 我草,这头胖猪疯了!谷云龙,贾猛,你们还不快点过来揍他,在那里等什么呢?!”韦天干面露狰狞,喊他们帮忙。 But Gu Yuanlong is person of bullying the weak and fearing the strong, he looked a moment ago clearly, a Wei Tiangan at least 60 kilograms body, Ling Yun was a hand raises to throw him on the ground, which at this time also dares to act rashly. 谷元龙是个欺软怕硬的主儿,他刚才可是看得清清楚楚,韦天干至少60公斤的身体,凌云可是一只手就把他提了起来扔在了地上,此时哪儿还敢妄动。 Jia Meng, sees Ling Yun to carry towards actually he, thinks to have an opportunity, in his eyes flashes through wipes the ruthless color, gets out of bed arrives at behind Ling Yun quietly, according to the Ling Yun's back of the body is a fist! 倒是贾猛,见凌云对着他,以为有机可乘,他眼中闪过一抹狠色,下床悄悄来到凌云背后,照着凌云的后心就是一拳! This fought with the fists, but also hit was very solid, but Ling Yun actually with turning head of being all right person, fat the greatly face smiled to him. 这一拳打中了,还打的很结实,可凌云却跟没事儿人似的回过头来,大胖脸蛋子冲他笑了笑。 I most liked hitting person staggering blow, but does your this strength also want to hit the person? How makes me teach you to fight!” bang! words succeed in obtaining, was quick and a ruthless palm of the hand then the fan to the face of Jia Meng on, a slap in the face sound in quiet night clear resounding! Passes on quite far! “我最喜欢打人闷棍了,可你就这点儿力气还想打人?还是让我来教教你怎么打架吧!”“啪!”话到手到,又快又狠的一巴掌就扇到了贾猛的脸上,打脸的声音在静谧的深夜里清晰响亮!传出去好远! Although could not name the character, but in memory this boy was worst, usually bullied own many, therefore Ling Yun started heavily slightly! 虽然叫不上名字了,可记忆中这小子最坏,平时欺负“自己”最多,因此凌云下手稍微重了点儿! The teeth of two belt/bring blood depart, speed that on the face of Jia Meng several hand fingerprints, the cheek to see instantaneously swelling! 两颗带血的牙齿飞出,贾猛的脸上瞬间多了几道手指印,腮帮子以看得见的速度肿胀了起来! „--” a throat, Jia Meng by this Palestinian long-handled fan transferred one same place, with enough time the pain exhales the sound, he covered the face continually to draw back several steps, stopped to the entrance crowd place quickly, at this time his in eye then only the remaining two characters: Frightened! “嗷——”一嗓子,贾猛被这一巴掌扇的足足原地转了一圈儿,才来得及痛呼出声,他捂着脸一连退了好几步,快到门口人群处才停了下来,此时他眼睛里就只剩下俩字:恐惧! As that Palestinian long-handled fan leaves, almost all people simultaneously hit one to tremble, their in the heart as if started to confirm in this moment a matter, that was Ling Yun changes! 随着那一巴掌扇出,几乎所有人都同时打了一个哆嗦,在这一刻他们心中似乎都开始确认了一件事,那就是凌云变了! Ling Yun no longer spiritlessly no longer timidly whatever no longer others bullied! Although they are not willing to acknowledge, the fact that may have at present makes them have to acknowledge! 凌云不再懦弱不再胆小不再任由别人欺负了!虽然他们不愿意承认,可眼前发生的事实让他们不得不承认! Under the foot is stepping on Wei Tiangan, a Palestinian long-handled fan flew Jia Meng, what is fearful when is on his face does not fight vicious crazy meaning, is the smiling face of that light taunt, all these that as if makes are reasonable with the breath same nature. 脚底下踩着韦天干,一巴掌扇飞了贾猛,可怕的是他脸上毫无打架时凶狠疯狂之意,还是那副淡淡的嘲讽的笑容,似乎所做的这一切就跟呼吸一样自然合理。 In Classmates that the entrance watches the fun, two had bullied Ling Yun's, subconscious will shrink the neck to move moving in the future, for fear that Ling Yun will see them. 门口看热闹的同学里面,有两个曾经欺负过凌云的,下意识的缩着脖子往后挪了挪,生怕凌云看到他们。 Gu Yuanlong, Sha Guoxing, both of you also wait for anything, this boy does not know that tonight has sent any insanity, or after uniform/subdue his us, was miserable!” 谷元龙,沙国兴,你们俩还等什么,这小子今晚不知道发了什么疯,要不制服他我们以后就惨了!” Pitiful Wei Tiangan was stepped on not to realize like this Ling Yun was already reborn, is agitating unexpectedly still Gu Yuanlong they to get down the help. 可怜的韦天干被踩成这样了都还没有意识到凌云早已脱胎换骨,竟然还在鼓动谷元龙他们下来帮忙。 Boisterous!” On the Ling Yun foot added a little strength slightly, Wei Tiangan immediately complexion deathly white, the painful tears flowed, where can also say the following words. “聒噪!”凌云脚上稍稍加了一点儿力道,韦天干立时脸色煞白,痛的眼泪都流出来了,哪里还能说出后面的话来。 Ling Yun looked down first has lain down on the ground already Wei Tiangan that gave up struggling, the vision that then taunted has swept Gu Yuanlong slowly, Sha Guoxing, finally has moved to the entrance place. 凌云先低头看了躺在地上已经放弃挣扎的韦天干一眼,然后嘲讽的目光缓缓扫过谷元龙,沙国兴,最后移至了门口处。 „Since the two years do you bully me to be many? So long as you are not too excessive, I also endured, but you dare to lock dormitory not to make me tonight pass through the gate, if I this also endured continually, later you do want to ride in my head defecate?” “这两年多以来你们都欺负我不少吧?只要你们不是太过分,我也就都忍了,可你们今晚竟敢锁上宿舍不让我进门,我要是连这个也忍了,以后你们是不是就要骑在我头上拉屎了?” Other dormitory stand in the person who the entrance watches the fun hears the Ling Yun's words, in the heart cannot help whispers secretly, thought in abundance Wei Tiangan and the others the procedures a little were truly excessive. 其他宿舍站在门口看热闹的人听到凌云的话,心中忍不住暗自嘀咕,纷纷觉得韦天干等人的做法确实有点儿过分了。 Ling Yun again vexed, spiritless, you bully him again, has no alternative but to return to dormitory to live? After all in person each family spent. 凌云再怎么窝囊,懦弱,你再怎么欺负他,也不能不让人回宿舍住吧?毕竟人家家里花了钱的。 This is also Ling Yun, must change into others such to bully own, that cannot go all out with him with the fellow! 这也就是凌云,要换成别人这么欺负自己,那还不得拿家伙跟他拼命! The people are this, if tonight Ling Yun is original Ling Yun, he definitely is gives up knocking on a door, squats in the entrance until the dawn, moreover half does not put one. 人就是这样,如果今晚凌云还是原来的凌云,那他肯定是放弃敲门,蹲在门口直到天亮,而且连半个屁都不放一个。 Others knew also definitely as always ridiculed him, satirized him, actually nobody can think, if were changes into own to be so treated by others, how can also. 别人知道了也肯定一如既往的嘲笑他,讽刺他,却没有人会想如果是换成自己被别人如此对待,又会如何。 But the Ling Yun domineering has counter-attacked tonight . Moreover the opposite party that makes a move to hit does not have the strength to hit back, others naturally think , if own, definitely also will go all out, even the counter-attack way is more intense! 可今晚凌云强势反击了,而且一出手就打的对方毫无还手之力,别人自然就会想如果是自己,肯定也会拼命,甚至反击方式更激烈! Yeah, is this, Wei Tiangan does was truly more excessive, even if were the rabbit anxious has also bitten......” some entrance people to start is Ling Yun defends against injustice. “哎,原来是这样,韦天干做的确实过分了些,就算是兔子急了也咬人啊……”门口有人开始为凌云打抱不平。 Looked lively enough? Looked that which enough returned goes, guarded a door while convenient to me who which my came takes! You, come!” “热闹都看够了没有?看够了就都给我哪儿来的回哪儿去,顺便把门给我带上!你,过来!” Ling Yun coldly looks at person one eyes that entrance these have watched the fun, simultaneously lifts hand finger/refers of Jia Meng. 凌云冷冷地看了门口那些看热闹的人一眼,同时抬手一指贾猛 Covers swelling the cheek of old tall almost to fall back on Jia Meng inadequate one to tremble, he really does not want to come second again! 捂着肿的老高的腮帮子几乎退到门外的贾猛差点儿一个哆嗦,他可是真的不想再来第二下啊!
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