DEMG :: Volume #2

#172: Only to look at your one eyes

Yao Rou freezes icy cold tender body all of a sudden to be hugged by Ling Yun in the bosom, the tender body of her instinct trembles, then the small heart thump thump jumped immediately, heart such as if has been hit! 姚柔冻得冰凉的娇躯被凌云一下子抱在怀里,她本能的娇躯一颤,然后小心脏立即怦怦跳了起来,心如鹿撞 Was closely hugged by Ling Yun in the bosom, feels the heat degree on Ling Yun transmitting, Yao Rou thought that flash warm many, in the meantime, she felt intensely, never had security sense, this made her feel, own today was all that Ling Yun made is worth. 凌云紧紧抱在怀里,感受着凌云身上传来的热度,姚柔觉得一瞬间就暖和了不少,同时,她感受到了强烈的,从未有过的安全感,这让她觉得,自己今天凌云所做的一切都是值得的。 Yao Rou tight by in the Ling Yun's shoulder, the both arms very natural link lives in the Ling Yun's neck, the kitty that is similar to injury is clever, bends down in the Ling Yun bosom, motionless. 姚柔把头紧紧靠在凌云的肩头,双臂很自然的环住凌云的脖子,如同一只受伤的猫咪般乖巧,伏在凌云怀里,一动不动。 The Ling Yun right hand is holding the shoulder of Yao Rou, left hand is holding the Yao Rou perfectly round thigh and ****, because the nurse short skirt skirt-width was very short, after being rubbed, Ling Yun's left hand directly pasted on the Yao Rou smooth thigh, a touching hand creamy icy coldness. 凌云右手托着姚柔的肩膀,左手托着姚柔浑圆的大腿和****,由于护士短裙的下摆本来就很短,被蹭起之后,凌云的左手就直接贴在了姚柔光滑的大腿上了,触手一片滑腻的冰凉。 The Ling Yun first even/including passed over gently and swiftly 45 crossroads, stopped in a remote roadside, he is holding the Yao Rou tender body as before, lowers the head to ask: Where do you live to be at? Had the dinner?” 凌云一连掠过45个路口,才在一个偏僻的路边停了下来,他依旧抱着姚柔的娇躯,低头问道:“你住在哪?吃晚饭了没?” Yao Rou bites the lip to shake the head lightly: House that I rent near municipal nine institutes, but also...... Has not eaten.” 姚柔轻咬着嘴唇摇了摇头:“我租的房子在市立九院附近,还……没吃。” She is very difficult, the place that because she rents only has a room, ten squares sizes, in the room except for an obsolete single bed, a nice table do not have. 她很难以启齿,因为她租住的地方只有一间屋,十来个平方大小,屋里除了一张陈旧的单人床,连个像样的桌子都没有。 Throughout the afternoon adds an evening, Yao Rou is attacked by various intense complex sentimental mighty waves, this made her body have a marvelous stimulated feeling, by this stimulated feeling influence, before not being able to see Ling Yun, she does not want to eat meal. 整个下午加一个晚上,姚柔都被各种强烈复杂的感情波涛冲击着,这让她的身体产生了一种奇妙的亢奋感,受这种亢奋感影响,见不到凌云之前,她根本就不想吃饭。 Ling Yun frowned, stares at the eye of Yao Rou to ask slightly: Hasn't eaten to the present from noon?” 凌云微微皱眉,盯着姚柔的眼睛问道:“从中午到现在都没吃?” Yao Rou just like by Ling Yun the vast starry sky profound pupil stares at panic-stricken generally, her subconscious wants to avoid the Ling Yun's gaze, actually does not give up, can only nod in the flurry, small sound said: Graciousness......” 姚柔凌云犹如浩瀚星空一般深邃的眸子盯得一阵心慌意乱,她下意识的想躲开凌云的注视,却又舍不得,只能在慌乱中点了点头,小声道:“恩……” In the Ling Yun's vision appears intermittently the meaning of blame, holds to tighten, blushing that the Yao Rou complexion that left hand of Yao Rou tender buttocks can actually not help brushes, does not dare to look at the Ling Yun's eye again, head deep burying Ling Yun's bosom, full head black hair disorderly entanglement. 凌云的目光中隐现责怪之意,托着姚柔娇臀的左手却情不自禁的紧了紧,姚柔脸色刷的羞红,不敢再看凌云的眼睛,把脑袋深深的埋进了凌云的怀里,满头青丝凌乱纠缠。 Ling Yun's left corners of the mouth has cancelled the check slightly, in a soft voice warm Judo: That first ate meal, finished eating the food I to deliver you to go back.” 凌云的左嘴角儿微微勾了勾,轻声温柔道:“那就先吃饭,吃完饭我送你回去。” Clear Water City is national famous tourist city, the nightlife of resident is colorful, 10 : 30 pm just started, can continue to 2 : 30 am, is very lively lively. 清水市是全国著名的旅游城市,市民的夜生活丰富多彩,晚上十点半才刚刚开始,能一直持续到凌晨两点半,很是繁华热闹。 Especially the crowded downtown area of town center, brilliantly illuminated five colors is riotous, the colorful light Clear Water City the gorgeousness of nighttime sky illumination, shines like the daytime, on the road heavy traffic, the pedestrian is bustling, wins the daytime. 尤其是市中心的繁华商业区,灯火辉煌五彩缤纷,五颜六色的灯光把清水市的夜空照射的绚丽多彩,亮如白昼,路上车水马龙,行人熙熙攘攘,更胜白天。 Looks for warm and comfortable having a night-time snack place in such place, naturally is not difficult. 在这样的地方找一个温暖而又舒适的吃夜宵的地儿,自然是不难。 Ling Yun is also disinclined to take taxi, the posture that is maintaining start is holding Yao Rou, displays Thousands of Miles Divine Walking Steps, dashes about wildly in the direction of town center, stopped in an environment very good hotel entrance, held Yao Rou to walk. 凌云也懒得打车,就保持着开始的姿势抱着姚柔,施展万里神行步,一路往市中心的方向狂奔,在一家环境很好的大饭店门口停了下来,抱着姚柔就走了进去。 Here too expensive......” Yao Rou such as the kitty has bent down generally in the Ling Yun's bosom, blushes to remind him to say bashfully. “这里太贵了……”姚柔如猫咪一般伏在凌云的怀里,羞红着脸提醒他道。 Ling Yun laughs: today eats expensively, cheap we do not eat!” 凌云嘻嘻一笑:“今天就吃贵的,便宜的咱不吃!” Welcome visits!” In the revolving door of hotel, both sides altogether four wear the compact cheongsam selects the beautiful woman to welcome guests to see that high Ling Yun such holds Yao Rou to come, cannot bear tenderly bends the waist to bow with a smile. “欢迎光临!”饭店的旋转门内,两侧一共四名身穿紧致旗袍的高挑美女迎宾看到凌云就这么抱着姚柔进来,忍不住哧哧娇笑着弯腰鞠躬。 The sincere not strange these four experienced beautiful women smile, Ling Yun wears a vest, the bosom holds to put on the beautiful woman of nurse's uniform, evidently is about 18 years old, such careless act as if no one else were present entered the hotel. 真心不怪这四位见多识广的美女笑,凌云就穿着个背心,怀里抱着个穿着护士制服的美女,看样子不过18岁,就这么大大咧咧旁若无人的走进了大饭店。 However after waiting to see clearly the Ling Yun's cheek, four beautiful women are not calm, blushes with the big eye glances in abundance bashfully toward the Ling Yun's face on. 不过等看清了凌云的脸蛋儿之后,四位美女不淡定了,纷纷羞红着脸用大眼睛往凌云的脸上瞟。 Ling Yun showed one to think the most charming smiling face, lightly saying: I take a best two people theater box, has?” 凌云展现了一个自认为最迷人的笑容,淡淡道:“我要一个最好的两人包厢,有么?” Naturally has, under leadership that beautiful woman welcomes guests, Ling Yun held Yao Rou to enter in the peaceful theater box quickly. 自然是有的,在美女迎宾的带领之下,凌云很快就抱着姚柔进入了安静的包厢里。 Entered the theater box, he has then put the ground Yao Rou. 进入了包厢,他这才把姚柔放到了地上。 Hiss......” 56 minutes of foot did not moisten, Yao Rou was put down suddenly, the foot heart rubbed through blister web ache, Yao Rou endured not to bear suddenly, the both legs could not help curving, the graceful figure turned, the sweet and delicate voice pain, creakied. “嘶……”56分钟脚不沾地了,姚柔骤然被放下,脚心被磨破的水泡钻心般疼痛,姚柔忍了一下没忍住,双腿情不自禁的弯曲了一下,曼妙的身形一扭,娇声痛哼,摇摇欲坠。 How?” Ling Yun responded quickly, hurried to support her. “怎么了?”凌云反应很快,赶紧扶住了她。 Is all right......” Yao Rou to endure the foot heart rending ache, under Ling Yun's supports by the arm, walks toward the seat on lamely, until sitting, quietly has stood on tiptoes the tip of the toe, lets the foot and shoe sole is separated. “没事……”姚柔忍着脚心撕心裂肺的疼痛,在凌云的搀扶之下,一瘸一拐朝着座位上走去,直到坐了下来,才悄悄地把脚尖踮了起来,让脚和鞋底脱离。 I have a look!” Ling Yun god like lightning, not cares about with the vision of service person difference, single-handed has copied the Yao Rou slender both legs. “我看看!”凌云神目如电,毫不在乎跟进来的服务员异样的目光,单手就把姚柔的修长的双腿抄了起来。 He casts off the Yao Rou high-heeled shoes gently, then stares. 他轻轻把姚柔的高跟鞋摘掉,然后就是一愣。 Two small feet of Yao Rou are very attractive, does not have the flaw pure white, small and exquisite, slides tenderly beautiful, Yingying cannot withstand grasps, ten toes are quite elegant, toe stomach clear clear, is similar to five is flashing the ruddy gloss dazzling pearl, it may be said that peerless beautiful foot. 姚柔的两只小脚丫很漂亮,洁白无瑕,小巧玲珑,柔嫩滑美,盈盈不堪一握,十个脚趾头极为秀美,脚趾肚圆润晶莹,如同五颗闪着红润光泽的耀眼珍珠,可谓绝世美足。 However makes Ling Yun be in a daze, is actually not these, but is on these two beautiful full sole boards that 78 shocking big blister, several large hole that as well as on the yellowish pink transparent silk stockings rubs through. 但是让凌云发愣的,却不是这些,而是这两只美足的脚底板上那78个触目惊心的大水泡,以及肉色透明丝袜上磨破的几个大洞 Nonsense!” On the Ling Yun's face some spunks, lift the hand to Tang Meng to call slightly to scold him. “胡闹!”凌云的脸上微微有些怒意,抬手就想给唐猛打电话骂他一顿。 I am all right......” Yao Rou first time to notice that serene Ling Yun has gotten angry, cannot bear somewhat uneasy, she lowers the head said shy. “我没事……”姚柔头一次看到一直云淡风轻凌云发怒,忍不住有些忐忑不安,她低着头害羞说道。 Regardless of the pair of jade full ankle of which woman were held by the man in the hand, unavoidably will be shy. 无论哪个女人的一双玉足的脚腕被男人捧在手里,都难免会害羞的。 Let alone, looked at the past from the Ling Yun present angle, the Yao Rou skirt bottom scenery takes in everything at a glance. 更何况,从凌云现在的角度看过去,姚柔的裙底风光一览无余。 First do not put on shoes, first sits on the sofa!” The Ling Yun unusual gentleness, looked up shy Yao Rou one, has given her a moving smile, said in a soft voice. “先别穿鞋了,先坐在沙发上吧!”凌云少有的温柔,抬头看了害羞的姚柔一眼,给了她一个动人的微笑,轻声说道。 By precious red wood dinner table, is the spacious comfortable red sofa, Yao Rou only thought that was filled up by the huge happy heart at heart, did not think painful. 名贵的红木餐桌两旁,是宽大舒适的红色沙发,姚柔只觉得心里被巨大的幸福感填满,一点儿都不觉得痛了。 You ordered food first, I exited, came back quickly.” Ling Yun drops out one, set out to run out of the theater box. “你先点菜,我出去一下,很快回来。”凌云抛下一句,起身就冲出了包厢。 After ten minutes, Ling Yun brings the Yunnan white medicinal powder that is buying, creates to paste, as well as a pair of soft comfortable sock and comfortable low-heeled shoes, returned to private room. 十分钟后,凌云带着买回来的云南白药,创可贴,以及一双柔软舒适的袜子和一双舒适的平底鞋,回到了包间 Ordered food?” The Ling Yun smile looks at Yao Rou, said gently. “点菜了没有?”凌云微笑看着姚柔,温柔说道。 Has selected, selected julienned potato......” Yao Rou to see Ling Yun was taking the thing, happy soon cried. “点了,点了个土豆丝……”姚柔看到凌云拿着的东西,幸福的都快要哭了。 Helpless Ling Yun shakes the head, called service person, looks at the vegetable single channel: julienned potato does not want, the big dragon shrimp, the trepang, the Buddha jumps over the wall, comes to a gold thread bird nest again!” 凌云无奈摇头,又把服务员叫进来,看着菜单道:“土豆丝不要了,大龙虾,海参,佛跳墙,再来一个金丝燕窝!” Ling Yun never such generous! 凌云从来没有这么慷慨过! Yao Rou is happily and anxiously blocks him saying: Too was expensive, I do not eat that......” 姚柔又是幸福又是焦急的拦住他道:“都太贵了,我不吃那个……” Makes you eat you to eat!” Ling Yun stared Yao Rou one, no longer frightened her to say a word. “让你吃你就吃!”凌云瞪了姚柔一眼,吓得她不再做声了。 Ling Yun very overbearing, but Yao Rou likes very much. 凌云霸道,但是姚柔很喜欢。 The service people are bringing brightly smiles, Ling Yun spoke thoughtlessly to order four vegetables several thousand, she can not be unhappy is strange. 服务员带着灿烂的笑出去,凌云随口点了四个菜就好几千,她能不开心才怪。 The two people world, the light is bright and ambiguous, out of the window heavy traffic, pedestrian in a hurry, bustling, Yao Rou only thought that own from a Cinderella, turned into the world all of a sudden the happiest princess, went to the heaven from the world of mortals all of a sudden! 两人世界,灯光明亮而暧昧,窗外车水马龙,行人匆匆,熙熙攘攘,姚柔只觉得自己从一个灰姑娘,一下子变成了世界上最幸福的公主,从凡间一下子上了天堂! She only thought that this happy all come too to be too sudden quickly, felt was not visionally real, cannot bear rolled up quietly the beautiful foot, was feeling the ache on foot, confirmed all these real. 她只觉得这幸福的一切来得太快太突然,感觉梦幻般不真实,忍不住悄悄蜷缩了一下美足,感受着脚上的疼痛,才确认这一切都是真的。 In the theater box has 27-28 degrees, Yao Rou was already warm, does she graceful soft tender body downcast in the soft comfortable sofa, the beautiful beautiful big eye wink to stare at opposite that as if some big boys of vitality/angry, she felt never had happiness. 包厢里有二十七八度,姚柔早就暖和了过来,她曼妙柔软的娇躯陷落在松软舒适的沙发里,明媚秀丽的大眼睛一眨不眨盯着对面那个似乎有些生气的大男孩,她感觉到了从未有过的幸福。 That huge happy heart in within the body surging forward, several wants the overflowing body, making her unable to bear want to cry. 那种巨大的幸福感在体内汹涌澎湃,几欲溢体而出,让她忍不住想落泪。 I can only tell you a matter, no matter who, so long as is dead set on with him, will never suffer a loss!” “我只能告诉你一件事,不管是谁,只要死心塌地的跟着他,永远都不会吃亏!” The Tang Meng words resound in the ear of Yao Rou repeatedly, he has not deceived Yao Rou. 唐猛的话反复在姚柔的耳边响起,他没有骗姚柔 Ling Yun calmly is sizing up Yao Rou with the vision of appreciation, he has nearly misread her, somewhat regrets and loves dearly slightly. 凌云用欣赏的目光静静地打量着姚柔,他差点儿看错了她,微微有些后悔和心疼。 You are silly, clear(ly) knew me to want on late to study by oneself, but also a person was kept waiting there, the food does not know that ate!” “你傻呀,明知道我要上晚自习,还一个人在那里傻等,连饭都不知道吃!” Ling Yun opens the mouth finally, blamed Yao Rou to say in a soft voice. 凌云终于开口,轻声责怪姚柔道。 „To look that your eyes......” Yao Rou has not drunk, has actually been drunk, is enchanted by. “只是想多看你一眼……”姚柔没有喝酒,却已经醉了,迷醉。 Is very graceful?!” “是不是很帅?!” Yes!” “是!” Ling Yun hehe smiles, said to her in a soft voice: Was good, later do not make the piffle, like this I will be very troublesome, I, do not like troubling......” 凌云呵呵一笑,轻声对她说道:“好了,以后不要做傻事了,这样我会很麻烦,我,不喜欢麻烦……” Yao Rou is greatly anxious, she just wants to start talking, actually listens to Ling Yun also saying: tomorrow you well rest at home, then you help me look for two experienced nurses, later you help me look at the clinic then the line, the work of nurse, gives them.” 姚柔大急,她刚想开口说话,却听凌云又说道:“明天你就在家好好休息,然后你帮我找两个有经验的护士,以后你就帮我看着诊所就行,护理的工作,就交给她们。” „, The clinic must do nice a little, should not be too petty, money does not lack, you arrange Tang Meng to do, he later must dare like today, I to pull out him again!” “还有,诊所要搞的像样一点儿,不要太小家子气,钱不缺,你就安排唐猛去做,他以后要再敢像今天这样,我抽他!” Tang Meng is very good, actually his today has several times to make me go back to rest, is my own is not willing......” 唐猛很好的,其实他今天有好几次让我回去休息,是我自己不肯……” Yao Rou hurried to help Tang Meng speak the word of praise, because this was the fact. 姚柔赶紧帮唐猛说好话,因为这是事实。 I know, but how this boy thinks that I understand compared with you, you do not need to explain.” “我知道,但是这小子心里是怎么想的,我比你明白,你不用解释。” Ling Yun hehe smiles, no longer spoke, in the room calmed down instantaneously, the atmosphere was ambiguous and marvelous. 凌云呵呵一笑,不再说话,房间里瞬间静了下来,气氛暧昧而又奇妙。 After several minutes, Yao Rou really could not endure this special atmosphere, she said suddenly in a soft voice: You run real quick......” 几分钟后,姚柔实在忍受不了这种特殊的气氛,她忽然轻声说道:“你跑的真快……” Ling Yun smiles lightly: That is very slow.” 凌云淡淡一笑:“那算是很慢的了。” „Is that slow?!” Yao Rou tarries instantaneously, shocks said. “那还慢?!”姚柔瞬间呆住,震撼道。 Because Qingshui High School is a school, is very naturally far from the business district of town center, the distance that at least several stand, Ling Yun held Yao Rou only to use for 45 minutes to arrive at the city, was quicker than the rental car, to Yao Rou, radically was inconceivable. 因为清水一中是学校,距离市中心的商业区自然很远,起码有十几站的路程,凌云抱着姚柔只用了45分钟就来到了市里,比出租车还要快,对姚柔来说,根本就是不可思议。 Later you knew, but, cannot you ask, yes?” “以后你就知道了,但是,不许你多问,明白吗?” Graciousness......” “恩……” Yao Rou is very clever mild-mannered, she thinks that opens the mouth cautiously asked: today in the afternoon is that girl,......” 姚柔很是乖巧柔顺,她想了想又小心翼翼的开口问道:“今天下午那个女孩,是不是……” This naturally is Yao Rou most anxious and matter of care. 这当然是姚柔最为紧张和关心的事情。 Ling Yun has given her a smiling face of teasing: Is my girlfriend? She is young, later said again......” 凌云给了她一个调侃的笑容:“是不是我的女朋友?她还小,以后再说吧……” Yao Rou is listening to the Ling Yun ambiguous reply, does not know that should rejoice or should lose, time is disconsolate, does not know that said any good again. 姚柔听着凌云模棱两可的回答,也不知道是应该庆幸还是应该失落,一时间惆怅无比,不知道再说什么好。 In the room is once more silent. 房间里再次沉默下来。 The theater box gate opens, the gold thread bird nest and trepang carried together. 包厢门打开,金丝燕窝和海参一块儿端了上来。 Ling Yun shows a faint smile saying: Eats meal, cannot remaining, otherwise, did not invite you!” 凌云微微一笑道:“吃饭,一点儿都不许剩下,不然以后不请你了哦!” two people ate meal with one hour, the mid-night, Ling Yun once more held Yao Rou to leave the hotel, took taxi to deliver her to go home. 两人吃饭用去了一个多小时,午夜时分,凌云才再次抱着姚柔离开了饭店,打车送她回家。 Place that Yao Rou rents in a very disorderly courtyard, she does not want to make Ling Yun see her dwelling, therefore after landing, said that wants own to go. 姚柔租住的地方在一个很杂乱的大院子里,她不想让凌云看到她的住处,因此下车以后就说要自己进去。 Ling Yun smiled to hold Yao Rou around the middle, in the darkness, quick arrived at the Yao Rou tenant entrance. 凌云微笑着把姚柔拦腰抱了起来,在黑灯瞎火之中,很快就到了姚柔的租屋门口。 Yao Rou did not have the means that opened the lock in the Ling Yun's bosom, after two people felt went in black, Ling Yun had found the switch, turned on the incandescent lamp, then has put on the Yao Rou graceful tender body the single bed. 姚柔没办法了,就在凌云的怀抱中打开了锁,两人摸着黑进去以后,凌云找到了开关,把白炽灯打开,然后才把姚柔曼妙的娇躯放到了单人床上。 Because Yao Rou is a nurse, therefore in room, although is quite crude, actually by spotless that she cleans, is very clean. 因为姚柔是护士,所以房间里虽然极为简陋,却被她打扫的一尘不染,很是干净。 I...... I, in the family/home am very since childhood poor......” Yao Rou to sit in the head, does not dare to look at the Ling Yun's eye, in her eye is filling deep feeling inferior, bites the lip to say. “我……我从小,家里就很穷……”姚柔坐在床头,根本不敢去看凌云的眼睛,她的眼睛里充满着深深的自卑,咬着嘴唇说道。 Did not say that must say, Ling Yun saw, conceals cannot keep. 不说也得说了,凌云都看到了,藏也藏不住。 In this world, how many people outside some looks attractively, does the back have all kinds of poverty, the difficulty and burden? 这个世界上,有多少人外面看着光鲜,背后却有着各种各样的贫穷,困难和负担? Those who made Yao Rou not think, after Ling Yun has sized up the entire room, smiled unexpectedly was saying to her: I am same as you.” 姚柔没有想到的是,凌云打量了整个房间之后,竟微笑着冲她说道:“我和你一样。” I am same as you. 我和你一样。 A few words, making Yao Rou be moved to tears instantaneously! 一句话,让姚柔瞬间就热泪盈眶! She thinks that Ling Yun will look down upon her, will henceforth not spare a glance to her, has not actually thought...... 她本以为凌云会看不起她,会从此对她不屑一顾,却没有想到…… Believes me, you will be quickly different from before!” “相信我,你很快就会和以前不一样了!” Ling Yun big form before the Yao Rou body has squatted gently, his gentle saying: Has the hot water? Took off the sock, I soak the hot feet to you, then applies medicine.” 凌云高大的身影从姚柔身前轻轻蹲了下来,他温柔的说道:“有热水吗?把袜子脱了,我给你烫烫脚,然后上药。” The cheek of Yao Rou explodes red! 姚柔的脸蛋儿爆红! Several square meters hut, single male and female, the mid-night, the joined bodies pantyhose, how does this escape?! 十几平米的小屋,孤男寡女,午夜时分,连体裤袜,这怎么脱?! Ling Yun smiles: Also thinks that you will not be shy...... You quickly a little, I make the hot water.” 凌云嘿嘿一笑:“还以为你不会害羞呢……你快一点儿,我去弄热水去。” Looks at Yao Rou to wear the snow-white nurse's uniform, the tender body is exquisite, the appearance that under the transparent yellowish pink silk stockings the both legs overlap, lowers the head shy, Ling Yun laughs, sets out but actually the hot water. 看着姚柔穿着雪白的护士制服,娇躯玲珑柔美,透明肉色丝袜下面双腿交叠,害羞低头的样子,凌云哈哈大笑,起身去倒热水。 Yao Rou while the free time who Ling Yun turns head, has shed the joined bodies pantyhose with the quickest speed, shamed on the ache including foot unable to attend. 姚柔趁着凌云回头的工夫,用最快的速度把连体裤袜褪了下来,羞得连脚上的疼痛都顾不上了。 Soaks the feet, cleans the wound, spurts on the Yunnan white medicinal powder, then pasted 89 to create to be possible on a Yao Rou elegant peerless pair of snow-white jade foot to paste. 烫脚,清洗伤口,喷上云南白药,然后在姚柔秀美绝伦的一双雪白玉足上贴了89个创可贴。 Ling Yun put the Yao Rou slender clear both legs on the bed, warm Judo: Was good, several blisters, are not serious, rest for day!” 凌云姚柔修长圆润的双腿搁在了床上,温柔道:“好了,几个水泡而已,不严重,休息一天就会好!” I walked, has matter to call me!” “我走了,有事给我打电话吧!” Ling Yun shows a faint smile to Yao Rou, turns around to walk. 凌云姚柔微微一笑,转身就走。 Yao Rou calmly looks that at present this incomparably sympathizes the gentle big boy, when he gets to the entrance quickly, does not know the courage of where coming, a brains heat, a few words blurted out fiercely! 姚柔静静地看着眼前这个无比体贴温柔的大男孩,就在他快走到门口的时候,不知道从哪里来的勇气,头脑一热,一句话猛地脱口而出! Tonight remains, is good?” “今晚留下来,好不好?”
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