DEMG :: Volume #2

#158: Roll out!

This time, the Clear Water City people rest most fragrant, fond dream luxurious time, a silence, is quietly. 这个时间,正是清水市人们睡的最香,美梦正酣的时间,四下里一片寂静,悄无声息。 Ling Yun was almost the foot did not select place arrived at the Seven Glorious Grass opposite shore, in the jet black dim light of night, he saw the snow-white color shadow of opposite shore. 凌云几乎是脚不点地的来到了七曜草的对岸,漆黑的夜色中,他看到了对岸的一个雪白色的影子。 That is a snow-white color fox, Ling Yun even can judge, that is a female fox, all over the body pure white, double has keen ears the point, the tail is big and long, contrasts this dark dim light of night also to want the black eye, is gazing at the Seven Glorious Grass direction. 那是一只雪白色的狐狸,凌云甚至能判断出,那是一只雌狐狸,通体纯白,双耳尖尖,尾巴又大又长,一对比这黑暗的夜色还要黑的眼睛,正在注视着七曜草的方向。 Good, it seems like opened the spirit wisdom really......” the Ling Yun in the heart secretly thought. “不错啊,看来真的开启了灵智了……”凌云心中暗道。 At this moment, that fox also had as if discovered Ling Yun of opposite shore, its eye drips a revolution, turns head to run, if the speed quickly the lightning, holds a white fox shadow in the nighttime sky. 就在这时,那只狐狸似乎也发现了对岸的凌云,它的眼睛滴溜一转,扭头就跑,速度快若闪电,在夜空中托出一道白色的狐影。 Ling Yun has not pursued, whatever it departs voluntarily. 凌云没有追,还是任由它自行离去。 That fox sees Ling Yun not to pursue, after thinking to run up to the safety zone, anchored the body unexpectedly, turning head of doubt looked at Ling Yun one, then set out once more, departed rapidly. 那只狐狸见凌云并没有追来,在觉得跑到了安全地带之后,竟停住了身子,狐疑的回头看了凌云一眼,然后才再次起身,飞速离去。 The water level drops once more, dropped about 80 centimeters probably, according to the Ling Yun's judgment, to today in the evening, Seven Glorious Grass can surface completely. 水位再次下降,大概又下降了80公分左右,根据凌云的判断,到今天晚上,七曜草就能完全露出水面。 spiritual energy that now he feels, compared with just under ended the rainstorm the time, Ling Yun meditated heavenly protection, then stands same place, started to stimulate to movement Great Evolving Stars Secret Art crazily, practice. 现在他感受到的灵气,比刚下完暴雨的时候强多了,凌云默念老天保佑,然后就站立原地,开始疯狂催动大衍聚星宝诀,修炼了起来。 Ling Yun one breath practice one hour, approached 7 : 00 am times, he set out on University Region Road to buy the breakfasts of three people of shares, hurried back to the dwelling. 凌云一口气修炼了一个多小时,接近早晨七点的时候,他才起身去学府路上买了三人份的早餐,赶回了住处。 Finally he has not entered home, heard in the bedroom to transmit Zhuang Meifeng and sound of Lin Menghan quarrel. 结果他还没进家呢,就听到了卧室里传来庄美凤林梦寒争吵的声音。 This box you cannot carry off, this is Ling Yun brings, if you want to carry off, must undergo his agreement to be good!” The Zhuang Meifeng angry sound said. “这个箱子你不能带走,这是凌云带回来的,你要想带走,必须经过他的同意才行!”庄美凤愤怒的声音说道。 This box is these person of crimes sound evidence, I must bring back to the police authorities it, otherwise my last night crime then white Shou!” Lin Menghan argued strongly based on reason. “这个箱子是那些人犯罪的有力证据,我必须要把它带回警局,不然我昨晚的罪就白受了!”林梦寒据理力争。 I, no matter this box is any evidence, I only know that this is Ling Yun brings, he did not agree, do not want to carry off it!” “我不管这个箱子是不是什么证据,我只知道这是凌云带回来的,他不同意,你就别想把它带走!” Ling Yun listened to nod in secret, heart said that Zhuang Meifeng may really be the good wife's optiman, this started to know toward me, really he has not hurt white/in vain. 凌云听了暗中点头,心说庄美凤可真是好老婆的最佳人选啊,这就开始知道向着我了,真他吗的没白疼。 This doesn't Lin Menghan such straighten out? 只是这林梦寒怎么就这么不开窍呢? Helpless Lin Menghan argued: I do not know when Ling Yun can come back, but you looked at now already seven points, if he did not come back, I didn't go back to go to work?” 林梦寒无奈辩解道:“我不知道凌云什么时候能回来,可你看现在已经七点了,他要是一直不回来,难道我就不回去上班了?” Ling Yun plunged into the courtyard directly, in lightly saying to room: I came back.” 凌云直接跳入了院子,对屋里淡淡道:“我已经回来了。” Zhuang Meifeng one hear of Ling Yun came back, on her face immediately one happy, rush out to Ling Yun that to resemble said: Husband, she must carry off the box that you take carry back.” 庄美凤一听凌云回来了,她脸上顿时一喜,冲出门来告状似的对凌云说道:“老公,她要把你拿回来的箱子带走。” Lin Menghan hears Zhuang Meifeng to call the Ling Yun husband directly, a complexion blanch, has not closed tightly the lower lip on own initiative. 林梦寒听到庄美凤直接叫凌云老公,脸色一阵发白,不自觉的咬紧了下唇。 The breakfast that Ling Yun raising hands over in the hand of Zhuang Meifeng, and commended nodded to her, then turned head indifferently looks at Lin Menghan saying: Puts down the box, go away!” 凌云把提回来的早餐交到庄美凤的手里,并赞许的冲她点了点头,然后扭头冷漠的看着林梦寒道:“放下箱子,滚!” Ling Yun is really the egg hurts the egg to hurt the egg to hurt again, has seen the stupid woman, has not seen such a muscle stupid to the silly woman of dying! 凌云真是蛋疼蛋疼再蛋疼,见过蠢女人,没见过这么一根筋蠢到死的傻女人! Is this in the family/home educates to educate such rare and beautiful flowers? 这得是家里怎么教育才能教育出这样的奇葩啊? Ling Yun, this box is very important crime evidence, I must bring back to the police authorities......” Lin Menghan to worry am awkward, look of whole face plea. 凌云,这箱子是很重要的犯罪证据,我必须要带回警局……”林梦寒又是着急又是为难,满脸恳求的神色。 Ling Yun lifts the hand interruption: I said that puts down box, rolls to me! I do not want to say again third!” 凌云抬手打断:“我说了,放下箱子,给我滚!我不想再说第三遍!” Kills Lin Menghan not to think that Ling Yun gets angry such quickly, in an instant, so is indifferent heartlessly! 打死林梦寒都不会想到凌云翻脸这么快,转眼间,就如此冷漠无情! She somewhat is in a daze, did own make the mistake? This is the important evidence that the own experiencing suffering humiliation attains! 她不禁有些发傻,难道自己又做错了么?这可是自己受尽屈辱拿到的重要证据啊! Let alone Lin Menghan has not thought, is Zhuang Meifeng has not thought! 别说林梦寒没想到,就是庄美凤都没想到! How regardless to say, Lin Menghan is also a pretty great beauty, Ling Yun rescued her time last night, that is the neck, the armpit, **** periphery, around lower abdomen, **** periphery, the arm thigh even points at the foot heart, gold needle have gripped! 无论怎么说,林梦寒也是一个娇滴滴的大美人,凌云昨晚救她的时候,那可是脖子,腋窝,****周围,小腹周围,****周围,胳膊大腿甚至手指脚心,一根根金针都扎过的! Doesn't move unexpectedly? Doesn't love dearly?! 竟然一点儿都不动心?一点儿都不心疼?! Ling Yun gets mad nine zhang (3.33 m) now, but also loves dearly! If Lin Menghan has not been tactful, Ling Yun absolutely like throwing Tie Xiaohu, grasps throwing her! 凌云现在都火冒九丈了,还心疼个屁啊!如果林梦寒还不识趣,凌云绝对会像扔铁小虎一样,把她抓起来给丢出去! His coldly looked at Lin Menghan one, then berated to Zhuang Meifeng: I for clothes that you buy, who makes you put on to her? Let her wear the own cheongsam to get the hell out!” 冷冷地看了林梦寒一眼,然后对庄美凤喝斥道:“我给你买的衣服,谁让你给她穿的?让她穿上自己的旗袍滚蛋!” Zhuang Meifeng has not thought that own will also be implicated, immediately frightens keeps silent, does not dare to say a word. 庄美凤没想到自己也会受到牵连,顿时吓得噤若寒蝉,不敢做声。 She was white first Lin Menghan, then arrives at side Ling Yun's gently, said low voice: „Do you live the atmosphere to do? Is worthwhile?” 她先白了林梦寒一眼,然后轻轻地走到凌云的身旁,小声说道:“你生那么大气干什么?犯得着吗?” The first few words naturally feared that Ling Yun air/Qi, the second words actually obviously aimed at Lin Menghan to say. 第一句话自然是怕凌云气着,第二句话却明显针对林梦寒说的。 You!” Lin Menghan by such air/Qi, she had not been seen such certainly, was so ruthless, suddenly feels infinite feel wronged that since childhood Ling Yun said that tears spins in the eye socket. “你!”林梦寒从小也没受过这样的气,她见凌云说的这么绝,这么狠,顿觉无限委屈,眼泪儿都在眼眶中打转了。 own cheongsam? Ripped such, but can also put on? 自己的旗袍?都撕成那样了,还能穿吗? Also thinks after you have experienced this matter, can become intelligently, has not thought that became stupider! I said should not save you, your this silliness | Compels not to be spoiled one time not to know that what the world is!” “还以为你经历过这件事情之后能变得聪明些,没想到变得更蠢了!我就说了根本就不该救你,你这种傻|逼不被糟蹋一次根本就不知道世界是什么样的!” Ling Yun was saying, brought a breakfast in Zhuang Meifeng, threw in trash basket conveniently, then said to Lin Menghan indifferently: Clothes can make you put on, but you remember, this clothes value 5 million, remember when the time comes delivers to me money, go away!” 凌云说着,把庄美凤手里的一份早餐拿了过来,随手扔到了门外的垃圾筐里,然后对林梦寒冷漠说道:“衣服可以让你穿走,但是你记住,这身衣服价值5000000,记得到时候把钱给我送过来,滚吧!” Then, Ling Yun embraced the waist of Zhuang Meifeng to go toward the room, did not look that the whole body hit Lin Menghan one that trembled to cry unable to cry! 然后,凌云揽着庄美凤的腰肢就往屋里去了,再也不看浑身打哆嗦连哭都哭不出来的林梦寒一眼! You...... You bully me!” Lin Menghan both eyes are red, the tears broke the bead of line general to drop down, are pointing at Ling Yun, having the weeping voice to say. “你……你欺负我!”林梦寒双眼通红,眼泪断了线的珠子一般劈里啪啦直落,指着凌云,带着哭腔说道。 Ling Yun is disinclined to respond her, he said to Zhuang Meifeng with a smile: Hungry? Hurries to have the breakfast, ate to the full satisfactory again rests to doze off again after waking up early.” 凌云根本懒得搭理她,他笑着对庄美凤道:“饿了吧?赶紧吃早饭,吃饱了再美美的睡个回笼觉。” Em!” Zhuang Meifeng obtained the Ling Yun oral care for the first time, already happily blossomed at heart, hurries to wash the action dish, prepares to have the breakfast with joy. “恩!”庄美凤首次得到了凌云口头的关心,心里早已乐开了花,赶紧洗手端碗,喜滋滋地准备吃早餐。 „......” Lin Menghan looked that Ling Yun urged her meaning not to have continually, finally could not bear cries loudly, cash box does not want, covered the face to dash about wildly to go, the tears sprinkled against the wind. “哇……”林梦寒一看凌云连劝她的意思都没有,终于忍不住放声大哭,钱箱子也不要了,捂着脸狂奔而去,眼泪迎风洒落。 After Lin Menghan leaves, Ling Yun raised the head, expression that on delicate and pretty face, expecting too much. 等到林梦寒离开以后,凌云才抬起头来,俊美的脸上,一副恨铁不成钢的表情。 „Was husband, you angry really?” Zhuang Meifeng washes the clean hand, very natural first gives Ling Yun to fill a bowl with rice, simultaneously grinning asking. “老公,你真生气了?”庄美凤洗干净手,很自然的先给凌云盛饭,同时笑嘻嘻的问道。 Ling Yun shakes the head lightly: Is angry with her has not been worthwhile, how I am wonder also to have such stupid person, in her brain is the starch?” 凌云淡淡摇头:“跟她生气还犯不上,我就是纳闷怎么还有这么蠢的人,难道她脑子里都是浆糊吗?” Zhuang Meifeng has given Ling Yun happy kiss cleverly docilely, then asked: Husband, what in that box attire is what?” 庄美凤乖巧温顺的给了凌云一个甜蜜的香吻,然后问道:“老公,那箱子里装的是什么呀?” Ling Yun accepts kiss that she has delivered on own initiative very much confidently, actually surprise asked that Zhuang Meifeng said: You now a husband? We have not married probably?” 凌云很坦然的接受了她主动送上的香吻,却又诧异的问庄美凤道:“你现在怎么一口一个老公啊?我们好像还没结婚的吧?” Zhuang Meifeng white Ling Yun, is charmingly angry: Hey, I said that you aren't will eat wipe dry/does have not acknowledged only mistakes? Last night you made others twice, the whole body looked at the light to touch to you, do you want to act shamelessly?” 庄美凤白了凌云一眼,娇嗔道:“喂,我说你不会是吃干抹净了就不认账了吧?昨晚你都把人家弄来了两次,全身都给你看光摸遍了,难道你想耍赖?” Saying, but also looked down a lower part of the body of own, the complexion blushed a piece. 说着,还低头看了一眼自己的下身,脸色羞红一片。 Lin Menghan inserted this foot, Zhuang Meifeng will have given Ling Yun the body of own last night absolutely, therefore she outrageously has treated as the Ling Yun's name brand madame own now, a nature husband called kind incomparable. 要不是林梦寒插了这一脚,庄美凤昨晚绝对会把自己的身体交给凌云了,因此现在她已经悍然把自己当作了凌云的正牌夫人,自然一口一个老公叫的亲切无比。 Ling Yun flexure scratching the head: My first time sees your time, remembers appearance that your this, does not aloof icily, how now was this?” 凌云挠了挠头:“我第一次见你的时候,记得你不这样啊,一副冷冰冰拒人于千里之外的样子,现在这是怎么了?” Zhuang Meifeng smiles, the dimple like the flower, has given a Ling Yun charming shy smiling face, said the own aspiration: Only to your one person.” 庄美凤嫣然一笑,笑靥如花,给了凌云一个妩媚至极的害羞笑容,说出了自己的心声:“只对你一个人。” This charming smiles, this gentle, lets Ling Yun at heart that properly, simply not to mention! 这妩媚至极的一笑,这温柔至极的一句,让凌云心里那个熨帖啊,简直就别提了! The Ling Yun heart said that if that silly woman Lin Menghan has Zhuang Meifeng half, does not need the father to be so troublesome! 凌云心说要是那个傻女人林梦寒庄美凤的一半,也不用老子这么麻烦啊! He lifted the hand to touch on the chest that Zhuang Meifeng stood tall and erect, was feeling that comfortable soft and astonishing elasticity, then badly badly said with a smile: Really clever, eats meal!” 他抬手在庄美凤高耸的胸脯上摸了一把,感受着那种舒爽至极的柔软和惊人的弹性,然后坏坏一笑道:“真乖,吃饭!” Two people are similar to the little husband and wife generally satisfactory after having had the breakfast, a Ling Yun finger/refers of that box, said to Zhuang Meifeng: In that is the money, it is estimated that the number should not be few, you look at the family/home well, I went to school!” 两个人如同小夫妻一般美美的吃过了早餐之后,凌云一指那个箱子,对庄美凤说道:“那里面都是钱,估计数目应该不会少,你好好看着家,我去上学了啊!” Zhuang Meifeng was inseparable to Ling Yun now, she sees Ling Yun to walk, immediately does not abandon is holding her arm, rubs on the Ling Yun's arm with standing tall and erect of own chest rubs, acts like a spoiled brat saying: At noon what to do do I eat meal? Others do not want to exit......” 庄美凤凌云现在已经是如胶似漆,她见凌云要走,顿时不舍的抱着她的胳膊,用自己胸前的高耸在凌云的胳膊上蹭啊蹭,撒娇道:“那我中午吃饭怎么办?人家不想出去……” Ling Yun haha one happy: You arrange in order a form at home, needs to buy anything to write above, at noon I will bring the food to come back to you, in the afternoon buys the thing that you need neat.” 凌云哈哈一乐:“你在家列个单子,需要买什么都写上边,中午我会给你带饭回来,下午就把你需要的东西买齐。” Then, in the vision and gentle urge that Ling Yun in Zhuang Meifeng does not abandon, left home, directly soars the school to go. On the road of going to school, Ling Yun cannot bear in the heart be self-satisfied, is father this has a concubine? 然后,凌云庄美凤不舍的目光和温柔的叮咛中,离开了家门,直奔学校而去。上学的路上,凌云忍不住心中得意,老子这算不算金屋藏娇呢? Ling Yun just arrived at the classroom, hears the person in entire classroom to respond with laughing of good intentions to him collectively, he somewhat giant cannot feel the brains, when looks to the own seat, the discovery belonged to the Zhang Dong position already to change players. 凌云刚到教室,就听到全教室的人集体对他报以善意的哄笑,他有些丈二金刚摸不着头脑,看向自己的座位之时,却发现本来属于张东的位置上早已换了人。 Cao Shanshan. 曹珊珊 Ling Yun crazily sweating, he hurried to come to behind the classroom, a face wondered asked that Cao Shanshan said: I said class leader Sir, your this is......” 凌云狂汗,他赶紧来到了教室后面,一脸纳闷的问曹珊珊道:“我说班长大人,您这是……” The appearance of Cao Shanshan today has exhausted the thoughts, the black hair that a black ink dyes falls in torrents like a waterfall, pure black short skirt that the circle leads, that neckband started slightly was lower, looked at the past from the Ling Yun present angle, can see one-third standing tall and erect snowballs unexpectedly, two groups of white have squeezed out a black gulley, the vision downward swept again, Cao Shanshan two thighs of plentiful snow-white exposed outside black hemline, same clamped a black straight line, how saw attractively. 曹珊珊今天的打扮可谓是用尽了心思,一头墨染的黑发如瀑布般倾泻而下,圆领的纯黑色短裙,那领口开得稍微低了些,从凌云现在的角度看过去,竟能看到1的高耸雪球,两团白色挤出了一条黑色深沟,目光再往下扫,曹珊珊的两条丰腴雪白的大腿暴露在黑色裙摆外面,同样的夹出一条黑色的直线,怎么看怎么诱人。 The simple black and white striking contrast, actually sends out the sex appeal that one type attracts very much, Ling Yun that looks at somewhat cannot move to the vision. 简单的黑与白的强烈对比,却散发出一种很魅惑的性感,看的凌云有些移不开目光了。 However Cao Shanshan actually as if not care about the Ling Yun wolf same vision, she pure smiling face is on the rise wear a look , the proud chest sweet has smiled to Ling Yun. 不过曹珊珊却似乎一点儿都不在意凌云狼一样的目光,她面带纯纯的笑容抬起头,挺了挺骄傲的胸脯对凌云甜甜一笑。 Shares a table, hello/you good!” “同桌,你好!” Ling Yun listened, inadequate staggers has not sat gets down! 凌云听了,差点儿一个趔趄没坐地下去!
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