DEMG :: Volume #1

#50: Unfeeling Heart-Devouring Insect

Divine Docter Xue could not bear look at each other one with Xue Meining, on the two people face the shocking expression is the same, stared dumbfounded! 薛神医薛美凝忍不住对视了一眼,两人脸上震惊的表情都是一样,瞠目结舌! Divine Docter Xue calmed down slightly, turns asked that Ling Yun that turns head a face to anticipate said: That...... Do you have to look, my heart-fire is too why strong?” 薛神医稍微定了定神,扭回头来一脸期待的问凌云道:“那……你有没有看出来,我为何心火太强?” Divine Docter Xue has decided that so long as Ling Yun said his heart-fire too to be why strong, his today definitely will make Ling Yun give him needle-pricking! 薛神医已经决定了,只要凌云说出他为何心火太强,他今天肯定会让凌云给他施针 But Xue Meining already forgot to disdain with be disappointed to Ling Yun's at this time a moment ago, before she almost jumped over the Ling Yun body, mentioned the throat the heart, was waiting for Ling Yun gives the answer. 薛美凝此时早就忘了刚才对凌云的不屑和失望了,她几乎是蹦到了凌云身前,把心提到了嗓子眼儿,等待着凌云给出答案。 The reason is very simple, in entire that Ling Yun said a moment ago! 原因很简单,凌云刚才说的全中! Hehe, I said a moment ago, can only stop your cough temporarily, my present ability could not have achieved to you permanently cures , because, the issue of your this heart, is really very serious.” “呵呵,刚才我就说了,只能暂时止住您的咳嗽,我现在的能力还达不到给您根治,就是因为,您这个心脏的问题,实在是很严重。” The Ling Yun at a moderate pace carrying tea, has drunk one, easely said. 凌云不紧不慢的端起茶水,喝了一口,才悠然说道。 Xue Meining was already sincerely convinced, she does not wait for Ling Yun to put down the teacup, raised the teapot to pour to him on. 薛美凝早已心服口服,她不等凌云放下茶杯,就提起茶壶又给他倒上。 Divine Docter Xue complexion suddenly some flood red, he hesitated slightly, first looked to glance own granddaughter one awkwardly, then the difficult opens the mouth said: Said that looks!” 薛神医的脸色忽然有些泛红,他微微犹豫了一下,先面露尴尬的瞟了自己的孙女一眼,然后艰难开口道:“说说看!” Ling Yun also looked up to hold the teapot unexpectedly to stand in nearby Xue Meining, then turned head calm, asked that Divine Docter Xue said: Can say really?” 凌云竟然也抬头看了看正捧着茶壶站在一旁的薛美凝,然后才淡定回头,问薛神医道:“真要说?” Awkward color on Divine Docter Xue face is more obvious, he sighed slightly, helpless said: Said......” 薛神医脸上的尴尬之色更加明显,他微微叹了一口气,无奈道:“说吧……” Reason that your heart-fire is too prosperous, is actually your own eats the precious medicinal herb that various profit hearts are good for the spleen to eat, your not only effulgent heart-fire, your taste is also very prosperous!” “您的心火之所以太旺,其实是您自己吃各种益心健脾的名贵药材吃出来的,您不但心火旺,您的脾胃也很旺!” Ling Yun said, raised the head to trade item to look in all directions, looks that the big courtyard has half place to plant various types of precious raw materials for medicine, proudly smile. 凌云说完,抬头换目四顾,看着偌大院子有一半地方种植着各种名贵药材,傲然微笑。 Now Xue Meining admires only remaining nodded, simply had not discovered that Grandpa own and Ling Yun are carrying on the look exchange. 薛美凝现在佩服的只剩下点头了,根本没有发现自己爷爷和凌云在进行眼神交流。 Also wanted me to say?” Ling Yun sought information Old Man Xue's opinion. “还要我说么?”凌云征询薛老头的意见。 cough cough...... Was needless saying that the time early, we first needle-pricking, this old problem did not toss about me to be very long, can few cough a while lively a while......” 咳咳……不用说了,时候也不早了,咱们还是先施针吧,这个老毛病折腾我很久了,能少咳嗽一会儿就多轻快一会儿……” Divine Docter Xue hurried to block Ling Yun, he thoroughly has believed the Ling Yun's words now, even has also believed that Ling Yun can definitely live up to one's words, can stop the problem that he coughed temporarily. 薛神医赶紧拦住了凌云,他现在已经彻底相信凌云的话了,甚至也已经相信凌云肯定能说到做到,能暂时止住他咳嗽的毛病。 The young seductress is hearing the vigor, sees the own grandfather now then eagerly the marking needle, she hurries to interpose: Ling Yun, you said that why does my grandfather take the traditional Chinese medicine that many profit hearts are good for the spleen?” 小妖女正听得起劲儿呢,见自己的爷爷现在就急于行针,她赶忙插话道:“凌云,你说说呗,我爷爷到底为什么吃那么多益心健脾的中药啊?” Although Xue Meining is young, may also be Chinese medicine Expert, her grandfather day Tiandu must make system these traditional Chinese medicines to eat, she looks is much more cautious, even if uses medicines to build up one's health, does not have such a tonic method. This issue she has really been held responsible Divine Docter Xue innumerable, may be changed the topic by the grandfather each time, evading. 薛美凝虽然年龄小,可也已经是个中医高手了,她爷爷天天都要熬制那些中药来吃,她看着都慎得慌,就算是药补,也没有这么个补法的。这个问题她实在是问过薛神医无数次了,可每次都被爷爷岔开话题,给避了开去。 Ling Yun smiles not to speak, considers only to judge tea. 凌云笑而不语,只顾品茶。 The Divine Docter Xue complexion becomes flushed, fierce cough, but also non-stop hits the meaningful glance to Ling Yun. 薛神医脸色涨红,一个劲儿的剧烈咳嗽,还不停的给凌云打眼色。 Ling Yun naturally understands, he puts down teacup, turns a deaf ear to the young seductively attractive girl's urging, said indifferently: Old person, our marking needle?” 凌云自然心领神会,他放下茶杯,对小妖女的催促充耳不闻,淡然道:“老人家,咱们行针吧?” „It is not good, you must tell me, my grandfather why everyday takes these traditional Chinese medicines!” “不行,你必须要告诉我,我爷爷为什么每天吃那些中药!” The tricky brute strength of young seductress has come up, being probable makes Ling Yun explain. 小妖女的刁蛮劲又上来了,非得让凌云说个明白。 “Umm...... I do not know...... I boasted to speak irresponsibly a moment ago...... Our needle-pricking...... ” “额……我不知道……我刚才都吹牛乱说的……咱们施针吧……” Ling Yun holds is understanding act dumb, started to acknowledge own in boasting. 凌云揣着明白装糊涂,都开始承认自己在“吹牛”了。 You have not boasted, these that you said a moment ago were right! If your today does not explain, I do not let your needle-pricking!” “你才没有吹牛呢,你刚才说的那些都对了!你今天要是不说明白,我就不让你施针!” Young seductress issue suppressed in was too at heart long, now saw Ling Yun to say the answer to come immediately, she will certainly not let off! 小妖女这个问题憋在心里太久了,现在见凌云马上就要说出答案来了,她当然不会放过! Xue Meining and grandfather's sentiment, that non- is the ordinary master grandson sentiment may compare absolutely, the body of Divine Docter Xue has the issue, her daily watching, anxiously in the heart, wishing one could own can suffer hardships for the grandfather, cannot get the answer from grandfather there. 薛美凝和爷爷的感情,那绝对非是普通的爷孙感情可比,薛神医的身体有问题,她天天的看在眼里,急在心头,恨不得自己能替爷爷受苦,却从爷爷那里得不到答案。 Now had such good opportunity, she will certainly not let off. 现在有了这么好的机会,她当然不会放过。 Good, Old gentleman, I will come to see you another day again, first walked.” Sees the young seductress to come this set of, Ling Yun to smile, stands the racket the buttocks to leave. “那好,老爷子,我改天再来看您,先走了。”见小妖女又来这一套,凌云嘿嘿一笑,站起来拍拍屁股就要走人。 Small monster women's doubles arm hugs, has held all of a sudden in the arms the Ling Yun's arm, hugs tightly is very very tight, she displayed the acting like a spoiled brat marvelous ability of going smoothly everywhere, started to cling to for dear life hits rottenly. 小妖女双臂一抱,一下子就搂住了凌云的胳膊,搂的很紧很紧,她施展出了无往不利的撒娇神功,开始死缠烂打。 You, if did not say, I do not ask you to leave, whom look at to consume who!” “你要是不说,我就不让你走,看谁耗得过谁!” The person of Xue Meining as if being drowned grabbed the straw to grasp to be ordinary, both eyes with tears, hugged the Ling Yun's arm not to put stubbornly. 薛美凝仿佛溺水之人抓住了救命稻草一般,双目含泪,死死搂着凌云的胳膊不放。 „Have you forgotten our gambling stake?” Ling Yun approximately frightened her with the gambling. “你忘了咱俩的赌注了?”凌云拿刚才的赌约吓唬她。 So long as you can cure my grandfather, you want any me to comply!” The young seductress worried, Ling Yun does not daunt her. “只要你能治好我爷爷,你要什么我都答应!”小妖女是真着急了,凌云根本吓不住她。 Ling Yun has helpless looked at Divine Docter Xue one. 凌云只好无奈的看了薛神医一眼。 Divine Docter Xue look complex sees the own treasure granddaughter, hesitant moment, finally long sighing. 薛神医神色复杂的看着自己的宝贝孙女,犹豫了片刻,最终长长的叹了一口气。 Ok, told her. cough cough......” “算了,告诉她吧。咳咳……” Ling Yun looked down this filial young seductress one eyes, said with a smile lightly: Was good, now can let loose me?” 凌云低头看了这个孝顺至极的小妖女一眼,淡淡笑道:“行了,现在可以放开我了吧?” Xue Meining smiles through tears finally, she then discovered that the Ling Yun's arm elbow is going against stubbornly on the chest of own, distortion of the chest of own pushes, frightened her to hurry to loosen both hands, complexion has blushed to feel hot. 薛美凝终于破涕为笑,她这才发现凌云的胳膊肘正死死地顶在自己的胸脯上,把自己的胸脯都挤的变了形,吓得她赶紧松开了双手,脸色一阵羞红发烫。 Ling Yun sits down, then in the look has one to pity, asked to Divine Docter Xue lightly: Very long time?” 凌云重新坐下,然后眼神中带着一丝怜悯,冲薛神医淡淡问道:“很长时间了吧?” Divine Docter Xue looks up the day, resembled in the recollection formerly, after long time, he smiled bitterly saying: Quick 40 years!” 薛神医抬头望天,似是在回想从前,半晌后他苦笑道:“快40年啦!” Xue Meining is pouring tea to Ling Yun, she hears muddleheaded, cannot bear wonder saying: Do not hit the riddle good? What nearly 40 years?” 薛美凝正在给凌云倒茶,她听得稀里糊涂的,忍不住纳闷道:“你们不要打哑谜了好不好?什么快40年了?” Ling Yun hehe said with a smile: Your grandfather within the body has a living creature.” 凌云呵呵笑道:“你爷爷体内有个活物。” „......” Xue Meining is holding the sand-fired pot falls to the ground, falls on the road that the cobblestone paves, fell to be split up! “啪……”薛美凝捧着的紫砂壶落地,落在鹅卵石铺就的石径上,摔了个四分五裂! The hot water splashed on she bright and clean gently beautiful calf, quite the same as unconsciously. 热水溅到了她光洁柔美的小腿上,都浑然不觉。 „Did you, what you say?!” Xue Meining panic-stricken desire certainly, her unbelievable changes the own grandfather: Grandfather , he he said that your within the body has......” “你,你说什么?!”薛美凝惊骇欲绝,她难以置信的转向自己的爷爷:“爷爷,他,他说你体内有……” Divine Docter Xue frowns the forced smile to nod, simultaneously has given a Ling Yun appreciation look. 薛神医皱着眉头苦笑点头,同时给了凌云一个赞赏的眼神。 Hid the truth from 40 years of secret to be divulged by Ling Yun a few words, Divine Docter Xue has instead felt relaxed, he thought all of a sudden with ease many. 瞒了40年的秘密被凌云一句话说破,薛神医反而释然了,他一下子就觉得轻松了不少。 Has the living creature really in your within the body? 40 years? Oh!” Xue Meining thought suddenly all of a sudden Tiandu collapsed! “真的有活物在您体内?40年了?天哪!”薛美凝忽然一下子觉得天都塌了! What thing is that?” “那是什么东西?” Is the gu!” This Divine Docter Xue has not concealed again, his vision looked to the distant place, the look was complex, recalls: 40 years ago, I to seek the unsurpassed medical ethics, once penetrated Miao-nationality region, the chance coincidence, has saved a Miao Clan young girl, she called Miao Fenghuang, I afterward know, she unexpectedly was Miao-nationality region Saintess......” “是蛊!”这次薛神医没再隐瞒,他的目光望向了远处,神色复杂,回忆道:“40年前,我为了寻求无上医道,曾经深入苗疆,机缘巧合,救过一个苗族少女,她叫苗凤凰,我后来才知道,她竟然是苗疆圣女……” Has not thought that Miao Fenghuang to the medical ethics, was in the situation of reaching the pinnacle to the gu technique, we verify mutually, mutual exchange, that period of time, it can be said that in my life one of the most joyful time......” “没想到苗凤凰对医道,对蛊术都到了登峰造极的地步,我们互相印证,互相交流,那段时光,可以说是我人生中最快乐的时光之一……” Talked about here, old person's vision started warmly, he continued saying: When I thought my medical skill is unable to enhance again, proposed must leave, who knew Miao Fenghuang to me already is the sentiment root deep type......” 讲到这里,老人的目光开始温馨了起来,他继续说道:“在我觉得我的医术无法再提高的时候,就提出要离开,谁知苗凤凰对我早已是情根深种……” „The Miao Clan miss is brave, when I proposed must walk, said to my intention comes out......” 苗族姑娘胆大直接,在我提出要走的时候,把对我的心意说了出来……” But at that time I have become with your paternal grandmother the husband and wife, your father, how also possibly to comply with her wooing?” “可那时候我已经和你奶奶结为了夫妻,还有了你的父亲,又怎么可能答应她的求爱?” Xue Meining already heard at this time crazily, she pursues asks: Grandfather, how did you afterward leave?” 薛美凝此时早已听得痴了,她追问道:“爷爷,那您后来是怎么离开的?” Divine Docter Xue hears word smiles bitterly: Leaves? Miao-nationality region Saintess life only loves a man, where so will be easy to put me to walk, she disguises to comply by me to depart, actually that night that I leave, has put the anesthetics in my food......” 薛神医闻言苦笑:“离开?苗疆圣女一生只爱一个男人,哪儿会那么容易放我走,她假装答应由我离去,却在我离开的那天晚上,在我的食物里下了迷药……” Hears here, Ling Yun has not needed to listen again. 听到这里,凌云已经不用再听了。 Xue Meining is extremely bright, blushes to bite lip to ask: You......” 薛美凝冰雪聪明,红着脸咬着嘴唇问道:“那你们……” Divine Docter Xue face one red, lowered the head sighed saying that the granddaughter asked: Yes, they plan desirably, how can I avoid?” 薛神医被孙女问的老脸一红,低头叹气道:“是,他们刻意谋划,我又怎能避开?” Ling Yun in the heart despised Old Man Xue secretly, the heart said that estimated what you looked forward to have, but also avoided? 凌云心中暗暗鄙视了薛老头一番,心说估计你巴不得发生点儿什么呢,还避开? What has not thought that after all occurred, she planted to me unexpectedly ****!” “可没想到的是,在一切发生了之后,她竟然给我种上了****!” On the face of Divine Docter Xue has an anger, is somewhat helpless, he explained: „The name of this gu is called Unfeeling Heart-Devouring Insect, from small type in having status Miao Women within the body, once is happy with the man, that gu insect will enter man within the body, enabling two people life-long to forget kindnesses, if who forgets kindnesses, inevitably suffers the gu insect to bite the pain of heart!” 薛神医的脸上有一丝愤怒,又有些无奈,他解释道:“这种蛊的名字叫做忘情噬心蛊,从小种在有身份的苗女的体内,一旦和男人欢好,那蛊虫就会进入男人体内,使得两人终生都不能忘情,谁若忘情,必然遭受蛊虫噬心之苦!” On beautiful cheek that Xue Meining does not lose the heroic spirit, the look, she low voice whispered strangely: She certainly long is very beautiful?” 薛美凝绝美又不失英气的脸蛋上,神色古怪之极,她小声嘀咕道:“那她一定长的很美吧?” Recalling of Divine Docter Xue face, he nodded, said: Miao Fenghuang truly is the world rare outstandingly beautiful......” 薛神医一脸的缅怀,他点了点头,说道:“苗凤凰确实是人间少见的绝色……” Why do you reject her? Brought back to the family/home not to come directly good her......” “那您为什么拒绝她?直接把她带回家来不就行了……” Enough valiant! Enough bold! Deeply about my intent! Deeply about my intent! Ling Yun listened to the suggestion of Xue Meining, cannot bear start to this young seductress to hold in high esteem. 够彪悍!够大胆!深合我意!深合我意啊!凌云听了薛美凝的建议,忍不住开始对这个小妖女刮目相看。 cough cough......” Divine Docter Xue had a scare by the own treasure granddaughter's bold suggestion, coughs fiercely, good half-day/long time to stare to teach said: Do not talk nonsense, if brings back to the family/home to come her, your paternal grandmother what to do?” 咳咳……”薛神医自己宝贝孙女的大胆建议吓了一跳,剧烈咳嗽起来,好半天才瞪眼教训道:“别胡说八道,如果把她带回家来,你奶奶怎么办?” You have to think......” naturally, these words young seductress is bold, only dared to say at heart. “您心里又不是没想过……”当然,这句话小妖女就是再大胆,也只敢在心里说说而已。 Afterward?” “后来呢?” Divine Docter Xue spoke of here, naturally again does not have the concealment necessity, he said with a smile grieved: Afterward, I did not certainly agree, depends the medical skill to be profound, tried to leave Miao-nationality region......” 薛神医已经说到这里了,自然再无隐瞒的必要,他惨然一笑道:“后来,我当然是绝不同意,仗着医术高深,就设法离开了苗疆……” To compel the gu insect in within the body, I looked for my master, who knows my master not to have the means to compel it to come, can only find the way to suppress it...... Therefore......” “为了逼出体内的蛊虫,我去找了我的师傅,谁知就连我师傅都没有办法逼出它来,只能想办法压制它……所以……” Ling Yun helps him go: „The medicine that therefore you start to eat these profit hearts to be good for the spleen daily the medicinal herb that boil make , to promote heart-fire, is used to suppress within the body gu insect the pain of biting heart, right?” 凌云帮他接了下去:“所以您就开始天天吃这些益心健脾的药材熬制成的药物,提升心火,用来压制体内蛊虫的噬心之苦,对吧?” The Divine Docter Xue applause nod said: Good that you said that because of fire restrains metal, the fire the raw soil, the earth makes the gold/metal, therefore I have taken the medicine that these profit hearts are good for the spleen, during suppressed gu insect, but must maintain the heart carefully, spleen, the physiological equilibria of lung three big organs.” 薛神医赞许点头道:“你说的不错,因为火克金,火又生土,土又生金,所以我一直吃这些益心健脾的药物,在压制蛊虫的同时,还得小心维持心,脾,肺三大器官的生理平衡。” Ling Yun understands, the spleen is the earth, the fire was prosperous, earth naturally prosperous, like this regarding heart-fire is too strong to the lung after creating the damage, can have certain nourishing function. 凌云明白,脾属土,火旺了,土自然就旺,这样对于心火太强对肺经造成的损伤,能够有一定的滋养作用。 This thing is the same with the dough making, the water are many must add the surface, the surface many must also add water again, the basin of that dough making will not be sooner or later able to install, Divine Docter Xue can maintain with hardship for 40 years, calculates that pressed him! 只是这玩意就跟和面一样,水多了就得加面,面多了还要再加水,早晚那和面的盆就装不下了,薛神医能苦苦维持40年,也算难为他了! However this obviously is not the issue that Xue Meining cares about, she as if pays more attention to the story the result, she asked carefully: Grandfather, does she have looked for you again?” 不过这显然不是薛美凝在意的问题,她似乎更关注故事的结局,她小心问道:“爷爷,那她有没有再找过您呢?”
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