DEMG :: Volume #2

#163: The gambling house changes, clinic plan

Morning two classes quick then the past, just finished class, Ling Yun receives the short note that Tang Meng has sent , after he looked, has stood from the seat. 上午的两节课很快就过去了,刚刚下课,凌云就收到了唐猛发来的短信,他看了之后就从座位上站了起来。 A Cao Shanshan face vigilant looks at Ling Yun, she thinks to open the mouth to ask: „, Do not skip classes?” 曹珊珊一脸警惕的看着凌云,她想了想开口问道:“你,不会是又要逃课吧?” Ling Yun guessed correctly now is Cao Shanshan in class teacher there help/gang own, he has given a Cao Shanshan gentle smiling face: „, I will not exit saying that with Tang Meng several words, before attending class, definitely comes back.” 凌云现在已经猜出是曹珊珊班主任那里帮了自己,他给了曹珊珊一个温柔的笑容道:“不会,我就出去和唐猛说几句话,上课之前肯定回来。” Speech must turn out as said!” The Cao Shanshan towards Ling Yun's back said in a soft voice. “说话要算话哦!”曹珊珊对着凌云的背影轻声说道。 Ling Yun lifted the right hand to assume a OK posture, left the classroom calmly. 凌云抬起右手摆了一个OK的姿势,从容离开了教室。 Tang Meng this boy last night and Li Qingchuan they helped the playboy juniors in the cash box nightclub continuously hi to 3 : 00 am, he drank to be dead drunk, crawled to get out of bed until the late in the morning, then went by car to arrive at the school entrance. 唐猛这小子昨晚和李晴川他们一帮纨绔子弟在钱柜夜总会一直嗨到了凌晨三点,他喝了个酩酊大醉,直到日上三竿了才爬起床来,然后驱车来到了校门口。 He has not gone, but Ling Yun approximately, mainly must discuss the issue of gambling house with him. 他并没有进去,而是把凌云给约了出来,主要就是要和他商量赌局的问题。 Ling Yun went out of the school gate to see stopped in the school entrance Hummer car(riage), he opened the vehicle door to worm one's way into directly. 凌云走出校门就看到了停在校门口的悍马车,他直接打开车门就钻了进去。 „Did your boy drink last night? What matter?” After Ling Yun boards, sees Tang Meng having a lifeless look in one's eyes, the appearance that has not awaked, said with a smile. “你小子昨晚喝多了吧?什么事?”凌云上车后,看到唐猛目光呆滞,没有睡醒的样子,笑着说道。 Eldest child you may not to mention, last night to not welcome Elder Brother Chuan come back, made one group to play the good brothers to play in the cash box, broke up until 3 : 00 am, I do not know home how to go.” “老大您可别提了,昨晚不是为了欢迎川哥回来么,就约了一帮玩得好的兄弟在钱柜玩儿,直到凌晨三点才散场,我都不知道是怎么回的家。” Tang Meng is caressing the forehead, has a headache including the smoke does not dare. 唐猛抚着额头,头疼的连烟都没敢点。 After a while, Tang Meng mentioned proper business: Eldest child, I wants to say the matter of that gambling house to you.” 过了一会儿,唐猛才说起了正事:“老大,我想跟你说说那个赌局的事。” Ling Yun slightly frowned: I said that your this Little Gambling God in name only, hasn't started to do to the present?” 凌云微微皱眉:“我说你这个小赌神是徒有虚名啊,到现在还没开始搞呢?” Tang Meng looked at Ling Yun one distressfully, the awkwardness of whole face: Eldest child, is not I in name only, but is I do not dare to open this bureau now!” 唐猛愁眉苦脸的看了凌云一眼,满脸的为难:“老大,不是我徒有虚名,而是我现在不敢开这个局啊!” Ling Yun wonders saying: I said that your boy to the present has not believed I can certainly test into Yanjing University?” 凌云纳闷道:“我说你小子是不是到现在还不相信我一定能考上燕京大学呢?” …… …… Ling Yun suddenly. He understood the meaning in Tang Meng words immediately. 凌云恍然。他立即就明白了唐猛话里的意思。 Coquettish that such own displayed for these days, Cao Shanshan, Xue Meining, Zhang Ling, such outstanding girls start not awfully throws, let alone these ordinary girls. 自己这几天表现的这么风骚,曹珊珊,薛美凝,张灵,这么优秀的女孩子都开始不要命的扑过来,更别说那些普通的女孩了。 Nobody is a fool, if Tang Meng bet Ling Yun to test into Yanjing University at this time, it is estimated that he will compensate! 没有人是傻瓜,如果唐猛在这个时候赌凌云能不能考上燕京大学,估计他会赔死! This has made the bureau to be little significance together with Ling Yun with Tang Meng. Some fans rather hug are losing money must bet Ling Yun to test into the Yanjing University words, that this gambling house must lose without doubt. 这已经和唐猛是不是跟凌云一块儿做局没多大关系了。有的粉丝就宁可抱着输钱也要赌凌云能考上燕京大学的话,那这个赌局就必输无疑。 Ling Yun lowered the head to ponder a while, his thoughts revolve, decided first to refer to the Tang Meng this professional's suggestion. 凌云低头沉思了一会儿,他心念电转,决定首先参考一下唐猛这位专业人士的建议。 What to do do you think should?” “那你觉得应该怎么办?” Tang Meng yesterday thinks good said with Ling Yun: Eldest child, today is fool's day, is the holiday that everybody can crack a joke casually, I want to let out this wind while today first, listen to all parties' response, then we make the plan again.” 唐猛把昨天想好的跟凌云说道:“老大,今天是愚人节,就是大家都可以随便开玩笑的节日,我想趁今天先把这个风放出去,听一听各方的反应,然后咱们再做打算。” Ling Yun listened to shake the head to say decisively: Does not use, does this type of wind put have been little significance, we should try to find the solution from the goal and gambling stake.” 凌云听了果断摇头道:“不用了,这种风放不放已经没多大意义,我们应该从目标和赌注上想办法。” Tang Meng flexure scratching the head: Goal and gambling stake?” 唐猛挠了挠头:“目标和赌注?” Ling Yun said with a smile slightly: Good, if first we want, whose money this gambling house mainly make, who most does not hope that sees me to test into Yanjing University, or most does not believe that I can test into Yanjing University.” 凌云微微笑道:“不错,首先我们要想好,这个赌局主要是赚谁的钱,谁最不希望看到我考上燕京大学,或者最不相信我能考上燕京大学。” Tang Meng “pā” pats the thigh, within the eyes bright light suddenly/violently to dodge, said excitedly: Eldest child, were you say Xie Junyan and Gou Junfa?” 唐猛“啪”的一拍大腿,目中精光暴闪,兴奋道:“老大,你是说谢俊彦勾俊发?” The Ling Yun heart said that the Tang Meng brain is quick, he hehe said with a smile: Right, we suppose the original intention of this bureau are the pit their money, naturally must start from them, you even can directly ask that they do bet good.” 凌云心说唐猛脑子就是快,他嘿嘿一笑道:“对,我们设这个局的本意就是坑他们的钱,当然要从他们身上下手,你甚至可以直接去问他们赌不赌都行。” Then, even if you to create the momentum, wants to make that the school all knows has not related, remembers a little, in the gambling stake must set the threshold, making the person who these want to bet unable to detain money!” “然后,就算你为了制造声势,就是想弄得全校皆知都没关系,记住有一点,赌注上要设置门槛,让那些想赌的人押不起钱!” For example, what no matter buys my, each note at least 100,000, you said that if in this case, who except for Xie Junyan and Gou Junfa, can bet?” “比如说,不管买我什么,每一注至少100000块,你说如果这样的话,除了谢俊彦勾俊发,谁能赌的起?” Tang Meng listened unable to bear is flabbergasted secretly, the heart said my this IQ compared with eldest child incoming messenger was not least bit, such one, obviously was digging a pit makes that two two compel toward to jump! 唐猛听了忍不住暗暗咋舌,心说我这智商比起老大来差的不是一点儿半点儿啊,这么一来,明显就是挖坑让那两个二逼往里跳啊! Ling Yun said, shows a faint smile saying: What kind of? In this case, you should know how to do?” 凌云说完,微微一笑道:“怎么样?这样的话,你应该会知道怎么做了吧?” Tang Meng admires gives the thumbs up sign: „Hasn't eldest child, your this too, how I thought certainly?” Then, he has thought asking that a point, worries about: But, eldest child, if they don't bet?” 唐猛佩服的一伸大拇哥:“老大,你这一手也太绝了,我怎么就没想到呢?”说完,他又想到了一点,担忧的问道:“不过,老大,如果他们不赌呢?” Ling Yun smiles, shakes the head saying: That also uses to ask, prods, they do not bet, we find the way to make them bet, that also not simple......” 凌云嘿嘿一笑,摇头道:“那还用问,激将呗,他们不赌,我们就想办法让他们赌,那还不简单……” …… …… Ling Yun stares: If that two idiots have this IQ, I take a test to turn in a blank examination paper!” 凌云一瞪眼:“如果那两个蠢货真有这智商,我考试交白卷!” Tang Meng was speechless. Inside and outside in the old comprehensive work calculated, was waiting for Xie Junyan and Gou Junfa was swindled the join. 唐猛无语了。里外里老大全算到了,就等着谢俊彦勾俊发上当入局。 Villainous smile of two people in the car(riage), then Ling Yun also said: I prepared to open a clinic for these days, you help me walk the relations, strove to make to me as soon as possible agily.” 两人在车里一阵奸笑,然后凌云才又说道:“我这几天准备开一个诊所,你帮我走走关系,争取尽快给我弄利落了。” Why does Ling Yun entice Yao Rou? Was has a liking for the Yao Rou beauty really? Naturally is not, although Yao Rou is truly beautiful, is very easy to send the show, but the Ling Yun's plan opens a clinic in the city, in this case, so long as there is a patient to visit, he can make money! 凌云为什么勾引姚柔?真的是看上姚柔的姿色了吗?自然不是,姚柔虽然确实很美,也很容易发骚,可凌云的打算是在市里开一个诊所,这样的话,只要有病人上门,他就能赚钱! Since opens the clinic, Ling Yun cannot with mother Qin Qiuyue daily sits in the clinic, naturally needs a nurse to look there, Yao Rou, is the nurse who Ling Yun selects. 既然开诊所,凌云又不能跟老妈秦秋月似的天天在诊所里面坐着,自然需要一个护士在那里看着,姚柔,就是凌云选中的护士。 Opens the clinic?!” The Tang Meng heart said that my this is pondering over Gang Boss to think how the idea depends on the medical skill to make money, eldest child may suffice really simply, opened the hospital directly. “开诊所?!”唐猛心说我这正琢磨着帮老大想主意怎么靠医术挣钱呢,得,老大这个可真够干脆的,直接开医院了。 Ling Yun hehe said with a smile: I am the doctor, the nurse and accountants ready-made, so long as you made these procedures neat, then rented a facade, that money also not large bundle came?” 凌云嘿嘿一笑道:“我是医生,护士和会计都是现成的,只要你把那些手续弄齐了,然后再租个门面,那钱还不大把大把的来?” A Tang Meng doubt, he wonders to ask: Nurse and accountant who eldest child, where you do?” 唐猛一阵狐疑,他纳闷问道:“老大,你是从哪儿搞来的护士和会计?” Ling Yun has not replied him, the heart said that the nurse is staying in the hospital, accountant now then conceals in my family. 凌云没有回答他,心说护士在医院里呆着,会计现在就藏在我家里呢。 Tang Meng sees a confidence of Ling Yun face, asked: Eldest child, the procedure and facade are easy to do, but is the issue you do not have the practicing medicine qualifications? This perhaps very difficult lane?” 唐猛凌云一脸的胸有成竹,不禁又问道:“老大,手续和门面都好办,可问题是你没有行医资格啊?这个恐怕很难弄吧?” Ling Yun lifted the hand to give a Tang Meng violent chestnut: Is stupid you to consider as finished, why you forgot Ning'er her grandfather are? Other I do not have the means to do, practicing medicine qualifications nobody is easier than to do me!” 凌云抬手就给了唐猛一个暴栗:“笨死你算了,你忘了凝儿她爷爷是干嘛的了?别的我没办法搞,行医资格没人比我容易搞!” The Tang Meng heart said that is white Ai, has Xue Meining there, does the eldest child also worry the practicing medicine qualifications? 唐猛心说这下是白挨的,有薛美凝在那里,老大还愁行医资格? Ling Yun said finally: That such settled, was right, you are all right many contact with Tie Xiaohu, didn't this I teach you? Also, today you must go a negotiable securities account with me at noon, in the afternoon I make a form to you again, you go to go shopping to me.” 凌云最后说道:“那就这么说定了,对了,你没事多和铁小虎联系联系,这个不我教你了吧?还有,今天中午你要跟我去开一个证券儿户头,下午我再给你开个单子,你去给我买东西去。” Ling Yun has not forgotten the Zhuang Meifeng matter, confessed while convenient has given Tang Meng, he looks that beautiful class teacher does not eat his set of, temporarily did not have the plan of skipping classes. 凌云没有忘了庄美凤的事,顺便就交代给了唐猛,他看着美丽班主任根本不吃他那一套,暂时也真没有了逃课的打算。 Does not have the means that who makes class teacher come up so to be good to him? 没办法,谁让班主任一上来就对他这么好呢? Ling Yun said, opens the Hummer vehicle door, from the copilot, he had not waited to take a step, listens to Tang Meng mysterious said to him: Eldest child, before I came out a moment ago, read a while news at home, you guess that our Clear Water City did have an accident?” 凌云说完,推开悍马的车门,就从副驾驶上走了下来,他还没等迈步,就听唐猛神秘兮兮的对他说道:“老大,我刚才出来之前,在家看了一会儿新闻,你猜咱们清水市出什么事了?” Ling Yun looks at the Tang Meng mysterious appearance, is good to say with a smile: What matter? Did the pig hit on the tree?” 凌云看着唐猛神秘兮兮的样子,好笑道:“什么事?难道猪撞树上了?” Tang Meng said with a smile mystically: Eldest child, you still remembers that yesterday evening that did rock fiercely? On Coiling Dragon Mountain that we went to noon yesterday, yesterday under rainstorm time, the mountain massif caved, presented more than several hundred meters deep heavens pit!” 唐猛神秘一笑道:“老大,你还记得昨天晚上那一阵剧烈晃动吗?就我们昨天中午去的龙盘山,昨天下暴雨的时候,山体塌陷,出现了一个几百多米深的天坑!” Ling Yun listened to the heart to move immediately, asked to the Tang Meng sinking sound: What did you say?! heavens pit?” 凌云听了立即心头一动,对唐猛沉声问道:“你说什么?!天坑?” The Ling Yun heart said last night own judged real good, is really not the sound that the building collapses, but is the mountain massif caves in! 凌云心说自己昨晚判断的真不错,果然不是建筑物倒塌的声音,而是山体塌陷! …… …… Big pit?” Ling Yun is following close on asking. “多大的坑?”凌云紧跟着问道。 Now did not have the accurate figure, but according to the report of scene, must have more than 300 meters surrounding area, deeply does not see the bottom, shocked!” Tang Meng thinks picture that on TV sees, cannot bear be flabbergasted to say. “现在还没有准确数字,但是根据现场的报道,得有300多米方圆,深不见底,太震撼了!”唐猛想到电视上看到的画面,忍不住咋舌说道。 A Ling Yun ponder, then nods to say slightly: Was good, I knew, this matter and we are little significance......” 凌云稍一沉思,然后点头道:“好了,我知道了,这种事和我们没多大关系……” time that he comes out was also similar, greeted with Tang Meng, returned to the school. 他出来的时间也差不多了,跟唐猛打了个招呼,就回了学校。 heavens pit, should not be simple, it seems like pulled out time to investigate in the past.” 天坑,应该没有那么简单,看来得抽个时间过去探查一番。” Ling Yun almost stepped on attending class ting to return to the classroom, this made this the heart live desperate Cao Shanshan to be suddenly pleasantly surprised. 凌云几乎是踩着上课铃声回到了教室,这让本已心生绝望的曹珊珊蓦然惊喜。 Cao Shanshan obtained the Ling Yun's approval now, regarding the girl of first love, Ling Yun that naturally is all her, the following two classes, Cao Shanshan studied that really to exhaust the thoughts to Ling Yun's, has achieved granting every request, having the topic must answer, is more specialized than the tutors who spending the good money hired. 曹珊珊现在已经得到了凌云的认可,对于初恋的女孩子来说,凌云那自然就是她的一切,后面的两节课,曹珊珊凌云的学习那真是用尽了心思,做到了有求必应,有题必答,比花大钱请回来的家庭教师还要专业。 However Ling Yun is still passing the back text now the stage, he planned, so long as is the memory can solve, completely first remembered said again, all carried all books in any case also has more than enough at most for one week, he came to read without thinking directly. 不过凌云现在还在通背课文的阶段,他打算只要是记忆力能解决的,就全部先记下来再说,反正把所有的书全背下来顶多也用不了一个星期,他直接来了个囫囵吞枣。 At noon after being on vacation from school, Ling Yun receives the short note that Yao Rou has sent in: „Has handsome fellow, you had free time now, I am off duty in the afternoon, now wants to pass to look for you......” 中午放学之后,凌云就接到了姚柔发来的短信:“帅哥,你现在有没有空啊,我下午休班,现在想过去找你……” Has not waited for Ling Yun to give the reply, heard the classroom entrance to broadcast the young seductress Xue Meining sound. 还没等凌云给出回复呢,就听到教室门口传来了小妖女薛美凝的声音。 Big Brother Ling Yun, we have the lunch together......” 凌云哥哥,我们一起去吃午饭吧……” „? You how......” “啊?你们怎么……” The Xue Meining words have not said, saw sat in Ling Yun Cao Shanshan. 薛美凝话还没有说完,就看到了坐在凌云身旁的曹珊珊 But at the same time, secure has sat in meditation in Zhang Ling Miao Xiaomiao sees entrance Xue Meining, beautiful big eye suddenly twinkling. 而与此同时,一直安静坐在张灵身旁的苗小苗看到门口的薛美凝,美丽的大眼睛忽然闪烁了起来。
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