DEMG :: Volume #2

#170: Female killer

Hit black car of person after leaving University Region Road, the speed still fast, seven turned has captured several circles that eight circled, on a very remote alley, stopped. 撞人的黑色轿车在离开了学府路之后,速度依然飞快,七拐八绕的兜了好几个圈子,在一个很偏僻的小街上,停了下来。 black car place above hundred meters upper air, Golden Silkworm of chubby adult thumb size, followed close on black car to stop, discontented fluttering circles. 黑色轿车正上方的百米高空,一只胖嘟嘟成人拇指大小的金蚕,也紧跟着黑色轿车停了下来,不满的振翅兜着圈子。 In black car, very chilly sound woman voice towering resounding: What kind, Jiao Fei, you also thought that now you can kill him very much with ease?” 黑色轿车内,一个非常清冷的声音女人声音突兀的响起:“怎么样,焦飞,现在你还觉得你很轻松就能杀了他吗?” The blade did not leave Jiao Fei of hand to be already full sweating profusely, his double within the eyes projected the unbelievable vision, shook the head to mutter: His speed was too fast, I do not have him to be quick certainly!” 刀不离手的焦飞早已满头大汗,他双目中射出难以置信的目光,摇头喃喃道:“他的速度太快了,我绝没有他快!” Only hears that chilly woman voice also saying: According to the latest information, the Ling Yun's speed and strength has reached the Huang level peak, you and Li Yi two people cope with him, almost with bringing death not to have what difference.” 只听那个清冷的女人声音又道:“根据最新的情报,凌云的速度和力量都已经达到了黄级巅峰,你和李义两个人去对付他,几乎跟送死没有什么区别。” Jiao Fei with own eyes saw the Ling Yun's strength now, he nods to say again and again: Yes, the subordinate understands!” 焦飞现在已经亲眼见到了凌云的实力,他连连点头道:“是,属下明白!” The chilly female voice shows a faint smile: You made Qingshui High School nearby informer observe closely him, so long as today in the evening he appeared, Xuan 9 will think the means to direct in the mountain him, when the time comes I and Xuan 9 two people and ensure made him have not to return!” 清冷的女声微微一笑:“你让清水一中附近的眼线把他盯住了,今天晚上只要他出现,玄九就会想办法把他引到山里去,到时候我和玄九两个人,保证让他有去无回!” Female killer of speech is called Xuan 7, in the killer organizes, is the Xuan level killer, the status is much higher than Li Yi and Jiao Fei like this ordinary Huang level killer, therefore Jiao Fei regarding the instruction of Xuan 7 share that is at somebody's beck and call. 说话的女杀手叫做玄七,在杀手组织里面,属于玄级杀手,地位比李义焦飞这样的普通黄级杀手要高得多,因此焦飞对于玄七的吩咐只有俯首听命的份儿。 Lovable Golden Silkworm of hundred meters upper air that chubby waited for half-day/long time to see the automobile not to walk, feels twice as senseless, it was circling flying was lower, then from the sky was swaying from side to side the fat body, a filament thin minimum unobservable transparent gold thread has spat from its mouth radically, the unexpectedly straight line marvelously shot down, sticks black car to withstand/top. 百米高空那只胖嘟嘟的可爱金蚕等了半天见汽车还不走,倍觉无趣,它盘旋着飞的低了一些,然后在空中扭动着胖胖的身体,一丝极细极小根本难以察觉的透明金线从它嘴里吐了出来,竟奇迹般的直线射落,粘到了黑色轿车顶上。 Then lovable Golden Silkworm has turned the chubby body, gold/metal wing(s), flew away directly. 然后可爱金蚕扭了扭胖嘟嘟的身体,金翅一阵,直接飞走了。 If in black car has Heaven level Expert, could realize that existence of Golden Silkworm, what a pity Xuan 7 has not achieved including the Xuan level peak, naturally does not know that their car(riage)s had only been given the symbol by this Golden Silkworm. 如果黑色轿车内有天级高手的话,也许能够察觉到金蚕的存在,可惜玄七玄级巅峰都没有达到,当然不知道他们的车已经被这只金蚕给下了记号。 On the Qingshui High School corridor, puts on Miao Xiaomiao of sexy black leather clothing leather skirt to look into the distant place, various vision that not caring a whoop surroundings shoot, her in the heart secretly thought: Originally that Ling Yun really has such formidable strength, but, why will these killers kill him?” 清水一中的走廊上,穿着一身性感的黑色皮衣皮裙的苗小苗眺望着远处,丝毫不在意周围射来的各种目光,她心中暗道:“原来那个凌云竟然有这么强大的实力,只是,那些杀手为什么会杀他呢?” Snort! Ling Yun refuses stubbornly I to be able, no matter, wants also together to kill my younger sister unexpectedly, that gets what one deserves you to have bad luck!” “哼!凌云死不死我可以不管,竟然想把我妹妹也一块儿撞死,那就活该你们倒霉!” The Miao Xiaomiao spiritual energy threatening big eye has narrowed the eyes slightly, is still similar to the horizon curved crescent moon, actually twinkling left the sharp point. 苗小苗灵气逼人的大眼睛微微眯了起来,依然如同天边弯弯的月牙儿,却闪烁出了锐利的锋芒。 ............ ………… Tea with milk room second floor, by the window only narrow and small compartmented , the colorful small decorations that allows two people face-to-face to sit are dazzling, small compartmented embellishment warm romantic, truly is the talking love good place. 奶茶屋二楼,一个靠窗的只容两人面对面坐着的狭小隔间内,五颜六色的小饰物琳琅满目,把小隔间点缀的温馨浪漫,确实是谈情说爱的好地方。 Xue Meining wanted milk shake of one cup of mango tastes, the person not to speak, the elegant face has actually blushed, her snow-white white teeth bit the lip lightly, the straw in hand is keeping mixing in the cup to fill the milk shake of thick fragrance, unexpectedly unusual feeling helpless. 薛美凝要了一杯芒果味的奶昔,人还不曾说话,俏脸却已经羞红了,她雪白贝齿轻咬着下嘴唇,手里的吸管不停搅动着杯子中弥漫着浓浓香气的奶昔,竟少有的不知所措。 Ling Yun wanted one cup of clear water, indifferent to fame or gain ease sitting in the Xue Meining opposite, looks at her unconfortable appearance, not being able to bear in the heart wants to smile. 凌云只是要了一杯白水,恬淡悠然的坐在薛美凝对面,看着她局促不安的样子,忍不住心中想笑。 Small girl is the surface is tender, was far compared with Zhuang Meifeng and Yao Rou incoming messenger! Cannot compare including Cao Shanshan and Zhang Ling.” Ling Yun cannot help but secretly wants to say. “小丫头就是面嫩啊,比起庄美凤姚柔来差远了!就是连曹珊珊张灵都比不上。”凌云不由得暗暗想道。 Arrived here, Ling Yun, if has not known that Xue Meining wants to do, he did not need to mix. 到了这里,凌云要是还不知道薛美凝想干什么,那他也就不用混了。 Ning'er, leading me to come to here, did you have the words to me tell?” Ling Yun hee hee said with a smile. 凝儿,带我到这里来,你是有话要跟我说吧?”凌云嘻嘻笑道。 Xue Meining beautiful small face was instantaneously redder than one time to continue a moment ago, she said coyly: Big Brother Ling Yun......” 薛美凝绝美的小脸儿瞬间比刚才红了一倍不止,她扭捏道:“凌云哥哥……” You, can you be my boyfriend......” “你,你可不可以做我的男朋友……” Ling Yun act dumb: Ning'er, you did not say that Li Qingchuan hasn't pestered you? Wasn't my play develops? What play do you also want to perform in?” 凌云装糊涂:“凝儿,你不是说李晴川已经不纠缠你了吗?那我的戏不是演完了吗?你还想演什么戏啊?” Xue Meining watches Ling Yun unexpectedly really also matters between two people, when acts in a play, was immediately anxious, her reckless shouting: Does not act in a play......” 薛美凝一看凌云竟然真的还把两个人之间的事情当演戏,顿时就急了,她不顾一切的喊道:“不是演戏……” Ling Yun pretends to wonder, puzzled looks at Xue Meining saying: Does not act in a play, that what meaning is that?” 凌云装作纳闷,不解的看着薛美凝道:“不是演戏,那,那是什么意思呢?” Xue Meining is about to be flustered, she does not dare to look at the Ling Yun's eye, the lowering the head sweet and delicate voice of said: You, you have kissed with others, how can be acts in a play......” 薛美凝都快急坏了,她不敢看凌云的眼睛,低下头娇声说道:“你,你都和人家接吻了,怎么能算是演戏嘛……” Young seductress never such shy, she clenched teeth suddenly, tender body one, looks at that the Ling Yun's eye said: Big Brother Ling Yun, others want to make you be my genuine boyfriend, was not of shield......” says, the complexion was hotter red, hurried and lowered the head. 小妖女从来没有这么扭捏过,她忽然咬了咬牙,把娇躯一挺,看着凌云的眼睛说道:“凌云哥哥,人家是想让你做我真正的男朋友,不是挡箭牌的那种……”说完,脸色更加烫红,赶紧又低下了头去。 The Ling Yun heart said the young seductress also has courage such small time, on that day kissed me under over a thousand people of gazes, was not very bold. 凌云心说小妖女也有胆子这么小的时候,那天在上千人的注视下吻我,不是很大胆的嘛。 He hehe said with a smile: „, Making me be your genuine boyfriend? Why?” 他嘿嘿一笑道:“哦,让我做你真正的男朋友啊?为什么呢?” Xue Meining is gawked, she who Ling Yun asked looked up Ling Yun one dull, was charmingly angry: Where has anything why, others like you! Was stupid!” 薛美凝凌云问的一愣,她呆呆地抬头看了凌云一眼,娇嗔道:“哪有什么为什么嘛,人家喜欢你嘛!笨死了!” Ling Yun finally look one positive, said to Xue Meining earnestly: „It is not good, now is not at least good!” 凌云终于神色一正,对薛美凝认真说道:“不行,至少现在不行!” Xue Meining had flustered at that time, her anxious has stood all of a sudden, said anxiously: Why isn't good?!” 薛美凝当时就慌了,她急的一下子就站了起来,焦急道:“为什么不行?!” Ling Yun smiles lightly, turns head to look at heavy traffic to out of the window: Ning'er, you also saw, our two were dangerous a moment ago, after I solved the factors of these dangers, we discussed again sentimental matter, was good?” 凌云淡淡一笑,扭头看向窗外的车水马龙:“凝儿,你也看到了,刚才我们两个多么危险,等我把这些危险的因素解决完了之后,我们再谈感情的事,好不好?” The feeling of Ling Yun to Xue Meining, with is different to other women, can say, besides the own younger sister, he also is really feels to Xue Meining well. 凌云薛美凝的感觉,和对其他所有女人是不一样的,可以说,除了自己的妹妹之外,他还真是对薛美凝感觉最好。 Although only then several days free time, but Xue Meining actually accompanies his domineering to rise, the young seductress even in he carries the sandbag on Sports Field runs like crazy, cheers for his cheers/cheering! 虽然只有短短几天的工夫,可是薛美凝却是一路陪着他强势崛起的,小妖女甚至在他扛着沙袋在操场上疯跑的时候,就一路为他加油助威! Although young miss cunning and unreasonable willful, is actually the enthusiasm like the fire, genuinely is good, has own stubborn and insisted, she likes is likes, she does not like does not like, all do not hide at heart, the mind just like the crystal generally clean transparent. 小姑娘虽然刁蛮任性,却是热情如火,从心眼里善良,有着自己的倔强和坚持,她喜欢的就是喜欢的,她不喜欢的就是不喜欢,一切都不隐藏在心里,心灵犹如水晶一般干净透明。 own at that time obese like pig, a poor wear hard outmoded school uniform, carries the sandbag to be tired on Sports Field with dead dog, but Xue Meining at that time was actually the little princess of keeping aloof, a name brand drove the famous car(riage), two basic eight bamboo poles could not project on person together, actually because of Xue Meining nicely, closely implicated one. 自己那时候肥胖如猪,穷的穿着一身紧巴巴老掉牙的校服,扛着沙袋在操场上累得跟死狗似的,而薛美凝那时候却是高高在上的小公主,一身名牌开着名车,两个根本八竿子打不到一块儿的人,却因为薛美凝的善良,紧紧地牵连到了一起。 This golden mind, this does not dope the qualitative friendship, who can compare? 这金子般的心灵,这不掺杂质的情谊,谁能比? Had not considered that money status reputation study look, she is only the might as well, but is, the matter that making own wants to do, such Xue Meining, Ling Yun can not think that she is good? 没有考虑金钱地位名声学习相貌,她只是率性而为,做自己想做的事,这样的薛美凝,凌云怎能不觉得她好? Cannot speak the language of flowers of rose not to be unimportant, Ling Yun feeling at heart is most important! 懂不懂蔷薇花的花语不重要,凌云心里的感觉才最重要! Really, after Xue Meining listened to the Ling Yun's words, in the big eye has shown the stubborn and firm and resolute look, her unquestionable saying: I, no matter, had the danger? Has the danger I and you faces together, said again, I can also tell the grandfather, if my grandfather knows that we have the danger, he can also look for many Expert to protect our!” 果然,薛美凝听了凌云的话之后,大眼睛中露出了倔强和坚毅的神色,她不容置疑的说道:“我不管,有危险怎么了?有危险我和你一起面对,再说,我还可以告诉爷爷呢,我爷爷如果知道我们有危险,他也能找来很多高手保护我们的!” Ling Yun smiles lightly, extends both hands to grip two snow-white slender soft small hands who Xue Meining has let fall, said gently: We were speaking, did you sit down not to reach an agreement well? Like this I could not see your beautiful cheek, but how also to talk love!” 凌云淡淡一笑,伸出双手握住了薛美凝垂落的两只雪白纤长的柔软小手,温柔说道:“我们在说话呢,你坐下说好不好?这样我都看不到你美丽的脸蛋了,还怎么谈情说爱嘛!” How Xue Meining possibly can bear Ling Yun's tender feelings offensive, she looked that Ling Yun has gripped the hand of own affectionate, is the beautiful cheek is talks love, small heart excited thump thump jumps, the space is narrow and small, she already poured the Ling Yun bosom now. 薛美凝怎么可能受得了凌云的柔情攻势,她一看凌云亲昵的握住了自己的手,又是美丽的脸蛋又是谈情说爱的,小心脏激动的怦怦直跳,要不是空间狭小,她现在早就倒凌云怀里去了。 The Xue Meining tender body twists, sat with the posture of most virtuous young woman, is shy was asking that Ling Yun said: Big Brother Ling Yun, don't you like me being cunning and unreasonable?” 薛美凝娇躯一拧,用最淑女的姿势坐了下来,然后扭捏着问凌云道:“凌云哥哥,你是不是不喜欢我刁蛮任性啊?” I know, the boys the girl who likes being obedient gently, I, I later slowly will change......” “我知道,男孩子都喜欢温柔听话的女孩子,我,我以后会慢慢改的……” Smartly Xue Meining blushes like the big apple, she, whatever Ling Yun is grasping her small hand, does not have said gently. 薛美凝俏脸红的就像个大苹果,她任由凌云握着她的小手,从没有过的温柔说道。 Ling Yun lifted the hand to pinch the Xue Meining tall and graceful lovable nose: What changes to change?! Cunning and unreasonable willful is the Ning'er conscience, said again you are are not also unreasonable, does not need to change, changed is not Ning'er!” 凌云抬手捏了捏薛美凝挺秀可爱的鼻子:“改什么改?!刁蛮任性是凝儿的本心,再说你又不是不讲道理,不用改,改了就不是凝儿了!” Big eye of Xue Meining quickly one bright, hurries to pursue asks: That, are you acknowledged that I was your girlfriend?” 薛美凝的大眼睛倏地一亮,赶紧追问道:“那,那你是不是承认我是你的女朋友了?” Ling Yun smiles as before was shaking the head slowly. 凌云依旧微笑着缓缓摇了摇头。 Xue Meining anxious soon has cried, she stamps the feet to be charmingly angry: Why that is!” 薛美凝急的都快要哭了,她跺脚娇嗔道:“那到底是为什么嘛!” Ling Yun said with a smile: Because you read high two this year, is the good time of study knowledge, cannot divert attention, this, I promise you, after your high school graduates, at that time my Ning'er was more attractive, are you my girlfriend to be good again?” 凌云微笑道:“因为你今年才读高二,正是学习知识的好时候,不能分心,这样,我答应你,等你高中毕业之后,那时候我的凝儿更加漂亮了,你再做我的女朋友好不好?” It can be said that Ling Yun few promising others consider, except for Ning Lingyu, Xue Meining seemingly first. 可以说,凌云很少有为别人着想的时候,除了宁灵雨,薛美凝貌似还是第一个。 Xue Meining at heart fiercely one sweet, she is intelligent, knows all of a sudden Ling Yun is thinking of her. 薛美凝心里猛地一甜,她聪慧无比,一下子就知道凌云是在为她着想。 But she in a flash fall in the blues: But, but some that many girls like you now, in our class has larger part...... That many big beautiful women look for you......” 可是她一瞬间就又情绪低落了下来:“可是,可是现在都有那么多女孩子喜欢你呢,我们班里就有一大半儿……还有那么多大美女来找你……” Ling Yun sweating profusely, the heart said that no wonder Tang Meng frightens does not dare to open the gambling house, it seems like that the worry is really not unnecessary, if blind shouted the gambling house that cannot link the underpants also to compensate! 凌云大汗,心说怪不得唐猛吓得不敢开赌局,看来担心真不是多余的啊,如果盲目把赌局喊出去,那还不得连裤衩也赔进去! Ling Yun closely grips the Xue Meining elegant slender snow-white small hand saying: This, I ensure only makes Ning'er be my girlfriend to be good? The premise must after your high school graduates.” 凌云紧紧攥着薛美凝的秀美纤细的雪白小手说道:“这样,我保证,只让凝儿做我的女朋友好不好?前提是必须在你高中毕业之后。” Xue Meining unfolds the face to smile finally, the beautiful cheek of that heroic spirit shortly will be tender and beautiful very: Ok, but......” 薛美凝终于展颜一笑,那略带英气的绝美脸蛋顷刻娇艳无比:“行,但是……” Ling Yun asked startled: But what?” 凌云愕然问道:“但是什么?” But before my high school graduates, you must hug me, you must kiss me, must love me, must take care of me, must celebrate a birthday to me, em...... Raining time must deliver me to go home,......” “但是在我高中毕业之前,你得抱我,你得吻我,得疼我,得照顾我,得给我过生日,恩……下雨的时候还得送我回家,还有……” The young seductress wish prevails, under the heart satisfies, her tricky brute strength has come up, the one breath actually said dozens! 小妖女心愿得逞,芳心满足之下,她的刁蛮劲又上来了,一口气竟然说了几十条! The Ling Yun decisive tragedy, the heart said that accepts your many conditions the words, directly might as well is your boyfriend to come convenient! 凌云果断悲剧,心说答应你这么多条件的话,还不如直接做你的男朋友来的省事呢!
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