DEMG :: Volume #2

#160: The female pursues the male

Grating finishing class ting resounds suddenly! 刺耳的下课铃声骤然响起! Cao Shanshan had decided last night, again and Ling Yun is together, she must receive own all arrogant stances, must make own lower to the dust, buries in the mud, flatters the big boy who that lets her heart innumerable shock! 曹珊珊昨晚就已经决定,再和凌云相处的时候,她要把自己所有高傲的姿态收起来,要让自己低到尘埃里,埋进泥里,去讨好那个让她的芳心无数次震惊的大男孩! But kills her not to think, own today far more than was lowers in the dust, was gets sucked into the 18-layers of Hell following dungeon simply! 可是打死她都不会想到,自己今天何止是低到了尘埃里,简直就是深陷十八层地狱下面的地牢里了! Now the finishing class ting resounds, Cao Shanshan wanted to be insane anxiously. 现在下课铃声响起,曹珊珊要急疯了。 That deceased person was actually not having to think with the muddiness of being all right person at this time, also reads to look at appearance with great interest unexpectedly?! 身旁的那个死人这时候竟然还在跟没事儿人似的浑无所觉,竟然还看书看得津津有味的样子?! At this moment, Cao Shanshan suddenly discovered that Zhang Ling left the seat, walked toward the two people position. 就在这时,曹珊珊忽然发现张灵离开了座位,朝着两人的位置走了过来。 Cao Shanshan frightens courage entirely cracks, all of a sudden heart like dying embers! She hurried to move moving toward Ling Yun's side, the body has closely stuck to Ling Yun. 曹珊珊吓得肝胆俱裂,一下子心如死灰!她赶紧往凌云的身边挪了挪,身体紧紧贴住了凌云 Thus, looks like in the bystander, two people look like under the school desk happy pulls to begin general, obviously intimate! 这样,在外人看起来,两个人就像是在课桌下面甜蜜的牵着手一般,倍显亲密! Also really he intimate! 还真他吗的亲密啊! Yo, Ling Yun, has our super Leader school beauty to accompany attending class, feels what kind of?” “哟,凌云,有我们的超级校花班长陪着上课,感觉怎么样啊?” Zhang Ling supports the chest that own is standing tall and erect desirably, sends out the tender body of youth thermal energy is pretending the unconsciousness is swaying from side to side gently, smiles the accent to say with a smile tenderly. 张灵刻意挺着自己高耸的胸脯,散发着青春热力的娇躯装作无意识的轻轻扭动着,娇笑着调笑道。 Ling Yun in the heart time of crispness, he sprinkles however one now happily, looks up Zhang Ling saying: What kind of? You ask that your always shared a table does not know?” 凌云现在心中倍爽,他洒然一乐,抬头看着张灵道:“怎么样?你问问你的老同桌不就知道了?” Zhang Ling looks at the two people tight post in same place that intimate appearance, in the heart does not know that was happy for Cao Shanshan, is sad for own, her half real , half fake being jealous said with a smile tenderly: Shanshan, you look at you now, but was really pair of night/lodge amphibious, when came a affectionate couple to play with water?” 张灵一看两人紧紧贴在一起那亲密的样子,心中也不知道是替曹珊珊高兴,还是替自己悲伤,她半真半假的吃醋娇笑道:“珊珊,你看你们现在,可真是双宿双栖了呢,什么时候来个鸳鸯戏水啊?” The Cao Shanshan forehead saw the perspiration, she does to respond calmly: Zhang Ling, do not speak irresponsibly, I come to help Ling Yun enroll in supplementary lessons, any affectionate couple plays with water!” 曹珊珊脑门已经见汗,她强作若无其事回应道:“张灵,你别乱说,我过来是为了帮凌云补习,什么鸳鸯戏水!” Zhang Ling gave a Cao Shanshan understanding look, chuckle said with a smile tenderly: Oh, you two such intimate post in the same place, what also there are embarrassed?” 张灵给了曹珊珊一个会意的眼神,咯咯娇笑道:“哎哟,你们两个都这么亲密的贴在一起了,还有什么不好意思的?” The truth said that Cao Shanshan really did not have now what embarrassed, has done has done, Ling Yun's stubble that own looks for on own initiative, was own grasps mistakenly the place, this no wonder others Ling Yun. 实话说,曹珊珊现在还真没有什么不好意思的了,做都做了,还是自己主动找的凌云的茬,是自己抓错了地方,这怪不得人家凌云 Actually Cao Shanshan besides first time does this matter to be somewhat shy now, in the heart somewhat secretly chuckles to oneself, at least she understood a matter, that is Ling Yun from the bottom of the heart does not repel her. 其实曹珊珊现在除了第一次做这种事有些害羞之外,心中还是有些暗暗窃喜的,至少她明白了一件事,那就是凌云从心底并非是排斥她的。 Otherwise, Ling Yun was impossible to make her make a class to him fully! 不然的话,凌云也不可能让她整整给他弄了一节课! Cao Shanshan from at heart has tacitly approved the fact of this matter now, her not many repel, at heart biggest worry, but feared that was discovered by Classmates. 曹珊珊现在已经从心里默认了这件事情的事实,她并没有多少的排斥,心里最大的担心,只是怕被同学发现而已。 Thinks, on Qingshui High School first school beauty Cao Shanshan early studies by oneself gives Ling Yun on own initiative......, Does this news cause a stir? 想想吧,清水一中第一校花曹珊珊上早自习的时候主动给凌云……,这新闻得多么轰动? If passes on, Cao Shanshan simply have not gone to school in Qingshui High School, shifted to an earlier time to go home to wait for Yanjing University to begin school is OK. 如果真的传出去,曹珊珊干脆别在清水一中上学了,提早回家等着燕京大学开学就可以了。 Therefore, Cao Shanshan at heart now main is worried and worries, did not blame the Ling Yun's meaning. 因此,曹珊珊心里现在最主要的就是担心和着急,毫无责怪凌云的意思。 This cannot say that but actually Cao Shanshan is despicable or shameless, was very difficult to find the time of maiden in this over 16 years old, let alone the high-school student, was the junior high pupil opens the room to live together to abort anything's finding at everywhere, her 18 years old selected the boy who own has liked, started the life the first love, among lovers, this matter radically sloppy ordinary, could not be regarded any shameless matter. 这倒不能说曹珊珊就是下贱或者无耻,在这个16岁以上很难找到处女的时代,别说高中生了,就是初中生开房同居堕胎什么的随处可见,她18岁才选中了自己喜欢的男孩,开始人生的初恋,对于恋人之间,这种事根本稀松平常,算不得什么不要脸的事。 However now Cao Shanshan is such eyed covetously by Zhang Ling, occupies a commanding position to look, she really has not dared to move now again, for fear that was discovered any clues by Zhang Ling. 不过现在曹珊珊张灵这么虎视眈眈的,居高临下看着,她现在还真不敢再动,生怕被张灵发现什么蛛丝马迹。 Cao Shanshan pretends shy smiles, charming white Ling Yun said: „It is not he who I stick, is good that his own depends on?” 曹珊珊装作害羞的一笑,妩媚的白了凌云一眼道:“又不是我粘的他,是他自己靠过来的好不好?” The Cao Shanshan good and evil has served a class for Ling Yun, not having the merit also to have the efforts, this face he naturally must leave Cao Shanshan, therefore the smile nods, tacitly approved. 曹珊珊好歹为凌云服务了一节课,没有功劳也有苦劳,这点儿面子他自然是要留给曹珊珊的,因此微笑点头,默认了。 Zhang Ling is unforgiving, lay on own initiative the soft upper body on the Cao Shanshan school desk: Isn't right? Shanshan, you looked where you to? You drilled to others Ling Yun bosom quickly went, said that was Ling Yun pastes?” 张灵不依不饶,主动把柔软的上身趴到了曹珊珊的课桌上:“不对吧?珊珊,你看你都到哪里去了?你都快钻到人家凌云怀里去了,怎么说是凌云贴过来呢?” What Zhang Ling sexually harasses is Cao Shanshan, a blazing eye actually looks to Ling Yun, the breath somewhat is slightly heavy, the eye actually winks does not wink. 张灵调戏的是曹珊珊,一双炽热的眼睛却是看向凌云,呼吸微微有些重,眼睛却眨也不眨。 What Zhang Ling same is low chest attire, her neckband is very loose, like this lies on the Cao Shanshan desk, two groups of snow-white standing tall and erect of chest naturally let fall, hang on the chest of her snow-white, looked at a clarity by Ling Yun! 张灵同样的是低胸装,她的领口很松,这样趴在曹珊珊的书桌上,胸前的两团雪白高耸自然垂落,吊在她雪白的胸脯上,被凌云看了个清清楚楚! She makes Ling Yun look that without a doubt intentionally, she lies there does not get up, the left arm rest the fragrant cheek, is pretending to interesting spoke with two people, whatever the Ling Yun's vision looked from her collar, sized up recklessly. 毫无疑问她是故意让凌云看的,她趴在那里就不起来了,左臂撑着香腮,装作饶有兴趣的跟两人说话,任由凌云的目光从她的衣领里看进去,肆意打量。 The female pursues the male, insulation gauze, this saying real his mother is not false! 女追男,隔层纱,这话真他娘的一点儿也不假! The chest of Zhang Ling is very big, snow-white is creamy, but is very soft, along with Zhang Ling each movement, her pair of snow-white stands tall and erect is similar to inside by the wind has blown papaya is been ordinary, the Ling Yun heart that swinging, looks at gently said that has the opportunity to touch two. 张灵的胸脯很大,雪白滑腻,但是很柔软,随着张灵的每一个动作,她的一对雪白高耸就在里面如同被风吹过的木瓜一般,轻轻摆动,看的凌云心说有机会一定要摸两把。 Zhang Ling this wave hoof almost computer on at home looked daily in the evening secretly ****, studies various excellent difficulty movements, with the aim of can study for the purpose of application in the future, after she looks Ling Yun's has displayed, cannot bear in the heart cause suspicion, collects the doubt to say the head: „Are you two doing?” 张灵这浪蹄子几乎天天晚上在家里的电脑上偷偷看****,学习各种高超难度的动作,以便将来能够学以致用,她看了凌云的表现之后忍不住心中生疑,把脑袋凑过去狐疑道:“你们两个在干什么呢?” Cao Shanshan looked that knows in the heart is bad, she removes the hand furiously, actually sees Ling Yun to hold her left hand not to know when already loosened, this time removes the hand to be successful finally! 曹珊珊一看心知要糟,她奋力撤手,却见凌云抓住她的左手不知何时早已松开,这次终于撤手成功! Cao Shanshan cannot bear in the eye shows grateful looked at Ling Yun one, has given him a reward look, then exhausts whole body all strengths to put the tabletop to come up the right arm, pretends saying calmly: Not anything......” 曹珊珊忍不住目露感激的看了凌云一眼,给了他一个奖励的眼神,然后用尽浑身所有的力气把右臂放到桌面上来,装作若无其事的说道:“没什么……” Zhang Ling smelled with the nose ruthlessly two, the doubts said: I do not believe that Ling Yun do you dare to stand?” 张灵用鼻子狠狠地嗅了两下,疑惑道:“我不信,凌云你敢不敢站起来?” Opens Spiritual Sense to result in two people definitely to practice dirty tricks to play ambiguous below, she wants to prove the judgment of own, therefore provocation makes Ling Yun stand. 灵觉两人肯定在下面搞小动作玩暧昧呢,她想证明自己的判断,于是挑衅似的让凌云站起来。 But Cao Shanshan Qingshui High School super school beauty, she such intimate post on Ling Yun's, so long as is not under the willow tree the benefit, at this time perhaps already had to respond, Zhang Ling does not believe the Ling Yun response not to have! 曹珊珊可是清水一中的超级校花,她这么亲密的贴在凌云的身上,只要不是柳下惠,此时恐怕早就有反应了,张灵不信凌云一点儿反应都没有! Cao Shanshan in great surprise! She knows, Ling Yun now there, but at daggers drawn, Ling Yun, if stands, thoroughly didn't reveal the secret? 曹珊珊大惊!她可是知道,凌云现在那里可是剑拔弩张呢,凌云要是站起来,不就彻底露馅了吗? Helpless Ling Yun shakes the head, stands up slowly, said: Stands to do?” 凌云无奈摇头,缓缓站起身来,道:“站起来干嘛?” The Cao Shanshan heart said that Ling Yun so is how bold, frightens her to hurry to turn to elsewhere, beautiful face bashful red, is waiting for Zhang Ling shocking calling out in alarm. 曹珊珊心说凌云怎么这么大胆,吓得她赶紧把头扭向别处,绝美的脸蛋子臊的通红,等着张灵震惊的惊呼。 Which knows that waited for half-day/long time, actually sees Zhang Ling a little sound not to have, turning head of she has doubts, vision looking secretly to the Ling Yun's lower part of the body. 哪知道等了半天,却见张灵一点儿动静都没有,她疑惑的回过头来,眼光偷偷的瞄向凌云的下身。 All as usual. 一切如常。 Cao Shanshan secretly is startled, did the heart possibly say? 曹珊珊不禁暗暗吃惊,心说怎么可能? The Zhang Ling vision was actually very simple falling on the Ling Yun's body, she left had a look right to take a look, wished one could to touch to have a look with the hand, has not actually discovered anything exceptionally. 张灵的目光却是很干脆的落在了凌云的身体上,她左看看右瞧瞧,都恨不得用手去摸一下看看了,却没有发现什么异常。 Ling Yun smiles: Can sit down?” 凌云嘿嘿一笑:“可以坐下了吧?” Zhang Ling has not paid attention while Cao Shanshan, has cancelled Ling Yun with the seductive attracting vision extremely, simultaneously the pink tip of tongue has swept on lip of own. 张灵趁着曹珊珊没注意,用极其勾人的魅惑目光勾了凌云一下,同时粉红的舌尖扫了一下自己的上嘴唇。 Then she pulls up the right hand of Cao Shanshan saying: Walks, Shanshan, accompanies me to go to the washroom...... Is your hand so how hot?!” 然后她才拉起曹珊珊的右手道:“走,珊珊,陪我去洗手间……呀,你的手怎么这么烫?!” At the same time that Cao Shanshan stands cannot bear stamps the feet secretly, this grabs Ling Yun there hand, made Zhang Ling this wave hoof gain unexpectedly accidentally went cheaply! 曹珊珊站起来的同时忍不住暗暗跺脚,这可是抓着凌云那里的手啊,竟然让张灵这个浪蹄子无意中赚了便宜去! …… …… @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
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