DEMG :: Volume #2

#162: Unusual class teacher

Kong Xiuru and Miao Xiaomiao two people on calling out in alarm of students to Sports Field and basketball turns a blind eye, they walks while discussed. 孔秀茹苗小苗两人均对操场和篮球上学生们的惊呼视若无睹,她们边走边谈。 „Did you call Miao Xiaomiao?” Kong Xiuru is smiling asking. “你叫苗小苗?”孔秀茹微笑着问道。 Yes, Teacher Kong.” Miao Xiaomiao is polite, smiles such as the spring flower. “是的,孔老师。”苗小苗非常有礼貌,笑如春花。 Principal had understood a moment ago what is heard me who I told, I will not have too many requests to you, but you cannot affect in the class the normal attending class order, yes?” Kong Xiuru cares about students' study very much, therefore she set the request of own. “刚才校长跟我说的我已经都听明白了,我不会对你有太多的要求,但是你不能影响班里正常的上课秩序,明白吗?”孔秀茹很关心学生们的学习,因此她提出了自己的要求。 Teacher Kong you could rest assured that I cannot.” Miao Xiaomiao happy replying. “孔老师您放心,我不会的。”苗小苗痛快的答道。 That is good, above is the third year class 6, we come up.” “那就好,上面就是高三六班,我们上去吧。” Because has attended class, therefore Kong Xiuru and Miao Xiaomiao come to the classroom time, in the classroom is exceptionally peaceful. 因为已经上课了,所以孔秀茹苗小苗来到教室的时候,教室里异常安静。 Kong Xiuru has straightened up the upper body slightly, nodded to Miao Xiaomiao, hints her to go, then one step made great strides forward the classroom, in the Classmates vision, mounted the platform. 孔秀茹微微挺直了上身,对苗小苗点了点头,示意她跟着进去,然后一步迈进了教室,在同学们的目光中,走上了讲台。 Without a doubt, when all Classmates see Miao Xiaomiao enters the third year class 6 classroom, in the classroom immediately resounds one piece to call out in alarm! 毫无疑问的,当所有同学看到苗小苗走进高三六班教室的时候,教室里立即响起了一片惊呼! „...... Too pretty!” Ultra sex appeal......” beautiful......” super female God level other......” “哇……太靓了!”“超性感啊……”“绝美……”“超级女神级别的……” Miao Xiaomiao enters the room, all shook the entire third year class 6! 苗小苗一进屋,把整个高三六班全震了! Two person dumbstruck! 两个人目瞪口呆 Zhang Ling looks at Miao Xiaomiao dull, mouth direct O! 张灵呆呆地看着苗小苗,嘴巴直接张成了O型! Last night just saw this beautiful enabled Cao Shanshan only to admit defeat thoroughly the outstandingly beautiful young girl, today arrives in the own class to come? 昨晚刚刚看到这个美的让曹珊珊都只能彻底认输的绝色少女,今天就到自己班里来了? Moreover is class teacher personally leading?! 而且还是班主任亲自领着进来的?! …… …… Cao Shanshan at heart more was actually worried, her today just and Ling Yun has made the considerable progress, this stunningly beautiful woman came, this makes Cao Shanshan guess secretly, she does do? Can also be looks for Ling Yun's? 曹珊珊心里更多的却是担心,她今天刚刚和凌云取得了长足的进展,这个绝色美女就来了,这让曹珊珊不免暗自猜测,她到底是来干什么的?会不会也是来找凌云的 Zhang Ling that Cao Shanshan turned head to look at turning head, the two people look touched mutually leaves, various bosom thoughts. 曹珊珊扭头看了回头的张灵一眼,两人眼神一触又互相离开,各怀心思。 Wei Tiangan direct was scared, his dumbstruck looks that compared with Cao Shanshan also Miao Xiaomiao that wanted in beautiful to plan, the heart said really also had such beautiful goddess? 韦天干直接傻眼了,他目瞪口呆的看着比曹珊珊还要美上一筹的苗小苗,心说竟然还有这么美的女神? Only has Ling Yun, he uses the limpid vision to stare at Miao Xiaomiao, in the eye is showing excited rays of light faintly, corners of the mouth brings back wipes the mysterious smile. 只有凌云,他用清澈的目光盯着苗小苗,眼中隐隐透出兴奋的光芒,嘴角儿勾起一抹神秘的微笑。 Expert, absolutely is Expert!” Ling Yun in the heart said secretly. 高手,绝对是高手!”凌云心中暗暗说道。 If Ling Yun cannot achieve the Body Refining Fourth Stage level, lets him now and Miao Xiaomiao independent combat, assurance that Ling Yun simply cannot win. 如果凌云达不到练体四层的话,让他现在和苗小苗单打独斗,凌云根本没有必胜的把握。 Cao Shanshan turns head to look, sees a Ling Yun pair of handsome eye to stare at the eye of Miao Xiaomiao to wink does not wink, thinks that he has moved to Miao Xiaomiao, immediately piqued and headstrong as searches the Ling Yun's lower part the hand, familiar and easy grasped firmly to make an effort to pinch! 曹珊珊扭头一看,见凌云一双俊眼盯着苗小苗的眼睛眨都不眨,以为他对苗小苗动心了,顿时负气似的把手探到凌云的下体,轻车熟路的攥住使劲捏了一把! She gave to touch is actually used to it! Now all people are staring at front Miao Xiaomiao, naturally has not paid attention to the Cao Shanshan movement, therefore after she catches, intentional has tricked boldly several. 她倒是给摸习惯了!现在所有人都盯着前面的苗小苗,自然没有注意曹珊珊的动作,因此她抓到之后还故意的大胆的套弄了几下。 The thing that Cao Shanshan cannot catch, she can not strive, but she thing that once holds, she will die will not drop. 曹珊珊抓不到的东西,她可以不求,但是她一旦抓住的东西,她死都不会放手。 Ling Yun surprise looked at the facial color to blush Cao Shanshan that the heart said that this time so was initiative? 凌云诧异的看了面色羞红的曹珊珊一眼,心说这次怎么这么主动? Ling Yun smiles, to say in a low voice: Is so initiative? Did not fear tonight I counter-attack is too ruthless, can't you endure?” 凌云嘿嘿一笑,低声说道:“这么主动啊?不怕今晚我反击的时候太狠,你吃不消?” Cao Shanshan saw own successfully to attract the Ling Yun's attention, continued to grab the Ling Yun's Little Brother to trick said: Has the skill you to come.” 曹珊珊自己成功把凌云的注意力吸引了过来,继续抓着凌云的小弟弟套弄道:“有本事你就来。” The cow that only then dies of exhaustion, does not have the plow bad place, Cao Shanshan, once has let loose bottom line, but also is really fearless. 只有累死的牛,没有犁坏的地,曹珊珊一旦放开了底线,还真是无所畏惧。 Ling Yun blushes with shame, the heart said that the female will of the people are not really good to guess, this ladder has not set upright, started the best room to strip off roof tiles. 凌云汗颜,心说女人心真不好揣测,这梯子还没竖起来呢,就开始上房揭瓦了。 cough cough......” Kong Xiuru has coughed gently two, both hands empty according to hinting Classmates are peaceful, then smiles to introduce: Classmates, making us welcome our new Classmates, Miao Xiaomiao.” 咳咳……”孔秀茹轻轻咳嗽了两声,双手虚按示意同学们安静,然后微笑着介绍道:“同学们,让我们欢迎我们的新同学,苗小苗。” Applause! Irritable applause! Endures compared with is similar to the slating applause that Ling Yun obtained last night! 掌声!火爆的掌声!堪比凌云昨晚得到的如同雷鸣般的掌声! Waits for the applause to rest slightly, Kong Xiuru also said with a smile: Miao Xiaomiao Classmates will complete the high school final two months of studies in our class, everybody did later must help her much, hear?” 等掌声稍歇,孔秀茹又笑道:“苗小苗同学将会在我们班里完成高中最后两个月的学习,大家以后要多帮助她,都听到了吗?” Heard!” Uniform, all male Classmates both eyes shines is staring at Miao Xiaomiao, the heart said that this is really the space falls down Miao Xiaomiao, the quick high school has graduated shortly, in the class came a super goddess unexpectedly! “听到了!”整齐划一,所有男同学两眼放光的盯着苗小苗,心说这真是天上掉下个苗小苗啊,眼看都快高中毕业了,班里竟然来了一位超级女神! Cao Shanshan first school beauty trend of events was snatched the light thoroughly, but she actually as if muddily does not care, she obtained the Ling Yun's approval now, is the happy myriad time, naturally will not care about these. 曹珊珊第一校花风头被彻底抢光,不过她却似乎浑不在意,她现在得到了凌云的认可,正是甜蜜万千的时候,当然不会在意这些。 That that some Ling Yun said tonight can you endure?”, Cao Shanshan performs the infinite imagination, the happy bone was crisp, only wishes one could to hurry to be on vacation from school then makes Ling Yun lead her to go to nobody's place to bully her heartily, any first school beauty unwarranted reputation equally goes. 凌云说的那句“今晚你吃得消吗?”,曹珊珊加以无限的想象,甜蜜的骨头都已经酥了,只恨不得赶紧放学然后让凌云带她去个没有人的地方尽情欺负她,什么第一校花的虚名都一边儿去。 The Kong Xiuru vision one sweeps toward the Ling Yun's side, then said to Miao Xiaomiao: Miao Xiaomiao Classmates, do you later with the history lesson representative of our class, Zhang Ling Classmates do to share a table to be good?” 孔秀茹的目光往凌云的身旁一扫,然后对苗小苗说道:“苗小苗同学,你以后就和我们班的历史课代表,张灵同学做同桌好不好?” After Cao Shanshan has changed the position, a time also nobody sits to the Zhang Ling side, Miao Xiaomiao has happen to filled this position. 曹珊珊换了位置之后,一时间还没有人坐到张灵的身边去,苗小苗正好填补了这个位置。 Always shares a table as for Ling Yun's Zhang Dong, his height one meter nine are many, naturally front is impossible to sit, the last row happen to had one to retake courses fresh own to sit the same place, Zhang Dong moves there directly. 至于凌云的老同桌张东,他身高一米九还要多,当然不可能坐前面去,最后一排正好有一个复读生自己坐一起,张东直接搬那里去了。 Zhang Ling turned head to look at Cao Shanshan one once more, then setting out has stood. 张灵再次扭头看了曹珊珊一眼,然后起身站了起来。 The Miao Xiaomiao memory is very good, she had seen Zhang Ling last night, therefore looks is she, smiles on own initiative was nodding to Zhang Ling, then gracefully walked. 苗小苗的记忆力很好,她昨晚见到过张灵,因此一看是她,主动微笑着冲张灵点了点头,然后就娉娉婷婷的走了过来。 …… …… Hello, I am Miao Xiaomiao.” “你好,我是苗小苗。” Zhang Ling. Welcome you.” 张灵。欢迎你。” two people simultaneously sweet smiles, the handshake, then also sits down gently. 两人同时甜甜一笑,轻轻握手,然后同时坐下。 Immediately, Cao Shanshan had sat the position, substituted for by Miao Xiaomiao, and logical becomes all male Classmates focus. 立时,曹珊珊原来坐过的位置,被苗小苗取代,并顺理成章的成为全班男同学瞩目的焦点。 Kong Xiuru arranged Miao Xiaomiao, then said to Classmates: Everybody reviews first freely, Ling Yun, you come out with me.” 孔秀茹安排好了苗小苗,然后对同学们道:“大家先自由复习,凌云,你跟我出来一下。” Ling Yun stands up suddenly, somewhat wonders slightly, the heart said except for Wu Gaolang, other teacher alone has not made me, how this beautiful woman does class teacher come back to look for me? 凌云霍然站起,微微有些纳闷,心说除了乌高朗,别的老师都没单独约过我呢,怎么这位美女班主任一回来就找我? Am I so attractive? 我就这么有魅力? Cao Shanshan chuckle smiles tenderly, this driving moving sideways dislocation, said to Ling Yun in a soft voice: Is the good matter, goes quickly.” 曹珊珊咯咯娇笑,这次主动闪身离位,轻声对凌云道:“是好事儿,快去吧。” As the class leader of third year class 6, Cao Shanshan by the love of class teacher Kong Xiuru, she simply was said to Kong Xiuru in the telephone deeply last night Ling Yun terrifying memory, then adjusts the position then the application, immediately was under the permission of Kong Xiuru. 作为高三六班的班长,曹珊珊深受班主任孔秀茹的宠爱,她昨晚只是在电话中跟孔秀茹简单的说了一下凌云恐怖的记忆力,然后就申请调位,立即就得到了孔秀茹的许可。 Kong Xiuru is not worried about the study of Cao Shanshan, because she knows, Cao Shanshan now already steady earns the admittance qualifications of Capital City university, takes a test is the same. 孔秀茹是不担心曹珊珊的学习的,因为她知道,曹珊珊现在已经稳稳的拿到京城大学的入学资格,考不考试都一样。 Cao Shanshan not only applied to adjust the position, but also praised Ling Yun in the telephone ruthlessly, said him, if went all out to study in the following two months, even might test the first-class undergraduate course, this made Kong Xiuru change countenance very much. 曹珊珊不但申请了调位,还在电话中把凌云狠狠地夸赞了一番,说他如果在接下来的两个月里拼命学习的话,甚至有可能考一流的本科,这让孔秀茹很是动容。 Ling Yun one hear is the good deed, that naturally overjoyed walked, he came to outside the classroom quickly. 凌云一听是好事,那当然是欢天喜地的走出去了,他很快就来到了教室外面。 Ling Yun the short distance looks at own this beautiful woman class teacher now, the in the heart cannot help dark to praise, the heart said that this class teacher stature, spells with my family's Zhuang Meifeng some, this chest may be really high! 凌云现在近距离看着自己这位美女班主任,心中忍不住暗赞,心说这班主任的身材,跟我家的庄美凤有的一拼啊,这胸脯可真高! What matter Teacher Kong?” Ling Yun asked right in the face. “什么事啊孔老师?”凌云劈头就问道。 Since Kong Xiuru looked at own this three years lightly most good-for-nothing student eyes, the look in beautiful look is very complex, she asked: Ling Yun, you how thin these many?” 孔秀茹淡淡的看了自己这个三年以来最不成器的学生一眼,美丽的眼神中的神色很复杂,她问道:“凌云,你怎么瘦了这么多?” Not strange Kong Xiuru has this one to ask, she walked last Thursday, Ling Yun still in more than 210 over jin (0.5 kg), the whole body fat shivers all over, this 45 days of free time, now cannot see excess flesh, the cheek is the delicate good-looking falling dregs, as Ling Yun's class teacher, must care. 不怪孔秀茹有此一问,她上周四走的时候,凌云还在210多斤以上,满身的肥肉乱颤,这才45天的工夫,现在身上就看不到赘肉了,脸蛋儿更是清秀俊俏的掉渣,作为凌云的班主任,不可能不关心一下。 Ling Yun deals with ease: Teacher Kong, I was losing weight recently crazily.” 凌云轻松应对:“孔老师,我最近在疯狂减肥。” Kong Xiuru in the heart wonders curiously, heart said own such goes all out maintains the stature, such good losing weight effect, hasn't your big boy reduced? 孔秀茹心中纳闷加好奇,心说自己这么拼命的保持身材,都没有这么好的减肥效果,你一个大男孩是怎么减下来的? However now did not ask this time, Kong Xiuru starts sincere saying: Ling Yun, I heard that your present memory is very good, is right?” 不过现在不是问这个的时候,孔秀茹开始语重心长的说道:“凌云,我听说你现在的记忆力很好,对不对?” Ling Yun does not evade this point, he nodded decisively: Also good.” 凌云毫不避讳这一点,他果断点了点头:“还行。” Kong Xiuru said with a smile: I listened to Cao Shanshan saying that if you are willing to try hard, the college entrance examination can gain admission to a very good university, now most needs was the help on study, right?” 孔秀茹微笑道:“我听曹珊珊说,你如果肯努力的话,高考能考一所很不错的大学,现在最需要的就是学习上的帮助,对吗?” Ling Yun shows a faint smile: I think should almost......” 凌云微微一笑:“我想应该差不多吧……” Kong Xiuru satisfied nod, she said with a smile: Good, that this, starts from today, I personally give you to counsel the class in English, the history help you review by Zhang Ling, I have arranged Cao Shanshan and you share a table, other schoolworks you have can ask her who what does not understand, only then two months of time, lets us together diligently, strives to gain admission to a good university, is good?” 孔秀茹满意的点了点头,她微笑道:“好,那这样,从今天开始,我就亲自给你辅导英语课,历史就由张灵来帮你复习,我已经安排曹珊珊和你同桌,其他的功课你有什么不懂的可以多问她,只有两个月的时间,让我们一起努力,争取考一所好的大学,好不好?” The Ling Yun heart said that no wonder Cao Shanshan said is the good deed, originally do they arrange to me? 凌云心说怪不得曹珊珊说是好事,原来她们都给我安排好啦? …… …… …… …… Ling Yun cannot bear stares, what? own every shot hits the target charming smiling face unexpectedly in beautiful woman class teacher here invalid? 凌云忍不住就是一愣,什么?自己百发百中的迷人笑容竟然在美女班主任这里无效? Should not! 不应该啊! Was good, so long as is willing to try hard, certainly can be admitted to the ideal university, the teacher favors you! Goes to attend class.” “好了,只要肯努力,就一定能考上理想的大学的,老师看好你!进去上课吧。” Kong Xiuru is light smiles to Ling Yun, then entered the classroom directly. 孔秀茹又是淡淡的冲凌云一笑,然后直接走进了教室。 This made Ling Yun first time have the frustration, can some people disregard I such charming charming smiling face unexpectedly? 这让凌云头一次生出了挫败感,竟然有人能无视我这么富有魅力的迷人笑容? Although is own class teacher, but class teacher is also a woman! This was also too unusual! Only if...... 虽然是自己班主任,可班主任也是个女人啊!这也太反常了!除非…… The Ling Yun having mind filled with doubt, pondered was returning to the own seat. 凌云满腹狐疑,一路沉思着回到了自己的座位上。
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