DEMG :: Volume #1

#47: Immortal Doctor sees Divine Doctor

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Old person, is your lung not quite good?” “老人家,您的肺不大好吧?” After Ling Yun sits down, asked directly. 凌云坐下之后,直接问道。 Well! Do you also understand the medical skill?!” Old Man Xue sized up the Ling Yun's time secretly to nod a moment ago, now is at present one bright, the color of in the eye shows appreciation: Em, it seems like Ning'er has not spoken incorrectly really!” “咦!你也懂医术?!”薛老头刚才打量凌云的时候就暗暗点头,现在更是眼前一亮,目露赞赏之色道:“恩,看来凝儿真没有说错!” My this was the sinking sickness chronic illness, was nothing to speak, Ling Yun, you made me hold in high esteem actually!” “我这都是沉疴旧疾了,不值一提,凌云啊,倒是你让我刮目相看啊!” Old Man Xue appreciates to keep, makes Ling Yun unable to feel the brains directly giant, his heart said where has first time meets holds in high esteem? 薛老头话里话外赞赏个不停,直接让凌云丈二金刚摸不着头脑,他心说哪儿有头一次见面就刮目相看的? Only listened to Old Man Xue to cough gently, said: I heard, yesterday you carried 50 jin (0.5 kg) sandbag to run on Sports Field continuously 11, in had spat in this period also a blood, is right?” 只听薛老头轻轻咳嗽了一声,又道:“我听说,昨天你扛着50斤的沙袋在操场上连续跑了11圈儿,在期间还吐了一口血,对不对?” Ling Yun simple nod, this matter entire school knew, he does not have anything to be good to conceal the truth. 凌云干脆的点了点头,这件事全学校都知道了,他也没什么好瞒的。 Can let build your lineage/vein obsolete?” “能不能让老朽搭一搭你的脉?” The Ling Yun heart said: Always is Immortal Doctor takes the pulse to others, has not thought that today was one's turn others to take the pulse to me. 凌云心说:得,从来都是本仙医给别人搭脉,没想到今天轮到别人给我搭脉了。 He knows now, own the performance on Sports Field had surmounted the cognition of average person yesterday, if some people pay attention to this matter, that explained that others know own broke through the body limit of average man. 他现在已经知道,自己昨天在操场上的表现已经超越了普通人的认知了,如果有人对这件事关注,那说明别人知道自己已经突破了常人的身体极限了。 Ling Yun not artificial nod, master side the side body, then stretched out left hand, the keep flat in old person's kneecap. 凌云毫无做作的点了点头,主动侧了侧身子,然后伸出左手,平放在老人的膝头。 The slight nod that Old Man Xue looks, trades left hand the fitness ball in right hand, then stretches out the right hand middle finger, builds toward the Ling Yun wrist/skill in gently, the eye narrowed, gives him the lineage/vein. 薛老头看的微微点头,把右手中的健身球换到左手,然后伸出右手三指,轻轻往凌云手腕上一搭,眼睛微眯,给他把起了脉。 Only crossed for less than a half minute, Old Man Xue has opened both eyes fiercely, in the eye bright light suddenly/violently to dodge, stares at Ling Yun saying: Young fellow, this time, what special person you may once run into, or what special matter?” 只过了半分钟不到,薛老头猛地睁开了双目,眼中精光暴闪,盯着凌云道:“小伙子,这段时间,你可曾遇到过什么特殊的人,或者什么特殊的事?” Ling Yun looked at old person's look, knows that the old person had detected unusuality of own, in the heart is funny, the heart said that I am that special person who you said. 凌云看了老人的神色,知道老人已经发觉了自己的异常,心中不禁好笑,心说我就是您说的那个特殊的人。 However he asked something already known, the doubts said: Old person, how? Does my body have what not to be right?” 不过他明知故问,疑惑道:“老人家,怎么了?难道我身体有什么不对?” Old Man Xue deeply looked at Ling Yun one, actually sees serene of his face, therefore put aside slowly has built three fingers in Ling Yun wrist/skill, then shaking the head of surprise, muttered: „It is not right......” 薛老头深深地看了凌云一眼,却见他一脸的云淡风轻,于是缓缓移开了搭在凌云手腕上的三根手指,然后诧异的摇头,喃喃自语道:“不对呀……” He frowns to think deeply about half-day/long time, carries the teapot to come out until Xue Meining, fiercely realizes the loses self-control of own. 他皱着眉头思索了半天,直到薛美凝端着茶壶出来,才猛地察觉自己的失态。 „The Ling Yun little friend, does not know that Ning'er does have to tell you, I am an old doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, self-examined also calculates quite some attainments obsolete to the medical skill.” 凌云小友,不知道凝儿有没有告诉你,我是一个老中医,老朽自问对医术还算颇有些心得。” The Ling Yun nod indicated to know. 凌云点头表示知道。 Old Man Xue continues saying: I observe your pulse condition, detected that your essence is full, was more exuberant than more than one time the average man, is...... cough cough...... But your body had very major problem in the childhood, normally now should very weakly to......” 薛老头继续道:“我观你脉象,发觉你精气十足,比常人旺盛了不止一倍,可是……咳咳……可是你的身体在小时候有过很大的问题,按说现在应该很虚弱才对……” Ling Yun shouted secretly fiercely! 凌云暗呼厉害! Old doctor of traditional Chinese medicine...... The Chinese medicine is fierce! 老中医……中医厉害呀! To own a while lineage/vein, body situation understanding own passes thoroughly, is exuberant after own breaks through to Body Refining First Layer , the essence and blood, Yang Qiao Arteries was used the technique to discard including own to give in childhood to look! 只是给自己把了一会儿脉,就对自己的身体情况了解的透透的,包括自己突破到练体一层之后精血旺盛,包括自己小时候阳跷脉被人用手法废掉都给看出来了! He knows, although the old person had not said that is the Yang Qiao Arteries reason, but that is feared that said is scared him, or feared him unable to understand, replaced with very major problem. 他知道,老人虽然没说是阳跷脉的缘由,可那是怕说出来吓着他,又或者怕他听不懂,才只是用“很大的问题”来代替。 Ling Yun starts to frown the whisper, if the Chinese medicine in this world so is fierce, own this Immortal Doctor also did have the food to eat! 凌云开始皱着眉头嘀咕要是这个世界上的中医都这么厉害的话,自己这个仙医还有没有饭吃了! If he knows what sits in the own opposite is China is second to none Divine Doctor comparable to Bian Que that it is estimated that the mood felt better. 如果他知道坐在自己对面的乃是华夏首屈一指的神医赛扁鹊,估计心情就好受多了。 Ling Yun pretends partly to know half solution say/way: Good that old person you said that before my was truly weak, exercises no matter uses, may go to the hospital the inspection not to go wrong......” 凌云装作半知半解道:“老人家您说的不错,以前我的身体确实是虚弱得很,怎么锻炼都不管用,可去医院里又检查不出什么毛病来……” The Divine Docter Xue slight nod, thinks there as before with hardship. 薛神医微微点头,依旧在那里苦苦思索。 The nod, naturally is the condition that because Ling Yun said conforms to his pulse condition, may think is actually because does not know why his essence becomes so exuberant! 点头,自然是因为凌云说的病情符合他的脉象,可思索却是因为不知道为何他的精气变得如此旺盛! Divine Docter Xue is puzzling, has to ask again: What special thing did you recently have to eat?” 薛神医百思不得其解,只好再次问道:“那你最近有没有吃过什么特殊的东西?” Ling Yun shook the head decisively, said seriously: No, I was yesterday thought that this way was not the means that therefore wants through such to jog strong and healthy body, naturally, to lose weight......” 凌云果断摇了摇头,郑重道:“没有,我就是昨天觉得总这样下去不是办法,所以就想通过那样跑步来强身健体,当然,也是为了减肥……” Then, Ling Yun also self-ridicules looked at own this fat. 说完,凌云还自嘲的看了一眼自己这一身肥肉。 Then, the issue left on that blood that you spat...... However, this is not right......” “这么说来,问题就出在你吐的那一口血上面了……不过,这也不对呀……” The Ling Yun heart said that the old gentleman do not guess, you deliberated me unable to discover the reason to dodge again, I must tell you my body with immortal spiritual energy cleansing the essence to cut down the marrow, now misses Yang Qiao Arteries fully not to restore? 凌云心说老爷子您就别猜了,您再推敲我就找不出理由搪塞啦,难道我要告诉你我的身体用仙灵气洗精伐髓过了,现在就差阳跷脉没有完全恢复? Xue Meining broke through to Ling Yun at this time luckily, she puts in front of the small table of teapot bowl toward Divine Docter Xue on, then asked: Grandfather, Ling Yun what's the matter?” 幸好这时候薛美凝凌云解了围,她把茶壶茶碗往薛神医前面的小桌上一放,然后问道:“爷爷,凌云到底是怎么回事啊?” The Divine Docter Xue facial color stagnates, heaves a deep sigh saying: Yeah, cannot reach an agreement, cannot reach an agreement......” 薛神医面色一滞,摇头叹息道:“哎,说不好,说不好啊……” Xue Meining surprise sees the own grandfather, the expression asks obviously surprised: Grandfather, can't look including you? You did not say him already......” 薛美凝诧异的看着自己的爷爷,表情明显吃惊问道:“爷爷,连您也看不出来?您不是说他已经……” Ling Yun does not know that who the present old man is, but Xue Meining knows certainly that Grandpa own medical skill to the situation of having reached the pinnacle, therefore there is this one to ask. 凌云不知道眼前的老头是谁,可薛美凝当然知道自己爷爷的医术到了多么登峰造极的地步,所以有此一问。 Divine Docter Xue looked up a own granddaughter, then hehe said with a smile: Good, he was truly successful, present physique is much stronger than the average person, the grandfather said cannot look is not this, but is other matter. cough cough......” 薛神医抬头看了一眼自己的孙女,然后呵呵笑道:“不错,他确实成功了,现在的体质比普通人要强得多,爷爷说看不出来的不是这个,而是别的事情。咳咳……” Divine Docter Xue turns the head to look to Ling Yun, expression that changed to have doubts a moment ago, said with a smile gently: „The Ling Yun little friend, today takes the liberty makes Ning'er invite you, actually wants to help you get a physical exam, obsolete is also curious for a while, you can achieve this step under body that weak situation, is really extraordinary......” 薛神医又转头看向凌云,一改刚才疑惑的表情,慈祥笑道:“凌云小友,今天冒昧的让凝儿把你请来,其实就是想帮你检查一番身体,老朽也是一时好奇,你在身体那么虚弱的情况下能做到这一步,实在是了不起啊……” Ling Yun has not spoken, in the heart actually quite thinks otherwise, we are also Xinglin master, is in cultivation world practice to Transcends Tribulation Stage cultivation genius, how many circles shoulders a sandbag to run, greatly what has? 凌云没有说话,心中却颇不以为然,咱好歹也是个杏林高手,还是在修真界修炼渡劫期修真天才,扛个沙袋跑几圈,有什么了不起的? Obsolete opened one to help you to you restore the formula of body as soon as possible, now looked like you do not use, cough cough......” “本来老朽给你开了一副可以帮你尽快恢复身体的药方,现在看来你根本用不上了,咳咳……” Divine Docter Xue saw a own treasure granddaughter, the smile said. 薛神医又看了一眼自己的宝贝孙女,微笑说道。 The Ling Yun heart said that this old man is good, has not seen me, is thinking wrote the formula to recover to me, ok, looked, in the old person had a mind to help in the own share, I also helped his one time. 凌云心说这老头不错啊,还没见到我呢,就想着给我开药方恢复身体了,算了,看在老人家有心帮自己的份儿上,我也帮他一次。 Where he knows that Divine Docter Xue possibly so is easy to give an unknown person to write the formula? 他哪里知道薛神医怎么可能那么容易就给一个素不相识的人开药方的? That is the young seductress acts like a spoiled brat to show off cleverness to cling to for dear life to hit to clutch Old Man Xue's beard not to put rottenly, insists! 那是小妖女撒娇卖乖死缠烂打揪着薛老头的胡子不放,硬要来的! Ling Yun has pondered the long time, thinks good that or comes straight to the point, therefore he no longer conceals, said directly: Old person, my today comes to your here actually, is asks the same thing.” 凌云沉思了半晌,觉得还是开门见山的好,于是他不再隐瞒,直接说道:“老人家,其实我今天来您这里,是过来求一样东西的。” „?” Divine Docter Xue is somewhat surprised, looks up to the own granddaughter, knows that she drew the fierce appearance to make the flag outside. “哦?”薛神医有些惊奇,抬头看向自己的孙女,知道她又在外面拉虎皮做大旗了。 Xue Meining smiles embarrasedly, said coyly: Hehe, Grandfather, I found the Ling Yun's time, he is coming out to buy the silver needle, you do not have dozens sets, delivers him set of......” 薛美凝讪讪一笑,扭捏说道:“嘿嘿,爷爷,我找到凌云的时候,他正出来买银针,您不是有几十套嘛,就送他一套呗……” Divine Docter Xue listened nearly not to have one to stagger. 薛神医听了差点儿没一个趔趄。 Female heart extroversion saying is not really false, this is only 17 years old, pondered over is delivering the fellow who the old man I ate meal outward! 得,女心外向这话真不假,这才17岁,就琢磨着把老头子我吃饭的家伙往外送了! However Old Man Xue to the own granddaughter had not said words that anything blamed, he then smilingly asked that Ling Yun said: Buys the silver needle...... Young fellows, you to Chinese medicine also interested?” 不过薛老头并没有对自己的孙女说什么责怪的话,他转而笑眯眯的问凌云道:“买银针……小伙子,你对中医也有兴趣?” Ling Yun came up to point out a moment ago his lung was not quite good, this let Divine Docter Xue has liked three points to Ling Yun first, now heard that Ling Yun must buy the silver needle, that did not need to ask, this little fellow was definitely interested to the acupuncture, otherwise did a high-school student idle to be all right to buy the silver needle to do? 刚才凌云一上来就指出了他的肺不大好,这让薛神医先是对凌云喜欢了三分,现在又听说凌云要买银针,那根本不用问,这小家伙肯定是对针灸有兴趣,不然一个高中生闲着没事出来买银针干什么? If he knows that Ling Yun buys the silver needle mainly to defend oneself, it is estimated that must be mad to faint at the scene. 他要是知道凌云买银针主要是为了防身,估计当场就得气晕过去。 The Ling Yun heart said in the own mind to know the Chinese medicine probably what's the matter, but own has not studied with enough time. 凌云心说自己脑海里大概知道中医是怎么回事,可自己还没来得及研究呢。 However since others asked that he must reply. 不过人家既然问了,他不能不答话。 Is a little interest, therefore wants to study, thinks very curious......” “是有点儿兴趣,所以想研究研究,觉得很好奇……” Xue Meining had finally found opportunity of revenging, she has not forgotten Ling Yun to twist one to the present on her thigh. 薛美凝终于找到了报仇的机会,她到现在还没忘了凌云在她大腿上拧了一把呢。 Grandfather, do not listen to him to make up wild stories, he told me a moment ago, buys the silver needle to play for the jarai......” “爷爷,你别听他胡诌,他刚才跟我说了,买银针是为了扎人玩儿……” Saying, but can also not help covers the tender buttocks that own has curled perfectly round very upwards with bistrine scallion white hands. 说着,还情不自禁的拿一双春葱玉手去捂了捂自己浑圆挺翘的娇臀。 As if feared that Ling Yun momentarily will grip her small buttocks with. 就仿佛怕凌云随时会拿针扎她小屁股似的。 Now she knew, the concept in Ling Yun this dead fatty brain simply not having shown tender affection, said that gets angry gets angry, is not a good stubble. 现在她可是知道了,凌云这个死胖子脑子里根本没有怜香惜玉的概念,说翻脸就翻脸,不是个善茬。 ...... cough cough......” Divine Docter Xue just drank scented tea of mouth all spurting! “噗……咳咳……”薛神医刚喝进嘴里的一口香茗全给喷了出来! Jarai plays......” “扎人玩儿……” Ling Yun raised the head to the young seductress glowers! The words that father cracks a joke does your small girl actually bring to complain? 凌云抬头对小妖女怒目而视!老子开玩笑的话你个小丫头竟然拿来告状? This does not remove my stage! 这不是拆我的台嘛! cough cough......” Divine Docter Xue with cough has concealed the loses self-control of own, Xue Meining cleverly with the handkerchief helps the grandfather scratch the tea stain on corners of the mouth and chin. 咳咳……”薛神医用咳嗽掩饰了一下自己的失态,薛美凝乖巧的用手帕帮爷爷擦了擦嘴角和下巴上的茶渍。 Ling Yun, does not know, what silver needle you do want? cough cough...... Obsolete here really has all kinds of silver needles, whether you obsolete can say approximately, I also quite make Ning'er go to you to take......” 凌云啊,不知道,你想要什么样的银针?咳咳……老朽这里确实有各种各样的银针,你能否给老朽大致说一说,我也好让凝儿去给你取……” Asking of old person good intentions, actually this is the probe. 老人善意的问道,其实这是试探。 If Ling Yun understands, naturally can say some ways, the own silver needle are truly many, gives him set of to want does not matter. 如果凌云真懂,自然会说出一些门道来,自己的银针确实不少,给他一套想要的也无所谓。 If Ling Yun does not understand, that own definitely own will not regard, if treasure the fellow of eating meal gives to him. 如果凌云不懂,那自己就肯定不会把自己视若珍宝的吃饭的家伙送给他。 The silver needle, outside Chinese medicine pharmacy 100-200 money one boxes, making his own buy casually and that's the end. 银针嘛,外面的中医药店里一两百块钱一盒,让他自己随便买去就是了。 Only listens to Ling Yun to say unhurriedly: Silver needle that old person, I want are not many, so long as nine, but...... Shape some specially...... Does not know that your here does have......” 只听凌云不慌不忙道:“老人家,我要的银针不多,只要九根,不过……形状有些特别……不知道您这里有没有……” Then he is self-poise, familiar, tells: One is Shear Needle, long one one and three quarter inche difference. Second, needle, long one one and three quarter inche difference. Third, orange-red needle, long three one and a half inches. Fourth, Lance Needle, long one one and three quarter inche difference. Fifth, Stilleto Needle, length four cuns (2.5 cm),......” 然后他镇定自若,如数家珍,娓娓道来:“一是镵针,长一寸六分。二是员针,长一寸六分。三是缇针,长三寸半。四是锋针,长一寸六分。五是铍针,长四寸,……” Ling Yun considered only there breaks off finger to say the appearances of nine silver needles own wanted, have not actually seen in the Divine Docter Xue eye more and more shocking look, on the face more and more dignified expression, Divine Docter Xue that pair of very stable hand have shivered at this moment slightly, the tea in cup sprinkled on the leg did not have to think! 凌云只顾在那里掰着指头说自己想要的九根银针的模样,却没看到薛神医眼中越来越震惊的神色,脸上越来越凝重的表情,薛神医那双一直很稳定的手此刻微微颤抖,就连杯中的茶水洒在了腿上都毫无所觉!
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