DEMG :: Volume #2

#165: Acquires the new home

Ling Yun today is truly busy at noon, in the family/home my wife also waits for him to deliver the food to go back to the present, moreover he must go to the securities company to open a bank account with Tang Meng, naturally impossible the time waste on eating meal. 凌云今天中午确实很忙,家里那口子到现在还等着他送饭回去呢,而且他还得和唐猛一起去证券公司开户,当然不可能把时间浪费在吃饭上。 Xue Meining looked that Ling Yun this wants to walk, was directly anxious, she closely holds the Ling Yun's arm not to let go, in the big eye of being in sharp contrast full is the entreaty: Big Brother Ling Yun, your everyday that many matters are busy, accompanies others to eat meal is not good? Others had many matters to you tell......” 薛美凝一看凌云这就想走,直接就急了,她紧紧地抱着凌云的胳膊不撒手,黑白分明的大眼睛里满是哀求:“凌云哥哥,你每天怎么那么多事情忙嘛,就陪人家吃顿饭还不行吗?人家有好多事情要跟你说的……” The young seductress does not know that Ling Yun is the real sentimental idiot in act dumb, but she wants taking the opportunity of eating meal to the Ling Yun vindicating intention, the rose also to deliver, the both sides guardians also saw, kissed also kisses has hugged has also hugged, if did not vindicate as soon as possible, the young seductress yellow vegetables were perhaps cool. 小妖女不知道凌云是真的感情白痴还是在装糊涂,但是她想借着吃饭的机会对凌云表白心意,蔷薇花也送了,双方家长也见了,吻也吻了抱也抱了,要是再不尽快表白,小妖女恐怕黄瓜菜都凉了。 Ling Yun crazily sweating, the heart said that this girl may suffice to stick the person, he lifted the hand to rub the fine-looking nose saying: Ning'er, are you look like this good, I have many matters at noon, in the afternoon after school I accompany you to eat meal again together, what kind of?” 凌云狂汗,心说这小妮子可真够粘人的,他抬起手揉了揉英挺的鼻子道:“凝儿,你看这样行不行,我中午真的有很多事,下午放学后我再陪你一起吃饭,怎么样?” The Xue Meining what kind of intelligence, she saw Ling Yun to say like this, knows Ling Yun had the matter at noon, therefore incomparably clever nod of said: You may probably mean what he says, in the afternoon must ask me to eat!” 薛美凝何等的聪慧,她见凌云这样说,已经知道凌云中午是真有事了,于是无比乖巧的点了点头道:“那你可要说话算话,下午要请我吃好的!” Ling Yun such as the Mongolian pardon, does not have simple nodded, accepted the request of Xue Meining. 凌云如蒙大赦,从没有过的干脆点了点头,答应了薛美凝的要求。 Xue Meining saw Ling Yun to nod, this joyfully smiled, stands on tiptoes the tip of the toe, with fragrant gently beautiful sexy small mouth fast has printed one on the Ling Yun face, blushed the elegant face to turn head to run. 薛美凝看到凌云点头了,这才欣喜一笑,踮起脚尖,用芬芳柔美的性感小嘴儿飞快的在凌云脸上印了一记,羞红着俏脸扭头跑了。 Ling Yun lifts the hand to stroke the hickey on face gently, looks that the long hair that such as flies Xue Meining that goes to fall in torrents to dance in the air, lightly saying: It seems like this small girl has had the opposite effect......” 凌云抬手轻轻抚摸着脸上的唇印,看着如飞而去的薛美凝那一头倾泻飞舞的长发,淡淡道:“看来这小丫头弄假成真了……” Ling Yun smiles bitterly, shook the head, then looked for a restaurant in the school entrance, wanted four vegetable soup, two rice, returned to the dwelling quickly. 凌云苦笑一声,摇了摇头,然后在校门口找了个饭馆,要了四菜一汤,两份米饭,很快回到了住处。 Serves a meal......” Ling Yun to enter the front gate, to/clashes in the room to shout loudly. “开饭啦……”凌云一进院门,就冲屋里大声喊道。 Zhuang Meifeng hears the Ling Yun's sound, on the face is having the beautiful smiling face, incomparably joyful ran, threw the Ling Yun's bosom directly. 庄美凤听到凌云的声音,脸上带着明媚的笑容,无比欣喜的跑了出来,直接就扑进了凌云的怀里。 Ling Yun two both are raising meal, he can only stretch out the arms, whatever the Zhuang Meifeng two groups stand tall and erect perfectly round go against fiercely on the chest of own. 凌云两手都提着饭菜,他只能张开双臂,任由庄美凤的两团浑圆高耸猛地顶在自己的胸膛上。 Husband, missed you to death!” The Zhuang Meifeng two powder arms closely are holding the Ling Yun's waist, clings to for dear life is not letting go, the head bends down in the Ling Yun's shoulder, said faintly. “老公,想死你了!”庄美凤两条粉臂紧紧抱着凌云的腰,死缠着不松手,脑袋伏在凌云的肩头,幽幽说道。 „, In the family/home this sticks the person!” Ling Yun in the heart sighed secretly, then said with a smile: Was awfully hungry? First eats meal.” “得,家里这个更粘人!”凌云心中暗暗叹了一口气,然后笑着说道:“饿坏了吧?先吃饭。” Zhuang Meifeng then dispersed has been hugging Ling Yun's, the graceful extremely slender waist turned lightly, in the future will have drawn back one step, two beautiful phoenix eyes carefully have sized up Ling Yun, then threw says with a smile: Husband, you are really graceful!” 庄美凤这才撒开了抱着凌云的手,曼妙的水蛇腰轻扭,往后退了一步,两只美丽的丹凤眼上上下下仔细打量了凌云一番,然后扑哧一笑道:“老公,你真帅!” Ling Yun can definitely feel the cordiality of heading on the Zhuang Meifeng whole body sends out, saying of his smelly fart: That is, but you are really also beautiful!” 凌云完全能够感受到庄美凤浑身散发出的扑面而来的浓浓情意,他臭屁的说道:“那是,不过你也真美!” Zhuang Meifeng heard this saying ratio to eat the honey to be sweet simply, her both hands simultaneously received the meal in Ling Yun hand, then tender sound said: Water I have dried in the sun to you, quick drinks a water advanced, left is being thirsty......” 庄美凤听到这话简直比吃了蜜都要甜,她双手同时接过凌云手中的饭菜,然后娇声道:“水我已经给你晾好了,快先进去喝点水,别渴着了……” Arrogant Fenghuang (Phoenix) fell to the ground, was almost shortly, turns has been possible cleverly the canary of person, Ling Yun this treatment, really cannot dispute. 高傲的凤凰落了地,几乎是顷刻之间,就变成了乖巧可人的金丝雀,凌云这待遇,真是没的说了。 Ling Yun does not certainly need to drink water, he looks Zhuang Meifeng that the excited putting on variegated butterfly is busy at work said: „Did that form arrange in order? I go to go shopping to you.” 凌云当然不用喝水,他看着兴奋的穿花蝴蝶般一个劲儿忙活的庄美凤道:“那单子列好了没?我去给你买东西去。” Naturally must buy something, after Ling Yun does not want the evening to be on vacation from school daily at noon, delivers the food, this sincere troubles. 当然要买一些东西,凌云可不想天天中午晚上放学之后送饭,这真心麻烦。 Zhuang Meifeng is surprised the different way: „Doesn't husband, you eat meal at home?” 庄美凤诧异道:“老公,你不在家里吃饭啊?” The Ling Yun heart said that at noon must open a bank account, which has free time to eat meal at home, he very simple nod. 凌云心说中午还得去开户,哪儿有空在家吃饭啊,他很干脆的点了点头。 Zhuang Meifeng excited vision all of a sudden dim, the meal that as if full table smells as sweet instantaneously did not have the appetite. 庄美凤兴奋的目光一下子就黯淡了下来,似乎满桌子飘香的饭菜都瞬间没有了胃口。 How that words were mentioning, one day did not see such as separates the three autumn, right, was this meaning. Present Zhuang Meifeng wishes one could for 24 hours and Ling Yun entangles in the same place. 那话怎么说来着,一日不见如隔三秋,对,就是这意思。现在的庄美凤恨不得24小时都和凌云缠在一起呢。 Good......” Zhuang Meifeng returned to the bedroom sluggishly, to Ling Yun took the form that own lists carefully. “好吧……”庄美凤慢吞吞的回到了卧室,把自己精心列出的单子给凌云拿了出来。 Ling Yun brings looks was scared! 凌云拿过来一看就傻了眼! Oh, which this buys a little thing, this acquires the new home simply! 天哪,这哪是买一点儿东西,这简直就是添置新房嘛! My goodness, big has the color television refrigerator washing machine bedding bed sheet...... Small has the vegetables fruit, basic kitchen necessities, a book of brand-new writing work has written ten pages densely and numerously fully! 好家伙,大的有彩电冰箱洗衣机被褥床单……小的有蔬菜水果,油盐酱醋,一个崭新的写作业的本子密密麻麻整整写了十页! However, the Zhuang Meifeng handwriting is actually very beautiful, such as the pettifoggery pen strip, may be called beautiful peerless. 不过,庄美凤的字迹倒是很娟秀,点点如刀笔笔似条,堪称秀丽绝伦。 Ling Yun turned the ninth page exactly, he could not bear dumbstruck pointed at the above goods saying: In washroom does not have to shower, do you buy such big bathtub to do?” 凌云恰好翻到了第九页,他忍不住目瞪口呆的指着上面的一样物品道:“洗手间里不是有淋浴嘛,你买这么大的浴缸干什么?” The clarity of form upper row, one 1.5 meters 2.2 meters in width ultra-large white bathtub. 单子上列的清清楚楚,一个1.5米宽2.2米长的超大白色浴缸。 The Zhuang Meifeng complexion blushes, bewitchingly charming white Ling Yun said: Others are familiar in the big bathtub take a bath......” in the heart to shout the Ling Yun simpleton secretly. 庄美凤脸色羞红,千娇百媚的白了凌云一眼道:“人家习惯在大浴缸里洗澡嘛……”心中却暗呼凌云呆子。 Clothes that husband, others need have not arranged in order above, wants waits for you to have free time to make you accompany me to buy together...... What do you have a look also to probably buy?” “老公,人家需要的衣服没有列在上边儿,想等你有空的时候让你陪我一起买……你看看还有什么要买的?” Even if Ling Yun Transcends Tribulation Stage formidable soul some anti- continuously greatly, the heart said that Xue Meining goes shopping suffices fiercely, gathers in this with the family/home to compare, is nothing to speak of radically! 就算凌云渡劫期的强大灵魂也有些抗不大住,心说薛美凝买东西就够猛的了,合着跟家里这位比起来,根本不值一提啊! Ling Yun has soon fainted, he rubbed the nose to mutter: I thought that these were similar......” 凌云都快要晕了,他揉了揉鼻子喃喃道:“我看这些就差不多了吧……” The Ling Yun heart said that today Tang Meng really had in the afternoon does exactly. He realized finally has a good brothers' importance! 凌云心说今天下午唐猛可是真有活干了。他终于认识到有一个好兄弟的重要性! Em, lots must buy, others time could not think, when thinks that then told you......” “恩,还有很多东西要买,人家一时间想不起来了,等想起来了再告诉你……” Zhuang Meifeng has as if thought the matter that anything feels ashamed, the complexion burns the red tender body to tremble lightly, she is nipping the tender and beautiful sexy red lip, said to Ling Yun in a low voice. 庄美凤似乎想到了什么羞人的事,脸色烫红娇躯轻颤,她咬着娇艳性感的红唇,对凌云低声说道。 The Ling Yun heart said that you may not think again, these things must buy according to your request, not having hundreds of thousands not possible, good, these things add a house again, is a perfect family/home! 凌云心说您可千万别再想了,这些东西要按你的要求买下来,没有个十几万根本不可能,好嘛,这些东西再加一栋房子,就是个完美的家啊! Was good, you eat meal in home little darlings, looked how the husband I for you buy these things that you want!” Ling Yun in the heart endures suffering, on the face is bringing smiling, very generous saying. “行了,那你就在家乖乖吃饭吧,看老公我怎么把你要的这些东西都给你买回来!”凌云心中忍着痛,脸上带着笑,非常慷慨的说道。 The meat pain returns to the meat pain, but should support by hard and stubborn effort must support by hard and stubborn effort, others husband was calling, our bone that called tingled with numbness, can't recognize instigates? 肉痛归肉痛,但是该硬撑也得硬撑,人家好歹一口一个老公的叫着,叫的咱骨头发麻,总不能认怂是不是? Ling Yun said that must walk, Zhuang Meifeng hurries to block him, very careful had confessed to him the detail of opening a bank account, is then reluctant to part delivers Ling Yun to leave. 凌云说完就要走,庄美凤赶紧把他拦住,非常细心的对他交代了开户的细节,然后才依依不舍的送凌云离开。 After Ling Yun goes out, including hesitant does not have to give Tang Meng to telephone hesitant, making Tang Meng meet own to the school entrance. 凌云出门之后,连犹豫都没有犹豫就给唐猛打了电话,让唐猛到学校门口来接自己 When Ling Yun hurries to toward the school entrance, on the cell phone came an information, naturally beautiful young nurse Yao Rou sends in: „Are you very busy? How to return to the information?” 就在凌云往学校门口赶去的时候,手机上又来了一条信息,自然还是绝美小护士姚柔发来的:“你很忙吗?怎么不回信息?” After Yao Rou is in the extremely disturbed mood Ling Yun has sent an information, then waits right and left, does not see the Ling Yun reply, she was quick anxiously is insane. 姚柔怀着万分忐忑的心情给凌云发了一个信息之后,然后左等右等,就是不见凌云回信,她都快急疯了。 Ling Yun this having free time, he gave to hit directly. 凌云这次有空,他直接就给打了回去。 Yao Rou is taking the cell phone has not put down, although has established the ting, but she is almost every other one second of type must look at a phone screen, is hoping Ling Yun returns to the short note, now looked that Ling Yun telephoned directly, even has not waited for the music to resound, directly put through. 姚柔拿着的手机根本就没放下过,虽然设置了铃声,可她几乎是每隔一秒种就要看一次手机屏幕,盼着凌云回短信,现在一看凌云直接打电话过来了,甚至还没等音乐响起,就直接接通了。 Hey? Is Ling Yun?” Yao Rou cannot suppress the excitement and pleasant surprise of own, extremely actually uses gently, the sound that bewitches extremely to ask anxiously extremely. “喂?是凌云吗?”姚柔抑制不住自己的激动和惊喜,万分紧张却又用极其温柔,极其勾魂的声音问道。 Is I, you catch up toward the town center first, finds a conspicuous place to get down, then I can pass to meet you.” “是我,你先往市中心赶吧,找个显眼的地方下来,然后我会过去接你。” Ling Yun smiles was saying. 凌云微笑着说道。 Although Tang Meng competent this living, but he is not necessarily able to understand these flows of clinic, has the Yao Rou help, should facilitate many. 唐猛虽然能干这个活,可他一个人未必能懂开诊所的那些流程,有姚柔帮忙,应该会方便很多。 Yao Rou one hear of Ling Yun must see her, immediately does not know excitedly said any was good, she hurried to think a own familiar place, then told Ling Yun. 姚柔一听凌云要见她,顿时激动地都不知道说什么好了,她赶紧想了一个自己熟悉的地方,然后告诉了凌云 After Ling Yun indicated knows, speaks thoughtlessly to ask one: Still remembers that what clothes I do make you wear?” 凌云表示知道之后,随口问了一句:“还记得我让你穿什么衣服吗?” Yao Rou listened to be directly weak then the whole body, the nurse who she bought newly took was wrapping the chest of standing tall and erect to fluctuate fiercely, the complexion burnt red one piece, crisp sound said: Wear......” 姚柔听了直接就浑身酥软,她新买的护士服包裹着的高耸的胸脯剧烈起伏,脸色烫红一片,酥声道:“穿着呢……” Now what Yao Rou puts on is the nurse does not take false, is actually not that nurse who in the hospital sends takes, but is her own that from online buys puts on reveals the stature very much the sexy nurse's uniform! 姚柔现在穿的是护士服不假,却不是医院里发的那种护士服,而是她自己从网上买回来的那种穿在身上很显身材的性感护士制服! Ling Yun made the telephone call, he arrived at the school entrance time, Tang Meng was waiting for him in the car(riage), after Ling Yun boarded, to Tang Meng says that address that Yao Rou said directly. 凌云挂掉了电话,他来到学校门口的时候,唐猛已经在车里等着他了,凌云上车之后,直接把姚柔说的那个地址对唐猛说了。 First goes to there to meet individual, on other roads said.” Ling Yun said lightly, he remembers Tang Meng today afternoon big project, cannot bear want to smile. “先去那里接个人,其他的路上说。”凌云淡淡说道,他一想起唐猛今天下午的大工程,就忍不住想笑。 The car(riage) flameout of Tang Meng, he gently has not stepped on the accelerator, Hummer loudly fled. 唐猛的车根本就没有熄火,他轻轻一踩油门,悍马就轰然窜了出去。 Eldest child, I have called my mother, has consulted, she was very ripe with managers of securities company, making our direct past ask him to be good.” “老大,我给我妈打过电话,咨询过了,她跟一个证券公司的经理很熟,让我们直接过去找他就行。” Tang Meng handles the matter is agile, before Ling Yun two classes, just confessed to give him, he prepared was similar. 唐猛办事儿就是利落,凌云两节课之前刚交代给他,他就已经准备的差不多了。 Ling Yun nodded, the heart said that such has saved many troubles actually. 凌云点了点头,心说那样倒是省了不少麻烦。 Then he gave his book to take Zhuang Meifeng, then misled saying: „Does Tang Meng, want to attempt to sweep the feeling of market?” 然后他就把庄美凤给他的那个本子拿了出来,然后蛊惑说道:“唐猛,想不想尝试尝试扫荡商场的感觉?” Tang Meng has not known that Ling Yun wraps to him, he hehe said with a smile: Naturally thinks that but I then this money, cannot afford including the nice name brand now......” 唐猛还不知道凌云给他下套,他嘿嘿一笑道:“当然想啊,不过我现在就这点儿钱了,连件像样的名牌都买不起……” Ling Yun hehe said with a smile: Since thinks that is easy to do, money I have, you help me buy a thing to come back in the afternoon, remember, no matter buys anything, must select best buying.” 凌云嘿嘿一笑道:“既然想那就好办,钱我有,你下午帮我去买点儿东西回来,记住,不管买什么,都要挑着最好的买。” Tang Meng haha one happy, the heart said how the eldest child such loved dearly money person today this is, unexpectedly suddenly became such natural. 唐猛哈哈一乐,心说老大这么心疼钱的人今天这是怎么了,竟然忽然变得这么大方。 Ling Yun has handed in the Zhuang Meifeng row of shopping books of the hand of Tang Meng, is of great success general says with a smile with ease: Are not many, these things, you slowly buy, spending how much money to calculate my.” 凌云庄美凤列的购物本递到了唐猛的手里,大功告成一般轻松笑道:“不多,就这些东西,你就慢慢买吧,花多少钱都算我的。” Tang Meng is grasping the steering wheel single-handed optional, right hand took the book to sweep several, immediately was dumb as a wooden chicken, his foot stepped on the brake, then panic-stricken looks at Ling Yun saying: Eldest child, do you want to move the new home?” 唐猛单手握着方向盘,右手随意的拿过本子扫了几眼,顿时呆若木鸡,他一脚踩了刹车,然后惊骇的看着凌云道:“老大,你这是要搬新房吗?”
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