DEMG :: Volume #1

#48: Spiritual Pivot Nine Needles

When Ling Yun said wants nine silver needles, the Divine Docter Xue complexion brushes changes, now Ling Yun said nine silver needle respective length shapes, Divine Docter Xue was shocked directly! 就在凌云说只要九根银针的时候,薛神医的脸色刷的就是一变,现在凌云说出了九根银针各自的长短形状,薛神医直接就惊呆了! Because Ling Yun said that radically is nine that Yellow Emperor's Medical Scripture «Spiritual Pivot» mentioned! 因为凌云所说的,根本就是黄帝内经灵枢》中提到的九针啊! This child understands incessantly, but understood! 这个孩子不止是懂,而是太懂了! This is how possible!! 这怎么可能!! Xue Meining had detected the unusuality of grandfather, hurries to ask carefully: Grandfather, how?” 薛翠凝发觉了爷爷的异常,赶忙小心问道:“爷爷,怎么了?” Do not interrupt!” Divine Docter Xue lifts immediately the hand has stopped granddaughter's inquiry excitedly, the look listens to Ling Yun there to speak with confidence. “别打岔!”薛神医立即抬手制止了孙女的提问,神色激动的听着凌云在那里侃侃而谈。 „...... Eighth, long needle, length seven cuns (2.5 cm). Ninth, Big Needle, length four cuns (2.5 cm).” Ling Yun is gesticulating earnestly the approximate length shape of each needle, said, raised the head saying: Needle shapes that old person, I want is somewhat special, does not know that your here does have?” “……八是长针,长七寸。九是大针,长四寸。”凌云埋头比划着每根针的大致长短形状,说完之后才抬起头来道:“老人家,我要的针形是有些特别,不知道您这里有没有?” Divine Docter Xue corners of the mouth has twitched ruthlessly. 薛神医的嘴角儿狠狠的抽动了一下。 He also really has, but only has set of, moreover is not the silver needle, is gold needle!! 他还真有,不过只有一套,而且不是银针,是金针!! That is the master of his master passes to his master, then before his master at the point of death, passes to him, to use this set of gold needle, must cultivate/repair Inner Qi! 那是他师父的师父传给他的师父,然后他师父临死前又传给他的,不过要想使用这一套金针,必须要修有内气 Is purely without Inner Qi wastes, can only bring to throw a bluff on to use, as for treating the illness to save the patient, at most also compared with same silver needle effect quite a little. 没有内气纯属就是浪费,只能拿来唬人用,至于治病救人嘛,顶多也就比同样的银针效果好一点儿罢了。 Ling Yun saw the Divine Docter Xue expression, understands all of a sudden own was the lion opens the mouth greatly. 凌云看到了薛神医的表情,一下子就明白自己是狮子大开口了。 This Divine Docter Xue either does not have, either does not hate to deliver. 薛神医要么就没有,要么就是不舍得送出来。 However Ling Yun and thinking little, he also first makes several silver needles should now emergency, waited for own practice to Qi Practicing Stage, can refine the silver needle that set of own wanted to come out conveniently. 不过凌云并不以为意,他现在也就是先弄几根银针应应急,等自己修炼到了练气期,随手就能炼制一套自己想要的银针出来了。 “Umm, the old person, I casually said that if no, my own exited to saunter to have a look to be able casually to buy...... ” “额,老人家,我就是随便说说,如果没有的话就算了,我自己出去随便转悠转悠看看能不能买到……” A profound eye of Divine Docter Xue is flashing excited joyful rays of light, closely is staring at Ling Yun, for fear that he ran asking: Little friend, can you tell me, needle how you know such nine shapes?” At this time he already could not attend to saying that took advantage of own seniority obsolete. 薛神医的一双深邃的眼睛闪着激动欣喜的光芒,紧紧盯着凌云,生怕他跑了似的问道:“小友,你能不能告诉我,你是怎么知道这样九种形状的针的?”这时候他早就顾不上自称老朽倚老卖老了。 A few words Ling Yun asking silly. 一句话把凌云给问傻了。 Do I know? Have I been good with such needle in Cultivation Big World! 我是怎么知道的?我在修真大世界一直用这样的针好不好! This...... Mentioned may grow......” Ling Yun flexure then the words scratching the head, spoke some turnovers...... “这个嘛……说来可就话长了……”凌云挠了挠头,说话有些吞吐…… He was impossible saying that own was not the person of this world, but he has not studied the Chinese medicine of this ancient state, had no way to explain. 他不可能说自己不是这个世界的人,可他还不曾研究过这个古老国度的中医,根本就没法解释。 However this facial expression movement looks in the Divine Docter Xue eye, he understood directly Ling Yun definitely was taught the excessively peerless medical skill by the extra mundane person of high skill! 不过这个神情动作看在薛神医眼里,他直接理解成凌云肯定是被世外高人传授过绝世医术! By knowing one method you will know all, Divine Docter Xue thinks through the issue that own had been puzzling a moment ago all of a sudden. 一通百通,薛神医一下子就想通了自己刚才百思不得其解的问题。 Why can Ling Yun be seriously battered Yang Qiao Arteries to treat the childhood almost? Why can succeed the limit of breakthrough human body? 凌云为何能够把小时候遭受重创的阳跷脉治疗了个7788?为何能够成功突破人体的极限? Originally all reasons are this! This boy, actually added that has not experienced any special person and special matter, ahem, plays the mind with my this old man, you were tender! 原来一切的缘由都是这个!这个小子,竟然还说没遇到什么特殊的人和特殊的事,哼哼,跟我这个老头子耍心眼,你还嫩了点儿! The people always become a ghost, since Ling Yun does not want to say now, he cannot press for an answer any result. 人老成精,既然凌云现在不想说,他也不是非得逼问出什么结果。 time is very long! 时间长得很嘛! Ling Yun, since you want such nine silver needles, I take the liberty to ask that your, can you use? cough cough......” this cough conceals own purely was impatient. 凌云,既然你想要这样的九根银针,我冒昧问你一句,你可会用?咳咳……”这声咳嗽纯粹是掩饰自己的心急了。 Em...... Will use......” Ling Yun to hesitate to say reluctantly. “恩……勉强会用吧……”凌云沉吟道。 The Ling Yun heart said that I won't want this doing with me? Which I close one's eyes know these nine needles should toward! 凌云心说我不会用我要这个干什么?我闭着眼睛都知道这九根针应该往哪儿扎! „Can you Qi Cultivating?!” One of Xue hair brush has stood from the seat, looks at that head, if young time, as if wants height several centimeters compared with Ling Yun. “你会气功?!”薛老头刷的一下从座位上站了起来,看那个头,如果年轻的时候,似乎比凌云都要高几公分。 Qi Cultivating? What thing is Qi Cultivating? The Ling Yun heart said that your such big age such excitedly has also done? 气功气功是个什么东西?凌云心说您这么大年纪了还这么激动干什么? Qi Cultivating I not, but spiritual energy I have! 气功我就不会,不过灵气我就有! „......” Ling Yun will not shake the head decisively. “不会……”凌云断然摇头。 This......” Divine Docter Xue is difficult to cover the disappointed color, sat dejected, the heart said that your Qi Cultivating nine needles like this don't do? “这……”薛神医难掩失望之色,颓然坐了下来,心说你不会气功你要这样的九根针干什么? However Ling Yun also calmly said: If now I have nine silver needles, I can stop the problem that you cough temporarily......” 不过凌云又若无其事道:“不过现在如果我有九根银针的话,我可以暂时止住您老人家咳嗽的毛病……” What?!” “什么?!” What?!” “什么?!” Two call out in alarm! 两声惊呼! Naturally is Divine Docter Xue and Xue Meining simultaneously sends! 当然是薛神医薛美凝同时发出来的! As the saying goes Doctor not from medicine, but that is regarding the general practitioner, regarding Divine Docter Xue such Chinese medicine everybody, simply is a joke! 俗话说医者不自医,不过那是对于普通医生来说的,对于薛神医这样的中医大家,简直就是个笑话! Chen Nianlao sickness that his own is unable to cure, this boy actually said at present can govern? 自己都无法治好的陈年老疴,眼前这个小子竟然说能治? Hey, Ling Yun, boasted, do not blow the space to go the Clear Water City cow, tonight I must eat beef......” “喂,凌云,吹牛可以,可别把清水市的牛都吹到天上去,今晚我还要吃牛肉呢……” Xue Meining gives the look that Ling Yun despised infinitely saying that after her short shock, the first response is Ling Yun is boasting! 薛美凝给了凌云一个无限鄙视的眼神说道,她短暂的震惊过后,第一反应就是凌云在吹牛皮! Ling Yun smiles lightly, self-confident say/way: „Do you eat beef I, no matter, so long as present can put out such nine needles, I can stop the cough of old gentleman temporarily......” 凌云淡淡一笑,自信满满道:“你吃不吃牛肉我不管,不过只要现在能拿出这样的九根针来,我就能暂时止住老爷子的咳嗽……” Grandfather, do not listen to him to boast, Ling Yun this fellow is very bad, a mouth truth does not have! Mouthful running train, snort/hum!” “爷爷,您别听他吹牛,凌云这个家伙很坏的,嘴里一句真话都没有!满嘴跑火车,哼!” Divine Docter Xue actually turns a deaf ear, he in hesitant, must wrap/sets gold needle to give own most precious that with. 薛神医却充耳不闻,他正在犹豫,要不要把自己最珍贵的那套金针给拿出来。 Ling Yun is the how astute character, he looked certainly at the hesitation of Old Man Xue, had not urged, the heart said I saved others rarely free one time, the option give you, looked at your good fortune. 凌云是多么精明的人物,他当然看出来了薛老头的犹豫,却没有催促,心说我难得免费救人一次,选择权给你了,就看你的造化了。 One cup of tea on Ling Yun manner free carrying table, face upwards Bo has drunk, is quite fragrant! 凌云神态自若的端起桌上的一杯茶水,一仰脖就喝了进去,唔,好香! At this moment, standing up that Old Man Xue brushes once more, said to Xue Meining: Ning'er, you accompany Ling Yun to sit a while, I go to take the needle to him!” 就在这时,薛老头再次刷的站起,冲薛美凝说道:“凝儿,你陪凌云坐一会儿,我去给他取针!” Can Ling Yun cure the own old problem, Divine Docter Xue has not had the high hope, in your can the young child of high school, cure to link my own not to have the chronic disease of means? 凌云能不能治好自己的老毛病,薛神医根本没抱多大希望,你一个上高中的小毛孩子,能治好连我自己都没办法的痼疾? He main goal wants to have a look at Ling Yun whether will use these nine, how marking needle! 他最主要的目的是想看看凌云是否会用这九针,如何行针! Xue Meining from six years old with the Divine Docter Xue study Chinese medicine, still 11 years, she naturally was skilled in the acupuncture, knows that the grandfather really has such set of regards as lifeblood gold needle, therefore after Ling Yun said nine length shapes, she started to help the grandfather speak. 薛美凝从六岁就跟着薛神医学习中医,至今已有11年了,她当然精通针灸,也知道爷爷确实有这样一套视为命根子的金针,因此在凌云说出九针的长短形状之后,她才开始帮爷爷说话。 Wants the silver needle, wants many to have many! Wants gold needle , the grandfather does not care about that son money, but do you open the mouth to want the grandfather to regard as that set of gold needle of handed down in the family treasure unexpectedly? Gate does not have! 要银针可以,要多少有多少!要金针也可以,爷爷也不在乎那点儿钱,可你竟然开口就要爷爷视为家传之宝的那一套金针?门儿都没有! I have seen from infancy to maturity also twice, the grandfather touches does not let touch, you dare the lion big opens the mouth actually, came to take away? 我从小到大也才见过两次,爷爷更是连摸都不让摸一下,你倒是敢狮子大开口,来了就想拿走? Snort! Had not taken needle while my grandfather, now regrets also with enough time, a while of province loses to Clear Water Lake disgraced goes......” “哼!趁着我爷爷还没把针拿出来,现在后悔还来得及,省的一会儿丢人丢到清水湖去……” Xue Meining cold -ly snorted and said. 薛美凝冷哼道。 Will make a bet?” Ling Yun does not care muddily, grinning asking. “敢不敢打赌?”凌云浑不在意,笑嘻嘻的问道。 What bets?” The young seductress does not show weakness. “赌什么?”小妖女毫不示弱。 My grandfather's old problem his own cannot cure, if you can cure, that didn't say your medical skill strongly my grandfather? 我爷爷的老毛病他自己都治不好,你要是能治好了,那不是说你的医术强过我爷爷了? The entire China Chinese traditional medicine strong my grandfather's person I have not seen! 整个华夏中医界强过我爷爷的人我还没见过呢! If I can stop the cough to your grandfather, you must let I hug am kissing......” Ling Yun eye lewd stare at the young seductress to stand tall and erect the tall and straight chest, plays the flavor in a low voice. He does not dare to make Divine Docter Xue hear. “如果我能给你爷爷止住了咳嗽,你就得让我抱着亲一下……”凌云一双眼睛色迷迷的盯着小妖女高耸挺拔的胸脯,低声玩味道。他可不敢让薛神医听见。 Small girl film, looked that I do not scare to death you! 小丫头片子,看我不吓死你! Go away, shameless! Vulgar!” Xue Meining again bold, was been red to the elegant face of air/Qi by Ling Yun, nearly takes the tea to sprinkle on his fat face. “滚,无耻!下流!”薛美凝就算再大胆,也被凌云给气的俏脸通红,差点儿就拿茶水泼他的胖脸上。 Does not dare to bet, it seems like or feared that I cure your grandfather......” Ling Yun to show the whites of the eyes, being disinclined manages her. “不敢赌就算了呗,看来还是怕我治好你爷爷……”凌云翻了个白眼儿,懒得理她。 You said first, what to do if can't cure?” Xue Meining is unambiguous, immediately grasps the Ling Yun's painful foot. “你先说,要是治不好怎么办?”薛美凝也不含糊,立即去抓凌云的痛脚。 What to do you said what to do, any condition!” Ling Yun smiles. “你说怎么办就怎么办,什么条件都可以!”凌云嘿嘿一笑。 Really?” Xue Meining does not believe the Ling Yun's words. “真的?”薛美凝根本不相信凌云的话。 Naturally real, what kind of? Dares to bet?” Ling Yun continues to provoke. “当然是真的,怎么样?敢不敢赌?”凌云继续挑衅。 Bets then the gambling! I have not believed!” The young seductress furious say/way, kills her not to believe Ling Yun to stop the problem that the grandfather coughs. “赌就赌!我还就不信了!”小妖女气哼哼的道,打死她都不信凌云能止住爷爷咳嗽的毛病。 When the time comes do not renege on a promise......” Ling Yun to continue to stimulate her. “到时候别反悔啊……”凌云继续刺激她。 I also feared that you renege on a promise! You wait to lose face...... Shameless one!” “我还怕你反悔呢!你就等着出丑吧……无耻之徒!” Xue Meining has as if thought Ling Yun that pair of plump big hand holds the scene that own is pawing, could not bear clench teeth to scold one. 薛翠凝似乎想到了凌云那双肥厚的大手抱着自己乱摸的场面,忍不住咬牙骂了一句。 The Ling Yun sinister plot prevails, grinning pursing the lips has drunk scented tea, scolded two to scold two, must have half two meat. 凌云奸计得逞,笑嘻嘻的抿嘴喝了一口香茗,骂两句就骂两句吧,又少不了半两肉。 Divine Docter Xue enters the room, first is earnest the hand, then cautiously opened the own safe cabinet only, from inside handful of antique red sandalwood wooden box. 薛神医进屋,先是认真的净了净手,然后才小心翼翼地打开自己的保险柜,从里面捧出了一个古色古香的紫檀木匣 He cautious and cautious held wooden box, then has placed on a stone table outside room gently. 他慎而又慎的把木匣捧了出来,然后轻轻地放在了屋外的一个石桌上。 Does not need Divine Docter Xue to speak, Xue Meining fast runs front gate pass/test good, turns back by the stone table. 不用薛神医发话,薛美凝飞快跑去把院门关好,才走回石桌旁边。 Ling Yun saw Old Man Xue movement and serious incomparable expression cautiously, knows that the thing in wooden box is far from common. 凌云看了薛老头小心翼翼的动作和郑重无比的表情,知道木匣中的东西绝非寻常。 His setting out has stood, followed to walk behind Xue Meining. 他起身站了起来,跟在薛美凝后面走了过去。 Sees only Divine Docter Xue to put out a key from the personal clothing, gently opens the wooden box lock, inside impressively is a emerald green bluish green Tou jade box. 只见薛神医从贴身的衣物里面拿出一把钥匙,轻轻的把木匣的锁打开,里面赫然是一个翠绿碧透的玉盒。 time spiritual energy overflows! 时间灵气四溢! The Ling Yun pupil shrinks quickly suddenly! 凌云倏地瞳孔骤缩! Spirit jade! This is the spirit jade! spiritual energy that this jade box releases, although is inferior to Seven Glorious Grass spiritual energy to be rich, actually obviously compared with many that spiritual energy of Ning Lingyu Innate Spirit Body nature release stronger. 灵玉啊!这是灵玉!这玉盒释放出来的灵气,虽然不及七曜草灵气浓郁,却明显比宁灵雨天生灵体自然释放的灵气要强的多。 In line with having the small advantage did not occupy the criterion of bastard, Ling Yun lowers the head to bend the waist to approach that jade box immediately, pretended to size up the appearance that carefully, spiritual energy that absorption that jade box dissipation came out heartily. 本着有便宜不占王八蛋的准则,凌云立即低头弯腰靠近了那个玉盒,装作细细打量的样子,尽情吸收那玉盒散逸出来的灵气 You must do!” Xue Meining naturally noted Ling Yun's look changes, hurried to shout. “你要干什么!”薛美凝自然注意到了凌云的神色变化,赶忙喊道。 Ning'er can not be impolite!” 凝儿不得无礼!” Divine Docter Xue drank to stop Xue Meining, then both hands about have rubbed in the same place lightly several, lifted the hand to lift the jade box cover. 薛神医喝止住了薛美凝,然后双手合在一起轻搓了几下,抬手就把玉盒的盖子掀开。 At noon under the dazzling sunlight, nine gold needle by the golden light of shining shiningly, calmly lay down in the middle of the jade box, the length varies, is able to discriminate thick or thin, looks is far from every. 中午耀眼的阳光下,九枚金针被照耀的金光灿灿,静静地躺在玉盒当中,长短不一,粗细有别,一看就绝非凡品。 Little friend, you looks...... Is such nine needles?” Divine Docter Xue put out has handed down from generation to generation the most precious object, among looks quite somewhat was proud, the speech was sporty. “小友,你看……是这样的九根针吗?”薛神医拿出了传家至宝,神色间颇有些自豪,说话底气十足。 „, Can I give you with them needle-pricking?” Ling Yun attracted enough jade box spiritual energy to raise the head, the sleep/felt was only refreshing, asked with a smile. “正是,我可以用它们给您施针吗?”凌云吸够了玉盒的灵气才抬起头来,只觉神清气爽,笑着问道。 Naturally, otherwise do I come out to do with them? However, the little friend, can you tell me your law of marking needle? Also quite lets my this old man confident.” “当然可以,不然我拿它们出来干什么?不过,小友,你总得告诉我你的行针之法吧?也好让我这个老头子心里有底。” Ling Yun saw old man did not feel relieved, he does not have the color of any contingency, the nod saying: Old person, the law of my marking needle is called Spiritual Pivot Nine Needles.” 凌云看出了老头的不放心,他没有任何不虞之色,点头道:“老人家,我的行针之法就叫做灵枢九针。”
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