DEMG :: Volume #1

#46: Who is mean-spirited?

Buys the silver needle, the jarai plays? You did not need to buy, in my family some were!” “买银针,扎人玩儿是吧?那你不用买了,我家里有的是!” The Xue Meining flowering branch shivers all over has smiled half-day/long time, smiled enough said. 薛美凝花枝乱颤的笑了半天,笑够了才说道。 What? In your family are some?!” Was startled this feedback to Ling Yun, the heart said that in the world where had such good matter, own just wants to buy, some people sent to own. “什么?你家里有的是?!”这回轮到凌云吃惊了,心说天底下哪儿有这么好的事,自己刚想去买,就有人给自己送来了。 Xue Meining this time has not smiled, nodded very much earnestly, said seriously: Good, in the family/home some are, let alone the silver needle, is gold needle has, you can own select greatly!” 薛美凝这次没有笑,很认真地点了点头,郑重道:“不错,家里有的是,别说银针,就是金针都有很多,你大可以自己去挑!” „Does gold needle have? How much money?!” 金针都有?多少钱一枚?!” Does not ask for money, I asked my grandfather, I made him give to you!” “不要钱,我去求我爷爷,我让他送给你!” Xue Meining cannot bear happily, assumes an air of self approbation there. 薛美凝忍不住得意,在那里摇头晃脑。 Two send out the long pigtail of youth aura from the sky to dance in the air. 两条散发着青春气息的长辫在空中飞舞。 I said, who you are? Teases me to play intentionally?” Ling Yun never believes the space to fall the Meat Pie good deed, is careful at heart. “我说,你到底是谁啊?是不是故意来逗我玩儿的?”凌云从来不信天上掉馅饼的好事,心里小心起来。 If confirmed that this Xue Meining is teasing him to play, he will have a falling out immediately. 如果一旦确认这个薛美凝是在逗他玩,他立即就会翻脸无情。 Ling Yun's is time so good to delay? 凌云的时间是那么好耽误的? He at least also will curl upwards on the perfectly round tender buttocks to pat ruthlessly according to Xue Meining with the plump palm such several hundred! 他起码也会用肥厚的手掌照着薛美凝挺翘滚圆的娇臀上狠狠拍上那么几百下! You are really, a moment ago also grinning, said that gets angry gets angry!” “你这人真是的,刚才还笑嘻嘻的,说翻脸就翻脸!” Xue Meining sees the Ling Yun facial color to be bad, cannot help but pursed the lips the complaint, sentimental own was busy at work a moment ago white/in vain. 薛美凝凌云面色不善,不由得撅嘴抱怨,感情自己刚才白忙活了。 Told you, yesterday you carried on the shoulder the sandbag jogged, remembers that is the whose first start did accompany you to run? Others fully accompany you to run!!” “告诉你吧,昨天你扛着沙袋跑步的时候,记不记得是谁第一个开始陪着你跑的?人家可是整整陪着你跑完呢!累死了!” Ling Yun seemed like some impressions, he remembers, yesterday after running several, really had long leg beautiful woman first to follow own behind, to give him cheers/cheering to cheer. 凌云貌似有些印象了,他记得,昨天跑了几圈之后,确实有个长腿美女第一个跟到了自己身后,一直在给他加油助威。 The eye that at that time Ling Yun ran braved Gold Star, but remembers indistinctly the girl who very tall followed in own behind, has not thought that originally was she! 当时凌云跑的眼冒金星,只是隐隐约约记得有个很高的女孩跟在自己身后,没想到原来是她! „--” Ling Yun stretched out the sound intentionally, pretends to recall to mind the appearance that suddenly, suddenly realize said: Originally is you, said that what matter looks for my?” “哦——”凌云故意拉长了声音,装作忽然记起的模样,恍然大悟道:“原来是你呀,说吧,找我到底什么事?” Xue Meining snort/hum said: „It is not I looks for you, is my grandfather wants to see you, do not buy the silver needle? Did not need to buy, so long as you can make my grandfather happy, you wanted any needle to have!” 薛美凝哼了一声说道:“不是我找你,是我爷爷想要见你,你不是要买银针吗?不用买了,只要你能让我爷爷高兴,你要什么针都有!” Ling Yun half believing and half doubting asking: Really? Who your grandfather is, in family/home puts that many needles to do? Does he also like the jarai playing?” 凌云将信将疑的问道:“真的?你爷爷到底是什么人,家里放那么多针干什么?他也喜欢扎人玩儿吗?” Xue Meining ill-humored white Ling Yun: go to hell, my grandfather is an old doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, family's silver needle treats an illness to use to the person, will not resemble with you are so bored!” 薛美凝没好气的白了凌云一眼:“去你的,我爷爷是个老中医,家里的银针是给人治病用的,才不会跟你似的那么无聊!” Speaks, she lifts hand one move, a rental car stopped before the body of two people. 说着话,她抬手一招,一辆出租车停在了两人的身前。 Also silly stares is doing? Boards!” “还傻愣着干什么呢?上车啊!” Xue Meining another took over the Ling Yun's arm, after entraining being in a daze Ling Yun was sneaking, in compartment. 薛美凝又一把揽住了凌云的胳膊,拽着发呆的凌云就钻进了后车厢里。 How is that fat, I thought that you had run a fruitless errand yesterday, has not been emaciated!” “怎么还是那么胖啊,我看你昨天是白跑了,一点儿都没见瘦!” Ling Yun seats in the car(riage), naturally has taken up most spaces, pushes Xue Meining nearly not to have the place place, has the half body to sit on the Ling Yun's thigh. 凌云坐进车里,自然占了绝大多数的空间,挤得薛美凝差点儿就没地儿座,只好半拉身子坐在凌云的大腿上。 The fragrance and thermal energy of youth beautiful young girl body by Ling Yun's trunk permeating, a hot Ling Yun mind ripple, has started the intermittent ripples in the heart. 青春美少女身体的芬芳和热力透过凌云的运动裤渗入,烫的凌云一阵心神荡漾,在心底掀起了阵阵涟漪。 Classmates, do you go?” The taxi driver asked. 同学,请问你们去哪?”出租车司机问道。 Clear Water Lake, Clear Creek villa area!” 清水湖,清溪别墅区!” Good!” “好嘞!” .................. ……………… Clear Water Lake, situated in the Clear Water City Clear Lake area, is Clear Water City most famous scenic spot, in China is also the number illustrious scenic spot. 清水湖,位于清水市清湖区,是清水市最为著名的景点儿,就是在华夏也是数的着的赫赫有名的旅游风景区。 The Clear Creek villa area, the southeastern direction situated in Clear Lake area government, here is away from the Clear Water City government not too to be far. 清溪别墅区,位于清湖区政府的东南方向,这里距离清水市政府也不算太远。 The Clear Creek villa area actually in the Clear Water Lake scenic spot, here all villas is south-facing, the back of the mountain surface water, the trees are green and luxuriant, the brook is clear enough to see bottom, the water current murmur, pours into Clear Water Lake finally. 清溪别墅区其实已经在清水湖风景区以内了,这里所有的别墅都是坐北朝南,背山面水,树木郁郁葱葱,溪流清澈见底,水流潺潺,最终注入清水湖 The sunlight is beautiful, fine spring day, what here end is attractive place. 阳光明媚,鸟语花香,这里端的是一个灵秀之地。 Can be occupied by the person here, does not need to want also to know, non- rich is expensive! 能够住在这里的人,不用想也知道,非富即贵! Ling Yun arrived here, thought that here world spiritual energy was richer than Qingshui High School that side, although is unable to absorb as before, may at least not need to feel desirably can feel. 凌云一来到这里,就觉得这里的天地灵气清水一中那边浓郁了许多,虽然依旧无法吸收,可至少已经不用刻意感觉就能感觉到了。 Ling Yun opens the glass, is breathing the clear spirit fresh air greedily, cannot help but energetic inspires! Really good place! 凌云打开车窗,贪婪地呼吸着清灵新鲜的空气,不由得精神为之一振!真是好地方啊! Hey, won't you have come to here? Attractively what has?” “喂,你不会是没来过这里吧?有什么好看的?” Xue Meining looks at being infatuated with type of Ling Yun that face, the heart said that so long as is the Clear Water City person who is all right is less than here plays, you as for this expression you? 薛美凝看着凌云那一脸的陶醉样,心说只要是清水市的人谁没事的时候不到这里来游玩,你至于这副表情吗你? Ling Yun turns head gave her one you not to understand the disdaining expression, was disinclined to lower oneself to the same level with her. 凌云扭头给了她一个“你懂个屁”的不屑表情,懒得跟她一般见识。 This expression Xue Meining has understood, the young seductress was angry immediately, extends spring the scallion thumb and index finger, the fat on towards Ling Yun arm has twisted! 这个表情薛美凝是看懂了,小妖女顿时大怒,伸出春葱似的大拇指和食指,对着凌云胳膊上的肥肉就拧了一下! Hiss......” “嘶……” „Are you sick you?” Ling Yun was angry, turns head to stare Xue Meining one. “你有病吧你?”凌云大怒,回头瞪了薛美凝一眼。 Snort, who makes your look look my?” Xue Meining does not submit, the big eye also returns to stare Ling Yun. “哼,谁让你那种眼神看我的?”薛美凝毫不屈服,大眼睛也回瞪凌云 Ling Yun in line with the principle that does not suffer a loss, put out a hand to expose the snow-white thigh in air according to the young seductress secretly has twisted! 凌云本着绝不吃亏的原则,偷偷伸出手来照着小妖女暴露在空气中的雪白大腿就拧了一把! „......” Xue Meining eats pain, screamed loudly, that high decibel sound, caused the tourist who the roadside enjoys the scenery looks askance. “啊……”薛美凝吃痛,放声尖叫了起来,那高分贝的声音,引得路边赏景的游人纷纷侧目。 Hey, can you like this? But others girl yeah, stingy ghost!” “喂,你这人怎么可以这样?人家可是女孩子哎,小气鬼!” Ling Yun big hand vigor, but twists gently, Xue Meining then painful could not bear, the teardrops have hit to stroll in the eye socket. 凌云多大的手劲儿,只是轻轻一拧,薛美凝就痛的受不了了,泪珠儿已经在眼眶里打转转了。 Slides really really tenderly! 真滑真嫩啊! Ling Yun was actually tasting the feeling of touching hand at this time, in the heart was feeling a moment ago crisply! 凌云此时却在回味着刚才触手的感觉,心中感觉倍儿爽! Looked that your this young seductress also does dare to provoke me! 看你这小妖女还敢不敢招惹我! The rental car master saw this in the city mirror, very awkward at the same time , at heart ruthlessly despised the Ling Yun this big fatty! 出租车师傅在后市镜里看到了这一幕,很尴尬的同时,也在心里狠狠鄙视了一下凌云这个大胖子! Then young and fresh-looking juicy young miss, your dead fatty also below going hand! 那么水嫩水灵的小姑娘,你个死胖子也下的去手! Although Xue Meining had a mortal hatred of Ling Yun at heart, may also understand this dead fatty does not understand to show tender affection, does not dare to hit back again. 薛美凝虽然心里恨死了凌云,可也明白了这个死胖子根本不懂得怜香惜玉,不敢再还手了。 Also three minutes, Xue Meining has made the taxi driver stop, then opens the vehicle door to get out. 又过了三分钟,薛美凝让出租车司机停下,然后打开车门下了车。 Ling Yun also follows the example must open the door to get out. 凌云也有样学样的要开门下车。 That, Classmates, you have not given money, altogether is 36 five!” “那个,同学,您还没给钱呢,一共是36块五!” The taxi driver looked that Ling Yun does not pay money must get out, hurries to prompt to say. 出租车司机一看凌云不付钱就要下车,赶忙提示道。 Ling Yun turns head to say to Xue Meining: Hey, Ning'er, you have not given money, 36 five......” 凌云扭头冲着薛美凝道:“喂,凝儿,你还没给钱呢,36块五……” Straight stamping the feet of Xue Meining air/Qi, her present finally knows anything was called mean-spiritedly, this miss this was first time takes taxi with the male student alone! 薛美凝气的直跺脚,她现在终于知道什么叫做小气了,本姑娘这可是第一次单独和男生一起打车! Does he feel all right? 他怎么好意思? Does not have money! I thought how you get down!” Young seductress ill-humored saying, then turns head to walk toward the villa area entrance. “没钱!我看你怎么下来!”小妖女没好气的说道,然后扭头就往别墅区大门口走去。 She secretly regretted now own talked too much, own was all right to go home with the grandfather saying that he did carry the sandbag to run 11 to do? 她现在已经暗暗后悔自己多嘴了,自己没事儿回家跟爷爷说他扛着沙袋跑了11圈儿干嘛? On the vehicle this short 20 minutes, Ling Yun turned into the miser in the tall and mighty image that young seductress in the heart created yesterday all of a sudden. 只是车上这短短20分钟,凌云昨天在小妖女心中树立起来的高大威猛的形象一下子变成了吝啬鬼。 Ling Yun somewhat inconceivable the perfect back that looks at this long leg beautiful woman, the heart said that what taxi doesn't have money you to take? 凌云有些不可思议的看着这位长腿美女的完美背影,心说没钱你打什么车啊? Others taxi driver there eager is waiting, Ling Yun is helpless, has to endure the meat pain to discover 37 money to come from the pocket, said to the driver: Looks for five hair.” 人家出租车司机在那里眼巴巴的等着,凌云无奈,只好忍着肉痛从兜里找出37块钱来,对司机师傅说道:“找五毛。” After waiting for Ling Yun to get out, taxi driver started the vehicle loudly, just before leaving has not forgotten to extend outside the glass the hand, the towards Ling Yun obese back has set upright the middle finger ruthlessly! 凌云下车以后,出租车司机轰然发动了车子,临走还不忘把手伸出车窗外,对着凌云肥胖的背影狠狠竖了一下中指! Has seen stingily, has not seen has been so stingy! 见过抠门的,没见过这么抠门的! Ling Yun overtook Xue Meining quickly, hee hee said with a smile: Here is geomancy treasure land, does your family live here?” 凌云很快追上了薛美凝,嘻嘻笑道:“这里是个风水宝地嘛,你们家就住在这里?” Villas, red brick green tile white wall, complements between the green and luxuriant trees and verdant alluring green lawns, around some villas also plants the precious flowers and plants, the delicate fragrance is greeting the nostrils, is really excellent treasure land that self-cultivation. 一栋栋的别墅,红砖绿瓦白墙,掩映在郁郁葱葱的树木和青翠欲滴的绿色草坪之间,有的别墅前后还种植着名贵花草,清香扑鼻,实在是修身养性的绝佳宝地 Snort!” “哼!” Xue Meining is still mad Ling Yun's, has not given him the good complexion. 薛美凝还在生凌云的气,根本就没给他好脸色。 Where has this, can obtain girl's invitation, is your huge good fortune, dares to twist others thighs unexpectedly, but also wants to let money that this miss pulls out to take taxi! 哪儿有这样的,能得到本姑娘的邀请,是你天大的福分,竟然还敢拧人家的大腿,还想让本姑娘掏打车的钱! Which villa do you live in?” “你家住在哪栋别墅啊?” Arrived!” “到了!” After two people entered the villa area, walked more than 200 meters far probably, Xue Meining stopped in front of a very pretty big villa. 两人进了别墅区以后,大概走了200多米远,薛美凝停在了一栋很漂亮的大别墅前面。 This is an one-home courtyard, courtyard big scary, the master in general villa likes quietly, here distance other villas are quite far, the environment is very simple and elegant lonesome and quiet. 这是一个独门独院,院子大的吓人,大概别墅的主人喜欢清静,这里距离其他的别墅都比较远,环境很是清雅幽静。 Good rich medicine is fragrant, the spiritual energy good foot......” Ling Yun not to need to hear desirably, knows in the courtyard is planting the precious medicinal herb. “好浓郁的药香,灵气也好足……”凌云不用刻意闻,就知道院子里种植着名贵的药材。 It seems like the grandfather of this young seductress was an old doctor of traditional Chinese medicine mistakenly! Does he know my? Why also asked here to come me?” “看来这小妖女的爷爷是个老中医错不了了!只是他是怎么知道我的呢?又为什么把我叫到这里来呢?” „Doesn't Ning'er, why go in?” 凝儿,为什么不进去?” Do not call me Ning'er, called me Xue Meining, went in later must respect to my grandfather, I feared really your mean-spirited appearance was mad my grandfather......” “别叫我凝儿,叫我薛美凝,还有,进去以后要对我爷爷尊重点儿,我真怕你那个小气的样子气着我爷爷……” Xue Meining changed appearance angrily, the look earnest urging said a moment ago. 薛美凝一改刚才气鼓鼓的样子,神色认真的叮嘱道。 „Am I mean-spirited? Is you are mean-spirited? You take taxi not to give money, but must make me pay a bill to you, you said that we who is mean-spirited?” “我小气?是你小气吧?你打车不给钱,还得让我给你付账,你说咱俩谁小气?” You......” Xue Meining have not seen Ling Yun this, her a few words of air/Qi could not say. “你……”薛美凝就从来没见过凌云这样的,气的她一句话都说不出来了。 Was Ning'er comes back? cough cough...... Asked the guest to come in quickly!” In the courtyard resounds one to have the dignity sound very much old very much. “是不是凝儿回来了?咳咳……快请客人进来吧!”院子里响起一个很苍老却很有威严的声音。 Grandfather, I came back......” Xue Meining to push the door to enter, the sound was delightful, has been full of meaning of acting like a spoiled brat, where also had a moment ago the cunning and unreasonable vigor of young seductress? “爷爷,我回来了……”薛美凝推门而入,声音甜美乖巧,充满了撒娇的意味,哪里还有刚才小妖女的刁蛮劲儿? Ling Yun unrestrained/no trace of politeness, was following close on, eye actually glaring sized up the entire courtyard to arrange, then fell the vision in the institute on a old person under pomegranate. 凌云毫不客气,紧跟着走了进去,一双眼睛却贼溜溜的打量着整个院落布置,然后把目光落在了院内石榴树下的一个老人身上。 Although the old person sits there, may also be able to see him tall tall and strong, hair silver white, look azure Jue, is actually the crane sends the young face, glowing with health, flashing eyes is bright, the spirit is very healthy. 老人虽然坐在那里,可也看得出他身材高大魁梧,头发银白,相貌青矍,却是鹤发童颜,红光满面,目光炯炯有神,精神很是矍铄。 What the old person puts on is a red color Chinese-style clothing, in the right hand is taking two fitness balls, is deferring to some strange rhythm to keep rotating, a clear profound eye is sizing up Ling Yun that was just coming. 老人穿的是一身大红色唐装,右手里拿着两个健身球,正按照某种奇异的节奏不停转动,一双清亮深邃的眼睛正打量着刚刚进来的凌云 Ling Yun also in taking a look at old person, he fell on the vision old person's right hand quickly, carefully looked at a while, the in the heart dark to praise, was good to stabilize a powerful pair of hand! 凌云也在打量着老人,他很快就把目光落到了老人的右手上,仔细看了一会儿,心中暗赞,好稳定有力的一双手! Young fellow, are you Ling Yun that my treasure granddaughter is full of praise?” “少年人,你就是我的宝贝孙女赞不绝口的凌云吧?” You are...... Old Master Xue?” “您是……薛老爷子?” Hey, do you have good manners the appearance? Called the grandfather!” “喂,你这人懂不懂礼貌啊?叫爷爷!” Old Master Xue thinks little slightly, he hehe said with a smile to Ling Yun: Ling Yun, I was old, such a granddaughter, was really makes me be used to not like the appearance, you may do not mind. cough cough......” 薛老爷子丝毫不以为意,他冲着凌云呵呵一笑道:“凌云啊,我年纪大了,就这么一个孙女,实在是让我惯得不像样子了,你可千万不要介意啊。咳咳……”
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