DEMG :: Volume #1

#51: Nearly disgraced

Divine Docter Xue saw the own granddaughter to want insist on getting to the bottom of the matter, he smiled bitterly saying: Naturally has looked, not only has looked for me, she alone has also seen your paternal grandmother.” 薛神医自己的孙女是要打破沙锅问到底了,他不由苦笑道:“当然找过,不光找过我,她还单独见过你奶奶。” „?” The young seductress somewhat is in a daze immediately, this...... “啊?”小妖女顿时有些发愣,这…… I do not know that they achieved anything, only knows that from then on Miao Fenghuang returned to Miao-nationality region, your paternal grandmother five years ago passed away, again has not mentioned her with me!” “我也不知道她们到底达成了什么,只知道打那以后苗凤凰回到了苗疆,你奶奶直到五年前去世,都没有再跟我提起过她!” Ling Yun ridicules in the one side secretly, heart said that the old gentleman you conceals the truth, I do not believe you not to overturn the heavens for Miao Fenghuang noisily! 凌云在一旁暗暗揶揄,心说老爷子你就瞒吧,我不信你们没有为了苗凤凰吵翻天! Xue Meining has thought half-day/long time, asked: Grandfather, after my paternal grandmother passed away, why don't you look for her? Your such big age, what but also there is unable to look on the bright side of thing?” 薛美凝想了半天,又问道:“爷爷,那我奶奶去世之后,您为什么不去找她?你们都这么大年龄了,还有什么想不开的?” The Ling Yun heart said that the idea of this young seductress truly is bold unusual, you do not think, your grandfather delayed others for a lifetime, but also has a face to ask others? 凌云心说这小妖女的想法确实是大胆奇特,你也不想想,你爷爷耽误了人家一辈子,还有脸去求人家么? cough cough cough......” Divine Docter Xue becomes flushed by the complexion that granddaughter asked that has nothing to say in reply, disguised to cough to conceal, simultaneously hurried to give Ling Yun to hit the meaningful glance. 咳咳咳……”薛神医被孙女问的脸色涨红,无言以对,假装咳嗽掩饰,同时赶紧给凌云打眼色。 Ling Yun comes out to break through immediately: Was good, let alone these useless, I must start the marking needle, you exit to give me Protector.” 凌云立即出来解围:“好了,别说那些没用的了,我要开始行针了,你出去给我护法。” Wha...... What? Protector?” Xue Meining arrives at such profound imaginary flavor full phrase on first hearing, gawked all of a sudden. “什……什么?护法?”薛美凝乍一听到这么个玄幻味道十足的字眼,一下子愣了。 Also said slip of tongue! 又说秃噜嘴儿了! Right, is makes you go to out of the door to look, do not make others come to disturb, to understand?” “对呀,就是让你去门外看着点儿,不要让别人进来打扰,听懂了没?” Ling Yun hurries to conceal. 凌云赶紧掩饰。 As soon as the young seductress listens to Ling Yun to her keep them out, starts not to be glad, she turned head to look at a front door of locking on the other side, honk the mouth said: That I just had caged, who can come to disturb?” 小妖女一听凌云要把她拒之门外,开始不乐意了,她扭头看了一眼反锁的大门,嘟嘴道:“那门我刚去上锁了,谁能进来打扰?” Ling Yun stares the eye: What to do do some people knock on a door? When the time comes had problems you to be responsible for?” 凌云把眼一瞪:“有人来敲门怎么办?到时候出了问题你负责啊?” Divine Docter Xue with a smile looks that two children bicker, seems not anxious for the marking needle that must launch immediately. 薛神医笑吟吟的看着两个孩子斗嘴,似乎一点儿都不为马上就要展开的行针紧张。 „Don't you need to help?” “难道你不需要帮忙么?” The young seductress such one was frightened by Ling Yun, the energy was not so full, but she does not want to miss such good opportunity. 小妖女被凌云那么一吓,底气不那么足了,不过她还是不想错过这么好的机会。 After all can see Spiritual Pivot Nine Needles in legend, this opportunity is not casual can meet. 毕竟能见到传说中的灵枢九针啊,这种机会可不是随随便便就能遇到的。 Naturally, she greatly does not feel relieved Ling Yun as before, is one of the reasons. 当然,她心里依旧还是不大放心凌云,也是原因之一。 Treats the illness to save the patient is not jokes, said is a matter, can achieve any degree to be another thing. 治病救人可不是闹着玩的,说是一回事,能做到什么程度又是一回事。 Zhao Kuo „isn't being an armchair strategist, the living example? 赵括的“纸上谈兵”,不就是活生生的例子么? Divine Docter Xue finally spoke, he has coughed gently, the affection said to the granddaughter: Ning'er, Ling Yun must display Spiritual Pivot Nine Needles, certainly must puncture my whole body big hole, you do not facilitate dull here, exits!” 薛神医终于发话了,他轻轻咳嗽了一声,慈爱的对孙女说道:“凝儿,凌云要施展灵枢九针,肯定要刺我周身大穴,你不方便呆在这里,还是出去吧!” Divine Doctor is Divine Doctor, he was to the point on all of a sudden, if Ling Yun lets only remain underpants that his 70-year- old man escapes , the own granddaughter is staring in the one side, what's the matter? 神医就是神医,他一下子就说到了点子上,万一凌云真让他一个70多岁的老头子脱的只剩一个裤衩儿,自己的孙女在一旁盯着,算怎么回事儿? Xue Meining again has not really refuted. Knew, Grandfather.” Her hemp slides walks toward the front door, before going out has not forgotten then to urge Ling Yun: Big Brother Ling Yun, you may probably give my grandfather needle-pricking well......” 薛美凝果然没有再反驳。“知道了,爷爷。”她麻溜儿的就朝大门走去,临出门前还不忘回头叮嘱凌云:“凌云哥哥,你可一定要好好给我爷爷施针啊……” Is lying by the stone table procrastinates, absorbs jade box spiritual energy Ling Yun crazily, listens that was crisp and sweet Big Brother Ling Yun, nearly does not have one to stagger to put on the stone table! 正趴在石桌旁边临阵磨枪,疯狂吸收玉盒灵气凌云,听了那声又酥又甜的“凌云哥哥”,差点儿没一个趔趄扑在石桌上! It seems like this young seductress cared that really own grandfather, was noisy a moment ago also has, is in sharp opposition also has, now immediately real thing, actually changed a statement to call own Big Brother? 看来这小妖女是真关心自己的爷爷,刚才吵吵闹闹也有,针锋相对也有,现在马上动真格儿的了,竟然改口叫自己哥哥了? He just thinks that should, actually hear young seductress a few words: If you governed my grandfather badly, will have many people to ask you to do accounts......” 他刚想应一句,却又听到小妖女一句话:“要是你把我爷爷治坏了,会有很多人找你算账的……” The young seductress said, gave a Ling Yun anticipation to be full of the warning the look, finally changed throws smiles, this went out of the front door, and door took conveniently. 小妖女说完,给了凌云一个期待又饱含警告的眼神,最终化作扑哧一笑,这才走出了大门,并随手把门带上。 Actually the young seductress said right, Divine Docter Xue that is the China country Treasure level character, if Ling Yun really old gentleman governing badly, that looks for the person estimate that he does accounts to be able many fills up entire Clear Water Lake! 其实小妖女说的没错,薛神医那是华夏宝级的人物,如果凌云真把老爷子给治坏了,那找他算账的人估计能多的填满整个清水湖 Naturally, if Ling Yun Divine Docter Xue curing...... 当然,如果凌云薛神医给治好了…… Old gentleman, it seems like Ning'er is really filial...... Ling Yun to smile to the Divine Docter Xue show face to you, the praise said. “老爷子,看来凝儿对您还真孝顺呢……”凌云薛神医展颜一笑,夸奖道。 My this granddaughter, has not loved her white/in vain! Yeah, blamed me to give to become hardened in bad habits her, later you two were together, you took on, making her a little, when gave my old man thin surface, cough cough......” “我这孙女,没白疼她!哎,也怪我把她给惯坏了,以后你们两个相处,你多担待些,让着她一点儿,就当给我老头子一个薄面,咳咳……” Divine Docter Xue had decided that regardless of Ling Yun this time can cure his sickness, he must treat this to meet well dares to give him the needle-pricking youngster. 薛神医已经决定,无论凌云这次能不能把他的病治好,他都要好好对待这个一见面就敢给他施针的少年。 There is a saying to read dies for a righteous cause, because Xue Meining appreciated Ling Yun to carry the sandbag to run 4400 meters, stemming from the Doctor the psychology of kind-heartedness and young miss unique worship powerhouse, introduced Ling Yun to the own grandfather. 有句话叫“一念成仁”,薛美凝因为欣赏凌云扛着沙袋奔跑了4400米,出于医者仁心和小姑娘特有的崇拜强者的心理,把凌云介绍给了自己的爷爷。 Actually unexpectedly, such a small thought that has rescued a China first Divine Doctor life! 却没成想,就这么一个小念头,就救了华夏第一神医的一条命! Ling Yun has not gone to think the subtext in Divine Docter Xue words, his optional nod, when the body again spiritual energy that cannot install the jade box to release time, he puts out a hand to search toward the jade box, nine heavy gold needle were copied by him in the hand. 凌云没有去想薛神医话里的潜台词,他随意的点了点头,等到身体再也装不下玉盒释放出的灵气的时候,他伸手往玉盒内一探,九根沉甸甸的金针就被他抄在了手中。 Divine Docter Xue looked could not bear an anxiety, he took these nine gold needle each time time, has not fasted to bathe then the difference, actually by Ling Yun such casual grasped in the hand, did not love dearly is strange. 薛神医看了忍不住一阵揪心,他每次取这九枚金针的时候,就差没有斋戒沐浴了,却被凌云这么随便的就抓在了手里,不心疼才怪。 However on his face has not actually revealed that but asked with a smile: Ling Yun, can we trade place?” 不过他脸上却没有表露出来,只是笑着问道:“凌云,咱们要不要换个地儿?” That meaning was asking actually, must arrive in the room the bed to come up, was good to take off the clothes to facilitate Ling Yun needle-pricking. 那意思其实就是在问,要不要到屋里床上去,好脱了衣服方便凌云施针 Ling Yun shakes the head to say directly: Does not use, outside is bright, so long as you took off the coat and shoes have been OK.” 凌云直接摇头道:“不用,外面亮堂,您只要把外套和鞋子脱了就可以了。” The Divine Docter Xue nod has complied with one, starts to take off the clothes to take off shoes voluntarily, has not noted the Ling Yun's sound to be somewhat unusual quite the same as. 薛神医点头应了一声,开始自行脱衣脱鞋,浑然没有注意到凌云的声音有些异样。 At this time, the Ling Yun's forehead and tip of the nose, started to sweat. 此时,凌云的额头和鼻尖,都开始冒汗了。 When Ling Yun confident takes nine gold needle, he secretly did not shout wonderfully. 凌云信心满满的把九根金针拿到手中的时候,他就暗呼不妙。 Because he discovered that the preserve in spiritual energy in within the body, simply has not flowed toward nine gold needle in the sign that condenses! 因为他发现储藏在体内的灵气,根本没有往九根金针里流动凝聚的迹象! Ling Yun has traded seven circulates the qi magic art continuously, in fits nicely spiritual energy is similar to likes a stone dropped into the sea as before, if had not awaked soldier, is unable to stimulate to movement! 凌云已经连续换了七种行气法诀,可体内的灵气依旧如同石沉大海,又如没睡醒了的士兵似的,根本无法催动! It is not able to stimulate to movement spiritual energy, spiritual energy cannot cross into the Divine Docter Xue acupoint meridians through gold needle, this also marking needle? 无法催动灵气,灵气就不能通过金针渡入薛神医穴道经络之中,这还怎么行针? Naturally, Ling Yun only relies on the law of marking needle also to alleviate the Divine Docter Xue symptom, may not have the assistance of spiritual energy, is actually not able to bring the ideal effect. 当然,凌云只凭借行针之法也能缓解薛神医的症状,可没有灵气的辅助,却无法带来理想的效果。 Ling Yun has not arrived at the Body Refining Fourth Stage level, therefore was unable to transfer and spiritual energy of use within the body on own initiative, this point he is very clear. 凌云还没有到达练体四层,所以还无法主动调动和使用体内的灵气,这一点他是很清楚的。 Reason that he is as before confident , because he understands the function of silver needle or gold needle. 他之所以依旧信心满满,是因为他了解银针或者金针的作用。 gold needle or the silver needle, are spiritual energy or the True Qi best carrier. 金针或者银针,就是灵气或者真气的最佳载体。 If in short , compared with electric current spiritual energy, then the needle is the electric wire \; If compares with the water current spiritual energy, then the needle is a channel. 简言之,如果把灵气比作电流,那么针就是电线\;如果把灵气比作水流,那么针就是渠道。 According to the Ling Yun past experience, he does not need to run any Cultivation Technique, so long as gold needle in hand, within the body spiritual energy continuous pours into gold needle through the bulb, then crosses into in within the body of patient in the marking needle. 按照凌云以往的经验,他根本不需要运行任何功法,只要金针拿在手中,体内灵气就会源源不断的通过指肚注入金针,然后在行针的时候渡入患者的体内。 This was just like has put through the power source, or opened a running water dragon head truth. 这就好比接通了电源,或者打开了自来水龙头一个道理。 Now spiritual energy of Ling Yun within the body is absolutely still, is just like Ling Yun to defend treasure mountain spatially, is actually not able to use inside any treasure! 现在凌云体内的灵气寂然不动,就好比凌云空守着一座宝山,却无法使用里面的任何一件宝贝! This time, Ling Yun misjudged. 这次,凌云失算了。 What to do? Gives up treating in light of this? Doesn't use spiritual energy assistance forcefully needle-pricking? 怎么办?就此放弃治疗?还是不用灵气的辅助强行施针 Ling Yun when stimulates to movement circulates the qi Cultivation Technique strongly, brain thoughts revolve, is actually carrying on the beauty battle. 凌云在竭力催动行气功法的时候,脑子却心念电转,进行着天人争斗。 Cannot make me carry the sandbag to exit to run first 10,000 meters, compels spiritual energy, then comes back to give Old Man Xue the marking needle? 总不能让我先扛着沙袋出去跑个10000米,把灵气逼出来,然后再回来给薛老头行针吧? That pleasure may be big! Have't can by out of the door that small girl smiling? 那乐子可就大了!还不得被门外那个小丫头给笑死? That also too lost face, is not my style! 那也太丢人了,不是我的风格! Saw that Old Man Xue has taken off coat, is taking off shoes there, Ling Yun was somewhat was really anxious, he desperate, vision suddenly swept on the stone table to put above the jade box of gold needle! 眼看着薛老头已经脱掉了外套,正在那里脱鞋,凌云是真有些急了,他情急之下,目光冷不丁的就扫到了石桌上盛放金针的玉盒之上! Had! 有了! Hehe, although you are pass the Spirit Treasure jade, but for Old Man Xue treats an illness to your family, sacrificed you! Finally is don't let one's own fertile water flow into others' field is not? 嘿嘿,虽然你是块通灵宝玉,可为了给你们家薛老头治病,就把你牺牲了吧!总算是肥水不流外人田不是? Thinks of here, Ling Yun disregards, left hand finds out, caught in that emerald green bluish green Tou jade box the hand all of a sudden! 想到这里,凌云不管不顾,左手探出,一下子就把那翠绿碧透的玉盒抓到了手里! Ling Yun left hand grabs the jade box, right hand is gripping gold needle, takes oneself as the bridge, crazy revolution good merit magic art! 凌云左手抓着玉盒,右手攥着金针,以自身为桥梁,疯狂运转行功法诀 If naked eye obvious, you can see, spirit jade implication spiritual energy crazy flushes away toward Ling Yun within the body! 如果肉眼可见,你就可以看到,灵玉蕴含的灵气正疯狂的朝着凌云体内冲去! Since continuously, no matter Seven Glorious Grass is also good, is Ning Lingyu Innate Spirit Body is also good, is this spirit jade is also good, Ling Yun is spiritual energy that recruits them naturally to release. 一直以来,不管七曜草也好,还是宁灵雨天生灵体也好,还是这块灵玉也好,凌云都是吸收他们自然释放出来的灵气 But this time, Ling Yun to treat an illness to Old Man Xue, could not give a thought to that many again. 可这次,凌云为了给薛老头治病,再也顾不得那么多了。 Really effective! 果然有效! Ling Yun realized spiritual energy that within the body hides such is flushed by spiritual energy that the spirit jade to/clashes, directs, in addition circulates the qi Cultivation Technique of Ling Yun crazy stimulation of movement, started to have the dissociation, but sign! 凌云察觉到体内潜藏的灵气被灵玉冲进来的灵气这么一冲,一引,再加上凌云疯狂催动的行气功法,开始有了游离而出的迹象! Revolution Cultivation Technique that Ling Yun goes all out, quick, spiritual energy of his within the body starts to send out in abundance, with the spiritual energy cheerful convergence that the spirit jade to/clashes, starts to flow according to the fixed route in Ling Yun within the body! 凌云更加拼命的运转功法,很快,他体内的灵气开始纷纷出动,跟灵玉冲进来的灵气欢快的汇合,开始在凌云体内按照固定的路线流动起来! Said mysterious complex, actually because of the general character, is the world vitality, under Ling Yun's acts with every effort, how possibly as before to ambush motionless? 说起来玄奥复杂的很,其实就是因为共性,同属天地元气,在凌云的尽力施为之下,怎么可能依旧潜伏不动? At this time nine gold needle in Ling Yun right hand, spiritual energy was already full overflows! 此时凌云右手中的九根金针,灵气早已充盈四溢! Succeeded! Ling Yun great happiness! 成功了!凌云大喜! At this time, Divine Docter Xue has taken off shoes and socks exactly, his both feet stepped in that old Beijing cloth shoes of taking off, said with a smile to Ling Yun: „Did the Ling Yun little friend, prepare? Now can needle-pricking?” 这时,薛神医恰好脱掉了鞋袜,他双脚踩在脱掉的那双老北京布鞋上,冲凌云微笑道:“凌云小友,准备好了没有?现在可以施针了吧?” Ling Yun nodded with a smile, the heart said that early is not late, was just good! 凌云笑着点了点头,心说不早也不晚,刚刚好! His left hand grabs the jade box, right hand is gripping nine gold needle, several steps arrived at the Divine Docter Xue side. 左手抓着玉盒,右手攥着九根金针,几步就来到了薛神医的身旁。 Old gentleman, Jiao Wang needs excessively positively, today I give you needle-pricking \; first, suppresses the gu insect of your within the body with Needle Technique, keeping within its two months from rebelling \; Second, to recuperate your lung, stops your cough temporarily!” “老爷子,矫枉需要过正,今天我给您施针,一是用针法压制住您体内的蛊虫,让它两个月之内无法作乱\;二是调理一下您的肺经,暂时止住您的咳嗽!” A while will be very possibly painful, but also asked you to endure!” “一会儿可能会很痛,还请您忍着点儿!” Then, Ling Yun was silent, how did not see him to act, four cuns (2.5 cm) Big Needle arrived at the Ling Yun's thumb and index finger from his palm! 说完,凌云闭口不言,不见他如何动作,一根四寸大针就从他的手心来到了凌云的拇指和食指之间! Ling Yun looked that does not look, nearby a big hole according to Divine Docter Xue chest heart then to bind! 凌云看都不看,照着薛神医胸口心脏附近的一处大穴就扎了进去! Single-handed needle-pricking?!” “单手施针?!” Divine Docter Xue sees the jade box of Ling Yun left hand bewildered grasping clothing needle, only uses the right hand to him the marking needle, startled his dumbstruck, had not realized quite the same as Big Needle punctures the chest body that ache! 薛神医看到凌云左手莫名其妙的抓着装针的玉盒,只用右手给他行针,惊的他目瞪口呆,浑然没察觉大针刺破胸口皮肉的那一丝疼痛!
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