DEMG :: Volume #2

#166: Crazy!

Ling Yun looks at the Tang Meng shocking appearance, cannot bear laugh: Almost!” 凌云看着唐猛震惊的样子,忍不住哈哈大笑:“差不多!” Really is similar, has a concubine, the beautiful woman surrenders on own initiative, so long as you want, can the wedding festivities night, now go shopping anytime and anywhere, what doesn't acquire the new home is? 真的是差不多,金屋藏娇,美女主动投怀送抱,只要你愿意,随时随地就可以洞房花烛夜,现在买东西,不是添置新房是什么? After Tang Meng shock, mysterious face eight trigrams/gossip said: „Can eldest child, who tell me is? Is......” 唐猛震惊过后,神秘兮兮的一脸八卦道:“老大,可不可以告诉我是谁?是不是……” This matter definitely could not hide the truth from Tang Meng in any case, Ling Yun does not need to hide the truth from him, then said directly: Zhuang Meina own Elder Sister, Zhuang Meifeng lets buy, she lives my there now.” 反正这事儿肯定瞒不了唐猛,凌云也没必要瞒他,然后直接说道:“庄美娜的亲姐姐,庄美凤让买的,她现在就住在我那里。” „The flower of Clear Water?!” 清水之花?!” Tang Meng listened to jump from the driving position all of a sudden, the head bang withstood/top on the vehicle roof, did not think to hurt, his eyeball stared is bigger than bull's eye! 唐猛听了一下子就从驾驶位上蹦了起来,脑袋嘭的一声顶在了车顶上,却不觉得疼,他眼珠子瞪得比牛眼还要大! This simply too heaven-defying! The Tang Meng brain is easy-to-use, he does not think that was known as Clear Water City first beautiful woman spending of Zhuang Meifeng of Clear Water, lives Ling Yun there at present! 这简直太逆天了!唐猛就算脑子再好使,他也绝不会想到号称清水市第一美女的清水之花庄美凤,眼下就住在凌云那里! He has thought possibly is super school beauty Cao Shanshan, even a brain crooked bold speculation excessively possibly is Xue Meining, but also thought that may be gives to Ling Yun Maserati that beautiful woman, or was yesterday that Celestial Immortal police officer Lin Menghan...... 他想过可能是超级校花曹珊珊,甚至脑子一歪大胆臆测过可能是薛美凝,还觉得有可能是送给凌云玛莎拉蒂的那位美女,或者是昨天那位天仙般的女警花林梦寒…… Unexpectedly is not, but is Zhuang Meifeng! 竟然都不是,而是庄美凤 That is the flower of Clear Water, how many people snatch broken to see Zhuang Meifeng of beautiful face, actually lives Ling Yun there?! When matter is this?! 那可是清水之花啊,多少人抢破头争睹芳容的庄美凤,竟然住在凌云那里?!这是什么时候的事?! „Do you do excitedly, sit down to drive, I told you slowly!” Ling Yun stared his one eyes. “你那么激动干什么,坐下开车,我慢慢告诉你!”凌云瞪了他一眼。 „Does Zhuang Meina know?” After Tang Meng sits down drives, first asks unexpectedly is this issue. 庄美娜知道不知道?”唐猛坐下开车之后,首先问的竟然是这个问题。 Obviously, Zhuang Meina that smelly type Ling Yun and Tang Meng very much despise, now her own Elder Sister actually lives Ling Yun there, if were known by her, it is estimated that the nose can be mad crookedly! 显而易见的,庄美娜那个臭样凌云唐猛都很鄙视,现在她的亲姐姐却住在凌云那里,如果被她知道的话,估计鼻子都能气歪了! Ling Yun smiles: Except for you, anybody has not known!” 凌云嘿嘿一笑:“除了你,没有任何人知道!” Then he does not wait for Tang Meng to ask again, said to Tang Meng with the long and short of the story of Zhuang Meifeng understanding probably, then very serious urging Tang Meng said: This matter less people know temporarily are better, yes?” 然后他也不等唐猛再问,把和庄美凤认识的来龙去脉大概跟唐猛说了一下,然后很郑重的叮嘱唐猛道:“这件事情暂时越少人知道越好,明白吗?” After Tang Meng hear, does not use the Ling Yun injunction, he nodded saying: Relax eldest child! However, what degree do you develop now? Can divulge a little?” 唐猛听完了之后根本都不用凌云嘱咐,他点了点头道:“放心吧老大!不过,你们现在发展到什么程度了?可不可以透漏一点儿?” Ling Yun remembers Zhuang Meifeng at heart properly, but he will certainly not say the two people private affair to the Tang Meng hear, but said with a smile: Drives relieved you, if in the afternoon this live you do not do well, it is estimated that Zhuang Meifeng will not forgive you.” 凌云一想起庄美凤心里就熨帖,不过他当然不会把两人的私事说给唐猛听,只是笑道:“安心开车吧你,下午这活你要是干不好,估计庄美凤不会饶了你。” Tang Meng has been denied entrance, starts to drive honestly, but he cannot bear eight trigrams/gossip say quickly: Eldest child, Zhuang Meifeng, but the Clear Water City first beautiful woman, you divulged the details to me, can she later become my sister-in-law?” 唐猛吃了个闭门羹,开始老老实实开车,不过他很快又忍不住八卦道:“老大,庄美凤可是清水市第一美女,你给我透个底,她以后会不会成为我嫂子?” Ling Yun smiles not to speak. 凌云笑而不语。 Really is, this did not tell me!” Tang Meng mumbled has been turning curved , after forwarding several hundred meters, stopped in a shopping mall entrance. “真是的,这都不告诉我!”唐猛嘟囔着拐了一个弯,又向前开了几百米之后,在一个大型商场门口停了下来。 Here is the crowded downtown area of town center, the place that is also Yao Rou said and Ling Yun that meets. 这里已经是市中心的繁华商业区了,也就是姚柔说的和凌云见面的地方。 Damn, the eldest child you looks quickly, putting on beautiful woman! Oh! Nurse's uniform!” Tang Meng stopped the later vision is crazily sweeps, here is the lively town center, the beautiful woman of coming and going are most, he arrived here naturally to feast one's eyes on, then saw puts on Yao Rou that a sexy nurse takes. 我草,老大你快看,那美女的穿的!天哪!护士制服!”唐猛停下车之后目光就是一阵狂扫,这里是繁华的市中心,来来往往的美女最多,他来到这里当然要一饱眼福,然后就看到了穿着一身性感护士服的姚柔 Not strange Tang Meng is excited, Yao Rou today that appearance, really aggravated attractively, after she got out, toward the conspicuous position station in shopping mall, was almost the flash becomes the focal point that all people gazed at! 不怪唐猛激动,姚柔今天那个打扮啊,实在是过于惹火诱人了一些,她下车后往大型商场的显眼位置一站,几乎是一瞬间就成了所有人注视的焦点! Actually she puts on is very simple, is pure white nurse short skirt, nurse short skirt is straight, without a fold, front, only then a straight bright eye zipper, has extended from the collar to the short skirt most lower side, so long as pulls open this zipper, believes that the Yao Rou perfect tender body will expose under the vision of all people! 其实她穿的很简单,就是一身纯白色的护士短裙而已,护士短裙平直柔顺,没有一丝褶皱,前面只有一条笔直的亮眼拉链,从衣领一直延伸到短裙的最下端,只要一拉开这条拉链,相信姚柔完美的娇躯就会展露在所有人的目光之下! This short skirt one is too thin, one is too short, closely entangles, in Yao Rou floats on the raised graceful tender body exquisite, full chest is outsize, the waist place receives is very thin, to tender buttocks spot by the perfectly round outstanding buttocks of Yao Rou going against stands tall and erect backward, as if thinks that the wind has blown, the spring scenery for the first time will release. 只是这短裙一个是太瘦,一个是太短,紧紧地缠在姚柔玲珑浮凸的曼妙娇躯上,饱满的胸前鼓囊囊颤巍巍的,腰肢处收的很细,到了娇臀部位又被姚柔的浑圆翘臀给顶的向后高耸起来,似乎一阵想风吹过,就会春光乍泄。 Under short skirt straight hemline, is pair of perfectly round slender straight gently beautiful snow-white both legs, wraps in the middle of the transparent yellowish pink joined bodies pantyhose, the foot pedal eight centimeters high white high-heeled shoes, very natural standing, between both legs still fits together perfectly, does not keep the crevice. 短裙平直的裙摆下面,是一双浑圆修长笔直柔美的雪白双腿,包裹在透明的肉色连体裤袜当中,脚蹬八公分高的白色高跟鞋,很自然的站立,双腿之间依然严丝合缝,不留一点儿空隙。 Ling Yun formerly in the glass looked at the past, is looking about the fresh splendor the Yao Rou stature ********, shows perfect S, how to see really how sexy, to see how to entice! 凌云从前车窗里看过去,正在顾盼生辉的姚柔身材********,展现出一个完美的S,真的是怎么看怎么性感,怎么看怎么诱惑! Yao Rou the beautiful cheek had decorated obviously desirably, but has drawn the pale makeup, making she beautiful peerless elegant face appear more bright-colored moving, sexy cherry lips tender and beautiful alluring, opens mouth slightly, can depending on adding the endless enticement. 姚柔本就绝美的脸蛋儿显然是刻意修饰过的,只是画了淡妆,让她秀丽绝伦的俏脸显得更加明艳动人,性感的樱唇娇艳欲滴,微微一张嘴,就能凭添无尽的诱惑。 At this time, her side had several men to settle down, the eye puts the green light Adam's apple to keep vibrating, the eye winks visits her who does not wink, as if not momentarily be able to bear throw her strip nude appearance. 此时,她身边已经有十几个男人驻足,眼睛放着绿光喉结不停抖动,眼睛一眨都不眨的看着她,似乎随时都会忍不住扑上来把她脱光的样子。 Ling Yun in the heart percentage hundred satisfactions, he opens the vehicle door to get out, could not blush Yao Rou that looked around to cancel the colluding finger to the complexion: Here!” 凌云心中百分百满意,他推开车门下车,冲着脸色羞红不住张望的姚柔勾了勾手指头:“这儿呢!” First time wears such clothing to come out, Yao Rou knows that own this clothes have how big attraction, she by numerous man wolf same observing the situation, anxious incomparable, saw Ling Yun all of a sudden, immediately steps the footsteps, the waist funds swayed, turns the buttocks slightly to run over toward Ling Yun. 第一次穿着这样的服装出来,姚柔知道自己这一身衣服有多么大的诱惑力,她被众多男人狼一样的环视,正紧张无比呢,一下子看到了凌云,顿时迈动脚步,腰肢款摆,扭着屁股朝凌云小跑了过来。 Has stared at Yao Rou numerous men to look, shaking the head that immediately the regret of whole face, the endless sigh, continuously. 一直盯着姚柔的众多男人一看,顿时满脸的遗憾,无尽的叹息,不住的摇头。 Looks at the Ling Yun graceful falling dregs the appearance, from Hummer, nobody said that actually a fresh flower inserted on the cow dung, but the envying envy of their in the heart hated, that absolutely was 100%! 看着凌云帅的掉渣的模样,又是从悍马上下来的,倒是没有人说一朵鲜花插在牛粪上了,可是他们心中的羡慕嫉妒恨,那绝对是100的! Tang Meng has tarried thoroughly, this...... This, is this also eldest child's vegetable?! 唐猛彻底呆住了,这……这,这也是老大的菜?! He cannot help shouting loudly loudly, Oh, Heavenly Law is unfair! 他忍不住要放声大呼,天哪,天道不公啊! First boards.” “先上车。” Ling Yun is smiling, very natural has embraced the fragrant shoulder of Yao Rou, only thinks touching hand to be smooth, the feel is full. 凌云微笑着,很自然的揽过了姚柔的香肩,只觉触手柔滑,手感十足。 Yao Rou sees Ling Yun, joyful in addition excited , the tender body an intermittent charging was already numb, at this time was such embraced by Ling Yun, immediately cannot stand, poured on Ling Yun's unrestrainedly, which also had the strength to board. 姚柔看到凌云,欣喜加激动之下,娇躯早就一阵阵过电般酥麻,此时被凌云这么一揽,立刻站立不住,情不自禁地就倒在了凌云的身上,哪儿还有力气上车。 Ling Yun almost held on Yao Rou the back seat, then own also sat, raised the head said to Tang Meng: Goes to the securities company.” 凌云几乎是把姚柔抱到了车后座上,然后自己也坐了上去,抬头就对唐猛说道:“去证券公司吧。” Rear view mirror of Tang Meng in through car(riage) looked ruthlessly has poured Yao Rou several in bosom softly, then made an effort to shut the eye, rubbed to be going to spurt the nose of blood fiercely, this has made a deep breath, started to turn around. 唐猛通过车内的后视镜狠狠地看了软倒在怀中的姚柔几眼,然后用力闭了闭眼睛,又猛地揉了揉将要喷血的鼻子,这才做了一个深呼吸,开始掉头。 Let alone outside these wolves, were Tang Meng incomparable envying, naturally, has not actually envied and hated, did not have. 别说外面那些狼了,就是唐猛都无比的羡慕,当然,却是没有嫉妒和恨,一点儿都没有。 Nobody is clearer than Tang Meng, present Ling Yun has this qualifications, has this strength! This is just a start, he is adapting to Ling Yun's yeah, right! diligently 没有人比唐猛更清楚,现在的凌云有这个资格,有这个实力!这只不过是一个开始而已,他正在努力适应凌云的切! Yao Rou softly pours in the Ling Yun's bosom now, does not know that is intends or has no intention, her tender body has rubbed rubbing gently, looked for a quite comfortable posture to lie down, because nurse short skirt hemline this moved, somewhat raised slightly, has nearly revealed feeling ashamed snow-white thigh root. 姚柔现在软倒在凌云的怀里,也不知道是有意还是无意,她的娇躯轻轻蹭了蹭,找了一个比较舒服的姿势躺着,护士短裙裙摆因为这一动,稍微有些提起,差点儿就露出了羞人的雪白大腿根儿。 „Is today off duty?” The Ling Yun tone is gentle, looks down bosom outstandingly beautiful, asked lightly. 今天休班?”凌云语气温柔,低头看着怀里的绝色,淡淡问道。 Graciousness......” Yao Rou sound such as mosquito, low voice tender, chest that she stands tall and erect now in Ling Yun's at present, fierce fluctuating, excitement of in the heart not to mention. “恩……”姚柔声如蚊讷,小声娇哼,她现在高耸的胸脯就在凌云的眼下,剧烈起伏,心中的激动就别提了。 First accompanies me to go to a securities company, is good?” Ling Yun asked with a smile. “先陪我去一趟证券公司,好不好?”凌云笑着问道。 You said that which goes, others depend on you......” a Yao Rou bright and intelligent big eye crazy looks at the Ling Yun graceful face in a complete mess, the tender and beautiful red lip opens slightly, aspirates like Landau. “你说去哪就去哪,人家都依你……”姚柔一双水汪汪的大眼睛痴痴的看着凌云帅的一塌糊涂的脸庞,娇艳的红唇微微张开,吐气如兰道。 Tang Meng listened, shakes the hand of steering wheel to shake fiercely, that car(riage) has nearly hit the pedestrian. 唐猛听了,握方向盘的手猛地一抖,那车差点儿就撞了行人。 This saying sincere is attractive, you said that which goes? According to you? This is also an eldest child, if changes me, but also goes to any securities company, spells for one week not to attend class must open a room and you chats the life well, discussed that ideal! 这话真心诱人,你说去哪就去哪?都依你?这也就是老大,要是换我,还去什么证券公司啊,拼着一星期不上课也要开个房间和你好好聊一聊人生,谈一谈理想! Ling Yun pretends not to understand, the slight nod smiles, then said: In the afternoon do you help me to be good?” 凌云装作没听懂似的,微微点头一笑,然后道:“下午你帮我个忙好不好?” Yao Rou one hear of Ling Yun actually want her to help, immediately is pleasantly surprised, she raises the elegant face to ask tenderly with a smile: What matter? You said that does politely?” 姚柔一听凌云竟然要她帮忙,顿时惊喜起来,她扬起俏脸娇笑着问道:“什么事?你说那么客气干嘛?” Ling Yun corners of the mouth brings back a perfect smiling face, the left cheeks charming dimple trembles lightly, said: What driving is my brother, Tang Meng, you help him buy something for me in the afternoon together . Moreover, I must open the Chinese medicine clinic in the near future, his where does not understand, you are many and he discussed.” 凌云嘴角儿勾起一个完美的笑容,左脸颊迷人的酒窝轻颤,说道:“开车的是我兄弟,唐猛,你下午就帮他一块儿给我买些东西,另外,我近期要开个中医诊所,他哪里不懂的,你就多和他商量商量。” Yao Rou listened to the eye one brightly, her graceful tender body sat from the Ling Yun bosom all of a sudden: What? Can you open the clinic? That, can I go to your there to be the nurse?” 姚柔听了眼睛一亮,她曼妙的娇躯一下子从凌云怀里坐了起来:“什么?你要开诊所?那,我可不可以去你那里做护士?” The Ling Yun heart said that this beautiful male idea has not used white/in vain, does not use the own opens the mouth, delivers on own initiative then the request! 凌云心说这美男计没白用啊,根本不用自己开口,主动就要求送上门来! However he pretentiously has pondered half-day/long time, the Yao Rou appetite hanging, then leisurely said fully: Can yes, but......” 不过他还是装模作样的沉思了半天,把姚柔的胃口给吊足了,然后才慢慢悠悠说道:“可以是可以,不过……” Yao Rou is burning with impatience at this time, one hear of Ling Yun agreed where will also make him say any condition again, hurries saying: Can be good, was needless saying that many, did not give me good the wages......” 姚柔此时心急如焚,一听凌云同意,哪里还会让他再说出什么条件,赶紧说道:“可以就行了,不用说那么多,不给我工资都行的……” The hand that Tang Meng drives fiercely shakes, the heart reaches an agreement, no wonder the eldest child said that nurse and accountants ready-made, has flower of this beautiful woman nurse and Clear Water, that is not ready-made! 唐猛开车的手又是猛地一抖,心说好嘛,怪不得老大说护士和会计都是现成的,有这位美女护士和清水之花,那可不就是现成的嘛! What most awesome is, but also does not want the wages on own initiative! This is gives instead of taking simply! 牛逼的是,还主动不要工资!这简直就是倒贴啊! The Ling Yun wish achieves, has pinched Yao Rou young and fresh-looking fair creamy cheek grinningly: How does not give the wages becomes......” 凌云心愿达成,笑嘻嘻的掐了姚柔水嫩白皙滑腻的脸蛋儿一把:“不给工资怎么成……” The securities company was away from the market also then three kilometers distance, Tang Meng the car(riage) that although drove was not quick, actually also only used for five minutes to arrive. 证券公司距离刚才的商场也就三千米的路程,唐猛虽然开的车并不快,却也只用了五分钟就到了。 Three people get out, after Tang Meng telephoned, with almost hugged in same place Ling Yun Yao Rou two people entered the business hall. 三人下车,唐猛打了个电话之后,就和几乎是抱在一起的凌云姚柔两人进了营业大厅。 Tang Meng, you may be came, walks, goes to my office to discuss directly, other matters I arranged the person to do am good!” 唐猛啊,你可算是来了,走,直接去我办公室里谈,其他事情我安排人去做就好了!” The managers of that securities company looked that Tang Big Young Master arrived, the footsteps such as fly welcomed, smiled to welcome the own office three people kindly. 那位证券公司的经理人一看唐大少爷到了,脚步如飞的迎了出来,亲切微笑着把三个人迎进了自己的办公室。
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