DEMG :: Volume #2

#159: Early studies by oneself

The Cao Shanshan graceful waist turns, Yingying sets out, her chest instantaneous flood fluctuating whitecap, she turns head to say to shocking Ling Yun sweetly with a smile: Please enter......” 曹珊珊曼妙的腰肢一扭,盈盈起身,她的胸前瞬间泛起一阵起伏白浪,她扭头对震惊的凌云甜笑着说道:“请进吧……” Ling Yun nods, behind the narrow space forced one's way from Cao Shanshan, because the space is too small, Ling Yun can only the back of surface towards Cao Shanshan hard push toward, his body very unavoidable came an intimate contact with the perfectly round tender buttocks of Cao Shanshan! 凌云点点头,从曹珊珊身后窄窄的空间挤了进去,由于空间太小,凌云只能面对着曹珊珊的后背硬往里挤,他的身体很难免的就和曹珊珊的浑圆娇臀来了一次亲密接触! Good, experienced almost clear weather during the day and rain at night light Ling Yun last night, is feeling Cao Shanshan that elastic astonishing perfectly round outstanding buttocks, at that time must have the response. 好吧,昨晚经历了几乎一夜春光的凌云,感受着曹珊珊那弹性惊人的浑圆翘臀,当时就要有反应。 The Ling Yun heart said that this Cao Shanshan did not have the eyesight to see, does not know that the buttocks of own did curl upwards high also are too too big? Receives is not good? Probably also intentionally in the future to push how? 凌云心说这曹珊珊也太没眼力见儿了,不知道自己的屁股太翘太高又太大吗?收一收难道不行吗?怎么好像还故意往后挤? After Ling Yun forces one's way in great difficulty, nearly convenient ruthless racket on the perfectly round outstanding buttocks of Cao Shanshan, but he does not know any medicine that in the Cao Shanshan bottle gourd sells now, bore. 凌云好不容易挤进去之后,差点儿就顺手在曹珊珊的浑圆翘臀上狠拍一记,但他现在不知道曹珊珊葫芦里卖的什么药,就忍住了。 Willowy is really really solid.” After Ling Yun takes a seat, could not bear praises one low voice, the Cao Shanshan fair oval face has brushed is red. “真有弹性真结实啊。”凌云落座之后,忍不住小声赞美了一声,曹珊珊白皙的鹅蛋脸刷就红了。 She bright and intelligent big eyes winked winking, the long eyelash trembled lightly several, asked intentionally in a low voice Ling Yun said: You said that what is really solid?” 她一双水汪汪的大眼睛眨了眨,长长的眼睫毛轻颤了几下,故意低声问凌云道:“你说什么真结实啊?” The Ling Yun heart said well, with previous time said that she **** is also very high and big time, she such did not respond that therefore Ling Yun smiles, said with the sound that the people in entire classroom hear intentionally loudly: I said that your buttocks very willowy, is very solid! Heard?” 凌云心说不错啊,和上次说她****又挺又高又大的时候,她可不是这么反应的,于是凌云嘿嘿一笑,故意用全教室的人都听到的声音大声说道:“我说你的屁股很有弹性,很结实!听到了没有?” today he wants to try Cao Shanshan where actually accepts bottom line. 今天他倒是想试试曹珊珊的接受底线在哪里。 Hears!” Classmates of entire classroom answered loudly, then turned head, was sizing up a self-satisfaction with all kinds of complex vision, ashamed and resentful Ling Yun and Cao Shanshan two people. “听到啦!”全教室的同学轰然作答,然后纷纷回头,用各种各样的复杂目光打量着一个得意,一个羞愤的凌云曹珊珊两人 A pen that “pā” Wei Tiangan Classmates buys newly forcefully broke off by him, the complexion is pale and fierce! “啪”韦天干同学新买的一支笔又被他硬生生掰断,脸色铁青而又狰狞! The Wei Tiangan in the heart absolute goddess adjusts the position unexpectedly on own initiative, blatantly and Ling Yun sat one, but also so in the presence of everyone was teased the shame by Ling Yun, his sincere could not bear! 韦天干心中的绝对女神竟然主动调位,公然和凌云坐到了一起去,还被凌云如此当众调笑羞辱,他真心受不了! go to hell, said that does loudly!” Exploding that the Cao Shanshan beautiful oval face brushes is red, all of a sudden red to ear root , under is in the glare of the public eye, she pinches the small powder fist to beat the Ling Yun's shoulder, the complexion is ashamed and resentful, the look is actually joyful. 去你的,说那么大声干什么!”曹珊珊美丽的鹅蛋脸刷的爆红,一下子红到了耳朵根上,众目睽睽之下,她捏起小粉拳去捶凌云的肩膀,脸色是羞愤,眼神却是欣喜。 Ling Yun's vision straight stares at Cao Shanshan to ripple the fluctuating snow-white chest, whatever the powder fist of Cao Shanshan falls on the own shoulder-- the strength of that fist with massage not many differences. 凌云的目光直直的盯着曹珊珊荡漾起伏雪白胸脯,任由曹珊珊的粉拳落在自己肩头——那拳头的力道跟按摩没多少区别。 Was good, on quick studies by oneself, attractively what has?!” The history lesson broke through to Cao Shanshan on behalf of Zhang Ling, the look in her eyes complex, in the heart grieved is actually not able to human language. “行了,都快上自习吧,有什么好看的?!”还是历史课代表张灵曹珊珊解了围,她眼中的神色复杂之极,心中的酸楚却无法对人言 If no Cao Shanshan, now sits side Ling Yun, definitely is Zhang Ling! 如果不是有曹珊珊,现在坐在凌云身旁的,肯定是张灵 After she gives Cao Shanshan offered this advice, in the evening goes back somewhat to regret, now saw that two people just in together started to flirt with one another, as a year about 19, the beautiful young girl who the feelings of love ripple, she can feel better is strange! 她给曹珊珊出了这个主意之后,当晚上回去就有些后悔了,现在看到两人刚在一起就开始打情骂俏,作为一个年近19,春心荡漾的美少女,她心里能好受才怪! Classmates have turned head, Ling Yun sits well, put out a textbook to turn casually carelessly two, suddenly said lightly: Cao Shanshan, your today sits is so low, such, did not fear that front has tunnelled your vision?” 同学们纷纷回过头去,凌云坐定,随便拿出一本课本胡乱翻了两下,突然淡淡说道:“曹珊珊,你今天坐的这么低,这么靠后,不怕前面挡住了你的视线?” These words are meaningful, the Ling Yun's meaning is, the Cao Shanshan today stance, was too low. 这句话意味深长,凌云的意思是,曹珊珊今天的姿态,太低了。 Cao Shanshan turns around the pure white slender nape of the neck, a beautiful big eye winks does not wink to stare at Ling Yun, the vision deeply was saying: My beforehand position is too high, too before, therefore has neglected own behind the most precious thing, I want to come back to look, have a look at him also.” 曹珊珊把洁白修长的脖颈转过来,一双美丽的大眼睛眨也不眨盯着凌云,目光深深道:“我以前的位置太高,太靠前,所以忽视了自己身后最宝贵的东西,我想回来找一找,看看他还在不在。” Ling Yun smiles lightly, the vision is profound and far, has not actually looked at Cao Shanshan, he said in a soft voice: Thing also, but you can find, do you have the ability to take carry back him?” 凌云淡淡一笑,目光深邃而又幽远,却没有看着曹珊珊,他轻声说道:“东西还在,可是就算你能找到,你还有能力把他拿回来吗?” The Cao Shanshan complexion turns white slightly, then she without hesitation, vision firm saying: Wants him, I if certainly wants the means to take carry back him, because he should belong my, but I was not careful that lost him.” 曹珊珊脸色微微发白,然后她毫不犹豫,目光坚定的说道:“只要他在,我就一定要想办法把他拿回来,因为他本应该属于我的,只是我不小心把他弄丢了而已。” Then, a Cao Shanshan beautiful big eye winks stares at Ling Yun that does not wink, in the vision is having some anticipations, even is the desire. 说完,曹珊珊一双美丽的大眼睛眨也不眨的盯着凌云,目光中有些许期待,甚至是乞求。 Smiling of Ling Yun shows neither approval nor disapproval: „Is estimate very difficult?” 凌云不置可否的笑了笑:“估计很难吧?” Cao Shanshan responded immediately categorically: I not only likes challenging others, likes challenging own.” 曹珊珊立即斩钉截铁回应道:“我不但喜欢挑战别人,更喜欢挑战自己。” Ling Yun looked at the vision finally to the eye of Cao Shanshan, his corners of the mouth brought back the smiling face of wiping the appreciation, the dimple of left cheeks deep intoxicant, Cao Shanshan mind that looked, then under the vision moved, rampant stared at Cao Shanshan chest that road channel saying: Ditch good depth, what a pity to reveal were too few, insufficiently looks!” 凌云终于把目光看向了曹珊珊的眼睛,他的嘴角儿勾起一抹欣赏的笑容,左脸颊的酒窝深深醉人,看的曹珊珊心神一荡,然后目光下移,嚣张的盯着曹珊珊胸前那道沟说道:“沟好深,可惜露出来的太少了,不够看!” The Cao Shanshan tender body is numb, only thought that chest burning feeling hot, within the body is surging an unprecedented electric current, she used an arm to press on the tabletop reluctantly straightens up the tender body, the voice has trembled saying: I feared that lowered again, some people can not like......” 曹珊珊娇躯酥麻,只觉得胸前一阵火辣辣的发烫,体内涌动着一种前所未有的电流,她用一条胳膊压在桌面上才勉强挺直了娇躯,语音发颤道:“我怕再低了,有人会不喜欢……” I like.” Ling Yun said lightly, no matter again also Cao Shanshan, started to read the textbook with single-hearted devotion. “我喜欢。”凌云淡淡说完,再也不管曹珊珊,开始专心看起了课本。 Has taken well, steals heart? Steals skill Ling Yun of heart saying that world second, nobody dares to call the first under heaven! 服了就好,偷心?偷心的本事凌云自称天下第二,无人敢称天下第一! Necrosis you consider as finished!” Cao Shanshan with these words as two people sat together later confrontation concluding remark, the right hand is quite disturbed, transferred to under the desk quietly, the soft meat of towards Ling Yun thigh has twisted. “坏死你算了!”曹珊珊用这句话作为了两人坐在一起之后的交锋结束语,右手却极为忐忑的,悄悄地移到了书桌下方,对着凌云大腿的软肉拧了过去。 She wants to pinch Ling Yun one actually, because the eye pretends reading calmly, therefore that only snow-white soft right hand probably extends little. 她其实是想掐凌云一把的,只是因为眼睛装作若无其事的看书,所以那只雪白柔软的右手就好像伸的过了一点点。 Little, is actually led far astray by a slight error, erroneous by thousand li (500 km)! 只是一点点,却是差之毫厘,谬以千里! Truly is the soft meat, softly is very very soft, Cao Shanshan presses firmly between the fingers with the thumb and index finger, twists gently-- then she thought that suddenly does not suit greatly! 确实是软肉,很软很软,曹珊珊用拇指和食指捏住,轻轻一拧——然后她忽然觉得不大对劲! This is not the meat on thigh, that this is...... 这不是大腿上的肉,那这是…… Under Cao Shanshan has a big shock, hurries to withdraw the small hand, but actually like lightning held down by Ling Yun's left hand, wants to pull out unable to pull out. 曹珊珊大惊失色之下,赶紧就要撤回小手,只是却被凌云的左手闪电般按住,想抽都抽不回来了。 Ling Yun fades badly, he saw certainly the Cao Shanshan petty action, a moment ago therefore maintained composure moved moving toward Cao Shanshan side. 凌云蔫儿坏,他当然看到曹珊珊的小动作了,于是刚才不动声色的往曹珊珊身边挪了挪。 Ling Yun had looked at one page, his right hand very leisurely and carefree is turning the page, then serene said in a low voice: Amusing?” 凌云已经看过了一页,他右手很悠闲的翻着书页,然后云淡风轻的低声说道:“好玩吗?” Cao Shanshan only thought that transmits the heat degree that to charge into each place of her body from the right hand following her arm at heart rapidly, her black silk one-piece dress is wrapping the tender body was lit instantaneously. 曹珊珊只觉得从右手心里传来的热度顺着她的胳膊迅速冲向她身体的每一个地方,她黑色丝质连衣裙包裹着的娇躯瞬间被点燃。 Cao Shanshan cannot constrain in a low voice tender snort/hum, suddenly detected that Ling Yun now lets loose left hand, she did not hate to pull out the right hand of own. 曹珊珊压抑不住的低声娇哼了一声,忽然发觉就算凌云现在放开左手,她都舍不得抽开自己的右手了。 This, is this feeling of love?” Cao Shanshan cannot distinguish clearly this is because of the love , because of other, she only knows that own now whole body boiling hot, within the body electric currents scurry about, the brain rumbling makes noise, had nearly forgotten where places oneself! “这,这就是爱情的感觉吗?”曹珊珊分不清这是因为爱情,还是因为别的,她只知道自己现在浑身滚烫,体内一股股电流四处乱窜,脑子轰轰作响,差点儿就忘记了置身何方! At this moment, in the Cao Shanshan brain has remembered and Zhang Ling suddenly, love action movie performance picture that in the weekend looks at home secretly, her unexpectedly unexpected happening, perhaps is the unconsciousness, the snow-white slender small hand, moved gently. 就在这时,曹珊珊脑子里忽然想起了和张灵,周末在家里偷偷看的爱情动作片表演画面,她竟然鬼使神差的,也许是无意识的,雪白纤长的小手,轻轻动了一下。 Really bold!” Ling Yun in the heart is flabbergasted secretly, but actually very much enjoys this feeling, he is to read to enjoy without hampering the other now, should the endorsement endorsement, should enjoy! “真大胆啊!”凌云心中暗暗咋舌,不过却很享受这种感觉,他现在是看书享受两不误,该背书背书,该享受享受! Cao Shanshan only moved, shivers all over then the heart, in the heart criticizes own to be despicable, does not dare to move again. 曹珊珊只动了一下,就芳心乱颤,心中暗骂自己下贱,不敢再动了。 She soon fainted. 她都快要晕了。 In many year of lives of Cao Shanshan future, including the wedding festivities night, does not have today this to study by oneself in the morning is so soul-stirring! 曹珊珊未来的多少年人生中,包括洞房花烛夜,都没有今天早上这节自习过的这么惊心动魄! The appearance that she pretends to read, left hand often crossing page after page, actually could not see any character on book! 她装作看书的样子,左手不时的翻过一页又一页,却根本看不到书上的任何一个字! Her body tight post on the school desk, the mind is infinitely intense and disturbed. 她的身体紧紧的贴在课桌上,心神无限紧张而又忐忑。 Cao Shanshan maintained this movement, the entire 50 minutes, morning studies by oneself...... 曹珊珊保持了这个动作,整整50分钟,一节早自习…… …… …… @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
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