DEMG :: Volume #1

#52: The merit becomes gold needle

Pays attention to old gentleman shocking appearance without the flaw, after Ling Yun gold needle pricks Divine Docter Xue acupoint, immediately crosses into spiritual energy. 无瑕理睬老爷子震惊的样子,凌云金针刺入薛神医穴道之后,就立即渡入了一道灵气 Then his right hand pinky selects slightly, was gold needle arrived at two fingers from the palm, but twisted slightly, dug in Divine Docter Xue chest another acupoint! 然后他右手小拇指微微一挑,又是一根金针从掌中来到了两指之间,只是微微一捻,又扎入了薛神医胸口另一处穴道 Third, fourth, fifth...... 第三根,第四根,第五根…… The Ling Yun expression is calm, look actually dedicated incomparable, although is single-handed needle-pricking, the entire process is actually the passing clouds and flowing water, seems does not treat an illness likely, is more like is showing an exquisite art! 凌云表情淡定从容,眼神却专注无比,虽然是单手施针,整个过程却是行云流水,看上去根本不像是治病,更像是在展现一种优美的艺术! Arrived sixth gold needle digs in within the body time, in the Divine Docter Xue look started to appear has wiped the color of pain, was getting more and more thick, but he has actually gotten hold of the double fist, with hardship support! 到第六根金针扎入体内的时候,薛神医的眼神中开始出现了一抹痛苦之色,然后越来越浓,不过他却握紧了双拳,苦苦支撑! The China first Divine Doctor nature is clearer than anyone, now the Ling Yun marking needle most crucial time, he naturally will not increase to the Ling Yun disciple troublesome. 华夏第一神医自然比谁都清楚,现在正是凌云行针最关键的时刻,他当然不会给凌云徒增麻烦。 Enters the body to eighth, Divine Docter Xue the pain has resulted in the tooth to fasten to nip, the whole body trembled uncontrolled! 到第八针入体,薛神医已经痛得牙关紧咬,浑身不受控制的哆嗦了起来! Ling Yun after crossing into eighth spiritual energy, felt the jade box spiritual energy already by his thorough extinction, therefore has put the ground the jade box conveniently. 凌云在渡入第八道灵气之后,感觉到玉盒的灵气已经被他彻底吸光了,于是随手把玉盒放到了地上。 Is good because of this time, along with the huge consumption of spiritual energy, spiritual energy of Ling Yun within the body transferred completely. 好在此时,随着灵气的巨大消耗,凌云体内的灵气已经完全调动起来了。 His right hand is pinching seven cuns (2.5 cm) long needle, look were many a dignity, pours into spiritual energy toward the long needle in silently. 他右手捏着七寸长的长针,神色多了一丝凝重,默默往长针里注入灵气 Spiritual Pivot Nine Needles, according to the difference of pathology, is different, the order with the morbidity spot and way of digging in is also naturally different. 灵枢九针,根据病理的不同,和发病的部位不同,扎入的顺序和方式自然也就不同。 However, in any event is ever changing, displays Spiritual Pivot Nine Needles, most important is finally that! 但是,无论如何千变万化,施展灵枢九针,最重要的都是最后那一针! So long as there is a little deviation, no matter gripped deeply half thousandth, or gripped shallowly the half a point, the effect greatly will fall short. 只要有一点点偏差,不管扎深了半厘,或者扎浅了半分,效果就会大打折扣。 So-called is led far astray by a slight error, the erroneous by the thousand li (500 km), is this meaning! 所谓差之毫厘,谬以千里,就是这个意思! left hand that Ling Yun leaps presses firmly between the fingers Divine Docter Xue severe pain that gently, because is unable to endure, but shoulder that shivers fiercely, right hand as before steady like rock, aims at the Divine Docter Xue somewhere big hole slowly to prick. 凌云腾出来的左手轻轻捏住薛神医因为无法忍受的剧痛,而剧烈颤抖的肩膀,右手依旧稳如磐石,对准薛神医某处大穴缓缓刺入。 !” “噗!” Ling Yun grips, just crossed into ninth spiritual energy, has not waited to disperse pinches the finger of needle, had been spurted by a Divine Docter Xue purple brown blood whole head! 凌云扎完,刚刚渡入了第九道灵气,还没等撒开捏针的手指,就被薛神医一口紫褐色的鲜血喷了个满头满脸! “Umm...... Old gentleman, you are really impolite, I prepared to avoid, did not have with enough time! ” “额……老爷子,您还真不客气,我都准备好了要躲开的,还是没来得及!” Obviously, Ling Yun knows, nine grip, the old gentleman will spit inevitably blood. 显然,凌云知道,九针扎完,老爷子必然就会吐血。 Ling Yun within the body spiritual energy consumes greatly, he face has been wiping blood on a face painstakingly, spoke thoughtlessly humorously. 凌云体内灵气消耗巨大,他苦着脸抹了一把脸上的鲜血,随口幽默了一下。 He knows, so long as the old gentleman this purple brown extravasated blood spits, temporarily was all right. 他知道,老爷子只要这口紫褐色的淤血吐出来,暂时就没事儿了。 Grandfather!” Xue Meining hit to open the door to suddenly, she cried with tears person, the whole person pear flower belt/bring rain, quick ran up to side Ling Yun, does not know the strength of which coming, one overthrew Ling Yun in the one side. “爷爷!”薛美凝突然撞开门冲了进来,她哭的跟泪人儿似的,整个人梨花带雨,很快就跑到了凌云身边,也不知道哪儿来的力气,一下就把凌云推倒在一旁。 Grandfather, you? A moment ago fortunately good how to spit blood?! The grandfather you do not frighten me......” “爷爷,您怎么了?刚才还好好的怎么吐血了?!爷爷您别吓我……” Xue Meining turns head to look angrily at Ling Yun, both eyes reprimands red: „Can you marking needle? Does the Chinese medicine acupuncture how possibly person spit blood?” 薛美凝扭头怒视凌云,双目通红斥道:“你到底会不会行针啊?中医针灸怎么可能扎的人吐血?” If my grandfather has an accident, I could not certainly forgive you!” “要是我爷爷有个三长两短,我一定饶不了你!” The young seductress like a small lion of violent anger, saw the grandfather to spit blood at this time fiercely, without considering the rights and wrongs, erupted a jealous and domineering wife to Ling Yun radically. 小妖女这时候就像一个暴怒的小狮子,见爷爷猛地吐了血,根本不问青红皂白,冲凌云爆发了河东狮吼。 Originally, out Xue Meining arrives, by her disposition, honest staying to stand how possibly guard in out of the door? 原来,薛美凝来到门外,以她的性格,怎么可能会老老实实的呆在门外站岗? The place that Divine Docter Xue lives , if no to make an appointment ahead of time, does not pass through the old person to nod, nobody dares to come to disturb radically casually. 薛神医住的这个地方,如果没有提前预约,不经过老人点头,根本没人敢来随随便便打扰。 17-year-old young miss which doesn't have the curiosity? In addition she originally to Ling Yun not full reassurance, therefore cannot bear push aside the crack in a door to peep. 17岁的小姑娘哪个没有好奇心?再加上她本来就对凌云不是十足的放心,因此就忍不住扒开门缝偷看。 Position that the old gentleman sits to entrance, therefore the process of Ling Yun entire marking needle, what the young seductress looks is clear. 老爷子坐的位置正对门口,因此凌云整个行针的过程,小妖女看的是清清楚楚。 From the beginning she also to Ling Yun adept the marking needle movement and unthinkable digging in position feels shocking, even cannot be bearing the secret commendation at heart, but when she saw Divine Docter Xue starts to look painfully, the entire heart mentioned the throat. 一开始她还对凌云娴熟的行针动作和匪夷所思的扎入位置而感到震惊,甚至在心里忍不住暗暗称赞,可当她看到薛神医开始面露痛苦的时候,整颗心就提到了嗓子眼儿。 She looks again in the future the grandfather is getting more and more painful, the whole person starts to tremble, she could not bear the strategic place come, is good because of the young seductress is also Chinese medicine Expert, knows that the Ling Yun marking needle arrived at the key, this suppresses not to flush. 再往后她看着爷爷越来越痛苦,整个人都开始哆嗦的时候,她就已经忍不住要冲进来了,好在小妖女也是个中医高手,知道凌云行针已经到了关键之处,这才强忍着没冲进来。 But she actually to grandfather's painful sympathize, tears wells up outward, simultaneously to Ling Yun is also more and more angry. 可她却对爷爷的痛苦感同身受,泪水一个劲儿的往外涌,同时对凌云也是越来越恼怒。 Until she saw the grandfather to spout a blood, this again could not bear, flushed. 直到她看到爷爷喷出了一口鲜血,这才再也忍不住了,就冲了进来。 Ling Yun is controlling one's breathing there, has not thought that the young seductress so will be valiant, will shove open him unexpectedly directly, making him nearly have chest pains while breathing. 凌云正在那里调息呢,没想到小妖女会这么彪悍,竟然会直接推开他,让他差点儿就岔了气。 He cannot bear shake the head to sigh: Yeah, whom I incur to annoy who? I know, so long as completes the matter, definitely is this result. 他忍不住摇头叹气:哎,我到底招谁惹谁了?我就知道,只要一做好事儿,肯定就是这种结果。 Do not move your grandfather, making him rest a while......” “不要动你爷爷,让他休息一会儿……” Ling Yun said, is also again disinclined to respond the young seductress, eyes closed controls one's breathing voluntarily. 凌云说完,再也懒得搭理小妖女,自行闭目调息。 You!......” “你!……” Ning'er can not be impolite, the grandfather has been all right, so long as rests slightly well, you go to close the door first.” 凝儿不得无礼,爷爷没事了,只要稍微休息一下就好,你先去把门关上。” Divine Docter Xue spouts along with extravasated blood, immediately thought the severe pain of whole body vanishes without the trace thoroughly, entire body all of a sudden relaxed many. 薛神医随着一口淤血喷出,立时觉得全身的剧痛彻底消失无踪,整个身体一下子就轻松了不少。 How Divine Docter Xue can not know, Ling Yun was truly successful! 薛神医又怎么会不知道,凌云确实是成功了! His correct use one type has three points to feel grateful, three points appreciate, three points of shocking vision looks at Ling Yun, actually saw the own treasure granddaughter to clash to do such one, immediately all expressions turned into the apology. 他正用一种带着三分感激,三分赞赏,三分震惊的目光看着凌云呢,却见自己的宝贝孙女冲进来搞了这么一出,顿时所有的表情都变成了歉意。 This is savior, your this unmarried girl was booing, coming to push the belt/bring to scold continually...... 这可是救命恩人啊,你这闺女倒好,来了个连推带骂…… Grandfather, are you all right really?” Xue Meining saw the grandfather to say is all right, she finally started to carefully examine the Divine Docter Xue complexion earnestly, discovered that grandfather's complexion was really very healthy ruddy color, immediately some doubts, some doubt. “爷爷,您真没事?”薛美凝见爷爷说没事,她终于开始认真审视薛神医的脸色,发现爷爷的脸色果真是很健康的红润之色,顿时有些疑惑,又有些狐疑。 However her heart has put actually, the grandfather said is all right, definitely is all right, is unable to cope very importantly, do not govern to me badly then the line. 不过她的心倒是放了下来,爷爷说没事,肯定就没事,没治好不要紧,别给我治坏了就行。 The young seductress bit the lip to look whole head is Ling Yun of blood, wants to say anything, finally actually listened to grandfather's words, turned around to close. 小妖女咬着嘴唇看了满头满脸都是血的凌云一眼,想说些什么,最终却听爷爷的话,转身去关门。 Spiritual Pivot Nine Needles! Spiritual Pivot Nine Needles! today had enlarged ones vision obsolete finally, originally this is Spiritual Pivot Nine Needles! Extraordinary, is really extraordinary! Chinese medicine hopefully energetically in world!” 灵枢九针灵枢九针今天老朽终于开了眼了,原来这就是灵枢九针啊!了不起,实在是了不起!中医有望大兴于世啊!” Divine Docter Xue muttered, in the look shocked, has excitedly excited, desolate that was also actually hard to conceal. 薛神医喃喃自语,眼神中有震撼,有兴奋激动,却也有一丝难以掩饰的落寞。 the rear waves of the Yangtze River drive on those before, one generation of new people change early man. China first Divine Doctor? From now on must exchange ownerships! 长江后浪推前浪,一代新人换旧人。华夏第一神医?今后恐怕要易主喽! However that desolate quick vanishes does not see, what replaces it is true excitement and gratified. 不过那一丝落寞很快就消失不见,取而代之的是真正的兴奋与欣慰。 If heaven pities me, made obsolete see Spiritual Pivot Nine Needles in the lifetime unexpectedly, but also had been saved the life by Spiritual Pivot Nine Needles, what but also there is not to be content?” “天可怜见,竟然让老朽在有生之年见到灵枢九针,还被灵枢九针救了性命,还有什么不知足的?” Divine Docter Xue looked down own to collect dozens years of nine gold needle then to bind above the chest of own, felt is spreading over the faint trace of whole body to be cool from the chest, gratified smiling face that on the ruddy face is not all able to suppress. 薛神医低头看着自己珍藏了几十年的九根金针就扎在自己的胸口之上,感受着从胸口传遍全身的丝丝清凉,红润的脸上全是无法抑制的欣慰笑容。 He looks again to the Ling Yun's vision, em, that look mother -in-law looked that the son-in-law is more earnest. 他再看向凌云的目光,恩,那眼神比丈母娘看女婿还要热切。 Little fellow, but also depends on the ground? Wants my old man to draw you to get up personally?” “小家伙,还赖在地上呢?要不要我老头子亲自拉你起来?” Divine Docter Xue was saying, must stand up. 薛神医说着,就要站起身。 Ling Yun already controlled one's breathing, he opens the eye hehe to say with a smile: Ha, the complexion of old gentleman finally restored normally......” 凌云早已调息完毕,他睁开眼睛嘿嘿一笑道:“哈,老爷子的脸色终于恢复正常了……” Although Divine Docter Xue before the treatment, complexion is also glowing with health, but that red, is all day makes up completely greatly, the heart-fire surplus red, at all is not the ruddy color of normal person. 虽然薛神医在医治之前,脸色也是“红光满面”,可那个红,完全是整日大补,心火过剩的红色,根本不是正常人的红润之色。 Your these nine gold needle, but can also in my body pierced how long?” “你这九根金针,还要在我身上扎多久?” About most hour sufficed...... What? My gold needle?” “大半个小时左右就够了……什么?我的金针?” Ling Yun crossed into nine spiritual energy with gold needle in the chest of Divine Docter Xue, to suppress Unfeeling Heart-Devouring Insect, now spiritual energy is not steady, naturally cannot remove the acupuncture needles immediately. 凌云金针薛神医的胸口渡入了九道灵气,是为了压制忘情噬心蛊的,现在灵气不稳,当然不能立即拔针。 Ling Yun thought that brain some are insufficient, when has become my gold needle? 凌云觉得脑筋有些不够用了,什么时候成了我的金针了? Divine Docter Xue nodded, hehe smiles to tease: This gold needle, only then you will use, whose isn't your is?” 薛神医点了点头,呵呵一笑调侃道:“这金针只有你会用,不是你的是谁的?” Ling Yun lifted hand flexure scratching the head. 凌云抬手挠了挠头。 Your meaning is...... These nine did gold needle give to me?” “您的意思是……这九根金针送给我了?” Divine Docter Xue nodded earnestly. 薛神医认真点了点头。 Good, I accepted, hehe......” “好,那我就收下了,嘿嘿……” Cracks a joke, the goal of coming is to want the silver needle, now does the master bestow gold needle personally, how can there be the principle of Ling Yun not receiving? 开玩笑,来的目的就是为了要银针的,现在主人亲手赠送金针,凌云岂有不收之理? Snort, has not seen your this, thanks does not know that said!” “哼,就没见过你这样的,连个谢谢都不知道说!” Xue Meining pass/test Haomen came back half-day/long time, she stood there has a look to sit the grandfather on deck chair, looked at the rascal to sit in ground Ling Yun generally at will, listening to two people to speak, until now opens the mouth to interpose. 薛美凝关好门都回来半天了,她站在那里看看坐在躺椅上的爷爷,又看了看无赖一般随意坐在地上的凌云,听着两人说话,直到现在才开口插话。 After Divine Docter Xue spits blood, has not coughed to the present, if she now could not see again Ling Yun gave to cure grandfather's sickness really temporarily, she was not the Divine Docter Xue granddaughter. 薛神医吐血之后到现在都没咳嗽,她现在要是再看不出凌云真把爷爷的病暂时给治好了,那她就不是薛神医的孙女了。 Divine Docter Xue shook the head saying: Ning'er, Ling Yun is grandfather's savior, should say the person who thanks is I, later, can't you be impolite to him, hear?” 薛神医摇了摇头道:“凝儿,凌云是爷爷的救命恩人,应该说谢谢的人是我,以后,你不许对他无礼,听到没有?” A Ling Yun hand arm rest on the ground, face upwards lying down the body is sitting there, grinning looks at Xue Meining happily, the expression. 凌云一只手臂撑在地上,仰躺着身子坐在那里,笑嘻嘻的看着薛美凝,表情得意的很。 Snort! Who was impolite to him, is he in impolite!” The young seductress remembered the two people gambling to make a moment ago, looks after Ling Yun that prevailed , the shameless smiling face, cannot help but came air/Qi. “哼!谁对他无礼了,都是他在无礼!”小妖女想起了刚才两人的赌约,看着凌云那得逞后无耻的笑容,就不由得来气。 Naturally, the young seductress in the heart makes what feelings now, that was unknown. 当然,小妖女现在心中到底作何感想,那就不得而知了。 She joyful and grateful look, has indicated all. 她欣喜和感激的眼神,已经表明了一切。 Ning'er, you bring Ling Yun to go to the room to take a bath first, then looks for an appropriate coat to put on to him, this clothes dyed the blood, cannot put on again.” 凝儿,你先带凌云去屋里洗个澡,然后找个合适的外套给他穿上,他这件衣服染了血,不能再穿了。” This Xue Meining has not refuted, she stares the big eye, to the Ling Yun tender sound said: Gets up, but also depends there does?” 这次薛美凝没有反驳,她把大眼睛一瞪,冲凌云娇声道:“起来吧,还赖在那里干什么?” Ling Yun lifted the hand. 凌云抬了抬手。 Xue Meining has a mind to draw him to get up, but she looked at grandfather one eyes, has not moved, instead stamped the feet, raises the chin saying: I will not draw you, you do not take a bath your own to be uncomfortable in any case.” 薛美凝有心过去拉他起来,可她看了爷爷一眼,就没有动,反而跺了跺脚,扬起下巴说道:“我才不会拉你,反正你不洗澡你自己难受。” Yeah, cruel fate......” “哎,命苦啊……” Ling Yun has stood from the ground all of a sudden, he said to Divine Docter Xue first: Old gentleman, I wash first, after a half hour, removes the acupuncture needles for you.” 凌云一下子从地上站了起来,他先对薛神医说道:“老爷子,我先去洗一洗,半个小时以后为您拔针。” Divine Docter Xue always feels at ease consoles, happy hehe smiles: Was good, goes quickly, had not looked that Ning'er did enter the room to prepare the taking a bath water to go to you?” 薛神医老怀畅慰,高兴的呵呵直笑:“行了,快去吧,没看凝儿都进屋给你准备洗澡水去了么?” Looks Ling Yun swaggering walks toward the room, Divine Docter Xue could not bear lower the head to ponder. 看着凌云大摇大摆的朝屋里走去,薛神医忍不住低头沉思了起来。 Others have rescued his life, can't use such nine gold needle to send? 人家救了他一条命,总不能就用这么九根金针就打发了事了吧? Let alone Ling Yun said a moment ago, two months later, but can also be dormant 40 years of Heart-Devouring Insect compelling thoroughly his within the body? 何况凌云刚才就说了,两个月后,还能彻底把他体内蛰伏了40年的噬心蛊给逼出来呢?
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