DEMG :: Volume #2

#168: Many late waits

No matter the stature or the cheek, excel by far the beautiful woman such as cloud Clear Water City spending of Zhuang Meifeng Clear Water, the collection is beautiful, arrogant, in one, is always charmingly icy to any men not the false speech and countenance, has not actually thought that one day, she extremely longs for the own pure body gives to a man time, others actually do not want. 不管身材还是脸蛋儿,都冠绝美女如云的清水市清水之花庄美凤,集美艳,高傲,妩媚于一身,向来对任何男人都冷冰冰不假辞色,却不曾想到有一天,她万分渴望的把自己的清白之躯送给一个男人的时候,人家却不要。 How she wants not to think clearly, Ling Yun and she is intimate time, overbearing is crazy, the no restriction of any kind, his metropolis of this meeting, some impulse him to have, why does not know, he can, when is most essential to stop, serene, unflustered, as if anything had not occurred a moment ago generally. 她怎么想都想不明白,凌云和她亲热的时候,霸道狂猛,百无禁忌,该会的他都会,该有的冲动他全有,可不知道为什么,他就是能够在最关键的时候停下来,云淡风轻,从容不迫,仿佛刚才什么都没有发生过一般。 This makes warm such as fire Zhuang Meifeng unable to come up unable to get down, that type hangs the hunger and thirst feeling in midair, that ten thousand ants bite the taste of heart, the ratio killed her to be uncomfortable simply! 这让热情如火的庄美凤上不来下不去,那种吊在半空中的饥渴感,那种万蚁噬心的滋味,简直比杀了她还要难受! After Ling Yun walks, the Zhuang Meifeng number sheep has counted for one hour, finally from that type in the taste that suffers the deceased person is separated. 凌云走后,庄美凤数羊数了一个多小时,才终于从那种折磨死人的滋味中脱离出来。 Snort, great aunt has not believed that tonight I and your bedding, I do not believe you also to shoulder!” “哼,姑奶奶还就不信了,今晚我和你一个被窝,我就不信你还能扛得住!” Zhuang Meifeng clenches teeth to turn the graceful moving tender body to stand, stamps the feet to hate the sound said. 庄美凤咬着牙扭着曼妙动人的娇躯站了起来,跺跺脚恨声道。 ............ ………… In the afternoon, Clear Water City crowded downtown area, some large-scale electrical appliances chain store. 下午,清水市繁华商业区,某大型家电连锁店。 Takes a best Haier refrigerator! Delivers to......” Tang Meng and Yao Rou arrives at the Haier special counter, proud saying. “要一台最好的海尔冰箱!送到……”唐猛姚柔来到海尔专柜,豪情万丈的说道。 Surmises 200,000, is leading the sexy elegant nurse, sweeps the major markets, which arrives immediately becomes all person focuses, has saying that this feeling is crisp! 怀揣200000,带着性感俏护士,扫荡各大商场,走到哪儿都立即成为所有人关注的焦点,不得不说,这感觉倍儿爽! Tang Meng is bringing Yao Rou, chatted while bought, on shopping list listed large-scale goods to the present bought was similar. 唐猛带着姚柔,边聊边买,购物单上所列的大型物品到现在已经买的差不多了。 Ling Yun guesses right, Tang Meng truly was only responsible for choosing and paying up, delivers goods the matter of installment to give the factory completely. 凌云猜的没错,唐猛确实是只负责挑选和结账,送货安装的事情全部交给了厂家。 Tang Meng, does Ling Yun currently have the girlfriend? How his does today buy these many things?” 唐猛,凌云现在到底有没有女朋友啊?他今天怎么一口气买这么多东西?” After tying the tent/account comes out, Yao Rou cautiously asked Tang Meng said. 结完帐出来以后,姚柔小心翼翼地问唐猛道。 Tang Meng records Yao Rou sincerely possibly becomes eldest child's woman, since Ling Yun leaves, he does not dare to look straight at to look at Yao Rou. 唐猛谨记姚柔可能会成为老大的女人,自打凌云离开以后,他就没敢正眼瞧过姚柔 The Tang Meng visual front, walks while said: “Umm...... That is eldest child's private affair, I do not dare to inquire, if you want to know, should directly ask him...... ” 唐猛目视前方,一边走一边说道:“额……那都是老大的私事,我也不敢打听,你要想知道的话,最好还是直接去问他……” Yao Rou has not lost heart, she made an effort to entrain own because of walking nurse short skirt that but some upward rubbed, asked: „Aren't you Classmates? How do you fear him?” 姚柔还不死心,她用力拽了拽自己因为走路而有些往上蹭的护士短裙,又问道:“你们不是同学吗?你怎么那么怕他呀?” Tang Meng very honest told her saying: Is Classmates is not false, but he is my eldest child, I did not fear that whom he fears!” 唐猛很坦白的告诉她道:“是同学不假,但是他更是我老大,我不怕他怕谁!” Yao Rou smiles: „Is he very fierce?” 姚柔嫣然一笑:“那他是不是很厉害呀?” Tang Meng suddenly stands firm, first time turns around to face up to Yao Rou saying: Is very fierce, fierce that you are unable to imagine, I can only tell you a matter, no matter who, so long as is dead set on with him, will never suffer a loss.” 唐猛倏然站定,第一次转身正视着姚柔道:“很厉害,你无法想象的厉害,我只能告诉你一件事,不管是谁,只要死心塌地的跟着他,永远都不会吃亏。” Yao Rou is trembled by tender body that Tang Meng said lightly, the complexion blushed, bit the lower lip to nod lightly: thank you......” 姚柔唐猛说的娇躯轻颤,脸色羞红,轻咬着下唇点了点头:“谢谢你……” Tang Meng looked at time, then said: Good, big-ticket item has basically bought, I started out from opposite directions folio was similar, I who the clinic also understood thought you also walked was very tired, or you went back, my own went to the supermarket to buy these daily things.” 唐猛看了看时间,然后道:“好啦,大件儿基本上买完了,我对开诊所也了解的差不多了,我看你也走的很累了,要不你就回去吧,我自己去超市买那些日常用品。” Yao Rou is hoping today can also see Ling Yun again, her heart said that tomorrow handed over the resignation report in any case, went back not to matter, therefore shook the head saying: I am not tired, we go together.” 姚柔期盼着今天还能再见到凌云,她心说反正明天就递辞职报告了,回不回去也无所谓,于是摇了摇头道:“我不累,我们一起去吧。” Tang Meng in the heart sighed secretly, the heart said that if you know that this was builds the love nest to the eldest child and Zhuang Meifeng, does not know that in Dao Heart can be any taste. 唐猛心中暗暗叹气,心说如果你知道这是给老大和庄美凤共筑爱巢的话,不知道心里会是啥滋味。 From this extended the association, the Tang Meng heart said that if Ning'er, Cao Shanshan and the others did know? If Zhuang Meina that stupid woman did know? Hehe...... 由此延伸联想,唐猛心说如果凝儿,曹珊珊等人知道了呢?如果庄美娜那个蠢女人知道了呢?嘿嘿…… Big-ticket item has bought, these basic kitchen necessities fruit vegetables fish rice anything's small goods seem like many, actually buys to be very easy, two people pushed the shopping cart to transfer one to the large supermarket, bought was similar. 大件儿买完了,那些油盐酱醋水果蔬菜鱼肉大米什么的小物品看似很多,其实买起来很容易,两个人到大型超市里推着购物车转了一圈儿,就买的差不多了。 Pays up, comes out to install to board all things, after all handle, Tang Meng has patted clapping, said with a smile to Yao Rou: Was good, I must give the thing to go, you must wait for the eldest child tonight, goes back now?” 结账,出来把所有东西装上车,一切搞定之后,唐猛拍了拍手,对姚柔笑道:“好了,我要去送东西去了,你今晚是要等老大,还是现在回去?” Tang Meng knows Zhuang Meifeng, knows that super goddess the temperament, said again Ling Yun has also urged, he does not dare to lead this sexy young nurse to the place that Ling Yun lives. 唐猛认识庄美凤,知道那位超级女神的脾气,再说凌云也叮嘱过了,他可不敢把这位性感小护士带到凌云住的地方去。 Yao Rou sees such simply directly, immediately elegant face that Tang Meng asked one red, she wants not to say: I and others he......” 姚柔唐猛问的这么干脆直接,顿时俏脸一红,她想都不想说道:“我等他……” The Tang Meng heart said that knows you can wait, he then asked: Which do you plan? I deliver you to pass.” 唐猛心说就知道你会等,他接着问道:“那你打算去哪儿等?我送你过去。” Yao Rou lowers the head to think saying: I go to your school entrance......” 姚柔低头想了想道:“我去你们校门口吧……” The Tang Meng heart said happen to the way, he nods: Good, boards.” 唐猛心说正好顺路,他点点头:“那好,上车吧。” After 20 minutes, the Hummer car(riage) arrived at the school entrance, Tang Meng got out, to finger/refers of Yao Rou north toward the road of towards school entrance, said: There has the tea with milk room, you can other eldest children be on vacation from school from there, our being on vacation from school time are afternoon 5.4 ten, a half hour......” 20分钟以后,悍马车开到了校门口,唐猛下车,给姚柔往正对着校门口的路北一指,说道:“那里有个奶茶屋,你可以从那里等老大放学,我们的放学时间是下午5.4十,还有半个多小时……” Yao Rou very grateful smiles to Tang Meng: Tang Meng, thank you, on this road my often/common to come, you have forgotten, I am Jiangnan Medical University, school distance here very near......” 姚柔很感激的对唐猛一笑:“唐猛,谢谢你,这条路我常来的,你忘了,我是江南医科大学的,学校距离这里很近……” Gratitude of Yao Rou to Tang Meng, is not because Tang Meng is so careful, because of entire afternoon time, Yao Rou somewhat has understood some Ling Yun's information through Tang Meng. 姚柔唐猛的感激,并不是因为唐猛这么细心,而是因为一整个下午的时间,姚柔通过唐猛多多少少了解了一些凌云的信息。 Tang Meng understands her meaning, very polite beckoned with the hand to her, said: Did not need such politely, me first to walk......” 唐猛明白她的意思,很客气的冲她摆了摆手,说道:“不用这么客气,那我先走了啊……” Tang Meng boards to turn around, directly soars the Ling Yun dwelling to go, the point that on the vehicle, he can not help a cigarette, muttered: Looks in the Yao Rou family/home is not the big wealthy person, although long is very beautiful, the stature is also super hot, the person is also very clever the person, but must go to struggle with them depending on these, that estimate can lose very miserable......” 唐猛上车掉头,直奔凌云住处而去,车上,他情不自禁的点起一颗香烟,喃喃道:“一看姚柔家里就不是什么大富人家,虽然长的很美,身材也是超级火辣,人也很乖巧可人,可要凭这些去跟她们争,那估计会输的很惨……” Tang Meng sighs to shake the head, they in his mouth, naturally are refer to Zhuang Meifeng, Xue Meining, Cao Shanshan and the others. 唐猛叹着气摇了摇头,他口中的她们,自然是指庄美凤,薛美凝,曹珊珊等人。 On several roads, a Tang Meng smoke has not attracted, the car(riage) arrived at the entrance of Ling Yun dwelling. 就几步路,唐猛一颗烟还没吸完,车就到了凌云住处的门口。 He throws toward the car(riage) outside the cigarette butt conveniently, shouts to shout to the institute in greatly: Sister-in-law, the thing I buy for you!” 他随手把烟头往车外一扔,扯着嗓子冲院里大喊道:“嫂子,东西我给你买回来啦!” This is person and the difference of person! 这就是人和人的区别! Tang Meng and Yao Rou were staying together a afternoon, although Yao Rou was bigger than three years old Tang Meng, but he has not had the name to Yao Rou, has not shouted including elder sisters \; However arrives at Zhuang Meifeng here, opened the mouth to shout the sister-in-law! 唐猛姚柔在一起呆了一个下午,虽然姚柔唐猛大了三岁,可他就没有对姚柔有过称呼,连一声姐都没有喊过\;但是一到庄美凤这里来,开口就喊上嫂子了! Ultra-large bathtub that Tang Meng today buys first, that thing one is too sinks greatly, installs not to be convenient, although therefore the goods are first send, but is actually the installment slowest. 唐猛今天最先买的超大的浴缸,那东西一个是太大太沉,一个是安装起来不方便,因此虽然货是第一个送来的,可是却是安装的最慢的。 Zhuang Meifeng today is excited in the afternoon and busy, she had just packed off the person of installment ultra-large bathtub, feeling pleased brushes the bathtub in the washroom, heard the Tang Meng sound to walk. 庄美凤今天下午可是又兴奋又忙碌,她刚刚送走了安装超大浴缸的人,正喜滋滋儿地在洗手间里刷浴缸呢,听到唐猛的声音就走了出来。 Tang Meng, I thought how you do not progress! Let you work so to be how wordy, buys to the present neat!” 唐猛,我看你怎么不长进呢!让你干个活怎么那么啰嗦,到现在才买齐!” Zhuang Meifeng faces Tang Meng, has exchanged the iced cold expression naturally, the person has not gone out of the courtyard, opens the mouth to scold to say tenderly. 庄美凤面对唐猛,自然而然的换上了冷若冰霜的表情,人还没有走出院子,就开口娇叱道。 That sister-in-law who however Tang Meng shouted right in the face, made the Zhuang Meifeng ratio eat the honey to be sweet at heart, on coldly elegant face a joyful happy expression. 不过唐猛劈头就喊的那声嫂子,还是让庄美凤心里比吃了蜜还要甜,冷艳的脸庞上略带一丝欣喜的笑意。 Tang Meng is the what kind of smooth and slick character, he already from the vehicle, saw on Zhuang Meifeng to bind together the snow-white towel, on the beautiful face hangs beads of sweat to come out from the room, immediately runs goes respectfully to Zhuang Meifeng said: Sister-in-law, when are you come back from Capital City? Early the younger brother told that I also well asked you to eat meal......” 唐猛是何等八面玲珑的人物啊,他早就从车上下来了,见庄美凤头上裹着一块儿雪白的毛巾,美艳的脸上挂着汗珠儿从屋里面出来,立即跑上前去恭恭敬敬的对庄美凤道:“嫂子,您是什么时候从京城回来的?早跟弟弟说一声嘛,我也好请您吃顿饭……” Zhuang Meifeng was flattered by Tang Meng greatly, the ratio ate the honey to be sweet at heart, on mouth actually as before icy say/way: Is short there plays poor, you are not do not know that great aunt I have met misfortune, hurries to move the thing, then cleans up to me!” 庄美凤唐猛大灌迷魂汤,心里比吃了蜜还要甜,嘴上却依旧冷冰冰道:“少在那里耍贫,你不是不知道姑奶奶我落难了,赶紧把东西搬进来,然后给我打扫卫生!” The Clear Water City playboy juniors, in princess these people, male first No. 1 naturally is Li Qingchuan, female head 1st, then without a doubt is Zhuang Meifeng, therefore among them is almost knew since childhood, but relates the friend or stranger to be different. 清水市纨绔子弟,千金小姐这些人里面,男的头一号自然是李晴川,女的头一号,则毫无疑问是庄美凤,因此他们之间几乎是从小就认识,只是关系亲疏不同而已。 Little Gambling God Tang Meng, astute capable, manner upholds justice, although to studying does not progress, may want with the matter that the study does not touch on slightly, he is clear, therefore is most popular in these people. 小赌神唐猛,精明干练,为人仗义,虽然对学习不上进,可只要是跟学习不沾边的事情,他都门儿清,因此在这些人里面最吃得开。 Although Zhuang Meifeng does not like drilling with these people all day in the same place, exchanges not many with Tang Meng, actually from beginning to end not repugnant Tang Meng this person, now to Ling Yun love the house and its crow, desirably will not maintain that icy stance. 庄美凤虽然不喜欢整天和这些人钻在一起,跟唐猛交流不多,却从头到尾都不讨厌唐猛这个人,现在对凌云爱屋及乌之下,就更加不会刻意保持那种冷冰冰的姿态了。 Since Tang Meng came, naturally will not make Zhuang Meifeng begin, his back and forth 89, the full thing move to the car(riage) wiper plug the room. 唐猛既然来了,当然不会让庄美凤动手,他一个人来来回回89趟,才把车上塞得满满的东西都搬到屋里去。 Sister-in-law, what kind , the thing of this room may be I buys, is selecting most expensive buying, do you also satisfy?” “嫂子,怎么样,这一屋的东西可都是我买回来的,都是挑着最贵的买的,您还满意吧?” Tang Meng stands in the room, looks at the Sunday time also empty room, now by the capacity of stops up, somewhat is been self-satisfied, takes undeserved credit to say there. 唐猛站在屋里,看着周日的时候还空空荡荡的屋子,现在被塞的满满当当,不禁有些得意,在那里邀功说道。 Also is not the Ling Yun's money of spending! Thing that buys, but also is passable!” To be honest, Zhuang Meifeng at heart is really satisfied, Tang Meng afternoon time buys these many things, almost every bought her to go, she naturally genuinely happy. “还不是花的凌云的钱!买的东西,还算凑合吧!”说实话,庄美凤心里是真满意,唐猛一个下午的时间把这么多东西买回来,几乎每一件都买到她心里去了,她当然打心眼儿里高兴。 Works quickly, this afternoon may give me! I rest a while......” “快去干活儿去,这一下午可把我给累死了!我得歇息一会儿……” Although said that the person meets the celebration spirit to be crisp, but a Zhuang Meifeng that attitude loosen, thought unexpectedly tired does not relax, she sat on the sofa directly, cleaning the work of health threw to Tang Meng completely. 虽然说人逢喜事精神爽,可庄美凤那口气儿一松,竟觉得累的直不起腰来,她直接坐到了沙发上,把打扫卫生的工作全部扔给了唐猛 ............ ………… I in your school entrance you.” “我在你们学校门口等你。” Is on vacation from school first five minutes, in third year class 6 classroom, Ling Yun looks the short note that on the cell phone Yao Rou sends, has pondered half-day/long time, returned to one: after school I cannot eat meal with you, tonight under will study by oneself will be very late......” 放学前五分钟,高三六班教室里,凌云看着手机上姚柔发来的短信,沉思了半天,才回了一条:“放学后我不能和你一起吃饭,今晚下自习会很晚……” Quick received the reply: Many late waits.” 很快就收到了回复:“多晚都等。” Last class finishing class ting resounds. 最后一节课的下课铃声响起。 Ling Yun remembers that tonight must with the commitment that Xue Meining eats meal, he has stood along with the bell, sets out to walk. 凌云记得今晚要和薛美凝一起吃饭的承诺,他随着下课铃就站了起来,起身就走。 „Can we have the dinner together?” The Cao Shanshan bullied young wife is generally disturbed, asked in a low voice. “我们能一起吃晚饭吗?”曹珊珊受气小媳妇一般忐忑的,低声问道。 Tonight is not good, next time!” Ling Yun smiles lightly, has after death pushed from Cao Shanshan, right hand also unconscious after her carried on the back to sweep. “今晚不行,下次吧!”凌云淡淡一笑,从曹珊珊身后挤了出去,右手还不自觉的从她的后背上扫了一下。 The Cao Shanshan tender body trembles gently, the upper part charging is numb, the complexion blushes, attractive lip angle brings back slightly. 曹珊珊娇躯轻轻一颤,上半身过电般酥麻,脸色羞红,诱人的唇角儿微微勾起。 Can say next time, this was enough. 能说下次,这已足够。
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