DEMG :: Volume #2

#167: Opening a bank account

The managers of this securities company are surnamed Zhao, is about 40 -year-old middle-aged man, seems very steady capable. 这位证券公司的经理人姓赵,是个40岁左右的中年男人,看上去非常的稳重干练。 He very polite Tang Meng, Ling Yun and Yao Rou three people welcomed the own office, after inviting they sat, a own very efficient manager hand/subordinate shouted. 他很客气的把唐猛,凌云姚柔三人迎进了自己的办公室,请他们坐好之后,就把自己手下的一位很得力的经纪人喊了进来。 After polite exchanging greetings, Tang Meng comes straight to the point: Uncle Zhao, I gives you to introduce, this is my big brother, called Ling Yun, must kiss compared with my blood brother, wants to open the security account your here, wants to have a look at your here to give anything to give preferential benefit.” 一番礼貌性的寒暄之后,唐猛开门见山:“赵叔叔,我给您介绍一下,这是我大哥,叫凌云,比我亲哥还要亲,想在您这里开个证券账户,想看看您这里能给什么优惠。” The Tang Meng speech is watertight, introduced the Ling Yun's time, emphasized with emphasis must kiss compared with the blood brother, opens the mouth directly to give preferential benefit with Manager Zhao, was unambiguous. 唐猛说话滴水不漏,介绍凌云的时候,重点强调了比亲哥还要亲,开口就直接跟赵经理要优惠,一点儿都不含糊。 Manager Zhao and his subordinate simultaneously have the smile of occupation to look to Ling Yun. 赵经理和他的那位下属同时带着职业的微笑看向凌云 After Ling Yun goes in sits down, has not spoken, very optional sitting on the sofa, pinches the Yao Rou snow-white small hand who the whole face is blushing holding appreciatively that non-stop there. 凌云进去坐下之后就没有说话,很随意的坐在沙发上,捏着满脸羞红的姚柔雪白小手在那里不停的把玩。 It looks like in Manager Zhao, present Ling Yun about 17-18 years old, puts on one to be very large, the lax ordinary Li Ning gym suit, looks from the facial expression bearing, likely is not the official's second generation, likely is not the second generation of rich, is very high except for the stature, cheek long excessive sunlight bright beside, without any unique element. 在赵经理看来,眼前的凌云十七八岁左右,穿着一身很肥大的,松松垮垮的普通李宁运动服,从神情气度上看,不像是官二代,也不像是富二代,除了个子挺高,脸蛋儿长的过分的阳光灿烂之外,没有任何的特殊之处。 Also a little, Ling Yun is very deep to the impression of Manager Zhao, that is Ling Yun where, no matter sits, probably stays in the own family's living room, graces is that optional, smooth and nature, without any restricts or jerky shy and so on feeling. 还有一点,凌云给赵经理的印象很深,那就是凌云不管坐在哪里,都好像呆在自己家里的客厅里似的,举手投足都是那么随意,流畅而自然,没有任何拘束或者生涩害羞之类的感觉。 Manager Zhao turns the head to look quickly to waiting for Tang Meng of as follows, he shows a faint smile saying: little Tang, since is you said that I must certainly to a big preferential benefit, you look at this, deal handling charge and transfer fee of these two aspects each transaction only compared with your mother's account high 20,000 precession of equinoxes, is extremely more than two a little, how?” 赵经理很快转头看向等着下文的唐猛,他微微一笑道:“小唐啊,既然是你介绍过来的,那我肯定要给一个大大的优惠,你看这样,每一笔交易的成交手续费和过户费这两方面只比你妈妈的账户高两个万分点,也就是万分之二多一点儿,如何?” The Tang Meng mother is this securities company fully deserving wealthy and powerful family, no matter makes the stock also to make the stock well, scary that handling charge and transfer fee lower, nearly in Ling, Manager Zhao and Ling Yun basically have not met, can him less than 13,000 commission rates, very much give the Tang Meng face. 唐猛的妈妈是这家证券公司当之无愧的大户,不管是做期货也好还是做股票也罢,那手续费和过户费都低的吓人,近乎于零,赵经理和凌云素未谋面,能给他不到13000的佣金费率,已经是很给唐猛面子了。 But the Tang Meng hear finished slightly frowned, he has pondered, very earnest saying to Manager Zhao: Uncle Zhao, you possibly misunderstood my meaning.” 可是唐猛听了却微微皱眉,他沉思了一番,对赵经理很认真的说道:“赵叔叔,您可能误会我的意思了。” Manager Zhao looked that Tang Meng is unexpectedly unsatisfied, gawked at heart at that time. 赵经理一看唐猛竟然还不满意,心里当时就是一愣。 Must know other customers who the Tang Meng mother said that could not attain such low commission, what background his did in the heart have doubts this Ling Yun is? 要知道唐猛的妈妈介绍过来的其他客户,也拿不到这么低的佣金,他不禁心中疑惑这个凌云到底是什么来头? Only listens to Tang Meng to continue saying: Uncle Zhao, my mother makes me have the meaning that my big brother comes personally, wants you to pay his commission, giving my mother is lower.” 只听唐猛继续说道:“赵叔叔,我妈妈让我亲自带我大哥过来的意思,是要您给他的佣金,比给我妈妈的还要低。” Manager Zhao and that outstanding manager tarry instantaneously! 赵经理和那位优秀经纪人瞬间呆住! Is low? Isn't that zero? This...... 还要低?那不就是零吗?这…… Ling Yun has not spoken as before, he laid down to study the yellowish pink transparent silk stockings on Yao Rou leg to go, discovered that silk stockings were very slippery. 凌云依旧没有说话,他又埋下头去研究姚柔腿上的肉色透明丝袜去了,发现那丝袜很滑。 Tang Meng looks at the two people expression, has stroked a head long hair conveniently, shows a faint smile saying: Uncle Zhao, I knows that your company stipulated that you can like this, enhance some my mother's transaction commission slightly, as here makes up......” 唐猛一看两人的表情,随手拂了一把头上的长发,微微一笑说道:“赵叔叔,我知道你们公司有规定,您可以这样,把我妈妈的交易佣金稍微提高一些,作为这边的一些弥补……” Manager Zhao stayed thoroughly! That outstanding manager also stayed, Yao Rou listened to stay! 赵经理彻底呆了!那位优秀经纪人也呆了,就连姚柔都听呆了! In order to reduce the Ling Yun's transaction cost, does not hesitate to enhance Aunt own transaction cost to be used to make up, this Ling Yun is anything relates with Tang Meng, can achieve this Ah?! 为了降低凌云的交易费用,不惜提高自己妈妈的交易费用来弥补,这个凌云唐猛得是什么关系,才能做到这一步啊?! Manager Zhao thoughts revolve, the heart said that looked like own underestimates at present this at will leisurely and carefree Ling Yun, he hurried to respond with the apology to Tang Meng smiled: little Tang, where words that you are spoke, I and your mother that is many years has always related, she is the wealthy and powerful family in our company, how possibly to enhance her commission!” 赵经理心念电转,心说看来自己还是小看眼前这个随意悠闲的凌云了,他赶紧对唐猛报以歉意的一笑:“小唐,你这是说的哪里话,我和你妈妈那是多年的老关系了,她又是我们公司的大户,怎么可能提高她的佣金嘛!” He signaled with the eyes to the subordinate who own that is in a daze slightly, then said to Tang Meng with a smile: This, I make little open/stretch give this Mr. Ling to open a bank account, because the company stipulated, commission how many must receive, you look, commission of Mr. Ling compared with your mother's few half, like this?” 他冲着自己那位微微发傻的下属使了个眼色,然后笑着对唐猛说道:“这样吧,我让小张去给这位凌先生开户,因为公司有规定,佣金多少还是要收的,你看,凌先生的佣金就比你妈妈的少一半儿,这样可以吧?” Tang Meng then dares to turn head to look to Ling Yun, sought information his meaning. 唐猛这才敢扭头看向凌云,征询他的意思。 Near time, Zhuang Meifeng has exhorted with Ling Yun specially, said that the commission of securities company can bargain, 100.063 million even lower had, making him as far as possible toward lowering striving, therefore Ling Yun understood roughly. 临来的时候,庄美凤特意跟凌云嘱咐过,说证券公司的佣金是可以讲价的,100063000甚至更低的都有,让他尽量往低了争取,因此凌云大体是了解的。 He listened to that Manager Zhao saying that a moment ago extremely more than two a little, is quite satisfied, now removes two point also to subtract half again, he knows that this is the limit, therefore smiled was nodding to disturbed Tang Meng. 刚才他听那位赵经理说万分之二多一点儿,已经算是比较满意了,现在去掉两个点儿还要再减去一半儿,他知道这已经是极限了,于是微笑着冲着忐忑的唐猛点了点头。 two people this subtle looks in Manager Zhao Yao Rou and the others in the eyes, cannot bear is flabbergasted secretly, after Ling Yun comes, almost maintains total silence, Tang Meng is busy preparing is so attractive, finally must watch the Ling Yun's meaningful glance that does unexpectedly! 两人这微妙的一幕看在赵经理姚柔等人的眼里,都忍不住暗暗咋舌,凌云进来之后几乎不发一语,唐猛忙前忙后做的这么漂亮,最后竟然还得看凌云的眼色! Others do not know, Manager Zhao may know this Tang Meng is any character, he started to hold in high esteem to Ling Yun. 别人不知道,赵经理可知道这位唐猛是什么人物,他开始对凌云刮目相看了起来。 At this time, that manager started talking: Mr. Ling, opens a bank account to need to store certain fund, saves the manages as the third party, you look......” 这时候,那位经纪人开口说话了:“凌先生,开户需要存入一定的资金,作为第三方存管,您看……” These Zhuang Meifeng give Ling Yun to confess, he nodded, loosens has studied the hand of Yao Rou transparent silk stockings, puts out that 1 million check from the pocket, has given Tang Meng directly. 这些庄美凤都给凌云交代过,他点了点头,松开了研究姚柔透明丝袜的手,从兜里拿出那张1000000的支票来,直接递给了唐猛 Opens a bank account with 800,000, the remaining 200,000 afternoons goes shopping to use.” “开户用800000,剩下的200000下午买东西用。” The Yao Rou tender body trembles gently, two bright and intelligent big eyes quickly one bright. 姚柔的娇躯轻轻一颤,两个水汪汪的大眼睛倏地一亮。 That check that because Murong Feixue writes to Ling Yun is the bearer check, who took has been able to make the cash use, quick that therefore the following hand continuously did, only used less than a half hour to open the account. 因为慕容飞雪凌云开的那张支票是不记名支票,谁拿了都可以做现金使用,因此接下来的手续办的很快,只用了不到半个小时就把账户开好了。 Among this Tang Meng took check to go to the bank to transfer the money, it is estimated that linked for 15 minutes to have more than enough. 要不是这中间唐猛拿着支票去银行转了一下钱,估计连15分钟都用不了。 Three people came out after the securities company, Ling Yun to Tang Meng lightly says with a smile: I said that your boy line, dares to make the securities company enhance your mother's commission, did not fear that goes home to be scolded?” 三个人从证券公司出来以后,凌云冲着唐猛淡淡笑道:“我说你小子行啊,敢让证券公司提高你妈妈的佣金,不怕回家挨骂啊?” Tang Meng smiles, told the facts: Eldest child, I am know that they do not dare such to do intentionally said that can we fish the advantage not like this?” 唐猛嘿嘿一笑,实话实说道:“老大,我是知道他们不敢那样做才故意那么说的,不这样咱能捞好处吗?” Then asking of Tang Meng whole face doubts: Eldest child, do you have Tianxi Pavilion to the check that you write? Moreover is 1 million?!” 然后唐猛满脸疑惑的问道:“老大,你怎么有天玺阁给你开的支票啊?而且还是1000000?!” When the securities company, Tang Meng received the Ling Yun's check ruthlessly to shock all of a sudden, but there is a bystander, he carelessly had not asked. 在证券公司的时候,唐猛接过凌云的支票就狠狠震撼了一下子,不过有外人在,他就没有胡乱问。 Ling Yun said with a smile: „After this, told you again, was good, you drive to deliver me to return to the school now, I said to you on the road matter that in the afternoon must do.” 凌云微笑道:“这个以后再告诉你,行了,你现在开车送我回学校,我在路上给你们说说下午要做的事。” Returns to the road in school, Ling Yun makes Tang Meng today go shopping to him in the afternoon specially, and makes sexy young nurse Yao Rou help together. 回学校的路上,凌云唐猛今天下午专门给他买东西,并让性感小护士姚柔一起帮忙。 Then, he said to two people with emphasis holds the matter of clinic as soon as possible, and very earnest inquiry does Yao Rou want his here to work. 然后,他重点给两个人说了尽快开诊所的事,并很认真的询问姚柔愿意不愿意到他这里来工作。 This is the opportunity that Yao Rou wishes for earnestly, she naturally is thousand is willing ten thousand to be willing, after Ling Yun wait/etc. she agrees truly, said with a smile: Do not go to that hospital to practise, tomorrow hits the report resignation directly, comes to help me specially, the treatment, satisfaction guaranteed.” 这是姚柔求之不得的机会,她自然是千肯万肯,凌云等她真正同意之后,笑着说道:“那你就别去那家医院实习了,明天直接打报告辞职吧,专门过来帮我,待遇嘛,包你满意。” Heard Ling Yun to speak these words, Yao Rou that heart was very excited, she thought to be able with Ling Yun daily in the same place, that whole body with charging. 听到凌云说了这句话,姚柔那心就别提多激动了,她一想到能够和凌云天天在一起,那浑身就跟过电似的。 Got out Ling Yun to the school entrance, the present range attended class in the afternoon also early, he first returned to dwelling. 凌云到了校门口就下了车,现在距离下午上课还早,他又先回了住处一趟。 „Hasn't husband, how what bought comes back?” Zhuang Meifeng saw that Ling Yun began to come back spatially, the doubts of whole face. “老公,怎么什么都没买就回来了?”庄美凤看到凌云空着手就回来了,满脸的疑惑。 After Ling Yun enters the room, sat on the sofa, he very natural embraced Zhuang Meifeng to depend on the graceful tender body that smiled was saying: Who said that what hasn't bought? You look!” 凌云进屋之后,一屁股就坐在了沙发上,他很自然的揽过了庄美凤靠过来的曼妙娇躯,微笑着说道:“谁说什么也没买?你看!” Saying, he from the pocket the good two account cards with, has put on the front tea table saying: Trades stocks to use, makes the stock to use, inside is 400,000, turns head I in these money the box to save again, sufficed you to use?” 说着,他从兜里把开好的两个账户卡给拿了出来,放到前面的茶几上说道:“一个炒股票用的,一个做期货用的,里面都是400000,回头我再把箱子里那些钱存进去,够你用了吧?” Whatever Zhuang Meifeng a Ling Yun's pair of big hand wreaks havoc on own, her both hands take two cards to call out in alarm said: Is so quick?!” 庄美凤任由凌云的一双大手在自己身上肆虐,她双手拿过两张卡惊呼道:“这么快?!” Ling Yun also told Zhuang Meifeng the transaction password, then said to her: „The thing that you want, I arranged Tang Meng to buy, this boy management was very deft, it is estimated that in the afternoon will have many delivers in coming home of thing, you must solid, do not let others who I put on looking!” 凌云又把交易密码告诉了庄美凤,然后对她说道:“你要的东西,我安排唐猛去买了,这小子办事很麻利,估计下午会有很多送东西的来家里,你可得给我穿的严实点儿,别让人家给看了去!” Ling Yun knows, now many electrical appliances and so on large-scale commodity, has to deliver goods to the doorstep the service that is responsible for installing, therefore ahead of time greeted to Zhuang Meifeng. 凌云知道,现在很多家电之类的大型商品,都有送货上门负责安装的服务,所以才提前对庄美凤打招呼。 The door opens greatly, the spring scenery houseful, outside the institute, does not know where, hears one to send the spring cat to call. 房门大开,春色满屋,院外,不知何处,传来一声发春的猫叫。 After 78 minutes, Ling Yun said: I have attended class, the thing that in the afternoon buys, your own looks at the placement, today did not need I to have the dinner.” 78分钟以后,凌云说道:“我去上课了,下午买回来的东西,你自己看着安置吧,今天不用等我吃晚饭了。” Has not waited for Zhuang Meifeng to speak, the Ling Yun figure flutters, the person arrived at outside the institute. 还不等庄美凤说话,凌云身形一飘,人已经到了院外。 Zhuang Meifeng looks at already the courtyard of nobody left, complained that is charmingly angry: Has gone ahead, is really......” 庄美凤看着已经空无一人的院子,埋怨娇嗔道:“说走就走了,真是的……”
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