DEMG :: Volume #1

#49: Divine Doctor shock

Spiritual Pivot Nine Needles?!” 灵枢九针?!” What? Spiritual Pivot Nine Needles?!” “什么?灵枢九针?!” Divine Docter Xue and young seductress also call out in alarm unexpectedly, the complexion also changes! 薛神医和小妖女竟然同时惊呼,脸色也随之大变! Especially Divine Docter Xue, his has not borne, both hands are unexpectedly uneven, grasped firmly Ling Yun's both hands all of a sudden, the shock said: „Hasn't little friend, you deceived me? Do you meet Spiritual Pivot Nine Needles really?!” 尤其是薛神医,他一个没忍住,竟然双手齐出,一下子攥住了凌云的双手,震惊道:“小友,你没有骗我吧?你真的会灵枢九针?!” Ling Yun feels, Old Man Xue grips both hands of own to vibrate fiercely, obviously is excitedly and is the result excitedly. 凌云感觉的出,薛老头攥着自己的双手在剧烈抖动,显然是过于激动和兴奋所致。 His wicked perspiration, smiled bitterly is shooting a look at the beautiful pupil to stare perfectly round Xue Meining one, was very speechless. 他一阵恶汗,苦笑着瞥了美眸瞪得溜圆的薛美凝一眼,很是无语。 This young seductress is not very well moves, this time makes your grandfather forestall? If your pair of young and fresh-looking such as the snow-white small hand of spring scallion does catch me to be good? 这个小妖女不是挺好动的嘛,这次怎么让你爷爷抢了先?要是你那双水嫩如春葱的雪白小手来抓我多好? Ling Yun is becomes a lay priest by the medicine, Spiritual Pivot Nine Needles, is he in Cultivation Big World, before has not started cultivating true , the law of marking needle using, after he achieves Qi Practicing Stage, discarded, changes to Five Elements Divine Needle and Five Elements Arteries Truncating Finger. 凌云乃是以医入道,灵枢九针,是他在修真大世界,没有开始修真之前使用的行针之法,在他达到练气期之后,就弃之不用,改用五行神针五行截脉指了。 Ling Yun looked that the response of grandparent and grandchild two people knew badly, he could not bear turn supercilious look, the heart said that thinks low-key one so was how difficult. 凌云一看祖孙两人的反应就知道糟了,他忍不住翻了一个白眼儿,心说想低调一下怎么就这么难。 However he is a little joyful, at least from Old Man Xue's response, for him the ratio eats meal also wants adept Spiritual Pivot Nine Needles, should also compares awesome Needle Technique in this world. 不过他还是有点儿欣喜的,至少从薛老头的反应来看,对他来说比吃饭还要娴熟的灵枢九针,在这个世界应该还算是比较牛逼针法 The experts put out a hand, apparent has. 行家伸伸手,便知有没有。 At present this Old Man Xue's medical skill, Ling Yun had understood approximately. 眼前这个薛老头的医术,凌云已经大致有所了解。 According to the Ling Yun's judgment, this Old Man Xue's medical skill, compared with the medical skill that Ling Yun can use now, although has also missed one big section, but the attainments were also reach highest knowledge. 根据凌云的判断,这个薛老头的医术,比凌云现在能施展的医术虽然还差了一大截子,可造诣也算是登堂入室了。 At least Old Man Xue a moment ago took the pulse to be able through half a point clock situation judgment near perfect of Ling Yun body, this makes Ling Yun have to him hold in high esteem. 至少薛老头刚才通过半分钟把脉就能把凌云身体的情况判断个八九不离十,这就让凌云不得不对他刮目相看。 Does not know is known as China first Divine Doctor comparable to Bian Que, Divine Docter Xue, if knows that Ling Yun such appraises the own medical skill, on the face can be any expression...... 不知道号称华夏第一神医的“赛扁鹊”,薛神医要是知道凌云这么评价自己的医术,脸上会是一副什么表情…… Since is the China Chinese medicine highly respected person, the Divine Docter Xue family's Chinese medicine work is the huge collection of books, in many market conditions rarely seen various rare edition collections «Spiritual Pivot» and 《Plain Questions》, has chocked up the Divine Docter Xue head and bookshelf. 既然是华夏的中医泰斗,薛神医家里的中医著作可谓是汗牛充栋,好多市面上难得一见的各种珍藏版的《灵枢》和《素问》,摆满了薛神医的床头和书架。 Divine Docter Xue not only knows by heart to «Yellow Emperor's Medical Scripture», but also undergoes the practice and exploration that he decades seem like a day non-stop, was already deep " Yellow Emperor's Medical Scripture » essence essence, he knows certainly that Spiritual Pivot Nine Needles is " Spiritual Pivot Nine Needles Theory » core essence is. 薛神医不但对《黄帝内经》倒背如流,而且经过他几十年如一日不停的实践与探索,早已深得《黄帝内经》之要旨精髓,他当然知道灵枢九针乃是《灵枢九针论》的核心精华所在。 «Yellow Emperor's Medical Scripture» six visceral manifestation discussed the word: 黄帝内经》六节藏象论有言: Three but all day long, three become, three, but adult, three but three it, about , is nine. Nine are divided into nine wildly, nine wild are nine dirty \; Therefore shape dirty four, god dirty five, about is nine meets it dirty. 三而成天,三而成地,三而成人,三而三之,合则为九。九分为九野,九野为九脏\;故形脏四,神脏五,合为九脏以应之也。 The human body has nine wildness, nine wild are nine dirty, is nine big Spiritual Pivot of human body, this is the human body 12 proper is at with the key of eight extra meridians operation connection. 人体有九野,九野就是九脏,也就是人体的九大灵枢,此乃人体12正经和奇经八脉运行交汇的关键所在。 Spiritual Pivot Nine Needles, aims at the laws of these nine dirty marking needles, the view of exaggerating, so long as that person also has the one breath, Spiritual Pivot Nine Needles can make him live, the white bones live the muscle, but several hundred years of not present world, already became the legend in legend. 灵枢九针,正是针对这九脏的行针之法,最夸张的说法,只要那人还有一口气在,灵枢九针就能够使其活过来,白骨生肌,不过已经几百年不现世,早已成为了传说中的传说。 Now Divine Docter Xue suddenly listened to Ling Yun saying that the law of his marking needle unexpectedly was Spiritual Pivot Nine Needles in legend, this can not make him excited, if crazy? 现在薛神医冷不丁的听凌云说他的行针之法竟然是传说中的灵枢九针,这怎么能不让他激动若狂? Ling Yun has not studied the Chinese medicine now, does not understand these, will otherwise kill him not saying that own the law of marking needle will be Spiritual Pivot Nine Needles. 凌云现在也就是还没有对中医进行研究,根本不了解这些,不然打死他也不会说自己的行针之法是灵枢九针 He can act dumb, he pull out the hand of own fortunately calmly, actually the discovery unexpectedly stubbornly, therefore gave up the movement of stopping doing Old Man Xue grips, the doubts said: Right, is Spiritual Pivot Nine Needles, what do you visit me to make like this?” 还好他会装糊涂,他若无其事的抽了抽自己的手,却发现竟然被薛老头攥的死死的,于是放弃了抽手的动作,疑惑道:“对呀,是灵枢九针啊,你们这样子看着我做什么?” Young seductress Xue Meining slow god had come from initial shock, she thinks carefully, thought Ling Yun was boasting. 小妖女薛美凝从最初的震惊中缓过神儿来了,她仔细想了想,觉得凌云还是在吹牛。 The Xue Meining Chinese medicine ability, that is Divine Docter Xue teaches since childhood hand in hand, which does the energy balance to go? 薛美凝的中医本领,那是薛神医从小手把手教的,能差到哪儿去? She also listens certainly to the grandfather more than once to speak Spiritual Pivot Nine Needles, therefore is familiar to this Needle Technique. 她当然也听爷爷不止一次讲起过灵枢九针,因此对这种针法是耳熟能详。 First did not say Spiritual Pivot Nine Needles was already lost for several hundred years, even if some people know Spiritual Pivot Nine Needles the law of marking needle, must supplement with Innate True Qi to strive to display, your Ling Yun 18-year-old high-school student, just broke through the body limit, had Innate Realm cultivation level? 先不说灵枢九针早已失传几百年了,就算是有人知道灵枢九针的行针之法,也要辅以先天真气才能勉力施展,你凌云一个18岁的高中生,难道刚突破身体极限,就有了先天境界修为 The wizards believe you! 鬼才信你! The young seductress thinks of here, in the heart is thorough, some vitality/angry, yesterday judged you to break through the body limit, looked the endurance that you showed yesterday, the will and willpower, I will not introduce you to my grandfather! 小妖女想到这里,心中彻底失望,更有些生气,要不是昨天判断出你突破了身体极限,要不是看你昨天展现出来的耐力,毅力和意志力,我才不会把你介绍给我爷爷! Mean-spirited, shameless, mouthful running train, this what moral behavior is this? 小气,无耻,满嘴跑火车,这什么人品啊这是? A pair of beautiful pupil of Xue Meining winks stares at Ling Yun that as before does not wink, the meaningful glance is starting from the anticipation to transfer ice-cold. 薛美凝的一双美眸依旧眨也不眨的盯着凌云,眼色开始从期待转为冰冷。 Young seductress warm time of is really the enthusiasm fire, but she, once loathes a person from the bottom of the heart truly time, that may be incorruptible then cold as. 小妖女热情的时候那真是热情似火,可她一旦从心底真正厌恶一个人的时候,那可就冷如冰霜了。 Ling Yun, you go back, my grandfather does not need you to treat!” 凌云,你回去吧,我爷爷不用你治疗!” The young seductress changed a moment ago the tone that acted like a spoiled brat cunningly and unreasonably, said with the icy tone. 小妖女一改刚才的刁蛮撒娇的口气,用冷冰冰的语气说道。 If the grandfather has believed the Ling Yun's nonsense, lets the Ling Yun carelessly marking needle, what to do the grandfather gripping badly has been possible? She wishes one could hurrying to make the shameless one who this boasted does not pay tax leave here now. 万一爷爷听信了凌云的胡言乱语,真让凌云胡乱行针,把爷爷给扎坏了可怎么办?她现在恨不得赶紧让这个吹牛不上税的无耻之徒离开这里。 The Xue Meining tone is bad, Ling Yun listened certainly, he turned head to stare at Xue Meining one, the look was quiet, smiled lightly, the nod said: Good.” 薛美凝的语气不善,凌云当然听出来了,他扭头盯了薛美凝一眼,眼神平静无波,淡淡一笑,点头道:“好。” Others do not believe him, he is also disinclined to consume spiritual energy, although the silver needle has not attained, may attract many that jade box spiritual energy a moment ago, calculates that gains not owes, trip has not been made in vain. 人家不相信他,他还懒得耗费灵气呢,虽然银针没拿到,可刚才吸了不少那玉盒的灵气,也算有赚无亏,不虚此行。 Then, he has used a skillful vigor secretly, has pulled out from both hands of Divine Docter Xue the hand. 说完,他暗用了一个巧劲儿,就把手从薛神医的双手中抽了出来。 Wondered this feedback to the young seductress, so to be how full a moment ago, own that the cow blew caught up with him to walk, does he argue does not argue? 这回轮到小妖女纳闷了,怎么刚才把牛吹的那么满,自己一赶他走,他连争辩都不争辩了? He will not govern, was afraid? Snort, really boasted! 难道他根本就不会治,心虚了?哼,果然是吹牛的! Old person, but also asked you to receive the needle, said goodbye.” “老人家,还请您把针收好,告辞。” Ling Yun to Divine Docter Xue slightly nodded, turns around to walk, is not loathsome. 凌云薛神医微微点了点头,转身就走,毫不拖泥带水。 Has not thought, Divine Docter Xue one entrained him. 没想到,薛神医一把就拽住了他。 Divine Docter Xue got angry first stared Xue Meining one, then has turned head to fill with the apology to Ling Yun: „The Ling Yun little friend, my such treasure granddaughter, really had been spoiled by me, has the place of offending, but also asked you should not be offended.” 薛神医先怒瞪了薛美凝一眼,然后才回过头对凌云满怀歉意道:“凌云小友,我就这么一个宝贝孙女,实在是被我惯坏了,有得罪之处,还请你不要介怀。” Xue Meining is Divine Docter Xue one raises, he understands certainly compared with anyone, reason that the own granddaughter said those words, that was does not believe this Ling Yun thoroughly. 薛美凝薛神医一手带大的,他当然比谁都明白,自己的孙女之所以说出那句话,那是彻底不相信这个凌云了。 The young seductress sees most loves the own grandfather to stare her for Ling Yun unexpectedly, immediately feels twice as feel wronged, she all scattered the anger on Ling Yun, to his cold snort/hum, turned head no longer to speak. 小妖女见最疼爱自己的爷爷竟然为了凌云瞪她,顿时倍觉委屈,她把怒气全撒在了凌云身上,冲他冷哼了一声,扭头不再说话。 Ling Yun will certainly not be angry, he was one once practice to Transcends Tribulation Stage cultivating true cultivator, because how others don't believe his medical skill then the vitality/angry? 凌云当然不会生气,他是一个曾经修炼渡劫期修真者,怎么会因为别人不相信他的医术就生气? As the saying goes, Buddha crosses being predestined friends person, Buddha, crosses is the people of being predestined friends, let alone does not know that what the medical ethics was Ling Yun. 俗话说,佛渡有缘人,就连佛,渡的都是有缘之人,更别说根本不知道医德为何物的凌云了。 According to the Ling Yun's disposition, even if others move gold mountain silver mountain to ask him to treat an illness, so long as he mood is not feeling well, was said that incurable incurable, let alone didn't others believe him? 依照凌云的性格,就算别人搬着金山银山来求他治病,他只要心情不爽,也是说不治就不治,更何况别人根本不信他? Therefore he turns head to walk. 所以他才扭头就走。 The Divine Docter Xue 70 many advanced ages, person always becomes a ghost, the vision and experience can it be that can Xue Meining compare? He already recognized that now Ling Yun is far from a mortal, even if the mortal, has the shocking fortuitous encounter. 薛神医70多的高龄,人老成精,眼光和见识岂是薛美凝可比的?他现在早已认定凌云绝非凡人,就算是凡人,也有着惊世奇遇。 Therefore he is impossible to put Ling Yun to leave in light of this. 因此他根本就不可能放凌云就此离开。 Divine Docter Xue sees Ling Yun not to speak, thinks that he is still mad Xue Meining, therefore drew Ling Yun to return to the seat place, pressed him to sit down, then said benignly: „The Ling Yun little friend, Ning'er learned the medical skill from six years old from me be honest with you, until now already 11 years, although did not have big accomplishment, may also be small accomplishment, she did not feel relieved to your some, this was also the way things should be......” 薛神医凌云没有说话,以为他还在生薛美凝的气,于是强拉着凌云回到刚才的座位处,按着他坐下,然后和颜悦色道:“凌云小友,不瞒你说,凝儿从六岁就跟着我学习医术,至今已经有11年了,虽然没有大成,可也算是小成,她对你有些不放心,这也是人之常情……” Ling Yun listened interested to look at young seductress one eyes, has not thought that this weird young beautiful woman will also treat the illness to save the patient? 凌云听了不禁饶有兴趣的看了小妖女一眼,没想到这个古灵精怪的小美女还会治病救人啊? Although Xue Meining turns to be excessive piqued and headstrong, but the look glances toward two people, sees the vision that Ling Yun teased to sweep, was cold snort/hum, has raised the fine elegant chin proud. 薛美凝虽然负气扭过了头,可眼神还是往两人这边瞟,见凌云戏谑的目光扫了过来,又是一声冷哼,骄傲的扬了扬精致秀美的下巴。 Ling Yun does not matter, he has turned head to smile to the Divine Docter Xue show face, said earnestly: Old person, you had taken the pulse to me a moment ago, said the issue of my body, I you told that now the issue of your body, how do we verify?” 凌云无所谓,他回过头冲薛神医展颜一笑,认真道:“老人家,刚才您给我把过脉,也说出了我身体的问题,我现在就跟您说一下您身体的问题,咱们印证一下如何?” Said over and over again, was to the point on to the present finally, Xue Meining could not bear turn head, wants to listen to Ling Yun to own the view of grandfather old problem. 说来说去,到现在终于说到点子上了,就连薛美凝都忍不住回过头来,想听听凌云自己的爷爷这个老毛病的看法。 The Xue Meining heart said that again listens to your one time, if you are the mouthful boasted, my foot kicks out you! 薛美凝心说就再听你一次,如果你还是满嘴胡吹,我就一脚把你踢出去! Divine Docter Xue sees Ling Yun not to be mad own granddaughter, this feels relieved to sit down, then flashing eyes stares at Ling Yun, full contain is anticipating to ask: „? Do you also want to take the pulse to me? cough cough......” 薛神医凌云真的没有生自己孙女的气,这才放心坐下,然后目光炯炯盯着凌云,满含期待问道:“哦?难道你也要给我把脉?咳咳……” Ling Yun has smiled, shakes the head with a smile. 凌云笑了,笑着摇头。 Did not need to take the pulse, looked to look, but also what lineage/vein?” “不用把脉了,看就看出来了,还把什么脉?” A few words to the thorough pouring extinguish a wee bit hope flame that Xue Meining just raised! 一句话就把薛美凝刚刚提起的一丁点儿希望火苗给彻底浇灭了! The Chinese medicine sees a doctor, doesn't take the pulse unexpectedly? 中医看病,竟然不把脉? Can't the observation understand? 望闻问切懂不懂? She almost must unable to bear , a foot Ling Yun kicking in Clear Water Lake. 她几乎就要忍不住冲过来,一脚把凌云给踢到清水湖里去。 Old person, according to your medical skill, your gets sick you to be clearest actually, although the symptom is the cough is not false, the representation seems like is the lung is not good, actually your old ailment in heart!” “老人家,根据您的医术,其实您的病您应该最清楚,症状虽然是咳嗽不假,表象看似是肺不好,其实您的病根是在心脏!” Xue Meining stops the footsteps that the strategic place came all of a sudden! 薛美凝一下子就停下了要冲过来的脚步! The Divine Docter Xue old ailment in the heart, grandfather truly already had told her, does Ling Yun know? 薛神医的病根在心脏,爷爷确实早就跟她说过,凌云是怎么知道的? Look...... Looks? 看……看出来的? Xue Meining all of a sudden from disappointedly and transferred the shock angrily! 薛美凝一下子从失望和愤怒转为了震惊! Incessantly is she, Divine Docter Xue also by Ling Yun light a few words being shocked! This boy! 不止是她,薛神医也被凌云淡淡的一句话给惊呆了!这个小子! His dumbstruck earnestly has sized up Ling Yun enough one minute, this dares believe, this saying truly was Ling Yun just said. 目瞪口呆的上上下下认真打量了凌云足足有一分钟,这才敢相信,这话确实是凌云刚说出来的。 This...... This...... How do you see?” “这……这……你是怎么看出来的?” Divine Docter Xue subconscious asking. 薛神医下意识的问道。 Heart, with the tongue, in five elements is the fire, your tongue coating is the purple red, the tip of tongue place also has dark azure color, this is heart-fire excessively causes very much obviously prosperously.” “心,和舌,五行之中同属火,您的舌苔呈紫红色,舌尖处又有暗青色,这很明显是心火过旺导致的。” Lung is the gold/metal, but fire restrains metal, heart-fire will be too strong will harm hand moon lung, naturally will cause the lung empty, cough that therefore you can keep, right?” “肺属金,而火克金,心火太强就会有损手太阴肺经,自然导致肺虚,所以您才会不停的咳嗽,对么?” When the condition of Ling Yun to Divine Docter Xue spoke with confidence, Divine Docter Xue and shock of young seductress grandfather and grandson in the heart was in the indescribable situation! 凌云薛神医的病情侃侃而谈的时候,薛神医和小妖女祖孙俩心中的震惊已经到了无法形容的地步! Ling Yun has not boasted now, the Divine Docter Xue condition that he said that compared with the really gold/metal silver must really! 凌云现在可没有吹牛,他所说的薛神医的病情,比真金白银都要真!
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