DEMG :: Volume #2

#171: Rigid!

No matter what, Xue Meining obtained the Ling Yun's acknowledgment finally, although Ling Yun to the end has not complied to be her boyfriend immediately, may to Xue Meining, at least pierce that matter window paper, vindicated successfully. 不管怎么说,薛美凝总算是得到了凌云的承认,虽然凌云到头也没有答应立即做她的男朋友,可对薛美凝来说,起码是捅破了那层窗户纸,表白成功了。 On the young seductress face flood the beautiful eye-catching brilliance, the big eye is winking keeping is staring at the Ling Yun's eye and face, only thought how to see looks insufficiently. 小妖女脸上泛着明媚夺目的光彩,大眼睛眨个不停的盯着凌云的眼睛和脸庞,只觉得怎么看都看不够。 She said excitedly this said that threw into beyond the highest heavens that fright one of the tea with milk room bitter experience thoroughly. 她兴奋地说这说那,把来奶茶屋遭遇的那惊魂一幕彻底抛到九霄云外去了。 Ling Yun is also glad to look that she was so happy, he has smiled is accompanying Xue Meining to speak, almost all questions will be answered, grants every request, making the young seductress wish one could to pour in the Ling Yun bosom directly goes. 凌云也乐得看她如此高兴,他一直微笑着陪薛美凝说话,几乎是有问必答,有求必应,让小妖女恨不得直接倒在凌云怀里去。 Unknowingly, one hour of time quick then the past, Ling Yun discovered impressively has not eaten meal two people to the present, his hurrying stands saying: Ning'er, this half hours wanted on late to study by oneself again, I led you to buy the food belt/bring to go back to eat!” 不知不觉,一个多小时的时间很快就过去了,凌云赫然发现两人到现在还没吃饭,他赶紧站起来道:“凝儿,这再有半小时就要上晚自习了,我带你买点儿饭带回去吃吧!” Xue Meining now naturally to Ling Yun is obedient, she from small compartmented in moves sideways immediately, then joke Yingying pasted with the most affectionate posture on Ling Yun's, two people went downstairs shoulder to shoulder. 薛美凝现在当然对凌云是百依百顺,她立即从小隔间里闪身出来,然后笑语盈盈地用最亲昵的姿势贴在了凌云的身上,两人并肩下楼。 Ling Yun just went down three stairs, saw Yao Rou calmly sits there graceful back, she with own today just saw in the afternoon her time is the same, is looked very much by the wolf same vision that the man of all forms shoots inside and outside the room is not comfortable, but she peaceful sitting there, the rigid waiting, has not departed as before. 凌云刚走下三个台阶,就看到了姚柔静静坐在那里的曼妙背影,她和自己今天下午刚见到她的时候一样,被屋内屋外形形色色的男人射来的狼一样的目光看得很是不自在,可她依旧安静的坐在那里,执着的等待,并没有离去。 Ling Yun's corners of the mouth has cancelled check slightly, has not said anything, he paid up to the onstage of tea with milk room on own initiative, then embraces Xue Meining to depart, passed by side Yao Rou the time, with left hand in her shoulder is gently a racket. 凌云的嘴角儿微微勾了勾,却没有说什么,他主动到奶茶屋的前台结了帐,然后揽着薛美凝离去,路过姚柔身旁的时候,用左手在她肩头又是轻轻一拍。 Yao Rou tender body play trembles, has not waited to turn head, saw that Ling Yun embraced the Xue Meining form to walk toward out of the door. 姚柔娇躯剧颤,还没等回头,就看到凌云揽着薛美凝的身影朝着门外走了出去。 Yao Rou looks that the Xue Meining almost whole body pours in the Ling Yun bosom graceful tender body crookedly, efforts of eyeful feel wronged bite the lip of own. 姚柔看着薛美凝几乎全身歪倒在凌云怀里的曼妙娇躯,满眼委屈的用力咬了咬自己的嘴唇。 She has not called, had not shouted, is enduring various complex vision as before, sits there silently, rigid waiting. 她没有叫,也没有喊,依旧忍受着各类复杂的目光,默默地坐在那里,执着的等待。 She used nearly profligate way to arrive at the Ling Yun's telephone, was holding the enormous disturbance and enthusiasm has sent the short note to Ling Yun, then Ling Yun said that any she made anything, making the nurse's uniform that she wore to feel ashamed come out, the nurse's uniform that her wear felt ashamed came out, had not complained, only to let that command own heart movement the vision of boy, were many on own in a while! 她用近乎放荡的方式要到了凌云的电话,抱着极大的忐忑和热情给凌云发了短信,然后凌云说什么她就做什么,让她穿羞人的护士制服出来,她就穿着羞人的护士制服出来,没有抱怨,只为让那个令自己心动的男孩的目光,多在自己身上驻留一会儿! At noon, she achieved wishes and Ling Yun goes a step further, had the opportunity that and he worked together, and in Ling Yun not under situation, wore eight centimeters high high-heeled shoes, wore such uniform/subdue of feeling ashamed, accompanied talent first meeting high-school student major markets to run for four hours! 中午,她如愿以偿的和凌云更进一步,得到了和他一起工作的机会,并在凌云不在的情况下,穿着八公分高的高跟鞋,穿着那样羞人的制服,陪着一个才第一次见面的高中生各大商场奔跑了四个多小时! Her tenuous sole already had the big blister, her foot heel had also been swollen by the inexpensive high-heeled shoes grinding, moves slightly, is incomparable then the severe pain, let alone stood is walking. 她纤小的脚底早已磨起了大水泡,她的脚后跟也已经被廉价的高跟鞋磨肿,稍一碰触,就剧痛无比,更别说站着走路了。 She is suppressing various unusual vision, is suppressing the ache of sole and foot heel, is suppressing Tang Meng to the vision that her type does not care about very much, on the beautiful face has had a smiling face, nearly flatters various inquiry Ling Yun's matters cautiously. 她强忍着各种异样的目光,强忍着脚底和脚后跟的疼痛,强忍着唐猛对她那种不是很在乎的目光,明媚的脸上一直挂着笑,近乎讨好又小心翼翼的询问凌云的各种事情。 She wants to understand Ling Yun, she wants to ask, but feared that own asked that stirred up the opposite party discontented or later Ling Yun knows, is discontented. 她想了解凌云,她想问,可是又怕自己问多了,惹得对方不满或者以后凌云知道以后不满。 Must know, but Yao Rou fourth-year university student student, but Tang Meng also is just high three! 要知道,姚柔可是大四的学生,而唐猛还只不过是高三! Is she inexpensive? She is not inexpensive, she saw a own pleasing boy, then goes all out caters, pursues. 她贱吗?她不贱,她只是看到了一个自己中意的男孩,然后拼命的去迎合,去追求而已。 But, after her confident sends to Ling Yun that many late waited for your information, after Ling Yun almost finishes class, five minutes, are leading a noble tender and beautiful young girl, arrived here. 可是,就在她信心满满的给凌云发了那条多晚都等你的信息之后,凌云几乎下课后连五分钟都不到,就带着一个高贵娇艳的少女,来到了这里。 He leads her to come, he leads her to walk, is embracing her shoulder, is cheerful and lively with her, did not say one to own, does not say a word, but has pressed twice the shoulder of own. 他带她来,他带她走,都是揽着她的肩膀,跟她有说有笑,对自己不说一句,不发一言,只是按了两次自己的肩膀。 Yao Rou can only stand on tiptoes the tip of the toe to sit there, because of this, the blister of her sole not because of painful that the gravity of body presses, but she actually does not dare to lift the leg, because such opposite or outside person will see her skirt bottom scenery. 姚柔只能踮着脚尖坐在那里,因为这样,她脚底的水泡不会因为身体的重力而压的生疼,可她却不敢把腿抬起来,因为那样对面或者外面的人会看到她的裙底风光。 She puts on this, to Ling Yun looked that does not look to others. 她穿这一身,是给凌云看的,不是给别人看的。 However, Ling Yun did not speak, she can only sit waits for him here, she hopes that Ling Yun can come back suddenly, even if only spoke a few words to her. 但是,凌云不说话,她就只能坐在这里等他,她希望凌云能够突然回来,哪怕只跟她说一句话。 Ling Yun has not come back, after Ling Yun and Xue Meining have bought some local color snacks, protected her to return to the school to go, moreover escorted her to return to the classroom. 凌云没有回来,凌云薛美凝买了一些风味小吃之后,就保护着她回学校里去了,而且是一路护送她回了教室。 After Ling Yun delivers Xue Meining, in distance late studied by oneself already less than three minutes, he can only hurry back to the classroom to attend class, in the hand took Xue Meining to buy for his scallion fried pancake. 凌云送完薛美凝之后,距离上晚自习已经不到三分钟了,他只能赶回教室上课,手里拿着薛美凝买给他的葱油饼 Miao Xiaomiao saw that Ling Yun stepped on attending class ting to enter the classroom, but stared at his one eyes calmly, read. 苗小苗看到凌云踩着上课铃声进了教室,只是若无其事的盯了他一眼,就低头看书了。 Cao Shanshan set out, making Ling Yun sit, was tender asks with a smile: What's wrong? Then already exited, hasn't eaten meal unexpectedly with enough time?” 曹珊珊起身,让凌云坐了进去,然后娇笑着问道:“怎么?那么早就出去了,竟然还没来得及吃饭?” Ling Yun full mouth is tucking away scallion fried pancake, focused slantingly looks at her one eyes saying: Little has taken pleasure in others'misfortunes, was careful that tonight I revenge!” 凌云满口大嚼着葱油饼,斜着眼儿看了她一眼道:“少幸灾乐祸了,小心今晚我报仇!” The Cao Shanshan complexion blushes, has not spoken, has written three characters in the book: Waiting!” 曹珊珊脸色羞红,没有说话,用笔在本子上写了三个字:“等着呢!” Ling Yun looked hehe one happily, then gathers near the Cao Shanshan ear, first blew one to bring the scallion fried pancake fragrance fragrance, then said: Tonight asks for leave two classes to be good?” 凌云看了嘿嘿一乐,然后凑到曹珊珊耳边,先吹了一口带着葱油饼香味的香气,然后道:“今晚请假两节课行不行?” Cao Shanshan does not yield in the matter of principle, she white Ling Yun was charmingly angry: „It is not absolutely good, tonight the latter two classes are mathematical, I must teach you elementary knowledge......” 曹珊珊在原则问题上还是不让步的,她白了凌云一眼娇嗔道:“绝对不行,今晚后两节课是数学,我还要教你基础知识呢……” Ling Yun is speechless, the heart said that Cao Shanshan this is uses both persuasion and threats to me! 凌云无语,心说曹珊珊这是对我软硬兼施啊! Throughout entire evening, Ling Yun in passed with the Cao Shanshan boisterous and frivolous study, has Cao Shanshan this super school beauty companion, warm sound the soft and gentle words, but actually also crosses merrily. 整个晚上,凌云都在和曹珊珊打打闹闹的学习中度过,有曹珊珊这个超级校花陪伴,温声软语,过得倒也快活。 Four evenings study by oneself to flash, at this time, are 10 : 30 pm. 四节晚自习一晃而过,此时,已经是晚上十点半。 After the finishing class ting has thought that. 下课铃声想过之后。 This problem such does is right?” Ling Yun answered a large-scale synthesis problem on mathematical examination paper, then asked Cao Shanshan. “这道题这么做对不对?”凌云答完了数学卷子上的一道大型综合题,然后问曹珊珊 Cao Shanshan looked at one with amazement saying: Right! How do you do?!” 曹珊珊只是看了一眼就惊讶道:“对呀!你是怎么做出来的?!” Ling Yun smiles, has given her a self-satisfied look, sets out to walk. 凌云嘿嘿一笑,给了她一个得意的眼神,起身就走。 He is drawing runes arranging formation Expert, once he in these elementary knowledge the math textbook grasped, makes the topics of these high schools simply reciting the history is simpler. 他可是画符摆阵高手,他一旦把数学课本上那些基础知识掌握了,做这些高中的题目简直比背诵历史还要简单。 Wait!” Cao Shanshan still shocking asking: Originally you are memory are incessantly intrepid, this problem has tested the four Great Expert strength of mathematical, were you so unexpectedly easy to do?” “等等!”曹珊珊依然震惊的问道:“原来你不止是记忆力强悍啊,这道题考验了数学的四大能力,你竟然这么容易就做出来了?” This is not the historical geography and history and wait/etc., so long as carries to reply issue that this is mathematical! 这可不是什么历史地理等等的只要背过就能回答出来的问题,这可是数学啊! Needs the formidable operational capability, the logical thinking ability, the space imagination wait/etc., was Ling Yun so easy to do? 需要强大的运算能力,逻辑思维能力,空间想象能力等等,凌云怎么这么容易就做出来了? The Ling Yun heart said that you are shocked, I did not tell you in any case, his incomparably smelly fart said with a smile: How such simple issue possibly rarely lives in today the talent, walks!” 凌云心说你就震惊吧,反正我就不告诉你,他无比臭屁的一笑道:“这么简单的问题怎么可能难得住本天才,走啦!” Cao Shanshan one entrained his lower hem corner suddenly, the sound said with the mosquito hmph hmph: You, you do not revenge......” 曹珊珊忽然一把拽住了他的衣角,用蚊子哼哼般的声音说道:“你,你不报仇啦……” The words have not said that that beautiful fair oval face was already red. 话没说完呢,那绝美白皙的鹅蛋脸早已红了。 The Ling Yun heart said that jokes with you, has not thought that also really took seriously! 凌云心说跟你开个玩笑而已,没想到还真当真了! He lowered the head intentionally wickedly stares at Cao Shanshan to stand tall and erect **** said: Hey, you did not fear really I have eaten you?” 他故意低下头恶狠狠的盯着曹珊珊高耸的****道:“喂,你真不怕我吃了你啊?” Cao Shanshan lowers the head, blushes, did not speak. 曹珊珊低着头,红着脸,不说话。 She thought that Ling Yun looks at her vision, is feeling with that both hands her **** resembles, let her tender body flood intermittent ripples. 她觉得凌云看着她的目光,就跟那双手在摸着她的****似的,让她的娇躯泛起了一阵阵涟漪。 Ling Yun such stares looked, is getting quicker and quicker until her respite that standing tall and erect of Cao Shanshan is keeping fairly, more and more loud time, suddenly has stood the body, said with a smile: This account to you, two days of both capital and interest has been calculating first together!” 凌云就这么盯着曹珊珊的高耸白皙不停的看,直到她的喘息越来越快,越来越粗重的时候,才忽的站直了身体,微笑道:“这笔账先给你记着,过两天连本带利一块儿算!” Then, pays no attention to tender body weak Cao Shanshan again, swaggers away. 说完,再也不理娇躯酥软的曹珊珊,扬长而去。 His tonight's matter were too truly many! 他今晚的事情确实太多了! First, can he must gather round Qingshui High School campus to stroll, look discover that light killing intent. 首先,他得围着清水一中的校园转转,看看能不能发现那种淡淡的杀机。 Then, he must go to small riverbank to have a look at own treasure Seven Glorious Grass, has surfaced, after all regarding Ling Yun, practice cannot delay. 然后,他还得去小河边看看自己的宝贝七曜草,是不是已经露出了水面,毕竟对于凌云来说,修炼是一刻都不能耽误的。 Ling Yun even thinks that heavens pit that went to Tang Meng to say to look tonight, if possible, he thinks that the heavens pit bottom nosed. 凌云甚至想今晚去唐猛说的那个天坑看一看,如果可能的话,他想到天坑底部去查探一番。 Some these many proper business must do, Ling Yun naturally impossible the time consumption, in flirts with one another with Cao Shanshan on, must flirt with one another, in the family/home the flower of that Clear Water without a doubt Cao Shanshan many that is more appropriate than! 有这么多正事要做,凌云自然不可能把时间消耗在和曹珊珊打情骂俏上,真要打情骂俏,家里那位清水之花毫无疑问比曹珊珊合适的多! Ling Yun has traced a bosom good leather needles bag, traces with the mysterious writing brush that he shares the same roots, the heart said that if goes to the heavens pit investigation, but must also to take these Spike, to prepare emergency requirement. 凌云摸了一把怀里的牛皮针袋,又摸了摸和他血脉相连的神奇毛笔,心说要是去天坑探查的话,还得把那些长钉也要带上,以备不时之需。 Like this is thinking, Ling Yun arrived on the campus main road at a moderate pace, then he saw the campus entrance is standing that snow-white form! 这样想着,凌云不紧不慢地来到了校园主干道上,然后他就看到了校园门口站着的那一个雪白的身影! Yao Rou! 姚柔 She still and other own, should be unexpectedly tea with milk room time has closed, or she feared own comes out cannot see own, will arrive at outside the school gate. 她竟然还在等自己,应该是奶茶屋这个时间关门了,或者她怕自己出来的时候看不到自己,才会来到校门外等的。 Her that posture stands there, irritable? 她怎么那种姿势站在那里,别别扭扭的? Ling Yun changes countenance slightly, a ponder, fast ran slightly. 凌云微微动容,稍一沉思,就快速跑了过去。 The chill in the air in early spring, this is the evening starts the quenching the time, Yao Rou puts on are so few, now naturally is cold and hungry. 春寒料峭,这正是晚上开始骤冷的时候,姚柔穿的那么少,现在自然是又冷又饿。 She stands in the middle of cold air, the both legs cower to tremble, because actually the ache of sole does not dare to stamp the feet, can only make an effort to clutch own nurse short skirt, covers own as far as possible ice-cold soon numb both legs. 她就站在寒冷的空气当中,双腿瑟缩发抖,却因为脚底的疼痛又不敢跺脚,只能用力揪着自己的护士短裙,尽量遮盖自己冰冷的快要麻木的双腿。 Hey, how haven't you walked?!” Ling Yun ran up to the Yao Rou front quickly, he took off the own gym suit without delay, froze the tender body that trembled binding directly Yao Rou. “喂,你怎么还没走?!”凌云很快跑到了姚柔的面前,他二话不说把自己的运动服脱了下来,直接把姚柔冻得发抖的娇躯给裹住了。 I, I said that many late waits for you!” Yao Rou freezes the small face to be red, saw that Ling Yun appears in front of own finally, actually as far as possible squeezes out one not to calculate the ugly smiling face. “我,我说了,多晚都等你!”姚柔冻得小脸通红,看到凌云终于出现在自己面前,却尽量挤出一个不算难看的笑容。 Silly woman, I pat your shoulder to make you go back twice first, you are not how clear!” Ling Yun time is really air/Qi and anxious, this woman simply with the Lin Menghan same muscle, but, is seemingly more lovable than Lin Menghan. “傻女人,我两次拍你肩膀让你先回去,你怎么就不明白呢!”凌云时间真是又气又急,这女人简直和林梦寒一样一根筋,不过,貌似比林梦寒可爱多了。 I, I think that you were make me and others you......” Yao Rou see Ling Yun to be anxious, frightened dangles not to dare to visit him. “我,我以为你是让我等你……”姚柔看到凌云急了,吓得垂下头不敢看他。 Let alone, found a place to be warm first!” Ling Yun said, in Yao Rou is satisfied as is in the surprised tender call, has not come out while the tide of people of being on vacation from school, held her tender body, went to the forward-swept rapidly. “别说了,先找个地方暖和暖和!”凌云说完,在姚柔似是满足似是惊讶的娇呼声中,趁着放学的人潮还没出来,一把抱起了她的娇躯,飞速向前掠去。 Ling Yun is speeding along, in the heart sighed secretly, has not thought Yao Rou that incomparably was obedient cleverly, has Tie Xiaohu general rigid unexpectedly! 凌云飞驰着,心中暗叹,没想到无比乖巧听话的姚柔,竟有着铁小虎一般的执着!
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