DEMG :: Volume #2

#161: Tonight makes you revenge

Ling Yun sits on the seat, gazes after is turning Zhang Ling and footsteps of impractical Cao Shanshan buttocks is intimate, departure of putting arms around shoulders, in the heart somewhat is funny: This Zhang Ling......” 凌云坐在座位上,目送着扭着屁股的张灵和脚步虚浮的曹珊珊亲密无比,勾肩搭背的离去,心中不禁有些好笑:“这个张灵……” Good that Cao Shanshan guesses, Ling Yun sincere not repugnant Zhang Ling, he likes the Zhang Ling enthusiasm like the fire, the onset and retreat has the evidence, that working style that can watch a person's every mood very much. 曹珊珊猜的不错,凌云真心不讨厌张灵,他很喜欢张灵热情如火,进退有据,很会察言观色的那种做事风格。 Compares in Cao Shanshan, Zhang Ling wants flexible many, moreover wants bold many, she never conceals own thing at heart, moreover can use most suitable means|methods and most suitable opportunity, transmits her thoughts to you, lets you not only thinks reasonable, and thinks comfortable. 相比于曹珊珊,张灵要活泛的多,而且也要大胆的多,她从不掩饰自己心里的东西,而且还能用最适当的方法和最适当的机会,把她的心思传递给你,让你既觉得合理,又觉得舒服。 Zhang Ling is enticing Ling Yun, Ling Yun at heart bright mirror. 张灵在勾引凌云,凌云心里明镜儿似的。 Hehe, allow nature to take its course......” “呵呵,顺其自然吧……” After waiting for Cao Shanshan to come back to sit down, Ling Yun a few words have not nearly frightened to cry Cao Shanshan! 曹珊珊回来重新坐下之后,凌云一句话差点儿没把曹珊珊吓哭了! „Should this class be one's turn me to revenge?......” The Ling Yun serious lightness said. “这节课该轮到我报仇了吧?……”凌云一本正经的淡淡说道。 Cao Shanshan could not attend to being shy, she reduces the goddess in dust now, does not dare to have the slight rebuttal to Ling Yun, therefore, can only use a no use big eye, pitiful looks at Ling Yun, hopes that he can forgive own. 曹珊珊都顾不得害羞了,她现在可是降低到了尘埃里的女神,不敢对凌云有丝毫的反驳,因此,只能用一双无助的大眼睛,可怜兮兮的看着凌云,希望他能饶过自己 She sits is approaching the corridor one side, if Ling Yun acts sloppily, she receives could not bear two to say first, most was mainly too easily is discovered! 她可是坐在靠近走廊的一侧,要是凌云胡来,那她受的了受不了先两说,最主要是太容易被人发现了! Cao Shanshan does not dare to speak, she forces to take to begin a stroke with the right hand of numb and aching as before, wrote in a book of blank: Others asked you, waited for after school to find nobody's place, again...... Let you revenge, is good?” 曹珊珊不敢说话,她勉强用依旧酸麻的右手拿起笔,在一个空白的本子上写道:“人家求求你,等放学后找个没人的地方,再……让你报仇,行不行?” Ling Yun looked at in the heart to be dark, he nodded saying: Ok, when?” 凌云看了心中暗爽,他点了点头道:“可以,什么时候?” Cao Shanshan is been crisp by the bone that this asked that she continued to write two characters: Tonight.” 曹珊珊被这一句问的骨头都酥了,她继续写了两个字:“今晚。” Cao Shanshan has not thought that the first love that she earnestly seeks unexpectedly can come fierce so is so wild, but has changed a seat, impressively effective, even/including Kua several stairs, have developed and Ling Yun directly start the body communication the situation! 曹珊珊从来也没有想到,她渴求的初恋竟然会来的这么凶猛这么狂暴,只是换了个座位,就赫然奏效,已经连跨了好几个台阶,直接发展到和凌云开始身体沟通的地步! Although this is too quick, but she likes. She likes very much! 这虽然太快,不过她喜欢。她很喜欢! Which young girl isn't in love? Cao Shanshan has incited a class to Ling Yun, the feeling of own in the heart and body, her own is clearest, that feeling assumes the potential of topple the mountains and overturn the seas, comes, at all is not she uses the reason to resist! 哪个少女不怀春?曹珊珊凌云鼓捣了一节课,自己心中和身体的感觉,她自己最为清楚,那种感觉呈排山倒海之势,汹涌而来,根本不是她用理智能抵抗的了的! Ling Yun sees the goal to achieve, finally has had super proud school beauty to subdue this thoroughly, own can demand everything, immediately smiles, started to read to review earnestly. 凌云见目的达成,终于把这个一直有着超级骄傲的校花彻底收服,自己可以予取予求,顿时嘿嘿一笑,开始认真看书复习了。 Cao Shanshan is actually heart such as if has been hit, let alone has studied, is looked that anything cannot look, she is thinking repeatedly romance, as well as how will be disturbed and guess of anticipation Ling Yun to launch revenging to own tonight. 曹珊珊却是心如鹿撞,别说学习了,就是看什么都看不进去,她反复想着刚才的香艳,以及又忐忑又期待的猜测今晚凌云会怎么对自己展开“报仇”。 …… …… Comes back to come back......” Ling Yun to say with a smile indifferently. “回来就回来呗……”凌云无所谓笑道。 To be honest, except for pastes the class schedule on school desk Ling Yun to the present from Zhang Dong, knows that class teacher is beside English teacher Kong Xiuru, he to this basically have not met class teacher, basic does not have then an impression. 说实话,凌云到现在除了从张东贴在课桌上的课程表,知道班主任是英语老师孔秀茹之外,他对这位“素未谋面”的班主任,根本就一丝印象都没有。 ............ ………… Qingshui High School Principal office. 清水一中校长办公室。 …… …… “Umm, Miao Xiaomiao...... Your anything credential does not have, must come Qingshui High School to study, this, I have not dealt with according to law...... ” “额,苗小苗……你什么证件都没有,就要来清水一中读书,这个,我没法办啊……” Principal Zhang is really awkward, today he just came to the Principal office in the morning, the buttocks has not gotten warm, this was called the Miao Xiaomiao beautiful young girl to rush, says must study at school temporarily in Qingshui High School, he smilingly inquired several, discovery this Miao Xiaomiao almost anything credential did not have. 张校长是真为难,今天早晨他刚来到校长办公室,屁股还没坐热呢,这个叫做苗小苗的美少女就闯了进来,开口就说要在清水一中借读,他笑眯眯的询问了几句,却发现这个苗小苗几乎什么证件都没有。 This makes him feel that is very awkward, stemming from the story and intuition of life, he looks at this beautiful young girl is not the average person, other does not raise, to/clashes the appearance of that astonishing beautiful appearance and sex appeal, can the children of poor family become this? 这让他感到真的很为难,出于人生的阅历和直觉,他一看这个美少女就不是一般人,别的就不提了,就冲那惊人的美貌和性感的打扮吧,穷人家的孩子能出落成这样? Miao Xiaomiao sweet smiles: Principal, I here study at school temporarily for two months, you look, this is the studying at school temporarily fees of 100,000 dollars, I brought, reads off for two months, after summer vacation, I changed the school, when you do help?” 苗小苗甜甜的一笑:“校长,我就在这里借读两个月而已,您看,这是100000块钱的借读费,我已经带过来了,读完两个月,暑假之后我就换学校了,您就当帮帮忙?” Principal Zhang looks that Miao Xiaomiao puts 100,000 money cashes on desk gently, behind lens two somewhat shines slightly, he pretends to ponder to knock the desk tabletop saying: This I try to find the solution actually, but your this school register issue, not having the credential not to deal with according to law, in your family Sir?” 张校长看着苗小苗轻轻搁在办公桌上的100000块钱现金,镜片儿后面的两眼微微有些放光,他装作沉思敲着办公桌桌面道:“这我想想办法倒是可以,不过你这个学籍问题,没有证件真的没法办,你家里大人呢?” Miao Xiaomiao sweet smiles once more: Principal, my parents externally, I do not need the school register, so long as you can make me study for two months in the class and grade then the line, is not the matters of many school desk......” 苗小苗再次甜甜一笑:“校长,我父母都在国外,我不需要学籍,只要您能让我在个班级里学习俩月就行,不就是多一张课桌的事儿嘛……” 100,000 dollars, place a class and grade to study casually for two months in Qingshui High School, does not want the school register, this with wasting money did not have what difference. 100000块钱,在清水一中随便安插一个班级学习俩月,不要学籍,这跟送钱已经没有什么区别了。 Principal Zhang ponders one to nod to say carefully: Good, did you attend several grades?” 张校长仔细沉思一番点了点头道:“好吧,你读几年级?” Or said that this year rich then easy to do matter, Principal Zhang started to ask the opinion of Miao Xiaomiao directly. 要不说这年头有钱就好办事儿呢,张校长直接开始询问苗小苗的意见了。 High three.” Miao Xiaomiao without hesitation, high three wanted the college entrance examination immediately, like this she two months later left the school, will not start mighty waves. “高三。”苗小苗毫不犹豫,高三马上就要高考了,这样她两个月之后离开学校,不会掀起一丝波澜。 Principal Zhang also asked: What you study is liberal arts or science subjects? Needs to enroll the college entrance examination?” 张校长又问道:“那你学的是文科还是理科?需要参加高考吗?” Miao Xiaomiao sweet smiling, was curved and long eyebrow and a beautiful big eye turned into the crescent moon of horizon, she shook the head saying: Principal, I do not like science subjects, does not need to enroll the college entrance examination, I want before going abroad, some much study historical geography and history knowledge......” 苗小苗甜甜的笑着,又弯又长的眉毛和一双美丽的大眼睛都变成了天边的月牙儿,她摇了摇头道:“校长,我不喜欢理科,不用参加高考,我就是想在出国之前,多学一些历史地理知识而已……” The Principal Zhang heart said that originally is prepares to go abroad, he nodded to say immediately: That this, the third year class 6 is our school best article regular professional training, you go to the third year class 6, what kind of?” 张校长心说原来是准备出国啊,他立即点了点头道:“那这样吧,高三六班是我们学校最好的文科班,你就去高三六班,怎么样?” Which class and grade Miao Xiaomiao regarding does not matter, she sweet has thanked Principal Zhang with a smile. 苗小苗对于哪个班级根本就无所谓,她甜甜笑着谢谢了张校长 When do you prepare to start to attend class?” “那你准备什么时候开始上课?” Now can......” “现在就可以……” The Principal Zhang heart said that may be really quick enough, but he has not thought, others have given money, when attended class is also not others decides? 张校长心说可真够快的,不过他并没有多想,人家给了钱的,啥时候上课还不是人家说了算? Good, I give you to arrange immediately, but, Miao Xiaomiao Classmates, since you come to our school to study, asked you to observe the rules and regulations of our school, otherwise, something I was not good to process......” “好,我马上给你安排,不过,苗小苗同学,既然你来我们学校读书,就请你一定要遵守我们学校的规章制度,不然的话,有些事我不好处理……” Miao Xiaomiao smiles, if the spring flower, her routine lifting handled gently strokes the own long hair saying: Principal, you looked that I am a person who that type is all right to disturb?” 苗小苗笑若春花,她习惯性的抬手轻拂了一下自己的长发道:“校长,您看我是那种没事捣乱的人吗?” Principal Zhang deeply looked at Miao Xiaomiao one, then has picked up the phone on table, hit directly to high three grade Director. 张校长深深地看了苗小苗一眼,然后拿起了桌上的电话,直接打给了高三的年级主任 Director Liu, did class teacher Teacher Kong of third year class 6 attend the teaching seminar to come back? Last night came back? Good, you arrive at my office to come together.” 刘主任,高三六班的班主任孔老师参加教学研讨会回来了吗?昨晚就回来了?那好,你们一起到我办公室来一趟。” ............ ………… class teacher of third year class 6, called Kong Xiuru, this year 28 years old, are the English teacher of third year class 6, the Capital City Foreign Studies University graduation, have taught for six years in Qingshui High School. 高三六班的班主任,叫孔秀茹,今年28岁,是高三六班的英语老师,京城外国语大学毕业,在清水一中已经执教六年。 She is a beautiful woman teacher, the flesh is without a doubt whiter than the snow, **** stands tall and erect plentifully attractively, the willow slender waist, the buttocks are perfectly round, the both legs are straight, usually most likes wearing the snow-white shirt and covers the black OL skirt of half thigh, the spring, summer, autumn, winter are various types of color silk stockings matching high-heeled shoes. 她毫无疑问是一个美女老师,肌肤比雪还要白,****丰满高耸诱人,杨柳细腰,屁股浑圆硕大,双腿笔直修长,平时最爱穿雪白的衬衣和遮盖住半个大腿的黑色OL裙,春夏秋冬都是各种颜色的丝袜搭配高跟鞋。 She is a very serious woman, although numerous pursuers, actually do not know why until now single, boyfriends do not have, but her teaching is scrupulous about every detail, the management, is in good order deep the school to attach great importance. 她是一个很严肃的女人,虽然众多追求者,却不知为何至今独身,连个男朋友都没有,可她教学一丝不苟,办事井井有条,深得学校重视。 Because Kong Xiuru teaching result is outstanding, last Thursday the arrangement according to school, went to Capital City to attend a teaching seminar of Ministry of Education Organization, yesterday evening hurriedly hurried back to Qingshui High School, because Clear Water City had the rainstorm suddenly, the airplane was late, returned to teacher dormitory of school until 2 : 00 am. 孔秀茹因为教学成绩优秀,上周四按照学校的安排,去京城参加一个教育部组织的教学研讨会,昨天晚上才匆匆忙忙赶回清水一中,因为清水市突降暴雨,飞机晚点,直到凌晨两点才回到学校的教师宿舍 However is this, Kong Xiuru Tuesday morning as before on time arrived at the office of English group, her for six years are never late, unshakeable, are more punctual than London that bell. 不过就算是这样,孔秀茹周二早晨依旧准时到达了英语组的办公室,她六年来从未迟到,雷打不动,比伦敦那座大钟还要准时。 According to the class schedule, the third year class 6 today morning first two classes, are the class in English, Kong Xiuru are reorganizing the lesson plan to prepare to go to the classroom in the office to attend class, actually received the Director Liu call. 根据课程表,高三六班今天上午的前两节课,就是英语课,孔秀茹正在办公室里整理教案准备去教室上课呢,却接到了刘主任的电话。 Her slightly frowned, the heart said that own just now comes back, this Director Liu pestered own, was really troublesome. 她不禁微微皱眉,心说自己才刚回来,这个刘主任就又来纠缠自己了,真麻烦。 Kong Xiuru answers the telephone reluctantly, actually heard that was Principal wants own in the past, therefore has made the telephone call, took up the lesson plan material to directly soar the Principal office. 孔秀茹无奈地接起电话,却听说是校长自己过去,于是挂了电话,拿起教案材料直奔校长办公室。 Kong Xiuru and Director Liu almost came to the Principal office about the same time, after two people goes, saw stands Miao Xiaomiao animated in room. 孔秀茹刘主任几乎是前后脚来到了校长办公室,两人进去之后,就看到了俏生生站在屋里的苗小苗 two people simultaneously the surprised Miao Xiaomiao beautiful appearance, and guessed that Principal asked them to arrive at the bottom is any matter. 两人不禁同时惊讶苗小苗的美貌,并猜测校长叫他们来到底是什么事。 Principal Zhang evading the important questions for the easy said to Director Liu and Kong Xiuru probably situation, then said to Kong Xiuru: Teacher Kong, this Miao Xiaomiao Classmates is the school girl, your this class teacher is the female teacher, exchanges many that can facilitate, I the Miao Xiaomiao Classmates arrangement in your class, you must consider her.” 张校长把避重就轻的把大概情况刘主任孔秀茹说了一下,然后对孔秀茹道:“孔老师,这个苗小苗同学是女学生,你这个班主任又是女老师,互相交流起来会方便的多,我把苗小苗同学安排在你们班里,你要多照顾她一下。” Kong Xiuru nodded: Good.” 孔秀茹点了点头:“好的。” Principal Zhang arranges, making Kong Xiuru bring Miao Xiaomiao to leave the Principal office, Director Liu that then to remaining said: This Miao Xiaomiao situation is slightly special, usually the matter of somewhat small violation discipline, so long as does not commit a footfault, opened eyes to close one's eyes......” 张校长安排完毕,让孔秀茹带着苗小苗离开了校长办公室,然后对留下来的刘主任说道:“这个苗小苗情况稍微特殊,平常有些小的违反纪律的事情,只要不过线,就睁只眼闭只眼……” Director Liu heard the own immediate superior saying that which some were not clear, he was smiling obsequiously again and again the nod. 刘主任听到自己的顶头上司这么说,哪儿还有个不明白,他连连谄笑着点头。 At this time, attending class bell has sounded for three minutes. 这时候,上课铃已经敲响了三分钟了。 …… …… Oh, Ling Yun's beautiful woman class teacher came back! Then had the good play to look!” “天哪,凌云的美女班主任回来了!这下有好戏看了!” Looks quickly! That girl good attractive good sex appeal, the stature not to miss compared with Teacher Kong unexpectedly!” “快看!那个女孩好漂亮好性感啊,身材竟然一点儿也不比孔老师差!” She is more beautiful than Cao Shanshan, in the makings and Ning Lingyu are similar, is the student entering in midterm who comes to our school?” “她比曹珊珊还要美呢,气质上和宁灵雨差不多,难道是来我们学校的插班生?” Was too sexy, I must flow the nosebleed, this is the true goddess......” “太性感了,我都要流鼻血啦,这是真正的女神啊……” Is only that hair so is sexy, if she is the student in our school, I will make a bet, first school beauty not her don't number/count!” “只是那一头头发就那么性感,如果她是咱们学校的学生的话,我敢打赌,第一校花非她莫数了!” Waits......” “拭目以待……”
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