DEMG :: Volume #2

#164: Big wood/blockhead!

Miao Xiaomiao from entering Qingshui High School to the present, although the making contribution sensation, actually still the sensation was not arriving at the Heart-Devouring Insect aura, even if Ling Yun and she cannot near at hand. 苗小苗从进入清水一中到现在,虽然一直在尽力感知,却依然感知不到噬心蛊的气息,就算凌云和她近在咫尺都不能。 Heart-Devouring Insect keeps Ling Yun aura, has achieved the Body Refining Third Stage level peak boundary along with Ling Yun, adds on under the dual function of dragon spiritual energy twice Tempering Body with immortal spiritual energy, erased was clean! 噬心蛊留在凌云身上的气息,已经随着凌云达到练体三层巅峰境界,和仙灵气加上龙灵气两次淬炼身体的双重作用下,被抹除的干干净净了! However Miao Xiaomiao could not find Ling Yun, does not represent her not to know Xue Meining. 但是苗小苗找不到凌云,可不代表她不认识薛美凝 Golden Silkworm Gu said that is the first under heaven spirit gu is not overrated, it when found Divine Docter Xue Xue Zhengqi, naturally also saw Xue Meining, Golden Silkworm Gu is Miao Xiaomiao the life gu, their intention is interlinked, these information naturally fed back Miao Xiaomiao there. 金蚕蛊说是天下第一灵蛊也不为过,它在找到薛神医薛正奇的时候,自然也看到了薛美凝,金蚕蛊苗小苗的本命蛊,他们心意相通,这些信息自然都反馈到了苗小苗那里。 Miao Xiaomiao and Xue Meining common sibling's grandfathers, that is Xue Zhengqi, they have the Xue Zhengqi one-fourth bloodlines. 苗小苗薛美凝都有一个共同的亲爷爷,那就是薛正奇,她们都拥有薛正奇1的血脉。 Therefore, two people not only inherited the Xue Zhengqi height superiority, pair of beautiful certainly this world, slender must exceed the human body proportional limit peerless ****, but also has beautiful wisdom big eyes. 因此,两个人不但都继承了薛正奇的身高优势,有一双美绝人寰,修长的都要超出人体比例极限的绝世****,还都有一双美丽智慧的大眼睛。 The big eye of two people is actually slightly different, that big eye of Xue Meining has very fine outline, seems has a heroic spirit and to be full of the wisdom \; But that big eye of Miao Xiaomiao usually regards time is very big, the time of but smiling will be bright, curved just like the crescent moon of horizon, very effective moves is very charming. 只是两人的大眼睛却略有不同,薛美凝的那双大眼睛有着很精致的轮廓,看上去带着一丝英气且充满着智慧\;而苗小苗的那双大眼睛平常视物的时候很大,但是一笑起来的时候就会灿烂起来,弯弯的犹如天边的月牙儿,很灵动很迷人。 She can with the grandfather stay together daily, is really happy!” “她能够天天和爷爷呆在一起,真幸福!” Miao Xiaomiao look complex looks to appear in classroom entrance Xue Meining, in the heart wants to say secretly. 苗小苗眼神复杂的看着出现在教室门口的薛美凝,心中暗暗想道。 Xue Meining stands in the classroom entrance, the whole face doubts looks that with Ling Yun sits together Cao Shanshan, in the beautiful big eye flashes through anger. 薛美凝站在教室门口,满脸疑惑的看着和凌云坐在一起的曹珊珊,美丽的大眼睛中不禁闪过一丝怒意。 Then she subconscious looks toward the Cao Shanshan original seat on, when her vision and Miao Xiaomiao vision from the sky meets, cannot bear by Miao Xiaomiao beautifully shocks stayed, the heart said that this girl so was pretty? 然后她才下意识的往曹珊珊原来的位子上看去,等她的目光和苗小苗的目光在空中相遇的时候,忍不住被苗小苗的美丽震撼的呆了一下,心说这个女孩子怎么这么漂亮? Why does not know, Xue Meining inexplicable has been flustered, she puts aside the vision, then looks to Ling Yun, to/clashes him to shout once more: Big Brother Ling Yun......” in sweet and pretty sound naturally brought feel wronged. 不知道为什么,薛美凝莫名的心慌了起来,她移开目光,转而看向凌云,再次冲他喊道:“凌云哥哥……”娇美的声音中自然带了一丝委屈 …… …… Ning'er......” Ling Yun has given a Xue Meining bright smiling face, then has embraced her fragrant shoulder kindly, left the classroom. 凝儿……”凌云给了薛美凝一个灿烂的笑容,然后亲切地揽过她的香肩,就走出了教室。 Cao Shanshan sits on the seat has not moved, she bites the lip to look that lightly entrance Ling Yun vanishes in the entrance back, in the heart sighs slightly. 曹珊珊坐在座位上没动,她轻咬着下嘴唇看着门口凌云消失在门口的背影,心中微微叹息。 Ling Yun's very polite that letting, making the Cao Shanshan itself think that has broken through the numerous hindrance, one after another bridged over the ideas of several big stairs to be instantaneous with the Ling Yun's relations all of a sudden! 凌云的很客气的那声“让让”,让曹珊珊本以为冲破了重重阻碍,一下子就和凌云的关系接连跨过了好几个大台阶的想法瞬间破碎! Cao Shanshan thinks Ling Yun at least with her will say has lunch together and so on words, even if were Ling Yun anything did not say, again pushed from her, she compared with many that the present mood will feel better. 曹珊珊本来以为凌云起码会跟她说“一起去吃午饭”之类的话的,或者哪怕是凌云什么都不说,再一次从她背后挤出去,她都会比现在的心情好受的多。 This is a very subtle psychology. 这是一种很微妙的心理。 Ling Yun from beginning to end is serene, he to Cao Shanshan not any request, does not have any commitment, making Cao Shanshan think that the morning time two people distance is infinite, now also as if great distance 9-layer so is remote. 凌云从头到尾都是云淡风轻,他对曹珊珊没有任何要求,也没有任何承诺,让曹珊珊觉得上午的时候两人距离无限接近,现在却又仿佛相隔九重天那么遥远。 The Cao Shanshan arm supports on the school desk, has picked up the fragrant cheek single-handed, looks that the classroom entrance calmly is lost in thought that infinite daydream. 曹珊珊胳膊撑在课桌上,单手托起了香腮,看着教室门口静静出神,无限遐思。 Suddenly in she beautiful fair oval face flashes through wipes to have the smile of blushing: Takes your time and that's the end, anxious anything......” 忽然她绝美白皙的鹅蛋脸上闪过一抹带着红晕的微笑:“慢慢来就是了,急什么……” …… …… Miao Xiaomiao sits after the Zhang Ling side, only used class time to win the Zhang Ling favorable impression, her outstandingly beautiful above Cao Shanshan, but in the speech and behavior absolutely did not have Cao Shanshan that light arrogance, therefore throughout the morning, Zhang Ling and she was together was very harmonious. 苗小苗坐在张灵的身旁之后,只用了一节课的时间就博得了张灵的好感,她的绝色在曹珊珊之上,可言谈举止中却完全没有曹珊珊那种淡淡的傲气,因此整个上午,张灵和她相处的很融洽。 Miao Xiaomiao smiles to Zhang Ling: I just came any people not to know, later also many matters need to consult to you, naturally should be I invites you!” 苗小苗张灵嫣然一笑:“我刚来了什么人都不认识,以后还有很多事需要向你请教,当然应该是我请你!” Zhang Ling has turned head, looks is holding fragrant cheek crazy lost Cao Shanshan to the classroom, curled the lip then to turn to turn head saying: Xiaomiao...... My everyday is our class leader Cao Shanshan together eats meal, therefore, I invited you......” 张灵扭过头,看向教室后面托着香腮痴痴出神的曹珊珊,撇了撇嘴然后扭回头来道:“小苗……我每天都是和咱们的班长曹珊珊一起吃饭的,所以,还是我请你吧……” So long as Zhang Ling and Cao Shanshan in the same place, eat meal together eat, unshakeable, therefore, if Miao Xiaomiao must ask her to eat meal, must invite Cao Shanshan inevitably, that will let open Spiritual Sense embarrassed. 只要张灵曹珊珊在一起的时候,吃饭都是一起吃,雷打不动,因此,如果苗小苗要请她吃饭的话,势必也要请曹珊珊,那会让张灵觉得不好意思。 Miao Xiaomiao had seen yesterday evening two people goes out of the school gate together, at this time also knows that Cao Shanshan is the class leader of third year class 6, therefore she looked at Cao Shanshan one following the Zhang Ling vision, then said with a smile: Good, I understand that your meaning, is not a food, the class leader should I invite......” 苗小苗昨晚上看到过两人一块儿走出校门,此时也已经知道曹珊珊是高三六班的班长,因此她顺着张灵的目光看了曹珊珊一眼,然后笑道:“好啦,我明白你的意思,不就是一顿饭嘛,班长更应该我请啦……” Zhang Ling sees Miao Xiaomiao to be able manner putting oneself in another's place to consider, multiplies to her favorable impression, she hee hee said with a smile: Walks, we shouted that she eats meal together, her today is happy, I think that she should invite us......” 张灵苗小苗非常能够设身处地的为人着想,不禁对她好感倍增,她嘻嘻一笑道:“走,我们去喊她一起吃饭,她今天正幸福着呢,我想她应该会请我们……” In vision gazes of all male Classmates in all personnel do not give up, Miao Xiaomiao came to rear the classroom with Zhang Ling. 在全班舍不得走的所有男同学的目光注视中,苗小苗跟着张灵来到了教室最后面。 Hey! Others already walked did not have the shadow, but also looked?!” Zhang Ling suddenly pats the shoulder of Cao Shanshan. “喂!人家早就走的没影了,还看哪?!”张灵冷不丁的一拍曹珊珊的肩膀。 Cao Shanshan is thinking early studies by oneself, own that bold stimulation, a tender body intermittent charging, by a Zhang Ling such racket, was frightened to jump all of a sudden. 曹珊珊正在想着早自习的时候,自己那大胆刺激的一幕,娇躯正一阵阵的过电呢,被张灵这么一拍,吓得一下子就跳了起来。 Does you!” Cao Shanshan shames the charmingly angry say/way that and is startled. “干什么你!”曹珊珊又羞又惊的娇嗔道。 I said the big class leader, our class came new Classmates yeah, don't you plan to welcome?” Zhang Ling mischievous looks at Cao Shanshan, blinked to her, says with a smile. “我说大班长,咱们班可是来了新同学了哎,您不打算欢迎一下啊?”张灵促狭的看着曹珊珊,冲她眨了眨眼,笑道。 Cao Shanshan recovers immediately, her embarrassed smiles, then very warm puts out a hand to Miao Xiaomiao: Miao Xiaomiao, welcome you, I am Cao Shanshan, you really attractive......” 曹珊珊立即回过神来,她不好意思的一笑,然后很热情的对苗小苗伸出手:“苗小苗,欢迎你,我是曹珊珊,你真漂亮……” Cao Shanshan heartfelt saying. 曹珊珊由衷的说道。 Class leader is more attractive! Last night I have seen you in the school entrance.” The Miao Xiaomiao smiling face such as the sunlight of early fall is bright, exposes snow-white white teeth, spoke without reservation. “班长才更漂亮呢!昨晚我在校门口见过你们呢。”苗小苗笑容如初秋的阳光般灿烂,展露一口雪白贝齿,直言不讳。 Cao Shanshan nodded, then very frank saying: Walks, today you two no one must snatch with me at noon, I treat!” 曹珊珊点了点头,然后很直爽的说道:“走吧,今天中午你们两个谁都不要跟我抢,我请客!” When three wonderful forms appear in the campus, the beauty and sexy of Miao Xiaomiao, shocked immediately all saw her student! 当三个美妙的身影出现在校园里的时候,苗小苗的美艳和性感,立即震撼了所有看到她的学生! Oh, how to have that beautiful girl......” “哇塞,怎么会有那么美的女孩啊……” My God, gave to be inferior Cao Shanshan, this...... This was too inconceivable!” “我的天哪,把曹珊珊都给比下去了啊,这……这太不可思议了!” Vera feeling, the cheek is beautiful, the stature super stick, puts on is also very interesting......” “真性感,脸蛋绝美,身材超级棒,穿的也很有味……” „The goddess in dream...... I am not good, I could not bear, I must return to dormitory first......” “梦中的女神啊……我不行了,我受不了了,我要回趟宿舍先……” All sees their male Classmates all the way, is dumbstruck, is Miao Xiaomiao beauty dumbstruck, shocks! 一路上所有看到她们的男同学,全是目瞪口呆,都为苗小苗的美色目瞪口呆,为之震惊! Cao Shanshan knows that own was inferior by Miao Xiaomiao, but her present complete mind on disappearing Ling Yun, besides complexion slightly obviously awkward, not any caring. 曹珊珊知道自己苗小苗比了下去,可她现在的全部心神都在不见踪影的凌云身上,除了脸色稍显尴尬之外,并没有任何的在意。 After all by Lin Menghan, Murong Feixue, Zhuang Meifeng three big outstandingly beautiful had been attacked ruthlessly, Cao Shanshan had certain immunity. 毕竟被林梦寒,慕容飞雪,庄美凤三大绝色狠狠的打击过了,曹珊珊已经有了一定的免疫力。 ............ ………… Big Brother Ling Yun, why Cao Shanshan with you sits together?” The Xue Meining both arms closely are holding the Ling Yun's arm, jue lip line distinct small mouth, discontented acts like a spoiled brat to ask. 凌云哥哥,曹珊珊为什么和你坐在一起啊?”薛美凝双臂紧紧抱着凌云的胳膊,噘着唇线分明的小嘴儿,不满的撒娇问道。 “Umm, I did not skip classes for these days the comparison, class teacher came back to let her and I shared a table, facilitated to supervise me. ” “额,我这几天不是逃课比较多嘛,班主任回来就让她和我同桌了,方便监督我。” …… …… „, Is this, that after you, shared a table?!” Xue Meining is crooked the head, whatever a pitch-black long hair falls lets fall, stares at the Ling Yun delicate and pretty eye to ask. “哦,原来是这样,那,那你们以后就是同桌了?!”薛美凝歪着脑袋,任由一头乌黑的长发倾洒垂落,盯着凌云俊美的眼睛问道。 Should......” Ling Yun not refuse to talk about, told the facts. “应该是吧……”凌云没有讳言,实话实说。 Xue Meining stamped the feet to say ruthlessly: Irritated me! Your strange class teacher also are really, whose making inspector general you not good, being probable makes her supervise!” 薛美凝狠狠跺了跺脚道:“气死我了!你们那个古怪的班主任也真是的,让谁监督你不好,非得让她来监督!” The Ling Yun heart said: It seems like the young seductress is also the approval supervises my! 凌云心说:得,看来小妖女也是赞同监督我的啊! You cannot like her!” Xue Meining jumps suddenly such, she may not have Zhuang Meifeng such thoughts. “你不许喜欢她!”薛美凝突然蹦出这么一句,她可没有庄美凤那样的心思。 Good!” Ling Yun very simple nod, then has doubts saying: Ning'er, am I probably am only your shield? Can manage including this you?” “好!”凌云很干脆的点了点头,然后疑惑道:“凝儿,我好像是只是你的挡箭牌吧?连这个你都要管?” Xue Meining opened mouth, the big eye transferred the revolutions one after another, “Umm...... ” 薛美凝张了张嘴,大眼睛接连转了转,“额……” She thinks suddenly, although own has had the opposite effect, but Ling Yun this sentiment big idiot as if also thinks that two people is acting in a play. 她忽然想起来,虽然自己弄假成真了,可凌云这个感情大白痴似乎还以为两人是在演戏呢。 “Umm, Big Brother Ling Yun, Brother Qíngchuan had told me last night, he later will again not pester me...... ” “额,凌云哥哥,晴川哥哥昨晚已经跟我说过了,他以后不会再纠缠我了……” Xue Meining is winking the big eye, gives various Ling Yun prompts. 薛美凝眨着大眼睛,一个劲儿的给凌云各种提示。 The Ling Yun heart said that looks like very is successful, should arrive at wanted the advantage that my this shield works as the time! 凌云心说看来我这挡箭牌当的非常成功啊,是该到了要好处的时候了! He nods to say again and again: That is good, that is good, was my duty accomplished? Ning'er, how do you prepare to thank me?” 他连连点头道:“那就好,那就好,那我的任务就算是完成了吧?凝儿,你准备怎么感谢我?” Thank?!” Xue Meining directly is one dull, she somewhat inconceivable looks at Ling Yun, the heart said that you hugged others to kiss before that many people crazily were so long, today with forgetting up? “感谢?!”薛美凝直接就是一呆,她有些不可思议的看着凌云,心说你都在那么多人面前抱着人家狂吻了那么久,今天怎么就跟忘光了似的? Ling Yun looks at Xue Meining not to have the meaning of thanks, immediately the big feeling is anxious, according to the two people present relations, he really somewhat is embarrassed clearly wants. 凌云一看薛美凝没有感谢的意思,顿时大感焦急,根据两人现在的关系,他还真有些不好意思明要。 Ning'er, are you look like this good, I, want to open a clinic recently, you make your grandfather help, does a Chinese medicine to me the practicing medicine certificate, like this?” 凝儿,你看这样行不行,我呢,最近想开一个诊所,你让你爷爷帮帮忙,给我搞个中医的行医资格证,这样可以吧?” Ling Yun proposed one to think that simply was also the most reasonable request. 凌云提了一个自认为最简单也是最合理的要求。 Xue Meining air/Qi stamping the feet of ruthlessly, she bites in a pebble of lip foot to kick road surface, then lost/carrying angry saying: Ok, big wood/blockhead!” 薛美凝气的狠狠跺脚,她咬着嘴唇一脚把路面上的一颗小石子踢飞,然后负气道:“可以,大木头!” Must as soon as possible!” Ling Yun thinks greatly money flies toward own, cannot bear somewhat anxiously. He except for practice, the biggest goal is buys the big villa for mother and younger sister now, most lacks is money. “要尽快啊!”凌云一想到大把的金钱朝自己飞来,就忍不住有些急。他现在除了修炼,最大的目标就是给母亲和妹妹买大别墅,最缺的就是钱。 Gives the air/Qi young seductress Xue Meining, is completely farfetched! 把小妖女薛美凝给气的,完全就是驴唇不对马嘴嘛! Many three aren't Tianxing good?!” Young seductress big eyes of being in sharp contrast white Ling Yun, spoke thoughtlessly said. “最多三天行不行?!”小妖女一双黑白分明的大眼睛白了凌云一眼,随口就说道。 That was good, such settled, your own eats meal, my today also many matters, first walked at noon!” “那太好了,就这么说定了哈,你自己去吃饭吧,我今天中午还有好多事,先走了!” …… ……
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