DEMG :: Volume #2

#169: First killing!

Big Brother Ling Yun......” 凌云哥哥……” Is on vacation from school, Xue Meining then impatient flushed from the classroom, goes downstairs rapidly, footsteps lithe directly soaring third year class 6. 一放学,薛美凝就迫不及待的从教室里冲了出来,飞速下楼,脚步轻盈的直奔高三六班。 Then two people bumped into on main roads between two classroom buildings. 然后两人就在两座教学楼之间的主干道上迎面撞上了。 Delicious what tonight wants to eat? Said!” Ling Yun grinning said to Xue Meining. “今晚想吃什么好吃的?说吧!”凌云笑嘻嘻的对薛美凝说道。 Under the setting sun, the Ling Yun limpid look, the stiff bridge of the nose, the blade truncates the outline of pitching chisel, the edges and corners distinct lip line, the sunlight bright smiling face, in addition on left cheeks that deep, the intoxicant dimple of rippling, looked at dumbstruck Xue Meining directly. 夕阳下,凌云清澈的眼神,挺直的鼻梁,刀削斧凿的轮廓,棱角分明的唇线,阳光般灿烂的笑容,再加上左脸颊上那个深深的,荡漾的醉人酒窝,直接把薛美凝看了个目瞪口呆 Good half-day/long time, Xue Meining from one intermittent dizzy to sober, her tender body twisted rushed to side Ling Yun, the both arms closely tied down the Ling Yun's arm, the tall and graceful nose made an effort to smell on Ling Yun the unique fresh aura, then acted like a spoiled brat saying: Big Brother Ling Yun, others now are not very hungry, do we drink the cup tea with milk to be good first?” 半天,薛美凝才从一阵阵晕眩中清醒了过来,她娇躯一拧就冲到了凌云身旁,双臂紧紧地缠住凌云的胳膊,挺秀的鼻子用力嗅了嗅凌云身上特有的清新气息,然后撒娇道:“凌云哥哥,人家现在不是很饿,我们先去喝杯奶茶好不好?” This was Xue Meining has thought thought in the afternoon. 这是薛美凝想了一个下午才想好的。 Vindicating, naturally must choose a romantic, the graceful, warm environment, Xue Meining has first thought of the school entrance tea with milk room, although among there lovers is not very expensive, actually very romantic warm, to attract nearby student who the astute boss decorates to come to here to talk love, affectionate. 表白嘛,自然要选一个浪漫,优雅,温馨的环境,薛美凝首先想到了校门口的奶茶屋,那里的情侣间虽然不是很贵,却被精明的老板装饰的非常浪漫温馨,以吸引附近的学生来这里谈情说爱,卿卿我我。 Ling Yun indifferent nod of: today according to you!” 凌云无所谓的点了点头:“今天都依你!” Xue Meining happy chuckle smiles tenderly, holds the Ling Yun's arm to walk toward off campus, periphery does not care about various vision that shoots quite the same as. 薛美凝高兴的咯咯娇笑,抱着凌云的胳膊就往校外走去,浑然不在意周围射来的各种目光。 Big Brother Ling Yun, what today were you busy at noon?” 凌云哥哥,今天中午你都忙什么了呀?” two people walks, Xue Meining talks without saying anything specific asked Ling Yun saying that she thinks immediately must vindicate with Ling Yun, was very nervous, speech that must therefore by keeping affable. 两人走着路,薛美凝有一搭无一搭的问凌云道,她一想到马上就要跟凌云表白了,心情无比紧张,因此要靠不停的说话来舒缓一下。 „, I opened a bank account.” Ling Yun told the facts. “哦,我去开户去了。”凌云实话实说。 Opens a bank account? What household opens?” A surprise of Xue Meining face, raises the elegant face to ask that Ling Yun said. “开户?开什么户啊?”薛美凝一脸的惊奇,扬起俏脸问凌云道。 Trades stocks with account, do you understand?” Ling Yun thinks that Zhuang Meifeng can be immediately own greatly making money unable to bear the happy, favorite say/way. “就是炒股票用的账户,你懂吗?”凌云一想到庄美凤马上就可以为自己大把赚钱了就忍不住高兴,得意道。 Who knew Xue Meining one hear not to have the interest: And, I also think that is what account, originally is trades stocks, the risk is very big, do you make that to do?” 谁知薛美凝一听就没了兴致:“且,我还以为是什么账户呢,原来是炒股票啊,风险很大的,你做那个干什么?” Since childhood what Xue Meining receives is anything educates, naturally speculating in the stock market to have understood. 薛美凝从小受到的是什么教育,当然对炒股有所了解。 Ling Yun one hear has flustered, he looks at Xue Meining to ask very much earnestly: Ning'er, stocks speculation risk big?” 凌云一听就慌了,他很认真的看着薛美凝问道:“凝儿,炒股风险到底有多大呀?” Xue Meining white his eyes said: This you do not know, ten make the stock, only then a person can gain, moreover that person or Zhuang Family......” 薛美凝白了他一眼道:“这你都不知道,十个做股票只有一个人能赚,而且那个人还是庄家……” Ling Yun at that time was one dull, the heart said that the risk was so big? It is not good, in the evening after going back, equals with Zhuang Meifeng well again, own such selects the family property at present, do not let her waste all one's money to me! 凌云当时就是一呆,心说风险这么大?不行,晚上回去以后得好好再跟庄美凤合计合计,自己目前就这么点儿家底,可别让她给我败光了! two people chats, unknowingly has gotten to the school entrance, just went out of the school gate, Ling Yun lives warning sign suddenly! 两人聊着天儿,不知不觉就走到了校门口,刚走出校门,凌云忽生警兆 Dangerous feeling! Was more intense than before did not know many time of dangerous feelings! Also appeared! 危险感!比以前强烈了不知道多少倍的危险感!又出现了! The Ling Yun's brow could not bear dignifiedly, the killing intent in his eyes flashed to pass. 凌云的眉头忍不住凝重了起来,他眼中的杀机一闪而逝。 Ling Yun has pulled out from both hands of Xue Meining the arm, he changes to is embracing the Xue Meining slender waist single-handed, then has swept a environment calmly. 凌云把手臂从薛美凝的双手之间抽了出来,他改为单手揽着薛美凝的纤腰,然后若无其事地扫了一圈儿周围环境。 Has not seen anything exceptionally. 并没有看出什么异常。 However Ling Yun can definitely feel that periphery is filling a depressing killing intent, goes out of the school gate along with Ling Yun and Xue Meining, this killing intent was also all of a sudden intense did not know many times! 但是凌云完全能够感觉到周围弥漫着一种压抑的杀机,随着凌云薛美凝走出校门,这种杀机一下子又强烈了不知道多少倍! „, Really comes to own and Ning'er!” Who Ling Yun cannot distinguish clearly the opposite party goal now is, his first time realized that this dangerous feeling, was last Saturday and Ning'er in the same place, this time was! “吗的,果然是冲自己凝儿来的!”凌云现在分不清对方的目标到底是谁,他第一次察觉这种危险感,就是上周六和凝儿在一起的时候,这次又是! Now made Ning'er return to the school already without enough time, he can only embrace the waist of Xue Meining discretely, the arm is making an effort slightly. 现在让凝儿回学校已经来不及了,他只能谨慎的揽着薛美凝的腰,手臂微微用力。 Xue Meining naturally knew nothing, sees Ling Yun to embrace the waist of own unexpectedly on own initiative, but also made an effort more and more, in the heart also felt urgently charming. 薛美凝自然一无所知,见凌云竟然主动揽住了自己的腰肢,还越来越用力,心中还倍感娇羞呢。 Big Brother Ling Yun knows that I can vindicate to him? It seems like he is not considered as that wood/blockhead......” young seductress is bashful and happy, whatever Ling Yun is embracing her graceful slender waist. “难道凌云哥哥知道我要对他表白了?看来他也不算是木头嘛……”小妖女心里又羞又喜,任由凌云揽着她曼妙的纤腰。 The green light has shone, Ling Yun is sweeping all around with the split vision of corner of the eye, closely embraces Xue Meining to walk toward the street opposite. 绿灯亮了,凌云用眼角的余光扫着四周,紧紧揽着薛美凝往马路对面走去。 Suddenly, stopped a moment ago in black car of roadside starts instantaneously, suddenly/violently to launch, the car(riage) added to 100 to step within three seconds above, toward street central Ling Yun and Xue Meining straight hit! 突然,刚才还停在路边的一辆黑色轿车瞬间启动,暴射而出,车在三秒之内就加到了100迈以上,朝着马路中央的凌云薛美凝直直的撞来! If Ling Yun understands the car(riage), he should note this black car simply not to have the sign a moment ago, what a pity he radically knows nothing to the car(riage). 如果凌云懂车,他刚才就应该会注意到这辆黑色轿车根本没有牌子,可惜他对车根本一窍不通。 The vehicle speed leaving the arrow of string is quicker, if runs upon Ling Yun and Xue Meining two people, will hit to fly several meters them not to be possible inevitably! 车速比离弦的箭还要快,如果撞上凌云薛美凝两人,势必会把他们撞飞十几米远不可! Clearly, the person in car(riage) wants all of a sudden Ling Yun two people killing! 很明显,车里的人是想一下子把凌云两人给撞死! The surroundings saw this people in great surprise, have called out in alarm in abundance, some people frightened have closed the eye immediately, did not endure to witness that frigid one. 周围看到这一幕的人们大惊,纷纷惊呼了起来,有人吓得立即就闭上了眼睛,不忍目睹那惨烈的一幕。 When "Ah!" Xue Meining sees that car(riage), that car(riage) almost rushed to the two people side, she makes any response radically without enough time, can only close the eye to wait for death panic-stricken! “啊!”薛美凝看到那辆车的时候,那辆车几乎已经冲到了两人的身边,她根本来不及做出任何反应,只能惊恐的闭上眼睛等死! In this is at a crucial moment, Ling Yun is embracing the waist of Xue Meining, suddenly displayed the limit Thousands of Miles Divine Walking Steps, same place was only leaving behind a remnant shadow, two people fell the street opposite. 就在这千钧一发之际,凌云揽着薛美凝的腰肢,突然把万里神行步施展到了极限,只在原地留下了一道残影,两人已经落到了马路对面。 That crazy black car, near their clothes has not rubbed, only missed was less than half meter, but was misses one centimeter that not to run upon! 那辆疯狂的黑色轿车,就连他们的衣服边儿都没蹭到,只差了不到半米,可就是差一厘米那也是没撞上! black car has not hit Ling Yun, the speed actually does not reduce, under acceleration situation also natural came a drifting, has avoided the irregular pedestrian, turned round quickly, vanishes does not see. 黑色轿车没有撞到凌云,速度却丝毫不减,在加速的情况之下还潇洒的来了一个漂移,躲开了不相干的行人,很快拐了个弯儿,消失不见。 Was good, was all right......” Ling Yun to put the ground the bosom young seductress gently, gentle patted her shoulder to say. “好了,没事了……”凌云把怀里的小妖女轻轻放到了地上,温柔的拍着她的肩膀说道。 He has not pursued, he feared that keeps here a Xue Meining person, will be very dangerous, because he did not determine that car(riage) must hit anyone. 他并没有追,他怕把薛美凝一个人留在这里,会很危险,因为他不确定那车到底是要撞谁。 ...... Scared to death me!” The chest that Xue Meining stands tall and erect fluctuates fiercely, small mouth big hu-hu puffs, complexion piece of deathly white. “呼……吓死我了!”薛美凝高耸的胸脯剧烈起伏,小嘴儿大张呼哧呼哧直喘粗气,脸色一片煞白 Big Brother Ling Yun, how that car(riage) hits us...... young seductress to calm down probably intentionally, panic-stricken asking. 凌云哥哥,那辆车怎么好像是故意撞我们呀……”小妖女定了定神,才惊骇的问道。 Ling Yun shows a faint smile: Does not resemble, that car(riage) comes to us!” 凌云微微一笑:“不是好像,那辆车就是冲我们来的!” Most people closed the eye a moment ago, Ling Yun has not closed one's eyes, his serene after avoiding this time has killed, as if a moment ago anything had not occurred to be the same. 刚才大多数人都闭上眼睛了,凌云可没有闭眼,他云淡风轻的躲开了这次袭杀之后,就仿佛刚才什么都没发生一样。 In Cultivation Big World, almost kills daily, has compared with this thrilling ten thousand times of matter, the Ling Yun's nerve was already numb. 修真大世界,几乎天天打打杀杀,比这个惊险万倍的事情都有,凌云的神经早就麻木了。 „...... Who is that actually wants to kill us?! Can report to the police?” Xue Meining first thinks naturally is warning. “啊……那到底是谁想杀我们?!要不要报警啊?”薛美凝首先想到的自然是报警。 Ling Yun smiles lightly: Ning'er do not fear that car(riage) should not come to you, I guess that should come to me, does not need to report to the police.” 凌云淡淡一笑:“凝儿不要怕,那车应该不是冲你来的,我猜应该是冲我来的,不用报警。” Ling Yun has thought quickly through, truth is very simple, if drives to hit Xue Meining with such quick speed, so long as elects her own comes out, guarantees absolutely safe, why takes advantage of her some people time. 凌云很快就想通了,道理很简单,如果用这么快的速度开车撞薛美凝,只要选个她自己出来的时候,保准万无一失,何必趁她身边有人的时候。 Ling Yun even thought that that drifting that black car plays, is thicker to meaning that he provokes. 凌云甚至觉得,那辆黑色轿车玩儿的那手漂移,对他挑衅的意味更浓。 So looks like, the previous traffic accident......” Ling Yun in the heart pondered over secretly, starts to ponder. “如此看来,上一次车祸……”凌云心中暗暗琢磨,开始沉思了起来。 „Does Ah?! come to you? That, that is not good, was a moment ago dangerous!” Xue Meining one hear of that car(riage)s come to Ling Yun, actually compared with a moment ago worried! 啊?!是冲你来的?那,那也不行啊,刚才多危险啊!”薛美凝一听那辆车是冲凌云来的,竟然比刚才更着急了! Ling Yun looks at the appearance that Xue Meining worries, has forgotten the fear quite the same as, he shows a faint smile, has pinched the Xue Meining tall and graceful lovable Yao nose gently, said with ease: Ning'er, you looked, I hugged you to avoid a moment ago, they could not cope with me, you felt relieved.” 凌云看着薛美凝着急的样子,浑然忘记了恐惧,他微微一笑,轻轻捏了一下薛美凝挺秀可爱的瑶鼻,轻松道:“凝儿,你看,刚才我抱着你都能躲开了,他们对付不了我的,你就放心吧。” Xue Meining then slightly felt relieved, but in an intelligent big eye filled worried, actually could not find out the good solution. 薛美凝这才稍稍放心,可一双聪慧的大眼睛里还是充满了担忧,却想不出好的解决办法。 Walks, I asked you to drink the tea with milk.” Ling Yun this time has embraced the shoulder of Xue Meining on own initiative. “走吧,我请你喝奶茶去。”凌云这次主动揽过了薛美凝的肩头。 Xue Meining thought that now outside is very dangerous, she wants to let Ling Yun actually very much and she returns to the school, because in her subconscious thinking school is the safest place. 薛美凝现在觉得外面很危险,她其实很想让凌云和她回学校里去,因为她下意识的觉得学校里才是最安全的地方。 But she sees Ling Yun that calm calm appearance, has not said eventually, but entered the tea with milk room with Ling Yun. 可是她看到凌云那种淡定从容的样子,却终究没有说出来,而是跟着凌云走进了奶茶屋。 Yao Rou naturally also in tea with milk room, moreover is by the window sits, but she is thinking the concern silently, therefore has not noted a moment ago that extremely thrilling one. 姚柔自然还在奶茶屋里,而且是靠窗而坐,不过她一个人正在默默地想着心事,所以就没有注意到刚才那万分惊险的一幕。 The position that Yao Rou sits is very conspicuous, and towards entrance, to let Ling Yun comes to be able to see her, therefore Ling Yun passing through the gate, saw her. 姚柔坐的位置很显眼,并且正对着门口,就是为了让凌云一进来就能看到她,因此凌云一进门,就看见了她。 Big Brother Ling Yun, we go to the second floor small single room, is good?” Xue Meining enters the room, said to Ling Yun. 凌云哥哥,我们去二楼的小单间吧,好不好?”薛美凝一进屋,就对凌云说道。 Yao Rou one hear of Ling Yun two characters, are pleasantly surprised raising the head of immediately extremely, then saw affectionate is embracing Ling Yun of Xue Meining fragrant shoulder. 姚柔一听凌云两个字,立即惊喜万分的抬起头来,然后就看到了正亲昵的揽着薛美凝香肩的凌云 The figure that she just wants to stand up lived all of a sudden, just floated off wiped the smiling face to solidify on the pretty cheek, vision instantaneous dim. 她刚想站起的身形一下子就顿住了,刚刚浮起的一抹笑容凝固在了俏丽的脸蛋儿上,目光瞬间黯淡了下来。 own was also too stupid, Ling Yun is so graceful such outstanding boy, how possibly not to have the girlfriend! 自己也太笨了,凌云这么帅这么优秀的男孩,怎么可能没有女朋友嘛! Yao Rou looks at Xue Meining that beautiful cheek, the long hair that the waterfall falls in torrents, has the high stature compared with own, noble manner that pure charming appearance, among that type of natures sends out, the bitterness and astringency of in the heart, was indescribable. 姚柔看着薛美凝那绝美的脸蛋儿,瀑布般倾泻的长发,比自己还有高的个子,那纯纯的娇羞模样,还有那种自然之间散发出的高贵气质,心中的苦涩,根本无法形容。 Ling Yun as if has not seen Yao Rou, he hehe smiles to Xue Meining: Good, we go to second floor.” 凌云仿佛没有看到姚柔似的,他冲薛美凝呵呵一笑:“好,我们去二楼。” Ling Yun has not thought really Yao Rou will wait for him here, but he has not been serious these, he has not spoken with Yao Rou, when passed by side Yao Rou, the palm has pressed the shoulder of Yao Rou gently. 凌云真没想到姚柔会在这里等他,不过他并没有把这些当回事,他没有和姚柔说话,只是在路过姚柔身边的时候,手掌轻轻地按了一下姚柔的肩膀。 Then on second floor with Xue Meining. 然后就和薛美凝二楼去了。 This presses gently, made the Yao Rou dim mood all of a sudden beautiful, she first thought was, Ling Yun was makes her wait for him here, will then explain to her. 这轻轻一按,一下子就让姚柔黯淡的心情重新变得明媚了起来,她首先想到的就是,凌云是让她在这里等着他,然后会对她解释。 Yao Rou slightly very own proud chest, sizes up a own nurse's uniform has been wrapping the perfect tender body, as well as under the table that pair of snow-white perfectly round thigh, thought that own was not worse than that beautiful woman. 姚柔微微挺了挺自己骄傲的胸脯,又打量了一番自己护士制服包裹着的完美娇躯,以及桌子下面那双雪白浑圆的大腿,觉得自己并不比刚才的那个美女差。 She nips the own tender and beautiful lower lip gently, has ordered one cup of milk shakes, started she truly long waiting. 她轻轻咬了咬自己娇艳的下唇,又点了一杯奶昔,开始了她真正漫长的等待。
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